# Developed with Kate
#  (c) 2016-2017 Copyright: Marko Oldenburg (leongaultier at gmail dot com)
#  All rights reserved
#   Special thanks goes to comitters:
#       - Christoph (pc1246) commandref writer
#  This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  any later version.
#  The GNU General Public License can be found at
#  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#  A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
#  from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
#  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
# $Id: 31_PLAYBULB.pm 15650 2017-12-20 05:41:22Z CoolTux $

package main;

use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;

use JSON;
use Blocking;
use SetExtensions;

my $version = "1.4.0";

my %playbulbModels = (
        BTL300_v5       => {'aColor' => '0x16'  ,'aEffect' => '0x14'    ,'aBattery' => '0x1f'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x3'},   # Candle Firmware 5
        BTL300_v6       => {'aColor' => '0x19'  ,'aEffect' => '0x17'    ,'aBattery' => '0x22'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x3'},   # Candle Firmware 6
        BTL305_v14      => {'aColor' => '0x29'  ,'aEffect' => '0x27'    ,'aBattery' => '0x34'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x3'},   # Candle S Firmware 1.4
        BTL201_v2       => {'aColor' => '0x1b'  ,'aEffect' => '0x19'    ,'aBattery' => 'none'   ,'aDevicename' => 'none'},  # Smart
        BTL201M_V16     => {'aColor' => '0x25'  ,'aEffect' => '0x23'    ,'aBattery' => 'none'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x7'},   # Smart (1/2017)
        BTL505_v1       => {'aColor' => '0x23'  ,'aEffect' => '0x21'    ,'aBattery' => 'none'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x29'},  # Stripe
        BTL400M_v18     => {'aColor' => '0x23'  ,'aEffect' => '0x21'    ,'aBattery' => '0x2e'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x7'},   # Garden
        BTL400M_v37     => {'aColor' => '0x1b'  ,'aEffect' => '0x19'    ,'aBattery' => '0x24'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x7'},   # Garden neue Version
        BTL100C_v10     => {'aColor' => '0x1b'  ,'aEffect' => '0x19'    ,'aBattery' => 'none'   ,'aDevicename' => 'none'},  # Color LED
        BTL301W         => {'aColor' => '0x29'  ,'aEffect' => '0x27'    ,'aBattery' => '0x34'   ,'aDevicename' => '0x3'},   # Sphere Model BTL 301 W

my %effects = ( 
        'Flash'         =>  '00',
        'Pulse'         =>  '01',
        'RainbowJump'   =>  '02',
        'RainbowFade'   =>  '03',
        'Candle'        =>  '04',
        'none'          =>  'FF',
my %effectsHex = (
        '00'            =>  'Flash',
        '01'            =>  'Pulse',
        '02'            =>  'RainbowJump',
        '03'            =>  'RainbowFade',
        '04'            =>  'Candle',
        'ff'            =>  'none',

sub PLAYBULB_Initialize($);
sub PLAYBULB_Define($$);
sub PLAYBULB_Undef($$);
sub PLAYBULB_Attr(@);
sub PLAYBULB_firstRun($);
sub PLAYBULB_Set($$@);
sub PLAYBULB_Run($$$);
sub PLAYBULB_BlockingRun($);
sub PLAYBULB_gattCharWrite($$$$$$$$$$);
sub PLAYBULB_gattCharRead($$$$);
sub PLAYBULB_readBattery($$$);
sub PLAYBULB_stateOnOff($$);
sub PLAYBULB_readDevicename($$$);
sub PLAYBULB_writeDevicename($$$$);
sub PLAYBULB_forRun_encodeJSON($$$$$$$$$$$$$);
sub PLAYBULB_forDone_encodeJSON($$$$$$$);
sub PLAYBULB_BlockingDone($);
sub PLAYBULB_BlockingAborted($);

sub PLAYBULB_Initialize($) {

    my ($hash) = @_;

