# $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 20185 2019-09-17 22:13:48Z DS_Starter $
# 95_Dashboard.pm
# written and released by Sascha Hermann 2013
# maintained 2019 by Heiko Maaz
# e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# This script is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see .
# Known Bugs/Todos:
# BUG: Nicht alle Inhalte aller Tabs laden, bei Plots dauert die bedienung des Dashboards zu lange. -> elemente hidden? -> widgets aus js über XHR nachladen und dann anzeigen (jquery xml nachladen...)
# BUG: Variabler abstand wird nicht gesichert
# BUG: Überlappen Gruppen andere? ->Zindex oberer reihe > als darunter liegenden
# Helpfull Links:
# http://jquery.10927.n7.nabble.com/saving-portlet-state-td125831.html
# http://jsfiddle.net/w7ZvQ/
# http://jsfiddle.net/adamboduch/e6zdX/1/
# http://www.innovativephp.com/jquery-resizable-practical-examples-and-demos/
# http://jsfiddle.net/raulfernandez/mAuxn/
# http://jsfiddle.net/zeTP8/
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1;
use vars qw(%FW_icons); # List of icons
use vars qw($FW_dir); # base directory for web server
use vars qw($FW_icondir); # icon base directory
use vars qw($FW_room); # currently selected room
use vars qw(%defs); # FHEM device/button definitions
#use vars qw(%FW_groups); # List of Groups
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw(%FW_types); # device types
use vars qw($FW_ss); # is smallscreen, needed by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW
# Versions History intern
our %Dashboard_vNotesIntern = (
"3.11.1" => "16.09.2019 new attribute noLinks ",
"3.11.0" => "16.09.2019 attr dashboard_activetab is now working properly, commandref revised, calculate attribute ".
"dashboard_activetab (is now a userattr) ",
"3.10.1" => "29.06.2018 added FW_hideDisplayName, Forum #88727 ",
"1.0.0" => "20.12.2013 initial version released to testers "
# Forward declaration
sub Dashboard_GetGroupList();
# Global variables
my %group;
my $dashboard_groupListfhem;
my $fwjquery = "jquery.min.js";
my $fwjqueryui = "jquery-ui.min.js";
sub Dashboard_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "Dashboard_define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Dashboard_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "Dashboard_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Dashboard_undef";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "Dashboard_DetailFN";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "Dashboard_attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 ".
"dashboard_backgroundimage ".
"dashboard_colcount:1,2,3,4,5 ".
"dashboard_customcss " .
"dashboard_debug:0,1 ".
"dashboard_flexible " .
"dashboard_rowtopheight ".
"dashboard_rowbottomheight ".
"dashboard_row:top,center,bottom,top-center,center-bottom,top-center-bottom ".
"dashboard_rowcenterheight ".
"dashboard_rowcentercolwidth ".
"dashboard_showfullsize:0,1 ".
"dashboard_showtabs:tabs-and-buttonbar-at-the-top,tabs-and-buttonbar-on-the-bottom,tabs-and-buttonbar-hidden ".
"dashboard_showtogglebuttons:0,1 ".
"dashboard_tab1name " .
"dashboard_tab1groups " .
"dashboard_tab1devices " .
"dashboard_tab1sorting " .
"dashboard_tab1icon " .
"dashboard_tab1colcount " .
"dashboard_tab1rowcentercolwidth " .
"dashboard_tab1backgroundimage " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+name " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+groups " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+devices " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+sorting " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+icon " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+colcount " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+rowcentercolwidth " .
"dashboard_tab[0-9]+backgroundimage " .
"dashboard_width ".
