################################################################ # # Copyright notice # # (c) 2009 Copyright: Kai 'wusel' Siering (wusel+fhem at uu dot org) # All rights reserved # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ################################################################ package main; ########################### # 70_WS3600.pm # Modul for FHEM # # Contributed by Kai 'wusel' Siering in 2009/2010 # Based in part on work for FHEM by other authors ... # $Id$ ########################### # 15.06.2013 Josch (Josch at abwesend dot de) some debugging # 25.06.2013 Josch combined Date/Time-Records supported # 12.07.2013 Josch documentation reworked # 15.07.2013 Josch state handling improved (shows conn problems) # 16.08.2013 Josch Logging improved: Level relative to verbosity level # 27.08.2013 Josch Change to Log3, loglevel removed # 02.10.2013 Josch check if rawreading defined (empty lines) # 22.10.2013 Josch update readings with readingsBulkUpdate() use strict; use warnings; #use Device::SerialPort; # all records except Time- and Date/Time-Records my %TranslatedCodes = ( "Date" => "DTime", "Ti" => "Temp-inside", "Timin" => "Temp-inside-min", "Timax" => "Temp-inside-max", "DTimin" => "Temp-inside-min-DTime", "DTimax" => "Temp-inside-max-DTime", "To" => "Temp-outside", "Tomin" => "Temp-outside-min", "Tomax" => "Temp-outside-max", "DTomin" => "Temp-outside-min-DTime", "DTomax" => "Temp-outside-max-DTime", "DP" => "Dew-Point", "DPmin" => "Dew-Point-min", "DPmax" => "Dew-Point-max", "DDPmin" => "Dew-Point-min-DTime", "DDPmax" => "Dew-Point-min-DTime", "RHi" => "rel-Humidity-inside", "RHimin" => "rel-Humidity-inside-min", "RHimax" => "rel-Humidity-inside-max", "DRHimin" => "rel-Humidity-inside-min-DTime", "DRHimax" => "rel-Humidity-inside-max-DTime", "RHo" => "rel-Humidity-outside", "RHomin" => "rel-Humidity-outside-min", "RHomax" => "rel-Humidity-outside-max", "DRHomin" => "rel-Humidity-outside-min-DTime", "DRHomax" => "rel-Humidity-outside-max-DTime", "WS" => "Wind-Speed", "DIRtext" => "Wind-Direction-Text", "DIR0" => "Wind-DIR0", "DIR1" => "Wind-DIR1", "DIR2" => "Wind-DIR2", "DIR3" => "Wind-DIR3", "DIR4" => "Wind-DIR4", "DIR5" => "Wind-DIR5", "WC" => "Wind-Chill", "WCmin" => "Wind-Chill-min", "WCmax" => "Wind-Chill-max", "DWCmin" => "Wind-Chill-min-DTime", "DWCmax" => "Wind-Chill-max-DTime", "WSmin" => "Wind-Speed-min", "WSmax" => "Wind-Speed-max", "DWSmin" => "Wind-Speed-min-DTime", "DWSmax" => "Wind-Speed-max-DTime", "R1h" => "Rain-1h", "R1hmax" => "Rain-1h-hmax", "DR1hmax" => "Rain-1h-hmax-DTime", "R24h" => "Rain-24h", "R24hmax" => "Rain-24-hmax", "DR24hmax"=> "Rain-24h-max-DTime", "R1w" => "Rain-1w", "R1wmax" => "Rain-1w-max", "DR1wmax" => "Rain-1w-max-DTime", "R1m" => "Rain-1M", "R1mmax" => "Rain-1M-max", "DR1mmax" => "Rain-1M-max-DTime", "Rtot" => "Rain-total", "DRtot" => "Rain-total-DTime", "RP" => "rel-Pressure", "AP" => "abs-Pressure", "RPmin" => "rel-Pressure-min", "RPmax" => "rel-Pressure-max", "DRPmin" => "rel-Pressure-min-DTime", "DRPmax" => "rel-Pressure-max-DTime", "Tendency"=> "Tendency", "Forecast"=> "Forecast", #added for WS-0101 / WS-1080 "WG" => "Wind-Gust", "DIR" => "Wind-Dir", "state" => "State", ); # Date/Time-Records my %TranslatedDateTimeCodes = ( "DTime" => "DTime", "DTTimin" => "Temp-inside-min-DTime", "DTTimax" => "Temp-inside-max-DTime", "DTTomin" => "Temp-outside-min-DTime", "DTTomax" => "Temp-outside-max-DTime", "DTDPmin" => "Dew-Point-min-DTime", "DTDPmax" => "Dew-Point-min-DTime", "DTRHimin" => "rel-Humidity-inside-min-DTime", "DTRHimax" => "rel-Humidity-inside-max-DTime", "DTRHomin" => "rel-Humidity-outside-min-DTime", "DTRHomax" => "rel-Humidity-outside-max-DTime", "DTWCmin" => "Wind-Chill-min-DTime", "DTWCmax" => "Wind-Chill-max-DTime", "DTWSmin" => "Wind-Speed-min-DTime", "DTWSmax" => "Wind-Speed-max-DTime", "DTR1hmax" => "Rain-1h-hmax-DTime", "DTR24hmax"=> "Rain-24h-max-DTime", "DTR1wmax" => "Rain-1w-max-DTime", "DTR1mmax" => "Rain-1M-max-DTime", "DTRtot" => "Rain-total-DTime", "DTRPmin" => "rel-Pressure-min-DTime", "DTRPmax" => "rel-Pressure-max-DTime", ); # Time-Records (will be appended to Date-Record) my %TranslatedTimeCodes = ( "Time" => "DTime", "TTimin" => "Temp-inside-min-DTime", "TTimax" => "Temp-inside-max-DTime", "TTomin" => "Temp-outside-min-DTime", "TTomax" => "Temp-outside-max-DTime", "TDPmin" => "Dew-Point-min-DTime", "TDPmax" => "Dew-Point-min-DTime", "TRHimin" => "rel-Humidity-inside-min-DTime", "TRHimax" => "rel-Humidity-inside-max-DTime", "TRHomin" => "rel-Humidity-outside-min-DTime", "TRHomax" => "rel-Humidity-outside-max-DTime", "TWCmin" => "Wind-Chill-min-DTime", "TWCmax" => "Wind-Chill-max-DTime", "TWSmin" => "Wind-Speed-min-DTime", "TWSmax" => "Wind-Speed-max-DTime", "TR1hmax" => "Rain-1h-hmax-DTime", "TR24hmax"=> "Rain-24h-max-DTime", "TR1wmax" => "Rain-1w-max-DTime", "TR1mmax" => "Rain-1M-max-DTime", "TRtot" => "Rain-total-DTime", "TRPmin" => "rel-Pressure-min-DTime", "TRPmax" => "rel-Pressure-max-DTime", ); ##################################### sub