############################################## # $Id$ # TODO: # - routing commands # - one command to create a fhem device for all nodeList entries # - inclusion mode active only for a given time (pairForSec) # - use central readings functions package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); sub ZWDongle_Parse($$$); sub ZWDongle_Read($@); sub ZWDongle_ReadAnswer($$$); sub ZWDongle_Ready($); sub ZWDongle_Write($$$@); sub ZWave_HandleSendStack($); # See also: # http://www.digiwave.dk/en/programming/an-introduction-to-the-z-wave-protocol/ # http://open-zwave.googlecode.com/svn-history/r426/trunk/cpp/src/Driver.cpp # http://buzzdavidson.com/?p=68 my %sets = ( "addNode" => { cmd => "4a%02x@", # ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK', param => {on=>0x81, off=>0x05 } }, "removeNode"=> { cmd => "4b%02x@", # ZW_REMOVE_NODE_FROM_NETWORK', param => {on=>0x81, off=>0x05 } }, "createNode"=> { cmd => "60%02x" }, # ZW_REQUEST_NODE_INFO', ); my %gets = ( "caps" => "07", # SERIAL_API_GET_CAPABILITIES "ctrlCaps" => "05", # ZW_GET_CONTROLLER_CAPS "nodeInfo" => "41%02x", # ZW_GET_NODE_PROTOCOL_INFO "nodeList" => "02", # SERIAL_API_GET_INIT_DATA "homeId" => "20", # MEMORY_GET_ID "version" => "15", # ZW_GET_VERSION "raw" => "%s", ); # Known controller function. # Note: Known != implemented, see %sets & %gets for the implemented ones. use vars qw(%zw_func_id); use vars qw(%zw_type6); %zw_func_id= ( '02' => 'SERIAL_API_GET_INIT_DATA', '03' => 'SERIAL_API_APPL_NODE_INFORMATION', '04' => 'APPLICATION_COMMAND_HANDLER', '05' => 'ZW_GET_CONTROLLER_CAPABILITIES', '06' => 'SERIAL_API_SET_TIMEOUTS', '07' => 'SERIAL_API_GET_CAPABILITIES', '08' => 'SERIAL_API_SOFT_RESET', '10' => 'ZW_SET_R_F_RECEIVE_MODE', '11' => 'ZW_SET_SLEEP_MODE', '12' => 'ZW_SEND_NODE_INFORMATION', '13' => 'ZW_SEND_DATA', '14' => 'ZW_SEND_DATA_MULTI', '15' => 'ZW_GET_VERSION', '16' => 'ZW_SEND_DATA_ABORT', '17' => 'ZW_R_F_POWER_LEVEL_SET', '18' => 'ZW_SEND_DATA_META', '20' => 'MEMORY_GET_ID', '21' => 'MEMORY_GET_BYTE', '22' => 'MEMORY_PUT_BYTE', '23' => 'MEMORY_GET_BUFFER', '24' => 'MEMORY_PUT_BUFFER', '30' => 'CLOCK_SET', '31' => 'CLOCK_GET', '32' => 'CLOCK_COMPARE', '33' => 'RTC_TIMER_CREATE', '34' => 'RTC_TIMER_READ', '35' => 'RTC_TIMER_DELETE', '36' => 'RTC_TIMER_CALL', '41' => 'ZW_GET_NODE_PROTOCOL_INFO', '42' => 'ZW_SET_DEFAULT', '44' => 'ZW_REPLICATION_COMMAND_COMPLETE', '45' => 'ZW_REPLICATION_SEND_DATA', '46' => 'ZW_ASSIGN_RETURN_ROUTE', '47' => 'ZW_DELETE_RETURN_ROUTE', '48' => 'ZW_REQUEST_NODE_NEIGHBOR_UPDATE', '49' => 'ZW_APPLICATION_UPDATE', '4a' => 'ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK', '4b' => 'ZW_REMOVE_NODE_FROM_NETWORK', '4c' => 'ZW_CREATE_NEW_PRIMARY', '4d' => 'ZW_CONTROLLER_CHANGE', '50' => 'ZW_SET_LEARN_MODE', '51' => 'ZW_ASSIGN_SUC_RETURN_ROUTE', '52' => 'ZW_ENABLE_SUC', '53' => 'ZW_REQUEST_NETWORK_UPDATE', '54' => 'ZW_SET_SUC_NODE_ID', '55' => 'ZW_DELETE_SUC_RETURN_ROUTE', '56' => 'ZW_GET_SUC_NODE_ID', '57' => 'ZW_SEND_SUC_ID', '59' => 'ZW_REDISCOVERY_NEEDED', '60' => 'ZW_REQUEST_NODE_INFO', '61' => 'ZW_REMOVE_FAILED_NODE_ID', '62' => 'ZW_IS_FAILED_NODE', '63' => 'ZW_REPLACE_FAILED_NODE', '70' => 'TIMER_START', '71' => 'TIMER_RESTART', '72' => 'TIMER_CANCEL', '73' => 'TIMER_CALL', '80' => 'GET_ROUTING_TABLE_LINE', '81' => 'GET_T_X_COUNTER', '82' => 'RESET_T_X_COUNTER', '83' => 'STORE_NODE_INFO', '84' => 'STORE_HOME_ID', '90' => 'LOCK_ROUTE_RESPONSE', '91' => 'ZW_SEND_DATA_ROUTE_DEMO', '95' => 'SERIAL_API_TEST', 'a0' => 'SERIAL_API_SLAVE_NODE_INFO', 'a1' => 