"noLinks:1,0 ";
$data{FWEXT}{jquery}{SCRIPT} = "/pgm2/".$fwjquery if (!$data{FWEXT}{jquery}{SCRIPT});
$data{FWEXT}{jqueryui}{SCRIPT} = "/pgm2/".$fwjqueryui if (!$data{FWEXT}{jqueryui}{SCRIPT});
$data{FWEXT}{z_dashboard}{SCRIPT} = "/pgm2/dashboard.js" if (!$data{FWEXT}{z_dashboard});
$data{FWEXT}{x_dashboard}{SCRIPT} = "/pgm2/svg.js" if (!$data{FWEXT}{x_dashboard});
eval { FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ) }; # für Meta.pm (https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,97589.0.html)
return undef;
# Definition
sub Dashboard_define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @args = split (" ", $def);
my $now = time();
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT} = 1 if($modMetaAbsent); # Modul Meta.pm nicht vorhanden
# Versionsinformationen setzen
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "Initialized", 0 );
InternalTimer ($now + 5, 'Dashboard_CheckDashboardAttributUssage', $hash, 0);
my $url = '/dashboard/' . $name;
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{CONTENTFUNC} = 'Dashboard_CGI'; # $data{FWEXT} = FHEMWEB Extension, siehe 01_FHEMWEB.pm
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{LINK} = 'dashboard/'.$name;
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{NAME} = $name;
# Set
sub Dashboard_Set($@) {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_;
if ( $cmd eq "lock" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "lockstate", "lock", 0 );
} elsif ( $cmd eq "unlock" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "lockstate", "unlock", 0 );
}else {
return "Unknown argument " . $cmd . ", choose one of lock:noArg unlock:noArg";
# Get
sub Dashboard_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $res = "";
my $arg = (defined($a[1]) ? $a[1] : "");
my $arg2 = (defined($a[2]) ? $a[2] : "");
if ($arg eq "config") {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $attrdata = $attr{$name};
if ($attrdata) {
my $x = keys %$attrdata;
my $i = 0;
my @splitattr;
$res .= "{\n";
$res .= " \"CONFIG\": {\n";
$res .= " \"name\": \"$name\",\n";
$res .= " \"lockstate\": \"".ReadingsVal($name,"lockstate","unlock")."\",\n";
my @iconFolders = split(":", AttrVal($FW_wname, "iconPath", "$FW_sp:default:fhemSVG:openautomation"));
my $iconDirs = "";
foreach my $idir (@iconFolders) {$iconDirs .= "$attr{global}{modpath}/www/images/".$idir.",";}
$res .= " \"icondirs\": \"$iconDirs\", \"dashboard_tabcount\": " . Dashboard_GetTabCount($hash, 0). ", \"dashboard_activetab\": " . Dashboard_GetActiveTab($hash->{NAME});
$res .= ($i != $x) ? ",\n" : "\n";
foreach my $attr (sort keys %$attrdata) {
@splitattr = split("@", $attrdata->{$attr});
if (@splitattr == 2) {
$res .= " \"".Dashboard_Escape($attr)."\": \"".$splitattr[0]."\",\n";
$res .= " \"".Dashboard_Escape($attr)."color\": \"".$splitattr[1]."\"";
} elsif ($attr ne "dashboard_activetab") {
$res .= " \"".Dashboard_Escape($attr)."\": \"".$attrdata->{$attr}."\"";
} else {
$res .= ($i != $x) ? ",\n" : "\n";
$res .= " }\n";
$res .= "}\n";
return $res;
} elsif ($arg eq "groupWidget") {
#### Comming Soon ######
# For dynamic load of GroupWidgets from JavaScript
#my $dbgroup = "";
#for (my $p=2;$p<@a;$p++){$dbgroup .= @a[$p]." ";} #For Groupnames with Space
#for (my $p=2;$p<@a;$p++){$dbgroup .= $a[$p]." ";} #For Groupnames with Space
#$dashboard_groupListfhem = Dashboard_GetGroupList;
#%group = Dashboard_BuildGroupList($dashboard_groupListfhem);
#$res .= Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets(1,1,1212,trim($dbgroup),"t1c1,".trim($dbgroup).",true,0,0:");
#return $res;
#For dynamic loading of tabs
} elsif ($arg eq "tab" && $arg2 =~ /^\d+$/) {
return Dashboard_BuildDashboardTab($arg2, $hash->{NAME});
} elsif ($arg eq "icon") {
shift @a;
shift @a;
my $icon = join (' ', @a);
return FW_iconPath($icon);
} else {
return "Unknown argument $arg choose one of config:noArg groupWidget tab icon";
sub Dashboard_Escape($) {
my $a = shift;
return "null" if(!defined($a));
my %esc = ("\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\r', "\t" => '\t', "\f" => '\f', "\b" => '\b', "\"" => '\"', "\\" => '\\\\', "\'" => '\\\'', );
$a =~ s/([\x22\x5c\n\r\t\f\b])/$esc{$1}/eg;
return $a;
# Undefine
sub Dashboard_undef ($$) {
my ($hash,$arg) = @_;
# remove dashboard links from left menu
my $url = '/dashboard/' . $hash->{NAME};
delete $data{FWEXT}{$url};
return undef;
# Attr
sub Dashboard_attr($$$) {
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($attrName =~ m/dashboard_tab([1-9][0-9]*)groups/ || $attrName =~ m/dashboard_tab([1-9][0-9]*)devices/) {
# add dynamic attributes
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "name");
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "devices");
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "groups");
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "sorting");
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "icon");
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "colcount");