WS3600_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Consumer $hash->{DefFn} = "WS3600_Define"; $hash->{AttrList}= "model:WS3600,WS2300,WS1080"; # $hash->{ReadFn} = "WS3600_Read"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "WS3600_Undef"; } ##################################### sub WS3600_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("\"", $def); my $dev; my $Timer = 60; # call every 64 seconds; normal wireless update interval # is 128 sec, on wind >10 m/s 32 sec. 64 sec should ensure # quite current data. if(@a==1) { @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); #compatibility for old syntax return "wrong syntax: define WS3600 \"]>\" []" if(@a!=3); $dev = $a[2]; } else { return "wrong syntax: define WS3600 \"]>\" []" if(@a < 2 || @a > 3); $dev = $a[1]; $Timer = $a[2] if((@a==3)&&($a[2]>=10)); } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ret = `$dev`; #call external program Log3 $name, 4, "WS3600(Dbg): $name ret=$ret"; return "WS3600(Err): Can't start $dev: $!" if(!defined($ret)); # Log3 $name, 3, "WS3600 $dev started"; $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; $hash->{Timer} = $Timer; my $nt = gettimeofday() + $hash->{Timer}; $nt -= $nt % $hash->{Timer}; # round Log3 $name, 3, "WS3600(Msg): $name initialized, setting callback timer to " . FmtTime($nt) . "(+ $Timer s)"; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer($nt, "WS3600_Read", $hash, 0); $hash->{STATE} = "initialized"; return undef; } ##################################### sub WS3600_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); $hash->{STATE}='undefined'; Log3 $name, 3, "WS3600(Msg): $name shutdown complete"; return undef; } ##################################### sub WS3600_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; my @lines; my $tn = TimeNow(); my $reading; my $AnythingRead = 0; $hash->{LastRead} = $tn; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); if(defined($defs{$name}{READINGS}{"State"})) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"State", 0xFF); } # Log 4-GetLogLevel($name,0), "WS3600(Dbg): (4) Info"; # Log 3-GetLogLevel($name,0), "WS3600(Msg): (3) Msg"; # Log 2-GetLogLevel($name,0), "WS3600(Wng): (2) Warning"; # Log 1-GetLogLevel($name,0), "WS3600(Err): (1) Error"; # Log3 $name, 4, "WS3600(Dbg): $name Read started using \"$dev\""; Log3 $name, 3, "WS3600(Msg): $name Read started"; @lines = `$dev`; # call external program foreach my $inputline ( @lines ) { $inputline =~ s/\s+$//; my ($rawreading, $val, $val2) = split(/ /, $inputline); if(defined($rawreading)) { my $logmsg = "WS3600(Dbg): $name read $inputline|$rawreading|$val"; $logmsg .= "|$val2" if(defined($val2)); Log3 $name, 4, $logmsg; # Log3 $name, 4, "WS3600(Dbg): $name read $inputline|$rawreading|$val|$val2"; if(defined($TranslatedCodes{$rawreading})) { $reading = $TranslatedCodes{$rawreading}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$reading, $val); $AnythingRead = 1; } # write Date/Time-Records elsif(defined($TranslatedDateTimeCodes{$rawreading})) { $reading = $TranslatedDateTimeCodes{$rawreading}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$reading, $val . " " . $val2); $AnythingRead = 1; } # append Time-Record to Date-Record (managed by same Name) elsif(defined($TranslatedTimeCodes{$rawreading})) { $reading = $TranslatedTimeCodes{$rawreading}; $defs{$name}{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL} .= " " . $val; $defs{$name}{READINGS}{$reading}{TIME} = $tn; $AnythingRead = 1; } } } if($AnythingRead) { $hash->{STATE} = "T: " . $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Temp-outside"}{VAL} . " H: " . $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"rel-Humidity-outside"}{VAL} . " W: " . $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Wind-Speed"}{VAL} . " R: " . $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Rain-total"}{VAL} . " Ti: " . $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"Temp-inside"}{VAL} . " Hi: " . $defs{$name}{READINGS}{"rel-Humidity-inside"}{VAL}; $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $hash->{STATE}; } else { $hash->{STATE} = "no data received"; } readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); # Call us in n seconds again. my $nt = gettimeofday() + $hash->{Timer}; $nt -= $nt % $hash->{Timer}; # round RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer($nt, "WS3600_Read", $hash, 0); return $hash->{STATE}; } 1; =pod =begin html


