######################################################################################################################### # $Id: 76_SMAPortal.pm 22149 2020-06-09 20:41:58Z DS_Starter $ ######################################################################################################################### # 76_SMAPortal.pm # # (c) 2019-2020 by Heiko Maaz # e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de # # This module can be used to get data from SMA Portal https://www.sunnyportal.com/Templates/Start.aspx . # # This script is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see . # # Credits (Thanks to all!): # Brun von der Gönne : author of 98_SHM.pm # BerndArnold : author of 98_SHMForecastRelative.pm / add get statistic data # Wzut/XGuide : creation of SMAPortal graphics # # FHEM Forum: http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,27667.0.html # ######################################################################################################################### # # Definition: define SMAPortal # ######################################################################################################################### package FHEM::SMAPortal; ## no critic 'package' use strict; use warnings; use GPUtils qw(GP_Import GP_Export); # wird für den Import der FHEM Funktionen aus der fhem.pl benötigt use POSIX; eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1; ## no critic 'eval' use Data::Dumper; use Blocking; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday time sleep); use Time::Local; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use JSON qw(decode_json); use MIME::Base64; use Encode; use utf8; # Run before module compilation BEGIN { # Import from main:: GP_Import( qw( attr AnalyzePerlCommand AttrVal AttrNum addToDevAttrList addToAttrList BlockingCall BlockingKill BlockingInformParent CommandAttr CommandDefine CommandDeleteAttr CommandDeleteReading CommandSet defs delFromDevAttrList delFromAttrList devspec2array deviceEvents Debug FmtDateTime FmtTime fhemTzOffset FW_makeImage fhemTimeGm fhemTimeLocal getKeyValue gettimeofday genUUID init_done InternalTimer IsDisabled Log Log3 makeReadingName modules readingsSingleUpdate readingsBulkUpdate readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged readingsBeginUpdate readingsDelete readingsEndUpdate ReadingsNum ReadingsTimestamp ReadingsVal RemoveInternalTimer readingFnAttributes setKeyValue sortTopicNum TimeNow Value json2nameValue FW_cmd FW_directNotify FW_ME FW_subdir FW_room FW_detail FW_wname ) ); # Export to main context with different name # my $pkg = caller(0); # my $main = $pkg; # $main =~ s/^(?:.+::)?([^:]+)$/main::$1\_/gx; # for (@_) { # *{ $main . $_ } = *{ $pkg . '::' . $_ }; # } GP_Export( qw( Initialize ) ); } # Versions History intern my %vNotesIntern = ( "3.1.0" => "20.06.2020 language of SMA Portal messages depend on global language attribute, avoid order problems by ". "executing retrieve master data firstly every time", "3.0.0" => "18.06.2020 refactored readings and subroutines, detailLevel deleted, new attr providerLevel, integrate logbook data ", "2.10.6" => "12.06.2020 add hash dataprovider ", "2.10.5" => "12.06.2020 add check login by /Templates/, deeper/mulitple choice verbose5Data ", "2.10.4" => "11.06.2020 additional L1 Readings for Battery and more ", "2.10.3" => "11.06.2020 internal code changes, bug fixes show weather_icon ", "2.10.2" => "10.06.2020 bug fixes get/switch consumers ", "2.10.1" => "08.06.2020 internal code changes, bug fixes ", "2.10.0" => "03.06.2020 refactored login process ", "2.9.0" => "01.06.2020 add get today statistic data ", "2.8.1" => "31.05.2020 attribute timeout, maxCallCycle deleted ", "2.8.0" => "31.05.2020 refactored process logic, attribute cookielifetime & getDataRetries deleted, command delCookieFile deleted ". "new attribute maxCallCycle ", "2.7.2" => "28.05.2020 delete cookie file if threshold of read retries reached ", "2.7.1" => "28.05.2020 change cookie default location to ./log/_cookie.txt ", "2.7.0" => "27.05.2020 improve stability of data retrieval, new command delCookieFile, new readings dailyCallCounter and dailyIssueCookieCounter ". "current PV generation and consumption available in SMA graphics, some more improvements ", "2.6.1" => "21.04.2020 update time in portalgraphics changed to last successful live data retrieval, credentials are not shown in list device ", "2.6.0" => "20.04.2020 change package config, improve cookie management, decouple switch consumers from livedata retrieval ". "some improvements according to PBP ", "2.5.0" => "25.08.2019 change switch consumer to on<->automatic only in graphic overview, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,102112.msg969002.html#msg969002", "2.4.5" => "22.08.2019 fix some warnings, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,102112.msg968829.html#msg968829 ", "2.4.4" => "11.07.2019 fix consinject to show multiple consumer icons if planned ", "2.4.3" => "07.07.2019 change header design of portal graphics again ", "2.4.2" => "02.07.2019 change header design of portal graphics ", "2.4.1" => "01.07.2019 replace space in consumer name by a valid sign for reading creation ", "2.4.0" => "26.06.2019 support for FTUI-Widget ", "2.3.7" => "24.06.2019 replace suggestIcon by consumerAdviceIcon ", "2.3.6" => "21.06.2019 revise commandref ", "2.3.5" => "20.06.2019 subroutine consinject added to pv, pvco style ", "2.3.4" => "19.06.2019 change some readingnames, delete L4_plantOid, next04hours_state ", "2.3.3" => "16.06.2019 change verbose 4 output, fix warning if no weather info was got ", "2.3.2" => "14.06.2019 add request string to verbose 5, add battery data to live and historical consumer data ", "2.3.1" => "13.06.2019 switch Credentials read from RAM to verbose 4, changed W/h->Wh and kW/h->kWh in PortalAsHtml ", "2.3.0" => "12.06.2019 add set on,off,automatic cmd for controlled devices ", "2.2.0" => "10.06.2019 relocate RestOfDay and Tomorrow data from level 3 to level 2, change readings to start all with uppercase, ". "add consumer energy data of current day/month/year, new attribute \"verbose5Data\" ", "2.1.2" => "08.06.2019 correct planned time of consumer in PortalAsHtml if planned time is at next day ", "2.1.1" => "08.06.2019 add units to values, some bugs fixed ", "2.1.0" => "07.06.2019 add informations about consumer switch and power state ", "2.0.0" => "03.06.2019 designed for SMAPortalSPG graphics device ", "1.8.0" => "27.05.2019 redesign of SMAPortal graphics by Wzut/XGuide ", "1.7.1" => "01.05.2019 PortalAsHtml: use of colored svg-icons possible ", "1.7.0" => "01.05.2019 code change of PortalAsHtml, new attributes \"portalGraphicColor\" and \"portalGraphicStyle\" ", "1.6.0" => "29.04.2019 function PortalAsHtml ", "1.5.5" => "22.04.2019 fix readings for BattryOut and BatteryIn ", "1.5.4" => "26.03.2019 delete L1_InfoMessages if no info occur ", "1.5.3" => "26.03.2019 delete L1_ErrorMessages, L1_WarningMessages if no errors or warnings occur ", "1.5.2" => "25.03.2019 prevent module from deactivation in case of unavailable Meta.pm ", "1.5.1" => "24.03.2019 fix \$VAR1 problem Forum: #27667.msg922983.html#msg922983 ", "1.5.0" => "23.03.2019 add consumer data ", "1.4.0" => "22.03.2019 add function extractPlantMasterData, DbLog_split, change L2 Readings ", "1.3.0" => "18.03.2019 change module to use package FHEM::SMAPortal and Meta.pm, new sub setVersionInfo ", "1.2.3" => "12.03.2019 make ready for 98_Installer.pm ", "1.2.2" => "11.03.2019 new Errormessage analyze added, make ready for Meta.pm ", "1.2.1" => "10.03.2019 behavior of state changed, commandref revised ", "1.2.0" => "09.03.2019 integrate weather data, minor fixes ", "1.1.0" => "09.03.2019 make get data more stable, new attribute 'getDataRetries' ", "1.0.0" => "03.03.2019 initial " ); # Voreinstellungen my $maxretries = 6; # max. Anzahl Wiederholungen in einem Abruf-Zyklus my $thold = int($maxretries/2); # Schwellenwert nicht erfolgreicher Leseversuche in einem Zyklus mit dem gleichen Cookie my $sleepretry = 0.5; # Sleep zwischen Data Call Retries (ohne Threshold Überschreitung) my $sleepexc = 2; # Sleep vor neuem Datencall nach Überschreitung Threshold (Data Calls mit gleichem Cookie) my $defmaxcycles = 19; # Standard max. Anzahl Datenabrufzyklen abgeleitet von Interval 120 (wird bei Automatic berechnet) my %statkeys = ( # Statistikdaten auszulesende Schlüssel Energy => 1, FeedIn => 1, GridConsumption => 1, SelfConsumption => 1, SelfSupply => 1, DirectConsumption => 1, TotalConsumption => 1, BackupOut => 1, BackupIn => 1, SelfConsumptionRate => 1, DirectConsumptionRate => 1, AutarkyRate => 1, ); my %subs; # Arbeitskopie von %stpl my %stpl = ( # Ausgangstemplate Subfunktionen der Datenprovider consumerMasterdata => { doit => 1, level => 'L00', func => '_getConsumerMasterdata'}, # mandatory plantMasterData => { doit => 1, level => 'L00', func => '_getPlantMasterData' }, # mandatory liveData => { doit => 0, level => 'L01', func => '_getLiveData' }, weatherData => { doit => 0, level => 'L02', func => '_getWeatherData' }, balanceDayData => { doit => 0, level => 'L03', func => '_getBalanceDayData' }, forecastData => { doit => 0, level => 'L04', func => '_getForecastData' }, consumerCurrentdata => { doit => 0, level => 'L05', func => '_getConsumerCurrData' }, consumerDayData => { doit => 0, level => 'L06', func => '_getConsumerDayData' }, consumerMonthData => { doit => 0, level => 'L07', func => '_getConsumerMonthData' }, consumerYearData => { doit => 0, level => 'L08', func => '_getConsumerYearData' }, plantLogbook => { doit => 0, level => 'L09', func => '_getPlantLogbook' }, ); # Tags der verfügbaren Datenquellen my @pd = qw( balanceDayData consumerCurrentdata consumerMasterdata consumerDayData consumerMonthData consumerYearData forecastData liveData plantMasterData weatherData plantLogbook ); ############################################################### # SMAPortal Initialize ############################################################### sub Initialize { my ($hash) = @_; my @pls; for my $p (@pd) { push @pls, $p if(!$stpl{$p}{doit}); } my $prov = join ",", @pls; my $v5d = join ",", @pd; $hash->{DefFn} = \&Define; $hash->{UndefFn} = \&Undefine; $hash->{DeleteFn} = \&Delete; $hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr; $hash->{SetFn} = \&Set; $hash->{GetFn} = \&Get; $hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = \&DbLog_split; $hash->{AttrList} = "cookieLocation ". "disable:0,1 ". "interval ". "plantLogbookTypes:multiple-strict,Info,Warning,Disturbance,Error ". "plantLogbookApprovalState:Any,NotApproved ". "providerLevel:multiple-strict,".$prov." ". "showPassInLog:1,0 ". "userAgent ". "verbose5Data:multiple-strict,none,loginData,".$v5d." ". $readingFnAttributes; eval { FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ) }; ## no critic 'eval' # für Meta.pm (https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,97589.0.html) return; } ############################################################### # SMAPortal Define ############################################################### sub Define { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split(/\s+/x, $def); return "Wrong syntax: use \"define SMAPortal\" " if(int(@a) < 1); $hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT} = 1 if($modMetaAbsent); # Modul Meta.pm nicht vorhanden $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} = "all"; $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = "none"; setVersionInfo($hash); # Versionsinformationen setzen getcredentials($hash,1); # Credentials lesen und in RAM laden ($boot=1) CallInfo ($hash); # Start Daten Abrufschleife return; } ############################################################### # SMAPortal Undefine ############################################################### sub Undefine { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); return; } ############################################################### # SMAPortal Delete ############################################################### sub Delete { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $index = $hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."_credentials"; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # gespeicherte Credentials löschen setKeyValue($index, undef); return; } ############################################################### # SMAPortal Set ############################################################### sub Set { ## no critic 'complexity' my ($hash, @a) = @_; return "\"set X\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 ); my $name = $a[0]; my $opt = $a[1]; my $prop = $a[2]; my $prop1 = $a[3]; my ($setlist,$success); my $ad = ""; return if(IsDisabled($name)); if(!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) { # initiale setlist für neue Devices $setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ". "credentials " ; } else { # erweiterte Setlist wenn Credentials gesetzt $setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ". "credentials ". "createPortalGraphic:Generation,Consumption,Generation_Consumption,Differential " ; if($hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID} && $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}) { my $lfd = 0; for my $key (keys %{$hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$lfd}}) { my $dev = $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$lfd}{DeviceName}; if($dev) { $ad .= "|" if($lfd != 0); $ad .= $dev; } if ($dev && $setlist !~ /$dev/x) { $setlist .= "$dev:on,off,auto "; } $lfd++; } } } if ($opt eq "credentials") { return "Credentials are incomplete, use username password" if (!$prop || !$prop1); ($success) = setcredentials($hash,$prop,$prop1); if($success) { CallInfo($hash); return "Username and Password saved successfully"; } else { return "Error while saving Username / Password - see logfile for details"; } } elsif ($opt eq "createPortalGraphic") { if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return "Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with \"set $name credentials username password\"";} my ($htmldev,$ret,$c,$type,$color2); if ($prop eq "Generation") { ## no critic "Cascading" $htmldev = "SPG1.$name"; # Grafiktyp Generation (Erzeugung) $type = 'pv'; $c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Generation"; $color2 = "000000"; # zweite Farbe als schwarz setzen } elsif ($prop eq "Consumption") { $htmldev = "SPG2.$name"; # Grafiktyp Consumption (Verbrauch) $type = 'co'; $c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Consumption"; $color2 = "000000"; # zweite Farbe als schwarz setzen } elsif ($prop eq "Generation_Consumption") { $htmldev = "SPG3.$name"; # Grafiktyp Generation_Consumption (Erzeugung und Verbrauch) $type = 'pvco'; $c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Generation & Consumption"; $color2 = "FF5C82"; # zweite Farbe als rot setzen } elsif ($prop eq "Differential") { $htmldev = "SPG4.$name"; # Grafiktyp Differential (Differenzanzeige) $type = 'diff'; $c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Differential"; $color2 = "FF5C82"; # zweite Farbe als rot setzen } else { return "Invalid portal graphic devicetype ! Use one of \"Generation\", \"Consumption\", \"Generation_Consumption\", \"Differential\". " } $ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$htmldev SMAPortalSPG {FHEM::SMAPortal::PortalAsHtml ('$name','$htmldev')}"); return $ret if($ret); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev alias $c"); # Alias setzen $c = qq{This device provides a praphical output of SMA Sunny Portal values.\n}. qq{The device "$name" needs to contain "forecastData" in attribute "providerLevel".\n}. qq{The attribute "providerLevel" must also contain "consumerCurrentdata" if you want switch your consumer connectet to the SMA Home Manager.}; CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev comment $c"); # es muß nicht unbedingt jedes der möglichen userattr unbedingt vorbesetzt werden # bzw muß überhaupt hier etwas vorbesetzt werden ? # alle Werte enstprechen eh den AttrVal/ AttrNum default Werten CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev hourCount 24"); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev consumerAdviceIcon on"); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev showHeader 1"); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev showLink 1"); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev spaceSize 24"); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev showWeather 1"); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev layoutType $type"); # Anzeigetyp setzen # eine mögliche Startfarbe steht beim installiertem f18 Style direkt zur Verfügung # ohne vorhanden f18 Style bestimmt später tr.odd aus der Style css die Anfangsfarbe my $color; my $jh = json2nameValue(AttrVal('WEB','styleData','')); if($jh && ref $jh eq "HASH") { $color = $jh->{'f18_cols.header'}; } if (defined($color)) { CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev beamColor $color"); } # zweite Farbe setzen CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev beamColor2 $color2"); my $room = AttrVal($name,"room","SMAPortal"); CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$htmldev room $room"); return "SMA Portal Graphics device \"$htmldev\" created and assigned to room \"$room\"."; } elsif ($opt && $ad && $opt =~ /$ad/x) { # Verbraucher schalten $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} = "none"; $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = "$opt:$prop"; CallInfo($hash); } else { return "$setlist"; } return; } ############################################################### # SMAPortal Get ############################################################### sub Get { my ($hash, @a) = @_; return "\"get X\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 ); my $name = shift @a; my $opt = shift @a; my $getlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ". "storedCredentials:noArg ". "data:noArg "; return "module is disabled" if(IsDisabled($name)); if ($opt eq "data") { $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} = "all"; $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = "none"; CallInfo($hash); } elsif ($opt eq "storedCredentials") { if(!