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synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
JsonList.pm - Copyright (c)2008 Martin Fischer <m_fischer@gmx.de> Description: The module JsonList.pm extends FHEM to support a JSON output similar to FHEM's xmllist. Installation: Copy the script 99_JsonList.pm to FHEM modules directory, e.g. 'cp 99_JsonList.pm /usr/share/fhem/FHEM' and restart FHEM. Keep your commandref.html up-to-date: copy the patchfile commandref.html.patch to your directory with the original commandref.html and type 'patch < commandref.html.patch' You can remove the patchfile after this step. Usage: jsonlist [<devspec>|<typespec>|ROOMS] Returns an JSON tree of all definitions, all notify settings and all at entries if no parameter is given. If specifying <devspec>, then a detailed status for <devspec> will be displayed. If specifying <typespec>, then a list with the status for the defined <typespec> devices will be displayed, e.g.: If specifying ROOMS, then a list with the defined rooms will be displayed, e.g.: Example: fhem> jsonlist { "ResultSet": { "Results": [ { "_internal__LIST": [ { "_internal_": { "name": "global", "state": "", "sets": [ { "VAL": "null" } ], "attrs": [ { "VAL": "room" },{ "VAL": "comment" }, [...] ], "totalResultsAvailable": 86, "totalResultsReturned": 86 } } Example for <devspec>: fhem> jsonlist lamp1 { "ResultSet": { "Results": { "ATTRIBUTES": { "comment": "Light", "room": "Livingroom" }, "BTN": "f0", [...] "NAME": "lamp1", "NR": "26", "READINGS": { "state": { "TIME": "2008-12-11 18:11:21", "VAL": "toggle" } }, "STATE": "on", "TYPE": "FS20", "XMIT": "0b0b" } } } Example for <typespec>: fhem> jsonlist HMS { "ResultSet": { "Results": [ { "NAME": "smokeDetector01", "STATE": "smoke_detect: off" }, { "NAME": "smokeDetector02", "STATE": "smoke_detect: off" }, { "NAME": "smokeDetector03", "STATE": "smoke_detect: off" } ], "totalResultsAvailable": 3, "totalResultsReturned": 3 } } Example for ROOMS: fhem> jsonlist ROOMS { "ResultSet": { "Results": [ { "NAME": "Bathroom" }, { "NAME": "Office" }, { "NAME": "Diningroom" }, { "NAME": "Garden" }, { "NAME": "House" }, { "NAME": "Bedroom" }, { "NAME": "Garage" }, { "NAME": "Livingroom" }, { "NAME": "hidden" } ], "totalResultsAvailable": 9, "totalResultsReturned": 9 } }