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git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@15040 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
2017-09-10 12:04:46 +00:00

559 lines
18 KiB

# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
sub holiday_refresh($;$$);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "holiday_Define";
$hash->{GetFn} = "holiday_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "holiday_Set";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "holiday_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList} = $readingFnAttributes;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
return holiday_refresh($hash->{NAME}, undef, 1) if($init_done);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "holiday_refresh", $hash->{NAME}, 0);
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
return undef;
my ($name, $fordate, $showAvailable) = (@_);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $fromTimer=0;
return if(!$hash); # Just deleted
my $nt = gettimeofday();
my @lt = localtime($nt);
my @fd;
if(!$fordate) {
$fromTimer = 1;
$fordate = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $lt[4]+1, $lt[3]);
@fd = @lt;
} else {
my ($m,$d) = split("-", $fordate);
@fd = localtime(mktime(1,1,1,$d,$m-1,$lt[5],0,0,-1));
Log3 $name, 5, "holiday_refresh $name called for $fordate ($fromTimer)";
my $dir = $attr{global}{modpath} . "/FHEM";
my ($err, @holidayfile) = FileRead("$dir/$name.holiday");
if($err) {
$dir = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/holiday";
($err, @holidayfile) = FileRead("$dir/$name.holiday");
$hash->{READONLY} = 1;
} else {
$hash->{READONLY} = 0;
if($err) {
if($showAvailable) {
my @ret;
if(configDBUsed()) {
@ret = cfgDB_FW_fileList($dir,".*.holiday",@ret);
map { s/\.configDB$//;$_ } @ret;
} else {
if(opendir(DH, $dir)) {
@ret = grep { m/\.holiday$/ } readdir(DH);
$err .= "\nAvailable holiday files: ".
join(" ", map { s/.holiday//;$_ } @ret);
} else {
Log 1, "$name: $err";
return $err;
$hash->{HOLIDAYFILE} = "$dir/$name.holiday";
my @foundList;
foreach my $l (@holidayfile) {
next if($l =~ m/^\s*#/);
next if($l =~ m/^\s*$/);
my $found;
if($l =~ m/^1/) { # Exact date: 1 MM-DD Holiday
my @args = split(" +", $l, 3);
if($args[1] eq $fordate) {
$found = $args[2];
} elsif($l =~ m/^2/) { # Easter date: 2 +1 Ostermontag
###mh new code for easter sunday calc w.o. requirement for
# DateTime::Event::Easter
# replace $a1 with $1 !!!
# split line from file into args '2 <offset from E-sunday> <tagname>'
my @a = split(" ", $l, 3);
# get month & day for E-sunday
my ($Om,$Od) = western_easter(($lt[5]+1900));
my $timex = mktime(0,0,12,$Od,$Om-1, $lt[5],0,0,-1); # gen timevalue
$timex = $timex + $a[1]*86400; # add offset days
my ($msecond, $mminute, $mhour,
$mday, $mmonth, $myear, $mrest) = localtime($timex);
$myear = $myear+1900;
$mmonth = $mmonth+1;
#Log 1, "$name: Ostern:".sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $lt[5]+1900, $Om, $Od).