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "rowcentercolwidth");
addToDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($1 + 1) . "backgroundimage");
if ($attrName =~ m/alias/) {
# if an alias is set to the dashboard, replace the name shown in the left navigation by this alias
my $url = '/dashboard/'.$name;
$data{FWEXT}{$url}{NAME} = $attrVal;
# die Argumente für das Attribut dashboard_activetab dynamisch ermitteln und setzen
my $f = Dashboard_calcAttrActiveTab ($name);
delFromDevAttrList($name, "dashboard_activetab");
addToDevAttrList ($name, "dashboard_activetab:$f");
# Routine für FHEMWEB Detailanzeige
sub Dashboard_DetailFN() {
my ($name, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $ret = "";
$ret .= "
if ($name && defined($defs{$name})) {
my $showfullsize = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_showfullsize", 0);
if ($showfullsize) {
if ($FW_RET =~ m/]*class="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/) {
$FW_RET =~ s/class="$1"/class="$1 dashboard_fullsize"/;
} else {
my $dbwidth = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_width", "100%");
my @tabnames = ();
my @tabsortings = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < $tabcount; $i++) {
$tabnames[$i] = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($i + 1) . "name", "Dashboard-Tab " . ($i + 1));
$tabsortings[$i] = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_tab" . ($i + 1) . "sorting", "");
if ($disable == 1) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "Disabled", 0 );
return "";
if ($debug == 1) { $debugfield = "edit"; }
if ($showtabs eq "tabs-and-buttonbar-at-the-top") { $showbuttonbar = "top"; }
if ($showtabs eq "tabs-and-buttonbar-on-the-bottom") { $showbuttonbar = "bottom"; }
if ($showbuttonbar eq "hidden") { $lockstate = "lock"; }
if ($activetab > $tabcount) { $activetab = $tabcount; }
$colwidth =~ tr/,/:/;
if (not ($colheight =~ /^\d+$/)) { $colheight = 400; }
if (not ($rowtopheight =~ /^\d+$/)) { $rowtopheight = 50; }
if (not ($rowbottomheight =~ /^\d+$/)) { $rowbottomheight = 50; }
#------------------- Check dashboard_sorting on false content ------------------------------------
for (my $i=0;$i<@tabsortings;$i++){
if (($tabsortings[$i-1] !~ /[0-9]+/ || $tabsortings[$i-1] !~ /:/ || $tabsortings[$i-1] !~ /,/ ) && ($tabsortings[$i-1] ne "," && $tabsortings[$i-1] ne "")){
Log3 $name, 3, "[".$name." V".$dashboardversion."] Value of attribut dashboard_tab".$i."sorting is wrong. Saved sorting can not be set. Fix Value or delete the Attribute. [".$tabsortings[$i-1]."]";
} else { Log3 $name, 5, "[".$name." V".$dashboardversion."] Sorting OK or Empty: dashboard_tab".$i."sorting "; }
if ($room ne "all") {
############################ Set FHEM url to avoid hardcoding it in javascript ############################
$ret .= "";
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "Comming soon";
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
} else {
$ret .= "
$ret .= "".$hash->{TYPE}." |
$ret .= "{TYPE}."\" class=\"block wide\">";
$ret .= "";
$ret .= " | ";
$ret .= "".$hash->{STATE}." | ";
$ret .= " ";
$ret .= " |
$ret .= "
return $ret;
# Dashboard Tabs erstellen
sub Dashboard_BuildDashboardTab ($$) {
my ($t, $name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $id = $hash->{NR};
my $colcount = AttrVal($name, 'dashboard_tab'.($t + 1).'colcount', AttrVal($name, "dashboard_colcount", 1));
my $colwidths = AttrVal($name, 'dashboard_tab'.($t + 1).'rowcentercolwidth', AttrVal($name, "dashboard_rowcentercolwidth", 100));
$colwidths =~ tr/,/:/;
my $backgroundimage = AttrVal($name, 'dashboard_tab'.($t + 1).'backgroundimage', "");
my $row = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_row", "center");
my $tabgroups = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_tab".($t + 1)."groups", "");
my $tabsortings = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_tab".($t + 1)."sorting", "");
my $tabdevicegroups = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_tab".($t + 1)."devices", "");
my $tabcount = Dashboard_GetTabCount($hash, 1);
unless ($tabgroups || $tabdevicegroups) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "No Groups or devices set", 0);
return "";
my @temptabdevicegroup = split(' ', $tabdevicegroups);
my @tabdevicegroups = ();
# make sure device groups without a group name are splitted into
# separate groups for every device they are containing
for my $devicegroup (@temptabdevicegroup) {
my @groupparts = split(':', $devicegroup);
if (@groupparts == 1) {
my @devices = map { $_ . '$$$' . $_ } devspec2array($groupparts[0]);
push(@tabdevicegroups, @devices);
} else {
push(@tabdevicegroups, $devicegroup);
my $groups = Dashboard_GetGroupList();
$groups =~ s/#/ /g;
my @groups = split(',', $groups);
my @temptabgroup = split(",", $tabgroups);
# resolve group names from regular expressions
for (my $i=0;$i<@temptabgroup;$i++) {
my @stabgroup = split(":", trim($temptabgroup[$i]));
