This file describes the changes to made in a FHEM installation when upgrading
_to_ the named version from an older version. It describes no new features,
only features not working anymore.  It may or may not work to set "attr global
featurelevel X.Y" (where X.Y is the old FHEM version, e.g. 5.6) in order to
enable the old feature.

- 2015-11-15 (5.7)
  - In the evaluated perl expression $value{DEVICE} is not set any more, use
    Value("DEVICE") instead
  - the lastinclude global attribute (as in attr global lastinclude filename)
    is not evaluated anymore, use the following instead:
      define lastinclude notify global:INITIALIZED include filename
  - In the evaluated perl expression % was replaced with the event, and @ with
    the device name. Instead of % $EVENT must be used, and instead of @ $NAME.
    The double %% and @@ is not replaced with a single % and @ anymore.

- 2017-02-19 (5.8)
  - the FHEMWEB csrfToken attribute is set to a random value on each startup,
    which is checked when executing a command started via the FHEMWEB HTTP
    connection. Something like:
      wget 'http://fhemhost:8083/fhem?cmd=set%20device%20on'
    wont work anymore. One solutions is to set "attr WEB csrfToken mySecret" and
    rewrite the above call to:
      wget 'http://fhemhost:8083/fhem?cmd=set%20device%20on&fwcsrf=mySecret'
    There are other solutions in the FHEM wiki.

- 2018-10-07 (5.9)
  - the default for the setStructType structure attribute changed from 1 to 0
  - the default for the style setting changed to f18, the old "default" is
    still present.
  - the default for the iconPath changed from default:fhemSVG:openautomation to 
    fhemSVG:openautomation:default. NOTE: the old version may be needed for
    FLORRPLAN users
  - the default fhem.cfg does not contain a telnet definition

- XXXX-XX-XX (6.0)
  - attribute names can only consist of the character A-Za-z/\d_\.-
  - the length of attribute and reading names must be 64 or less