'APPLICATION_SLAVE_COMMAND_HANDLER', 'a2' => 'ZW_SEND_SLAVE_NODE_INFO', 'a3' => 'ZW_SEND_SLAVE_DATA', 'a4' => 'ZW_SET_SLAVE_LEARN_MODE', 'a5' => 'ZW_GET_VIRTUAL_NODES', 'a6' => 'ZW_IS_VIRTUAL_NODE', 'bb' => 'ZW_GET_NEIGHBOR_COUNT', 'bc' => 'ZW_ARE_NODES_NEIGHBOURS', 'bd' => 'ZW_TYPE_LIBRARY', 'd0' => 'ZW_SET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE', ); %zw_type6 = ( '01' => 'GENERIC_CONTROLLER', '12' => 'SWITCH_REMOTE', '02' => 'STATIC_CONTROLLER', '13' => 'SWITCH_TOGGLE', '03' => 'AV_CONTROL_POINT', '20' => 'SENSOR_BINARY', '06' => 'DISPLAY', '21' => 'SENSOR_MULTILEVEL', '07' => 'GARAGE_DOOR', '22' => 'WATER_CONTROL', '08' => 'THERMOSTAT', '30' => 'METER_PULSE', '09' => 'WINDOW_COVERING', '40' => 'ENTRY_CONTROL', '0F' => 'REPEATER_SLAVE', '50' => 'SEMI_INTEROPERABLE', '10' => 'SWITCH_BINARY', 'ff' => 'NON_INTEROPERABLE', '11' => 'SWITCH_MULTILEVEL', ); sub ZWDongle_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm"; # Provider $hash->{ReadFn} = "ZWDongle_Read"; $hash->{WriteFn} = "ZWDongle_Write"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "ZWDongle_Ready"; $hash->{ReadAnswerFn} = "ZWDongle_ReadAnswer"; # Normal devices $hash->{DefFn} = "ZWDongle_Define"; $hash->{SetFn} = "ZWDongle_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "ZWDongle_Get"; $hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 model:ZWDongle"; } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); if(@a != 3) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define ZWDongle {none[:homeId] | ". "devicename[\@baudrate] | ". "devicename\@directio | ". "hostname:port}"; return $msg; } DevIo_CloseDev($hash); my $name = $a[0]; my $dev = $a[2]; $hash->{Clients} = ":ZWave:"; my %matchList = ( "1:ZWave" => ".*" ); $hash->{MatchList} = \%matchList; if($dev =~ m/none:(.*)/) { $hash->{homeId} = $1; Log3 $name, 1, "$name device is none (homeId:$1), commands will be echoed only"; $attr{$name}{dummy} = 1; return undef; } elsif($dev !~ m/@/ && $dev !~ m/:/) { $def .= "\@115200"; # default baudrate } $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; $hash->{CallbackNr} = 0; $hash->{nrNAck} = 0; my @empty; $hash->{SendStack} = \@empty; my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "ZWDongle_DoInit"); return $ret; } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; return "\"set ZWDongle\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 1); my $type = shift @a; if(!defined($sets{$type})) { my @r; map { my $p = $sets{$_}{param}; push @r,($p ? "$_:".join(",",sort keys %{$p}) : $_)} sort keys %sets; return "Unknown argument $type, choose one of " . join(" ",@r); } my $cmd = $sets{$type}{cmd}; my $par = $sets{$type}{param}; if($par) { return "Unknown argument for $type, choose one of ".join(" ",keys %{$par}) if(!defined($par->{$a[0]})); $a[0] = $par->{$a[0]}; } if($cmd =~ m/\@/) { my $c = $hash->{CallbackNr}+1; $c = 1 if($c > 255); $hash->{CallbackNr} = $c; $c = sprintf("%02x", $c); $cmd =~ s/\@/$c/g; } my @ca = split("%", $cmd, -1); my $nargs = int(@ca)-1; return "set $name $type needs $nargs arguments" if($nargs != int(@a)); ZWDongle_Write($hash, "00", sprintf($cmd, @a)); return undef; } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; return "\"get $name\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 1); my $type = shift @a; return "Unknown argument $type, choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %gets) if(!defined($gets{$type})); my @ga = split("%", $gets{$type}, -1); my $nargs = int(@ga)-1; return "get $name $type needs $nargs arguments" if($nargs != int(@a)); return "No $type for dummies" if(IsDummy($name)); ZWDongle_Write($hash, "00", sprintf($gets{$type}, @a)); my $re = "^01".substr($gets{$type},0,2); # Start with <01><01> my ($err, $ret) = ZWDongle_ReadAnswer($hash, "get $name $type", $re); return $err if($err); my $msg=""; $msg = $ret if($ret); my @r = map { ord($_) } split("", pack('H*', $ret)) if(defined($ret)); if($type eq "nodeList") { ############################ return "$name: Bogus data received" if(int(@r) != 36); my @list; for my $byte (0..28) { my $bits = $r[5+$byte]; for my $bit (0..7) { push @list, $byte*8+$bit+1 if($bits & (1<<$bit)); } } $msg = join(",", @list); } elsif($type eq "caps") { ############################ $msg = sprintf("Vers:%d Rev:%d ", $r[2], $r[3]); $msg .= sprintf("ManufID:%02x%02x ", $r[4], $r[5]); $msg .= sprintf("ProductType:%02x%02x ", $r[6], $r[7]); $msg .= sprintf("ProductID:%02x%02x", $r[8], $r[9]); my @list; for my $byte (0..31) { my $bits = $r[10+$byte]; for my $bit (0..7) { my $fn = $zw_func_id{sprintf("%02x", $byte*8+$bit)}; push @list, $fn if(($bits & (1<<$bit)) && $fn); } } $msg .= " ".join(",",@list); } elsif($type eq "homeId") { ############################ $msg = sprintf("HomeId:%s CtrlNodeId:%s", substr($ret,4,8), substr($ret,12,2)); $hash->{homeId} = substr($ret,4,8); } elsif($type eq "version") { ############################ $msg = join("", map { chr($_) } @r[2..13]); my @type = qw( STATIC_CONTROLLER CONTROLLER ENHANCED_SLAVE SLAVE INSTALLER NO_INTELLIGENT_LIFE BRIDGE_CONTROLLER); my $idx = $r[14]-1; $msg .= " $type[$idx]" if($idx >= 0 && $idx <= $#type); } elsif($type eq "ctrlCaps") { ############################ my @type = qw(SECONDARY OTHER MEMBER PRIMARY SUC); my @list; for my $bit (0..7) { push @list, $type[$bit] if(($r[2] & (1<<$bit)) && $bit < @type); } $msg = join(" ", @list); } elsif($type eq "nodeInfo") { ############################ my $id = sprintf("%02x", $r[6]); if($id eq "00") { $msg = "node $a[0] is not present"; } else { my @list; my @type5 = qw( CONTROLLER STATIC_CONTROLLER SLAVE ROUTING_SLAVE); push @list, $type5[$r[5]-1] if($r[5]>0 && $r[5] <= @type5); push @list, $zw_type6{$id} if($zw_type6{$id}); push @list, ($r[2] & 0x80) ? "listening" : "sleeping"; push @list, "routing" if($r[2] & 0x40); push @list, "40kBaud" if(($r[2] & 0x38) == 0x10); push @list, "Vers:" . (($r[2]&0x7)+1); push @list, "Security:" . ($r[3]&0x1); $msg = join(" ", @list); } } $type .= "_".join("_", @a) if(@a); $hash->{READINGS}{$type}{VAL} = $msg; $hash->{READINGS}{$type}{TIME} = TimeNow(); return "$name $type => $msg"; } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_Clear($) { my $hash = shift; # Clear the pipe $hash->{RA_Timeout} = 0.3; for(;;) { my ($err, undef) = ZWDongle_ReadAnswer($hash, "Clear", undef); last if($err && $err =~ m/^Timeout/); } delete($hash->{RA_Timeout}); } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_DoInit($) { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; DevIo_SetHwHandshake($hash) if($hash->{USBDev}); ZWDongle_Clear($hash); ZWDongle_Get($hash, $name, "devList"); # Make the following query faster (?) ZWDongle_Get($hash, $name, "homeId"); $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized"; return undef; } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_CheckSum($) { my ($data) = @_; my $cs = 0xff; map { $cs ^= ord($_) } split("", pack('H*', $data)); return sprintf("%02x", $cs); } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_Write($$$@) { my ($hash,$fn,$msg,$noStack) = @_; if(!