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# $Id: 57_SSCal.pm 24736 2021-07-12 15:43:19Z DS_Starter $
# 57_SSCal.pm
# (c) 2019 - 2022 by Heiko Maaz
# e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# This Module integrate the Synology Calendar into FHEM
# This script is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Definition: define <name> SSCal <ServerAddr> [ServerPort] [Protocol]
# Example: define SynCal SSCal [5000] [HTTP(S)]
package FHEM::SSCal; ## no critic 'package'
use strict;
use warnings;
eval "use JSON;1;" or my $SSCalMM = "JSON"; ## no critic 'eval' # Debian: apt-get install libjson-perl
use Data::Dumper; # Perl Core module
use GPUtils qw(GP_Import GP_Export); # wird für den Import der FHEM Funktionen aus der fhem.pl benötigt
use FHEM::SynoModules::API qw(apistatic); # API Modul
use FHEM::SynoModules::SMUtils qw( completeAPI
); # Hilfsroutinen Modul
use FHEM::SynoModules::ErrCodes qw(expErrors); # Error Code Modul
use MIME::Base64;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use HttpUtils;
use Encode;
use utf8;
use Blocking;
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1; ## no critic 'eval'
# no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental';
# Run before module compilation
# Import from main::
# Export to main context with different name
# my $pkg = caller(0);
# my $main = $pkg;
# $main =~ s/^(?:.+::)?([^:]+)$/main::$1\_/gx;
# foreach (@_) {
# *{ $main . $_ } = *{ $pkg . '::' . $_ };
# }
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"2.4.10" => "16.07.2022 fix problem recurring MONTHLY appointment by day, ".
"forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,106963.msg1228098.html#msg1228098 ",
"2.4.9" => "11.07.2021 set adaption of AUTH for DSM7 compatibility ",
"2.4.8" => "16.12.2020 accep umlauts in calendar name ",
"2.4.7" => "08.12.2020 fix handle code recognition in createAtDevices as single line ",
"2.4.6" => "06.11.2020 bugfix weekly byDay ",
"2.4.5" => "03.11.2020 fix commandref wiki link ",
"2.4.4" => "06.10.2020 use addSendqueue from SMUtils, delete local addSendqueue ",
"2.4.3" => "04.10.2020 use showStoredCredentials from SMUtils ",
"2.4.2" => "03.10.2020 get from SMUtils: completeAPI showAPIinfo evaljson setReadingErrorState setReadingErrorNone showModuleInfo ".
"login logout getClHash delClHash trim moduleVersion updQueueLength delReadings checkSendRetry startFunctionDelayed ".
"minor fix in periodicCall ",
"2.4.1" => "20.05.2020 new function 'evalTimeAndWrite' ",
"2.4.0" => "19.05.2020 more changes according to PBP, switch to packages, fix cannot delete (and display in table) EventId of block 0 ",
"2.3.0" => "25.04.2020 set compatibility to Calendar package 2.3.4-0631, some changes according to PBP ",
"2.2.3" => "24.03.2020 minor code change ",
"2.2.2" => "08.03.2020 review commandref ",
"2.2.1" => "04.03.2020 expand composite event 'compositeBlockNumbers' by 'none' ",
"2.2.0" => "03.03.2020 new composite event 'compositeBlockNumbers' ",
"2.1.0" => "01.03.2020 expand composite Event, bugfix API if entry with 'is_all_day' and at first position in 'data' ",
"2.0.0" => "28.02.2020 check in release ",
"1.15.0" => "27.02.2020 fix recurrence WEEKLY by DAY, MONTHLY by MONTHDAY and BYDAY, create commandref ",
"1.14.0" => "23.02.2020 new setter \"calUpdate\" consistent for both models, calEventList and calToDoList are obsolete ",
"1.13.0" => "22.02.2020 manage recurring entries if one/more of a series entry is deleted or changed and their reminder times ",
"1.12.0" => "15.02.2020 create At-devices from calendar entries if FHEM-commands or Perl-routines detected in \"Summary\", minor fixes ",
"1.11.0" => "14.02.2020 new function doCompositeEvents to create Composite Events for special notify use in FHEM ",
"1.10.0" => "13.02.2020 new key cellStyle for attribute tableSpecs, avoid FHEM crash when are design failures in tableSpecs ",
"1.9.0" => "11.02.2020 new reading Weekday with localization, more field selection for overview table ",
"1.8.0" => "09.02.2020 evaluate icons for DaysLeft, Map and State in sub evalTableSpecs , fix no table is shown after FHEM restart ",
"1.7.0" => "09.02.2020 respect global language setting for some presentation, new attributes tableSpecs & tableColumnMap, days left in overview ".
"formatting overview table, feature smallScreen for tableSpecs, rename attributes to tableFields, ".
"tableInDetail, tableInRoom, correct enddate/time if is_all_day incl. bugfix API, function boolean ".
"to avoid fhem crash if an older JSON module is installed ",
"1.6.1" => "03.02.2020 rename attributes to \"calOverviewInDetail\",\"calOverviewInRoom\", bugfix of gps extraction ",
"1.6.0" => "03.02.2020 new attribute \"tableFields\" to show specified fields in calendar overview in detail/room view, ".
"Model Diary/Tasks defined, periodic call of ToDo-Liists now possible ",
"1.5.0" => "02.02.2020 new attribute \"calOverviewInDetail\",\"calOverviewInRoom\" to control calendar overview in room or detail view ",
"1.4.0" => "02.02.2020 get calAsHtml command or use sub calAsHtml(\$name) ",
"1.3.1" => "01.02.2020 add errauthlist hash for login/logout API error codes ",
"1.3.0" => "01.02.2020 new command \"cleanCompleteTasks\" to delete completed tasks, \"deleteEventId\" to delete an event id, ".
"new get command \"apiInfo\" - detect and show API info, avoid empty readings ",
"1.2.0" => "29.01.2020 get tasks from calendar with set command 'calToDoList' ",
"1.1.14" => "29.01.2020 ignore calendars of type ne 'Event' for set calEventList ",
"1.1.13" => "20.01.2020 change save and read credentials routine ",
"1.1.12" => "19.01.2020 add attribute interval, automatic event fetch ",
"1.1.11" => "18.01.2020 status information added: upcoming, alarmed, started, ended ",
"1.1.10" => "17.01.2020 attribute asyncMode for parsing events in BlockingCall, some fixes ",
"1.1.9" => "14.01.2020 preparation of asynchronous calendar event extraction, some fixes ",
"1.1.8" => "13.01.2020 can proces WEEKLY general recurring events, use \$data{SSCal}{\$name}{eventlist} as Hash of Events ",
"1.1.7" => "12.01.2020 can proces WEEKLY recurring events BYDAY ",
"1.1.6" => "11.01.2020 can proces DAILY recurring events ",
"1.1.5" => "10.01.2020 can proces MONTHLY recurring events BYDAY ",
"1.1.4" => "07.01.2020 can proces MONTHLY recurring events BYMONTHDAY ",
"1.1.3" => "06.01.2020 can proces YEARLY recurring events ",
"1.1.2" => "04.01.2020 logout if new credentials are set ",
"1.1.1" => "03.01.2020 add array of 'evt_notify_setting' ",
"1.1.0" => "01.01.2020 logout command ",
"1.0.0" => "18.12.2019 initial "
my %hset = ( # Hash für Set-Funktion (needcred => 1: Funktion benötigt gesetzte Credentials)
credentials => { fn => \&_setcredentials, needcred => 0 },
calUpdate => { fn => \&_setcalUpdate, needcred => 1 },
deleteEventId => { fn => \&_setdeleteEventId, needcred => 1 },
eraseReadings => { fn => \&_seteraseReadings, needcred => 0 },
listSendqueue => { fn => \&listSendqueue, needcred => 0 },
logout => { fn => \&_setlogout, needcred => 0 },
purgeSendqueue => { fn => \&purgeSendqueue, needcred => 0 },
restartSendqueue => { fn => \&_setrestartSendqueue, needcred => 1 },
cleanCompleteTasks => { fn => \&_setcleanCompleteTasks, needcred => 1 },
my %hget = ( # Hash für Get-Funktion (needcred => 1: Funktion benötigt gesetzte Credentials)
apiInfo => { fn => \&_getapiInfo, needcred => 1 },
calAsHtml => { fn => \&_getcalAsHtml, needcred => 0 },
getCalendars => { fn => \&_getgetCalendars, needcred => 1 },
storedCredentials => { fn => \&_getstoredCredentials, needcred => 1 },
versionNotes => { fn => \&_getversionNotes, needcred => 0 },
my %hvada = ( # Funktionshash Version Adaption
"a01" => {AUTH => "6", INFO => "1", CAL => "2",
EVENT => "3", SHARE => "1", TODO => "1" },
# Versions History extern
my %vNotesExtern = (
"2.4.0" => "19.05.2020 Switched to Perl packages. Use <i>FHEM::SSCal::calAsHtml</i> from now instead of ".
"<i>SSCal_calAsHtml</i> in definition of weblink devices and own code. ",
"2.3.0" => "25.04.2020 The module compatibility is set to Synology Calendar package 2.3.4-0631. ",
"1.0.0" => "18.12.2019 initial "
# Hints EN
my %vHintsExt_en = (
"1" => "The module implements the Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) ".
"according to <a href=\"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545\">RFC5545</a>. "
# Hints DE
my %vHintsExt_de = (
"1" => "Das Modul implementiert die Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) ".
"gemäß <a href=\"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545\">RFC5545</a>. "
# Standardvariablen
my $splitstr = "!_ESC_!"; # Split-String zur Übergabe in getCredentials, login & Co.
my $queueStartFn = "FHEM::SSCal::getApiSites"; # Startfunktion zur Queue-Abarbeitung
sub Initialize {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = \&Define;
$hash->{UndefFn} = \&Undef;
$hash->{DeleteFn} = \&Delete;
$hash->{SetFn} = \&Set;
$hash->{GetFn} = \&Get;
$hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr;
$hash->{DelayedShutdownFn} = \&DelayedShutdown;
# Darstellung FHEMWEB
# $hash->{FW_summaryFn} = \&FWsummaryFn;
$hash->{FW_addDetailToSummary} = 1 ; # zusaetzlich zu der Device-Summary auch eine Neue mit dem Inhalt von DetailFn angezeigt
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = \&FWdetailFn;
$hash->{FW_deviceOverview} = 1;
$hash->{AttrList} = "asyncMode:1,0 ".
"createATDevs:1,0 ".
"cutOlderDays ".
"cutLaterDays ".
"disable:1,0 ".
"tableSpecs:textField-long ".
"filterCompleteTask:1,2,3 ".
"filterDueTask:1,2,3 ".
"interval ".
"loginRetries:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ".
"tableColumnMap:icon,data,text ".
"showRepeatEvent:true,false ".
"showPassInLog:1,0 ".
"tableInDetail:0,1 ".
"tableInRoom:0,1 ".
"tableFields:multiple-strict,Symbol,Begin,End,DaysLeft,DaysLeftLong,Weekday,Timezone,Summary,Description,Status,Completion,Location,Map,Calendar,EventId ".
"timeout ".
"usedCalendars:--wait#for#Calendar#list-- ".
FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ) if(!$modMetaAbsent); # für Meta.pm (https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,97589.0.html)
# define SyncalBot SSCal [5000] [HTTP(S)]
# [1] [2] [3] [4]
sub Define {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "Error: Perl module ".$SSCalMM." is missing. Install it on Debian with: sudo apt-get install libjson-perl" if($SSCalMM);
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if(int(@a) < 2) {
return "You need to specify more parameters.\n". "Format: define <name> SSCal <ServerAddress> [Port] [HTTP(S)] [Tasks]";
shift @a; shift @a;
my $addr = ($a[0] && $a[0] ne "Tasks") ? $a[0] : "";
my $port = ($a[1] && $a[1] ne "Tasks") ? $a[1] : 5000;
my $prot = ($a[2] && $a[2] ne "Tasks") ? lc($a[2]) : "http";
my $model = "Diary";
$model = "Tasks" if( grep {$_ eq "Tasks"} @a );
$hash->{SERVERADDR} = $addr;
$hash->{SERVERPORT} = $port;
$hash->{MODEL} = "Calendar";
$hash->{PROTOCOL} = $prot;
$hash->{MODEL} = $model;
$hash->{RESEND} = "next planned SendQueue start: immediately by next entry";
$hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT} = 1 if($modMetaAbsent); # Modul Meta.pm nicht vorhanden
$hash->{HELPER}{CALFETCHED} = 0; # vorhandene Kalender sind noch nicht abgerufen
CommandAttr(undef, "$name room SSCal");
CommandAttr(undef, "$name event-on-update-reading .*Summary,state");
my $params = {
hash => $hash,
notes => \%vNotesIntern,
useAPI => 1,
useSMUtils => 1,
useErrCodes => 1
use version 0.77; our $VERSION = moduleVersion ($params); # Versionsinformationen setzen
getCredentials($hash,1,"credentials",$splitstr); # Credentials lesen
$data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{index} = 0; # Index der Sendequeue initialisieren
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode" , "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error" , "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "QueueLength", 0); # Länge Sendqueue initialisieren
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "nextUpdate" , "undefined"); # Abrufmode initialisieren
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state" , "Initialized"); # Init state
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
initOnBoot($name); # initiale Routinen nach Start ausführen , verzögerter zufälliger Start
# Die Undef-Funktion wird aufgerufen wenn ein Gerät mit delete
# gelöscht wird oder bei der Abarbeitung des Befehls rereadcfg,
# der ebenfalls alle Geräte löscht und danach das
# Konfigurationsfile neu einliest.
# Funktion: typische Aufräumarbeiten wie das
# saubere Schließen von Verbindungen oder das Entfernen von
# internen Timern, sofern diese im Modul zum Pollen verwendet
# wurden.
sub Undef {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID});
delete $data{SSCal}{$name};
# Mit der X_DelayedShutdown Funktion kann eine Definition das Stoppen von FHEM verzögern um asynchron
# hinter sich aufzuräumen.
# Je nach Rückgabewert $delay_needed wird der Stopp von FHEM verzögert (0|1).
# Sobald alle nötigen Maßnahmen erledigt sind, muss der Abschluss mit CancelDelayedShutdown($name) an
# FHEM zurückgemeldet werden.
sub DelayedShutdown {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($hash->{HELPER}{SID}) {
logout($hash, $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}, $splitstr); # Session alter User beenden falls vorhanden
return 1;
return 0;
# Wenn ein Gerät in FHEM gelöscht wird, wird zuerst die Funktion
# X_Undef aufgerufen um offene Verbindungen zu schließen,
# anschließend wird die Funktion X_Delete aufgerufen.
# Funktion: Aufräumen von dauerhaften Daten, welche durch das
# Modul evtl. für dieses Gerät spezifisch erstellt worden sind.
# Es geht hier also eher darum, alle Spuren sowohl im laufenden
# FHEM-Prozess, als auch dauerhafte Daten bspw. im physikalischen
# Gerät zu löschen die mit dieser Gerätedefinition zu tun haben.
sub Delete {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $index = $hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."_credentials";
setKeyValue($index, undef); # gespeicherte Credentials löschen
sub Attr { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $model = $hash->{MODEL};
my ($do,$val);
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($aName =~ /filterCompleteTask|filterDueTask/x && $model ne "Tasks") {
return qq{The attribute "$aName" is only valid for devices of MODEL "Tasks" ! Please set this attribute in a device of this MODEL.};
if ($aName =~ /showRepeatEvent/x && $model ne "Diary") {
return qq{The attribute "$aName" is only valid for devices of MODEL "Diary" ! Please set this attribute in a device of this MODEL.};
if ($aName =~ /tableSpecs/x) {
return qq{The attribute "$aName" has wrong syntax. The value must be set into "{ }".} if($aVal !~ m/^\s*?\{.*\}\s*?$/xs);
my $attrVal = $aVal;
if ($attrVal =~ m/^\{.*\}$/xs && $attrVal =~ m/=>/x) {
$attrVal =~ s/\@/\\\@/gx;
$attrVal =~ s/\$/\\\$/gx;
my $av = eval $attrVal; ## no critic 'eval'
if($@) {
Log3($name, 2, "$name - Error while evaluate: ".$@);
return $@;
else {
$attrVal = $av if(ref($av) eq "HASH");
$hash->{HELPER}{$aName} = $attrVal;
else {
delete $hash->{HELPER}{$aName};
if ($aName eq "disable") {
if($cmd eq "set") {
$do = $aVal?1:0;
$do = 0 if($cmd eq "del");
$val = ($do == 1 ? "disabled" : "initialized");
if ($do == 1) {
else {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2, "FHEM::SSCal::initOnBoot", $name, 0) if($init_done);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", $val);
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($aName =~ m/timeout|cutLaterDays|cutOlderDays|interval/x) {
unless ($aVal =~ /^\d+$/x) { return qq{The value of $aName is not valid. Use only integers 1-9 !}; }
if($aName =~ m/interval/x) {
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+1.0, "FHEM::SSCal::periodicCall", $name, 0);
# Setter
sub Set {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "\"set X\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 );
my $name = $a[0];
my $opt = $a[1];
my $prop = $a[2];
my $prop1 = $a[3];
my $model = $hash->{MODEL};
my ($success,$setlist);
return if(IsDisabled($name));
my $idxlist = join(",", sort keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}});
# alle aktuell angezeigten Event Id's ermitteln
my (@idarray,$evids);
for my $key (keys %{$defs{$name}{READINGS}}) {
next if $key !~ /_EventId$/x;
push (@idarray, $defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key}{VAL});
if(@idarray) {
my %seen;
my @unique = sort{$a<=>$b} grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @idarray; # distinct / unique the keys
$evids = join(",", @unique);
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ";
if(!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) { # initiale setlist für neue Devices
$setlist .= "credentials ";
if($hash->{CREDENTIALS}) { # Model Terminkalender & Aufgabenliste
$setlist .= "calUpdate ".