    $hash->{SetFn}      = "PLAYBULB_Set";
    $hash->{DefFn}      = "PLAYBULB_Define";
    $hash->{UndefFn}    = "PLAYBULB_Undef";
    $hash->{AttrFn}     = "PLAYBULB_Attr";
    $hash->{AttrList}   = "model:BTL300_v5,BTL300_v6,BTL201_v2,BTL201M_V16,BTL505_v1,BTL400M_v18,BTL400M_v37,BTL100C_v10,BTL305_v14,BTL301W ".
                            "sshHost ".

    foreach my $d(sort keys %{$modules{PLAYBULB}{defptr}}) {
        my $hash = $modules{PLAYBULB}{defptr}{$d};
        $hash->{VERSION}    = $version;

sub PLAYBULB_Define($$) {

    my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
    my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
    return "too few parameters: define <name> PLAYBULB <BTMAC>" if( @a != 3 );

    my $name            = $a[0];
    my $mac             = $a[2];
    $hash->{BTMAC}      = $mac;
    $hash->{VERSION}    = $version;
    readingsSingleUpdate ($hash,"state","Unknown", 0);
    $attr{$name}{room}          = "PLAYBULB" if( !defined($attr{$name}{room}) );
    $attr{$name}{devStateIcon}  = "unreachable:light_question" if( !defined($attr{$name}{devStateIcon}) );
    $attr{$name}{webCmd}        = "rgb:rgb FF0000:rgb 00FF00:rgb 0000FF:rgb FFFFFF:rgb F7FF00:rgb 00FFFF:rgb F700FF:effect" if( !defined($attr{$name}{webCmd}) );
    $hash->{helper}{effect}     = ReadingsVal($name,"effect","Candle"); 
    $hash->{helper}{onoff}      = ReadingsVal($name,"onoff",0); 
    $hash->{helper}{rgb}        = ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","ff0000"); 
    $hash->{helper}{sat}        = ReadingsVal($name,"sat",0); 
    $hash->{helper}{speed}      = ReadingsVal($name,"speed",120);
    $hash->{helper}{color}      = ReadingsVal($name,"color","on"); 
    if( $init_done ) {
    } else {
        InternalTimer( gettimeofday()+30, "PLAYBULB_firstRun", $hash, 0 ) ;
    $modules{PLAYBULB}{defptr}{$hash->{BTMAC}} = $hash;
    return undef;

sub PLAYBULB_Undef($$) {

    my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
    my $name = $hash->{NAME};
    Log3 $name, 3, "PLAYBULB ($name) - undefined";

    return undef;

sub PLAYBULB_Attr(@) {

    my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_;
    my $hash = $defs{$name};
    my $orig = $attrVal;

    if( $attrName eq "model" ) {
        if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
            PLAYBULB_Run($hash,"statusRequest",undef) if( $init_done );

sub PLAYBULB_firstRun($) {

    my ($hash)      = @_;
    my $name        = $hash->{NAME};
    ### Für kurze Zeit da neue Readings
    CommandDeleteReading(undef,"$name battery") if( defined(ReadingsVal($name,'battery',undef)) );

sub PLAYBULB_Set($$@) {
    my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_;
    my ($cmd, $arg) = @aa;
    my $action;

    if( $cmd eq 'on' ) {
        $action = "onoff";
        $arg    = 1;
    } elsif( $cmd eq 'off' ) {
        $action = "onoff";
        $arg    = 0;

    } elsif( $cmd eq 'effect' ) {
        $action = $cmd;
    } elsif( $cmd eq 'rgb' ) {
        $action = $cmd;
    } elsif( $cmd eq 'sat' ) {
        $action = $cmd;
    } elsif( $cmd eq 'speed' ) {
        $action = $cmd;
    } elsif( $cmd eq 'color' ) {
        $action = $cmd;
    } elsif( $cmd eq 'deviceName' ) {
        my $wordlenght = length($arg);
        return "to many character for Devicename" if($wordlenght > 20 );
        $action = $cmd;
    } elsif( $cmd eq 'statusRequest' ) {
        $action = $cmd;
        $arg    = undef;
    } else {
        my $list = "on:noArg off:noArg rgb:colorpicker,RGB sat:slider,0,5,255 effect:Flash,Pulse,RainbowJump,RainbowFade,Candle,none speed:slider,170,50,20 color:on,off statusRequest:noArg ";
        $list .= "deviceName " if( defined($attr{$name}{model}) and ($attr{$name}{model} ne "BTL400M_v18"
                                                                    or $attr{$name}{model} ne "BTL100C_v10"
                                                                    or $attr{$name}{model} ne "BTL400M_v37") );
        return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $cmd, $arg);
    return undef;