$noStack && $msg =~ m/^13/) { # SEND_DATA, wait for ACK InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.1, "ZWave_HandleSendStack", $hash, 0) if(!int(@{$hash->{SendStack}})); push @{$hash->{SendStack}}, $msg; return if(int(@{$hash->{SendStack}}) > 1); } $msg = "$fn$msg"; $msg = sprintf("%02x%s", length($msg)/2+1, $msg); $msg = "01$msg" . ZWDongle_CheckSum($msg); DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $msg, 1); } sub ZWave_HandleSendStack($) { my $hash = shift; shift @{$hash->{SendStack}}; return if(!@{$hash->{SendStack}}); ZWDongle_Write($hash, "00", $hash->{SendStack}->[0], 1); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.1, "ZWave_HandleSendStack", $hash, 0); } ##################################### # called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data sub ZWDongle_Read($@) { my ($hash, $local, $regexp) = @_; my $buf = (defined($local) ? $local : DevIo_SimpleRead($hash)); return "" if(!defined($buf)); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $buf = unpack('H*', $buf); # The dongle looses data over USB for some commands(?), and dropping the old # buffer after a timeout is my only idea of solving this problem. my $ts = gettimeofday(); my $data = ($hash->{ReadTime} && $ts-$hash->{ReadTime} > 1) ? "" : $hash->{PARTIAL}; $hash->{ReadTime} = $ts; # Flush old data. Log3 $name, 5, "ZWDongle/RAW: $data/$buf"; $data .= $buf; my $msg; while(length($data) > 0) { my $fb = substr($data, 0, 2); if($fb eq "06") { # ACK $data = substr($data, 2); next; } if($fb eq "15") { # NACK Log3 $name, 1, "$name: NACK received"; undef @{$hash->{SendStack}}; $data = substr($data, 2); next; } if($fb eq "18") { # CAN if(int(@{$hash->{SendStack}})) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: CANCEL received, retransmitting."; ZWDongle_Write($hash, "00", $hash->{SendStack}->[0], 1); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: CANCEL received, nothing to retransmit."; } $data = substr($data, 2); next; } if($fb ne "01") { # SOF Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SOF missing (got $fb instead of 01)"; undef @{$hash->{SendStack}}; last; } my $len = substr($data, 2, 2); my $l = hex($len)*2; last if(!$l || length($data) < $l+4); # Message not yet complete $msg = substr($data, 4, $l-2); my $rcs = substr($data, $l+2, 2); # Received Checksum $data = substr($data, $l+4); my $ccs = ZWDongle_CheckSum("$len$msg"); # Computed Checksum if($rcs ne $ccs) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: wrong checksum: received $rcs, computed $ccs for $len$msg"; DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "15", 1) # Send NACK if(++$hash->{nrNAck} < 5); next; } $hash->{nrNAck} = 0; DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "06", 1); # Send ACK Log3 $name, 5, "ZWDongle_Read $name: $msg"; last if(defined($local) && (!defined($regexp) || ($msg =~ m/$regexp/))); ZWDongle_Parse($hash, $name, $msg); $msg = undef; } $hash->{PARTIAL} = $data; return $msg if(defined($local)); return undef; } ##################################### # This is a direct read for commands like get sub ZWDongle_ReadAnswer($$$) { my ($hash, $arg, $regexp) = @_; return ("No FD (dummy device?)", undef) if(!$hash || ($^O !~ /Win/ && !defined($hash->{FD}))); my $to = ($hash->{RA_Timeout} ? $hash->{RA_Timeout} : 3); shift @{$hash->{SendStack}}; # Hope this is right. for(;;) { my $buf; if($^O =~ m/Win/ && $hash->{USBDev}) { $hash->{USBDev}->read_const_time($to*1000); # set timeout (ms) # Read anstatt input sonst funzt read_const_time nicht. $buf = $hash->{USBDev}->read(999); return ("Timeout reading answer for get $arg", undef) if(length($buf) == 0); } else { return ("Device lost when reading answer for get $arg", undef) if(!