################################################################ # $Id$ # vim: ts=2:et # # (c) 2012 Copyright: Martin Fischer (m_fischer at gmx dot de) # All rights reserved # # This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ################################################################ package main; use strict; use warnings; sub HCS_Initialize($$); sub HCS_Define($$); sub HCS_DoInit($); sub HCS_Undef($$); sub HCS_checkState($); sub HCS_Get($@); sub HCS_Set($@); sub HCS_setState($$); sub HCS_getValues($$); my %gets = ( "values" => "", ); my %sets = ( "interval" => "", "eco" => "", "mode" => "", "on" => "", "off" => "", ); my %defaults = ( "idleperiod" => 10, "interval" => 5, "deviceCmdOn" => "on", "deviceCmdOff" => "off", "ecoTemperatureOn" => 16.0, "ecoTemperatureOff" => 17.0, "eventOnChangeReading" => "state,devicestate,eco,overdrive", "loglevel" => 3, "mode" => "thermostat", "thermostatThresholdOn" => 0.5, "thermostatThresholdOff" => 0.5, "valveThresholdOn" => 35, "valveThresholdOff" => 40, ); ##################################### sub HCS_Initialize($$) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "HCS_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "HCS_Undef"; $hash->{GetFn} = "HCS_Get"; $hash->{SetFn} = "HCS_Set"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "HCS_Notify"; $hash->{AttrList} = "deviceCmdOn deviceCmdOff exclude ecoTemperatureOn ecoTemperatureOff ". "interval idleperiod mode:thermostat,valve ". "sensor sensorThresholdOn sensorThresholdOff sensorReading ". "thermostatThresholdOn thermostatThresholdOff ". "valveThresholdOn valveThresholdOff ". "do_not_notify:1,0 event-on-update-reading event-on-change-reading ". "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 disable:0,1"; } ##################################### sub HCS_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; # define HCS # define heatingControl HCS KG.hz.LC.SW1.01 my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Wrong syntax: use 'define HCS '" if(@a < 3 || @a > 6); my $name = $a[0]; if(!defined($defs{$a[2]})) { my $ret = "Device $a[2] not defined. Please add this device first!"; Log 1, "$type $name $ret"; return $ret; } $hash->{STATE} = "Defined"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"device",$a[2],1); HCS_DoInit($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub HCS_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $name) = @_; delete($modules{HCS}{defptr}{$hash->{NAME}}); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub HCS_Notify($$) { my ($hash,$dev) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global" || !grep(m/^INITIALIZED$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}})); return if($attr{$name} && $attr{$name}{disable}); delete $modules{HCS}{NotifyFn}; delete $hash->{NTFY_ORDER} if($hash->{NTFY_ORDER}); HCS_DoInit($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub HCS_DoInit($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; # clean upd old stuff foreach my $r ( keys %{$hash->{READINGS}} ) { delete $hash->{READINGS}{$r} if($r =~ m/.*_state$/ || $r =~ m/.*_demand$/); } $attr{$name}{deviceCmdOn} = AttrVal($name,"deviceCmdOn",$defaults{deviceCmdOn}); $attr{$name}{deviceCmdOff} = AttrVal($name,"deviceCmdOff",$defaults{deviceCmdOff}); $attr{$name}{"event-on-change-reading"} = AttrVal($name,"event-on-change-reading",$defaults{eventOnChangeReading}); $attr{$name}{interval} = AttrVal($name,"interval",$defaults{interval}); $attr{$name}{idleperiod} = AttrVal($name,"idleperiod",$defaults{idleperiod}); $attr{$name}{mode} = AttrVal($name,"mode",$defaults{mode}); if($attr{$name}{mode} ne "thermostat" && $attr{$name}{mode} ne "valve") { Log 1, "$type $name unknown attribute mode '".$attr{$name}{mode}."'