"credentials ".
"eraseReadings:noArg ".
"listSendqueue:noArg ".
"logout:noArg ".
"restartSendqueue:noArg ".
($evids ? "deleteEventId:$evids " : "deleteEventId:noArg " ).
($idxlist ? "purgeSendqueue:-all-,-permError-,$idxlist " : "purgeSendqueue:-all-,-permError- ")
if($hash->{CREDENTIALS} && $model eq "Tasks") { # Model Aufgabenliste
$setlist .= "cleanCompleteTasks:noArg ";
my $params = {
hash => $hash,
name => $name,
opt => $opt,
prop => $prop,
prop1 => $prop1,
aref => \@a,
if($hset{$opt} && defined &{$hset{$opt}{fn}}) {
my $ret = q{};
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS} && $hset{$opt}{needcred}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"};
$ret = &{$hset{$opt}{fn}} ($params);
return $ret;
return "$setlist";
# Setter credentials
sub _setcredentials {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $prop = $paref->{prop};
my $prop1 = $paref->{prop1};
return qq{The command "$opt" needs an argument.} if (!$prop);
if($hash->{HELPER}{SID}) {
logout($hash, $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}, $splitstr); # Session alter User beenden falls vorhanden
my ($success) = setCredentials($hash, "credentials", $prop, $prop1, $splitstr);
if($success) {
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "listcal",
api => "CAL",
method => "list",
params => "&is_todo=true&is_evt=true",
addSendqueue ($params);
getApiSites ($name);
return "credentials saved successfully";
else {
return "Error while saving credentials - see logfile for details";
# Setter calUpdate
# Termine einer Cal_id (Liste) in Zeitgrenzen abrufen
sub _setcalUpdate {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $aref = $paref->{aref};
if(!$hash->{HELPER}{CALFETCHED}) {
return qq{Obtain the Calendar list first with "get $name getCalendars" command.};
my $model = $hash->{MODEL};
my $cals = AttrVal($name,"usedCalendars", "");
my @a = @$aref;
shift @a; shift @a;
my $c = join(" ", @a);
$cals = $c ? $c : $cals;
if(!$cals) {
return qq{Please set attribute "usedCalendars" or specify the Calendar(s) you want read in "$opt" command.};
# Kalender aufsplitten und zu jedem die ID ermitteln
my @ca = split(",", $cals);
my ($oids,@cas);
my $caltype = $model eq "Diary" ? "Event" : "ToDo";
for my $cal (@ca) {
my $oid = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$cal"}{id};
next if(!$oid);
if ($hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$cal"}{type} ne $caltype) {
Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - The Calendar "$cal" is not of type "$caltype" and will be ignored.});
$oids .= "," if($oids);
$oids .= '"'.$oid.'"';
push (@cas, $cal);
if(!$oid) {
Log3($name, 2, qq{$name - WARNING - The Calendar "$cal" seems to be unknown because its ID couldn't be found.});
if(!$oids) {
return qq{No Calendar of type "$caltype" was selected or its ID(s) couldn't be found.};
Log3($name, 5, "$name - Calendar selection for add queue: ".join(',', @cas));
if($model eq "Diary") { # Modell Terminkalender
my ($err,$tstart,$tend) = timeEdge ($name);
if($err) {
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR in timestamp: $err");
my $errorcode = "910";
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", $err);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", $errorcode);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "Error");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
return "ERROR in timestamp: $err";
my $lr = AttrVal($name,"showRepeatEvent", "true");
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "eventlist",
api => "EVENT",
method => "list",
params => "&cal_id_list=[$oids]&start=$tstart&end=$tend&list_repeat=$lr",
addSendqueue ($params);
getApiSites ($name);
else { # Modell Aufgabenliste
my $limit = ""; # Limit of matched tasks
my $offset = 0; # offset of mnatched tasks
my $filterdue = AttrVal($name,"filterDueTask", 3); # show tasks with and without due time
my $filtercomplete = AttrVal($name,"filterCompleteTask", 3); # show completed and not completed tasks
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "todolist",
api => "TODO",
method => "list",
params => "&cal_id_list=[$oids]&limit=$limit&offset=$offset&filter_due=$filterdue&filter_complete=$filtercomplete",
addSendqueue ($params);
getApiSites ($name);
# Setter cleanCompleteTasks
# erledigte Aufgaben einer Cal_id (Liste) löschen
sub _setcleanCompleteTasks {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $aref = $paref->{aref};
if(!$hash->{HELPER}{CALFETCHED}) {
return qq{Obtain the Calendar list first with "get $name getCalendars" command.};
my $cals = AttrVal($name,"usedCalendars", "");
my @a = @$aref;
shift @a; shift @a;
my $c = join(" ", @a);
$cals = $c ? $c : $cals;
if(!$cals) {
return qq{Please set attribute "usedCalendars" to specify the used calendars.};
# Kalender aufsplitten und zu jedem die ID ermitteln
my @ca = split(",", $cals);
my $oids;
for my $cal (@ca) {
my $oid = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$cal"}{id};
next if(!$oid);
if ($hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$cal"}{type} ne "ToDo") {
Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - The Calendar "$cal" is not of type "ToDo" and will be ignored.});
$oids .= "," if($oids);
$oids .= '"'.$oid.'"';
if(!$oid) {
Log3($name, 2, qq{$name - WARNING - The Calendar "$cal" seems to be unknown because its ID couldn't be found.});
if(!$oids) {
return qq{No Calendar of type "ToDo" was selected or its ID(s) couldn't be found.};
Log3($name, 5, "$name - Calendar selection for add queue: $cals");
# <Name, operation mode, API (siehe $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}), auszuführende API-Methode, spezifische API-Parameter>
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "cleanCompleteTasks",
api => "TODO",
method => "clean_complete",
params => "&cal_id_list=[$oids]",
addSendqueue ($params);
getApiSites ($name);
# Setter deleteEventId
sub _setdeleteEventId {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $prop = $paref->{prop} // return "You must specify an event id (Reading EventId) what is to be deleted.";
my $eventid = $prop;
my $bnr; # Blocknummer ermitteln
my @allrds = keys%{$defs{$name}{READINGS}};
for my $key(@allrds) {
next if $key !~ /_EventId$/x;
if($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key}{VAL} == $eventid) { # Blocknummer ermittelt
$bnr = (split("_", $key))[0];
if(!defined $bnr) {
return "The blocknumber of specified event id could not be identified. Make sure you have specified a valid event id.";
my $sum = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_01_Summary", ""); # die Summary zur Event Id ermitteln
my $calname = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_90_calName", ""); # Kalendername und dessen id und Typ ermitteln
my $calid = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$calname"}{id};
my $caltype = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$calname"}{type};
my $api = ($caltype eq "Event") ? "EVENT" : "TODO"; # Kalender-API in Abhängigkeit des Kalendertyps wählen
Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - The event "$sum" with id "$eventid" will be deleted in calendar "$calname".});
# <Name, operation mode, API (siehe $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}), auszuführende API-Methode, spezifische API-Parameter>
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "deleteEventId",
api => $api,
method => "delete",
params => "delete","&evt_id=$eventid",
addSendqueue ($params);
getApiSites ($name);
# Setter restartSendqueue
sub _setrestartSendqueue {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ret = getApiSites($name);
if($ret) {
return $ret;
else {
return "The SendQueue has been restarted.";
# Setter eraseReadings
sub _seteraseReadings {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
delReadings($name, 0); # Readings löschen
# Setter logout
sub _setlogout {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
logout($hash, $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}, $splitstr);
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{PARSET}; # erzwinge Abruf API beim nächsten Login
# Getter
sub Get {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "\"get X\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 );
my $name = shift @a;
my $opt = shift @a;
my $arg = shift @a;
my $getlist;
if(!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
else {
$getlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
"apiInfo:noArg ".
"calAsHtml:noArg ".
"getCalendars:noArg ".
"storedCredentials:noArg ".
"versionNotes "
return if(IsDisabled($name));
my $params = {
hash => $hash,
name => $name,
opt => $opt,
arg => $arg,
if($hget{$opt} && defined &{$hget{$opt}{fn}}) {
my $ret = q{};
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS} && $hget{$opt}{needcred}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"};
$ret = &{$hget{$opt}{fn}} ($params);
return $ret;
return $getlist;
# Getter storedCredentials
sub _getstoredCredentials {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $out = showStoredCredentials ($hash, 1, $splitstr);
return $out;
# Getter apiInfo
# Informationen der verwendeten API abrufen und anzeigen
sub _getapiInfo {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
delClHash ($name);
getClHash ($hash,1); # übergebenen CL-Hash (FHEMWEB) in Helper eintragen
# Schema: <Name, operation mode, API (siehe $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}), auszuführende API-Methode, spezifische API-Parameter>
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "apiInfo",
api => "",
method => "",
params => "",
addSendqueue ($params);
getApiSites ($name);
# Getter getCalendars
# Liste aller Kalender abrufen und anzeigen
sub _getgetCalendars {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
delClHash ($name);
getClHash ($hash,1); # übergebenen CL-Hash (FHEMWEB) in Helper eintragen
# Schema: <Name, operation mode, API (siehe $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}), auszuführende API-Methode, spezifische API-Parameter>
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "listcal",
api => "CAL",
method => "list",
params => "&is_todo=true&is_evt=true",
addSendqueue ($params);
getApiSites ($name);
# Getter calAsHtml
sub _getcalAsHtml {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $out = calAsHtml($name);
return $out;
# Getter versionNotes
sub _getversionNotes {
my $paref = shift;
$paref->{hintextde} = \%vHintsExt_de;
$paref->{hintexten} = \%vHintsExt_en;
$paref->{notesext} = \%vNotesExtern;
my $ret = showModuleInfo ($paref);
return $ret;
# Kalenderübersicht in Detailanzeige darstellen
sub FWdetailFn {
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $ret = "";
$hash->{".calhtml"} = FHEM::SSCal::calAsHtml($d,$FW_wname);
if($hash->{".calhtml"} ne "" && !$room && AttrVal($d,"tableInDetail",1)) { # Anzeige Übersicht in Detailansicht
$ret .= $hash->{".calhtml"};
return $ret;
if($hash->{".calhtml"} ne "" && $room && AttrVal($d,"tableInRoom",1)) { # Anzeige in Raumansicht zusätzlich zur Statuszeile
$ret = $hash->{".calhtml"};
return $ret;
# initiale Startroutinen nach Restart FHEM
sub initOnBoot {
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($ret);
RemoveInternalTimer($name, "FHEM::SSCal::initOnBoot");
if ($init_done) {
CommandGet(undef, "$name getCalendars"); # Kalender Liste initial abrufen
else {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+3, "FHEM::SSCal::initOnBoot", $name, 0);
# regelmäßiger Intervallabruf
sub periodicCall {
my $name = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $interval = AttrVal($name, "interval", 0);
my $new;
if(!$interval) {
$hash->{MODE} = "Manual";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "nextUpdate", "manual", 1);
else {
$new = gettimeofday()+$interval;
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "nextUpdate", "Automatic - next polltime: ".FmtTime($new)); # Abrufmode initial auf "Manual" setzen
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
$hash->{MODE} = "Automatic";
if($hash->{CREDENTIALS} && !IsDisabled($name)) {
CommandSet(undef, "$name calUpdate"); # Einträge aller gewählter Kalender oder Aufgabenlisten abrufen (in Queue stellen)
InternalTimer($new, "FHEM::SSCal::periodicCall", $name, 0);
# Einstiegsfunktion Queue Abarbeitung
sub getApiSites {
my $name = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $addr = $hash->{SERVERADDR};
my $port = $hash->{SERVERPORT};
my $prot = $hash->{PROTOCOL};
my ($url,$idxset,$ret);
my ($err,$tstart,$tend) = timeEdge($name);
$tstart = FmtDateTime($tstart);
$tend = FmtDateTime($tend);
if(!keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}}) {
$ret = "Sendqueue is empty. Nothing to do ...";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - $ret");
return $ret;
# den nächsten Eintrag aus "SendQueue" selektieren und ausführen wenn nicht forbidSend gesetzt ist
for my $idx (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}}) {
if (!$data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{forbidSend}) {
$hash->{OPIDX} = $idx;
$hash->{OPMODE} = $data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{opmode};
$idxset = 1;
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ####################################################");
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ### start Calendar operation $hash->{OPMODE} ");
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ####################################################");
if(!$idxset) {
$ret = qq{Only entries with "forbidSend" are in Sendqueue. Escaping ...};
Log3($name, 4, "$name - $ret");
return $ret;
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "running");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Time selection start: ".$tstart);
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Time selection end: ".$tend);
if ($hash->{OPMODE} eq "apiInfo") {
$data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{PARSET} = 0; # erzwinge Abruf API
if ($data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{PARSET}) { # API-Hashwerte sind bereits gesetzt -> Abruf überspringen
Log3($name, 4, "$name - API hash values already set - ignore get apisites");
return checkSID($name);
my $timeout = AttrVal($name,"timeout",20);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - HTTP-Call will be done with timeout: $timeout s");
# API initialisieren und abrufen
$data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi} = apistatic ("calendar"); # API Template im HELPER instanziieren
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - API imported:\n".Dumper $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi});
my @ak;
for my $key (keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}}) {
next if($key =~ /^PARSET$/x);
push @ak, $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{$key}{NAME};
my $apis = join ",", @ak;
my $calapi = $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi};
$url = "$prot://$addr:$port/webapi/$data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{INFO}{PATH}?".
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Call-Out: $url");
my $param = {
url => $url,
timeout => $timeout,
hash => $hash,
method => "GET",
header => "Accept: application/json",
callback => \&FHEM::SSCal::getApiSites_parse
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ($param);
# Auswertung Abruf apisites
sub getApiSites_parse { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($param, $err, $myjson) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $opmode = $hash->{OPMODE};
my ($error,$errorcode,$success);
if ($err ne "") { # wenn ein Fehler bei der HTTP Abfrage aufgetreten ist
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR message: $err");
setReadingErrorState ($hash, $err);
checkSendRetry ($name, 1, $queueStartFn);
elsif ($myjson ne "") {
($success) = evaljson($hash,$myjson);
if (!$success) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Data returned: ".$myjson);
checkSendRetry ($name, 1, $queueStartFn);
my $jdata = decode_json($myjson);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - JSON returned: ". Dumper $jdata);
$success = $jdata->{'success'};
if ($success) {
my $completed = completeAPI ($jdata, $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}); # übergibt Referenz zum instanziierten API-Hash
if(!$completed) {
$errorcode = "9001";
$error = expErrors($hash,$errorcode); # Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
setReadingErrorState ($hash, $error, $errorcode);
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - $error");
checkSendRetry ($name, 1, $queueStartFn);
# Downgrades für nicht kompatible API-Versionen. Hier nur nutzen wenn API zentral downgraded werden soll
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ------- Begin of adaption section -------");
my $adavs = "a01"; # adaptierte Version
if($adavs) {
for my $av (sort keys %{$hvada{$adavs}}) {
$data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{$av}{VER} = $hvada{$adavs}{$av};
$data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{$av}{MOD} = "yes";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Version of $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{$av}{NAME} adapted to: $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}{$av}{VER}");
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ------- End of adaption section -------");
setReadingErrorNone($hash, 1);
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - API completed:\n".Dumper $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi});
if ($opmode eq "apiInfo") { # API Infos in Popup anzeigen
showAPIinfo ($hash, $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}); # übergibt Referenz zum instanziierten API-Hash)
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "state", "done", 1);
checkSendRetry ($name, 0, $queueStartFn);
else {
$errorcode = "806";
$error = expErrors($hash,$errorcode); # Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", $errorcode);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", $error);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "Error");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - the API-Query couldn't be executed successfully");
checkSendRetry ($name, 1, $queueStartFn);
return checkSID($name);
# Ausführung Operation
sub calOp {
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $prot = $hash->{PROTOCOL};
my $addr = $hash->{SERVERADDR};
my $port = $hash->{SERVERPORT};
my $sid = $hash->{HELPER}{SID};
my ($url,$timeout,$param,$error,$errorcode);
my $idx = $hash->{OPIDX};
my $opmode = $hash->{OPMODE};
my $method = $data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{method};
my $api = $data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{api};
my $params = $data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{params};
my $calapi = $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi};
Log3($name, 4, "$name - start SendQueue entry index \"$idx\" ($hash->{OPMODE}) for operation.");
$timeout = AttrVal($name, "timeout", 20);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - HTTP-Call will be done with timeout: $timeout s");
$url = "$prot://$addr:$port/webapi/".$calapi->{$api}{PATH}."?api=".$calapi->{$api}{NAME}."&version=".$calapi->{$api}{VER}."&method=$method".$params."&_sid=$sid";
if($opmode eq "deleteEventId" && $api eq "EVENT") { # Workaround !!! Methode delete funktioniert nicht mit SYNO.Cal.Event version > 1
$url = "$prot://$addr:$port/webapi/".$calapi->{$api}{PATH}."?api=".$calapi->{$api}{NAME}."&version=1&method=$method".$params."&_sid=$sid";
my $part = $url;
if(AttrVal($name, "showPassInLog", "0") == 1) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Call-Out: $url");
else {
$part =~ s/$sid/<secret>/x;
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Call-Out: $part");
$param = {
url => $url,
timeout => $timeout,
hash => $hash,
method => "GET",
header => "Accept: application/json",
callback => \&FHEM::SSCal::calOp_parse
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ($param);
# Callback from calOp
sub calOp_parse { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($param, $err, $myjson) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $prot = $hash->{PROTOCOL};
my $addr = $hash->{SERVERADDR};
my $port = $hash->{SERVERPORT};
my $opmode = $hash->{OPMODE};
my $am = AttrVal($name, "asyncMode", 0);
my ($ts,$data,$success,$error,$errorcode,$cherror,$r);
if ($err ne "") { # wenn ein Fehler bei der HTTP Abfrage aufgetreten ist
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR message: $err");
$errorcode = "none";
$errorcode = "800" if($err =~ /:\smalformed\sor\sunsupported\sURL$/xs);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", $err);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", $errorcode);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "Error");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
checkSendRetry ($name, 1, $queueStartFn);
elsif ($myjson ne "") { # wenn die Abfrage erfolgreich war ($data enthält die Ergebnisdaten des HTTP Aufrufes)
($success) = evaljson($hash,$myjson);
if (!$success) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Data returned: ".$myjson);
checkSendRetry ($name, 1, $queueStartFn);
$data = decode_json($myjson);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - JSON returned: ". Dumper $data);
$success = $data->{'success'};
if ($success) {
if ($opmode eq "listcal") { ## no critic 'Cascading' # alle Kalender abrufen
my %calendars = ();
my ($cals,$dnm,$typ,$oid,$des,$prv,$psi);
my $i = 0;
my $out = "<html>";
$out .= "<b>Synology Calendar List</b> <br><br>";
$out .= "<table class=\"roomoverview\" style=\"text-align:left; border:1px solid; padding:5px; border-spacing:5px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;\">";
$out .= "<tr><td> <b>Calendar</b> </td><td> <b>ID</b> </td><td> <b>Type</b> </td><td> <b>Description</b> </td><td> <b>Privilege</b> </td><td> <b>Public share ID</b> </td><td></tr>";
$out .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td></tr>";
while ($data->{data}[$i]) {
$dnm = encode("UTF-8", $data->{data}[$i]{cal_displayname});
next if (!$dnm);
$typ = "Event" if($data->{data}[$i]{is_evt});
$typ = "ToDo" if($data->{data}[$i]{is_todo});
$oid = $data->{data}[$i]{original_cal_id};
$des = encode("UTF-8", $data->{data}[$i]{cal_description});
$prv = $data->{data}[$i]{cal_privilege};
$psi = $data->{data}[$i]{cal_public_sharing_id};
$psi = $psi?$psi:"";
$calendars{$dnm}{id} = $oid;
$calendars{$dnm}{description} = $des;
$calendars{$dnm}{privilege} = $prv;
$calendars{$dnm}{publicshareid} = $psi;
$calendars{$dnm}{type} = $typ;
$cals .= "," if($cals);
$cals .= $dnm;
$out .= "<tr><td> $dnm </td><td> $oid </td><td> $typ</td><td> $des </td><td> $prv </td><td> $psi </td><td></tr>";
$out .= "</table>";
$out .= "</html>";
$hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS} = \%calendars if(%calendars);
$hash->{HELPER}{CALFETCHED} = 1;
my @newa;
my $list = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{AttrList};
my @deva = split(" ", $list);
for (@deva) {
push @newa, $_ if($_ !~ /usedCalendars:/x);
$cals =~ s/\s/#/gx if($cals);
push @newa, ($cals?"usedCalendars:multiple-strict,$cals ":"usedCalendars:--no#Calendar#selectable--");
$hash->{".AttrList"} = join(" ", @newa); # Device spezifische AttrList, überschreibt Modul AttrList !