sub PLAYBULB_Run($$$) {

    my ( $hash, $cmd, $arg ) = @_;
    my $name    = $hash->{NAME};
    unless( defined($attr{$name}{model}) ) {
        readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'state','set attribut model',1);
    my $mac     = $hash->{BTMAC};
    my $dname;
    $hash->{helper}{$cmd}           = $arg if( $cmd ne "deviceName" );
    $hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}  = 1 if( $cmd eq "deviceName" );
    my $rgb         =   $hash->{helper}{rgb};
    my $sat         =   sprintf("%02x", $hash->{helper}{sat});
    my $effect      =   $hash->{helper}{effect};
    my $speed       =   sprintf("%02x", $hash->{helper}{speed});
    my $stateOnoff  =   $hash->{helper}{onoff};
    my $stateEffect =   ReadingsVal($name,"effect","Candle");
    my $ac          =   $playbulbModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{aColor};
    my $ae          =   $playbulbModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{aEffect};
    my $ab          =   $playbulbModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{aBattery};
    my $adname      =   $playbulbModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{aDevicename};
    $dname          =   $arg if( $cmd eq "deviceName" );
    if( $cmd eq "color" and $arg eq "off") {
        $rgb    = "000000";
        $sat    = "FF";

    BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
    my $response_encode = PLAYBULB_forRun_encodeJSON($cmd,$mac,$stateOnoff,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed,$stateEffect,$ac,$ae,$ab,$adname,$dname);
    $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("PLAYBULB_BlockingRun", $name."|".$response_encode, "PLAYBULB_BlockingDone", 10, "PLAYBULB_BlockingAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
    Log3 $name, 4, "(Sub PLAYBULB - $name) - Call BlockingRun";

sub PLAYBULB_BlockingRun($) {

    my ($string)        = @_;
    my ($name,$data)    = split("\\|", $string);
    my $data_json       = decode_json($data);
    my $mac             = $data_json->{mac};
    my $stateOnoff      = $data_json->{stateOnoff};
    my $sat             = $data_json->{sat};
    my $rgb             = $data_json->{rgb};
    my $effect          = $data_json->{effect};
    my $speed           = $data_json->{speed};
    my $stateEffect     = $data_json->{stateEffect};
    my $ac              = $data_json->{ac};
    my $ae              = $data_json->{ae};
    my $ab              = $data_json->{ab};
    my $cmd             = $data_json->{cmd};
    my $adname          = $data_json->{adname};
    my $dname           = $data_json->{dname};
    my $blevel          = 1000;
    my $cc;
    my $ec;
    my $response_encode;
    Log3 $name, 4, "(Sub PLAYBULB_Run - $name) - Running nonBlocking";

    ##### Abruf des aktuellen Status
    #### das c vor den bekannten Variablen steht für current
    my ($ccc,$cec,$csat,$crgb,$ceffect,$cspeed)  = PLAYBULB_gattCharRead($name,$mac,$ac,$ae);

    if( defined($ccc) and defined($cec) ) {

        ### Regeln für die aktuellen Values
        if( $cmd eq "statusRequest" ) {
            ###### Batteriestatus einlesen    
            $blevel = PLAYBULB_readBattery($name,$mac,$ab) if( $ab ne "none" );
            ###### Status ob An oder Aus
            $stateOnoff = PLAYBULB_stateOnOff($ccc,$cec);
            ###### Devicename ermitteln #######
            my $dname = PLAYBULB_readDevicename($name,$mac,$adname) if( $adname ne "none" );
            Log3 $name, 4, "(Sub PLAYBULB_Run StatusRequest - $name) - Rückgabe an Auswertungsprogramm beginnt";
            $response_encode = PLAYBULB_forDone_encodeJSON($blevel,$stateOnoff,$csat,$crgb,$ceffect,$cspeed,$dname);
            return "$name|$response_encode";
        $stateEffect = "none" if( $ceffect eq "ff" );