. Please use 'thermostat' or 'valve'."; return undef; } $attr{$name}{thermostatThresholdOn} = AttrVal($name,"thermostatThresholdOn",$defaults{thermostatThresholdOn}); $attr{$name}{thermostatThresholdOff} = AttrVal($name,"thermostatThresholdOff",$defaults{thermostatThresholdOff}); $attr{$name}{valveThresholdOn} = AttrVal($name,"valveThresholdOn",$defaults{valveThresholdOn}); $attr{$name}{valveThresholdOff} = AttrVal($name,"valveThresholdOff",$defaults{valveThresholdOff}); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Initialized",1); if($init_done) { my $ret = HCS_getValues($hash,0); HCS_setState($hash,$ret); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); my $timer = gettimeofday()+($attr{$name}{interval}*60); InternalTimer($timer, "HCS_checkState", $hash, 0); $hash->{NEXTCHECK} = FmtTime($timer); } return undef; } ##################################### sub HCS_checkState($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $interval = AttrVal($name,"interval",$defaults{interval}); my $timer; my $ret; $ret = HCS_getValues($hash,0); HCS_setState($hash,$ret); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); $timer = gettimeofday()+($interval*60); InternalTimer($timer, "HCS_checkState", $hash, 0); $hash->{NEXTCHECK} = FmtTime($timer); return undef; } ##################################### sub HCS_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my $ret; # check syntax return "argument is missing @a" if(int(@a) != 2); # check argument return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".join(" ", sort keys %gets) if(!defined($gets{$a[1]})); # get argument my $arg = $a[1]; if($arg eq "values") { $ret = HCS_getValues($hash,1); return $ret; } return undef; } ##################################### sub HCS_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my $timer; my $ret; my $str; # check syntax return "argument is missing @a" if(int(@a) < 2 || int(@a) > 3); # check argument return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".join(" ", sort keys %sets) if(!defined($sets{$a[1]})); # get argument my $arg = $a[1]; if($arg eq "eco") { return "argument is missing, choose one of on off" if(int(@a) < 3); return "Unknown argument $a[2], choose one of on off" if(lc($a[2]) ne "on" && lc($a[2]) ne "off"); my $ecoModeNew = lc($a[2]); my $ecoTempOn = AttrVal($name,"ecoTemperatureOn",undef); my $ecoTempOff = AttrVal($name,"ecoTemperatureOff",undef); if((!$ecoTempOn || !$ecoTempOff) && $ecoModeNew eq "on") { $str = "missing attribute 'ecoTemperatureOn'. Please define this attribute first." if(!$ecoTempOn); $str = "missing attribute 'ecoTemperatureOff'. Please define this attribute first." if(!$ecoTempOff); Log 1, "$type $name $str"; return $str; } my $ecoModeOld = ReadingsVal($name,"eco","off"); if($ecoModeNew ne $ecoModeOld) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "eco",$ecoModeNew,1); $str = "eco mode changed from $ecoModeOld to $ecoModeNew"; Log 1, "$type $name $str"; return $str; } else { return "eco mode '$ecoModeNew' already set."; } } elsif($arg eq "interval") { return "Wrong interval format: Only digits are allowed!" if($a[2] !~ m/^\d+$/); my $intervalNew = $a[2]; my $intervalOld = AttrVal($name,"interval",10); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); $attr{$name}{interval} = $intervalNew; $timer = gettimeofday()+($intervalNew*60); InternalTimer($timer, "HCS_checkState", $hash, 0); $hash->{NEXTCHECK} = FmtTime($timer); Log 1, "$type $name interval changed from $intervalOld to $intervalNew"; } elsif($arg eq "mode") { return "argument is missing, choose one of thermostat valve" if(int(@a) < 3); return "Unknown argument $a[2], choose one of thermostat valve" if(lc($a[2]) ne "thermostat" && lc($a[2]) ne "valve"); my $modeNew = $a[2]; my $modeOld = AttrVal($name,"mode","thermostat"); if($modeNew ne $modeOld) { $attr{$name}{mode} = "thermostat" if(lc($a[2]) eq "thermostat"); $attr{$name}{mode} = "valve" if(lc($a[2]) eq "valve"); $str = "mode changed from $modeOld to $modeNew"; Log 1, "$type $name $str"; } else { return "mode '$modeNew' already set."; } } elsif($arg eq "on") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); HCS_checkState($hash); Log 1, "$type $name monitoring of devices started"; } elsif($arg eq "off") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); $hash->{NEXTCHECK} = "offline"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "off",1); Log 1, "$type $name monitoring of devices interrupted"; } } ##################################### sub HCS_setState($$) { my ($hash,$heatDemand) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my $ll = AttrVal($name,"loglevel",$defaults{loglevel}); my $device = ReadingsVal($name,"device",""); my $deviceState = Value($device); my $deviceCmdOn = AttrVal($name,"deviceCmdOn",$defaults{deviceCmdOn}); my $deviceCmdOff = AttrVal($name,"deviceCmdOff",$defaults{deviceCmdOff}); my $eco = ReadingsVal($name,"eco","off"); my $idlePeriod = AttrVal($name,"idleperiod",$defaults{idleperiod}); my $lastPeriodTime = ($hash->{helper}{lastSentDeviceCmdOn}) ? $hash->{helper}{lastSentDeviceCmdOn} : 0; my $newPeriodTime = int(gettimeofday()); my $diffPeriodTime = int((int($newPeriodTime)-int($lastPeriodTime))/60); my $overdrive = "off"; my $idle = 0; my $wait = "00:00:00"; my $cmd; my $mode; my $state; my $stateDevice; if($heatDemand == 0) { $state = "idle"; $cmd = $deviceCmdOff; } elsif($heatDemand == 1) { $state = "demand"; $cmd = $deviceCmdOn; } elsif($heatDemand == 2) { $eco = "on"; $state = "idle (eco)"; $cmd = $deviceCmdOff; } elsif($heatDemand == 3) { $eco = "on"; $state = "demand (eco)"; $cmd = $deviceCmdOn; } elsif($heatDemand == 4) { $overdrive = "on"; $state = "idle (overdrive)"; $cmd = $deviceCmdOff; } elsif($heatDemand == 5) { $overdrive = "on"; $state = "demand (overdrive)"; $cmd = $deviceCmdOn; } my $eventOnChange = AttrVal($name,"event-on-change-reading",""); my $eventOnUpdate = AttrVal($name,"event-on-update-reading",""); $stateDevice = ReadingsVal($name,"devicestate",$defaults{deviceCmdOff}); if($idlePeriod && $diffPeriodTime < $idlePeriod) { $wait = FmtTime((($idlePeriod-$diffPeriodTime)*60)-3600); if($heatDemand == 1 || $heatDemand == 3 || $heatDemand == 5 && $cmd eq $deviceCmdOn) { $idle = 1; $state = "locked" if($stateDevice eq $deviceCmdOff); } } readingsBeginUpdate($hash); if(!$defs{$device}) { $state = "error"; Log 1, "$type $name device '$device' does not exists."; } else { if($idle == 1 && $cmd eq $deviceCmdOn && $stateDevice ne $deviceCmdOn) { Log $ll, "$type $name device $device locked for $wait min."; } else { if(!$eventOnChange || ($eventOnUpdate && $eventOnUpdate =~ m/devicestate/ || $eventOnChange && $eventOnChange =~ m/devicestate/ ) && ($cmd ne $stateDevice || $deviceState ne $stateDevice)) { my $cmdret = CommandSet(undef,"$device $cmd"); if($cmdret) { Log 1, "$type $name An error occurred while switching device '$device': $cmdret"; } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "devicestate", $cmd); if($cmd eq $deviceCmdOn) { $hash->{helper}{lastSentDeviceCmdOn} = $newPeriodTime; $wait = FmtTime((($idlePeriod)*60)-3600); } } } } } readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "eco", $eco); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "locked", $wait); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "overdrive", $overdrive); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $state); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); return undef; } ##################################### sub HCS_getValues($$) { my ($hash,$list) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my %devs = (); my $exclude = AttrVal($name,"exclude",""); my @lengthNames; my @lengthValves; my $ret; # get devices foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { my $t = $defs{$d}{TYPE}; # skipping unneeded devices next if($t ne "FHT" && $t ne "CUL_HM"); next if($t eq "CUL_HM" && !$attr{$d}{model}); next if($t eq "CUL_HM" && $attr{$d}{model} ne "HM-CC-TC"); next if($t eq "CUL_HM" && $attr{$d}{model} eq "HM-CC-TC" && ($attr{$d}{device} || $attr{$d}{chanNo})); $devs{$d}{actuator} = ReadingsVal($d,"actuator","n/a"); if ($devs{$d}{actuator} =~ m/^\d+\s*%$/) { $devs{$d}{actuator} =~ s/(\s+|%)//g; } else { $devs{$d}{actuator} = 0; } $devs{$d}{excluded} = ($exclude =~ m/$d/) ? 1 : 0; $devs{$d}{ignored} = ($attr{$d}{ignore} && $attr{$d}{ignore} == 1) ? 1 : 0; $devs{$d}{tempDesired} = ReadingsVal($d,"desired-temp","n/a"); $devs{$d}{tempMeasured} = ReadingsVal($d,"measured-temp","n/a"); $devs{$d}{type} = $t; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{excluded} = $devs{$d}{excluded}; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{ignored} = $devs{$d}{ignored}; push(@lengthNames,$d); push(@lengthValves,$devs{$d}{actuator}); } my $ln = (reverse sort { $a <=> $b } map { length($_) } @lengthNames)[0]; my $lv = (reverse sort { $a <=> $b } map { length($_) } @lengthValves)[0]; # show list of devices if($list) { my $nextCheck = ($hash->{NEXTCHECK}) ? $hash->{NEXTCHECK} : "n/a"; my $delta; my $str; foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{device}}) { my $info = ""; my $act = ($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{actuator} eq "n/a") ? " n/a" : sprintf("%${lv}d",$hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{actuator}); my $td = ($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{tempDesired} eq "n/a") ? " n/a" : sprintf("%4.1f",$hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{tempDesired}); my $tm = ($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{tempMeasured} eq "n/a") ? " n/a" : sprintf("%4.1f",$hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{tempMeasured}); $info = "idle" if($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} == 0); $info = "demand" if($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} == 1); $info = "(excluded)" if($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{excluded} == 1); $info = "(ignored)" if($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{ignored} == 1); if($td eq " n/a" || $tm eq " n/a") { $delta = " n/a"; } else { $delta = sprintf(" %.1f",$td-$tm); $delta = sprintf("+%.1f",$tm-$td) if($tm > $td); $delta = sprintf("-%.1f",$td-$tm) if($td > $tm); } $str .= sprintf("%-${ln}s: desired: %s°C measured: %s°C delta: %s valve: %${lv}d%% state: %s\n", $d,$td,$tm,$delta,$act,$info); } $str .= "next check: $nextCheck\n"; $ret = $str; return $ret; } # housekeeping foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{device}}) { delete $hash->{helper}{device}{$d} if(!exists $devs{$d}); } # reset counter my $sumDemand = 0; my $sumExcluded = 0; my $sumFHT = 0; my $sumHMCCTC = 0; my $sumIdle = 0; my $sumIgnored = 0; my $sumTotal = 0; my $sumUnknown = 0; my $ll = AttrVal($name,"loglevel",$defaults{loglevel}); my $mode = AttrVal($name,"mode",$defaults{mode}); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach my $d (sort keys %devs) { my $devState; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{actuator} = $devs{$d}{actuator}; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{excluded} = $devs{$d}{excluded}; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{ignored} = $devs{$d}{ignored}; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{tempDesired} = $devs{$d}{tempDesired}; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{tempMeasured} = $devs{$d}{tempMeasured}; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{type} = $devs{$d}{type}; $sumFHT++ if(lc($devs{$d}{type}) eq "fht"); $sumHMCCTC++ if(lc($devs{$d}{type}) eq "cul_hm"); $sumTotal++; if($devs{$d}{ignored}) { $devState = "ignored"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 0; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$d,$devState); Log $ll+1, "$type $name $d: $devState"; $sumIgnored++; next; } if($devs{$d}{excluded}) { $devState = "excluded"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 0; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$d,$devState); Log $ll+1, "$type $name $d: $devState"; $sumExcluded++; next; } if($mode eq "thermostat" && ($devs{$d}{tempMeasured} eq "n/a" || $devs{$d}{tempDesired} eq "n/a")) { $devState = "unknown"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 0; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$d,$devState); Log $ll+1, "$type $name $d: $devState"; $sumUnknown++; next; } my $lastState = ReadingsVal($name,$d,"idle"); my $act = $devs{$d}{actuator}; my $tm = $devs{$d}{tempMeasured}; my $td = $devs{$d}{tempDesired}; my $delta; my $str; if(!$hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand}) { $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 0; $lastState = "idle"; } if($mode eq "thermostat") { my $tOn = AttrVal($name,"thermostatThresholdOn",$defaults{thermostatThresholdOn}); my $tOff = AttrVal($name,"thermostatThresholdOff",$defaults{thermostatThresholdOff}); if($tm > $td && $tm-$td >= $tOff) { $devState = "idle"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 0; $delta = $tm-$td; $str = sprintf("desired: %4.1f measured: %4.1f delta: +%.1f open: %${lv}d%% state: %s",$td,$tm,$delta,$act,$devState); $sumIdle++; } elsif($td > $tm && $td-$tm >= $tOn) { $devState = "demand"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 1; $delta = $td-$tm; $str = sprintf("desired: %4.1f measured: %4.1f delta: -%.1f open: %${lv}d%% state: %s",$td,$tm,$delta,$act,$devState); $sumDemand++; } elsif($tm > $td) { $devState = $lastState; $delta = $tm-$td; $str = sprintf("desired: %4.1f measured: %4.1f delta: +%.1f open: %${lv}d%% state: %s",$td,$tm,$delta,$act,$devState); $sumIdle++ if($devState eq "idle"); $sumDemand++ if($devState eq "demand"); } elsif($td > $tm) { $devState = $lastState; $delta = $td-$tm; $str = sprintf("desired: %4.1f measured: %4.1f delta: -%.1f