# Ausgabe Popup der User-Daten (nach readingsEndUpdate positionieren sonst
# "Connection lost, trying reconnect every 5 seconds" wenn > 102400 Zeichen)
checkSendRetry ($name, 0, $queueStartFn);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "done");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
elsif ($opmode eq "eventlist") { # Events der ausgewählten Kalender aufbereiten
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}; # zentrales Event/ToDo Hash löschen
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}; # zentrales VCALENDAR Hash löschen
$hash->{eventlist} = $data; # Data-Hashreferenz im Hash speichern
if ($am) { # Extrahieren der Events asynchron (nicht-blockierend)
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Event parse mode: asynchronous");
my $timeout = AttrVal($name, "timeout", 20)+180;
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("FHEM::SSCal::extractEventlist", $name, "FHEM::SSCal::createReadings", $timeout, "FHEM::SSCal::blockingTimeout", $hash);
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5 if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); # Forum #77057
else { # Extrahieren der Events synchron (blockierend)
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Event parse mode: synchronous");
extractEventlist ($name);
elsif ($opmode eq "todolist") { # ToDo's der ausgewählten Tasks-Kalender aufbereiten
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}; # zentrales Event/ToDo Hash löschen
$hash->{eventlist} = $data; # Data-Hashreferenz im Hash speichern
if ($am) { # Extrahieren der ToDos asynchron (nicht-blockierend)
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Task parse mode: asynchronous");
my $timeout = AttrVal($name, "timeout", 20)+180;
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("FHEM::SSCal::extractToDolist", $name, "FHEM::SSCal::createReadings", $timeout, "FHEM::SSCal::blockingTimeout", $hash);
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5 if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); # Forum #77057
else { # Extrahieren der ToDos synchron (blockierend)
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Task parse mode: synchronous");
extractToDolist ($name);
elsif ($opmode eq "cleanCompleteTasks") { # abgeschlossene ToDos wurden gelöscht
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "done");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
Log3($name, 3, "$name - All completed tasks were deleted from selected ToDo lists");
checkSendRetry ($name, 0, $queueStartFn);
elsif ($opmode eq "deleteEventId") { # ein Kalendereintrag mit Event Id wurde gelöscht
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "done");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
Log3($name, 3, "$name - The specified event id was deleted");
# Queuedefinition sichern vor checkretry
my $idx = $hash->{OPIDX};
my $api = $data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{api};
checkSendRetry ($name, 0, $queueStartFn);
# Kalendereinträge neu einlesen nach dem löschen Event Id
CommandSet(undef, "$name calUpdate");
else {
# die API-Operation war fehlerhaft
# Errorcode aus JSON ermitteln
$errorcode = $data->{error}->{code};
$cherror = $data->{error}->{errors}; # vom cal gelieferter Fehler
$error = expErrors($hash,$errorcode); # Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
if ($error =~ /not found/) {
$error .= " New error: ".($cherror // "' '");
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash,"Errorcode", $errorcode);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash,"Error", $error);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash,"state", "Error");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - Operation $opmode was not successful. Errorcode: $errorcode - $error");
checkSendRetry ($name, 1, $queueStartFn);
undef $data;
undef $myjson;
# Extrahiert empfangene Kalendertermine (Events)
sub extractEventlist { ## no critic 'complexity'
my $name = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $data = delete $hash->{eventlist}; # zentrales Eventhash löschen !
my $am = AttrVal($name, "asyncMode", 0);
my ($tz,$bdate,$btime,$bts,$edate,$etime,$ets,$ci,$bi,$ei,$startEndDiff,$excl,$es,$em,$eh);
my ($nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$nedate,$netime,$nets);
my @row_array;
my (undef,$tstart,$tend) = timeEdge ($name); # Sollstart- und Sollendezeit der Kalenderereignisse ermitteln
my $datetimestart = FmtDateTime ($tstart);
my $datetimeend = FmtDateTime ($tend);
my $n = 0; # Zusatz f. lfd. Nr. zur Unterscheidung exakt zeitgleicher Events
for my $key (keys %{$data->{data}}) {
my $i = 0;
while ($data->{data}{$key}[$i]) {
my $ignore = 0;
my $done = 0;
my $next = 0;
($nbdate,$nedate) = ("","");
my $uid = $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{ical_uid}; # UID des Events
extractIcal ($name,$data->{data}{$key}[$i]); # VCALENDAR Extrakt in {HELPER}{VCALENDAR} importieren
my $isallday = $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{is_all_day};
($bi,$tz,$bdate,$btime,$bts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{dtstart}, 0, 0, 0); # Beginn des Events
($ei,undef,$edate,$etime,$ets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{dtend}, $isallday, 0, 0); # Ende des Events
my ($byear, $bmonth, $bmday) = $bdate =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/x;
$nbtime = $btime;
my ($eyear, $emonth, $emday) = $edate =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/x;
$netime = $etime;
# Bugfix API - wenn is_all_day und an erster Stelle im 'data' Ergebnis des API-Calls ist Endedate/time nicht korrekt !
if($isallday && ($bdate ne $edate) && $netime =~ /^00:59:59$/x) {
($es, $em, $eh, $emday, $emonth, $eyear, undef, undef, undef) = localtime($ets-=3600);
$eyear = sprintf("%02d", $eyear+=1900);
$emonth = sprintf("%02d", $emonth+=1);
$emday = sprintf("%02d", $emday);
$netime = $eh.$em.$es;
$nbtime =~ s/://gx;
($bi,undef,$bdate,$btime,$bts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime, 0, 0, 0);
($ei,undef,$edate,$etime,$ets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $eyear.$emonth.$emday."T".$netime, 0, 0, 0);
$startEndDiff = $ets - $bts; # Differenz Event Ende / Start in Sekunden
if(!$data->{data}{$key}[$i]{is_repeat_evt}) { # einmaliger Event
Log3($name, 5, "$name - Single event Begin: $bdate, End: $edate");
if($ets < $tstart || $bts > $tend) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Ignore single event -> $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{summary} start: $bdate $btime, end: $edate $etime");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
elsif ($excl) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Ignored by Ical compare -> $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{summary} start: $bdate $btime, end: $edate $etime");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
else {
writeValuesToArray ({ name => $name,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
begintime => $btime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
endtime => $etime,
endts => $ets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
uid => $uid
$ignore = 0;
$done = 1;
elsif ($data->{data}{$key}[$i]{is_repeat_evt}) { # Event ist wiederholend
Log3($name, 5, "$name - Recurring event Begin: $bdate, End: $edate");
my ($freq,$count,$interval,$until,$uets,$bymonthday,$byday);
my $rr = $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{evt_repeat_setting}{repeat_rule};
my @para = split ";", $rr;
for my $par (@para) {
my ($p1,$p2) = split "=", $par;
if ($p1 eq "FREQ") {
$freq = $p2;
if ($p1 eq "COUNT") { # Event endet automatisch nach x Wiederholungen
$count = $p2;
if ($p1 eq "INTERVAL") { # Wiederholungsintervall
$interval = $p2;
if ($p1 eq "UNTIL") { # festes Intervallende angegeben
$until = $p2;
$until =~ s/[-:]//gx;
$uets = (explodeDateTime ($hash, $until, 0, 0, 0))[4];
if ($p1 eq "BYMONTHDAY") { # Wiederholungseigenschaft -> Tag des Monats z.B. 13 (Tag 13)
$bymonthday = $p2;
if ($p1 eq "BYDAY") { # Wiederholungseigenschaft -> Wochentag z.B. 2WE,-1SU,4FR (kann auch Liste bei WEEKLY sein)
$byday = $p2;
if (defined $uets && $uets < $tstart) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Ignore recurring event -> $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{summary} , interval end \"$nedate $netime\" is less than selection start \"$datetimestart\"");
$ignore = 1;
$count = $count // 9999999; # $count "unendlich" wenn kein COUNT angegeben
$interval = $interval // 1;
$bymonthday = $bymonthday // "";
$byday = $byday // "";
$until = $until // "";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Recurring params - FREQ: $freq, COUNT: $count, INTERVAL: $interval, BYMONTHDAY: $bymonthday, BYDAY: $byday, UNTIL: $until");
$count--; # Korrektur Anzahl Wiederholungen, COUNT ist Gesamtzahl der Ausführungen !
if ($freq eq "YEARLY") { # jährliche Wiederholung
for ($ci=-1; $ci<($count*$interval); $ci+=$interval) {
$byear += ($ci>=0?1:0);
$eyear += ($ci>=0?1:0);
$nbtime =~ s/://gx;
$netime =~ s/://gx;
my $dtstart = $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime;
($bi,undef,$nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Beginn des Wiederholungsevents
($ei,undef,$nedate,$netime,$nets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $eyear.$emonth.$emday."T".$netime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Ende des Wiederholungsevents
Log3($name, 5, "$name - YEARLY event - Begin: $nbdate $nbtime, End: $nedate $netime");
($ignore, $done, $n, $next) = evalTimeAndWrite ({ recurring => 'YEARLY',
name => $name,
excl => $excl,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
newbdate => $nbdate,
begintime => $btime,
newbtime => $nbtime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
newedate => $nedate,
endtime => $etime,
newetime => $netime,
endts => $ets,
newendts => $nets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
untilts => $uets,
newbegints => $nbts,
tstart => $tstart,
tend => $tend,
until => $until,
uid => $uid
next if($next);
last if((defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) || $nbts > $tend);
if ($freq eq "MONTHLY") { # monatliche Wiederholung
if ($bymonthday) { # Wiederholungseigenschaft am Tag X des Monats
for ($ci=-1; $ci<($count*$interval); $ci+=$interval) {
$bmonth += $interval if($ci>=0);
$byear += int( $bmonth/13);
$bmonth %= 12 if($bmonth>12);
$bmonth = sprintf("%02d", $bmonth);
$emonth += $interval if($ci>=0);
$eyear += int( $emonth/13);
$emonth %= 12 if($emonth>12);
$emonth = sprintf("%02d", $emonth);
$nbtime =~ s/://gx;
$netime =~ s/://gx;
my $dtstart = $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime;
($bi,undef,$nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Beginn des Wiederholungsevents
($ei,undef,$nedate,$netime,$nets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $eyear.$emonth.$emday."T".$netime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Ende des Wiederholungsevents
Log3($name, 5, "$name - MONTHLY event - Begin: $nbdate $nbtime, End: $nedate $netime");
($ignore, $done, $n, $next) = evalTimeAndWrite ({ recurring => 'MONTHLY',
name => $name,
excl => $excl,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
newbdate => $nbdate,
begintime => $btime,
newbtime => $nbtime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
newedate => $nedate,
endtime => $etime,
newetime => $netime,
endts => $ets,
newendts => $nets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
untilts => $uets,
newbegints => $nbts,
tstart => $tstart,
tend => $tend,
until => $until,
uid => $uid
next if($next);
last if((defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) || $nbts > $tend);
if ($byday) { # Wiederholungseigenschaft -> Wochentag z.B. 2WE,-1SU,4FR (kann auch Liste bei WEEKLY sein)
my ($nbhh,$nbmm,$nbss,$nehh,$nemm,$ness,$numOfRatedDay,$rDaysToAddOrSub,$rNewTime);
my @ByDays = split ",", $byday; # Array der Wiederholungstage
for my $rByDay (@ByDays) {
my $rByDayLength = length($rByDay); # die Länge des Strings
my $rDayStr; # Tag auf den das Datum gesetzt werden soll
my $rDayInterval; # z.B. 2 = 2nd Tag des Monats oder -1 = letzter Tag des Monats
if ($rByDayLength > 2) {
$rDayStr = substr($rByDay, -2);
$rDayInterval = int(substr($rByDay, 0, $rByDayLength - 2));
else {
$rDayStr = $rByDay;
$rDayInterval = 1;
my $numOfAppointmentDay = _weekdayNumber ($rDayStr); # liefert Nr des Wochentages: SU = 0 ... SA = 6
for ($ci=-1; $ci<($count); $ci++) {
if ($rDayInterval > 0) { # Angabe "jeder x Wochentag" ist positiv (-2 wäre z.B. vom Ende des Monats zu zähelen)
$bmonth += $interval if($ci>=0);
$byear += int( $bmonth/13);
$bmonth %= 12 if($bmonth>12);
$bmonth = sprintf("%02d", $bmonth);
($nbhh,$nbmm,$nbss) = split ":", $nbtime;
my $firstOfNextMonth = fhemTimeLocal($nbss, $nbmm, $nbhh, 1, $bmonth-1, $byear-1900);
($nbss, $nbmm, $nbhh, $bmday, $bmonth, $byear, $numOfRatedDay, undef, undef) = localtime($firstOfNextMonth); # den 1. des Monats sowie die dazu gehörige Nr. des Wochentages
if ($numOfRatedDay <= $numOfAppointmentDay) { # Nr Wochentag des 1. des Monats <= als Wiederholungstag
$rDaysToAddOrSub = $numOfAppointmentDay - $numOfRatedDay;
else {
$rDaysToAddOrSub = 7 - $numOfRatedDay + $numOfAppointmentDay;
$rDaysToAddOrSub += (7 * ($rDayInterval - 1)); # addiere Tagesintervall, z.B. 4th Freitag ...