        ##### Schreiben der neuen Char values
        PLAYBULB_gattCharWrite($name,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed,$stateEffect,$stateOnoff,$mac,$ac,$ae) if( !defined($dname) );
        PLAYBULB_writeDevicename($name,$mac,$adname,$dname) if( defined($dname) );
        ##### Statusabruf nach dem schreiben der neuen Char Values
        ($cc,$ec,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed)  = PLAYBULB_gattCharRead($name,$mac,$ac,$ae) if( !defined($dname) );
        $dname = PLAYBULB_readDevicename($name,$mac,$adname) if( defined($dname) and $adname ne "none" );

        $stateOnoff = PLAYBULB_stateOnOff($cc,$ec) if( !defined($dname) );
        ###### Batteriestatus einlesen
        $blevel = PLAYBULB_readBattery($name,$mac,$ab) if( $ab ne "none" and !defined($dname) );
        Log3 $name, 4, "(Sub PLAYBULB_Run - $name) - Rückgabe an Auswertungsprogramm beginnt";
        $response_encode = PLAYBULB_forDone_encodeJSON($blevel,$stateOnoff,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed,undef) if( !defined($dname) );
        $response_encode = PLAYBULB_forDone_encodeJSON(undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$dname) if( defined($dname) );
        return "$name|$response_encode";

    Log3 $name, 4, "(Sub PLAYBULB_Run - $name) - Rückgabe an Auswertungsprogramm beginnt";

    return "$name|err"
    unless( defined($cc) and defined($ec) );

sub PLAYBULB_gattCharWrite($$$$$$$$$$) {

    my ($name,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed,$stateEffect,$stateOnoff,$mac,$ac,$ae)   = @_;
    my $sshHost                                                                 = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none");
    my $loop = 0;
    if( $sshHost ne 'none') {
        while ( (qx(ssh $sshHost 'ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac"') and $loop = 0) or (qx(ssh $sshHost 'ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac"') and $loop < 5) ) {
            #printf "\n(Sub PLAYBULB_Run) - gatttool noch aktiv, wait 0.5s for new check\n";
            sleep 0.5;
    } else {
        while ( (qx(ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac") and $loop = 0) or (qx(ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac") and $loop < 5) ) {
            #printf "\n(Sub PLAYBULB_Run) - gatttool noch aktiv, wait 0.5s for new check\n";
            sleep 0.5;
    $speed = "01" if( $effect eq "Candle" );
    if( $sshHost ne 'none') {
        if( $stateOnoff == 0 ) {
            qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-write -a $ac -n 00000000');
        } else {
            qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-write -a $ac -n ${sat}${rgb}') if( $stateEffect eq "none" and $effect eq "none" );
            qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-write -a $ae -n ${sat}${rgb}${effects{$effect}}00${speed}00') if( $stateEffect ne "none" or $effect ne "none" );
    } else {
        if( $stateOnoff == 0 ) {
            qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-write -a $ac -n 00000000);
        } else {
            qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-write -a $ac -n ${sat}${rgb}) if( $stateEffect eq "none" and $effect eq "none" );
            qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-write -a $ae -n ${sat}${rgb}${effects{$effect}}00${speed}00) if( $stateEffect ne "none" or $effect ne "none" );

sub PLAYBULB_gattCharRead($$$$) {

    my ($name,$mac,$ac,$ae)     = @_;
    my $sshHost                 = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none");