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return "Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with \"set $name credentials <username> <password>\"";} # Credentials abrufen my ($success, $username, $password) = getcredentials($hash,0); unless ($success) {return "Credentials couldn't be retrieved successfully - see logfile"}; return "Stored Credentials to access SMA Portal:\n". "========================================\n". "Username: $username, Password: $password\n". "\n"; } else { return "$getlist"; } return; } ############################################################### # SMAPortal DbLog_splitFn ############################################################### sub DbLog_split { my ($event, $device) = @_; my $devhash = $defs{$device}; my ($reading, $value, $unit); if($event =~ m/[_\-fd]Consumption|Quote/x) { $event =~ /^L(.*):\s(.*)\s(.*)/x; if($1) { $reading = "L".$1; $value = $2; $unit = $3; } } if($event =~ m/Power|PV|FeedIn|SelfSupply|Temperature|Total|Energy|Hour:|Hour(\d\d):/x) { $event =~ /^L(.*):\s(.*)\s(.*)/x; if($1) { $reading = "L".$1; $value = $2; $unit = $3; } } if($event =~ m/Next04Hours-IsConsumption|RestOfDay-IsConsumption|Tomorrow-IsConsumption|Battery/x) { $event =~ /^L(.*):\s(.*)\s(.*)/x; if($1) { $reading = "L".$1; $value = $2; $unit = $3; } } if($event =~ m/summary/x && $event =~ /(.*):\s(.*)\s(.*)/x) { $reading = $1; $value = $2; $unit = $3; } return ($reading, $value, $unit); } ###################################################################################### # Username / Paßwort speichern ###################################################################################### sub setcredentials { my ($hash, @credentials) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my ($success, $credstr, $index, $retcode); my (@key,$len,$i); $credstr = encode_base64(join(':', @credentials)); # Beginn Scramble-Routine @key = qw(1 3 4 5 6 3 2 1 9); $len = scalar @key; $i = 0; $credstr = join "", map { $i = ($i + 1) % $len; chr((ord($_) + $key[$i]) % 256) } split //, $credstr; # End Scramble-Routine $index = $hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."_credentials"; $retcode = setKeyValue($index, $credstr); if ($retcode) { Log3($name, 1, "$name - Error while saving the Credentials - $retcode"); $success = 0; } else { getcredentials($hash,1); # Credentials nach Speicherung lesen und in RAM laden ($boot=1) $success = 1; } return ($success); } ###################################################################################### # Username / Paßwort abrufen ###################################################################################### sub getcredentials { my ($hash,$boot) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my ($success, $username, $passwd, $index, $retcode, $credstr); my (@key,$len,$i); if ($boot) { # mit $boot=1 Credentials von Platte lesen und als scrambled-String in RAM legen $index = $hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."_credentials"; ($retcode, $credstr) = getKeyValue($index); if ($retcode) { Log3($name, 2, "$name - Unable to read password from file: $retcode"); $success = 0; } if ($credstr) { # beim Boot scrambled Credentials in den RAM laden $hash->{HELPER}{".CREDENTIALS"} = $credstr; $hash->{CREDENTIALS} = "Set"; # "Credentials" wird als Statusbit ausgewertet. Wenn nicht gesetzt -> Warnmeldung und keine weitere Verarbeitung $success = 1; } } else { # boot = 0 -> Credentials aus RAM lesen, decoden und zurückgeben $credstr = $hash->{HELPER}{".CREDENTIALS"} // $hash->{HELPER}{CREDENTIALS}; # Kompatibilität zu Versionen vor 2.6.1 if($credstr) { # Beginn Descramble-Routine @key = qw(1 3 4 5 6 3 2 1 9); $len = scalar @key; $i = 0; $credstr = join "", map { $i = ($i + 1) % $len; chr((ord($_) - $key[$i] + 256) % 256) } split //, $credstr; # Ende Descramble-Routine ($username, $passwd) = split(":",decode_base64($credstr)); my $logpw = AttrVal($name, "showPassInLog", 0) ? $passwd : "********"; Log3($name, 4, "$name - Credentials read from RAM: $username $logpw"); } else { Log3($name, 1, "$name - Credentials not set in RAM !"); } $success = (defined($passwd)) ? 1 : 0; } return ($success, $username, $passwd); } ############################################################### # SMAPortal Attr ############################################################### sub Attr { my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($do,$val); # $cmd can be "del" or "set" # $name is device name # aName and aVal are Attribute name and value if ($aName eq "disable") { if($cmd eq "set") { $do = ($aVal) ? 1 : 0; } $do = 0 if($cmd eq "del"); $val = ($do == 1 ? "disabled" : "initialized"); if($do) { deleteData($hash); delete $hash->{MODE}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); } else { InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1.0, "FHEM::SMAPortal::CallInfo", $hash, 0); } readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", $val); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "loginState", "unknown"); readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2.0, "FHEM::SMAPortal::SPGRefresh", "$name,0,1", 0); } if ($cmd eq "set") { if ($aName =~ m/interval/x) { unless ($aVal =~ /^\d+$/x) {return " The Value for $aName is not valid. Use only figures 0-9 !";} } if($aName =~ m/interval/x) { return qq{The interval must be >= 120 seconds or 0 if you don't want use automatic updates} if($aVal > 0 && $aVal < 30); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1.0, "FHEM::SMAPortal::CallInfo", $hash, 0); } } return; } ################################################################ # Hauptschleife BlockingCall # $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} -> Flag für get Informationen # $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} -> Parameter für set-Befehl # $nc = 1 wenn Cycle Zähler nicht zurückgesetzt werden soll # $nr = 1 wenn Retry Zähler nicht zurückgesetzt werden soll # ################################################################ sub CallInfo { my ($hash,$nc,$nr) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $new; RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"FHEM::SMAPortal::CallInfo"); my ($interval,$maxcycles,$timeout,$ctime) = controlParams ($name); if($init_done == 1) { if(!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) { Log3($name, 1, "$name - Credentials not set. Set it with \"set $name credentials \""); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "Credentials not set", 1); return; } if(!$interval) { $hash->{MODE} = "Manual"; } else { $new = gettimeofday()+$interval; InternalTimer($new, "FHEM::SMAPortal::CallInfo", $hash, 0); # Wiederholungsintervall $hash->{MODE} = "Automatic - next polltime: ".FmtTime($new); } return if(IsDisabled($name)); for my $key (keys %stpl) { # festlegen welche Daten geliefert werden sollen next if($stpl{$key}{doit}); # die default Provider nicht noch einmal ausführen $subs{$name}{$key}{doit} = $stpl{$key}{doit}; $subs{$name}{$key}{level} = $stpl{$key}{level}; $subs{$name}{$key}{func} = $stpl{$key}{func}; } my @pl = split ",", AttrVal($name, "providerLevel", ""); for my $p (@pl) { $subs{$name}{$p}{doit} = 1; } if ($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) { BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); delete($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); } my $getp = $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER}; my $setp = $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER}; if(!$nc && !$nr) { Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - ################################################################"); Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - ### start new set/get data from SMA Sunny Portal ###"); Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - ################################################################"); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - calculated cycles summary time: $ctime"); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - calculated maximum cycles: $maxcycles"); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - calculated timeout: $timeout"); } if(!$nc) { $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE} = 1; $hash->{HELPER}{CYCLEBTIME} = (gettimeofday())[0]; } $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES} = 1 if(!$nr); my $ac = $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE}; Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - Running data cycle: $ac of $maxcycles"); readingsBeginUpdate ($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash,"state","running - call cycle $ac"); readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1); $hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("FHEM::SMAPortal::GetSetData", "$name|$getp|$setp", "FHEM::SMAPortal::ParseData", $timeout, "FHEM::SMAPortal::ParseAborted", $hash); $hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5 if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); # Forum #77057 } else { InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "FHEM::SMAPortal::CallInfo", $hash, 0); } return; } ################################################################ # Steuerparameter berechnen / festlegen ################################################################ sub controlParams { my $name = shift; # Voreinstellungen my $timeoutdef = 290; # Standard Timeout my $definterval = 300; # Standard Interval my $buffer = 5; # Sicherheitspuffer zum nächsten Intervall my $interval = AttrVal($name, "interval", $definterval); # 0 wenn manuell gesteuert my $maxcycles = $defmaxcycles; # prognostizierte Zeit eines Zyklus my $proctime = ($maxretries * 0.1); my $ctime = ($maxretries * $sleepretry) + $sleepexc + $proctime; $ctime = ReadingsVal ($name, "lastCycleTime", $ctime); $ctime = 7 if($ctime > 7); # Ausreißer ignorieren if(!$interval) { # manueller Datenabruf return ($interval,$maxcycles,$timeoutdef,$ctime); } # max Anzahl Zyklen $maxcycles = int(($interval - $buffer) / $ctime) if($ctime); # Timeout kalkulieren my $timeout = int(($maxcycles * $ctime) + $proctime - $buffer); $timeout = $timeoutdef if($timeout < 10); return ($interval,$maxcycles,$timeout,$ctime); } ################################################################ ## Datenabruf SMA-Portal ## schaltet auch Verbraucher des Sunny Home Managers ################################################################ sub GetSetData { ## no critic 'complexity' my ($string) = @_; my ($name,$getp,$setp) = split("\\|",$string); my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $useragent = AttrVal($name, "userAgent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)"); my $cookieLocation = AttrVal($name, "cookieLocation", "./log/".$name."_cookie.txt"); my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none"); my $verbose = AttrVal($name, "verbose", 3); my $lang = AttrVal("global", "language", "EN"); my $state = "ok"; my ($st,$lc) = ("",""); my @da = (); my ($errstate,$reread,$retry,$exceed,$newcycle) = (0,0,0,0,0); my %hal = ( # Header Accept-Language sprachenabhängig "DE" => "de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3", "EN" => "en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3" ); my ($d,$op); if($setp ne "none") { # Verbraucher soll in den Status $op geschaltet werden ($d,$op) = split(":",$setp); } Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Start operation with CookieLocation: $cookieLocation and UserAgent: $useragent"); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - data get: $getp, data set: ".(($d && $op)?($d." ".$op):$setp)); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; # Default Header Daten $ua->default_header("Accept" => "*/*", "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language" => $hal{$lang}, # deutsch: de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3 , englisch: en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3 "Connection" => "keep-alive", "Cookie" => "collapseNavi_state=shown", "DNT" => 1, "Host" => "www.sunnyportal.com", "Referer" => "https://www.sunnyportal.com/FixedPages/HoManLive.aspx", "User-Agent" => $useragent, "X-Requested-With" => "XMLHttpRequest" ); # Cookies $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "$cookieLocation", ignore_discard => 1, autosave => 1 ) ); handleCounter ($name, "dailyCallCounter"); # Abfragezähler setzen (Anzahl tägliche Wiederholungen von GetSetData) ### Login ############## my $paref = [ $name, $ua, $state, $errstate ]; ($state, $errstate) = _checkLogin ($paref); if($errstate) { $st = encode_base64 ( $state,""); return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st"; } ### die Anlagen Asset Daten auslesen (Funktionen in Template %stpl default doit=1) ################################################################################## for my $k (keys %stpl) { next if(!$stpl{$k}{doit}); no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict' ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry) = &{$stpl{$k}{func}} ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, state => $state, daref => \@da }); use strict "refs"; if($errstate) { $st = encode_base64 ( $state,""); return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st"; } } ### Verbraucher schalten ####################################### if($setp ne "none") { my ($serial,$id); for my $key (keys %{$hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}}) { my $h = $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$key}{DeviceName}; if($h && $h eq $d) { $serial = $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$key}{SerialNumber}; $id = $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$key}{SUSyID}; } } my $plantOid = $hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}; my $res = $ua->post('https://www.sunnyportal.com/Homan/ConsumerBalance/SetOperatingMode', { 'mode' => $op, 'serialNumber' => $serial, 'SUSyID' => $id, 'plantOid' => $plantOid } ); $res = $res->decoded_content(); Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - Set \"$d $op\" result: ".$res); if($res eq "true") { $state = "ok - switched consumer $d to $op"; BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "GETTER:all" ], 1); BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "SETTER:none"], 1); } else { $state = "Error - couldn't switch consumer $d to $op"; } } ### Daten abrufen ############################# if($getp ne "none") { for my $k (keys %{$subs{$name}}) { next if(!$subs{$name}{$k}{doit}); no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict' ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry) = &{$subs{$name}{$k}{func}} ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, state => $state, daref => \@da }); use strict "refs"; if($errstate) { $st = encode_base64 ( $state,""); return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st"; } goto &GetSetData if($reread); # Wiederholung Datenabruf innerhalb eines Cycle my $retc = $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}; # aktuelle Retry-Zähler if($retry && $retc < $maxretries) { # neuer Retry im gleichen Zyklus (nicht wenn Verbraucher schalten) $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}++; if($retc == $thold) { # Schwellenwert Leseversuche erreicht -> Cookie File löschen Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Threshold reached, delete cookie and retry ...}); sleep $sleepexc; # Threshold exceed -> Retry mit Cookie löschen $exceed = 1; BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "RETRIES:".$hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES} ], 1); return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$errstate|$getp|$setp"; } sleep $sleepretry; goto &GetSetData; } # Wiederholung Datenabruf in einem neuen Cycle my $ac = $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE}; my $maxcycles = (controlParams $name)[1]; if($retry && $ac < $maxcycles) { # neuer Zyklus (nicht wenn Verbraucher schalten) Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Maximum retries reached, delete cookie and start new cycle ...}); $newcycle = 1; return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$errstate|$getp|$setp"; } } } # Daten müssen als Einzeiler zurückgegeben werden $st = encode_base64 ( $state, ""); if(@da) { $lc = join "###", @da; $lc = encode_base64 ( $lc, ""); } return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st|$lc"; } ################################################################ # Login Status checken und ggf. einloggen ################################################################ sub _checkLogin { my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->[0]; my $ua = $paref->[1]; my $state = $paref->[2]; my $errstate = $paref->[3]; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none"); my $verbose = AttrVal($name, "verbose", 3); my $loginp = $ua->post('https://www.sunnyportal.com/Templates/Start.aspx'); my $retcode = $loginp->code; my $location = $loginp->header('Location') // ""; if($verbose == 5 && $v5d =~ /loginData/) { $ua->add_handler( request_send => sub { shift->dump; return } ); # for debugging $ua->add_handler( response_done => sub { shift->dump; return } ); } if ($loginp->is_success) { if($v5d =~ /loginData/) { Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Status Login Page: ".$loginp->status_line); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Header Location: ".$location); } $retcode = $loginp->code; $location = $loginp->header('Location') // ""; if($location ne "/FixedPages/HoManLive.aspx" || $retcode ne "302") { # keine aktive Session -> neuer Login Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - User not logged in. Try login with credentials ..."); # Credentials abrufen my ($success, $username, $password) = getcredentials($hash,0); if(!$success) { Log3($name, 1, qq{$name - Credentials couldn't be retrieved successfully - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials "}); $state = "Credentials couldn't be read"; $errstate = 1; } else { my $usernameField = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$txtUserName"; my $passwordField = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$txtPassword"; my $mempasswd = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$MemorizePassword"; my $loginField = "__EVENTTARGET"; my $loginButton = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$LoginBtn"; $loginp = $ua->post('https://www.sunnyportal.com/Templates/Start.aspx',[$usernameField => $username, $passwordField => $password, $mempasswd => "on", "__EVENTTARGET" => $loginButton]); $retcode = $loginp->code; $location = $loginp->header('Location') // ""; if($v5d =~ /loginData/) { Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Status Redirect Page : ".$retcode); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Header Redirect Location: ".$location); } my $sc = $loginp->header('Set-Cookie') // ""; my ($logname) = $sc =~ /SunnyPortalLoginInfo=Username=(.*?)&/sx; Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Header Set-Cookie: ".