my @index = grep { $groups[$_] eq $stabgroup[0] } (0 .. @groups-1);
if (@index == 0) {
my $matchGroup = '^'.$stabgroup[0] . '$';
@index = grep { $groups[$_] =~ m/$matchGroup/ } (0 .. @groups-1);
if (@index > 0) {
for (my $j=0; $j<@index;$j++) {
my $groupname = @groups[$index[$j]];
$groupname .= '$$$'.'a:group='.$groupname;
if (@stabgroup > 1) {
$groupname .= '$$$'.$stabgroup[1];
$tabgroups = join('§§§', @tabdevicegroups);
# add sortings for groups not already having a defined sorting
for (my $i=0;$i<@tabdevicegroups;$i++) {
my @stabgroup = split(/\$\$\$/, trim($tabdevicegroups[$i]));
my $matchGroup = ",".quotemeta(trim($stabgroup[0])).",";
if ($tabsortings !~ m/$matchGroup/) {
$tabsortings = $tabsortings."t".$t."c".Dashboard_GetMaxColumnId($row,$colcount).",".trim($stabgroup[0]).",true,0,0:";
my $ret = "
$ret .= "
$ret .= " \n";
##################### Top Row (only one Column) #############################################
if ($row eq "top-center-bottom" || $row eq "top-center" || $row eq "top"){
$ret .= Dashboard_BuildDashboardTopRow($name,$t,$id,$tabgroups,$tabsortings);
##################### Center Row (max. 5 Column) ############################################
if ($row eq "top-center-bottom" || $row eq "top-center" || $row eq "center-bottom" || $row eq "center") {
$ret .= Dashboard_BuildDashboardCenterRow($name,$t,$id,$tabgroups,$tabsortings,$colcount);
############################# Bottom Row (only one Column) ############################################
if ($row eq "top-center-bottom" || $row eq "center-bottom" || $row eq "bottom"){
$ret .= Dashboard_BuildDashboardBottomRow($name,$t,$id,$tabgroups,$tabsortings);
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
return $ret;
# Oberste Zeile erstellen
sub Dashboard_BuildDashboardTopRow ($$$$$) {
my ($name,$t,$id, $devicegroups, $groupsorting) = @_;
my $ret;
$ret .= "
$ret .= "\n";
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets($name,$t,"100",$id,$devicegroups,$groupsorting);
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= " |
return $ret;
sub Dashboard_BuildDashboardCenterRow ($$$$$$) {
my ($name,$t,$id, $devicegroups, $groupsorting, $colcount) = @_;
my $ret = "
$ret .= "\n";
my $currentcol = $colcount;
my $maxcolindex = $colcount - 1;
my $replace = "t" . $t . "c" . $maxcolindex . ",";
# replace all sortings referencing not existing columns
# this does only work if there is no empty column inbetween
while (index($groupsorting, "t".$t."c".$currentcol.",") >= 0) {
my $search = "t" . $t . "c" . $currentcol . ",";
$groupsorting =~ s/$search/$replace/g;
for (my $i=0;$i<$colcount;$i++){
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets($name,$t,$i,$id,$devicegroups,$groupsorting);
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= " |
return $ret;
sub Dashboard_BuildDashboardBottomRow ($$$$$) {
my ($name,$t,$id, $devicegroups, $groupsorting) = @_;
my $ret;
$ret .= "
$ret .= "\n";
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets($name,$t,"200",$id,$devicegroups,$groupsorting);
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= " \n";
$ret .= " |
return $ret;
sub Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets ($$$$$$) {
my ($name,$tab,$column,$id,$devicegroups,$groupsorting) = @_;
my $ret = "";
my $counter = 0;
my %sorting = ();
my %groups = ();
my @groupnames = ();
foreach (split(":", $groupsorting)) {
my @parts = split (',', $_);
$sorting{$parts[1]} = $_;
# add group names to a list to have the correct order afterwards in the foreach loop
# store the group names in the right order to use them in the foreach loop
push(@groupnames, $parts[1]);
my @devicegroups = split('§§§', $devicegroups);
# sort the devices into a hash to be able to access them via group name
foreach my $singlegroup (@devicegroups) {
# make sure that splitting with colon is not destroying the devspec that might
# also contain a colon followed by a filter
my ($groupname, $groupdevices, $groupicon) = split(/\$\$\$/, $singlegroup);
my @values = ($groupdevices, $groupicon);
$groups{$groupname} = \@values;
my $groupicon = '';
foreach my $groupname (@groupnames) {
next if (!defined($groups{$groupname}));
my ($groupdevices, $groupicon) = @{$groups{$groupname}};
# if the device is not stored in the current column, skip it
next if (index($sorting{$groupname}, 't'.$tab.'c'.$column) < 0);
my $groupId = $id."t".$tab."c".$column."w".$counter;
$ret .= Dashboard_BuildGroup($name,$groupname,$groupdevices,$sorting{$groupname},$groupId,$groupicon);
return $ret;
sub Dashboard_BuildGroupList ($) {
my @dashboardgroups = split(",", $_[0]); #array for all groups to build an widget
my %group = ();
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
foreach my $grp (split(",", AttrVal($d, "group", ""))) {
$grp = trim($grp);
foreach my $g (@dashboardgroups){
my ($gtitle, $iconName) = split(":", trim($g));
my $titleMatch = "^" . quotemeta($gtitle) . "\$";
$group{$grp}{$d} = 1 if($grp =~ $titleMatch);
return %group;