    my $loop = 0;
    if( $sshHost ne 'none') {
        while ( (qx(ssh $sshHost 'ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac"') and $loop = 0) or (qx(ssh $sshHost 'ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac"') and $loop < 5) ) {
            #printf "\n(Sub PLAYBULB_Run) - gatttool noch aktiv, wait 0.5s for new check\n";
            sleep 0.5;
    } else {
        while ( (qx(ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac") and $loop = 0) or (qx(ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "gatttool -b $mac") and $loop < 5) ) {
            #printf "\n(Sub PLAYBULB_Run) - gatttool noch aktiv, wait 0.5s for new check\n";
            sleep 0.5;
    my @cc;
    my @ec;
    if( $sshHost ne 'none') {
        @cc          = split(": ",qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $ac'));
        @ec          = split(": ",qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $ae'));
    } else {
        @cc          = split(": ",qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $ac));
        @ec          = split(": ",qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $ae));
    return (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef)
    unless( defined($cc[1]) and defined($ec[1]) );
    my $cc          = join("",split(" ",$cc[1]));
    my $ec          = substr(join("",split(" ",$ec[1])),0,8);

    my $sat            = hex("0x".substr(join("",split(" ",$ec[1])),0,2));
    my $rgb            = substr(join("",split(" ",$ec[1])),2,6);
    my $effect         = $effectsHex{substr(join("",split(" ",$ec[1])),8,2)};
    my $speed          = hex("0x".substr(join("",split(" ",$ec[1])),12,2));

    if( $effect eq "none" ) {
        $sat            = hex("0x".substr(join("",split(" ",$cc[1])),0,2));
        $rgb            = substr(join("",split(" ",$cc[1])),2,6);
    return ($cc,$ec,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed);

sub PLAYBULB_readBattery($$$) {

    my ($name,$mac,$ab) = @_;
    my $sshHost         = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none");
    my $blevel;
    my @blevel;
    if( $sshHost ne 'none') {
        chomp(@blevel  = split(": ",qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $ab')));
    } else {
        chomp(@blevel  = split(": ",qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $ab)));
    ### Bei den Garden Bulbs gibt es noch den Status wird geladen oder wird nicht geladen
    ### Beispielausgabe "Characteristic value/descriptor: 51 01" in diesem Beispiel steht 01 für wird geladen
    if( AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'BTL400M_v18' or AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'BTL400M_v37' ) {
        $blevel = substr(join("",split(" ",$blevel[1])),0,4);
    } else {
        $blevel = substr(join("",split(" ",$blevel[1])),0,2);
    return ($blevel);

sub PLAYBULB_stateOnOff($$) {

    my ($cc,$ec)    = @_;
    my $state;
    if( $cc eq "00000000" and $ec eq "00000000" ) {
        $state = "0";
    } else {
        $state = "1";
    return $state;

sub PLAYBULB_readDevicename($$$) {

    my ($name,$mac,$adname) = @_;
    my $sshHost             = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none");
    my @dname;

    if( $sshHost ne 'none') {
        chomp(@dname  = split(": ",qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $adname')));
    } else {
        chomp(@dname  = split(": ",qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-read -a $adname)));
    my $dname = join("",split(" ",$dname[1]));
    return pack('H*', $dname);

sub PLAYBULB_writeDevicename($$$$) {

    my ($name,$mac,$adname,$dname)  = @_;
    my $sshHost                     = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none");
    my $hexDname = unpack("H*", $dname);
    if( $sshHost ne 'none') {
        qx(ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac --char-write-req -a $adname -n $hexDname');
    } else {
        qx(gatttool -b $mac --char-write-req -a $adname -n $hexDname);

sub PLAYBULB_forRun_encodeJSON($$$$$$$$$$$$$) {

    my ($cmd,$mac,$stateOnoff,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed,$stateEffect,$ac,$ae,$ab,$adname,$dname) = @_;