$sc) if($v5d =~ /loginData/); if($logname && $logname eq $username) { # Login erfolgeich(Landing Pages können im Portal eingestellt werden!) Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - Login into SMA-Portal successfully done with user: $logname"); handleCounter ($name, "dailyIssueCookieCounter"); # Cookie Ausstellungszähler setzen BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "loginState:successful", "oldlogintime:".(gettimeofday())[0] ], 1); $errstate = 0; } else { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - Login into SMA-Portal failed !"); $state = "login failed - check user and password"; BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "loginState:failed", "NULL" ], 1); $errstate = 1; } } } } elsif($loginp->is_redirect) { $retcode = $loginp->code; $location = $loginp->header('Location') // ""; if($v5d =~ /loginData/) { Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Redirect return code: ".$retcode); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Redirect Header Location: ".$location); } $errstate = 0; } else { $errstate = 1; $state = $loginp->status_line; BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "loginState:failed", "NULL" ], 1); Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR Login Page: ".$state); } $ua->remove_handler('request_send'); $ua->remove_handler('response_done'); return ($state, $errstate); } ################################################################ # Abruf Live Daten ################################################################ sub _getLiveData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon, $year); my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts); my $time = int(($cts + $offset) * 1000); # add Timestamp in Millisekunden and UTC ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/homemanager?t='.$time, tag => "liveData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractLiveData ) ], addon => "", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Wetterdaten ################################################################ sub _getWeatherData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/Dashboard/Weather', tag => "weatherData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractWeatherData ) ], addon => "", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Anlagen Stammdaten ################################################################ sub _getPlantMasterData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/HoMan/Forecast/LoadRecommendationData', tag => "plantMasterData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractPlantMasterData ) ], addon => "", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Consumer Stammdaten ################################################################ sub _getConsumerMasterdata { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/Homan/ConsumerBalance/GetLiveProxyValues', tag => "consumerMasterdata", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractConsumerMasterdata ) ], addon => "", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Consumer current Data ################################################################ sub _getConsumerCurrData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/Homan/ConsumerBalance/GetLiveProxyValues', tag => "consumerCurrentdata", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractConsumerCurrentdata ) ], addon => "", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Consumer Tagesdaten ################################################################ sub _getConsumerDayData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); if(!$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}) { $errstate = 1; $state = qq{The consumer data cannot be retrieved because the plant ID isn't set.}; Log3 $name, 2, "$name - $state"; return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } my $PlantOid = $hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}; my $dds = (split(/\s+/x, TimeNow()))[0]; my $dde = (split(/\s+/x, FmtDateTime(time()+86400)))[0]; my $ccdd = 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/Homan/ConsumerBalance/GetMeasuredValues?IntervalId=2&'.$PlantOid.'&StartTime='.$dds.'&EndTime='.$dde.''; # Energiedaten aktueller Tag Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting consumer energy data of current day"); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Request date -> start: $dds, end: $dde"); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Request consumer current day data string ->\n$ccdd"); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => $ccdd, tag => "consumerDayData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractConsumerHistData ) ], addon => "day", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Consumer Monatsdaten ################################################################ sub _getConsumerMonthData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); if(!$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}) { $errstate = 1; $state = qq{The consumer data cannot be retrieved because the plant ID isn't set.}; Log3 $name, 2, "$name - $state"; return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } my $PlantOid = $hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}; my $dds = (split(/\s+/x, TimeNow()))[0]; my $dde = (split(/\s+/x, FmtDateTime(time()+86400)))[0]; my ($mds,$me,$ye,$mde); if($dds =~ /(.*)-(.*)-(.*)/x) { $mds = "$1-$2-01"; $me = (($2+1)<=12) ? $2+1 : 1; $me = sprintf("%02d", $me); $ye = ($2>$me) ? $1+1 : $1; $mde = "$ye-$me-01"; } my $ccmd = 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/Homan/ConsumerBalance/GetMeasuredValues?IntervalId=4&'.$PlantOid.'&StartTime='.$mds.'&EndTime='.$mde.''; # Energiedaten aktueller Monat Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting consumer energy data of current month"); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Request date -> start: $mds, end: $mde"); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Request consumer current month data string ->\n$ccmd"); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => $ccmd, tag => "consumerMonthData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractConsumerHistData ) ], addon => "month", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Consumer Jahresdaten ################################################################ sub _getConsumerYearData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); if(!$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}) { $errstate = 1; $state = qq{The consumer data cannot be retrieved because of the plant ID isn't set.}; Log3 $name, 2, "$name - $state"; return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } my $PlantOid = $hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}; my $dds = (split(/\s+/x, TimeNow()))[0]; my $dde = (split(/\s+/x, FmtDateTime(time()+86400)))[0]; my ($mds,$me,$ye,$mde,$yds,$yde); if($dds =~ /(.*)-(.*)-(.*)/x) { $mds = "$1-$2-01"; $me = (($2+1)<=12) ? $2+1 : 1; $me = sprintf("%02d", $me); $ye = ($2>$me) ? $1+1 : $1; $mde = "$ye-$me-01"; $yds = "$1-01-01"; $yde = ($1+1)."-01-01"; } my $ccyd = 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/Homan/ConsumerBalance/GetMeasuredValues?IntervalId=5&'.$PlantOid.'&StartTime='.$yds.'&EndTime='.$yde.''; # Energiedaten aktuelles Jahr Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting consumer energy data of current year"); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Request date -> start: $yds, end: $yde"); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Request consumer current year data string ->\n$ccyd"); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => $ccyd, tag => "consumerYearData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractConsumerHistData ) ], addon => "year", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Vorhersage Daten ################################################################ sub _getForecastData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/HoMan/Forecast/LoadRecommendationData', tag => "forecastData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractForecastData extractConsumerPlanData ) ], addon => "", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Statistik Daten Day # (anchorTime beachten !) ################################################################ sub _getBalanceDayData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, $mday, $mon, $year); my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts); my $anchort = int($cts + $offset); # anchorTime in UTC -> abzurufendes Datum my $tab = 1; # Tab 1 -> Tag , 2->Monat, 3->Jahr, 4->Gesamt my %fields = ("Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8"); my $cont = qq{ {"tabNumber":$tab,"anchorTime":$anchort} }; ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchPost ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/FixedPages/HoManEnergyRedesign.aspx/GetLegendWithValues', tag => "balanceDayData", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractStatisticData ) ], fields => \%fields, content => $cont, addon => "Day", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Abruf Anlagen Logbuch ################################################################ sub _getPlantLogbook { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $state = $paref->{state}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); if(!$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}) { $errstate = 1; $state = qq{The logbook cannot be retrieved because of the plant ID isn't set.}; Log3 $name, 2, "$name - $state"; return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } my $PlantOid = $hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}; my $msgtypes = AttrVal($name, "plantLogbookTypes", "Warning,Disturbance,Error"); # möglich: Warning,Info,Disturbance,Error my $appstate = AttrVal($name, "plantLogbookApprovalState", "Any"); my $date = (split(/\s+/x, TimeNow()))[0]; my $call = 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/Plants/'.$PlantOid.'/Log/Get?MessageTypes='.$msgtypes.'&ApprovalState='.$appstate.'&Device=None&MaxDateTime='.$date.'&Ticks=0'; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Retrieving the logbook data up to the date: $date"); ($errstate,$state) = __dispatchGet ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => $call, tag => "plantLogbook", state => $state, fnaref => [ qw( extractPlantLogbook ) ], addon => "", daref => $daref }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Dispatcher GET ################################################################ sub __dispatchGet { my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $call = $paref->{call}; # Seitenaufruf zur Datenquelle my $tag = $paref->{tag}; # Kennzeichen der abzurufenen Daten my $state = $paref->{state}; my $fnref = $paref->{fnaref}; # Referenz zu Array der aufzurufenden Funktion(en) zur Datenextraktion my $fnaddon = $paref->{addon}; # optionales Addon für aufzurufende Funktion my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); my ($data,$data_cont) = ___getData ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => $call, tag => $tag }); ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state) = ___analyzeData ({ name => $name, errstate => $errstate, state => $state, data => $data }); return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry) if($errstate || $reread || $retry); if ($data_cont && $data_cont !~ m/undefined/ix) { my @func = @$fnref; no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict' for my $fn (@func) { &{$fn} ($hash,$daref,$data_cont,$fnaddon); } use strict "refs"; } return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Dispatcher POST ################################################################ sub __dispatchPost { my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent my $call = $paref->{call}; # Seitenaufruf zur Datenquelle my $tag = $paref->{tag}; # Kennzeichen der abzurufenen Daten my $state = $paref->{state}; my $fnref = $paref->{fnaref}; # Referenz zu Array der aufzurufenden Funktion(en) zur Datenextraktion my $fields = $paref->{fields}; # Referenz zum Hash der zu übertragenden PUSH Header my $cont = $paref->{content}; # Content Daten für PUSH (String) my $fnaddon = $paref->{addon}; # optionales Addon für aufzurufende Funktion my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0); my ($data,$data_cont) = ___postData ({ name => $name, ua => $ua, call => $call, tag => $tag, fields => $fields, content => $cont, }); ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state) = ___analyzeData ({ name => $name, errstate => $errstate, state => $state, data => $data }); return ($errstate,$state) if($errstate); if ($data_cont && $data_cont !~ m/undefined/ix) { my @func = @$fnref; no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict' for my $fn (@func) { &{$fn} ($hash,$daref,$data_cont,$fnaddon); } use strict "refs"; } return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry); } ################################################################ # Standard Abruf Daten GET ################################################################ sub ___getData { my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; my $call = $paref->{call}; my $tag = $paref->{tag}; my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none"); my $verbose = AttrVal($name, "verbose", 3); my $cont; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting $tag"); if($verbose == 5 && $v5d =~ /$tag/x) { $ua->add_handler( request_send => sub { shift->dump; return } ); # for debugging $ua->add_handler( response_done => sub { shift->dump; return } ); } my $data = $ua->get( $call ); my $dcont = $data->content; $cont = eval{decode_json($dcont)} or do { $cont = $dcont }; if($v5d =~ /$tag/x) { Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Return Code: ".$data->code); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - $tag received:\n".Dumper $cont); } $ua->remove_handler('request_send'); $ua->remove_handler('response_done'); return ($data,$dcont); } ################################################################ # Standard Abruf Daten POST ################################################################ sub ___postData { my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $ua = $paref->{ua}; my $call = $paref->{call}; my $fields = $paref->{fields}; my $content = $paref->{content}; my $tag = $paref->{tag}; my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none"); my $verbose = AttrVal($name, "verbose", 3); my $cont; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting $tag"); if($verbose == 5 && $v5d =~ /$tag/x) { $ua->add_handler( request_send => sub { shift->dump; return } ); # for debugging $ua->add_handler( response_done => sub { shift->dump; return } ); } my $data = $ua->post( $call, %$fields, Content => $content ); my $dcont = $data->content; $cont = eval{decode_json($dcont)} or do { $cont = $dcont }; if($v5d =~ /$tag/x) { Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Return Code: ".$data->code); Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - $tag received:\n".Dumper $cont); } $ua->remove_handler('request_send'); $ua->remove_handler('response_done'); return ($data,$dcont); } ################################################################ # analysiere abgerufene Daten ################################################################ sub ___analyzeData { ## no critic 'complexity' my $paref = shift; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $errstate = $paref->{errstate}; my $state = $paref->{state}; my $ad = $paref->{data}; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($reread,$retry) = (0,0); my $data = ""; my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none"); my $ad_content = encode("utf8", $ad->decoded_content); my $act = $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}; # Index aktueller Wiederholungsversuch my $attstr = "Attempts read data again ... ($act of $maxretries)"; # Log vorbereiten my $wm1e = qq{Updating of the live data was interrupted}; my $wm1d = qq{Die Aktualisierung der Live-Daten wurde unterbrochen}; my $wm2e = qq{The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown}; my $wm2d = qq{Der aktuelle Verbrauch konnte nicht ermittelt werden. Der aktuelle Netzbezug ist unbekannt}; my $em1e = qq{Communication with the Sunny Home Manager is currently not possible}; my $em1d = qq{Kommunikation mit dem Sunny Home Manager derzeit nicht m}; my $em2e = qq{The current data cannot be retrieved from the PV system. Check the cabling and configuration}; my $em2d = qq{Die aktuellen Daten .*? nicht von der Anlage abgerufen werden.*? Sie die Verkabelung und Konfiguration}; $data = eval{decode_json($ad_content)} or do { $data = $ad_content }; if(ref $data eq "HASH") { for my $k (keys %{$data}) { my $val = $data->{$k}; next if(!defined $val); my @da; if(ref $val eq "ARRAY") { for my $a (@{$val}) { push @da, $a if(!ref $a); } } if(ref $val eq "HASH") { for my $b (keys %{$val}) { push @da, $b; } } $val = join " ", @da if(@da); if ($val && $k !~ /__type/ix) { if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $val =~ /$wm1e|$wm1d/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!! Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - Updating of the live data was interrupted. $attstr"); $retry = 1; return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state); } if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $val =~ /$wm2e|$wm2d/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!! Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown. $attstr"); $retry = 1; return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state); } if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $val =~ /$em1e|$em1d/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!! # Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - Communication with the Sunny Home Manager currently impossible. $attstr"); $retry = 1; return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state); } if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $val =~ /$em2e|$em2d/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!! # Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - The current data cannot be retrieved from the PV system. $attstr"); $retry = 1; return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state); } } } } else { my $njdat = encode("utf8", $ad->as_string); if($njdat =~ /401\s-\sUnauthorized/x) { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - User logged in but unauthorized"); my($p1,$p2) = $njdat =~ /