open: %${lv}d%% state: %s",$td,$tm,$delta,$act,$devState); $sumIdle++ if($devState eq "idle"); $sumDemand++ if($devState eq "demand"); } else { $devState = $lastState; $delta = $td-$tm; $str = sprintf("desired: %4.1f measured: %4.1f delta: %.1f open: %${lv}d%% state: %s",$td,$tm,$delta,$act,$devState); $sumIdle++ if($devState eq "idle"); $sumDemand++ if($devState eq "demand"); } } elsif($mode eq "valve") { my $vOn = AttrVal($name,"valveThresholdOn",$defaults{valveThresholdOn}); my $vOff = AttrVal($name,"valveThresholdOff",$defaults{valveThresholdOff}); my $valve = $devs{$d}{actuator}; if($valve >= $vOn) { $devState = "demand"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 1; $sumDemand++; } else { if($lastState eq "demand") { if($valve > $vOff) { $devState = "demand"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 1; $sumDemand++; } else { $devState = "idle"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 0; $sumIdle++; } } else { $devState = "idle"; $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} = 0; $sumIdle++; } } $delta = sprintf(" %.1f",$td-$tm); $delta = sprintf("+%.1f",$tm-$td) if($tm > $td); $delta = sprintf("-%.1f",$td-$tm) if($td > $tm); $str = sprintf("desired: %4.1f measured: %4.1f delta: %s valve: %${lv}d%% state: %s",$td,$tm,$delta,$valve,$devState); } Log $ll+1, "$type $name $d: $str"; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$d,$devState); } readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); my $heatDemand = 0; foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{device}}) { $heatDemand = 1 if($hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} && $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{demand} == 1); } # eco mode my $eco = "no"; my $ecoTempOn = AttrVal($name,"ecoTemperatureOn",undef); my $ecoTempOff = AttrVal($name,"ecoTemperatureOff",undef); my $ecoState = ReadingsVal($name,"eco","off"); if($ecoState eq "on" && (!$ecoTempOn || !$ecoTempOff)) { Log 1, "$type $name missing attribute 'ecoTemperatureOn'. Please define this attribute first." if(!$ecoTempOn); Log 1, "$type $name missing attribute 'ecoTemperatureOff'. Please define this attribute first." if(!$ecoTempOff); } elsif($ecoState eq "on") { foreach my $d (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{device}}) { my $ignore = $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{ignored}; my $exclude = $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{excluded}; my $tempMeasured = $hash->{helper}{device}{$d}{tempMeasured}; next if($tempMeasured eq "n/a"); if(!$ignore && !$exclude) { $heatDemand = 2 if($tempMeasured >= $ecoTempOff && $heatDemand != 3); $heatDemand = 3 if($tempMeasured <= $ecoTempOn); $eco = "yes" if($heatDemand == 2 || $heatDemand == 3); } } } # overdrive mode my $overdrive = "no"; my $sensor = AttrVal($name,"sensor",undef); my $sReading = AttrVal($name,"sensorReading",undef); my $sTresholdOn = AttrVal($name,"sensorThresholdOn",undef); my $sTresholdOff = AttrVal($name,"sensorThresholdOff",undef); if(!$sensor) { delete $hash->{READINGS}{sensor} if($hash->{READINGS}{sensor}); } else { Log 1, "$type $name Device $sensor not defined. Please add this device first!" if(!defined($defs{$sensor})); Log 1, "$type $name missing attribute 'sensorReading'. Please define this attribute first." if(!$sReading); Log 1, "$type $name missing attribute 'sensorThresholdOn'. Please define this attibute first." if(!$sTresholdOn); Log 1, "$type $name missing attribute 'sensorThresholdOff'. Please define this attribute first." if(!$sTresholdOff); if($defs{$sensor} && $sReading && $sTresholdOn && $sTresholdOff) { my $tValue = ReadingsVal($sensor,$sReading,"n/a"); if($tValue eq "n/a" || $tValue !~ m/^.*\d+.*$/) { Log 1, "$type $name Device $sensor has no valid value."; } else { $tValue =~ s/(\s|°|[A-Z]|[a-z])+//g; $heatDemand = 4 if($tValue >= $sTresholdOff); $heatDemand = 5 if($tValue <= $sTresholdOn); $overdrive = "yes" if($heatDemand == 4 || $heatDemand == 5); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"sensor",$tValue,1); } } } my $str = sprintf("Found %d Device(s): %d FHT, %d HM-CC-TC, demand: %d, idle: %d, ignored: %d, exlcuded: %d, unknown: %d", $sumTotal,$sumFHT,$sumHMCCTC,$sumDemand,$sumIdle,$sumIgnored,$sumExcluded,$sumUnknown); Log $ll, "$type $name $str, eco: $eco overdrive: $overdrive"; return $heatDemand; } 1; =pod =begin html