sub Dashboard_GetGroupList() {
my %allGroups = ();
foreach my $d (keys %defs ) {
next if(IsIgnored($d));
foreach my $g (split(",", AttrVal($d, "group", ""))) { $allGroups{$g}{$d} = 1; }
my $ret = join(",", sort map { $_ =~ s/ /#/g ;$_} keys %allGroups);
return $ret;
sub Dashboard_BuildGroup ($$$$$$) {
my ($name,$groupname,$devices,$sorting,$groupId,$icon) = @_;
my $row = 1;
my %extPage = ();
my $foundDevices = 0;
my $replaceGroup = "";
my $ret = "";
my $rf = ($FW_room ? "&room=$FW_room" : ""); # stay in the room
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
$ret .= "
if (!$foundDevices) {
$ret .= "
$ret .= "Devices for group not found: $groupname |
$ret .= "Check if the device/group attribute is really set |
$ret .= "Check if the device spec is correctly written |
$ret .= "
return $ret;
sub Dashboard_GetMaxColumnId ($$) {
my ($row, $colcount) = @_;
my $maxcolid = "0";
if (index($row,"bottom") > 0) { $maxcolid = "200"; }
elsif (index($row,"center") > 0) { $maxcolid = $colcount-1; }
elsif (index($row,"top") > 0) { $maxcolid = "100"; }
return $maxcolid;
sub Dashboard_CheckDashboardEntry ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $now = time();
my $timeToExec = $now + 5;
InternalTimer ($timeToExec, 'Dashboard_CheckDashboardAttributUssage', $hash, 0);
# replaces old disused attributes and their values | set minimal attributes
sub Dashboard_CheckDashboardAttributUssage($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $d = $hash->{NAME};
my $dashboardversion = $hash->{HELPER}{VERSION};
my $detailnote = "";
# --------- Set minimal Attributes in the hope to make it easier for beginners --------------------
my $tab1groups = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_tab1groups", "
if ($tab1groups eq "") {
FW_fC("attr ".$d." dashboard_tab1groups Set Your Groups - See Attribute dashboard_tab1groups-");
# ---------------- Delete empty Groups entries ----------------------------------------------------------
my $tabgroups = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_tab1groups", "999");
if ($tabgroups eq "1" ) { FW_fC("deleteattr ".$d." dashboard_tab1groups"); }
$tabgroups = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_tab2groups", "999");
if ($tabgroups eq "1" ) { FW_fC("deleteattr ".$d." dashboard_tab2groups"); }
$tabgroups = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_tab3groups", "999");
if ($tabgroups eq "1" ) { FW_fC("deleteattr ".$d." dashboard_tab3groups"); }
$tabgroups = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_tab4groups", "999");
if ($tabgroups eq "1" ) { FW_fC("deleteattr ".$d." dashboard_tab4groups"); }
$tabgroups = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_tab5groups", "999");
if ($tabgroups eq "1" ) { FW_fC("deleteattr ".$d." dashboard_tab5groups"); }
my $lockstate = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_lockstate", ""); # outdates 04.2014
if ($lockstate ne "") {
{ FW_fC("deleteattr ".$d." dashboard_lockstate"); }
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$hash->{NAME}. " V".$dashboardversion."]"." Using an outdated no longer used Attribute or Value. This has been corrected. Don't forget to save config. [dashboard_lockstate]";
my $showhelper = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_showhelper", ""); # outdates 04.2014
if ($showhelper ne "") {
{ FW_fC("deleteattr ".$d." dashboard_showhelper"); }
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$hash->{NAME}. " V".$dashboardversion."]"." Using an outdated no longer used Attribute or Value. This has been corrected. Don't forget to save config. [dashboard_showhelper]";
my $showtabs = AttrVal($defs{$d}{NAME}, "dashboard_showtabs", ""); # delete values 04.2014
if ($showtabs eq "tabs-at-the-top-buttonbar-hidden") {
{ FW_fC("set ".$d." dashboard_showtabs tabs-and-buttonbar-at-the-top"); }
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$hash->{NAME}. " V".$dashboardversion."]"." Using an outdated no longer used Attribute or Value. This has been corrected. Don't forget to save config. [tabs-at-the-top-buttonbar-hidden]";
if ($showtabs eq "tabs-on-the-bottom-buttonbar-hidden") {
{ FW_fC("set ".$d." dashboard_showtabs tabs-and-buttonbar-on-the-bottom"); }
Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$hash->{NAME}. " V".$dashboardversion."]"." Using an outdated no longer used Attribute or Value. This has been corrected. Don't forget to save config. [tabs-on-the-bottom-buttonbar-hidden]";
# Anzahl der vorhandenen Tabs ermitteln und zurück geben
sub Dashboard_GetTabCount ($$) {
my ($hash, $defaultTabCount) = @_;
my $tabCount = 0;
while (AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'dashboard_tab' . ($tabCount + 1) . 'groups', '') ne ""
|| AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'dashboard_tab' . ($tabCount + 1) . 'devices', '') ne "") {
return $tabCount ? $tabCount : $defaultTabCount;
# Aktives Tab selektieren
sub Dashboard_GetActiveTab ($) {
my ($d) = @_;