(.*)?<\/h3>/sx; $state = ($p1 // "")." ".($p2 // ""); } Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - No JSON Data received:\n ".$njdat); $errstate = 1; } return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state); } ################################################################ ## Verarbeitung empfangene Daten, setzen Readings ################################################################ sub ParseData { ## no critic 'complexity' my $string = shift; my @a = split("\\|",$string); my $hash = $defs{$a[0]}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my @da = (); my ($errstate,$newcycle,$getp,$setp,$state,$exceed,$lc); $exceed = $a[1]; $newcycle = $a[2]; $errstate = $a[3]; $getp = $a[4]; $setp = $a[5]; my $ac = $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE}; my $maxcycles = (controlParams $name)[1]; if($exceed) { delete($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); delcookiefile ($hash); $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} = $getp; $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = $setp; CallInfo($hash,1,1); # neuer Versuch (nach Threshold exceed) im gleichen Cycle mit gelöschtem Cookie return; } if($newcycle && $ac < $maxcycles) { delete($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} = $getp; $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = $setp; $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE}++; CallInfo($hash,1,0); # neuer Abrufcycle return; } # Laufzeit für einen Cycle berechnen my $btime = $hash->{HELPER}{CYCLEBTIME}; my $etime = (gettimeofday())[0]; my $cycles = $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE}; my $ctime = int(($etime - $btime) / $cycles); # durchschnittliche Laufzeit für einen Zyklus $state = decode_base64($a[6]); if($a[7]) { $lc = decode_base64($a[7]); @da = split "###", $lc; } deleteData($hash, 1) if($getp ne "none"); # Daten nur löschen wenn Datenabruf (kein Verbraucher schalten) readingsBeginUpdate($hash); for my $elem (@da) { my ($rn,$rval) = split ":", $elem, 2; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $rn, $rval); } readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); my $ldlv = $stpl{liveData}{level}; my $cclv = $stpl{consumerCurrentdata}{level}; my $lddo = $subs{$name}{liveData}{doit}; my $pv = ReadingsNum($name, "${ldlv}_PV" , 0); my $fi = ReadingsNum($name, "${ldlv}_FeedIn" , 0); my $gc = ReadingsNum($name, "${ldlv}_GridConsumption", 0); my $sum = $fi-$gc; if(!$errstate && $lddo && !$pv && !$fi && !$gc) { # keine Anlagendaten vorhanden $state = "Data can't be retrieved from SMA-Portal. Reread at next scheduled cycle."; Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state"); } readingsBeginUpdate($hash); if(!$errstate) { if($setp ne "none") { my ($d,$op) = split(":",$setp); $op = ($op eq "auto") ? "off (automatic)" : $op; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "${cclv}_${d}_Switch", $op); } readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastCycleTime", $ctime ) if($ctime > 0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "summary" , $sum." W") if($subs{$name}{liveData}{doit}); } readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $state); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); finalCleanup($hash); SPGRefresh($hash,0,1); return; } ################################################################ ## Timeout BlockingCall ################################################################ sub ParseAborted { my ($hash,$cause) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $cause = $cause // "Timeout >process terminated<"; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - BlockingCall $hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{fn} pid:$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid} $cause"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "broken: ".$cause, 1); finalCleanup($hash); return; } ################################################################ ## Final cleanup of an execution ################################################################ sub finalCleanup { my $hash = shift; delete($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); $hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} = "all"; $hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = "none"; delcookiefile ($hash); return; } ################################################################ # Cookie-Datei löschen ################################################################ sub delcookiefile { my $hash = shift; my $source = shift;; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $err = ""; my $cookieLocation = AttrVal($name, "cookieLocation", "./log/".$name."_cookie.txt"); my $delfile = unlink ($cookieLocation) or $err = $!; if($delfile) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Cookie file deleted: $cookieLocation"; } return ($err); } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Live Daten ################################################################ sub extractLiveData { ## no critic 'complexity' my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $live = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $val = ""; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting live data #### "); $live = eval{decode_json($live)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my ($errMsg,$warnMsg,$infoMsg) = (0,0,0); my $lv = $stpl{liveData}{level}; my $lang = AttrVal ("global", "language", "EN"); my %hm = ( # Header Messages sprachenabhängig "DE" => "Nachricht von SMA Sunny Portal erhalten:", "EN" => "Message got from SMA Sunny Portal:" ); if (ref $live eq "HASH") { push @$daref, "${lv}_FeedIn:" .($live->{FeedIn} // 0)." W"; push @$daref, "${lv}_GridConsumption:" .($live->{GridConsumption} // 0)." W"; push @$daref, "${lv}_PV:" .($live->{PV} // 0)." W"; push @$daref, "${lv}_AutarkyQuote:" .($live->{AutarkyQuote} // 0)." %"; push @$daref, "${lv}_SelfConsumption:" .($live->{SelfConsumption} // 0)." W"; push @$daref, "${lv}_SelfConsumptionQuote:" .($live->{SelfConsumptionQuote} // 0)." %"; push @$daref, "${lv}_SelfSupply:" .($live->{SelfSupply} // 0)." W"; push @$daref, "${lv}_TotalConsumption:" .($live->{TotalConsumption} // 0)." W"; push @$daref, "${lv}_BatteryIn:" .$live->{BatteryIn}. " W" if(defined $live->{BatteryIn}); push @$daref, "${lv}_BatteryOut:" .$live->{BatteryOut}." W" if(defined $live->{BatteryOut}); push @$daref, "${lv}_BatteryMode:" .$live->{BatteryMode}."" if(defined $live->{BatteryMode}); push @$daref, "${lv}_BatteryStateOfHealth:" .$live->{BatteryStateOfHealth}."" if(defined $live->{BatteryStateOfHealth}); push @$daref, "${lv}_BatteryChargeStatus:" .$live->{BatteryChargeStatus}." %" if(defined $live->{BatteryChargeStatus}); push @$daref, "${lv}_DirectConsumption:" .$live->{DirectConsumption}." W" if(defined $live->{DirectConsumption}); push @$daref, "${lv}_DirectConsumptionQuote:" .$live->{DirectConsumptionQuote}." %" if(defined $live->{DirectConsumptionQuote}); push @$daref, "${lv}_ModuleTemperature:" .$live->{ModuleTemperature}."" if(defined $live->{ModuleTemperature}); push @$daref, "${lv}_OperationHealth:" .$live->{OperationHealth}."" if(defined $live->{OperationHealth}); push @$daref, "${lv}_Insolation:" .$live->{Insolation}."" if(defined $live->{Insolation}); push @$daref, "${lv}_WindSpeed:" .$live->{WindSpeed}."" if(defined $live->{WindSpeed}); push @$daref, "${lv}_EnvironmentTemperature:" .$live->{EnvironmentTemperature}."" if(defined $live->{EnvironmentTemperature}); if($live->{ErrorMessages}[0]) { my @em; $errMsg = 1; for my $a (@{$live->{ErrorMessages}}) { push @em, encode ("utf8", $a); } $val = join " ", @em if(@em); push @$daref, "${lv}_ErrorMessages:".qq{$hm{$lang}
$val}; } if($live->{WarningMessages}[0]) { my @wm; $warnMsg = 1; for my $a (@{$live->{WarningMessages}}) { push @wm, encode ("utf8", $a); } $val = join " ", @wm if(@wm); push @$daref, "${lv}_WarningMessages:".qq{$hm{$lang}
$val}; } if($live->{InfoMessages}[0]) { my @im; $infoMsg = 1; for my $a (@{$live->{InfoMessages}}) { push @im, encode ("utf8", $a); } $val = join " ", @im if(@im); push @$daref, "${lv}_InfoMessages:".qq{$hm{$lang}
$val}; } } BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::delReadingFromBlocking", [$name, "${lv}_ErrorMessages"] , 1) if(!$errMsg); BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::delReadingFromBlocking", [$name, "${lv}_WarningMessages"], 1) if(!$warnMsg); BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::delReadingFromBlocking", [$name, "${lv}_InfoMessages"] , 1) if(!$infoMsg); return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Forecast Daten ################################################################ sub extractForecastData { ## no critic 'complexity' my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $forecast = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting forecast data #### "); $forecast = eval{decode_json($forecast)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon += 1; my $today = "$year-".sprintf("%02d", $mon)."-".sprintf("%02d", $mday)."T"; my $lv = $stpl{forecastData}{level}; my $PV_sum = 0; my $consum_sum = 0; my $sum = 0; # Counter for forecast objects my $obj_nr = 0; # The next few hours... my %nextFewHoursSum = ("PV" => 0, "Consumption" => 0, "Total" => 0, "ConsumpRcmd" => 0); # Rest of the day... my %restOfDaySum = ("PV" => 0, "Consumption" => 0, "Total" => 0, "ConsumpRcmd" => 0); # Tomorrow... my %tomorrowSum = ("PV" => 0, "Consumption" => 0, "Total" => 0, "ConsumpRcmd" => 0); # Get the current day (for 2016-02-26, this is 26) my $current_day = (localtime)[3]; # Loop through all forecast objects # Energie wird als "J" geliefert, Wh = J / 3600 for my $fc_obj (@{$forecast->{'ForecastSeries'}}) { my $fc_datetime = $fc_obj->{'TimeStamp'}->{'DateTime'}; # Example for DateTime: 2016-02-15T23:00:00 my $tkind = $fc_obj->{'TimeStamp'}->{'Kind'}; # Zeitart: Unspecified, Utc # Calculate Unix timestamp (month begins at 0, year at 1900) my ($fc_year, $fc_month, $fc_day, $fc_hour) = $fc_datetime =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):00:00$/x; my $fc_uts = POSIX::mktime( 0, 0, $fc_hour, $fc_day, $fc_month - 1, $fc_year - 1900 ); my $fc_diff_seconds = $fc_uts - time + 3600; # So we go above 0 for the current hour my $fc_diff_hours = int( $fc_diff_seconds / 3600 ); # Use also old data to integrate daily PV and Consumption if ($current_day == $fc_day) { $PV_sum += int($fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'}); # integrator of daily PV in Wh $consum_sum += int($fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'}/3600); # integrator of daily Consumption forecast in Wh } # Don't use old data next if $fc_diff_seconds < 0; # Sum up for the next few hours (4 hours total, this is current hour plus the next 3 hours) if ($obj_nr < 4) { $nextFewHoursSum{'PV'} += $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'}; # Wh $nextFewHoursSum{'Consumption'} += $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600; # Wh $nextFewHoursSum{'Total'} += $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'} - $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600; # Wh $nextFewHoursSum{'ConsumpRcmd'} += $fc_obj->{'IsConsumptionRecommended'} ? 1 : 0; } # If data is for the rest of the current day if ( $current_day == $fc_day ) { $restOfDaySum{'PV'} += $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'}; # Wh $restOfDaySum{'Consumption'} += $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600; # Wh $restOfDaySum{'Total'} += $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'} - $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600; # Wh $restOfDaySum{'ConsumpRcmd'} += $fc_obj->{'IsConsumptionRecommended'} ? 1 : 0; } # If data is for the next day (quick and dirty: current day different from this object's day) # Assuming only the current day and the next day are returned from Sunny Portal if ( $current_day != $fc_day ) { $tomorrowSum{'PV'} += $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'} if(exists($fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'})); # Wh $tomorrowSum{'Consumption'} += $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600; # Wh $tomorrowSum{'Total'} += $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'} - $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600 if ($fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'}); # Wh $tomorrowSum{'ConsumpRcmd'} += $fc_obj->{'IsConsumptionRecommended'} ? 1 : 0; } # Update values in Fhem if less than 24 hours in the future # TimeStamp Kind: "Unspecified" if ($obj_nr < 24) { my $time_str = "ThisHour"; $time_str = "NextHour".sprintf("%02d", $obj_nr) if($fc_diff_hours>0); if($time_str =~ /NextHour/x) { push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_Time:". TimeAdjust($hash,$fc_obj->{'TimeStamp'}->{'DateTime'},$tkind); push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_PvMeanPower:". int( $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'} )." Wh"; # in W als Durchschnitt geliefet, d.h. eine Stunde -> Wh push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_Consumption:". int( $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600 )." Wh"; # {'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} wird als J = Ws geliefert push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_IsConsumptionRecommended:". ($fc_obj->{'IsConsumptionRecommended'} ? "yes" : "no"); push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_Total:". (int($fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'}) - int($fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600))." Wh"; # add WeatherId Helper to show weather icon BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "${lv}_".${time_str}."_WeatherId:".int($fc_obj->{'WeatherId'}) ], 1) if(defined $fc_obj->{'WeatherId'}); } if($time_str =~ /ThisHour/x) { push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_Time:". TimeAdjust($hash,$fc_obj->{'TimeStamp'}->{'DateTime'},$tkind); push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_PvMeanPower:". int( $fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'} )." Wh"; # in W als Durchschnitt geliefet, d.h. eine Stunde -> Wh push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_Consumption:". int( $fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600 )." Wh"; # {'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} wird als J = Ws geliefert push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_IsConsumptionRecommended:". ($fc_obj->{'IsConsumptionRecommended'} ? "yes" : "no"); push @$daref, "${lv}_${time_str}_Total:". (int($fc_obj->{'PvMeanPower'}->{'Amount'}) - int($fc_obj->{'ConsumptionForecast'}->{'Amount'} / 3600))." Wh"; # add WeatherId Helper to show weather icon BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "${lv}_".${time_str}."_WeatherId:".int($fc_obj->{'WeatherId'}) ], 1) if(defined $fc_obj->{'WeatherId'}); } } # Increment object counter $obj_nr++; } push @$daref, "${lv}_Next04Hours_Consumption:". int( $nextFewHoursSum{'Consumption'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_Next04Hours_PV:". int( $nextFewHoursSum{'PV'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_Next04Hours_Total:". int( $nextFewHoursSum{'Total'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_Next04Hours_IsConsumptionRecommended:". int( $nextFewHoursSum{'ConsumpRcmd'} )." h"; push @$daref, "${lv}_ForecastToday_Consumption:". $consum_sum." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_ForecastToday_PV:". $PV_sum." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_RestOfDay_Consumption:". int( $restOfDaySum{'Consumption'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_RestOfDay_PV:". int( $restOfDaySum{'PV'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_RestOfDay_Total:". int( $restOfDaySum{'Total'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_RestOfDay_IsConsumptionRecommended:". int( $restOfDaySum{'ConsumpRcmd'} )." h"; push @$daref, "${lv}_Tomorrow_Consumption:". int( $tomorrowSum{'Consumption'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_Tomorrow_PV:". int( $tomorrowSum{'PV'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_Tomorrow_Total:". int( $tomorrowSum{'Total'} )." Wh"; push @$daref, "${lv}_Tomorrow_IsConsumptionRecommended:". int( $tomorrowSum{'ConsumpRcmd'} )." h"; return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Wetterdaten ################################################################ sub extractWeatherData { my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $weather = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting weather data #### "); $weather = eval{decode_json($weather)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $lv = $stpl{weatherData}{level}; for my $k (keys %$weather) { next if(!