    my %data = (
        'cmd'           => $cmd,
        'mac'           => $mac,
        'stateOnoff'    => $stateOnoff,
        'sat'           => $sat,
        'rgb'           => $rgb,
        'effect'        => $effect,
        'speed'         => $speed,
        'stateEffect'   => $stateEffect,
        'ac'            => $ac,
        'ae'            => $ae,
        'ab'            => $ab,
        'adname'        => $adname,
        'dname'         => $dname
    return encode_json \%data;

sub PLAYBULB_forDone_encodeJSON($$$$$$$) {

    my ($blevel,$stateOnoff,$sat,$rgb,$effect,$speed,$dname)        = @_;

    my %response = (
        'blevel'     => $blevel,
        'stateOnoff' => $stateOnoff,
        'sat'        => $sat,
        'rgb'        => $rgb,
        'effect'     => $effect,
        'speed'      => $speed,
        'dname'      => $dname
    return encode_json \%response;

sub PLAYBULB_BlockingDone($) {

    my ($string) = @_;
    my ($name,$response)       = split("\\|",$string);
    my $hash    = $defs{$name};
    my $state;
    my $color;
    my $powerLevel;
    my $powerCharge;
    Log3 $name, 3, "(Sub PLAYBULB_Done - $name) - Der Helper ist diabled. Daher wird hier abgebrochen" if($hash->{helper}{DISABLED});
    return if($hash->{helper}{DISABLED});
    if( $response eq "err" ) {
        readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","unreachable", 1);
        return undef;
    my $response_json = decode_json($response);
    if( !defined($hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}) ) {
        if( $response_json->{stateOnoff} == 1 ) { $state = "on" } else { $state = "off" } ;
        if( ($response_json->{sat} eq "255" and $response_json->{rgb} eq "000000") or 
            ($response_json->{sat} eq "0" and $response_json->{rgb} eq "ffffff") ) {
            $color = "off"; } else { $color = "on"; }
    if( AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'BTL400M_v18' or AttrVal($name,'model','none') eq 'BTL400M_v37' ) {
        $powerLevel      = hex(substr($response_json->{blevel},0,2));
        $powerCharge    = hex(substr($response_json->{blevel},3,3));
    } else {
        $powerLevel      = hex($response_json->{blevel});
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "color", "$color") if( !defined($hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}) );
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "powerLevel", $powerLevel) if( $powerLevel != 1000 and !defined($hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}) );
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "powerCharge", $powerCharge) if( $powerLevel != 1000 and !defined($hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}) and defined($powerCharge) );
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "deviceName", $response_json->{dname});
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "onoff", $response_json->{stateOnoff});
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "sat", $response_json->{sat}) if( $response_json->{stateOnoff} != 0 and $color ne "off" );
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "rgb", $response_json->{rgb}) if( $response_json->{stateOnoff} != 0 and $color ne "off" and !defined($hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}) );
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "effect", $response_json->{effect});
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "speed", $response_json->{speed});
    readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $state);

    $hash->{helper}{onoff}  = $response_json->{stateOnoff};
    $hash->{helper}{sat}    = $response_json->{sat} if( $response_json->{stateOnoff} != 0 and $color ne "off" );
    $hash->{helper}{rgb}    = $response_json->{rgb} if( $response_json->{stateOnoff} != 0 and $color ne "off" and !defined($hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}) );
    $hash->{helper}{effect} = $response_json->{effect};
    $hash->{helper}{speed}  = $response_json->{speed};
    delete $hash->{helper}{setDeviceName} if( defined($hash->{helper}{setDeviceName}) );
    Log3 $name, 4, "(Sub PLAYBULB_Done - $name) - Abschluss!";

sub PLAYBULB_BlockingAborted($) {

    my ($hash) = @_;
    my $name = $hash->{NAME};

    readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","unreachable", 1);
    Log3 $name, 4, "($name) - The BlockingCall Process terminated unexpectedly. Timedout";


=item device
=item summary       Modul to control MiPow Playbulb products
=item summary_DE    Modul zum steuern der MiPow Playbulb Produkte

