#!/usr/bin/perl # Server-Side script to check out the fhem SVN repository, and upload the # changed files to the server $ENV{CVS_RSH}="/usr/bin/ssh"; print "\n\n"; print localtime() . "\n"; chdir("/home/rudi/fhemupdate/culfw"); system("svn update ."); chdir("/home/rudi/fhemupdate/fhem"); system("mkdir -p UPLOAD"); system("svn update ."); die "SVN failed, exiting\n" if($?); my $ndiff = `diff fhem.pl fhem.pl.txt | wc -l`; if($ndiff != 4) { # more than the standard stuff is different print "Modifying fhem.pl: >$ndiff<\n"; system('perl -p -e "s/=DATE=/"`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`"/;'. 's/=VERS=/"`grep ^VERS= Makefile | '. 'sed -e s/VERS=//`"+SVN/" fhem.pl > fhem.pl.txt'); } my @filelist = ( "./fhem.pl.txt", "FHEM/.*.pm", "webfrontend/pgm2/.*", "docs/commandref.html", "docs/faq.html", "docs/HOWTO.html", "docs/fhem.*.png", "docs/.*.jpg", "../culfw/Devices/CUL/.*.hex", ); # Read in the file timestamps my %filetime; my %filesize; my %filedir; foreach my $fspec (@filelist) { $fspec =~ m,^(.+)/([^/]+)$,; my ($dir,$pattern) = ($1, $2); opendir DH, $dir || die("Can't open $dir: $!\n"); foreach my $file (grep { /$pattern/ && -f "$dir/$_" } readdir(DH)) { my @st = stat("$dir/$file"); my @mt = localtime($st[9]); $filetime{$file} = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d", $mt[5]+1900, $mt[4]+1, $mt[3], $mt[2], $mt[1], $mt[0]; $filesize{$file} = $st[7]; $filedir{$file} = $dir; } closedir(DH); } my %oldtime; if(open FH, "UPLOAD/filetimes.txt") { while(my $l = ) { chomp($l); my ($ts, $fs, $file) = split(" ", $l, 3); $oldtime{"$file.txt"} = $ts if($file eq "fhem.pl"); $oldtime{$file} = $ts; } close(FH); } chdir("UPLOAD"); open FH, ">filetimes.txt" || die "Can't open filetimes.txt: $!\n"; open FTP, ">script.txt" || die "Can't open script.txt: $!\n"; print FTP "cd fhem/fhemupdate\n"; print FTP "put filetimes.txt\n"; print FTP "pas\n"; # Without passive only 28 files can be transferred my $cnt; foreach my $f (sort keys %filetime) { my $fn = $f; $fn =~ s/.txt$// if($fn =~ m/.pl.txt$/); print FH "$filetime{$f} $filesize{$f} $fn\n"; my $newfname = $f; if(!$oldtime{$f} || $oldtime{$f} ne $filetime{$f}) { print FTP "put $f\n"; system("cp ../$filedir{$f}/$f $f"); $cnt++; } } close FH; close FTP; if($cnt) { print "FTP Upload needed for $cnt files\n"; system("ftp -e fhem.de < script.txt"); }