$k); Log3 ($name, 4, qq{$name - Weatherdata content "$k": }.Dumper $weather->{$k}); if (ref $weather->{$k} eq "HASH") { my $ih = $weather->{$k}; my $day = $k; my $symbol = encode("utf8", $weather->{$k}{TemperatureSymbol}); my $temp = sprintf("%.1f", $weather->{$k}{Temperature}); my $wdesc = encode ("utf8", $weather->{$k}{WeatherDescription}); $wdesc =~ s/t/T/x if($wdesc =~ /^t/x); $day =~ s/t/T/x; push @$daref, "${lv}_${day}_Temperature:$temp $symbol"; push @$daref, "${lv}_${day}_WeatherDescription:$wdesc"; } } return; } ################################################################ # Auswertung Statistic Daten # $period = Day | Month | Year ################################################################ sub extractStatisticData { my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $statistic = shift; my $period = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $sd; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting balance data #### "); $statistic = eval{decode_json($statistic)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $lv = $stpl{balanceDayData}{level}; if(ref $statistic eq "HASH") { $sd = decode_json ( encode('UTF-8', $statistic->{d}) ); } if($sd && ref $sd eq "ARRAY") { for my $a (@$sd) { # jedes ARRAY-Element ist ein HASH my $k = $a->{Key}; my $v = $a->{Value}; push @$daref, "${lv}_Today_${k}:$v" if(defined $statkeys{$k}); } } return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Anlagendaten ################################################################ sub extractPlantMasterData { my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $forecast = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my ($amount,$unit); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting plant master data #### "); $forecast = eval{decode_json($forecast)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $lv = $stpl{plantMasterData}{level}; my $plantOid = $forecast->{'ForecastTimeframes'}->{'PlantOid'}; if ($plantOid) { # wichtig für erweiterte Selektionen Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID: ".$plantOid); $hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID} = $plantOid; BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "PLANTOID:$plantOid"], 1); } else { Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID not set !"); } my $ppp = $forecast->{'PlantPeakPower'}; if($ppp) { $amount = $forecast->{'PlantPeakPower'}{'Amount'}; $unit = $forecast->{'PlantPeakPower'}{'StandardUnit'}{'Symbol'}; push @$daref, "${lv}_PlantPeakPower:$amount $unit"; Log3 $name, 4, "$name - plantMasterData \"PlantPeakPower Amount\": $amount"; Log3 $name, 4, "$name - plantMasterData \"PlantPeakPower Symbol\": $unit"; } return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Anlagenlogbuch ################################################################ sub extractPlantLogbook { my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $logdata = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting plant logbook data #### "); $logdata = eval{decode_json($logdata)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $lv = $stpl{plantLogbook}{level}; my %colors = ( # Farben Highlighting "Info" => qq{}, "Warning" => qq{}, "Warnung" => qq{}, "Disturbance" => qq{}, "Störung" => qq{}, "Error" => qq{}, "Fehler" => qq{}, "Unknown" => qq{}, ); my $eh = ""; # Endestring Highlighting if(ref $logdata->{aaData} eq "ARRAY") { my @ld = @{$logdata->{aaData}}; for my $ae (@ld) { # jedes ARRAY-Element ist ein HASH my $dn = encode("utf8", $ae->{DeviceName} ); my $ts = $ae->{Timestamp}; my $dc = encode("utf8", $ae->{Description} ); my $id = $ae->{MessageId}; my ($mt) = $ae->{MessageType} =~ /alt='(.*?)'/x; $mt = encode("utf8", $mt) // "Unknown"; my $bh = $colors{$mt}; my $v = qq{$bh $mt $eh
$dn : $ts
$dc}; push @$daref, "${lv}_LogbookEntry_${id}:$v"; } } return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Consumer Plan Data (aus forecastData) ################################################################ sub extractConsumerPlanData { my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $forecast = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %consumers; my ($key,$val); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting consumer plan data #### "); $forecast = eval{decode_json($forecast)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $lv = $stpl{forecastData}{level}; # Schleife über alle Consumer Objekte my $i = 0; for my $c (@{$forecast->{'Consumers'}}) { $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"} = $c->{'ConsumerName'}; $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerOid"} = $c->{'ConsumerOid'}; $i++; } if(%consumers && $forecast->{'ForecastTimeframes'}) { # es sind Vorhersagen zu geplanten Verbraucherschaltzeiten vorhanden # TimeFrameStart/End Kind: "Utc" for my $c (@{$forecast->{'ForecastTimeframes'}{'PlannedTimeFrames'}}) { my $tkind = $c->{'TimeFrameStart'}->{'Kind'}; # Zeitart: Unspecified, Utc my $deviceOid = $c->{'DeviceOid'}; my $timeFrameStart = TimeAdjust($hash,$c->{'TimeFrameStart'}{'DateTime'},$tkind); # wandele UTC my $timeFrameEnd = TimeAdjust($hash,$c->{'TimeFrameEnd'}{'DateTime'},$tkind); # wandele UTC my $tz = $c->{'TimeFrameStart'}{'Kind'}; for my $k (keys(%consumers)) { $val = $consumers{$k}; if($val eq $deviceOid && $k =~ /^(\d+)_.*$/x) { my $lfn = $1; $consumers{"${lfn}_PlannedOpTimeStart"} = $timeFrameStart; $consumers{"${lfn}_PlannedOpTimeEnd"} = $timeFrameEnd; } } } } if(%consumers) { for my $key (keys(%consumers)) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name - Consumer data \"$key\": ".encode("utf8", $consumers{$key}); if($key =~ /ConsumerName/x && $key =~ /^(\d+)_.*$/x) { my $lfn = $1; my $cn = $consumers{"${lfn}_ConsumerName"}; # Verbrauchername next if(!$cn); $cn = replaceJunkSigns($cn); # evtl. Umlaute/Leerzeichen im Verbrauchernamen ersetzen my $pos = $consumers{"${lfn}_PlannedOpTimeStart"}; # geplanter Start my $poe = $consumers{"${lfn}_PlannedOpTimeEnd"}; # geplantes Ende my $rb = "${lv}_${cn}_PlannedOpTimeBegin"; my $re = "${lv}_${cn}_PlannedOpTimeEnd"; my $rp = "${lv}_${cn}_Planned"; if($pos) { push @$daref, "$rb:$pos"; push @$daref, "$rp:yes"; } else { push @$daref, "$rb:undefined"; push @$daref, "$rp:no"; } if($poe) { push @$daref, "$re:$poe"; } else { push @$daref, "$re:undefined"; } } } } return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Consumer Stammdaten ################################################################ sub extractConsumerMasterdata { my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $clivedata = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %consumers; my ($i,$res); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting consumer master data #### "); $clivedata = eval{decode_json($clivedata)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $lv = $stpl{consumerMasterdata}{level}; # allen Consumer Objekten die ID zuordnen $i = 0; for my $c (@{$clivedata->{'MeasurementData'}}) { $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"} = $c->{'DeviceName'}; $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerOid"} = $c->{'Consume'}{'ConsumerOid'}; $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerLfd"} = $i; my $cn = $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"}; # Verbrauchername next if(!$cn); $cn = replaceJunkSigns($cn); $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$i}{DeviceName} = $cn; $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$i}{ConsumerOid} = $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerOid"}; $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$i}{SerialNumber} = $c->{'SerialNumber'}; $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$i}{SUSyID} = $c->{'SUSyID'}; $i++; } if($hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}) { for my $key (keys %{$hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}}) { for my $parname (keys %{$hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$key}}) { my $val = $hash->{HELPER}{CONSUMER}{$key}{$parname}; next if(!defined $val); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - CONSUMER master data: $key -> $parname = $val"); BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "CONSUMER:$key:$parname:$val"], 1); } } } return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Consumer Current Data ################################################################ sub extractConsumerCurrentdata { my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $clivedata = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %consumers; my ($i,$res); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting consumer current data #### "); $clivedata = eval{decode_json($clivedata)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $lv = $stpl{consumerCurrentdata}{level}; # allen Consumer Objekten die ID zuordnen $i = 0; for my $c (@{$clivedata->{'MeasurementData'}}) { $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"} = $c->{'DeviceName'}; $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerOid"} = $c->{'Consume'}{'ConsumerOid'}; $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerLfd"} = $i; my $cpower = $c->{'Consume'}{'Measurement'}; # aktueller Energieverbrauch in W my $cn = $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"}; # Verbrauchername next if(!$cn); $cn = replaceJunkSigns($cn); push @$daref, "${lv}_${cn}_Power:".$cpower." W" if(defined $cpower); $i++; } if(%consumers && $clivedata->{'ParameterData'}) { # es sind Daten zu den Verbrauchern vorhanden # Kind: "Utc" ? $i = 0; for my $c (@{$clivedata->{'ParameterData'}}) { my $tkind = $c->{'Parameters'}[0]{'Timestamp'}{'Kind'}; # Zeitart: Unspecified, Utc my $GriSwStt = $c->{'Parameters'}[0]{'Value'}; # on: 1, off: 0 my $GriSwAuto = $c->{'Parameters'}[1]{'Value'}; # automatic = 1 my $OperationAutoEna = $c->{'Parameters'}[2]{'Value'}; # Automatic Betrieb erlaubt ? my $ltchange = TimeAdjust($hash,$c->{'Parameters'}[0]{'Timestamp'}{'DateTime'},$tkind); # letzter Schaltzeitpunkt der Bluetooth-Steckdose (Verbraucher) my $cn = $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"}; # Verbrauchername next if(!$cn); $cn = replaceJunkSigns($cn); # evtl. Umlaute/Leerzeichen im Verbrauchernamen ersetzen if(!$GriSwStt && $GriSwAuto) { $res = "off (automatic)"; } elsif (!$GriSwStt && !$GriSwAuto) { $res = "off"; } elsif ($GriSwStt) { $res = "on"; } else { $res = "undefined"; } push @$daref, "${lv}_${cn}_Switch:$res"; push @$daref, "${lv}_${cn}_SwitchLastTime:$ltchange"; $i++; } } return; } ################################################################ ## Auswertung Consumer History Energy Data ## $tf = Time Frame ################################################################ sub extractConsumerHistData { ## no critic 'complexity' my $hash = shift; my $daref = shift; my $chdata = shift; my $tf = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my %consumers; my ($i,$gcr,$gct,$pcr,$pct,$tct,$bcr,$bct); Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting consumer history data #### "); $chdata = eval{decode_json($chdata)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data"); return; }; my $livelvl = $stpl{liveData}{level}; my $bataval = (defined(ReadingsNum($name,"${livelvl}_BatteryIn", undef)) || defined(ReadingsNum($name,"${livelvl}_BatteryOut", undef)))?1:0; # Identifikation ist Battery vorhanden ? my $dlvl = $stpl{consumerDayData}{level}; my $mlvl = $stpl{consumerMonthData}{level}; my $ylvl = $stpl{consumerYearData}{level}; # allen Consumer Objekte die ID zuordnen $i = 0; for my $c (@{$chdata->{'Consumers'}}) { $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"} = $c->{'DeviceName'}; $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerOid"} = $c->{'ConsumerOid'}; $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerLfd"} = $i; my $cpower = $c->{'TotalEnergy'}{'Measurement'}; # Energieverbrauch im Timeframe in Wh my $cn = $consumers{"${i}_ConsumerName"}; # Verbrauchername next if(!$cn); $cn = replaceJunkSigns($cn); if($tf =~ /month|year/x) { $tct = $c->{'TotalEnergyMix'}{'TotalConsumptionTotal'}; # Gesamtverbrauch im Timeframe in Wh $gcr = $c->{'TotalEnergyMix'}{'GridConsumptionRelative'}; # Anteil des Netzbezugs im Timeframe am Gesamtverbrauch in % $gct = $c->{'TotalEnergyMix'}{'GridConsumptionTotal'}; # Anteil des Netzbezugs im Timeframe am Gesamtverbrauch in Wh $pcr = $c->{'TotalEnergyMix'}{'PvConsumptionRelative'}; # Anteil des PV-Nutzung im Timeframe am Gesamtverbrauch in % $pct = $c->{'TotalEnergyMix'}{'PvConsumptionTotal'}; # Anteil des PV-Nutzung im Timeframe am Gesamtverbrauch in Wh $bcr = $c->{'TotalEnergyMix'}{'BatteryConsumptionRelative'}; # Anteil der Batterie-Nutzung im Timeframe am Gesamtverbrauch in % $bct = $c->{'TotalEnergyMix'}{'BatteryConsumptionTotal'}; # Anteil der Batterie-Nutzung im Timeframe am Gesamtverbrauch in Wh } push @$daref, "${dlvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalDay:". sprintf("%.0f", $cpower). " Wh" if(defined($cpower) && $tf eq "day"); push @$daref, "${mlvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalMonth:". sprintf("%.0f", $cpower). " Wh" if(defined($cpower) && $tf eq "month"); push @$daref, "${ylvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalYear:". sprintf("%.0f", $cpower). " Wh" if(defined($cpower) && $tf eq "year"); push @$daref, "${mlvl}_${cn}_EnergyRelativeMonthGrid:". sprintf("%.0f", $gcr). " %" if(defined($gcr) && $tf eq "month"); push @$daref, "${mlvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalMonthGrid:". sprintf("%.0f", $gct). " Wh" if(defined($gct) && $tf eq "month"); push @$daref, "${mlvl}_${cn}_EnergyRelativeMonthPV:". sprintf("%.0f", $pcr). " %" if(defined($pcr) && $tf eq "month"); push @$daref, "${mlvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalMonthPV:". sprintf("%.0f", $pct). " Wh" if(defined($pct) && $tf eq "month"); push @$daref, "${mlvl}_${cn}_EnergyRelativeMonthBatt:". sprintf("%.0f", $bcr). " %" if(defined($bcr) && $bataval && $tf eq "month"); push @$daref, "${mlvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalMonthBatt:". sprintf("%.0f", $bct). " Wh" if(defined($bct) && $bataval && $tf eq "month"); push @$daref, "${ylvl}_${cn}_EnergyRelativeYearGrid:". sprintf("%.0f", $gcr). " %" if(defined($gcr) && $tf eq "year"); push @$daref, "${ylvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalYearGrid:". sprintf("%.0f", $gct). " Wh" if(defined($gct) && $tf eq "year"); push @$daref, "${ylvl}_${cn}_EnergyRelativeYearPV:". sprintf("%.0f", $pcr). " %" if(defined($pcr) && $tf eq "year"); push @$daref, "${ylvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalYearPV:". sprintf("%.0f", $pct). " Wh" if(defined($pct) && $tf eq "year"); push @$daref, "${ylvl}_${cn}_EnergyRelativeYearBatt:". sprintf("%.0f", $bcr). " %" if(defined($bcr) && $bataval && $tf eq "year"); push @$daref, "${ylvl}_${cn}_EnergyTotalYearBatt:". sprintf("%.0f", $bct). " Wh" if(defined($bct) && $bataval && $tf eq "year"); $i++; } return; } ################################################################ # sortiert eine Liste von Versionsnummern x.x.x # Schwartzian Transform and the GRT transform # Übergabe: "asc | desc", ################################################################ sub sortVersionNum { my ($sseq,@versions) = @_; my @sorted = map {$_->[0]} sort {$a->[1] cmp $b->[1]} map {[$_, pack "C*", split /\./x]} @versions; @sorted = map {join ".", unpack "C*", $_} sort map {pack "C*", split /\./x} @versions; if($sseq eq "desc") { @sorted = reverse @sorted; } return @sorted; } ################################################################ # Versionierungen des Moduls setzen # Die Verwendung von Meta.pm und Packages wird berücksichtigt ################################################################ sub setVersionInfo { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $v = (sortTopicNum("desc",keys %vNotesIntern))[0]; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; $hash->{HELPER}{PACKAGE} = __PACKAGE__; $hash->{HELPER}{VERSION} = $v; if($modules{$type}{META}{x_prereqs_src} && !$hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT}) { # META-Daten sind vorhanden $modules{$type}{META}{version} = "v".$v; # Version aus META.json überschreiben, Anzeige mit {Dumper $modules{SMAPortal}{META}} if($modules{$type}{META}{x_version}) { # {x_version} ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 76_SMAPortal.pm 22149 2020-06-09 20:41:58Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden ) $modules{$type}{META}{x_version} =~ s/1\.1\.1/$v/gx; } else { $modules{$type}{META}{x_version} = $v; } return $@ unless (FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash)); # FVERSION wird gesetzt ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 76_SMAPortal.pm 22149 2020-06-09 20:41:58Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden ) if(__PACKAGE__ eq "FHEM::$type" || __PACKAGE__ eq $type) { # es wird mit Packages gearbeitet -> Perl übliche Modulversion setzen # mit {->VERSION()} im FHEMWEB kann Modulversion abgefragt werden use version 0.77; our $VERSION = FHEM::Meta::Get( $hash, 'version' ); ## no critic 'VERSION' } } else { # herkömmliche Modulstruktur $hash->{VERSION} = $v; } return; } ################################################################ # delete Readings und Hash HELPER-Daten # $conspl = providerLevel berücksichtigen ################################################################ sub deleteData { my $hash = shift; my $conspl = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my @allrds = keys%{$defs{$name}{READINGS}}; my $bl = "state|lastCycleTime|Counter|loginState"; # Blacklist my $pblvl = $stpl{plantLogbook}{level}; # Logbuch Level if(!$subs{$name}{forecastData}{doit}) { # wenn forecastData nicht abgerufen werden sollen -> Wetterdaten im HELPER löschen my $fclvl = $stpl{forecastData}{level}; delete $hash->{HELPER}{"${fclvl}_ThisHour_WeatherId"}; for my $i (1..23) { $i = sprintf("%02d",$i); delete $hash->{HELPER}{"${fclvl}_NextHour${i}_WeatherId"}; } } if($conspl) { # Readings löschen wenn nicht im providerLevel enthalten for my $key(@allrds) { my ($lvl) = $key =~ m/^(L\d+)_/x; if($lvl) { for my $p (keys %{$subs{$name}}) { delete($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key}) if($subs{$name}{$p}{level} eq $lvl && !$subs{$name}{$p}{doit}); } } else { delete($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key}) if($key !~ /$bl/x); } delete $defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key} if($key =~ /^$pblvl/x); # Logbuchreadings immer löschen } return; } for my $key(@allrds) { delete($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key}) if($key !