# " Target:".sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $myear, $mmonth, $mday);
next if($mday != $fd[3] || $mmonth != $fd[4]+1);
$found = $a[2];
Log 4, "$name: Match day: $a[2]\n";
} elsif($l =~ m/^3/) { # Relative date: 3 -1 Mon 03 Holiday
my @a = split(" +", $l, 5);
my %wd = ("Sun"=>0, "Mon"=>1, "Tue"=>2, "Wed"=>3,
"Thu"=>4, "Fri"=>5, "Sat"=>6);
my @md = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
$md[1]=29 if(schaltjahr($fd[5]+1900) && $fd[4] == 1);
my $wd = $wd{$a[2]};
if(!defined($wd)) {
Log 1, "Wrong timespec: $l";
next if($wd != $fd[6]); # Weekday
next if($a[3] != ($fd[4]+1)); # Month
if($a[1] > 0) { # N'th day from the start
my $d = $fd[3] - ($a[1]-1)*7;
next if($d < 1 || $d > 7);
} elsif($a[1] < 0) { # N'th day from the end
my $d = $fd[3] - ($a[1]+1)*7;
my $md = $md[$fd[4]];
next if($d > $md || $d < $md-6);
$found = $a[4];
} elsif($l =~ m/^4/) { # Interval: 4 MM-DD MM-DD Holiday
my @args = split(" +", $l, 4);
if($args[1] le $fordate && $args[2] ge $fordate) {
$found = $args[3];
} elsif($l =~ m/^5/) { # nth weekday since MM-DD / before MM-DD
my @a = split(" +", $l, 6);
# arguments: 5 <distance> <weekday> <month> <day> <name>
my %wd = ("Sun"=>0, "Mon"=>1, "Tue"=>2, "Wed"=>3,
"Thu"=>4, "Fri"=>5, "Sat"=>6);
my $wd = $wd{$a[2]};
if(!defined($wd)) {
Log 1, "Wrong weekday spec: $l";
next if $wd != $fd[6]; # check wether weekday matches today
my $yday=$fd[7];
# create time object of target date - mktime counts months and their
# days from 0 instead of 1, so subtract 1 from each
my $tgt=mktime(0,0,1,$a[4]-1,$a[3]-1,$fd[5],0,0,-1);
my $tgtmin=$tgt;
my $tgtmax=$tgt;
my $weeksecs=7*24*60*60; # 7 days, 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60seconds each
my $cd=mktime(0,0,1,$fd[3],$fd[4],$fd[5],0,0,-1);
if ( $a[1] =~ /^-([0-9])*$/ ) {
$tgtmin -= $1*$weeksecs; # Minimum: target date minus $1 weeks
$tgtmax = $tgtmin+$weeksecs; # Maximum: one week after minimum
# needs to be lower than max and greater than or equal to min
if( ($cd ge $tgtmin) && ( $cd lt $tgtmax) ) {
} elsif ( $a[1] =~ /^\+?([0-9])*$/ ) {
$tgtmin += ($1-1)*$weeksecs; # Minimum: target date plus $1-1 weeks
$tgtmax = $tgtmin+$weeksecs; # Maximum: one week after minimum
# needs to be lower than or equal to max and greater min
if( ($cd gt $tgtmin) && ( $cd le $tgtmax) ) {
} else {
Log 1, "Wrong distance spec: $l";
push @foundList, $found if($found);
push @foundList, "none" if(!int(@foundList));
my $found = join(", ", @foundList);
if($fromTimer) {
$nt -= ($lt[2]*3600+$lt[1]*60+$lt[0]); # Midnight
$nt += 86400 + 2; # Tomorrow
$hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $nt;
InternalTimer($nt, "holiday_refresh", $name, 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'state', $found);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'yesterday', CommandGet(undef,"$name yesterday"));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'tomorrow', CommandGet(undef,"$name tomorrow"));
return undef;
} else {
return $found;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "unknown argument $a[1], choose one of createPrivateCopy:noArg"
if($a[1] ne "createPrivateCopy");
return "Already a private version" if(!$hash->{READONLY});
my $fname = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/holiday/$hash->{NAME}.holiday";
my ($err, @holidayfile) = FileRead($fname);
return $err if($err);
$fname = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/$hash->{NAME}.holiday";
$err = FileWrite($fname, @holidayfile);
return $err;
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
shift(@a) if($a[1] && $a[1] eq "MM-DD");
return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) < 2);
my $arg;
if($a[1] =~ m/^[01]\d-[0-3]\d/) {
$arg = $a[1];
} elsif($a[1] =~ m/^(yesterday|today|tomorrow)$/) {
my $t = time();
$t += 86400 if($a[1] eq "tomorrow");
$t -= 86400 if($a[1] eq "yesterday");
my @a = localtime($t);
$arg = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $a[4]+1, $a[3]);
} elsif($a[1] eq "days") {
my $t = time() + ($a[2] ? int($a[2]) : 0)*86400;
my @a = localtime($t);
$arg = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $a[4]+1, $a[3]);
} else {
return "unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".
