#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################################ # $Id:$ # vim: ts=2:et # # (c) 2012 Copyright: Martin Fischer (m_fischer at gmx dot de) # All rights reserved # # This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ################################################################ use CGI qw(:standard :html3 :header Vars); use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser carpout); use CGI::Session; use DBI; #requires libdbd-sqlite3-perl use File::Copy; use LWP::Simple; use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError); use lib "./lib"; use Geo::IP; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; # directory cointains databases my $datadir = "./data"; # geo ip database file from http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/ # should be updated once per month my $geoIPDat = "$datadir/GeoLiteCity.dat"; # database my $dbf = "$datadir/fhem_statistics_db.sqlite"; my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbf"; my $sth; # requirements for housekeeping; my $controlFileURL = "http://fhem.de/fhemupdate4/svn/controls_fhem.txt"; # fhem node my $ua = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}; my $ip = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; # cascading style sheets my $css = "http://fhem.de/../css/style.css"; my $myStyle=<connect($dsn,"","", { RaiseError => 1, ShowErrorStatement => 1 }) || die "Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr"; my $cgi = new CGI; my $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>'/tmp'}); my $cookie = $cgi->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id ); &init($cgi,$session); if($session->param("~login-trials") >= 3) { print $cgi->header(), $cgi->start_html( -title => 'fhem.de - Statistics Maintainance mode', -author => 'm_fischer@gmx.de', -base => 'true', -style => {-src => $css,-code => $myStyle}, ), $cgi->p("You failed 3 times in a row.
" . "Your session is blocked. Please contact us with the details of your action" ), $cgi->end_html; exit(0); } unless($session->param("~logged-in")) { print login_page($cgi,$session); exit(0); } &maintainance($cgi,$session); exit(0); ######################################## sub login_page { my ($cgi,$session) = @_; print $cgi->header(-cookie=>$cookie), $cgi->start_html( -title => 'fhem.de - Statistics Maintainance mode', -author => 'm_fischer@gmx.de', -base => 'true', -style => {-src => $css,-code => $myStyle}, ), $cgi->h3("fhem.de - Statistics Maintainance mode"), $cgi->start_form, $cgi->hidden(-name=>'_cmd',-value=>$cgi->param('_cmd')), $cgi->hidden(-name=>'_act',-value=>$cgi->param('_act')), $cgi->strong("Username: "), $cgi->textfield(-name=>'username'),br, $cgi->strong("Password: "), $cgi->password_field(-name=>'password'),br, $cgi->submit(-value=>'Login'), $cgi->end_form, $cgi->end_html; } ######################################## sub init($$) { my ($cgi,$session) = @_; if($session->param("~logged-in")) { return 1; } my $username = $cgi->param("username") or return; my $password = $cgi->param("password") or return; if(my $profile = authUser($username,$password)) { $session->param("~profile", $profile); $session->param("~logged-in", 1); $session->clear(["~login-trials"]); return 1; } my $trials = $session->param("~login-trials") || 0; return $session->param("~login-trials", ++$trials); } ######################################## sub authUser($$) { my ($username,$password) = @_; my %credentials; my $fh; if(open($fh,"<$datadir/.maintainance.pwd")) { while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; my ($user,$pass) = split(":",$line); $credentials{$user} = $pass; } close $fh; } if(exists $credentials{$username} && crypt($password,"Fhem") eq $credentials{$username}) { my $p_mask = "x" . length($credentials{$username}); return {username=>$username, password=>$p_mask}; } return undef; } ######################################## sub maintainance($$) { my ($cgi,$session) = @_; my $url = url(-path_info=>1); my $profile = $session->param("~profile"); my @geo = getLocation($ip); if($cgi->param("_file")) { &cmdDownload($cgi,$session,param("_file")); } print $cgi->header(), $cgi->start_html( -title => 'fhem.de - Statistics Maintainance mode', -author => 'm_fischer@gmx.de', -base => 'true', -style => {-src => $css,-code => $myStyle}, ), $cgi->h3("fhem.de - Statistics Maintainance