$rNewTime = plusNSeconds($firstOfNextMonth, 86400*$rDaysToAddOrSub, 1);
($nbss,$nbmm,$nbhh,$bmday,$bmonth,$byear,$ness,$nemm,$nehh,$emday,$emonth,$eyear) = DTfromStartandDiff ($rNewTime,$startEndDiff);
else {
Log3($name, 2, "$name - WARNING - negative values for BYDAY are currently not implemented and will be ignored");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
$nbtime = $nbhh.$nbmm.$nbss;
$netime = $nehh.$nemm.$ness;
my $dtstart = $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime;
($bi,undef,$nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Beginn des Wiederholungsevents
($ei,undef,$nedate,$netime,$nets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $eyear.$emonth.$emday."T".$netime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Ende des Wiederholungsevents
Log3($name, 5, "$name - MONTHLY event - Begin: $nbdate $nbtime, End: $nedate $netime");
($ignore, $done, $n, $next) = evalTimeAndWrite ({ recurring => 'MONTHLY',
name => $name,
excl => $excl,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
newbdate => $nbdate,
begintime => $btime,
newbtime => $nbtime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
newedate => $nedate,
endtime => $etime,
newetime => $netime,
endts => $ets,
newendts => $nets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
untilts => $uets,
newbegints => $nbts,
tstart => $tstart,
tend => $tend,
until => $until,
uid => $uid
next if($next);
last if((defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) || $nbts > $tend);
if ($freq eq "WEEKLY") { # wöchentliche Wiederholung
if ($byday) { # Wiederholungseigenschaft -> Wochentag z.B. 2WE,-1SU,4FR (kann auch Liste bei WEEKLY sein)
my ($nbhh,$nbmm,$nbss,$nehh,$nemm,$ness,$rNewTime);
my ($numOfRatedDay,$rDaysToAddOrSub);
my @ByDays = split ",", $byday; # Array der Wiederholungstage
my $btsstart = $bts;
$ci = -1;
while ($ci<$count) {
$rNewTime = $btsstart;
for my $rByDay (@ByDays) {
my $numOfAppointmentDay = _weekdayNumber ($rByDay); # liefert Nr des Wochentages: SU = 0 ... SA = 6
($nbss, $nbmm, $nbhh, $bmday, $bmonth, $byear, $numOfRatedDay, undef, undef) = localtime($rNewTime);
($nbhh,$nbmm,$nbss) = split ":", $nbtime;
if ($numOfRatedDay <= $numOfAppointmentDay) { # Nr nächster Wochentag <= Planwochentag
$rDaysToAddOrSub = $numOfAppointmentDay - $numOfRatedDay;
else {
$rDaysToAddOrSub = - $numOfRatedDay + $numOfAppointmentDay + (7 * ($interval-1));
$rNewTime = plusNSeconds($rNewTime, 86400 * $rDaysToAddOrSub, 1);
($nbss,$nbmm,$nbhh,$bmday,$bmonth,$byear,$ness,$nemm,$nehh,$emday,$emonth,$eyear) = DTfromStartandDiff ($rNewTime,$startEndDiff);
$nbtime = $nbhh.$nbmm.$nbss;
$netime = $nehh.$nemm.$ness;
my $dtstart = $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime;
($bi,undef,$nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Beginn des Wiederholungsevents
($ei,undef,$nedate,$netime,$nets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $eyear.$emonth.$emday."T".$netime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Ende des Wiederholungsevents
Log3($name, 5, "$name - WEEKLY event - Begin: $nbdate $nbtime, End: $nedate $netime");
($ignore, $done, $n, $next) = evalTimeAndWrite ({ recurring => 'WEEKLY',
name => $name,
excl => $excl,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
newbdate => $nbdate,
begintime => $btime,
newbtime => $nbtime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
newedate => $nedate,
endtime => $etime,
newetime => $netime,
endts => $ets,
newendts => $nets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
untilts => $uets,
newbegints => $nbts,
tstart => $tstart,
tend => $tend,
until => $until,
uid => $uid
next if($next);
last if((defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) || $nbts > $tend);
last if((defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) || $nbts > $tend);
$btsstart += (7 * 86400 * $interval); # addiere Tagesintervall, z.B. 4th Freitag ...
else {
my ($nbhh,$nbmm,$nbss,$nehh,$nemm,$ness);
my $rNewTime = $bts;
for ($ci=-1; $ci<($count*$interval); $ci+=$interval) {
$rNewTime += $interval*604800 if($ci>=0); # Wochenintervall addieren
($nbss,$nbmm,$nbhh,$bmday,$bmonth,$byear,$ness,$nemm,$nehh,$emday,$emonth,$eyear) = DTfromStartandDiff ($rNewTime,$startEndDiff);
$nbtime = $nbhh.$nbmm.$nbss;
$netime = $nehh.$nemm.$ness;
my $dtstart = $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime;
($bi,undef,$nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Beginn des Wiederholungsevents
($ei,undef,$nedate,$netime,$nets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $eyear.$emonth.$emday."T".$netime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Ende des Wiederholungsevents
Log3($name, 5, "$name - WEEKLY event - Begin: $nbdate $nbtime, End: $nedate $netime");
($ignore, $done, $n, $next) = evalTimeAndWrite ({ recurring => 'WEEKLY',
name => $name,
excl => $excl,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
newbdate => $nbdate,
begintime => $btime,
newbtime => $nbtime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
newedate => $nedate,
endtime => $etime,
newetime => $netime,
endts => $ets,
newendts => $nets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
untilts => $uets,
newbegints => $nbts,
tstart => $tstart,
tend => $tend,
until => $until,
uid => $uid
next if($next);
last if((defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) || $nbts > $tend);
if ($freq eq "DAILY") { # tägliche Wiederholung
my ($nbhh,$nbmm,$nbss,$nehh,$nemm,$ness);
for ($ci=-1; $ci<($count*$interval); $ci+=$interval) {
$bts += 86400*$interval if($ci>=0);
($nbss,$nbmm,$nbhh,$bmday,$bmonth,$byear,$ness,$nemm,$nehh,$emday,$emonth,$eyear) = DTfromStartandDiff ($bts,$startEndDiff);
$nbtime = $nbhh.$nbmm.$nbss;
$netime = $nehh.$nemm.$ness;
my $dtstart = $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime;
($bi,undef,$nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $byear.$bmonth.$bmday."T".$nbtime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Beginn des Wiederholungsevents
($ei,undef,$nedate,$netime,$nets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $eyear.$emonth.$emday."T".$netime, 0, $uid, $dtstart); # Ende des Wiederholungsevents
Log3($name, 5, "$name - DAILY event - Begin: $nbdate $nbtime, End: $nedate $netime");
($ignore, $done, $n, $next) = evalTimeAndWrite ({ recurring => 'DAILY',
name => $name,
excl => $excl,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
newbdate => $nbdate,
begintime => $btime,
newbtime => $nbtime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
newedate => $nedate,
endtime => $etime,
newetime => $netime,
endts => $ets,
newendts => $nets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
untilts => $uets,
newbegints => $nbts,
tstart => $tstart,
tend => $tend,
until => $until,
uid => $uid
next if($next);
last if((defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) || $nbts > $tend);
if ($ignore == 1) {
if(!$done) { # für Testzwecke mit $ignore = 0 und $done = 0
$bdate = $nbdate ? $nbdate : $bdate;
$btime = $nbtime ? $nbtime : $btime;
$bts = $nbts ? $nbts : $bts;
$edate = $nedate ? $nedate : $edate;
$etime = $netime ? $netime : $etime;
$ets = $nets ? $nets : $ets;
writeValuesToArray ({ name => $name,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
begintime => $btime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
endtime => $etime,
endts => $ets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
uid => $uid
# encoding result
my $rowlist = join('_ESC_', @row_array);
$rowlist = encode_base64($rowlist,"");
return "$name|$rowlist" if($am); # asynchroner Mode mit BlockingCall
return createReadings ("$name|$rowlist"); # synchoner Mode
# liefert Nr eines gegebenen Wochentages, z.B. SU = 0 ... SA = 6
sub _weekdayNumber {
my $dayString = shift;
my @weekdays = qw(SU MO TU WE TH FR SA);
my ($weekdayNum) = grep {$weekdays[$_] eq $dayString} 0..$#weekdays;
return $weekdayNum;
# Extrahiert empfangene Tasks aus ToDo-Kalender (Aufgabenliste)
sub extractToDolist { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $data = delete $hash->{eventlist};
my $am = AttrVal($name, "asyncMode", 0);
my ($val,$tz,$td,$d,$t,$uts);
my ($bdate,$btime,$bts,$edate,$etime,$ets,$ci,$bi,$ei,$startEndDiff,$excl);
my ($nbdate,$nbtime,$nbts,$nedate,$netime,$nets);
my @row_array;
my (undef,$tstart,$tend) = timeEdge($name); # Sollstart- und Sollendezeit der Kalenderereignisse ermitteln
my $datetimestart = FmtDateTime($tstart);
my $datetimeend = FmtDateTime($tend);
my $n = 0;
for my $key (keys %{$data->{data}}) {
my $i = 0;
while ($data->{data}{$key}[$i]) {
my $ignore = 0;
my $done = 0;
($nbdate,$nedate) = ("","");
my $uid = $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{ical_uid}; # UID des Events
($bi,$tz,$bdate,$btime,$bts,$excl) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{due}, 0, 0, 0); # Fälligkeit des Tasks (falls gesetzt)
($ei,undef,$edate,$etime,$ets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{due}, 0, 0, 0); # Ende = Fälligkeit des Tasks (falls gesetzt)
if ($bdate && $edate) { # nicht jede Aufgabe hat Date / Time gesetzt
my ($byear, $bmonth, $bmday) = $bdate =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/x;
$nbtime = $btime;
my ($eyear, $emonth, $emday) = $edate =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/x;
$netime = $etime;
if(!$data->{data}{$key}[$i]{is_repeat_evt}) { # einmaliger Task (momentan gibt es keine Wiederholungstasks)
Log3($name, 5, "$name - Single task Begin: $bdate, End: $edate") if($bdate && $edate);
if(($ets && $ets < $tstart) || ($bts && $bts > $tend)) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Ignore single task -> $data->{data}{$key}[$i]{summary} start: $bdate $btime, end: $edate $etime");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
else {
writeValuesToArray ({ name => $name,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
begintime => $btime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
endtime => $etime,
endts => $ets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
uid => $uid
$ignore = 0;
$done = 1;
if ($ignore == 1) {
if(!$done) { # für Testzwecke mit $ignore = 0 und $done = 0
$bdate = $nbdate ? $nbdate : $bdate;
$btime = $nbtime ? $nbtime : $btime;
$bts = $nbts ? $nbts : $bts;
$edate = $nedate ? $nedate : $edate;
$etime = $netime ? $netime : $etime;
$ets = $nets ? $nets : $ets;
writeValuesToArray ({ name => $name,
eventno => $n,
calref => $data->{data}{$key}[$i],
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
begintime => $btime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
endtime => $etime,
endts => $ets,
sumarrayref => \@row_array,
uid => $uid
# encoding result
my $rowlist = join('_ESC_', @row_array);
$rowlist = encode_base64($rowlist,"");
return "$name|$rowlist" if($am); # asynchroner Mode mit BlockingCall
return createReadings ("$name|$rowlist"); # synchoner Mode
# bewertet Zeitgrenzen und excludierende Parameter - ruft Schreiben der Daten in Ergebnis
# Array auf wenn Prüfung positiv
sub evalTimeAndWrite {
my ($argref) = @_;
my $name = $argref->{name};
my $n = $argref->{eventno};
my $calref = $argref->{calref};
my $excl = $argref->{excl};
my $tz = $argref->{timezone};
my $bdate = $argref->{begindate};
my $nbdate = $argref->{newbdate};
my $btime = $argref->{begintime};
my $nbtime = $argref->{newbtime};
my $bts = $argref->{begints};
my $edate = $argref->{enddate};
my $nedate = $argref->{newedate};
my $etime = $argref->{endtime};
my $netime = $argref->{newetime};
my $ets = $argref->{endts};
my $uets = $argref->{untilts};
my $nbts = $argref->{newbegints};
my $tstart = $argref->{tstart};
my $tend = $argref->{tend};
my $nets = $argref->{newendts};
my $aref = $argref->{sumarrayref};
my $uid = $argref->{uid};
my $recurring = $argref->{recurring};
my $until = $argref->{until};
my $ignore = 0;
my $done = 0;
my $next = 0;
if (defined $uets && ($uets < $nbts)) { # Event Ende (UNTIL) kleiner aktueller Select Start
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Ignore ".$recurring." event - UNTIL out of time LIMIT (".$calref->{summary}." , start: $nbdate $nbtime, end: $nedate $netime, until: $until)");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
elsif ($nets < $tstart || $nbts > $tend) { # Event Ende kleiner Select Start oder Beginn Event größer als Select Ende
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Ignore ".$recurring." event - out of selected time LIMITS (".$calref->{summary}." , start: $nbdate $nbtime, end: $nedate $netime)");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
elsif ($nbts < $bts) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Ignore ".$recurring." event - calculated BEGIN is before DTSTART (".$calref->{summary}." , start: $nbdate $nbtime, end: $nedate $netime)");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
elsif ($excl) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ".$recurring." recurring event - is DELETED (".$calref->{summary}." , start: $nbdate $nbtime, end: $nedate $netime)");
$ignore = 1;
$done = 0;
else {
$bdate = $nbdate // $bdate;
$btime = $nbtime // $btime;
$bts = $nbts // $bts;
$edate = $nedate // $edate;
$etime = $netime // $etime;
$ets = $nets // $ets;
writeValuesToArray ({ name => $name,
eventno => $n,
calref => $calref,
timezone => $tz,
begindate => $bdate,
begintime => $btime,
begints => $bts,
enddate => $edate,
endtime => $etime,
endts => $ets,
sumarrayref => $aref,
uid => $uid
$ignore = 0;
$done = 1;
$next = 1;
return ($ignore, $done, $n, $next);
# schreibe Key/Value Pairs in zentrales Valuearray zur Readingerstellung
# $n = Zusatz f. lfd. Nr. zur Unterscheidung exakt
# zeitgleicher Events
# $vh = Referenz zum Kalenderdatenhash
# $aref = Rferenz zum Ergebnisarray
# $uid = UID des Ereignisses als Schlüssel im VCALENDER Hash
# (Berechnung der Vorwarnzeitenzeiten)
# Ergebisarray Aufbau:
# 0 1 2
# (Index aus BeginTimestamp + lfNr) , (Blockindex_Reading) , (Wert)
sub writeValuesToArray { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($argref) = @_;
my $name = $argref->{name};
my $n = $argref->{eventno};
my $vh = $argref->{calref};
my $tz = $argref->{timezone};
my $bdate = $argref->{begindate};
my $btime = $argref->{begintime};
my $bts = $argref->{begints};
my $edate = $argref->{enddate};
my $etime = $argref->{endtime};
my $ets = $argref->{endts};
my $aref = $argref->{sumarrayref};
my $uid = $argref->{uid};
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $lang = AttrVal("global", "language", "EN");
my $ts = time(); # Istzeit Timestamp
my $om = $hash->{OPMODE}; # aktuelle Operation Mode
my $status = "initialized";
my ($val,$uts,$td,$dleft,$bWday,$chts);
my ($upcoming,$alarmed,$started,$ended) = (0,0,0,0);
$upcoming = isUpcoming ($ts,0,$bts); # initiales upcoming
$started = isStarted ($ts,$bts,$ets);
$ended = isEnded ($ts,$ets);
if($bdate && $btime) {
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 05_Begin " .$bdate." ".$btime."\n");
my ($ny,$nm,$nd,undef) = split(/[\s-]/x, TimeNow()); # Datum Jetzt
my ($by,$bm,$bd) = split("-", $bdate); # Beginn Datum
my $ntimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $nd, $nm-1, $ny-1900);
my $btimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $bd, $bm-1, $by-1900);
if($btimes >= $ntimes) {
$dleft = int(($btimes - $ntimes)/86400);
my @days;
(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $bWday, undef, undef) = localtime($btimes);
if($lang eq "DE") {
@days = qw(Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag);
else {
@days = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
$bWday = $days[$bWday];
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 10_End " .$edate." ".$etime."\n") if($edate && $etime);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 15_Timezone " .$tz."\n") if($tz);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 20_daysLeft " .$dleft."\n") if(defined $dleft);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 25_daysLeftLong " ."in ".$dleft." Tagen\n") if(defined $dleft);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 30_Weekday " .$bWday."\n") if(defined $bWday);
# Vorwarnzeiten für veränderte Serientermine korrigieren/anpassen
my $origdtstart = strftime "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", localtime($bts);
my $isRecurrence = 0;
my $isAlldaychanded; # 0 -> Ganztagsevent wurde in Serienelement geändert in kein Ganztagsevent
for (keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{RECURRENCEID}}) { # $isRecurrence = 1 setzen wenn für die aktuelle Originalstartzeit ($bts) eine RECURRENCEID vorliegt -> Veränderung ist vorhanden
next if(!$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{RECURRENCEID}{$_});
$isRecurrence = 1 if($data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{RECURRENCEID}{$_} eq $origdtstart);
my $l = length (keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{TIMEVALUE}}); # Anzahl Stellen (Länge) des aktuellen VALM TIMEVALUE Hashes
my $ens = 0;
for (keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{TIMEVALUE}}) {
my $z = $_;
$val = encode("UTF-8", $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{TIMEVALUE}{$z});
if(!$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{RECURRENCEID}{$z} && !$isRecurrence) { # wenn keine Veränderung vorhanden ist ({RECURRENCEID}{index}=undef) gelten die Erinnerungszeiten Standarderinnerungszeiten
($uts,$td) = evtNotTime ($name,$val,$bts);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 80_".sprintf("%0$l.0f", $ens)."_notifyDateTime " .$td."\n");
$alarmed = isAlarmed ($ts,$uts,$bts) if(!$alarmed);
elsif ($data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{RECURRENCEID}{$z} &&
$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{VALM}{RECURRENCEID}{$z} eq $origdtstart) {
my ($y, $m, $d) = $bdate =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/x; # Timestamp für Berechnung Erinnerungszeit Begindatum/Zeit ...