"yesterday:noArg today:noArg tomorrow:noArg days:2,3,4,5,6,7 MM-DD";
return holiday_refresh($hash->{NAME}, $arg);
my($jahr) = @_;
return 0 if $jahr % 4; # 2009
return 1 unless $jahr % 400; # 2000
return 0 unless $jahr % 100; # 2100
return 1; # 2012
### mh sub western_easter copied from cpan Date::Time::Easter
### mh changes marked with # mh
### mh
### mh calling parameter is 4 digit year
### mh
my $year = shift;
my $golden_number = $year % 19;
#quasicentury is so named because its a century, only its
# the number of full centuries rather than the current century
my $quasicentury = int($year / 100);
my $epact = ($quasicentury - int($quasicentury/4) -
int(($quasicentury * 8 + 13)/25) + ($golden_number*19) + 15) % 30;
my $interval = $epact - int($epact/28)*
(1 - int(29/($epact+1)) * int((21 - $golden_number)/11) );
my $weekday = ($year + int($year/4) + $interval +
2 - $quasicentury + int($quasicentury/4)) % 7;
my $offset = $interval - $weekday;
my $month = 3 + int(($offset+40)/44);
my $day = $offset + 28 - 31* int($month/4);
return $month, $day;
=item summary define holidays in a local file
=item summary_DE Urlaubs-/Feiertagskalender aus einer lokalen Datei
=begin html
<a name="holiday"></a>
<a name="holidaydefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; holiday</code>
Define a set of holidays. The module will try to open the file
&lt;name&gt;.holiday in the <a href="#modpath">modpath</a>/FHEM directory
first, then in the modpath/FHEM/holiday directory, the latter containing a
set of predefined files. The set will be shown if an error occures at the
time of the definietion.<br>
If entries in the holiday file match the current day, then the STATE of
this holiday instance displayed in the <a href="#list">list</a> command
will be set to the corresponding values, else the state is set to the text
none. Most probably you'll want to query this value in some perl script:
see Value() in the <a href="#perl">perl</a> section or the global attribute
<a href="#holiday2we"> holiday2we</a>.<br> The file will be reread once
every night, to compute the value for the current day, and by each get
command (see below).<br>
Holiday file definition:<br>
The file may contain comments (beginning with #) or empty lines.
Significant lines begin with a number (type) and contain some space
separated words, depending on the type. The different types are:<br>
Exact date. Arguments: &lt;MM-DD&gt; &lt;holiday-name&gt;<br>
Exampe: 1 12-24 Christmas
Easter-dependent date. Arguments: &lt;day-offset&gt;
The offset is counted from Easter-Sunday.
Exampe: 2 1 Easter-Monday<br>
Sidenote: You can check the easter date with:
fhem> { join("-", western_easter(2011)) }
Month dependent date. Arguments: &lt;nth&gt; &lt;weekday&gt;
&lt;month &lt;holiday-name&gt;.<br>
3 1 Mon 05 First Monday In May<br>
3 2 Mon 05 Second Monday In May<br>
3 -1 Mon 05 Last Monday In May<br>
3 0 Mon 05 Each Monday In May<br>
Interval. Arguments: &lt;MM-DD&gt; &lt;MM-DD&gt; &lt;holiday-name&gt;
Note: An interval cannot contain the year-end.
4 06-01 06-30 Summer holiday<br>
4 12-20 01-10 Winter holiday # DOES NOT WORK.
Use the following 2 lines instead:<br>
4 12-20 12-31 Winter holiday<br>
4 01-01 01-10 Winter holiday<br>
Date relative, weekday fixed holiday. Arguments: &lt;nth&gt;
&lt;weekday&gt; &lt;month&gt; &lt;day&gt; &lt; holiday-name&gt;<br>
Note that while +0 or -0 as offsets are not forbidden, their behaviour
is undefined in the sense that it might change without notice.<br>
5 -1 Wed 11 23 Buss und Bettag (first Wednesday before Nov, 23rd)<br>
5 1 Mon 01 31 First Monday after Jan, 31st (1st Monday in February)<br>
<a name="holidayset"></a>
if the holiday file is opened from the FHEM/holiday directory (which is
refreshed by FHEM-update), then it is readonly, and should not be
modified. With createPrivateCopy the file will be copied to the FHEM
directory, where it can be modified.
<a name="holidayget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;MM-DD&gt;</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; yesterday</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; today</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; tomorrow</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; days <offset></code><br>
Return the holiday name of the specified date or the text none.
