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      <h3>Fhem on the Fritz!Box</h3>

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<h2><a href="fhem.html">FHEM</a> on the Fritz!Box</h2>

<h3>Fritz!Box 7390 (as of 2011-09-03)</h3>
    After the CeBIT 2011 AVM released an image for the Fritz!Box7390 containing
    fhem, see <a href="http://www.avm.de/de/Service/Service-Portale/Labor/index.php"
    >this</a> link. This image is to be installed in <b>addition</b> to the
    normal firmware. You can upgrade/replace the normal firmware any time
    without hurting the fhem installation and vice versa.  This fhem
    installation configures 2 CUL devices, the first one talking FS20
    ("SlowRF"), the second preconfigured for HomeMatic.  <br><br>

    The AVM installation will start fhem in a chroot environment, in order to
    minimize security concerns, but this also prevents fhem to trigger
    arbitrary FritzBox functions, e.g. sending mail, enabling WLAN, etc. wont
    be possible from fhem.<br><br>

    <a href="fhem-=VERS=-fb7390.image">This</a> image from fhem.de contains
    perl from the AVM fhem-image and of course fhem, the main difference is,
    that fhem will be started in a normal (non-chroot) environment. 
    When installing it, you have to confirm with an extra click that it does
    not have a valid AVM signature.  </ul>

<h3>Fritz!Box 7170/7270 (as of 2011-09-03)</h3>
    Due to Eyk's work there is also a <a
    href="fhem-=VERS=-fb7270.zip">ZIP</a> file for the Fritz!Box 7170 and 7270
    models. As the FB720/7170 has not enough internal storage to install fhem,
    you have to use an external USB Drive:
      <li>First unzip the .ZIP file in the root directory of the USB-disk/USB-stick.
      <li>Attach the stick to the FB
      <li>open a telnet window, connect to the FB.
      <li>With the command df check the name of the stick on the FB.
      <li>Execute the following command in the FB telnet window to start fhem
          when the FB reboots:<br>
          echo "&lt;path-of-the-stick&gt;/fhem/startfhem" > /var/flash/debug.cfg
      <li>Start fhem manually with "&lt;path-of-the-stick&gt;/fhem/startfhem"
    Since these devices have less memory than the FB7390, fhem may suffer from
    memory-shortage, esp. inspecting large logs directly in the browser my lead
    to a reboot.