my ($h, $mi, $s) = $btime =~ /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/x;
eval { $chts = fhemTimeLocal($s, $mi, $h, $d, $m-1, $y-1900); # ... neu aus bdate/btime ableiten wegen Änderung durch Recurrance-id
} or do {
my $err = (split(" at", $@))[0];
Log3($name, 3, "$name - ERROR - invalid date/time format in 'writeValuesToArray' detected: $err ");
($uts,$td) = evtNotTime ($name,$val,$chts);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 80_".sprintf("%0$l.0f", $ens)."_notifyDateTime " .$td."\n");
$alarmed = isAlarmed ($ts,$uts,$chts) if(!$alarmed);
$isAlldaychanded = 0;
# restliche Keys extrahieren
for my $p (keys %{$vh}) {
$vh->{$p} = "" if(!defined $vh->{$p});
$vh->{$p} = jboolmap ($vh->{$p}, "bin"); # boolsche Werte binär dekodieren
next if($vh->{$p} eq "");
$val = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p});
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 01_Summary " .$val."\n") if($p eq "summary");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 03_Description " .$val."\n") if($p eq "description");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 35_Location " .$val."\n") if($p eq "location");
if($p eq "gps") {
my ($address,$lng,$lat) = ("","","");
for my $r (keys %{$vh->{gps}}) {
$vh->{$p}{$r} = "" if(!defined $vh->{$p}{$r});
next if($vh->{$p}{$r} eq "");
if ($r eq "address") {
$address = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p}{$r}) if($vh->{$p}{$r});
if ($r eq "gps") {
$lng = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p}{$r}{lng});
$lat = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p}{$r}{lat});
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 40_gpsAddress " .$address."\n");
$val = "lat=".$lat.",lng=".$lng;
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 45_gpsCoordinates " .$val."\n");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 50_isAllday " .(defined $isAlldaychanded ? $isAlldaychanded : $val)."\n") if($p eq "is_all_day");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 55_isRepeatEvt " .$val."\n") if($p eq "is_repeat_evt");
if($p eq "due") {
my (undef,undef,$duedate,$duetime,$duets,undef) = explodeDateTime ($hash, $val, 0, 0, 0);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 60_dueDateTime " .$duedate." ".$duetime."\n");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 65_dueTimestamp " .$duets."\n");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 85_percentComplete " .$val."\n") if($p eq "percent_complete" && $om eq "todolist");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 90_calName " .getCalFromId($hash,$val)."\n") if($p eq "original_cal_id");
if($p eq "evt_repeat_setting") {
for my $r (keys %{$vh->{evt_repeat_setting}}) {
$vh->{$p}{$r} = "" if(!defined $vh->{$p}{$r});
next if($vh->{$p}{$r} eq "");
$val = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p}{$r});
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 70_repeatRule ".$val."\n") if($r eq "repeat_rule");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 95_IcalUID " .$val."\n") if($p eq "ical_uid");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 98_EventId " .$val."\n") if($p eq "evt_id");
$status = "upcoming" if($upcoming);
$status = "alarmed" if($alarmed);
$status = "started" if($started);
$status = "ended" if($ended);
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 17_Status " .$status."\n");
push(@$aref, $bts+$n." 99_---------------------- " ."--------------------------------------------------------------------"."\n");
# - füllt zentrales $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist} Valuehash
# - erstellt Readings aus $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}
# - ruft Routine auf um zusätzliche Steuerungsevents zu erstellen
sub createReadings {
my ($string) = @_;
my @a = split("\\|",$string);
my $name = $a[0];
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $rowlist = $a[1] ? decode_base64($a[1]) : "";
my @abnr;
if ($rowlist) {
my @row_array = split("_ESC_", $rowlist);
# zentrales Datenhash füllen (erzeugt dadurch sortierbare Keys)
for my $row (@row_array) {
chomp $row;
my @r = split(" ", $row, 3);
$data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}{$r[0]}{$r[1]} = $r[2];
# Readings der Eventliste erstellen
if($data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}) {
my $l = length(keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}}); # Anzahl Stellen des max. Index ermitteln
$data{SSCal}{$name}{lstUpdtTs} = $hash->{".updateTime"}; # letzte Updatezeit speichern (Unix Format)
my $k = 0;
for my $idx (sort keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}}) {
my $idxstr = sprintf("%0$l.0f", $k); # Blocknummer erstellen
push(@abnr, $idxstr); # Array aller vorhandener Blocknummern erstellen
for my $r (keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}{$idx}}) {
if($r =~ /.*Timestamp$/x) { # Readings mit Unix Timestamps versteckt erstellen
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, ".".$idxstr."_".$r, $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}{$idx}{$r});
else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $idxstr."_".$r, $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}{$idx}{$r});
$k += 1;
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
else {
delReadings($name,0); # alle Kalender-Readings löschen
doCompositeEvents ($name,\@abnr,$data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}); # spezifische Controlevents erstellen
checkSendRetry ($name, 0, $queueStartFn);
$data{SSCal}{$name}{lastUpdate} = FmtDateTime($data{SSCal}{$name}{lstUpdtTs}) if($data{SSCal}{$name}{lstUpdtTs});
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "lastUpdate", FmtTime(time));
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "done");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
delReadings($name,1) if($data{SSCal}{$name}{lstUpdtTs}); # Readings löschen wenn Timestamp nicht "lastUpdate"
if(AttrVal($name, "createATDevs", 0)) {
createAtDevices ($name,\@abnr,$data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}); # automatisch at-Devics mit FHEM/Perl-Kommandos erstellen
# erstellt zusätzliche Steuerungsevents um einfach per Notify
# Gerätesteuerungen aus Kalender einträgen zu generieren
# $abnr - Referenz zum Array aller vorhandener Blocknummern
# $evref - Referenz zum zentralen Valuehash ($data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist})
sub doCompositeEvents {
my ($name,$abnr,$evref) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($summary,$desc,$begin,$status,$isrepeat,$id,$event);
if(@{$abnr}) {
my $nrs = join(" ", @{$abnr});
$event = "compositeBlockNumbers: $nrs";
else {
$event = "compositeBlockNumbers: none";
CommandTrigger(undef, "$name $event");
for my $bnr (@{$abnr}) {
$summary = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_01_Summary", "");
$desc = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_03_Description", "");
$begin = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_05_Begin", "");
$status = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_17_Status", "");
$isrepeat = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_55_isRepeatEvt", 0);
$id = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_98_EventId", "");
$begin =~ s/\s/T/x; # Formatierung nach ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) für at-Device
if($begin) { # einen Composite-Event erstellen wenn Beginnzeit gesetzt ist
$event = "composite: $bnr $id $isrepeat $begin $status ".($desc?$desc:$summary);
CommandTrigger(undef, "$name $event");
# erstellt automatisch AT-Devices aus Kalendereinträgen die FHEM-Befehle oder
# Perl-Routinen in "Description" enthalten.
# FHEM-Befehle sind in { } und Perl-Routinen in {{ }} einzufassen.
# $abnr - Referenz zum Array aller vorhandener Blocknummern
# $evref - Referenz zum zentralen Valuehash ($data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist})
sub createAtDevices {
my ($name,$abnr,$evref) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($desc,$begin,$status,$isrepeat,$id,@devs,$err,$summary,$location);
my $room = AttrVal($name, "room", "");
my $assoc = "";
readingsDelete($hash,".associatedWith"); # Deviceassoziationen löschen
@devs = devspec2array("TYPE=at:FILTER=NAME=SSCal.$name.*");
for (@devs) {
next if(!$defs{$_});
Log3($name, 4, "$name - delete device: $_");
for my $bnr (@{$abnr}) {
$summary = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_01_Summary", "");
$desc = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_03_Description", "");
$begin = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_05_Begin", "");
$status = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_17_Status", "");
$location = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_35_Location", $room); # Location wird als room gesetzt
$id = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_98_EventId", "");
if($begin && $status =~ /upcoming|alarmed/x && $desc =~ /^\s*\{(.*)\}\s*$/xs) { # ein at-Device erstellen wenn Voraussetzungen erfüllt
my $cmd = $1;
$begin =~ s/\s/T/x; # Formatierung nach ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) für at-Devices
my $ao = $begin;
$ao =~ s/[-:]//gx;
my $atn = "SSCal.$name.$id.$ao"; # Name neues at-Device
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Command detected. Create device \"$atn\" with type \"at\".");
$err = CommandDefine(undef, "$atn at $begin $cmd");
if ($err) {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Error during create \"$atn\": $err");
else {
CommandSetReading(undef, "$atn .associatedWith $name");
CommandAttr(undef,"$atn room $location");
CommandAttr(undef,"$atn alias $summary");
CommandAttr(undef,"$atn comment created automatically by SSCal \"$name\" ");
$assoc .= " $atn";
CommandSetReading(undef, "$name .associatedWith $assoc");
# Abbruchroutine BlockingCall
sub blockingTimeout {
my ($hash,$cause) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$cause = $cause?$cause:"Timeout: process terminated";
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name -> BlockingCall $hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{fn} pid:$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid} $cause");
checkSendRetry ($name, 0, $queueStartFn);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", $cause);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "Error");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
# liefert aus Unix Timestamp Beginn $bts und einer Differenz (Sekunden) das Beginn und
# Endedatum in der Form:
# Beginn: SS,MM,HH,Tag(01-31),Monat(01-12),Jahr(YYYY)
# Ende: SS,MM,HH,Tag(01-31),Monat(01-12),Jahr(YYYY)
sub DTfromStartandDiff {
my ($bts,$diff) = @_;
my ($nbss, $nbmm, $nbhh, $bmday, $bmonth, $byear, $bWday, $bYday, $bisdst);
my ($ness, $nemm, $nehh, $emday, $emonth, $eyear, $eWday, $eYday, $eisdst);
($nbss, $nbmm, $nbhh, $bmday, $bmonth, $byear, $bWday, $bYday, $bisdst) = localtime($bts);
$nbss = sprintf("%02d", $nbss);
$nbmm = sprintf("%02d", $nbmm);
$nbhh = sprintf("%02d", $nbhh);
$bmday = sprintf("%02d", $bmday);
$bmonth = sprintf("%02d", $bmonth+1);
$byear += 1900;
($ness, $nemm, $nehh, $emday, $emonth, $eyear, $eWday, $eYday, $eisdst) = localtime($bts+$diff);
$ness = sprintf("%02d", $ness);
$nemm = sprintf("%02d", $nemm);
$nehh = sprintf("%02d", $nehh);
$emday = sprintf("%02d", $emday);
$emonth = sprintf("%02d", $emonth+1);
$eyear += 1900;
return ($nbss,$nbmm,$nbhh,$bmday,$bmonth,$byear,$ness,$nemm,$nehh,$emday,$emonth,$eyear);
# extrahiere Key/Value Paare des VCALENDAR
# $vh = Referenz zum Kalenderdatenhash
# Ergebis Hash:
# {
# '0' => undef,
# '2' => 'TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200222T191500 ',
# '1' => 'TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200219T191500 '
# },
# 'DTSTART' => {
# '0' => 'TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200218T191500',
# '1' => 'TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200219T191800',
# '2' => 'TZID=Europe/Berlin:20200222T192000'
# },
# 'EXDATES' => {
# '1' => undef,
# '2' => undef,
# '0' => '20200221T191500 20200220T191500 '
# },
# 'SEQUENCE' => {
# '0' => '4',
# '2' => '5',
# '1' => '5'
# }
# }
# Auswertung mit $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}
sub extractIcal { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($name,$vh) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my %vcal;
my %valm;
my %icals;
my ($uid,$k,$v,$n);
if($vh->{evt_ical}) {
my @ical = split(/\015\012/x, $vh->{evt_ical});
my $do = 0;
$n = 0;
for (@ical) {
if($_ =~ m/^([-A-Z]*;)/x) {
($k,$v) = split(";", $_, 2);
else {
($k,$v) = split(":", $_, 2);
$v = "" if(!$v);
if("$k:$v" eq "BEGIN:VEVENT") {$do = 1;};
if("$k:$v" eq "END:VEVENT") {$do = 0; $n++;};
if ($do) {
$vcal{$n}{UID} = $v if($k eq "UID");
$vcal{$n}{SEQUENCE} = $v if($k eq "SEQUENCE");
if($k eq "DTSTART") {
$v = icalTimecheck ($name,$v);
$vcal{$n}{DTSTART} = $v;
if($k eq "DTEND") {
$v = icalTimecheck ($name,$v);
$vcal{$n}{DTEND} = $v;
if($k eq "RECURRENCE-ID") {
$v = icalTimecheck ($name,$v);
$vcal{$n}{RECURRENCEID} = $v;
if($k eq "EXDATE") {
$v = icalTimecheck ($name,$v);
$vcal{$n}{EXDATES} .= $v." ";
$n = 0;
while ($vh->{evt_notify_setting}[$n]) {
for (keys %{$vh->{evt_notify_setting}[$n]}) {
if($_ eq "recurrence-id") {
$valm{$n}{RECURRENCEID} = icalTimecheck ($name,$vh->{evt_notify_setting}[$n]{$_});
if($_ eq "time_value") {
$valm{$n}{TIMEVALUE} = $vh->{evt_notify_setting}[$n]{$_};
$n = 0;
# VCALENDER Einträge konsolidieren
while ($vcal{$n}) {
$uid = $vcal{$n}{UID};
$icals{$uid}{SEQUENCE}{$n} = $vcal{$n}{SEQUENCE};
$icals{$uid}{DTSTART}{$n} = $vcal{$n}{DTSTART};
$icals{$uid}{DTEND}{$n} = $vcal{$n}{DTEND};
$icals{$uid}{EXDATES}{$n} = trim($vcal{$n}{EXDATES});
$icals{$uid}{RECURRENCEID}{$n} = $vcal{$n}{RECURRENCEID};
$n = 0;
# VALARM Einträge konsolidieren
$uid = $vh->{ical_uid};
while ($valm{$n}) {
$icals{$uid}{VALM}{RECURRENCEID}{$n} = $valm{$n}{RECURRENCEID};
$icals{$uid}{VALM}{TIMEVALUE}{$n} = $valm{$n}{TIMEVALUE};
$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar} = \%icals; # Achtung: bei asynch Mode ist $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar} nur im BlockingCall verfügbar !!
Log3($name, 5, "$name - VCALENDAR extract of UID \"$uid\":\n".Dumper $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"});
# Checked und korrigiert Zeitformate aus VCALENDAR um sie mit API-Werten vergleichbar
# zu machen
sub icalTimecheck {
my $name = shift;
my $v = shift;
return if(!$v);
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$zulu,$tstamp,$d,$t,$isdst,$tz);
$zulu = 0;
$v = (split(":", $v))[-1] if($v =~ /:/x);
$zulu = 3600 if($v =~ /Z$/x); # Zulu-Zeit wenn EXDATE mit "Z" endet -> +1 Stunde
($d,$t) = split("T", $v);
$year = substr($d,0,4);
$month = substr($d,4,2);
$mday = substr($d,6,2);
if($t) {
$hour = substr($t,0,2);
$min = substr($t,2,2);
$sec = substr($t,4,2);
$t = $hour.$min.$sec;
else {
$hour = "00";
$min = "00";
$sec = "00";
eval { $tstamp = fhemTimeLocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month-1, $year-1900);
} or do {
my $err = (split(" at", $@))[0];
Log3($name, 3, "$name - ERROR - invalid date/time format in 'icalTimecheck' detected: $err ");
$isdst = (localtime($tstamp))[8];
$zulu = 7200 if($isdst && $zulu); # wenn Sommerzeit und Zulu-Zeit -> +1 Stunde
$tstamp += $zulu;
$v = strftime "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", localtime($tstamp);
return $v;
# Ist Event bevorstehend ?
# Rückkehrwert 1 wenn aktueller Timestamp $ts vor Alarmzeit $ats und vor Startzeit $bts,
# sonst 0
sub isUpcoming {
my ($ts,$ats,$bts) = @_;
if($ats) {
return $ts < $ats ? 1 : 0;
else {
return $ts < $bts ? 1 : 0;
# Ist Event Alarmzeit erreicht ?
# Rückkehrwert 1 wenn aktueller Timestamp $ts zwischen Alarmzeit $ats und Startzeit $bts,
# sonst 0
sub isAlarmed {
my ($ts,$ats,$bts) = @_;
return $ats ? (($ats <= $ts && $ts < $bts) ? 1 : 0) : 0;
# Ist Event gestartet ?
# Rückkehrwert 1 wenn aktueller Timestamp $ts zwischen Startzeit $bts und Endezeit $ets,
# sonst 0
sub isStarted {
my ($ts,$bts,$ets) = @_;
return 0 unless($bts);
return 0 if($ts < $bts);
if(defined($ets)) {
return 0 if($ts >= $ets);
return 1;
