# $Id$ ############################################################################## # ############################################################################## package FHEM::Volumio; ## no critic use strict; use warnings; use JSON qw( decode_json ); use Data::Dumper; use GPUtils qw(GP_Import GP_Export); ## Import der FHEM Funktionen BEGIN { # Import from main context GP_Import( qw( attr AttrVal BlockingInformParent CommandDefine CommandDeleteReading Debug defs HttpUtils_NonblockingGet init_done InternalTimer IsDisabled json2reading Log3 parseParams readingFnAttributes readingsBeginUpdate readingsBulkUpdate readingsEndUpdate readingsSingleUpdate ReadingsVal RemoveInternalTimer ) ); } #-- Export to main context with different name GP_Export(qw( Initialize )); sub Initialize { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = \&Define; $hash->{UndefFn} = \&Undef; $hash->{SetFn} = \&Set; # $hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr; $hash->{AttrList} = 'disable:1,0 ' . 'disabledForIntervals ' . $readingFnAttributes; return; } sub Discover { my $hash = shift; unless ($init_done) { InternalTimer(time()+3, \&Discover, $hash, 0); } else { my $param = { url => "http://volumio.local/api/v1/getzones", timeout => 5, hash => $hash, method => "GET", callback => \&ParseGetzones }; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); sub ParseGetzones{ my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; if ($err ne '') { readingsSingleUpdate( $param->{hash}, 'state', $err, 0 ); } else { json2reading($param->{hash}{NAME},$data); my $json_object = decode_json($data); for my $item( @{$json_object->{zones}} ){ my $n = $item->{name}; my $i = $item->{id}; $i =~ s/-//g; my $h = $item->{host}; my $v = $item->{state}->{volume}; my $t = $item->{type}; my $defString = "$n"."_$i Volumio host=$h volume=$v type=$t"; CommandDefine(undef,$defString); } } } } return; } sub Define { my $hash = shift; my $def = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my ( $arrayref, $hashref ) = parseParams($def); my @a = @{$arrayref}; my %h = %{$hashref}; if (exists $h{host}) { $hash->{host} = $h{host}; my $param = { name => $hash->{NAME}, type => $h{type}, volume => $h{volume}, url => "$h{host}/api/v1/getSystemVersion", timeout => 5, hash => $hash, method => "GET", callback => sub { my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; my $n = $param->{name}; my $h = $param->{hash}; $h->{DEF} = "host=$h{host}"; #$h->{TEMPORARY} = 1; json2reading($n,$data); readingsBeginUpdate($h); readingsBulkUpdate($h,'type',$param->{type}); readingsBulkUpdate($h,'volume',$param->{volume}); readingsEndUpdate($h, 0); } }; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); } else { InternalTimer(time()+3, \&Discover, $hash, 0); } return; } sub Undef { my $hash = shift; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return; } sub Set { my $hash = shift; my $name = shift; my $cmd = shift; my $val = shift; $val //= ''; return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of volume mute:noArg unmute:noArg " ."play:noArg pause:noArg play/pause:noArg stop:noArg" if ($cmd eq '?'); my $host = $hash->{host}; my $url = "$host/api/v1/commands/?cmd="; $url .= "volume&volume=mute" if(lc($cmd) eq 'mute'); $url .= "volume&volume=unmute" if(lc($cmd) eq 'unmute'); $url .= "volume&volume=$val" if(lc($cmd) eq 'volume'); $url .= "play" if(lc($cmd) eq 'play'); $url .= "pause" if(lc($cmd) eq 'pause'); $url .= "toggle" if(lc($cmd) eq 'play/pause'); $url .= "stop" if(lc($cmd) eq 'stop'); my $param = { url => $url, timeout => 5, hash => $hash, method => "GET", callback => \&ParseSetResponse, cmd => $cmd, val => $val, }; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); sub ParseSetResponse{ my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; my $hash = $param->{hash}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if ($err ne '') { readingsSingleUpdate( $param->{hash}, 'state', $err, 1 ); } else { if ($param->{cmd} eq 'volume' && $param->{val} !~ m/mute/) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'volume', $param->{val}, 0) } } } } 1; ################################################################################ # # Documentation # ################################################################################ =pod =encoding utf8 =item helper =item summary Control Volumio Media Player =item summary_DE Steuerung des Volumio Media Player =begin html <a name="Volumio" id="Volumio"></a> <h3>WUup</h3> <ul> <a name="Volumiodefine" id="Volumiodefine"></a> <b>Define</b> </ul> =end html =cut