mode"); print $cgi->p("Welcome $profile->{username} ..."), $cgi->p("IP: $ip, countryname:$geo[2] city:$geo[5] lat:$geo[6] lon:$geo[7]"), $cgi->ul({-class=>'menu'}, $cgi->li([ "[", $cgi->a({href=>$url},"home"), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=backup"},"backup"), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=dir"},"dir"), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=housekeeping"},"housekeeping"), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=update"},"update"), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=help"},"help"), "|", $cgi->a({href=>"http://fhem.de/stats/statistics.cgi",-target=>'_blank'},"view statistics"), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=logout"},"logout"), "]", ]) ), $cgi->hr; my $cmd = $cgi->param("_cmd"); my $act = $cgi->param("_act"); if($cmd) { my $error; my @t = localtime; my $timeNow = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d",$t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]); my $ret; if($cmd eq "help") { &cmdHelp($cgi,$session); } elsif($cmd eq "backup") { &cmdBackup($cgi,$session,$act); } elsif($cmd eq "dir") { &cmdDir($cgi,$session); } elsif($cmd eq "housekeeping") { &cmdHousekeeping($cgi,$session,$act); } elsif($cmd eq "update") { &cmdUpdate($cgi,$session,$act); } elsif($cmd eq "logout") { $session->clear(["~logged-in"]); print "\n"; } if($error) { print $cgi->p("Error: $error"); } } print end_html; } ######################################## sub cmdHelp($$) { my ($cgi,$session) = @_; print $cgi->h4("Help"), $cgi->table({-border=>0,-cellpadding=>'5'}, $cgi->Tr({-align=>'left',-valign=>'top'}, [ $cgi->th([ "command", "action", "short description" ]), $cgi->td([ "help", "", "show this info." ]), $cgi->td([ "backup", "statistics", "backup statisitc database with timestamp extension" ]), $cgi->td([ "backup", "geoip", "backup geoip databae with timestamp extension" ]), $cgi->td([ "dir", "", "show content of datadir '$datadir'" ]), $cgi->td([ "housekeeping", "modules", "get controlfile from '$controlFileURL' and remove inofficial modules from table 'modules'" ]), $cgi->td([ "update", "geoip", "get new version of geoip database 'GeoLiteCity.dat', unzip and install it." ]), ] ) ); return undef; } ######################################## sub cmdBackup($$$) { my ($cgi,$session,$act) = @_; my $url = url(-path_info=>1); my $timeNow = TimeNow(); my $error; print $cgi->h4("Backup"), $cgi->ul({-class=>'menu'}, $cgi->li([ "[", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=backup;_act=statistics"},"statistics database "), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=backup;_act=geoip"},"geoip database "), "|", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=backup;_act=download;_file=$dbf"},"download statistics database "), "]", ]) ); if($act eq "statistics") { print $cgi->h5("backup $dbf"); copy($dbf,$dbf."-".$timeNow) or $error = "Copy failed: $!"; print $cgi->p("copy $dbf to $dbf-$timeNow done."); } if($act eq "geoip") { print $cgi->h5("backup $geoIPDat"); copy($geoIPDat,$geoIPDat."-".$timeNow) or $error = "Copy failed: $!"; print $cgi->p("copy $geoIPDat to $geoIPDat-$timeNow done."); } if($error) { print $cgi->p("Error: $error"); } return undef; } ######################################## sub cmdDownload($$$) { my ($cgi,$session,$file) = @_; my $error; my $filename = substr $file,rindex($file,'/')+1; open(my $DLFILE,"<$file") or $error = "Open failed: $!"; print $cgi->header(-type => 'application/x-download', -attachment => $filename, -Content_length => -s "$file", ); binmode $DLFILE; print while <$DLFILE>; undef ($DLFILE); if($error) { print $cgi->p("Error: $error"); } } ######################################## sub cmdDir($$$) { my ($cgi,$session,$act) = @_; my $error; print $cgi->h4("Content of directory $datadir"); opendir(my $dh, $datadir) or $error = "Can't opendir $datadir: $!"; my @dir = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$datadir/$_" } readdir($dh); closedir $dh; for my $file (sort @dir) { print $cgi->code($file),$cgi->br; } if($error) { print $cgi->p("Error: $error"); } return undef; } ######################################## sub cmdUpdate($$$) { my ($cgi,$session,$act) = @_; my $url = url(-path_info=>1); my $timeNow = TimeNow(); my $error; print $cgi->h4("Update"), $cgi->ul({-class=>'menu'}, $cgi->li([ "[", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=update;_act=geoip"},"GeoLiteCity.dat"), "]", ]) ); if($act eq "geoip") { print $cgi->h5("update GeoLiteCity.dat"); my $url = "http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz"; my $infile = "$datadir/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz"; my $outfile = "$datadir/GeoLiteCity.dat"; my $data = getstore($url,$infile); if($data == "200") { copy($geoIPDat,$geoIPDat."