my $maxTab = Dashboard_GetTabCount($defs{$d}, 1);
my $activeTab = 1;
if (defined($FW_httpheader{Cookie})) {
my %cookie = map({ split('=', $_) } split(/; */, $FW_httpheader{Cookie}));
if (defined($cookie{dashboard_activetab})) {
$activeTab = $cookie{dashboard_activetab};
$activeTab = ($activeTab <= $maxTab)?$activeTab:$maxTab;
my $dat = AttrVal($d, 'dashboard_activetab', $activeTab);
$dat = ($dat <= $maxTab)?$dat:$maxTab;
return $dat;
# Wertevorrat für Attribut dashboard_activetab ermitteln und setzen
sub Dashboard_calcAttrActiveTab ($) {
my ($name) = @_;
my $f;
my $maxTab = Dashboard_GetTabCount($defs{$name}, 1);
for my $i (1..$maxTab) {
$f .= "," if($f);
$f .= $i;
return $f;
# Versionierungen des Moduls setzen
# Die Verwendung von Meta.pm und Packages wird berücksichtigt
sub Dashboard_setVersionInfo($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $v = (sortTopicNum("desc",keys %Dashboard_vNotesIntern))[0];
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
$hash->{HELPER}{VERSION} = $v;
if($modules{$type}{META}{x_prereqs_src} && !$hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT}) { # META-Daten sind vorhanden
$modules{$type}{META}{version} = "v".$v; # Version aus META.json überschreiben, Anzeige mit {Dumper $modules{SMAPortal}{META}}
if($modules{$type}{META}{x_version}) { # {x_version} ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 20185 2019-09-17 22:13:48Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
$modules{$type}{META}{x_version} =~ s/1.1.1/$v/g;
} else {
$modules{$type}{META}{x_version} = $v;
return $@ unless (FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash)); # FVERSION wird gesetzt ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 20185 2019-09-17 22:13:48Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
if(__PACKAGE__ eq "FHEM::$type" || __PACKAGE__ eq $type) { # es wird mit Packages gearbeitet -> Perl übliche Modulversion setzen
use version 0.77; our $VERSION = FHEM::Meta::Get( $hash, 'version' ); # mit {->VERSION()} im FHEMWEB kann Modulversion abgefragt werden
} else {
$hash->{VERSION} = $v; # herkömmliche Modulstruktur
=encoding utf8
=item summary Dashboard for showing multiple devices sorted in tabs
=item summary_DE Dashboard zur Anzeige mehrerer Geräte in verschiedenen Tabs
=begin html
Creates a Dashboard in any group can be arranged. The positioning may depend the Groups and column width are made
arbitrarily by drag'n drop. Also, the width and height of a Group can be increased beyond the minimum size.
- define <name> Dashboard
define anyViews Dashboard
Bestpractice beginner configuration:
define anyViews Dashboard
attr anyViews dashboard_colcount 2
attr anyviews dashboard_rowcentercolwidth 30,70
attr anyViews dashboard_tab1groups <Group1>,<Group2>,<Group3>
- set <name> lock
Locks the Dashboard so that no position changes can be made.
- set <name> unlock
Unlock the Dashboard,
- dashboard_activetab
Specifies which tab is activated. If it isn't set, the last active tab will also be the current tab. (Default: 1)
- dashboard_backgroundimage
Displays a background image for the complete dashboard. The image is not stretched in any way so the size should
match/extend the dashboard height/width.
- dashboard_colcount
Number of columns in which the groups can be displayed. Nevertheless, it is possible to have multiple groups
to be positioned in a column next to each other. This is depend on the width of columns and groups.
Default: 1
- dashboard_debug
Show Hiddenfields. Only for Maintainer's use.
Default: 0
- dashboard_flexible
If set to a value > 0, the widgets are not positioned in columns any more but can be moved freely to any position in
the tab.
The value for this parameter also defines the grid, in which the position "snaps in".
Default: 0
- dashboard_row
To select which rows are displayed. top only; center only; bottom only; top and center; center and bottom; top,center and bottom.
Default: center
- dashboard_rowbottomheight
Height of the bottom row in which the groups may be positioned.
Default: 250
- dashboard_rowcenterheight
Height of the center row in which the groups may be positioned.
Default: 400
- dashboard_rowcentercolwidth
About this attribute, the width of each column of the middle Dashboardrow can be set. It can be stored for each column
a separate value.
The values must be separated by a comma (no spaces). Each value determines the column width in%! The first value
specifies the width of the first column, the second value of the width of the second column, etc. Is the sum of the
width greater than 100 it is reduced.
If more columns defined as widths the missing widths are determined by the difference to 100. However, are less
columns are defined as the values of ignores the excess values.
Default: 100
- dashboard_rowtopheight
Height of the top row in which the groups may be positioned.
Default: 250
- dashboard_showfullsize
Hide FHEMWEB Roomliste (complete left side) and Page Header if Value is 1.