# Ist Event beendet ?
# Rückkehrwert 1 wenn aktueller Timestamp $ts größer Endezeit $ets,
# sonst 0
sub isEnded {
my ($ts,$ets) = @_;
return 0 unless($ets && $ts);
return $ets <= $ts ? 1 : 0;
# check SID
sub checkSID {
my $name = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
# SID holen bzw. login
my $subref = \&calOp;
if(!$hash->{HELPER}{SID}) {
Log3($name, 3, "$name - no session ID found - get new one");
login($hash, $data{SSCal}{$name}{calapi}, $subref, $name, $splitstr);
return calOp($name);
# Start- und Endezeit ermitteln
sub timeEdge {
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($error,$t1,$t2) = ("","","");
my ($mday,$mon,$year);
my $t = time();
my $corr = 86400; # Korrekturbetrag
my $cutOlderDays = AttrVal($name, "cutOlderDays", 5)."d";
my $cutLaterDays = AttrVal($name, "cutLaterDays", 5)."d";
# start of time window
($error,$t1) = GetSecondsFromTimeSpec($cutOlderDays);
if($error) {
Log3 $hash, 2, "$name: attribute cutOlderDays: $error";
return ($error,"","");
else {
$t1 = $t-$t1;
(undef,undef,undef,$mday,$mon,$year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime($t1); # Istzeit Ableitung
$t1 = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $mday, $mon, $year);
# end of time window
($error,$t2) = GetSecondsFromTimeSpec($cutLaterDays);
if($error) {
Log3 $hash, 2, "$name: attribute cutLaterDays: $error";
return ($error,"","");
else {
$t2 = $t+$t2+$corr;
(undef,undef,undef,$mday,$mon,$year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime($t2); # Istzeit Ableitung
$t2 = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $mday, $mon, $year);
return ("",$t1,$t2);
# Erinnerungstermin relativ zur Beginnzeit $bts ermitteln
# Alarmformat: 'time_value' => '-P2D'
# 'time_value' => '-PT1H'
# 'time_value' => '-PT5M'
# 'time_value' => 'PT0S'
# 'time_value' => 'PT6H'
# 'time_value' => '-P1DT15H'
# Rückgabe: $uts: Unix-Timestamp
# $ts: Timstamp als YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
sub evtNotTime {
my ($name,$tv,$bts) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($uts,$ts) = ("","");
my ($corr);
return ("","") if(!$tv || !$bts);
if($tv =~ /^-P(\d)+D$/x) {
$corr = -1*$1*86400;
elsif ($tv =~ /^-PT(\d+)H$/x) {
$corr = -1*$1*3600;
elsif ($tv =~ /^-PT(\d+)M$/x) {
$corr = -1*$1*60;
elsif ($tv =~ /^PT(\d+)S$/x) {
$corr = $1;
elsif ($tv =~ /^PT(\d+)M$/x) {
$corr = $1*60;
elsif ($tv =~ /^PT(\d+)H$/x) {
$corr = $1*3600;
elsif ($tv =~ /^-P(\d)+DT(\d+)H$/x) {
$corr = -1*($1*86400 + $2*3600);
if(defined $corr) {
$uts = $bts+$corr;
$ts = FmtDateTime($uts);
return ($uts,$ts);
# Unix timestamp aus Zeitdifferenz berechnen
sub GetSecondsFromTimeSpec {
my ($tspec) = @_;
# days
if($tspec =~ m/^([0-9]+)d$/x) {
return ("", $1*86400);
# seconds
if($tspec =~ m/^([0-9]+)s?$/x) {
return ("", $1);
if($tspec =~ m/^([0-9]+):([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$/x) {
return ("", $4+60*($3+60*($2+24*$1)));
if($tspec =~ m/^([0-9]+):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$/x) {
return ("", $3+60*($2+(60*$1)));
if($tspec =~ m/^([0-9]+):([0-5][0-9])$/x) {
return ("", 60*($2+60*$1));
return ("Wrong time specification $tspec", undef);
# Kalendername aus Kalender-Id liefern
sub getCalFromId {
my ($hash,$cid) = @_;
my $cal = "";
$cid = trim($cid);
for my $calname (keys %{$hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}}) {
my $oid = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$calname"}{id};
next if(!$oid);
$oid = trim($oid);
if($oid eq $cid) {
$cal = $calname;
return $cal;
# addiert Anzahl ($n) Sekunden ($s) zu $t1
sub plusNSeconds {
my ($t1, $s, $n) = @_;
$n = 1 unless defined($n);
my $t2 = $t1+$n*$s;
return $t2;
# Datum/Zeit extrahieren
# Eingangsformat: TZID=Europe/Berlin:20191216T133000 oder
# 20191216T133000
# Rückgabe: invalid, Zeitzone, Date(YYYY-MM-DD), Time (HH:MM:SS), UnixTimestamp
# (invalid =1 wenn Datum ungültig, ist nach RFC 5545 diese Wiederholung
# zu ignorieren und auch nicht zu zählen !)
# $dtstart: man benötigt originales DTSTART für den Vergleich bei Recurring Terminen
sub explodeDateTime { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($hash,$dt,$isallday,$uid,$dtstart) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($tz,$t) = ("","");
my ($d,$tstamp) = ("",0);
my $invalid = 0;
my $corrsec = 0; # Korrektursekunde
my $excl = 0; # 1 wenn der Eintrag exkludiert werden soll
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$checkbegin,$changed,$changet,$changedt,$z);
return ($invalid,$tz,$d,$t,$tstamp,$excl) if(!$dt);
$corrsec = 1 if($isallday); # wenn Ganztagsevent, Endetermin um 1 Sekunde verkürzen damit Termin am selben Tag 23:59:59 endet (sonst Folgetag 00:00:00)
if($dt =~ /^TZID=.*$/x) {
($tz,$dt) = split(":", $dt);
$tz = (split("=", $tz))[1];
if($dtstart) {
$dtstart = (split(":", $dtstart))[-1] if($dtstart =~ /:/x);
# check ob recurring date excluded werden muss (Serienelement gelöscht)
my $exdates = $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{EXDATES}{0};
my %seen;
if($exdates) {
my @exd = split(" ", $exdates);
# grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @exd;
for (@exd) { $seen{$_}++ if(!$seen{$_}) };
$excl = 1 if($seen{$dtstart}); # check erfolgreich -> exclude recurring date weil (Serienelement gelöscht)
# prüfen ob Serienelement verändert wurde
if($dt eq $dtstart) {
$checkbegin = 1
else {
$checkbegin = 0
if ($checkbegin) {
# prüfen ob DTSTART verändert
for (keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{RECURRENCEID}}) {
next if(!$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{RECURRENCEID}{$_});
$z = $_ if($data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{RECURRENCEID}{$_} eq $dtstart);
if($z) {
$changedt = $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{DTSTART}{$z};
my ($y, $m, $dd, $h, $mi, $s) = $changedt =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})T(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/x;
$changed = $y."-".$m."-".$dd; # einmalig geändertes Datum
$changet = $h.":".$mi.":".$s; # einmalig geänderte Zeit
else { # prüfen ob DTEND verändert
for (keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{RECURRENCEID}}) {
next if(!$data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{RECURRENCEID}{$_});
$z = $_ if($data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{RECURRENCEID}{$_} eq $dtstart);
if($z) {
$changedt = $data{SSCal}{$name}{vcalendar}{"$uid"}{DTEND}{$z};
my ($y, $m, $dd, $h, $mi, $s) = $changedt =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})T(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/x;
$changed = $y."-".$m."-".$dd; # einmalig geändertes Datum
$changet = $h.":".$mi.":".$s; # einmalig geänderte Zeit
($d,$t) = split("T", $dt);
$year = substr($d,0,4);
$month = substr($d,4,2);
$mday = substr($d,6,2);
$d = $year."-".$month."-".$mday;
if($t) {
$hour = substr($t,0,2);
$min = substr($t,2,2);
$sec = substr($t,4,2);
$t = $hour.":".$min.":".$sec;
else {
$hour = "00";
$min = "00";
$sec = "00";
$t = "00:00:00";
unless ( ($d." ".$t) =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/x) {
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - invalid DateTime format for explodeDateTime: $d $t");
if ($corrsec) { # Termin um 1 Sekunde verkürzen damit Termin am selben Tag 23:59:59 endet (sonst Folgetag 00:00:00)
eval { $tstamp = fhemTimeLocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month-1, $year-1900);
} or do {
my $err = (split(" at", $@))[0];
Log3($name, 3, "$name - WARNING - invalid date/time format detected: $err. It will be ignored.");
$invalid = 1;
if(!$invalid) {
$tstamp -= $corrsec;
my $nt = FmtDateTime($tstamp);
($year, $month, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec) = $nt =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/x;
$d = $year."-".$month."-".$mday;
$t = $hour.":".$min.":".$sec;
eval { $tstamp = fhemTimeLocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month-1, $year-1900);
} or do {
my $err = (split(" at", $@))[0];
Log3($name, 3, "$name - WARNING - invalid format of recurring event: $err. It will be ignored due to RFC 5545 standard.");
$invalid = 1;
$d = $changed // $d; # mit einmalig geänderten Datum ersetzen
$t = $changet // $t; # mit einmalig geänderter Zeit ersetzen
return ($invalid,$tz,$d,$t,$tstamp,$excl);
# Kalenderliste als HTML-Tabelle zurückgeben
sub calAsHtml { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($name,$FW_wname) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $lang = AttrVal("global", "language", "EN");
my $mi = AttrVal($name, "tableColumnMap", "icon");
my ($symbol,$begin,$begind,$begint,$end,$endd,$endt,$summary,$location,$status,$desc,$gps,$gpsa,$gpsc);
my ($di,$cal,$completion,$tz,$dleft,$dleftlong,$weekday,$edleft,$id,$isallday);
my ($colSymbolAlign,$colBeginAlign,$colEndAlign,$colDayAlign,$colDLongAlign,$colWeekdayAlign,$colTzAlign,$colSummaryAlign,$colDescAlign,$colStatusAlign,$colCompAlign,$colLocAlign,$colMapAlign,$colCalAlign,$colIdAlign);
# alle Readings in Array einlesen
my @allrds = keys%{$defs{$name}{READINGS}};
# Sprachsteuerung
my $de = 0;
if($lang eq "DE") {$de = 1};
# Entscheidung ob Tabelle für Small Screen optimiert
my $small = 0;
if ($FW_wname && $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{smallScreenStyles}) { # Aufruf durch FHEMWEB und smallScreen-Eigenschaft gesetzt
my %specs;
my $FW_style = AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "default");
my @scspecs = split(",", $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{smallScreenStyles}); # Eigenschaft smallScreen in Array lesen
# grep { !$specs{$_}++ } @scspecs;
for (@scspecs) { $specs{$_}++ if(!$specs{$_}) };
$small = 1 if($specs{$FW_style}); # Tabelle für small-Style anpassen
# Auswahl der darzustellenden Tabellenfelder
my %seen;
my @cof = split(",", AttrVal($name, "tableFields", "Begin,End,Summary,Status,Location"));
grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @cof;
# Gestaltung Headerzeile
my $nohead = 0; # Unterdrückung Anzeige Headerzeile: 0 - nein, 1 - Ja
eval { $nohead = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $nohead,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{noHeader},
bnr => "",
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "string"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"cellStyle\": $@");
my $headalign = "center"; # Ausrichtung der Headerzeile, default: center
eval { $headalign = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $headalign,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{headerAlign},
bnr => "",
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "string"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"cellStyle\": $@");
$headalign = "cal".$headalign;
# Tabelle erstellen
my $out = "<html>";
$out .= "<style>TD.cal {padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; border-spacing:5px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}</style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calbold {font-weight: bold;} </style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calright {text-align: right;} </style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calleft {text-align: left;} </style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calcenter {text-align: center;} </style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calw150 {width: 150px;} </style>";
# Wenn Table class=block alleine steht, zieht es bei manchen Styles die Ausgabe auf 100% Seitenbreite
# lässt sich durch einbetten in eine zusätzliche Table roomoverview eindämmen
$out .= "<table class='roomoverview'>";
$out .= "<tr>";
$out .= "<td style='text-align: center; padding-left:1px; padding-right:1px; margin:0px'>";
$out .= "<table class='block'>";
# Tabellenheader
if(!$nohead) {
$out .= "<tr class='odd'>";
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Symbol' :'Symbol')." </td>" if($seen{Symbol});
if ($small) { # nur ein Datumfeld umbrechbar
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Start' :'Begin')." </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Ende' :'End')." </td>" if($seen{End});
else {
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Start' :'Begin')." </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'----' :'----')." </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Ende' :'End')." </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'----' :'----')." </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Resttage' :'Days left')." </td>" if($seen{DaysLeft});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Terminziel' :'Goal')." </td>" if($seen{DaysLeftLong});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Wochentag' :'Weekday')." </td>" if($seen{Weekday});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Zeitzone' :'Timezone')." </td>" if($seen{Timezone});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Zusammenfassung' :'Summary')." </td>" if($seen{Summary});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Beschreibung' :'Description')." </td>" if($seen{Description});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Status' :'State')." </td>" if($seen{Status});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Erfüllung (%)' :'Completion (%)')." </td>" if($seen{Completion});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Ort' :'Location')." </td>" if($seen{Location});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Karte' :'Map')." </td>" if($seen{Map});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'Kalender' :'Calendar')." </td>" if($seen{Calendar});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold $headalign'> ".(($de)?'ID' :'ID')." </td>" if($seen{EventId});
$out .= "</tr>";
my $maxbnr;
for my $key (keys %{$defs{$name}{READINGS}}) {
my ($bno) = $key =~ /^(\d+)_\d+_EventId$/x;
next if(!defined $bno);
$maxbnr = $bno if(!$maxbnr || $bno > $maxbnr);
return "" if(!defined $maxbnr);
my $l = length($maxbnr);
my $k;
for ($k=0;$k<=$maxbnr;$k++) {
my $bnr = sprintf("%0$l.0f", $k); # Prestring erstellen
last if(!ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_98_EventId", "")); # keine Ausgabe wenn es keine EventId mit Blocknummer 0 gibt -> kein Event/Aufgabe vorhanden
($begind,$begint,$endd,$endt,$gps) = ("","","","","");
# Readings auslesen
$summary = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_01_Summary", "");
$desc = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_03_Description", "");
$begin = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_05_Begin", "");
$end = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_10_End", "");
$tz = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_15_Timezone", "");
$status = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_17_Status", "");
$dleft = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_20_daysLeft", "");
$dleftlong = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_25_daysLeftLong", "");
$weekday = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_30_Weekday", "");
$location = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_35_Location", "");
$gpsa = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_40_gpsAddress", "");
$gpsc = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_45_gpsCoordinates", "");
$completion = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_85_percentComplete", "");
$cal = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_90_calName", "");
$id = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_98_EventId", "");
$isallday = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_50_isAllday", "");
if($gpsc) {
my $micon;
if ($mi eq "icon") {
# Karten-Icon auswählen
$di = "it_i-net";
eval { $micon = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $di,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{columnMapIcon},
bnr => $bnr,
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "image"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"columnMapIcon\": $@")
elsif ($mi eq "data") {
$micon = join(" ", split(",", $gpsc));
elsif ($mi eq "text") { # Karten-Text auswählen
my $dt = "link";
eval { $micon = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $dt,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{columnMapText},
bnr => $bnr,
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "string"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"columnMapText\": $@");
else {
$micon = "";
my ($lat,$lng) = split(",", $gpsc);
$lat = (split("=", $lat))[1];
$lng = (split("=", $lng))[1];
# Kartenanbieter auswählen
my $up = "GoogleMaps";
eval { $up = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $up,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{columnMapProvider},
bnr => $bnr,
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "string"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"columnMapProvider\": $@");
if ($up eq "GoogleMaps") { # Kartenprovider: Google Maps
$gps = "<a href='https://www.google.de/maps/place/$gpsa/\@$lat,$lng' target='_blank'> $micon </a>";
elsif ($up eq "OpenStreetMap") {
$gps = "<a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=$lat&mlon=$lng&zoom=14' target='_blank'> $micon </a>"; # Kartenprovider: OpenstreetMap
if($begin ne "") { # Datum sprachabhängig konvertieren bzw. heute/morgen setzen
my ($ny,$nm,$nd,undef) = split(/[\s-]/x, TimeNow()); # Jetzt
my ($by,$bm,$bd,$bt) = split(/[\s-]/x, $begin);
my ($ey,$em,$ed,$et) = split(/[\s-]/x, $end);
my $ntimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $nd, $nm-1, $ny-1900);
my $btimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $bd, $bm-1, $by-1900);
my $etimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $ed, $em-1, $ey-1900);
if($de) {
$begind = "$bd.$bm.$by";
$endd = "$ed.$em.$ey";
else {
$begind = "$by-$bm-$bd";
$endd = "$ey-$em-$ed";
my($a,$b,undef) = split(":", $bt);
$begint = "$a:$b";
my($c,$d,undef) = split(":", $et);
$endt = "$c:$d";
$edleft = "";
if($etimes >= $ntimes) {
$edleft = int(($etimes - $ntimes)/86400);
$begind = (($de)?'heute ':'today ') if($dleft eq "0");
$endd = (($de)?'heute ':'today ') if($edleft eq "0");
$begind = (($de)?'morgen ':'tomorrow ') if($dleft eq "1");
$endd = (($de)?'morgen ':'tomorrow ') if($edleft eq "1");
if (($begind eq $endd) && !$isallday) {
$endd = ""; # bei "Ende" nur Uhrzeit angeben wenn Termin am gleichen Tag beginnt/endet aber kein Ganztagstermin ist
elsif (($begind eq $endd) && $isallday) {
$begint = "";
$endt = "";
# Icon für Spalte Resttage spezifizieren
eval { $dleft = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $dleft,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{columnDaysLeftIcon},
bnr => $bnr,
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "image"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"columnDaysLeftIcon\": $@");
# Icon für Spalte Status spezifizieren
eval { $status = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $status,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{columnStateIcon},
bnr => $bnr,
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "image"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"columnStateIcon\": $@");
# Icon für Spalte "Symbol" bestimmen
$di = ($hash->{MODEL} eq "Diary") ? "time_calendar" : "time_note";
eval { $symbol = evalTableSpecs ( {
href => $hash,
def => $di,
base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{columnSymbolIcon},
bnr => $bnr,
readref => \@allrds,
rdtype => "image"
); 1;
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"columnSymbolIcon\": $@");
# Gestaltung Spaltentext
my $coldefalign = "center"; # Ausrichtung der Spalte, default: center
eval {
$coldefalign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colSymbolAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnSymbolAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colBeginAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnBeginAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colEndAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnEndAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colDayAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnDaysLeftAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colDLongAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnDaysLeftLongAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colWeekdayAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnWeekdayAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colTzAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnTimezoneAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colSummaryAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnSummaryAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colDescAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnDescriptionAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colStatusAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnStatusAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colCompAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnCompletionAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colLocAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnLocationAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colMapAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnMapAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colCalAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnCalendarAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
$colIdAlign = "cal".evalTableSpecs ( {href => $hash,def => $coldefalign,base => $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{cellStyle}{columnEventIdAlign} ,bnr => "",readref => \@allrds,rdtype => "string"} );
} or do {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Syntax error in attribute \"tableSpecs\" near \"cellStyle\": $@")
my $colalign = $coldefalign;
# TabellenBody
$out .= "<tr class='".($k&1?"odd":"even")."'>";
$out .= "<td class='cal $colSymbolAlign' > $symbol </td>" if($seen{Symbol});
if($small) {
$out .= "<td class='cal $colBeginAlign' > ".$begind." ".$begint. "</td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colEndAlign' > ".$endd ." ".$endt. "</td>" if($seen{End});
else {
$out .= "<td class='cal $colBeginAlign' > $begind </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colBeginAlign' > $begint </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colEndAlign' > $endd </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colEndAlign' > $endt </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colDayAlign' > $dleft </td>" if($seen{DaysLeft});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colDLongAlign' > $dleftlong </td>" if($seen{DaysLeftLong});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colWeekdayAlign'> $weekday </td>" if($seen{Weekday});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colTzAlign' > $tz </td>" if($seen{Timezone});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colSummaryAlign'> $summary </td>" if($seen{Summary});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colDescAlign' > $desc </td>" if($seen{Description});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colStatusAlign' > $status </td>" if($seen{Status});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colCompAlign' > $completion </td>" if($seen{Completion});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colLocAlign' > $location </td>" if($seen{Location});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colMapAlign' > $gps </td>" if($seen{Map});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colCalAlign' > $cal </td>" if($seen{Calendar});
$out .= "<td class='cal $colIdAlign' > $id </td>" if($seen{EventId});
$out .= "</tr>";
$out .= "</table>";
$out .= "</td>";
$out .= "</tr>";
$out .= "</table>";
$out .= "</html>";
return $out;
# Evaluiere Eigenschaften von Attribut "tableSpecs"
# $hash: Devicehash
# $default: Standardwert - wird wieder zurückgegeben wenn kein Funktionsergebnis
# $specs: Basisschlüssel (z.B. $hash->{HELPER}{tableSpecs}{columnDaysLeft})
# $allreads: Referenz zum ARRAY was alle vorhandenen Readings des Devices enthält
# $bnr: Blocknummer Readings
# $rdtype: erwarteter Datentyp als Rückgabe (image, string)
sub evalTableSpecs { ## no critic 'complexity'
# my ($hash,$default,$specs,$bnr,$allrds,$rdtype) = @_;
my ($argref) = @_;
my $hash = $argref->{href};
my $default = $argref->{def};
my $specs = $argref->{base};
my $bnr = $argref->{bnr};
my $allrds = $argref->{readref};
my $rdtype = $argref->{rdtype};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $check;
$rdtype = $rdtype // "string"; # "string" als default Rückgabe Datentyp
# anonymous sub für Abarbeitung Perl-Kommandos
$check = sub {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $ret = AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $cmd);
return $ret;
no warnings; ## no critic 'warnings'
if ($specs) { # Eigenschaft muß Wert haben
my ($rn,$reading,$uval,$ui,$rval);
if (ref($specs) eq "ARRAY") { # Wenn Schlüssel ein ARRAY enthält
my $i = 0;
while ($specs->[$i]) {
my $n = keys %{$specs->[$i]}; # Anzahl Elemente (Entscheidungskriterien) in Hash
for my $k (keys %{$specs->[$i]}) {
if ($k eq "icon") {
$ui = $specs->[$i]{$k};
for my $r (@{$allrds}) { # alle vorhandenen Readings evaluieren
if($r =~ m/$k$/x) {
(undef,$rn,$reading) = split("_", $r); # Readingnummer evaluieren
$uval = $specs->[$i]{$k}; # Vergleichswert
$rval = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_".$rn."_".$reading, "empty");
$rval = "\"".$rval."\"";
if ( eval ($rval . $uval) ) { ## no critic 'eval'
$ui = $specs->[$i]{icon};
else {
$ui = "";
if($n == 0 && $ui) {
$default = $ui; # Defaultwert mit Select ersetzen wenn alle Bedingungen erfüllt
elsif (ref($specs) eq "HASH") { # Wenn Schlüssel ein HASH enthält
my $n = keys %{$specs}; # Anzahl Elemente (Entscheidungskriterien) in Hash
for my $k (keys %{$specs}) {
if ($k eq "icon") {
$ui = $specs->{$k};
for my $r (@{$allrds}) { # alle vorhandenen Readings evaluieren
if($r =~ m/$k$/x) {
(undef,$rn,$reading) = split("_", $r); # Readingnummer evaluieren
$uval = $specs->{$k}; # Vergleichswert
$rval = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_".$rn."_".$reading, "empty");
$rval = "\"".$rval."\"";
if ( eval ($rval . $uval) ) { ## no critic 'eval'
$ui = $specs->{icon};
else {
$ui = "";
if($n == 0 && $ui) {
$default = $ui; # Defaultwert mit Select ersetzen wenn alle Bedingungen erfüllt
else { # ref Wert der Eigenschaft ist nicht HASH oder ARRAY
if($specs =~ m/\{.*\}/xs) { # den Wert als Perl-Funktion ausführen wenn in {}
$specs =~ s/\$NAME/$name/xg; # Platzhalter $NAME, $BNR ersetzen
$specs =~ s/\$BNR/$bnr/xg;
$default = $check->($specs);
else { # einfache key-value Zuweisung
eval ($default = $specs); ## no critic 'eval'
if($default && $rdtype eq "image") {
$default = FW_makeImage($default); # Icon aus "string" errechnen wenn "image" als Rückgabe erwartet wird und $default gesetzt
use warnings;
return $default;
=item summary Module to integrate Synology Calendar
=item summary_DE Modul zur Integration von Synology Calendar
=begin html
<a name="SSCal"></a>
This module is used to integrate Synology Calendar Server with FHEM.
