On the telnet prompt do: {FS20_Parse(undef, "");} e.g. {FS20_Parse(undef, "81xx04xx0101a0011234030011")} where is one of: 81xx04xx0101a0011234030011 FS20 dev: 1234 button: 03 on (11) 81xx04xx0101a0011234030000 FS20 dev: 1234 button: 03 off (00) 810d04xx4027a001de53187654321f KS300: Raincounter hex:123 (ca 75l/m2), Wind 45.6 km/h Humidity: 78%, Temp: 13.5 Unknown fields: d,e,f {FhzDecode("810d04xx4027a001de53187654321f")} 810e04d70213a001b16d000003000000 RM100-2 smoke on 810e04d70213a001b16d000000000000 RM100-2 smoke off 81xx04xx0101a0011234030011 FS20 dev: 1234 button: 03 on (11) To send it: set FHZ raw 04 0101a0011234030011