~ /$bl/x); } return; } ################################################################ # statistische Counter managen # $name = Name Device # $rd = Name des Zählerreadings ################################################################ sub handleCounter { my $name = shift; my $rd = shift; my $cstring = ReadingsVal($name, $rd, ""); my ($day,$count) = split(":", $cstring); my $mday = (localtime(time))[3]; if(!$day || $day != $mday) { $count = 0; $day = $mday; Log3 ($name, 2, qq{$name - reset counter "$rd" to >0< }) if(!$defs{$name}->{HELPER}{$rd}); $defs{$name}->{HELPER}{$rd} = 1; # nur im fork setzen um doppelten Logeintrag zu vermeiden } $count++; $cstring = "$rd:$day:$count"; BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, $cstring, "NULL"], 1); return; } ################################################################### # Werte aus BlockingCall heraus setzen # Erwartete Liste: # @setl = $name,$setread,$retries,$helper ################################################################### sub setFromBlocking { my $name = shift; my $setread = shift // "NULL"; my $helper = shift // "NULL"; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if($setread ne "NULL") { my @cparts = split ":", $setread, 2; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $cparts[0], $cparts[1], 1); } if($helper ne "NULL") { my ($hnam,$k1,$k2,$k3) = split ":", $helper, 4; if(defined $k3) { $hash->{HELPER}{"$hnam"}{"$k1"}{"$k2"} = $k3; } elsif (defined $k2) { $hash->{HELPER}{"$hnam"}{"$k1"} = $k2; } else { $hash->{HELPER}{"$hnam"} = $k1; } } return 1; } ################################################################ # Reading aus BlockingCall heraus löschen # Erwartete Liste: # @params = $name,$reading ################################################################ sub delReadingFromBlocking { my $name = shift; my $reading = shift; my $hash = $defs{$name}; readingsDelete($hash, $reading); return 1; } ################################################################ # Timestamp korrigieren ################################################################ sub TimeAdjust { my ($hash,$t,$tkind) = @_; $t =~ s/T/ /x; my ($datehour, $rest) = split(/:/x,$t,2); my ($year, $month, $day, $hour) = $datehour =~ /(\d+)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s+(\d\d)/x; # Time::timegm - a UTC version of mktime() # proto: $time = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year); my $epoch = timegm(0,0,$hour,$day,$month-1,$year); # proto: ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); my $isdst = (localtime($epoch))[8]; if(lc($tkind) =~ /unspecified/x) { if($isdst) { $epoch = $epoch - 7200; } else { $epoch = $epoch - 3600; } } my ($lyear,$lmonth,$lday,$lhour) = (localtime($epoch))[5,4,3,2]; $lyear += 1900; # year is 1900 based $lmonth++; # month number is zero based if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") { return (sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%s", $lday,$lmonth,$lyear,$lhour,$rest)); } else { return (sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%s", $lyear,$lmonth,$lday,$lhour,$rest)); } } ############################################################################### # Umlaute und ungültige Zeichen für Readingerstellung ersetzen ############################################################################### sub replaceJunkSigns { my ($rn) = @_; $rn =~ s/ß/ss/gx; $rn =~ s/ä/ae/gx; $rn =~ s/ö/oe/gx; $rn =~ s/ü/ue/gx; $rn =~ s/Ä/Ae/gx; $rn =~ s/Ö/Oe/gx; $rn =~ s/Ü/Ue/gx; $rn = makeReadingName($rn); return($rn); } ############################################################################### # Subroutine für Portalgrafik ############################################################################### sub PortalAsHtml { ## no critic 'complexity' my ($name,$wlname,$ftui) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $ret = ""; my ($icon,$colorv,$colorc,$maxhours,$hourstyle,$header,$legend,$legend_txt,$legend_style); my ($val,$height,$fsize,$html_start,$html_end,$wlalias,$weather,$colorw,$maxVal,$show_night,$type,$kw); my ($maxDif,$minDif,$maxCon,$v,$z2,$z3,$z4,$show_diff,$width,$w,$hdrDetail,$hdrAlign); my $he; # Balkenhöhe my (%pv,%is,%t,%we,%di,%co); my @pgCDev; # Kontext des aufrufenden SMAPortalSPG-Devices speichern für Refresh $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDEV} = $wlname; # Name des aufrufenden SMAPortalSPG-Devices $hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} = $FW_room ? $FW_room : ""; # Raum aus dem das SMAPortalSPG-Device die Funktion aufrief $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL} = $FW_detail ? $FW_detail : ""; # Name des SMAPortalSPG-Devices (wenn Detailansicht) my $fdo = $subs{$name}{forecastData}{doit}; my $fmin = $subs{$name}{forecastData}{level}; # LXX Level my $fmaj = $subs{$name}{forecastData}{level}; my $ldlv = $subs{$name}{liveData}{level}; my $cclv = $subs{$name}{consumerCurrentdata}{level}; my ($pv0,$pv1); $pv0 = ReadingsNum($name, "${fmin}_ThisHour_PvMeanPower", undef) if($fmin); $pv1 = ReadingsNum($name, "${fmaj}_NextHour01_PvMeanPower", undef) if($fmaj); if(!$hash || !defined($defs{$wlname}) || !$fdo || !defined $pv0 || !defined $pv1) { $height = AttrNum($wlname, 'beamHeight', 200); $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
"; if(!$hash) { ## no critic "Cascading" $ret .= "Device \"$name\" doesn't exist !"; } elsif (!defined($defs{$wlname})) { $ret .= "Graphic device \"$wlname\" doesn't exist !"; } elsif (!$fdo) { $ret .= qq{The attribute "providerLevel" of device "$name" must contain the level "forecastData" and data must be retrieved !}; } elsif (!defined $pv0) { $ret .= "Awaiting minor level forecast data ..."; } elsif (!defined $pv1) { $ret .= "Awaiting level major level forecast data ..."; } $ret .= "
"; return $ret; } @pgCDev = split(',',AttrVal($wlname,"consumerList","")); # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln ($legend_style, $legend) = split('_',AttrVal($wlname,'consumerLegend','icon_top')); $legend = '' if(($legend_style eq 'none') || (!int(@pgCDev))); # Verbraucherlegende und Steuerung if ($legend) { for (@pgCDev) { my($txt,$im) = split(':',$_); # $txt ist der Verbrauchername my $cmdon = "\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name $txt on')\""; my $cmdoff = "\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name $txt off')\""; my $cmdauto = "\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name $txt auto')\""; if ($ftui && $ftui eq "ftui") { $cmdon = "\"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name $txt on')\""; $cmdoff = "\"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name $txt off')\""; $cmdauto = "\"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name $txt auto')\""; } my $swstate = ReadingsVal($name,"${cclv}_".$txt."_Switch", "undef"); my $swicon = ""; if($swstate eq "off") { $swicon = ""; } elsif ($swstate eq "on") { $swicon = ""; } elsif ($swstate =~ /off.*automatic.*/ix) { $swicon = ""; } if ($legend_style eq 'icon') { # mögliche Umbruchstellen mit normalen Blanks vorsehen ! $legend_txt .= $txt.' '.FW_makeImage($im).' '.$swicon.'  '; } else { my (undef,$co) = split('\@',$im); $co = '#cccccc' if (!$co); # Farbe per default $legend_txt .= ''.$txt.' '.$swicon.'  '; # hier auch Umbruch erlauben } } } # Parameter f. Anzeige extrahieren $maxhours = AttrNum($wlname, 'hourCount', 24); $hourstyle = AttrVal($wlname, 'hourStyle', undef); $colorv = AttrVal($wlname, 'beamColor', undef); $colorc = AttrVal($wlname, 'beamColor2', '000000'); # schwarz wenn keine Userauswahl; $icon = AttrVal($wlname, 'consumerAdviceIcon', undef); $html_start = AttrVal($wlname, 'htmlStart', undef); # beliebige HTML Strings die vor der Grafik ausgegeben werden $html_end = AttrVal($wlname, 'htmlEnd', undef); # beliebige HTML Strings die nach der Grafik ausgegeben werden $type = AttrVal($wlname, 'layoutType', 'pv'); $kw = AttrVal($wlname, 'Wh/kWh', 'Wh'); $height = AttrNum($wlname, 'beamHeight', 200); $width = AttrNum($wlname, 'beamWidth', 6); # zu klein ist nicht problematisch $w = $width*$maxhours; # gesammte Breite der Ausgabe , WetterIcon braucht ca. 34px $fsize = AttrNum($wlname, 'spaceSize', 24); $maxVal = AttrNum($wlname, 'maxPV', 0); # dyn. Anpassung der Balkenhöhe oder statisch ? $show_night = AttrNum($wlname, 'showNight', 0); # alle Balken (Spalten) anzeigen ? $show_diff = AttrVal($wlname, 'showDiff', 'no'); # zusätzliche Anzeige $di{} in allen Typen $weather = AttrNum($wlname, 'showWeather', 1); $colorw = AttrVal($wlname, 'weatherColor', undef); $wlalias = AttrVal($wlname, 'alias', $wlname); $header = AttrNum($wlname, 'showHeader', 1); $hdrAlign = AttrVal($wlname, 'headerAlignment', 'center'); # ermöglicht per attr die Ausrichtung der Tabelle zu setzen $hdrDetail = AttrVal($wlname, 'headerDetail', 'all'); # ermöglicht den Inhalt zu begrenzen, um bspw. passgenau in ftui einzubetten # Icon Erstellung, mit @ ergänzen falls einfärben # Beispiel mit Farbe: $icon = FW_makeImage('light_light_dim_100.svg@green'); $icon = FW_makeImage($icon) if (defined($icon)); my $co4h = ReadingsNum ($name,"${fmin}_Next04Hours_Consumption", 0); my $coRe = ReadingsNum ($name,"${fmin}_RestOfDay_Consumption", 0); my $coTo = ReadingsNum ($name,"${fmin}_Tomorrow_Consumption", 0); my $coCu = ReadingsNum ($name,"${ldlv}_GridConsumption", 0); my $pv4h = ReadingsNum($name,"${fmin}_Next04Hours_PV", 0); my $pvRe = ReadingsNum($name,"${fmin}_RestOfDay_PV", 0); my $pvTo = ReadingsNum($name,"${fmin}_Tomorrow_PV", 0); my $pvCu = ReadingsNum($name,"${ldlv}_PV", 0); if ($kw eq 'kWh') { $co4h = sprintf("%.1f" , $co4h/1000)." kWh"; $coRe = sprintf("%.1f" , $coRe/1000)." kWh"; $coTo = sprintf("%.1f" , $coTo/1000)." kWh"; $coCu = sprintf("%.1f" , $coCu/1000)." kW"; $pv4h = sprintf("%.1f" , $pv4h/1000)." kWh"; $pvRe = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvRe/1000)." kWh"; $pvTo = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvTo/1000)." kWh"; $pvCu = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvCu/1000)." kW"; } else { $co4h .= " Wh"; $coRe .= " Wh"; $coTo .= " Wh"; $coCu .= " W"; $pv4h .= " Wh"; $pvRe .= " Wh"; $pvTo .= " Wh"; $pvCu .= " W"; } # Headerzeile generieren if ($header) { my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN"); my $alias = AttrVal($name, "alias", "SMA Sunny Portal"); # Linktext als Aliasname oder "SMA Sunny Portal" my $dlink = "$alias"; my $lup = ReadingsTimestamp($name, "${fmin}_ForecastToday_Consumption", "0000-00-00 00:00:00"); # letzter Forecast Update my $lupt = "last update:"; my $lblPv4h = "next 4h:"; my $lblPvRe = "today:"; my $lblPvTo = "tomorrow:"; my $lblPvCu = "actual"; if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") { # Header globales Sprachschema Deutsch $lupt = "Stand:"; $lblPv4h = encode("utf8", "nächste 4h:"); $lblPvRe = "heute:"; $lblPvTo = "morgen:"; $lblPvCu = "aktuell"; } $header = ""; # Header Link + Status if($hdrDetail eq "all" || $hdrDetail eq "statusLink") { my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = $lup =~ /(\d+)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s+(.*)/x; $lup = "$3.$2.$1 $4"; $header .= ""; } # Header Information pv if($hdrDetail eq "all" || $hdrDetail eq "pv" || $hdrDetail eq "pvco") { $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; } # Header Information co if($hdrDetail eq "all" || $hdrDetail eq "co" || $hdrDetail eq "pvco") { $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; $header .= ""; } $header .= "
".$dlink."(".$lupt." ".$lup.")
PV =>$lblPvCu $pvCu$lblPv4h $pv4h$lblPvRe $pvRe$lblPvTo $pvTo
CO =>$lblPvCu $coCu$lblPv4h $co4h$lblPvRe $coRe$lblPvTo $coTo
"; } # Werte aktuelle Stunde $pv{0} = ReadingsNum($name,"${fmin}_ThisHour_PvMeanPower", 0); $co{0} = ReadingsNum($name,"${fmin}_ThisHour_Consumption", 0); $di{0} = $pv{0} - $co{0}; $is{0} = (ReadingsVal($name,"${fmin}_ThisHour_IsConsumptionRecommended",'no') eq 'yes' ) ? $icon : undef; $we{0} = $hash->{HELPER}{"${fmin}_ThisHour_WeatherId"} if($weather); # für Wettericons $we{0} = $we{0} // 999; if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") { (undef,undef,undef,$t{0}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmin}_ThisHour_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x; } else { (undef,undef,undef,$t{0}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmin}_ThisHour_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x; } $t{0} = int($t{0}); # zum Rechnen Integer ohne führende Null ########################################################### # get consumer list and display it in portalGraphics for (@pgCDev) { my ($itemName, undef) = split(':',$_); $itemName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gx; #trim it, if blanks were used $_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gx; #trim it, if blanks were used #check if listed device is planned if (ReadingsVal($name, "${cclv}_".$itemName."_Planned", "no") eq "yes") { #get start and end hour my ($start, $end); # werden auf Balken Pos 0 - 23 umgerechnet, nicht auf Stunde !!, Pos = 24 -> ungültige Pos = keine Anzeige if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") { (undef,undef,undef,$start) = ReadingsVal($name,"${cclv}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeBegin",'00.00.0000 24') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x; (undef,undef,undef,$end) = ReadingsVal($name,"${cclv}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeEnd",'00.00.0000 24') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x; } else { (undef,undef,undef,$start) = ReadingsVal($name,"${cclv}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeBegin",'0000-00-00 24') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x; (undef,undef,undef,$end) = ReadingsVal($name,"${cclv}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeEnd",'0000-00-00 24') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x; } $start = int($start); $end = int($end); my $flag = 0; # default kein Tagesverschieber #correct the hour for accurate display if ($start < $t{0}) { # consumption seems to be tomorrow $start = 24-$t{0}+$start; $flag = 1; } else { $start -= $t{0}; } if ($flag) { # consumption seems to be tomorrow $end = 24-$t{0}+$end; } else { $end -= $t{0}; } $_ .= ":".$start.":".$end; } else { $_ .= ":24:24"; } Log3($name, 4, "$name - Consumer planned data: $_"); } $maxVal = (!$maxVal) ? $pv{0} : $maxVal; # Startwert wenn kein Wert bereits via attr vorgegeben ist $maxCon = $co{0}; # für Typ co $maxDif = $di{0}; # für Typ diff $minDif = $di{0}; # für Typ diff for my $i (1..$maxhours-1) { $pv{$i} = ReadingsNum($name,"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_PvMeanPower",0); # Erzeugung $co{$i} = ReadingsNum($name,"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_Consumption",0); # Verbrauch $di{$i} = $pv{$i} - $co{$i}; $maxVal = $pv{$i} if ($pv{$i} > $maxVal); $maxCon = $co{$i} if ($co{$i} > $maxCon); $maxDif = $di{$i} if ($di{$i} > $maxDif); $minDif = $di{$i} if ($di{$i} < $minDif); $is{$i} = (ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_IsConsumptionRecommended",'no') eq 'yes') ? $icon : undef; $we{$i} = $hash->{HELPER}{"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_WeatherId"} if($weather); # für Wettericons $we{$i} = $we{$i} // 999; if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") { (undef,undef,undef,$t{$i}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x; } else { (undef,undef,undef,$t{$i}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x; } $t{$i} = int($t{$i}); # keine führende 0 } ###################################### # Tabellen Ausgabe erzeugen # Wenn Table class=block alleine steht, zieht es bei manchen Styles die Ausgabe auf 100% Seitenbreite # lässt sich durch einbetten in eine zusätzliche Table roomoverview eindämmen # Die Tabelle ist recht schmal angelegt, aber nur so lassen sich Umbrüche erzwingen $ret = ""; $ret .= $html_start if (defined($html_start)); $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= "\n"; # das \n erleichtert das Lesen der debug Quelltextausgabe if ($header) { # Header ausgeben $ret .= ""; # mit einem extra ein wenig mehr Platz machen, ergibt i.d.R. weniger als ein Zeichen $ret .= ""; } if ($legend_txt && ($legend eq 'top')) { $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } if ($weather) { $ret .= ""; # freier Platz am Anfang for my $i (0..$maxhours-1) { # keine Anzeige bei Null Ertrag bzw. in der Nacht , Typ pcvo & diff haben aber immer Daten in der Nacht if ($pv{$i} || $show_night || ($type eq 'pvco') || ($type eq 'diff')) { # FHEM Wetter Icons (weather_xxx) , Skalierung und Farbe durch FHEM Bordmittel my $icon_name = weather_icon($we{$i}); # unknown -> FHEM Icon Fragezeichen im Kreis wird als Ersatz Icon ausgegeben Log3($name, 3,"$name - unknown SMA Portal weather id: ".$we{$i}.", please inform the maintainer") if($icon_name eq 'unknown'); $icon_name .='@'.$colorw if (defined($colorw)); $val = FW_makeImage($icon_name); $val ='???' if ($val eq $icon_name); # passendes Icon beim User nicht vorhanden ! ( attr web iconPath falsch/prüfen/update ? ) $ret .= ""; } else { # Kein Ertrag oder show_night = 0 $ret .= ""; $we{$i} = undef; } # mit $we{$i} = undef kann man unten leicht feststellen ob für diese Spalte bereits ein Icon ausgegeben wurde oder nicht } $ret .= ""; # freier Platz am Ende der Icon Zeile } if ($show_diff eq 'top') { # Zusätzliche Zeile Ertrag - Verbrauch $ret .= ""; # freier Platz am Anfang for my $i (0..$maxhours-1) { $val = formatVal6($di{$i},$kw,$we{$i}); $val = ($di{$i} < 0) ? ''.$val.'' : '+'.$val; # negativ Zahlen in Fettschrift $ret .= ""; } $ret .= ""; # freier Platz am Ende } $ret .= ""; # Neue Zeile mit freiem Platz am Anfang for my $i (0..