################################################################ # # Copyright notice # # (c) 2012 Torsten Poitzsch (torsten.poitzsch@gmx.de) # (c) 2012-2013 Jan-Hinrich Fessel (oskar@fessel.org) # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! # ################################################################ ############################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket; my $cc; # The Itmes Changed Counter sub LUXTRONIK2_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Define"; $hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 firmware statusHTML"; } sub LUXTRONIK2_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $name=$hash->{NAME}; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Wrong syntax: use define LUXTRONIK2 []" if(int(@a) <3 || int(@a) >4); $hash->{Host} = $a[2]; $hash->{INTERVAL}=$a[3] || 300; #Get first data after 5 seconds InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus", $hash, 0); return undef; } sub LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($$$) { my ($hash, $param, $paramName) = @_; $param /= 10; if($hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{VAL} != $param) { $hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{VAL} = $param; $hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{UNIT} = "Degree Celsius"; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $paramName .": ". $param; } } ##################################### sub LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $err_log=''; my @heatpump_values; my @heatpump_parameters; my $result=''; my $switch=0; my $value=''; my $count=0; # my $i=0; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $host = $hash->{Host}; my $sensor = ''; my $state = ''; my $firmware; my $serialno; $cc = 0; #initialize counter InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL}, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus", $hash, 0); my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 8888, # Type => SOCK_STREAM, # probably needed on some systems Proto => 'tcp' ); if (!$socket) { $hash->{STATE} = "error opening device"; Log 1,"$name: Error opening Connection to $host"; return "Can't Connect to $host -> $@ ( $!)\n"; } $socket->autoflush(1); #Read operational values $socket->send(pack("N", 3004)); $socket->send(pack("N", 0)); # read response, should be 3004, status, number of parameters, and the parameters... $socket->recv($result,4); $count = unpack("N", $result); if($count != 3004) { Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host 3004 Status problem 1: ".length($result)." -> ".$count; return "3004 != 3004"; } $socket->recv($result,4); $count = unpack("N", $result); if($count != 0) { Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host ".length($result)." -> ".$count; return "0 != 0"; } $socket->recv($result,4); $count = unpack("N", $result); if($count == 0) { Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host 0 Paramters read".length($result)." -> ".$count; return "0 Paramters read"; } $socket->recv($result, $count*4+4); if(length($result) != $count*4) { Log 1, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus status report length check: $name $host ".length($result)." should have been ". $count * 4; return "Value read mismatch Lux2 ( $!)\n"; } @heatpump_values = unpack("N!$count", $result); if(scalar(@heatpump_values) != $count) { Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus10: $name $host ".scalar(@heatpump_values)." -> ".$heatpump_values[10]; return "Value unpacking problem"; } # Parametereinstellung lesen $socket->send(pack("N", 3003)); $socket->send(pack("N", 0)); $socket->recv($result,4); $count = unpack("N", $result); $count = unpack("N", $result); if($count != 3003) { Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host 3003 Status problem 1: ".length($result)." -> ".$count; return "3003 != 3003"; } $socket->recv($result,4); $count = unpack("N", $result); $socket->recv($result, $count*4+4); if(length($result) != $count*4) { my $loop = 4; # safety net in case of communication problems while((length($result) < ($count * 4)) && ($loop-- > 0) ) { my $result2; my $newcnt = ($count * 4) - length($result); $socket->recv($result2, $newcnt); $result .= $result2; # Log 3, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus read additional " . length($result2) # . " bytes of expected " . $newcnt . " bytes, total should be " # . $count * 4 . " buflen=" . length($result); } if($loop == 0) { Log 3, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus parameter settings length check: $name $host " . length($result) . " should have been " . $count * 4; } } @heatpump_parameters = unpack("N$count", $result); if(scalar(@heatpump_parameters) != $count) { Log 1, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host pump parameter problem: received parameter count (" . scalar(@heatpump_parameters) . ") is not equal to announced parameter count(" . $count . ")!"; return "Parameter read mismatch LUXTRONIK2 ( $!)\n"; } $socket->close(); if($err_log ne "") { Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "LUXTRONIK2 ".