    Defines a virtual device for monitoring thermostats (FHT, HM-CC-TC) to control a central heating unit.

      define <name> HCS <device>

      • <device> the name of a predefined device to switch.

      The HCS (heating control system) device monitors the state of all detected thermostats in a free definable interval (by default: 10 min).

      Regulation for heating requirement or suppression of the request can be controlled by valve position or measured temperature (default) using also free definable thresholds. In doing so, the HCS device also includes the hysteresis between two states.

      Example for monitoring measured temperature:
        Threshold temperature for heating requirement: 0.5 (default)
        Threshold temperature for idle: 0.5 (default)

        Heating is required when the measured temperature of a thermostat is lower than 0.5° Celsius as the desired temperature. HCS then activates the defined device until the measured temperature of the thermostat is 0.5° Celsius higher as the desired temperature (threshold for idle). In this example, both tresholds are equal.

      Example for monitoring valve position:
        Threshold valve position for heating requirement: 40% (default)
        Threshold valve position for idle: 35% (default)

        Heating is required when the "open" position of a valve is more than 40%. HCS then activates the defined device until the "open" position of the valve has lowered to 35% or less (threshold for idle).

      The HCS device supports an optional eco mode. The threshold oriented regulation by measured temperature or valve position can be overridden by setting economic thresholds.