The SSCal module is based on functions of Synology Calendar API. <br><br>
The connection to the calendar server is established via a session ID after successful login. Requirements/queries of the server
are stored internally in a queue and processed sequentially. If the calendar server is temporarily unavailable
the saved queries are retrieved as soon as the connection to the server is working again. <br><br>
Both appointment calendars (Events) and task lists (ToDo) can be processed. For these different calendar types
different device models can be defined, Model <b>Diary</b> for appointments and Model <b>Tasks</b> for
Task lists. <br><br>
If you want discuss about or like to support the development of this module, there is a thread in the FHEM forum:<br>
<a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,106963.0.html">57_SSCal - Modul für den Synology Kalender</a>.<br><br>
Further information about the module you can find in the (german) FHEM Wiki:<br>
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal_-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers">SSCal - Integration des Synology Calendar Servers</a>.
<b>Preparation </b> <br><br>
As basic requirement the <b>Synology Calendar Package</b> must be installed on your Synology Disc Station. <br>
In Synology DSM a user as member of the administrator group <b>must</b> be defined for access use. This user must also have the rights
to read and/or write the relevant calendars. The entitlement for the calendars are set directly in the
<a href="https://www.synology.com/en-global/knowledgebase/DSM/help/Calendar/calendar_desc">Synology calendar application</a>.
The login credentials are assigned later by the set <b>credentials</b> command to the defined device.
Furthermore some more Perl modules must be installed or available: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=35%> <col width=65%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>JSON </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Data::Dumper </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>MIME::Base64 </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Time::HiRes </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Encode </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>POSIX </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>HttpUtils </td><td>(FHEM module) </td></tr>
<tr><td>Blocking </td><td>(FHEM module) </td></tr>
<tr><td>Meta </td><td>(FHEM module) </td></tr>
<a name="SSCaldefine"></a>
The creation of SSCal devices is differed between the definition of diaries and task lists.
The definition is done with: <br><br>
<b><code>define <Name> SSCal <ServerAddr> [<Port>] [<Protocol>] [Tasks] </code></b> <br><br>
The parameters are in detail:
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td><b>Name</b> </td><td>Name of the device in FHEM </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ServerAddr</b> </td><td>IP address of Synology Disc Station. <b>Note:</b> If you use DNS name instead of IP address, don't forget to set the attribute dnsServer in global device ! </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Port</b> </td><td>optional - Port of Synology Disc Station (default: 5000). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Protocol</b> </td><td>optional - Protocol used for communication with the calendar server, http or https (default: http). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Tasks</b> </td><td>optional - to define a task list device add "Tasks" to the definition </td></tr>
<code>define Appointments SSCal </code>
<code>define Appointments SSCal 5001 https </code>
# creates a diary device on default port (5000/http) respectively https on port 5001
<code>define Tasklist SSCal ds.myds.org 5001 https Tasks </code>
# creates a task list device with protocol https on port 5001
After definition of a device only the command <a href="#SSCalcredentials">credentials</a> is available.
First of all you have to set the credentials for communication with the Synology calendar server by using this command. <br><br>
If the login was successful, all for the user accessible calendars will be determined. The calendars to retrieve
are selectable by attribute <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>.
<a name="SSCalset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
The following set commands are valid for both device models Diary/Tasks or partly for one of these device models.
<a name="SSCalcalUpdate"></a>
<li><b> calUpdate [<list of calendars>] </b> <br>
Fetch entries of the selected calendars (see attribute <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>).
Alternatively you can enter a list of calendars to fetch separated by comma. The calendar names may contain spaces.
<b>Examples:</b> <br><br>
set Appointments calUpdate <br>
# fetch the entries of calendars specified in attribute usedCalendars <br><br>
set Appointments calUpdate Heikos Kalender,Abfall <br>
# fetch the entries of both calendars "Heikos Kalender" and "Abfall". <br><br>
<a name="SSCalcleanCompleteTasks"></a>
<li><b> cleanCompleteTasks </b> (only model "Tasks") <br>
All completed tasks in the specified task lists (see attribute <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>) are deleted. <br>
<a name="SSCaldeleteEventId"></a>
<li><b> deleteEventId <Id> </b> <br>
The specified Event Id (see reading x_x_EventId) will be delted from calendar or tas list. <br>
<a name="SSCalcredentials"></a>
<li><b> credentials <User> <Passwort> </b> <br>
Store the credentials for calendar communication. <br>
<a name="SSCaleraseReadings"></a>
<li><b> eraseReadings </b> <br>
Delete all calendar readings. It doesn't effect the calendar entries itself ! <br>
<a name="SSCallistSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> listSendqueue </b> <br>
Shows all entries in the sendqueue. Normally the queue is filled only for a short time, but may contain entries
permanently in case of problems. Thereby the occured failures can be identified and assigned. <br>
<a name="SSCallogout"></a>
<li><b> logout </b> <br>
The user will be logged out and the session to the Synology Disc Station will be cleared. <br>
<a name="SSCalpurgeSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> purgeSendqueue </b> <br>
Deletes entries from the sendqueue. Several options are usable dependend from situation: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=15%> <col width=85%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>-all- </td><td>deletes all entries from sendqueue </td></tr>
<tr><td>-permError- </td><td>deletes all entries which are suspended from further processing caused by a permanent error </td></tr>
<tr><td><Index> </td><td>deletes the specified entry from sendqueue </td></tr>
<a name="SSCalrestartSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> restartSendqueue </b> <br>
The processing of entries in sendqueue will be new started manually. Because of the sendqueue will be restarted automatically by
every new retrieval it is normally not necessary to execute this command. <br>
<a name="SSCalget"></a>
<a name="SSCalapiInfo"></a>
<li><b> apiInfo </b> <br>
Retrieves the API informations of the Synology calendar server and open a popup window with its data.
<a name="SSCalcalAsHtml"></a>
<li><b> calAsHtml </b> <br>
Shows a popup with the time summary. In own perl routines and for integration in a weblink device this
overview can be used as follows: <br><br>
{ FHEM::SSCal::calAsHtml ("<SSCal-Device>") }
<a name="SSCalgetCalendars"></a>
<li><b> getCalendars </b> <br>
Requests the existing calendars from your Synology Disc Station and open a popup window with informations about each available calendar.
<a name="SSCalstoredCredentials"></a>
<li><b> storedCredentials </b> <br>
Shows the stored User/Password combination.
<a name="SSCalversionNotes"></a>
<li><b> versionNotes </b> <br>
Shows important informations and hints about the module.
<a name="SSCamattr"></a>
<a name="asyncMode"></a>
<li><b>asyncMode</b> <br>
If set to "1", the data parsing will be executed within a background process and avoid possible blocking situations. <br>
(default: 0)
<a name="createATDevs"></a>
<li><b>createATDevs</b> <br>
If set to "1", FHEM commands and Perl routines to be executed are recognised automatically in a calendar entry by SSCal.
In this case SSCal defines, changes or deletes at-devices to execute these commands independently. <br>
A FHEM command to be executed has to be included into <b>{ }</b> in the field <b>Description</b> of Synology Calendar
application WebUI, Perl routines has to be included into double <b>{{ }}</b>. <br>
For further detailed information please read the Wiki (germnan) section:
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#at-Devices_f.C3.BCr_Steuerungen_automatisch_erstellen_und_verwalten_lassen">at-Devices für Steuerungen automatisch erstellen und verwalten lassen</a>.
(default: 0)
<a name="cutOlderDays"></a>
<li><b>cutOlderDays</b> <br>
Entries in calendars are ignored if the due date is older than the number of specified days. <br>
(default: 5) <br><br>
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
attr <Name> cutOlderDays 30 <br>
<a name="cutLaterDays"></a>
<li><b>cutLaterDays</b> <br>
Entries in calendars are ignored if the due date is later than the number of specified days. <br>
(default: 5) <br><br>
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
attr <Name> cutLaterDays 90 <br>
<a name="filterCompleteTask"></a>
<li><b>filterCompleteTask </b> (only model "Tasks") <br>
Entries of the calendar are filtered dependend from their completion: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>1 </td><td>only completed tasks are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>2 </td><td>only not completed tasks are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>3 </td><td>completed and not completed tasks are shown (default) </td></tr>
<a name="filterDueTask"></a>
<li><b>filterDueTask </b> (only model "Tasks") <br>
Entries in taks lists with/without due date are filtered: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>1 </td><td>only tasks with due date are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>2 </td><td>only tasks without due date are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>3 </td><td>tasks with and without due date are shown (default) </td></tr>
<a name="interval"></a>
<li><b>interval <seconds></b> <br>
Interval in seconds to fetch calendar entries automatically. If "0" is specified, no calendar fetch is
executed. (default) <br><br>
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
Set the attribute as follows if the calendar entries should retrieved every hour: <br>
attr <Name> interval 3600 <br>
<a name="loginRetries"></a>
<li><b>loginRetries</b> <br>
Number of attempts for the initial user login. <br>
(default: 3)
<a name="showRepeatEvent"></a>
<li><b>showRepeatEvent</b> (only model "Diary") <br>
If "true", one-time events as well as recurrent events are fetched. Otherwise only one-time events are retrieved. <br>
(default: true)
<a name="showPassInLog"></a>
<li><b>showPassInLog</b> <br>
If "1", the password respectively the SID will be shown in the logfile. <br>
(default: 0)
<a name="tableColumnMap"></a>
<li><b>tableColumnMap </b> <br>
Determines how the link to a map is shown in the table column "Map": <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td><b>icon</b> </td><td>shows a user customisable symbol (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>data</b> </td><td>shows the GPS data </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>text</b> </td><td>shows a text adjustable by the user </td></tr>
To make further adjustments, there are some more possibilities to specify properties in the attribute tableSpecs.
For detailed informations about the possibilities to configure the overview table please consult the (german) Wiki
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#Darstellung_der_.C3.9Cbersichtstabelle_in_Raum-_und_Detailansicht_beeinflussen">Darstellung der Übersichtstabelle in Raum- und Detailansicht beeinflussen</a>.
<a name="tableInDetail"></a>
<li><b>tableInDetail</b> <br>
An overview diary or taks table will be displayed in detail view. <br>
(default: 1)
<a name="tableInRoom"></a>
<li><b>tableInRoom</b> <br>
An overview diary or taks table will be displayed in room view. <br>
(default: 1)
<a name="tableFields"></a>
<li><b>tableFields</b> <br>
Selection of the fields to be displayed in the overview table in room or detail view. <br>
<a name="tableSpecs"></a>
<li><b>tableSpecs</b> <br>
By several key-value pair combinations the presentation of informations in the overview table can be adjusted.
The (german) Wiki chapter
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#Darstellung_der_.C3.9Cbersichtstabelle_in_Raum-_und_Detailansicht_beeinflussen">Darstellung der Übersichtstabelle in Raum- und Detailansicht beeinflussen</a>
provides more detailed help for it.
<a name="timeout"></a>
<li><b>timeout <seconds></b> <br>
Timeout for calendar fetch in seconds. <br>
(default: 20)
<a name="usedCalendars"></a>
<li><b>usedCalendars</b> <br>
Selection of calendars to fetch from a popup window. The list of accessible calendars will initial be created during
FHEM startup. At all times it can also be done manually with command: <br><br>
get <Name> getCalendars <br>
As long as the accessible calendars are not successfully fetched, this attribute only contains simply the entry: <br><br>
--wait for Calendar list-- <br>
<a name="SSCalEvents"></a>
<b>Hints for event generation </b>
Depending on the volume of the retrieved data, a large number of readings can be created.
To avoid too extensive event generation in FHEM, the attribute <b>event-on-update-reading</b> is preset after
definition of the calendar device to: <br><br>
attr <name> event-on-update-reading.*Summary.*,state
If events are to be created for all readings, event-on-update-reading must be set to .* and mustn't be deleted.
SSCal generates additional events for each event, which contains a start time, with each new read-in
of a calendar. These events provide the user with assistance in creating his own control logic in FHEM based on
calendar entries. <br><br>
The event <b>composite</b> contains the information fields: <br><br>
<li> block number of the appointment </li>
<li>Event ID of the appointment </li>
<li>indicator for a serial appointment (0=no serial appointment or 1=serial appointment) </li>
<li>start time in ISO 8601 format </li>
<li>Status of the event </li>
<li>the text in Description (corresponds to the Description field in Synology Calendar WebUI) or the text in Summary
if Description is not set </li>
The event <b>compositeBlockNumbers</b> contains the block numbers of all events of the calendar.
If there are no appointments, this event has only the value <b>none</b>.
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="SSCal"></a>
Mit diesem Modul erfolgt die Integration des Synology Calendar Servers in FHEM.