$maxhours-1) { # Achtung Falle, Division by Zero möglich, # maxVal kann gerade bei kleineren maxhours Ausgaben in der Nacht leicht auf 0 fallen $height = 200 if (!$height); # Fallback, sollte eigentlich nicht vorkommen, außer der User setzt es auf 0 $maxVal = 1 if (!$maxVal); $maxCon = 1 if (!$maxCon); # Der zusätzliche Offset durch $fsize verhindert bei den meisten Skins # dass die Grundlinie der Balken nach unten durchbrochen wird if ($type eq 'co') { $he = int(($maxCon-$co{$i})/$maxCon*$height) + $fsize; # he - freier der Raum über den Balken. $z3 = int($height + $fsize - $he); # Resthöhe } elsif ($type eq 'pv') { $he = int(($maxVal-$pv{$i})/$maxVal*$height) + $fsize; $z3 = int($height + $fsize - $he); } elsif ($type eq 'pvco') { # Berechnung der Zonen # he - freier der Raum über den Balken. fsize wird nicht verwendet, da bei diesem Typ keine Zahlen über den Balken stehen # z2 - der Ertrag ggf mit Icon # z3 - der Verbrauch , bei zu kleinem Wert wird der Platz komplett Zone 2 zugeschlagen und nicht angezeigt # z2 und z3 nach Bedarf tauschen, wenn der Verbrauch größer als der Ertrag ist $maxVal = $maxCon if ($maxCon > $maxVal); # wer hat den größten Wert ? if ($pv{$i} > $co{$i}) { # pv oben , co unten $z2 = $pv{$i}; $z3 = $co{$i}; } else { # tauschen, Verbrauch ist größer als Ertrag $z3 = $pv{$i}; $z2 = $co{$i}; } $he = int(($maxVal-$z2)/$maxVal*$height); $z2 = int(($z2 - $z3)/$maxVal*$height); $z3 = int($height - $he - $z2); # was von maxVal noch übrig ist if ($z3 < int($fsize/2)) { # dünnen Strichbalken vermeiden / ca. halbe Zeichenhöhe $z2 += $z3; $z3 = 0; } } else { # Typ dif # Berechnung der Zonen # he - freier der Raum über den Balken , Zahl positiver Wert + fsize # z2 - positiver Balken inkl Icon # z3 - negativer Balken # z4 - Zahl negativer Wert + fsize my ($px_pos,$px_neg); my $maxPV = 0; # ToDo: maxPV noch aus Attribut maxPV ableiten if ($maxPV) { # Feste Aufteilung +/- , jeder 50 % bei maxPV = 0 $px_pos = int($height/2); $px_neg = $height - $px_pos; # Rundungsfehler vermeiden } else { # Dynamische hoch/runter Verschiebung der Null-Linie if ($minDif >= 0 ) { # keine negativen Balken vorhanden, die Positiven bekommen den gesammten Raum $px_neg = 0; $px_pos = $height; } else { if ($maxDif > 0) { $px_neg = int($height * abs($minDif) / ($maxDif + abs($minDif))); # Wieviel % entfallen auf unten ? $px_pos = $height-$px_neg; # der Rest ist oben } else { # keine positiven Balken vorhanden, die Negativen bekommen den gesammten Raum $px_neg = $height; $px_pos = 0; } } } if ($di{$i} >= 0) { # Zone 2 & 3 mit ihren direkten Werten vorbesetzen $z2 = $di{$i}; $z3 = abs($minDif); } else { $z2 = $maxDif; $z3 = abs($di{$i}); # Nur Betrag ohne Vorzeichen } # Alle vorbesetzen Werte umrechnen auf echte Ausgabe px $he = (!$px_pos) ? 0 : int(($maxDif-$z2)/$maxDif*$px_pos); # Teilung durch 0 vermeiden $z2 = ($px_pos - $he) ; $z4 = (!$px_neg) ? 0 : int((abs($minDif)-$z3)/abs($minDif)*$px_neg); # Teilung durch 0 unbedingt vermeiden $z3 = ($px_neg - $z4); # Beiden Zonen die Werte ausgeben könnten muß fsize als zusätzlicher Raum zugeschlagen werden ! $he += $fsize; $z4 += $fsize if ($z3); # komplette Grafik ohne negativ Balken, keine Ausgabe von z3 & z4 } # das style des nächsten TD bestimmt ganz wesentlich das gesammte Design # das \n erleichtert das lesen des Seitenquelltext beim debugging # vertical-align:bottom damit alle Balken und Ausgaben wirklich auf der gleichen Grundlinie sitzen $ret .=""; # Stundenwerte ohne führende 0 } $ret .= ""; ################### # Legende unten if ($legend_txt && ($legend eq 'bottom')) { $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
\n"; if (($type eq 'pv') || ($type eq 'co')) { $v = ($type eq 'co') ? $co{$i} : $pv{$i} ; $v = 0 if (($type eq 'co') && !$pv{$i} && !$show_night); # auch bei type co die Nacht ggf. unterdrücken $val = formatVal6($v,$kw,$we{$i}); $ret .=""; # mit width=100% etwas bessere Füllung der Balken $ret .=""; $ret .=""; if ($v || $show_night) { # Balken nur einfärben wenn der User via Attr eine Farbe vorgibt, sonst bestimmt class odd von TR alleine die Farbe my $style = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"; $style .= (defined($colorv)) ? " background-color:#$colorv\"" : '"'; # Syntaxhilight $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } } elsif ($type eq 'pvco') { my ($color1, $color2, $style1, $style2); $ret .="
"; my $sicon = 1; $ret .= $is{$i} if (defined ($is{$i}) && $sicon); ################################## # inject the new icon if defined $ret .= consinject($hash,$i,@pgCDev) if($ret); $ret .= "
\n"; # mit width=100% etwas bessere Füllung der Balken if ($he) { # der Freiraum oben kann beim größten Balken ganz entfallen $ret .=""; } if ($pv{$i} > $co{$i}) { # wer ist oben, co pder pv ? Wert und Farbe für Zone 2 & 3 vorbesetzen $val = formatVal6($pv{$i},$kw,$we{$i}); $color1 = $colorv; $style1 = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:1px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"; $style1 .= (defined($color1)) ? " background-color:#$color1\"" : '"'; if ($z3) { # die Zuweisung können wir uns sparen wenn Zone 3 nachher eh nicht ausgegeben wird $v = formatVal6($co{$i},$kw,$we{$i}); $color2 = $colorc; $style2 = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:1px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"; $style2 .= (defined($color2)) ? " background-color:#$color2\"" : '"'; } } else { $val = formatVal6($co{$i},$kw,$we{$i}); $color1 = $colorc; $style1 = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:1px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"; $style1 .= (defined($color1)) ? " background-color:#$color1\"" : '"'; if ($z3) { $v = formatVal6($pv{$i},$kw,$we{$i}); $color2 = $colorv; $style2 = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:1px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"; $style2 .= (defined($color2)) ? " background-color:#$color2\"" : '"'; } } $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; if ($z3) { # die Zone 3 lassen wir bei zu kleinen Werten auch ganz weg $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } } else { # Type dif my $style = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:1px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"; $ret .="
$val"; $ret .= $is{$i} if (defined $is{$i}); ################################## # inject the new icon if defined $ret .= consinject($hash,$i,@pgCDev) if($ret); $ret .= "
\n"; # Tipp : das nachfolgende border=0 auf 1 setzen hilft sehr Ausgabefehler zu endecken $val = ($di{$i} >= 0) ? formatVal6($di{$i},$kw,$we{$i}) : ''; $val = '   0  ' if ($di{$i} == 0); # Sonderfall , hier wird die 0 gebraucht ! if ($val) { $ret .=""; $ret .=""; } if ($di{$i} >= 0) { # mit Farbe 1 colorv füllen $style .= (defined($colorv)) ? " background-color:#$colorv\"" : '"'; $z2 = 1 if ($di{$i} == 0); # Sonderfall , 1px dünnen Strich ausgeben $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } else { # ohne Farbe $z2 = 2 if ($di{$i} == 0); # Sonderfall, hier wird die 0 gebraucht ! if ($z2 && $val) { # z2 weglassen wenn nicht unbedigt nötig bzw. wenn zuvor he mit val keinen Wert hatte $ret .= ""; $ret .=""; } } if ($di{$i} < 0) { # Negativ Balken anzeigen ? $style .= (defined($colorc)) ? " background-color:#$colorc\"" : '"'; # mit Farbe 2 colorc füllen $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; } elsif ($z3) { # ohne Farbe $ret .=""; $ret .=""; } if ($z4) { # kann entfallen wenn auch z3 0 ist $val = ($di{$i} < 0) ? formatVal6($di{$i},$kw,$we{$i}) : ' '; $ret .=""; $ret .=""; } } if ($show_diff eq 'bottom') { # zusätzliche diff Anzeige $val = formatVal6($di{$i},$kw,$we{$i}); $val = ($di{$i} < 0) ? ''.$val.'' : '+'.$val; # Kommentar siehe oben bei show_diff eq top $ret .= ""; } $ret .= "
"; $ret .= $is{$i} if (defined $is{$i}); $ret .="
"; $t{$i} = $t{$i}.$hourstyle if(defined($hourstyle)); # z.B. 10:00 statt 10 $ret .= $t{$i}."
"; $ret .= "$legend_txt
"; $ret .= $html_end if (defined($html_end)); $ret .= ""; return $ret; } ################################################################ # Inject consumer icon ################################################################ sub consinject { my ($hash,$i,@pgCDev) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ret = ""; for (@pgCDev) { if ($_) { my ($cons,$im,$start,$end) = split (':', $_); Log3($name, 4, "$name - Consumer to show -> $cons, relative to current time -> start: $start, end: $end") if($i<1); if ($im && ($i >= $start) && ($i <= $end)) { $ret .= FW_makeImage($im); } } } return $ret; } ############################################################################### # Balkenbreite normieren # # Die Balkenbreite wird bestimmt durch den Wert. # Damit alle Balken die gleiche Breite bekommen, müssen die Werte auf # 6 Ausgabezeichen angeglichen werden. # "align=center" gleicht gleicht es aus, alternativ könnte man sie auch # komplett rechtsbündig ausgeben. # Es ergibt bei fast allen Styles gute Ergebnisse, Ausnahme IOS12 & 6, da diese # beiden Styles einen recht großen Font benutzen. # Wird Wetter benutzt, wird die Balkenbreite durch das Icon bestimmt ############################################################################### sub formatVal6 { my ($v,$kw,$w) = @_; my $n = ' '; # positive Zahl if ($v < 0) { $n = '-'; # negatives Vorzeichen merken $v = abs($v); } if ($kw eq 'kWh') { # bei Anzeige in kWh muss weniger aufgefüllt werden $v = sprintf('%.1f',($v/1000)); $v += 0; # keine 0.0 oder 6.0 etc return ($n eq '-') ? ($v*-1) : $v if defined($w) ; my $t = $v - int($v); # Nachkommstelle ? if (!$t) { # glatte Zahl ohne Nachkommastelle if(!$v) { return ' '; # 0 nicht anzeigen, passt eigentlich immer bis auf einen Fall im Typ diff } elsif ($v < 10) { return '  '.$n.$v.'  '; } else { return '  '.$n.$v.' '; } } else { # mit Nachkommastelle -> zwei Zeichen mehr .X if ($v < 10) { return ' '.$n.$v.' '; } else { return $n.$v.' '; } } } return ($n eq '-')?($v*-1):$v if defined($w); # Werte bleiben in Watt if (!$v) { return ' '; } ## no critic "Cascading" # keine Anzeige bei Null elsif ($v < 10) { return '  '.$n.$v.'  '; } # z.B. 0 elsif ($v < 100) { return ' '.$n.$v.'  '; } elsif ($v < 1000) { return ' '.$n.$v.' '; } elsif ($v < 10000) { return $n.$v.' '; } else { return $n.$v; } # mehr als 10.000 W :) } ############################################################################### # Zuordungstabelle "WeatherId" angepasst auf FHEM Icons ############################################################################### sub weather_icon { my $id = shift; my %weather_ids = ( '0' => 'weather_sun', # Sonne (klar) # vorhanden '1' => 'weather_cloudy_light', # leichte Bewölkung (1/3) # vorhanden '2' => 'weather_cloudy', # mittlere Bewölkung (2/3) # vorhanden '3' => 'weather_cloudy_heavy', # starke Bewölkung (3/3) # vorhanden '10' => 'weather_fog', # Nebel # neu '11' => 'weather_rain_fog', # Nebel mit Regen # neu '20' => 'weather_rain_heavy', # Regen (viel) # vorhanden '21' => 'weather_rain_snow_heavy', # Regen (viel) mit Schneefall # neu '30' => 'weather_rain_light', # leichter Regen (1 Tropfen) # vorhanden '31' => 'weather_rain', # leichter Regen (2 Tropfen) # vorhanden '32' => 'weather_rain_heavy', # leichter Regen (3 Tropfen) # vorhanden '40' => 'weather_rain_snow_light', # leichter Regen mit Schneefall (1 Tropfen) # neu '41' => 'weather_rain_snow', # leichter Regen mit Schneefall (3 Tropfen) # neu '50' => 'weather_snow_light', # bewölkt mit Schneefall (1 Flocke) # vorhanden '51' => 'weather_snow', # bewölkt mit Schneefall (2 Flocken) # vorhanden '52' => 'weather_snow_heavy', # bewölkt mit Schneefall (3 Flocken) # vorhanden '60' => 'weather_rain_light', # Sonne, Wolke mit Regen (1 Tropfen) # vorhanden '61' => 'weather_rain', # Sonne, Wolke mit Regen (2 Tropfen) # vorhanden '62' => 'weather_rain_heavy', # Sonne, Wolke mit Regen (3 Tropfen) # vorhanden '70' => 'weather_snow_light', # Sonne, Wolke mit Schnee (1 Flocke) # vorhanden '71' => 'weather_snow_heavy', # Sonne, Wolke mit Schnee (3 Flocken) # vorhanden '80' => 'weather_thunderstorm', # Wolke mit Blitz # vorhanden '81' => 'weather_storm', # Wolke mit Blitz und Starkregen # vorhanden '90' => 'weather_sun', # Sonne (klar) # vorhanden '91' => 'weather_sun', # Sonne (klar) wie 90 # vorhanden '100' => 'weather_night', # Mond - Nacht # neu '101' => 'weather_night_cloudy_light', # Mond mit Wolken - # neu '102' => 'weather_night_cloudy', # Wolken mittel (2/2) - Nacht # neu '103' => 'weather_night_cloudy_heavy', # Wolken stark (3/3) - Nacht # neu '110' => 'weather_night_fog', # Nebel - Nacht # neu '111' => 'weather_night_rain_fog', # Nebel mit Regen (3 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '120' => 'weather_night_rain_heavy', # Regen (viel) - Nacht # neu '121' => 'weather_night_snow_rain_heavy', # Regen (viel) mit Schneefall - Nacht # neu '130' => 'weather_night_rain_light', # leichter Regen (1 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '131' => 'weather_night_rain', # leichter Regen (2 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '132' => 'weather_night_rain_heavy', # leichter Regen (3 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '140' => 'weather_night_snow_rain_light', # leichter Regen mit Schneefall (1 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '141' => 'weather_night_snow_rain_heavy', # leichter Regen mit Schneefall (3 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '150' => 'weather_night_snow_light', # bewölkt mit Schneefall (1 Flocke) - Nacht # neu '151' => 'weather_night_snow', # bewölkt mit Schneefall (2 Flocken) - Nacht # neu '152' => 'weather_night_snow_heavy', # bewölkt mit Schneefall (3 Flocken) - Nacht # neu '160' => 'weather_night_rain_light', # Mond, Wolke mit Regen (1 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '161' => 'weather_night_rain', # Mond, Wolke mit Regen (2 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '162' => 'weather_night_rain_heavy', # Mond, Wolke mit Regen (3 Tropfen) - Nacht # neu '170' => 'weather_night_snow_rain', # Mond, Wolke mit Schnee (1 Flocke) - Nacht # neu '171' => 'weather_night_snow_heavy', # Mond, Wolke mit Schnee (3 Flocken) - Nacht # neu '180' => 'weather_night_thunderstorm_light', # Wolke mit Blitz - Nacht # neu '181' => 'weather_night_thunderstorm', # Wolke mit Blitz und Starkregen - Nacht # neu '999' => '1px-spacer' # Dummy - keine Anzeige Wettericon # vorhanden ); return $weather_ids{$id} if(defined($weather_ids{$id})); return 'unknown'; } ###################################################################################################### # Refresh eines Raumes aus $hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} # bzw. Longpoll von SMAPortal bzw. eines SMAPortalSPG Devices wenn $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDEV} gefüllt # $hash, $pload (1=Page reload), SMAPortalSPG-Event (1=Event) ###################################################################################################### sub SPGRefresh { my ($hash,$pload,$lpollspg) = @_; my $name; if (ref $hash ne "HASH") { ($name,$pload,$lpollspg) = split ",",$hash; $hash = $defs{$name}; } else { $name = $hash->{NAME}; } my $fpr = 0; # Kontext des SMAPortalSPG-Devices speichern für Refresh my $sd = $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDEV} ? $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDEV} : "\"n.a.\""; # Name des aufrufenden SMAPortalSPG-Devices my $sr = $hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} ? $hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} : "\"n.a.\""; # Raum aus dem das SMAPortalSPG-Device die Funktion aufrief my $sl = $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL} ? $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL} : "\"n.a.\""; # Name des SMAPortalSPG-Devices (wenn Detailansicht) $fpr = AttrVal($hash->{HELPER}{SPGDEV},"forcePageRefresh",0) if($hash->{HELPER}{SPGDEV}); Log3($name, 4, "$name - Refresh - caller: $sd, callerroom: $sr, detail: $sl, pload: $pload, forcePageRefresh: $fpr, event_Spgdev: $lpollspg"); # Page-Reload if($pload && ($hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} && !$hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL} && !$fpr)) { # trifft zu wenn in einer Raumansicht my @rooms = split(",",$hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM}); for (@rooms) { my $room = $_; { map { FW_directNotify("FILTER=room=$room", "#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload('true')", "") } devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB") } } } elsif ($pload && (!$hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} || $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL})) { # trifft zu bei Detailansicht oder im FLOORPLAN bzw. Dashboard oder wenn Seitenrefresh mit dem # SMAPortalSPG-Attribut "forcePageRefresh" erzwungen wird { map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload('true')", "") } devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB") } } else { if($fpr) { { map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload('true')", "") } devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB") } } } # parentState des SMAPortalSPG-Device updaten my @spgs = devspec2array("TYPE=SMAPortalSPG"); my $st = ReadingsVal($name, "state", "initialized"); for(@spgs) { if($defs{$_}{PARENT} eq $name) { next if(IsDisabled($defs{$_}{NAME})); readingsBeginUpdate($defs{$_}); readingsBulkUpdate($defs{$_},"parentState", $st); readingsBulkUpdate($defs{$_},"state", "updated"); readingsEndUpdate($defs{$_}, 1); } } return; } 1; =pod =encoding utf8 =item summary Module for communication with the SMA Sunny Portal =item summary_DE Modul zur Kommunikation mit dem SMA Sunny Portal =begin html