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<a name="PLAYBULB"></a>
<h3>MiPow Playbulb</h3>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>PLAYBULB -Smart Light from MIPOW.COM</strong></span></p>
<p>This module integrates different smart lights from MIPOW into FHEM and displays several settings</p>
<p><a name="PLAYBULBdefine"></a><strong>Define</strong><br /><code>define &lt;name&gt; PLAYBULB &lt;MAC-ADDRESS&gt;</code></p>
<p>Example: <code>define PlaybulbCandle PLAYBULB 0B:0B:0C:D0:E0:F0</code></p>
<p>With this command a new PLAYBULB device in a room called PLAYBULB is created. The parameter &lt;MAC-ADDRESS&gt; defines the bluetooth MAC address of your mipow smart light.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 90px;"><strong>pre-requesites</strong>: a BT LE 4.0 key and a working bluez installation or equivalent is necessary. (find a good guide at <a href="http://www.elinux.org/RPi_Bluetooth_LE)">http://www.elinux.org/RPi_Bluetooth_LE)</a></p>
<p style="padding-left: 90px;">It seems like the devices accept only one active connection.</p>
<p><br /><a name="PLAYBULBreadings"></a><strong>Readings</strong></p>
<li>powerLevel - percentage of batterylevel</li>
<li>powerCharge - state of charging (Playbulb Garden only)</li>
<li>color - indicates if colormode is on or off</li>
<li>devicename - given name of the device</li>
<li>effect - indicates which effect is selected (Flash; Pulse; RainbowJump; RainbowFade; Candle; none)</li>
<li>onoff - indicates if the device is turned on (1) or off (0)</li>
<li>rgb - shows the selected color in hex by rgb (example: FF0000 is full red)</li>
<li>sat - shows the selected saturation from 0 to 255 (seems to be inverted; 0 is full saturation)</li>
<li>speed - shows the selected effect speed (possible: 20; 70; 120; 170)</li>
<li>state - current state of PLAYBULB device</li>
<p><a name="PLAYBULBset"></a><strong>Set</strong></p>
<li>on - turns device on</li>
<li>off - turns device off</li>
<li>rgb - colorpicker,RGB; gives the possibility to set any hue, saturation, brightness</li>
<li>sat - saturation slider from 0 to 255 steps 5</li>
<li>effect - Flash,Pulse,RainbowJump,RainbowFade,Candle,none; activates the selected effect</li>
<li>speed - slider: values are 170, 120, 70, 20</li>
<li>color - on,of; switches the device to rgb or white</li>
<li>statusRequest - is necessary to request state of the device</li>
<li>deviceName - changes the name of the bluetoothdevice e.g. "PlaybulbCandle"</li>
<p><br /><strong>Get na</strong></p>
<p><strong>Attributes&nbsp; </strong></p>
<li>model<br />BTL300_v5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Candle Firmware 5<br />BTL300_v6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Candle Firmware 6<br />BTL201_v2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Smart<br />BTL201M_V16&nbsp; # Smart (1/2017)<br />BTL505_v1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Stripe<br />BTL400M_v18&nbsp; # Garden<br />BTL100C_v10&nbsp; # Color LED</li>
<li>sshHost - IP or FQDN for SSH remote control</li>
<p><br /><a name="PLAYBULBstate"></a><strong>state</strong></p>
<li>set attribut model&nbsp;- is shown after initial define</li>
<li>on - device is on</li>
<li>off - device is off</li>
<li>unreachable - connection to device lost</li>
<p><br /><br /><br /><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Further examples and readings:</strong></span><br /><a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,60829.msg522226.html#msg522226">Forum thread (german only)</a><br /><br /></p>