$hash->{FD}); my $rin = ''; vec($rin, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1; my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $to); if($nfound < 0) { next if ($! == EAGAIN() || $! == EINTR() || $! == 0); my $err = $!; DevIo_Disconnected($hash); return("ZWDongle_ReadAnswer $arg: $err", undef); } return ("Timeout reading answer for get $arg", undef) if($nfound == 0); $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash); return ("No data", undef) if(!defined($buf)); } my $ret = ZWDongle_Read($hash, $buf, $regexp); return (undef, $ret) if(defined($ret)); } } sub ZWDongle_Parse($$$) { my ($hash, $name, $rmsg) = @_; $hash->{"${name}_MSGCNT"}++; $hash->{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow(); $hash->{RAWMSG} = $rmsg; my %addvals = (RAWMSG => $rmsg); Dispatch($hash, $rmsg, \%addvals); } ##################################### sub ZWDongle_Ready($) { my ($hash) = @_; return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, "ZWDongle_DoInit") if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected"); # This is relevant for windows/USB only my $po = $hash->{USBDev}; if($po) { my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status; return ($InBytes>0); } return 0; } 1; =pod =begin html


    This module serves a ZWave dongle, which is attached via USB or TCP/IP, and enables the use of ZWave devices (see also the ZWave module). It was tested wit a Goodway WD6001, but since the protocol is standardized, it should work with other devices too. A notable exception is the USB device from Merten.

      define <name> ZWDongle <device>

      Upon initial connection the module will get the homeId of the attached device. Since the DevIo module is used to open the device, you can also use devices connected via TCP/IP. See this paragraph on device naming details.
        define zwdongle_1 ZWDongle /dev/cu.PL2303-000014FA@115200

    • addNode [on|off]
      Activate (or deactivate) inclusion mode. The controller (i.e. the dongle) will accept inclusion (i.e. pairing/learning) requests only while in this mode. After activating inclusion mode usually you have to press a switch three times within 1.5 seconds on the node to be included into the network of the controller. If autocreate is active, a fhem device will be created after inclusion.
    • removeNode [on|off]
      Activate (or deactivate) exclusion mode. Note: the corresponding fhem device have to be deleted manually.
    • createNode id
      Request the class information for the specified node, and create a fhem device upon reception of the answer. Used for previously included nodes, see the nodeList get command below.

    • nodeList
      return the list of included nodeIds. Can be used to recreate fhem-nodes with the createNode command.
    • homeId
      return the six hex-digit homeId of the controller.
    • caps, ctrlCaps, version
      return different controller specific information. Needed by developers only.
    • nodeInfo
      return node specific information. Needed by developers only.
    • raw
      Send raw data to the controller. Developer only.

    Generated events:
    • ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK [learnReady|nodeFound|controller|done|failed]
    • ZW_REMOVE_NODE_TO_NETWORK [learnReady|nodeFound|slave|controller|done|failed]
    • UNDEFINED ZWave_${type6}_$id ZWave $homeId $id $classes"
=end html =cut