Das Modul SSCal basiert auf Funktionen der Synology Calendar API. <br><br>
Die Verbindung zum Kalenderserver erfolgt über eine Session ID nach erfolgreichem Login. Anforderungen/Abfragen des Servers
werden intern in einer Queue gespeichert und sequentiell abgearbeitet. Steht der Kalenderserver temporär nicht zur Verfügung,
werden die gespeicherten Abfragen nachgeholt sobald die Verbindung zum Server wieder funktioniert. <br><br>
Es können sowohl Terminkalender (Events) und Aufgabenlisten (ToDo) verarbeitet werden. Für diese verschiedenen Kalenderarten
können verschiedene Device-Models definiert werden, Model <b>Diary</b> für Terminkalender und Model <b>Tasks</b> für
Aufgabenlisten. <br><br>
Wenn sie über dieses Modul diskutieren oder zur Verbesserung des Moduls beitragen möchten, ist im FHEM-Forum ein Sammelplatz unter:<br>
<a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,106963.0.html">57_SSCal - Modul für den Synology Kalender</a>.<br><br>
Weitere Infomationen zum Modul sind im FHEM-Wiki zu finden:<br>
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal_-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers">SSCal - Integration des Synology Calendar Servers</a>.
<b>Vorbereitung </b> <br><br>
Als Grundvoraussetzung muss das <b>Synology Calendar Package</b> auf der Diskstation installiert sein. <br>
Im Synology DSM wird ein User benutzt, der Mitglied der Administrator-Group sein <b>muß</b> und zusätzlich die benötigte Berechtigung
zum Lesen und/oder Schreiben der relevanten Kalender hat. Die Kalenderberechtigungen werden direkt in der
<a href="https://www.synology.com/de-de/knowledgebase/DSM/help/Calendar/calendar_desc">Synology Kalenderapplikation</a> eingestellt.
Die Zugangsdaten werden später über ein Set <b>credentials</b> Kommando dem angelegten Device zugewiesen.
Weiterhin müssen diverse Perl-Module installiert sein: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=35%> <col width=65%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>JSON </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Data::Dumper </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>MIME::Base64 </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Time::HiRes </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Encode </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>POSIX </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>HttpUtils </td><td>(FHEM-Modul) </td></tr>
<tr><td>Blocking </td><td>(FHEM-Modul) </td></tr>
<tr><td>Meta </td><td>(FHEM-Modul) </td></tr>
<a name="SSCaldefine"></a>
Bei der Definition wird zwischen einem Kalenderdevice für Termine (Events) und Aufgaben (Tasks) unterschieden.
Die Definition erfolgt mit: <br><br>
<b><code>define <Name> SSCal <ServerAddr> [<Port>] [<Protocol>] [Tasks] </code></b> <br><br>
Die Parameter beschreiben im Einzelnen:
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td><b>Name</b> </td><td>der Name des neuen Kalenderdevices in FHEM </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ServerAddr</b> </td><td>die IP-Addresse der Synology DS. <b>Hinweis:</b> Wird der DNS-Name statt IP-Adresse verwendet, sollte das Attribut dnsServer im global Device gesetzt werden ! </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Port</b> </td><td>optional - Port der Synology DS (default: 5000). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Protocol</b> </td><td>optional - Protokoll zur Kommunikation mit dem Kalender-Server, http oder https (default: http). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Tasks</b> </td><td>optional - zur Definition einer Aufgabenliste wird "Tasks" hinzugefügt </td></tr>
<code>define Appointments SSCal </code>
<code>define Appointments SSCal 5001 https </code>
# erstellt Terminkalenderdevice mit Standardport (5000/http) bzw. https auf Port 5001
<code>define Tasklist SSCal ds.myds.org 5001 https Tasks </code>
# erstellt Aufgabenlistendevice mit https auf Port 5001
Nach der Definition eines Devices steht nur der set-Befehl <a href="#SSCalcredentials">credentials</a> zur Verfügung.
Mit diesem Befehl werden zunächst die Zugangsparameter dem Device bekannt gemacht. <br><br>
War der Login erfolgreich, werden alle dem User zugänglichen Kalender ermittelt und im
Attribut <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a> zur Auswahl bereitgestellt.
<a name="SSCalset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
Die aufgeführten set-Kommandos sind sowohl für die Devicemodels Diary/Tasks oder teilweise nur für einen dieser Devicemodels gültig.
<a name="SSCalcalUpdate"></a>
<li><b> calUpdate [<Kalenderliste>] </b> <br>
Ruft die Einträge der selektierten Kalender (siehe Attribut <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>) ab.
Alternativ kann eine Komma getrennte Liste der abzurufenden Kalender dem Befehl übergeben werden. Die Kalendernamen können
Leerzeichen enthalten.
<b>Beispiel:</b> <br><br>
set Appointments calUpdate <br>
# ruft die Einträge der im Attribut usedCalendars spezifizierten Kalender ab <br><br>
set Appointments calUpdate Heikos Kalender,Abfall <br>
# ruft die Einträge der Kalender "Heikos Kalender" und "Abfall" ab. <br><br>
<a name="SSCalcleanCompleteTasks"></a>
<li><b> cleanCompleteTasks </b> (nur Model "Tasks") <br>
In den selektierten Aufgabenlisten (siehe Attribut <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>) werden alle
abgeschlossenen Aufgaben gelöscht. <br>
<a name="SSCaldeleteEventId"></a>
<li><b> deleteEventId <Id> </b> <br>
Die angegebene Event Id (siehe Reading x_x_EventId) wird aus dem Kalender bzw. der Aufgabenliste gelöscht. <br>
<a name="SSCalcredentials"></a>
<li><b> credentials <User> <Passwort> </b> <br>
Speichert die Zugangsdaten. <br>
<a name="SSCaleraseReadings"></a>
<li><b> eraseReadings </b> <br>
Löscht alle Kalenderreadings. <br>
<a name="SSCallistSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> listSendqueue </b> <br>
Zeigt alle Einträge in der Sendequeue. Die Queue ist normalerweise nur kurz gefüllt, kann aber im Problemfall
dauerhaft Einträge enthalten. Dadurch kann ein bei einer Abrufaufgabe aufgetretener Fehler ermittelt und zugeordnet
werden. <br>
<a name="SSCallogout"></a>
<li><b> logout </b> <br>
Der User wird ausgeloggt und die Session mit der Synology DS beendet. <br>
<a name="SSCalpurgeSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> purgeSendqueue </b> <br>
Löscht Einträge in der Sendequeue. Es stehen verschiedene Optionen je nach Situation zur Verfügung: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=15%> <col width=85%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>-all- </td><td>löscht alle in der Sendequeue vorhandenen Einträge </td></tr>
<tr><td>-permError- </td><td>löscht alle Einträge, die durch einen permanenten Fehler von der weiteren Verarbeitung ausgeschlossen sind </td></tr>
<tr><td><Index> </td><td>löscht einen eindeutigen Eintrag der Sendequeue </td></tr>
<a name="SSCalrestartSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> restartSendqueue </b> <br>
Die Abarbeitung der Einträge in der Sendequeue wird manuell neu angestoßen. Normalerweise nicht nötig, da die Sendequeue bei der
Initialisierung jedes neuen Abrufs impliziz neu gestartet wird. <br>
<a name="SSCalget"></a>
<a name="SSCalapiInfo"></a>
<li><b> apiInfo </b> <br>
Ruft die API Informationen des Synology Calendar Servers ab und öffnet ein Popup mit diesen Informationen.
<a name="SSCalcalAsHtml"></a>
<li><b> calAsHtml </b> <br>
Zeigt ein Popup mit einer Terminübersicht. In eigenen perl-Routinen und für die Einbindung in weblink kann
diese Übersicht aufgerufen werden mit: <br><br>
{ FHEM::SSCal::calAsHtml ("<SSCal-Device>") }
<a name="SSCalgetCalendars"></a>
<li><b> getCalendars </b> <br>
Ruft die auf der Synology vorhandenen Kalender ab und öffnet ein Popup mit Informationen über die jeweiligen Kalender.
<a name="SSCalstoredCredentials"></a>
<li><b> storedCredentials </b> <br>
Zeigt die gespeicherten User/Passwort Kombination.
<a name="SSCalversionNotes"></a>
<li><b> versionNotes </b> <br>
Zeigt Informationen und Hilfen zum Modul.
<a name="SSCamattr"></a>
<a name="asyncMode"></a>
<li><b>asyncMode</b> <br>
Wenn "1" wird das Datenparsing in einen Hintergrundprozess ausgelagert und vermeidet Blockierungssituationen. <br>
(default: 0)
<a name="createATDevs"></a>
<li><b>createATDevs</b> <br>
Wenn "1" werden bei der Erkennung von FHEM-Kommandos bzw. auszuführenden Perl-Routinen im Kalendereintrag durch SSCal
automatisiert at-Devices zur termingerechten Ausführung dieser Kommandos erstellt, geändert und gelöscht. <br>
Auszuführende FHEM-Kommandos werden in <b>{ }</b> eingeschlossen im Feld <b>Beschreibung</b> im Synology Kalender WebUI
hinterlegt, Perl Routinen werden in doppelte <b>{{ }}</b> eingeschlossen. <br>
Lesen sie bitte dazu die detailliierte Beschreibung im Wiki Abschnitt
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#at-Devices_f.C3.BCr_Steuerungen_automatisch_erstellen_und_verwalten_lassen">at-Devices für Steuerungen automatisch erstellen und verwalten lassen</a>.
(default: 0)
<a name="cutOlderDays"></a>
<li><b>cutOlderDays</b> <br>
Terminkalendereinträge und Aufgabenkalendereinträge mit Fälligkeitstermin älter als die angegeben Tage werden von der
Verarbeitung ausgeschlossen. <br>
(default: 5) <br><br>
<b>Beispiel:</b> <br><br>
attr <Name> cutOlderDays 30 <br>
<a name="cutLaterDays"></a>
<li><b>cutLaterDays</b> <br>
Terminkalendereinträge und Aufgabenkalendereinträge mit Fälligkeitstermin später als die angegeben Tage werden von der
Verarbeitung ausgeschlossen. <br>
(default: 5) <br><br>
<b>Beispiel:</b> <br><br>
attr <Name> cutLaterDays 90 <br>
<a name="filterCompleteTask"></a>
<li><b>filterCompleteTask </b> (nur Model "Tasks") <br>
Es werden Einträge in Aufgabenkalendern entsprechend der Fertigstellung gefiltert: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>1 </td><td>nur fertig gestellte Aufgaben werden angezeigt </td></tr>
<tr><td>2 </td><td>nur nicht fertige Aufgaben werden angezeigt </td></tr>
<tr><td>3 </td><td>es werden fertige und nicht fertige Aufgaben angezeigt (default) </td></tr>
<a name="filterDueTask"></a>
<li><b>filterDueTask </b> (nur Model "Tasks") <br>
Es werden Einträge in Aufgabenkalendern mit/ohne Fälligkeit gefiltert: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>1 </td><td>nur Einträge mit Fälligkeitstermin werden angezeigt </td></tr>
<tr><td>2 </td><td>nur Einträge ohne Fälligkeitstermin werden angezeigt </td></tr>
<tr><td>3 </td><td>es werden Einträge mit und ohne Fälligkeitstermin angezeigt (default) </td></tr>
<a name="interval"></a>
<li><b>interval <Sekunden></b> <br>
Automatisches Abrufintervall der Kalendereintträge in Sekunden. Ist "0" agegeben, wird kein automatischer Datenabruf
ausgeführt. (default) <br>
Sollen z.B. jede Stunde die Einträge der gewählten Kalender abgerufen werden, wird das Attribut wie
folgt gesetzt: <br><br>
attr <Name> interval 3600 <br>
<a name="loginRetries"></a>
<li><b>loginRetries</b> <br>
Anzahl der Versuche für das inititiale User login. <br>
(default: 3)
<a name="showRepeatEvent"></a>
<li><b>showRepeatEvent</b> (nur Model "Diary") <br>
Wenn "true" werden neben einmaligen Terminen ebenfalls wiederkehrende Termine ausgewertet. <br>
(default: true)
<a name="showPassInLog"></a>
<li><b>showPassInLog</b> <br>
Wenn "1" wird das Passwort bzw. die SID im Log angezeigt. <br>
(default: 0)
<a name="tableColumnMap"></a>
<li><b>tableColumnMap </b> <br>
Legt fest, wie der Link zur Karte in der Tabellspalte "Map" bzw. "Karte" gestaltet wird: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td><b>icon</b> </td><td>es wird ein durch den User anpassbares Symbol angezeigt (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>data</b> </td><td>es werden die GPS-Daten angezeigt </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>text</b> </td><td>es wird ein durch den Nutzer einstellbarer Text verwendet </td></tr>
Der Nutzer kann weitere Anpassungen des verwendeten Icons oder Textes in den Eigenschaften des Attributs tableSpecs
vornehmen. Für detailliierte Informationen dazu siehe Wiki-Kapitel
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#Darstellung_der_.C3.9Cbersichtstabelle_in_Raum-_und_Detailansicht_beeinflussen">Darstellung der Übersichtstabelle in Raum- und Detailansicht beeinflussen</a>.
<a name="tableInDetail"></a>
<li><b>tableInDetail</b> <br>
Eine Termin/Aufgabenübersicht wird in der Detailansicht erstellt bzw. ausgeschaltet. <br>
(default: 1)
<a name="tableInRoom"></a>
<li><b>tableInRoom</b> <br>
Eine Termin/Aufgabenübersicht wird in der Raumansicht erstellt bzw. ausgeschaltet. <br>
(default: 1)
<a name="tableFields"></a>
<li><b>tableFields</b> <br>
Auswahl der in der Termin/Aufgabenübersicht (Raum- bzw. Detailansicht) anzuzeigenden Felder über eine Drop-Down
Liste. <br>
<a name="tableSpecs"></a>
<li><b>tableSpecs</b> <br>
Über verschiedene Schlüssel-Wertpaar Kombinationen kann die Darstellung der Informationen in der Übersichtstabelle
angepasst werden. Das Wiki-Kapitel
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal_-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#Darstellung_der_.C3.9Cbersichtstabelle_in_Raum-_und_Detailansicht_beeinflussen">Darstellung der Übersichtstabelle in Raum- und Detailansicht beeinflussen</a>
liefert detailiierte Informationen dazu.
<a name="timeout"></a>
<li><b>timeout <Sekunden></b> <br>
Timeout für den Datenabruf in Sekunden. <br>
(default: 20)
<a name="usedCalendars"></a>
<li><b>usedCalendars</b> <br>
Auswahl der abzurufenden Kalender über ein Popup. Die Liste der Kalender wird beim Start des Moduls initial gefüllt,
kann danach aber ebenfalls durch den Befehl: <br><br>
get <Name> getCalendars <br>
manuell ausgeführt werden.
Wurde noch kein erfolgreicher Kalenderabruf ausgeführt, enthält dieses Attribut lediglich den Eintrag: <br><br>
--wait for Calendar list-- <br>
<a name="SSCalEvents"></a>
<b>Hinweise zur Eventgenerierung </b>
Je nach Umfang der abgerufenen Daten können sehr viele Readings erstellt werden. Um eine zu umfangreiche Eventgenerierung
in FHEM zu verhindern, ist nach der Definition des Kalenderdevices das Attribut <b>event-on-update-reading</b>
voreingestellt auf: <br><br>
attr <Name> event-on-update-reading .*Summary.*,state
Sollen Events für alle Readings erstellt werden, muss event-on-update-reading auf .* eingestellt und nicht gelöscht
werden. <br><br>
SSCal generiert für jedes Ereignis, welches einen Begin-Zeitpunkt enthält, zusätzliche Events bei jedem erneuten Einlesen
eines Kalenders. Diese Events bieten dem Anwender Hilfe zur Erstellung eigener Steuerungslogiken in FHEM auf Grundlage
von Kalendereinträgen. <br><br>
Der Event <b>composite</b> enthält die Informationsfelder: <br><br>
<li>Blocknummer des Termins </li>
<li>Event-ID des Termins </li>
<li>Kennzeichen für ein Serientermin (0=kein Serientermin oder 1=Serientermin) </li>
<li>Startzeitpunkt im ISO 8601 Format </li>
<li>Status des Events </li>
<li>den Text in Description (entspricht dem Feld Beschreibung im Synology Kalender WebUI) bzw. den Text in Summary
falls Description nicht gesetzt ist </li>
Der Event <b>compositeBlockNumbers</b> enthält die Blocknummern aller Termine des Kalenders. Sind keine Termine vorhanden, enthält
dieser Event nur den Wert <b>none</b>.
=end html_DE
=for :application/json;q=META.json 57_SSCal.pm
"abstract": "Integration of Synology Calendar.",
"x_lang": {
"de": {
"abstract": "Integration des Synology Calendars."
"keywords": [
"version": "v1.1.1",
"release_status": "stable",
"author": [
"Heiko Maaz <heiko.maaz@t-online.de>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"prereqs": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"FHEM": 5.00918799,
"perl": 5.014,
"POSIX": 0,
"JSON": 4.020,
"Data::Dumper": 0,
"MIME::Base64": 0,
"Time::HiRes": 0,
"HttpUtils": 0,
"Blocking": 0,
"Encode": 0
"recommends": {
"FHEM::Meta": 0
"suggests": {
"resources": {
"x_wiki": {
"web": "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal - Integration des Synology Calendar Servers",
"title": "SSCal - Integration des Synology Calendar Servers"
"repository": {
"x_dev": {
"type": "svn",
"url": "https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter",
"web": "https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/57_SSCal.pm",
"x_branch": "dev",
"x_filepath": "fhem/contrib/",
"x_raw": "https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/57_SSCal.pm"
=end :application/json;q=META.json