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=begin html_DE

<a name="PLAYBULB"></a>
<h3>MiPow Playbulb</h3>
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>PLAYBULB -Smart Light von MIPOW.COM</strong></span></p>
<p>Dieses Modul integriert diverse Smart Leuchten von MIPOW in FHEM und zeigt ihre Einstellungen an.</p>
<p><a name="PLAYBULBdefine"></a><strong>Define</strong><br /><code>define &lt;name&gt; PLAYBULB &lt;MAC-ADDRESS&gt;</code></p>
<p>Beispiel: <code>define PlaybulbCandle PLAYBULB 0B:0B:0C:D0:E0:F0</code></p>
<p>Mit diesem Kommando wird ein neues PLAYBULB Device im Raum PLAYBULB angelegt. Der Parameter &lt;MAC-ADDRESS&gt; definiert die Bluetooth MAC Address der Mipow Smart Leuchte.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 90px;"><strong>Vorbedingungen</strong>: Es wird ein Bluetooth LE 4.0 Stick, sowie eine funktionierende bluez Installation oder aehnlich vorausgesetzt. (Eine gute Anleitung findedsich hier: <a href="http://www.elinux.org/RPi_Bluetooth_LE)">http://www.elinux.org/RPi_Bluetooth_LE)</a></p>
<p style="padding-left: 90px;">Derzeit sieht es so aus, als ob die Devices nur eine aktive Verbindung akzeptieren.</p>
<p><br /><a name="PLAYBULBreadings"></a><strong>Readings</strong></p>
<li>battery - Batterielevel in Prozent</li>
<li>color - Zeigt an ob der Farbmodus an oder aus ist</li>
<li>devicename - Geraetename</li>
<li>effect - Zeigt an, welcher effect ausgewaehlt ist: (Flash; Pulse; RainbowJump; RainbowFade; Candle; none)</li>
<li>onoff - Zeigt an, ob das Geraet an (1) oder aus (0) ist</li>
<li>rgb - Zeigt die gewaehlte Farbe in HEX vom Typ rgb (Beispiel: FF0000 ist satt rot)</li>
<li>sat - Zeigt die gewaehlte Saettigung von 0 bis 255 (scheint invertiert zu sein; 0 ist volle Saettigung)</li>
<li>speed - Zeigt die gewaehlte Effektgeschwindigkeit (moeglich sind: 20; 70; 120; 170)</li>
<li>state - Aktueller Zustand des Devices</li>
<p><a name="PLAYBULBset"></a><strong>Set</strong></p>
<li>on - Schaltet das Geraet ein</li>
<li>off - Schaltet das Geraet aus</li>
<li>rgb - Farbwaehler,RGB; ermoeglicht jede Farbe, Saettigung und Helligkeit einzustellen</li>
<li>sat - Schieber zur Einstellung der Saettigungvon 0 bis 255, Schrittweite 5</li>
<li>effect - Flash,Pulse,RainbowJump,RainbowFade,Candle,none; aktiviert den gewaehlten Effekt</li>
<li>speed - Schieberegler: Werte sind 170, 120, 70, 20</li>
<li>color - on,of; Schaltet das Geraet auf RGB oder weiss</li>
<li>statusRequest - Ist notwendig, um den Zustand des Geraetes abzufragen</li>
<li>deviceName - Aendert den Namen des Bluetoothdevice z.B. "PlaybulbCandle"</li>
<p><br /><strong>Get na</strong></p>
<p><strong>Attributes&nbsp; </strong></p>
<li>model<br />BTL300_v5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Candle Firmware 5<br />BTL300_v6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Candle Firmware 6<br />BTL201_v2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Smart<br />BTL201M_V16&nbsp; # Smart (1/2017)<br />BTL505_v1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; # Stripe<br />BTL400M_v18&nbsp; # Garden<br />BTL100C_v10&nbsp; # Color LED</li>
<li>sshHost - IP oder FQDN für SSH remote Kontrolle</li>
<p><br /><a name="PLAYBULBstate"></a><strong>state</strong></p>
<li>set attribut model&nbsp;- wird nach der Erstdefinition angezeigt</li>
<li>on - Device ist an</li>
<li>off - Device ist aus</li>
<li>unreachable - Verbindung zum device verloren</li>
<p><br /><br /><br /><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Weitere Beispiel und readings:</strong></span><br /><a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,60829.msg522226.html#msg522226">Forum thread</a></p>

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