    With this module it is possible to fetch data from the SMA Sunny Portal and switch consumers (e.g. bluetooth plug sockets) if any are present. At the momentent that are the following data:

      • Live data (Consumption and PV-Generation)
      • Battery data (In/Out) and usage data of consumers
      • Various balance data and statistical data (also of the consumers connected to the SMA Sunny Homemanager)
      • Weather data delivered from SMA for the facility location
      • Forecast data (Consumption and PV-Generation) inclusive suggestion times to switch comsumers on
      • the planned times by the Sunny Home Manager to switch consumers on and the current state of consumers (if present)

    Graphic data can also be integrated into FHEM Tablet UI with the "SMAPortalSPG Widget".


      This module use the Perl module JSON which has typically to be installed discrete.
      On Debian linux based systems that can be done by command:

      sudo apt-get install libjson-perl

      Subsequent there are an overview of used Perl modules:

      Blocking (FHEM-Modul)
      GPUtils (FHEM-Modul)
      FHEM::Meta (FHEM-Modul)


      A SMAPortal device will be defined by:

        define <name> SMAPortal

      After the definition of the device the credentials for the SMA Sunny Portal must be saved with the following command:

        set <name> credentials <Username> <Password>

      After a successful login, only the asset master data are retrieved. The attribute providerLevel is used to set the data suppliers its data the device should retrieve.


      • set <name> createPortalGraphic <Generation | Consumption | Generation_Consumption | Differential>
        Creates graphical devices to show the SMA Sunny Portal forecast data in several layouts. The attribute "providerLevel" must contain "forecastData".
        With the "attributes of the graphic device" the appearance and coloration of the forecast data in the created graphic device can be adjusted.

      • set <name> credentials <username> <password>
      • Set Username / Password used for the login into the SMA Sunny Portal.

      • set <name> <consumer name> <on | off | auto>
        Once consumer data are available, the consumer are shown in the Set and can be switched to on, off or the automatic mode (auto) that means the consumer are controlled by the Sunny Home Manager.


      • get <name> data
        This command fetch the data from the SMA Sunny Portal manually.

      • get <name> storedCredentials
        The saved credentials are displayed in a popup window.


      • cookieLocation <Pfad/File>
        The path and filename of received Cookies.
        (default: ./log/<name>_cookie.txt)

          attr <name> cookieLocation ./log/cookies.txt

      • disable
        Deactivate/activate the device.

      • interval <seconds>
        Time interval for continuous data retrieval from the aus dem SMA Sunny Portal (default: 300 seconds).
        if the interval is set to "0", no continuous data retrieval is executed and has to be triggered manually by the "get <name> data" command.

          Note: The retrieval interval should not be less than 120 seconds. As of previous experiences SMA suffers an interval of 120 seconds although the SMA terms and conditions don't permit an automatic data fetch by computer programs.

      • plantLogbookApprovalState
        With this attribute the entries are filtered according to their status.
        (default: Any)
          Any - all messages
          NotApproved - unconfirmed messages

      • plantLogbookTypes
        This attribute defines the message types of the asset logbook to be selected. A maximum of the latest 25 logbook entries of all set types are displayed.
        (default: Warning,Disturbance,Error)

      • providerLevel
        The scope of the data to be generated is set. Asset and consumer master data is always retrieved.

          liveData - generates readings of the current generation and consumption data
          weatherData - Weather data offered by SMA are retrieved
          balanceDayData - Statistics data of the day are retrieved
          forecastData - Forecast data of generation/consumption and consumer planning data are generated
          consumerCurrentdata - current consumer data are generated
          consumerDayData - consumer data day are generated
          consumerMonthData - consumer data month are generated
          consumerYearData - consumer data year are generated
          plantLogbook - the maximum of 25 most recent entries of the plant logbook are retrieved

      • showPassInLog
        If set, the used password will be displayed in Logfile output. (default: 0)

      • userAgent <identifier>
        An user agent identifier for identifikation against the SMA Sunny Portal can be specified.

          attr <name> userAgent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0

      • verbose5Data
        The attribute value verbose 5 is used to generate very large amounts of data. The verbose 5 outputs of interest can be selected specifically.
        (default: none)

=end html =begin html_DE


    Mit diesem Modul können Daten aus dem SMA Sunny Portal abgerufen werden. Momentan sind es:

      • Live-Daten (Verbrauch und PV-Erzeugung)
      • verschiedene Bilanzdaten und Statistikdaten (auch der an den SMA Sunny Homemanager angeschlossenen Verbraucher)
      • Batteriedaten (In/Out) sowie Nutzungsdaten durch Verbraucher
      • Wetter-Daten von SMA für den Anlagenstandort
      • Prognosedaten (Verbrauch und PV-Erzeugung) inklusive Verbraucherempfehlung
      • die durch den Sunny Home Manager geplanten Schaltzeiten und aktuellen Status von Verbrauchern (sofern vorhanden)

    Die Portalgrafik kann ebenfalls in FHEM Tablet UI mit dem "SMAPortalSPG Widget" integriert werden.


      Dieses Modul nutzt das Perl-Modul JSON welches üblicherweise nachinstalliert werden muss.
      Auf Debian-Linux basierenden Systemen kann es installiert werden mit:

      sudo apt-get install libjson-perl

      Überblick über die Perl-Module welche von SMAPortal genutzt werden:

      Blocking (FHEM-Modul)
      GPUtils (FHEM-Modul)
      FHEM::Meta (FHEM-Modul)


      Ein SMAPortal-Device wird definiert mit:

        define <Name> SMAPortal

      Nach der Definition des Devices müssen die Zugangsparameter für das SMA Sunny Portal gespeichert werden mit dem Befehl:

        set <Name> credentials <Username> <Passwort>

      Nach einem erfolgreichen Login werden nur die Anlagenstammdaten abgerufen. Mit dem Attribut providerLevel werden die Datenlieferanten eingestellt, die durch das Device abgerufen werden sollen.


      • set <name> createPortalGraphic <Generation | Consumption | Generation_Consumption | Differential>
        Erstellt Devices zur grafischen Anzeige der SMA Sunny Portal Prognosedaten in verschiedenen Layouts. Das Attribut "providerLevel" muss auf den Level "forecastData" enthalten.
        Mit den "Attributen des Grafikdevices" können Erscheinungsbild und Farbgebung der Prognosedaten in den erstellten Grafik-Devices angepasst werden.

      • set <name> credentials <username> <password>
        Setzt Username / Passwort zum Login in das SMA Sunny Portal.

      • set <name> <Verbrauchername> <on | off | auto>
        Es werden die an den SMA Sunny Homemanager angeschlossene Verbraucher (Bluetooth Steckdosen) angeboten sobald sie vom Modul erkannt wurden. Sobald diese Daten vorliegen, werden die vorhandenen Verbraucher im Set angezeigt und können eingeschaltet, ausgeschaltet bzw. auf die Steuerung durch den Sunny Home Manager umgeschaltet werden (auto).


      • get <name> data
        Mit diesem Befehl werden die Daten aus dem SMA Sunny Portal manuell abgerufen.

      • get <name> storedCredentials
        Die gespeicherten Anmeldeinformationen (Credentials) werden in einem Popup als Klartext angezeigt.


      • cookieLocation <Pfad/File>
        Angabe von Pfad und Datei zur Abspeicherung des empfangenen Cookies.
        (default: ./log/<name>_cookie.txt)

          attr <name> cookieLocation ./log/cookies.txt

      • disable
        Deaktiviert das Device.

      • interval <Sekunden>
        Zeitintervall zum kontinuierlichen Datenabruf aus dem SMA Sunny Portal (Default: 300 Sekunden).
        Ist interval explizit auf "0" gesetzt, erfolgt kein automatischer Datenabruf und muss mit "get <name> data" manuell erfolgen.

          Hinweis: Das Abfrageintervall sollte nicht kleiner 120 Sekunden sein. Nach bisherigen Erfahrungen toleriert SMA ein Intervall von 120 Sekunden obwohl lt. SMA AGB der automatische Datenabruf untersagt ist.

      • plantLogbookApprovalState
        Mit diesem Attribut werden die Einträge entsprechend ihres Status gefiltert.
        (default: Any)
          Any - alle Mitteilungen
          NotApproved - nicht bestätigte Mitteilungen

      • plantLogbookTypes
        Mit diesem Attribut werden die zu selektierenden Mitteilungstypen des Anlagenlogbuchs festgelegt. Es werden maximal die aktuellsten 25 Logbucheinträge aller eingestellten Typen angezeigt.
        (default: Warning,Disturbance,Error)

      • providerLevel
        Es wird der Umfang der zu generierenden Daten eingestellt. Anlagen- und Verbraucherstammdaten werden immer abgerufen.

          liveData - erzeugt Readings der aktuellen Erzeugungs- und Verbrauchsdaten
          weatherData - von SMA angebotene Wetterdaten werden abgerufen
          balanceDayData - Statistikdaten des Tages werden abgerufen
          forecastData - Vorhersagedaten der Erzeugung / Verbrauch und Verbraucherplanungsdaten werden erzeugt
          consumerCurrentdata - aktuelle Verbraucherdaten werden erzeugt
          consumerDayData - Verbraucherdaten Tag werden erzeugt
          consumerMonthData - Verbraucherdaten Monat werden erzeugt
          consumerYearData - Verbraucherdaten Jahr werden erzeugt
          plantLogbook - die maximal 25 aktuellsten Einträge des Anlagenlogbuchs werden abgerufen

      • showPassInLog
        Wenn gesetzt, wird das verwendete Passwort im Logfile angezeigt.
        (default: 0)

      • userAgent <Kennung>
        Es kann die User-Agent-Kennung zur Identifikation gegenüber dem SMA Sunny Portal angegeben werden.

          attr <name> userAgent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0

      • verbose5Data
        Mit dem Attributwert verbose 5 werden sehr große Datenmengen generiert. Es können gezielt die interessierenden verbose 5 Ausgaben selektiert werden.
        (default: none)

=end html_DE =for :application/json;q=META.json 76_SMAPortal.pm { "abstract": "Module for communication with the SMA Sunny Portal", "x_lang": { "de": { "abstract": "Modul zur Kommunikation mit dem SMA Sunny Portal" } }, "keywords": [ "sma", "photovoltaik", "electricity", "portal", "smaportal" ], "version": "v1.1.1", "release_status": "stable", "author": [ "Heiko Maaz ", "Wzut", "XGuide", null ], "x_fhem_maintainer": [ "DS_Starter" ], "x_fhem_maintainer_github": [ "nasseeder1" ], "prereqs": { "runtime": { "requires": { "FHEM": 5.00918799, "perl": 5.014, "JSON": 0, "Encode": 0, "POSIX": 0, "Data::Dumper": 0, "Blocking": 0, "GPUtils": 0, "Time::HiRes": 0, "Time::Local": 0, "LWP": 0, "HTTP::Cookies": 0, "MIME::Base64": 0, "utf8": 0 }, "recommends": { "FHEM::Meta": 0 }, "suggests": { } } } } =end :application/json;q=META.json =cut