<a name="holidayattr"></a>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="holiday"></a>
<a name="holidaydefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; holiday</code>
Definiert einen Satz mit Urlaubsinformationen. Das Modul versucht die
Datei &lt;name&gt;.holiday erst in <a href="#modpath">modpath</a>/FHEM zu
&ouml;ffnen, und dann in modpath/FHEM/holiday, Letzteres enth&auml;lt eine
Liste von per FHEM-update verteilten Dateien f&uuml;r diverse
(Bundes-)L&auml;nder. Diese Liste wird bei einer Feherlmeldung angezeigt.
Wenn Eintr&auml;ge im der Datei auf den aktuellen Tag passen wird der STATE
der Holiday-Instanz die im <a href="#list">list</a> Befehl angezeigt wird
auf die entsprechenden Werte gesetzt. Andernfalls ist der STATE auf den
Text "none" gesetzt.
Meistens wird dieser Wert mit einem Perl Script abgefragt: siehe Value() im
<a href="#perl">perl</a> Abschnitt oder im globalen Attribut <a
href="#holiday2we"> holiday2we</a>.<br> Die Datei wird jede Nacht neu
eingelesen um den Wert des aktuellen Tages zu erzeugen. Auch jeder "get"
Befehl liest die Datei neu ein.
Holiday file Definition:<br>
Die Datei darf Kommentare, beginnend mit #, und Leerzeilen enthalten. Die
entscheidenden Zeilen beginnen mit einer Zahl (Typ) und enthalten durch
Leerzeichen getrennte W&ouml;rter, je nach Typ. Die verschiedenen Typen
Genaues Datum. Argument: &lt;MM-TT&gt; &lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;<br>
Beispiel: 1 12-24 Weihnachten
Oster-abh&auml;ngiges Datum. Argument: &lt;Tag-Offset&gt;
Der Offset wird vom Oster-Sonntag an gez&auml;hlt.
Beispiel: 2 1 Oster-Montag<br>
Hinweis: Das Osterdatum kann vorher gepr&uuml;ft werden:
fhem> { join("-", western_easter(2011)) }
Monats-abh&auml;ngiges Datum. Argument: &lt;X&gt; &lt;Wochentag&gt;
&lt;Monat&gt; &lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;.<br>
3 1 Mon 05 Erster Montag In Mai<br>
3 2 Mon 05 Zweiter Montag In Mai<br>
3 -1 Mon 05 Letzter Montag In Mai<br>
3 0 Mon 05 Jeder Montag In Mai<br>
Intervall. Argument: &lt;MM-TT&gt; &lt;MM-TT&gt; &lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;
Achtung: Ein Intervall darf kein Jahresende enthalten.
4 06-01 06-30 Sommerferien<br>
4 12-20 01-10 Winterferien # FUNKTIONIER NICHT,
stattdessen folgendes verwenden:<br>
4 12-20 12-31 Winterferien<br>
4 01-01 01-10 Winterferien<br>
Datum relativ, Wochentags ein fester Urlaubstag/Feiertag. Argument:
&lt;X&gt; &lt;Wochentag&gt; &lt;Monat&gt; &lt;Tag&gt;
&lt;Feiertag-Name&gt;<br> Hinweis: Da +0 oder -0 als Offset nicht
verboten sind, ist das Verhalten hier nicht definiert, kann sich also
ohne Info &auml;ndern;<br>
5 -1 Wed 11 23 Buss und Bettag (erster Mittwoch vor dem 23. Nov)<br>
5 1 Mon 01 31 Erster Montag in Februar<br>
<a name="holidayset"></a>
Falls die Datei in der FHEM/holiday Verzeichnis ge&ouml;ffnet wurde,
dann ist sie nicht beschreibbar, da dieses Verzeichnis mit FHEM
update aktualisiert wird. Mit createPrivateCopy kann eine private Kopie
im FHEM Verzeichnis erstellt werden.
<a name="holidayget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;MM-DD&gt;</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; yesterday</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; today</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; tomorrow</code><br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; days <offset></code><br>
Gibt den Name des Feiertages zum angebenenen Datum zur&uuml;ck oder den
Text none.
<a name="holidayattr"></a>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html_DE