        Threshold temperature economic mode on: 15° Celsius
        Threshold temperature economic mode off: 25° Celsius

        HCS activates the defined device until the measured temperature of one ore more thermostats is lower or equal than 15° Celsius. If a measured temperature of one or more thermostats is higher or equal than 25° Celsius, HCS switch of the defined device (if none of the measured temperatures of all thermostats is lower or equal as 15° Celsius).

      In addition, the HCS device supports an optional temp-sensor. The threshold and economic oriented regulation can be overriden by the reading of the temp-sensor (overdrive mode).

        Threshold temperature reading for heating requirement: 10° Celsius
        Threshold temperature reading for idle: 18° Celsius

        Is a measured temperature ore valve position reaching or exceeding the threshold for heating requirement, but the temperature reading is more than 18° Celcius, the selected device will stay deactivated. The measured temperature or valve-position oriented regulation has been overridden by the temperature reading in this example.

      The HCS device automatically detects devices which are ignored. Furthermore, certain devices can also be excluded of the monitoring manually.

      To reduce the transmission load, use the attribute event-on-change-reading, e.g. attr <name> event-on-change-reading state,devicestate,eco,overdrive

      To avoid frequent switching "on" and "off" of the device, a timeout (in minutes) can be set using the attribute idleperiod.

      • values
        returns the actual values of each device

      • eco <on>|<off>
        enable (on) or disable (off) the economic mode.
      • interval <value>
        value modifies the interval of reading the actual valve positions. The unit is minutes.
      • mode <thermostat>|<valve>
        changes the operational mode:
        thermostat controls the heating demand by defined temperature thresholds.
        valve controls the heating demand by defined valve position thresholds.
      • on
        restarts the monitoring after shutdown by off switch.
        HCS device starts up automatically upon FHEM start or after new device implementation!
      • off
        shutdown of monitoring, can be restarted by using the on command.

      • deviceCmdOn (mandatory)
        command to activate the device, e.g. on. Default value: on
      • deviceCmdOff (mandatory)
        command to deactivate the device, e.g. off. Default value: off
      • ecoTemperatureOn (Required by eco mode)
        defines threshold for measured temperature upon which device is allways switched on
      • ecoTemperatureOff (Required by eco mode)
        defines threshold for measured temperature upon which device is switched off
      • exclude (optional)
        space or comma separated list of devices (FHT or HM-CC-TC) for excluding from monitoring
      • idleperiod (mandatory)
        locks the device to be switched for the specified period. The unit is minutes. Default value: 10
      • mode (mandatory)
        defines the operational mode:
        thermostat controls the heating demand by defined temperature thresholds.
        valve controls the heating demand by defined valve position thresholds.
        Default value: thermostat
      • sensor (optional)
        device name of the temp-sensor
      • sensorThresholdOn (Required by sensor)
        threshold for temperature reading activating the defined device Must be set if sensor has been defined
      • sensorThresholdOff (Required by sensor)
        threshold for temperature reading deactivating the defined device. Must be set if sensor has been defined
      • sensorReading (Required by sensor)
        name which is used for saving the "reading" of the defined temp-sensor.
      • thermostatThresholdOn (Required by operational mode thermostat)
        defines delta threshold between desired and measured temperature upon which device is switched on (heating required).
        Default value: 0.5
      • thermostatThresholdOff (Required by operational mode thermostat)
        defines delta threshold between desired and measured temperature upon which device is switched off (idle).
        Default value: 0.5
      • valveThresholdOn (Required by operational mode valve)
        defines threshold of valve-position upon which device is switched on (heating required).
        Default value: 40
      • valveThresholdOff (Required by operational mode valve)
        defines threshold of valve-position upon which device is switched off (idle).
        Default value: 35
      • disable
      • do_not_notify
      • event-on-change-reading
        default value: state,devicestate,eco,overdrive
      • event-on-update-reading
      • loglevel
        loglevel 3 (or lower) shows a complete statistic of scanned devices (FHT or HM-CC-TC).
        loglevel 4 shows a short summary of scanned devices.
        loglevel 5 suppressed the above messages.

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