Default: 0
- dashboard_showtabs
Displays the Tabs/Buttonbar on top or bottom, or hides them. If the Buttonbar is hidden lockstate is "lock" is used.
Default: tabs-and-buttonbar-at-the-top
- dashboard_showtogglebuttons
Displays a Toogle Button on each Group do collapse.
Default: 0
- dashboard_tabXname
Title of Tab at position X.
- dashboard_tabXsorting
Contains the position of each group in Tab X. Value is written by the "Set" button. It is not recommended to take
manual changes.
- dashboard_tabXgroups
Comma-separated list of the names of the groups to be displayed in Tab X.
Each group can be given an icon for this purpose the group name, the following must be
completed ":<icon>@<color>"
Light:Icon_Fisch@blue,AVIcon_Fisch@red,Single Lights:Icon_Fisch@yellow
Additionally a group can contain a regular expression to show all groups matching a criteria.
.*Light.* to show all groups that contain the string "Light"
- dashboard_tabXdevices
devspec list of devices that should appear in the tab. The format is:
The icon name is optional. Also the group name is optional. In case of missing group name, the matching devices are
not grouped but shown as separate widgets without titles.
For further details on the devspec format see Dev-Spec.
- dashboard_tabXicon
Set the icon for a Tab. There must exist an icon with the name ico.(png|svg) in the modpath directory. If the image is
referencing an SVG icon, then you can use the @colorname suffix to color the image.
- dashboard_tabXcolcount
Number of columns for a specific tab in which the groups can be displayed. Nevertheless, it is possible to have
multiple groups.
to be positioned in a column next to each other. This depends on the width of columns and groups.
Default: <dashboard_colcount>
- dashboard_tabXbackgroundimage
Shows a background image for the X tab. The image is not stretched in any way, it should therefore match the tab size
or extend it.
- dashboard_width
To determine the Dashboardwidth. The value can be specified, or an absolute width value (eg 1200) in pixels in% (eg 80%).
Default: 100%
- noLinks
No link generation to the detail view of the devices takes place.
Some device types deliver the links to their detail view integrated in the devices name or alias.
In such cases you have to deactivate the link generation inside of the device (for example in devices of type readingsGroup,
SSCamSTRM or SMAPortal).
=end html
=begin html_DE
Erstellt eine Übersicht in der Gruppen angeordnet werden können. Dabei können die Gruppen mit Drag'n Drop frei positioniert
und in mehreren Spalten angeordnet werden. Auch kann die Breite und Höhe einer Gruppe über die Mindestgröße hinaus gezogen
- define <name> Dashboard
define anyViews Dashboard
Bestpractice Anfängerkonfiguration:
define anyViews Dashboard
attr anyViews dashboard_colcount 2
attr anyViews dashboard_rowcentercolwidth 30,70
attr anyViews dashboard_tab1groups <Group1>,<Group2>,<Group3>
- set <name> lock
Sperrt das Dashboard sodass keine Positionsänderungen vorgenommen werden können.
- set <name> unlock
Entsperrt das Dashboard.
- dashboard_activetab
Legt das aktuell aktivierte Tab fest. Wenn nicht gesetzt, wird das zuletzt aktivierte Tab ausgewählt (Default: 1)
- dashboard_backgroundimage
Zeig in Hintergrundbild im Dashboard an. Das Bild wird nicht gestreckt, es sollte daher auf die Größe des Dashboards
passen oder diese überschreiten.
- dashboard_colcount
Die Anzahl der Spalten in der Gruppen dargestellt werden können. Dennoch ist es möglich, mehrere Gruppen
in einer Spalte nebeneinander zu positionieren. Dies ist abhängig von der Breite der Spalten und Gruppen.
Gilt nur für die mittlere Spalte!
Standard: 1
- dashboard_debug
Zeigt Debug-Felder an. Sollte nicht gesetzt werden!
Standard: 0
- dashboard_flexible
Hat dieser Parameter einen Wert > 0, dann können die Widgets in den Tabs frei positioniert werden und hängen nicht
mehr an den Spalten fest. Der Wert gibt ebenfalls das Raster an, in dem die Positionierung "zu schnappt".
Standard: 0
- dashboard_row
Auswahl welche Zeilen angezeigt werden sollen. top (nur Oben), center (nur Mitte), bottom (nur Unten) und den
Kombinationen daraus.
Standard: center
- dashboard_rowcenterheight
Höhe der mittleren Zeile, in der die Gruppen angeordnet werden.
Standard: 400
- dashboard_rowcentercolwidth
Über dieses Attribut wird die Breite der einzelnen Spalten der mittleren Dashboardreihe festgelegt. Dabei kann je Spalte ein separater Wert hinterlegt werden.
Die Werte sind durch ein Komma (ohne Leerzeichen) zu trennen. Jeder Wert bestimmt die Spaltenbreite in %! Der erste Wert gibt die Breite der ersten Spalte an,
der zweite Wert die Breite der zweiten Spalte usw. Ist die Summe der Breite größer als 100 werden die Spaltenbreiten reduziert.