$err_log; return("LUXTRONIK2 general problem with heatpump connection"); } my %wpOpStat1 = ( 0 => "Waermepumpe laeuft", 1 => "Waermepumpe steht", 2 => "Waermepumpe kommt", 3 => "Fehler", 4 => "Abtauen" ); my %wpOpStat2 = ( 0 => "Heizbetrieb", 1 => "Keine Anforderung", 2 => "Netz Einschaltverzögerung", 3 => "Schaltspielzeit", 4 => "EVU Sperrzeit", 5 => "Brauchwasser", 6 => "Stufe", 7 => "Abtauen", 8 => "Pumpenvorlauf", 9 => "Thermische Desinfektion", 10 => "Kühlbetrieb", 12 => "Schwimmbad", 13 => "Heizen_Ext_En", 14 => "Brauchw_Ext_En", 16 => "Durchflussueberwachung", 17 => "Elektrische Zusatzheizung" ); my %wpMode = ( 0 => "Automatik", 1 => "Zusatzheizung", 2 => "Party", 3 => "Ferien", 4 => "Aus" ); # Erst die operativen Stati und Parameterenstellungen $sensor = "firmware"; $value = ''; for(my $fi=81; $fi<91; $fi++) { $value .= chr($heatpump_values[$fi]) if $heatpump_values[$fi]; } if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } $sensor = "currentOperatingStatus1"; $switch = $heatpump_values[117]; $value = $wpOpStat1{$switch}; $value = "unbekannt (".$switch.")" unless $value; if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } $state = $value; $sensor = "currentOperatingStatus2"; $switch = $heatpump_values[119]; $value = $wpOpStat2{$switch}; # Sonderfaelle behandeln: if ($switch==6) { $value = "Stufe ".$heatpump_values[121]." ".($heatpump_values[122] / 10)." °C "; } elsif ($switch==7) { if ($heatpump_values[44]==1) {$value = "Abtauen (Kreisumkehr)";} else {$value = "Luftabtauen";} } $value = "unbekannt (".$switch.")" unless $value; if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } $state = $state." - ".$value; $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $state; $hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $sensor = "hotWaterOperatingMode"; $switch = $heatpump_parameters[4]; $value = $wpMode{$switch}; $value = "unbekannt (".$switch.")" unless $value; if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } $sensor = "heatingOperatingMode"; $switch = $heatpump_parameters[3]; $value = $wpMode{$switch}; if ($switch == 0 && $heatpump_values[16] >= $heatpump_parameters[700] && $heatpump_parameters[699] == 1) {$value = "Automatik - Sommerbetrieb (Aus)";} $value = "unbekannt (" . $switch . ")" unless $value; if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } ##################### # Jetzt die aktuellen Betriebswerte auswerten. ##################### # is ambient temperature the correct wording for the outside temperature? # Wikipedia: # Ambient temperature simply means "the temperature of the surroundings" and will be the same as room temperature indoors. LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[15],"ambientTemperature"); LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[16],"averageAmbientTemperature"); Log GetLogLevel($name,4), $sensor.": ".$value; # Log 4, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host ".$hash->{STATE}." -> ".$state; LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[17],"hotWaterTemperature"); # Wert 10 gibt die Vorlauftemperatur an, die # korrekte Uebersetzung ist flow temperature. LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[10],"flowTemperature"); # Ruecklauftempereatur LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[11],"returnTemperature"); # Ruecklauftemperatur Sollwert LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[12],"returnTemperatureTarget"); # Ruecklauftemperatur am externen Sensor. LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[13],"returnTemperatureExtern"); # Wärmequellen LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[19],"heatSourceIN"); LUXTRONIK2_TempValueMerken($hash,$heatpump_values[20],"heatSourceOUT"); # Durchfluss Waermemengenzaehler $sensor = "flowRate"; $value = $heatpump_values[155]; if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} != $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "l/h"; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } # Waermemengenzaehler $sensor = "flowCountHeating"; $value = $heatpump_values[151]; if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} != $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "Wh"; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } # Waermemengenzaehler $sensor = "flowCountHotWater"; $value = $heatpump_values[152]; if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} != $value) { $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "Wh"; $hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value; } if(AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "statusHTML", "none") ne "none") { $sensor = "floorplanHTML"; $value = '
' . $name . "
"; $value .= $hash->{READINGS}{'currentOperatingStatus1'}{VAL} . '
'; $value .= $hash->{READINGS}{'currentOperatingStatus2'}{VAL} . '
'; $value .= "Brauchwasser:" . $hash->{READINGS}{hotWaterTemperature}{VAL} . '°C'; $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow(); $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value; $hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "HTML"; } DoTrigger($name, undef) if($init_done); } 1; =pod =begin html


    Luxtronik 2.0 is a heating controller used in Alpha Innotec and Siemens Novelan Heatpumps. It has a builtin Ethernet Port, so it can be directly integrated into a local area network.
      define <name> LUXTRONIK2 <IP-address> [<poll-interval>]
      If the pool interval is omitted, it is set to 300 (seconds).
        define Heizung LUXTRONIK2 600

      Nothing to set here yet...

      No get implemented yet ...

    • statusHTML
      if set, creates a HTML-formatted reading named "floorplanHTML" for use with the FLOORPLAN module.
      Currently, if the value of this attribute is not NULL, the corresponding reading consists of the current status of the heatpump and the temperature of the water.
    • do_not_notify
    • loglevel

=end html =cut