-".$timeNow) or $error = "Copy failed: $!"; print $cgi->p("copy $geoIPDat to $geoIPDat-$timeNow done."); gunzip $infile => $outfile or $error = "gunzip failed: $GunzipError"; print $cgi->p("New $outfile installed."); } else { $error = "response for $infile: $data"; } } if($error) { print $cgi->p("Error: $error"); } return undef; } ######################################## sub cmdHousekeeping($$$) { my ($cgi,$session,$act) = @_; my $url = url(-path_info=>1); my $error; print $cgi->h4("Housekeeping"), $cgi->ul({-class=>'menu'}, $cgi->li([ "[", $cgi->a({href=>$url."?_cmd=housekeeping;_act=modules"},"remove inofficial modules"), "]", ]) ); if($act eq "modules") { my $control = get($controlFileURL); my $control_ref = {}; ($error,$control_ref) = parseControlFile("fhem",$control,$control_ref,0); print $cgi->h5("Housekeeping for table 'modules'"); my @ignoreColumns = qw(Global uniqueID); my %columnOld = %{ $dbh->column_info(undef, undef, 'modules', undef)->fetchall_hashref('COLUMN_NAME') }; my %columnNew = %columnOld; my $removeColumns; foreach my $col (sort keys %columnOld) { if(!exists $control_ref->{$col} && !grep {/$col/} @ignoreColumns) { delete $columnNew{$col}; $removeColumns .= "$col "; } } if(!$removeColumns) { print $cgi->p("

inofficial modules found:
"); } else { print $cgi->p("

inofficial modules found:
"); copy($dbf,$dbf."-".TimeNow()) or $error = "Copy of $dbf failed: $!"; if(!$error) { delete $columnNew{uniqueID}; my $createTable = "CREATE TABLE modules (uniqueID VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE"; my $selectColumns = "uniqueID"; foreach my $col (sort keys %columnNew) { $createTable .= ", $col INTEGER DEFAULT 0"; $selectColumns .= ", $col"; } $createTable .= ");"; my $sql; $sql = "ALTER TABLE 'modules' RENAME TO 'modules_old';"; print $cgi->p("sql:
"); $dbh->do($sql); $sql = $createTable; print $cgi->p("sql:
"); $dbh->do($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO 'modules' ($selectColumns) SELECT $selectColumns FROM 'modules_old';"; print $cgi->p("sql:
"); $dbh->do($sql); $sql = "DROP TABLE 'modules_old';"; print $cgi->p("sql:
"); $dbh->do($sql); } } } if($error) { print $cgi->p("Error: $error"); } return undef; } ######################################## sub parseControlFile($$$$) { my ($pack,$controlFile,$control_ref,$local) = @_; my %control = %$control_ref if ($control_ref && ref($control_ref) eq "HASH"); my $from = ($local ? "local" : "remote"); my $ret; if ($local) { my $str = ""; # read local controlfile in string if (open FH, "$controlFile") { $str = do { local $/; }; } close(FH); $controlFile = $str } # parse file if ($controlFile) { foreach my $l (split("[\r\n]", $controlFile)) { chomp($l); my ($ctrl,$date,$size,$file,$move) = ""; if ($l =~ m/^(UPD) (20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (\d+) (\S+)$/) { $ctrl = $1; $date = $2; $size = $3; $file = $4; } elsif ($l =~ m/^(DIR) (\S+)$/) { $ctrl = $1; $file = $2; } elsif ($l =~ m/^(MOV) (\S+) (\S+)$/) { $ctrl = $1; $file = $2; $move = $3; } elsif ($l =~ m/^(DEL) (\S+)$/) { $ctrl = $1; $file = $2; } else { $ctrl = "ESC" } if ($ctrl eq "ESC") { $ret = "File 'controls_".lc($pack).".txt' ($from) is corrupt"; } last if ($ret); if ($l =~ m/^UPD/ && $file =~ m/^FHEM/) { if ($file =~ m/^.*(\d\d_)(.*).pm$/) { my $modName = $2; $control{$modName} = $file; } } } } return ($ret, \%control); } ######################################## sub getLocation($) { my ($ip) = shift; my $gi = Geo::IP->open($geoIPDat, GEOIP_STANDARD); my $rec = $gi->record_by_addr($ip); if(!$rec) { return; } else { return ( $rec->country_code,$rec->country_code3,$rec->country_name,$rec->region,$rec->region_name,$rec->city, $rec->latitude,$rec->longitude,$rec->time_zone,$rec->continent_code ); } } ######################################## sub TimeNow() { my @t = localtime; return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d",$t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]); } 1;