Sind mehr Spalten als Breiten definiert werden die fehlenden Breiten um die Differenz zu 100 festgelegt. Sind hingegen weniger Spalten als Werte definiert werden
die überschüssigen Werte ignoriert.
Standard: 100
- dashboard_rowtopheight
Höhe der oberen Zeile, in der die Gruppen angeordnet werden.
Standard: 250
- dashboard_rowbottomheight
Höhe der unteren Zeile, in der die Gruppen angeordnet werden.
Standard: 250
- dashboard_showfullsize
Blendet die FHEMWEB Raumliste (kompleter linker Bereich der Seite) und den oberen Bereich von FHEMWEB aus wenn der
Wert auf 1 gesetzt ist.
Default: 0
- dashboard_showtabs
Zeigt die Tabs/Schalterleiste des Dashboards oben oder unten an, oder blendet diese aus. Wenn die Schalterleiste
ausgeblendet wird ist das Dashboard gespert.
Standard: tabs-and-buttonbar-at-the-top
- dashboard_showtogglebuttons
Zeigt eine Schaltfläche in jeder Gruppe mit der man diese auf- und zuklappen kann.
Standard: 0
- dashboard_tabXname
Titel des X Tab.
- dashboard_tabXsorting
Enthält die Positionierung jeder Gruppe im Tab X. Der Wert wird mit der Schaltfläche "Set" geschrieben. Es wird nicht
empfohlen dieses Attribut manuell zu ändern.
- dashboard_tab1groups
Durch Komma getrennte Liste mit den Namen der Gruppen, die im Tab 1 angezeigt werden. Falsche Gruppennamen werden
Jede Gruppe kann zusätzlich ein Icon anzeigen, dazu muss der Gruppen name um ":<icon>@<farbe>"ergänzt
Beispiel: Light:Icon_Fisch@blue,AVIcon_Fisch@red,Single Lights:Icon_Fisch@yellow
Der Gruppenname kann ebenfalls einen regulären Ausdruck beinhalten, um alle Gruppen anzuzeigen, die darauf passen.
Beispiel: .*Licht.* zeigt alle Gruppen an, die das Wort "Licht" im Namen haben.
- dashboard_tabXdevices
devspec Liste von Geräten, die im Tab angezeigt werden sollen. Das format ist:
Das Icon ist optional. Auch der Gruppenname muss nicht vorhanden sein. Im Falle dass dieser fehlt, werden die gefunden
Geräte nicht gruppiert sondern als einzelne Widgets im Tab angezeigt. Für weitere Details bezüglich devspec:
- dashboard_tabXicon
Zeigt am Tab ein Icon an. Es muss sich dabei um ein exisitereindes Icon mit modpath Verzeichnis handeln. Handelt es
sich um ein SVG Icon kann der Suffix @colorname für die Farbe des Icons angegeben werden.
- dashboard_tabXcolcount
Die Anzahl der Spalten im Tab X in der Gruppen dargestellt werden können. Dennoch ist es möglich, mehrere Gruppen
in einer Spalte nebeneinander zu positionieren. Dies ist abhängig von der Breite der Spalten und Gruppen.
Gilt nur für die mittlere Spalte!
Standard: <dashboard_colcount>
- dashboard_tabXbackgroundimage
Zeigt ein Hintergrundbild für den X-ten Tab an. Das Bild wird nicht gestreckt, es sollte also auf die Größe des Tabs
passen oder diese überschreiten.
- dashboard_width
Zum bestimmen der Dashboardbreite. Der Wert kann in % (z.B. 80%) angegeben werden oder als absolute Breite (z.B. 1200)
in Pixel.
Standard: 100%
- noLinks
Es erfolgt keine Linkerstellung zur Detailansicht von Devices.
Bei manchen Devicetypen wird der Link zur Detailansicht integriert im Namen bzw. Alias des Device mitgeliefert.
In diesen Fällen muß die Linkgenerierung direkt im Device abgestellt werden (z.B. bei Devices der Typen readingsGroup,
SSCamSTRM oder SMAPortal).
=end html_DE
=for :application/json;q=META.json 95_Dashboard.pm
"abstract": "Dashboard for showing multiple devices sorted in tabs",
"x_lang": {
"de": {
"abstract": "Dashboard zur Anzeige mehrerer Geräte in verschiedenen Tabs"
"keywords": [
"version": "v1.1.1",
"release_status": "stable",
"author": [
"Heiko Maaz "
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"prereqs": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"FHEM": 5.00918799,
"perl": 5.014
"recommends": {
"FHEM::Meta": 0
"suggests": {
"resources": {
"x_wiki": {
"web": "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Dashboard",
"title": "Dashboard"
"repository": {
"x_dev": {
"type": "svn",
"url": "https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter",
"web": "https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/95_Dashboard.pm",
"x_branch": "dev",
"x_filepath": "fhem/contrib/",
"x_raw": "https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/95_Dashboard.pm"
=end :application/json;q=META.json