    Defines a weather station, which is queried by means of an external program. That program is executed by FHEM and is expected to deliver the data at stdout in the format of a WS3600 series weather station (details see below).

      define <name> WS3600 "<wsreaderprog> [<options>]" [<interval>]

        full path to the executable which queries the weatherstation (for WS3600 series fetch3600 should be used)
        options for <wsreaderprog>, if necessary
        this optional parameter is the time between subsequent calls to <wsreaderprog>. It defaults to 60s.

      Supported Stations are:
      • WS3600 series weather station (Europe Supplies, technotrade, etc; refer to Wetterstationen.info (german) for details on this model) with fetch3600 from the toolchain open3600). Fetch3600 delivers the current readings line by line as reading-value-pairs. These are read periodically and translated into more readable names for FHEM by the module WS3600.pm.
      • WS2300 with toolchain open2300, because it is rather similar to the WS3600.
      • WS1080 (and other stations which come with the EasyWeather windows application) with fowsr (version 2.0 or above)

      Currently, it is expected that the WS is attached to the local computer and <wsreaderprog> is run locally. Basically the executable called needs to supply on stdout an output similar to what fetch3600 returns; how to implement a "networked setup" is left as an excercise to the reader.
      For the records, this is an output of fetch3600:
      Date 14-Nov-2009
      Time 10:50:22
      Ti 22.8
      Timin 20.8
      Timax 27.9
      TTimin 10:27
      DTimin 15-10-2009
      TTimax 23:31
      DTimax 20-08-2009
      To 14.2
      Tomin -0.4
      Tomax 35.6
      TTomin 07:03
      DTomin 15-10-2009
      TTomax 16:52
      DTomax 20-08-2009
      DP 9.2
      DPmin -2.2
      DPmax 20.3
      TDPmin 07:03
      DDPmin 15-10-2009
      TDPmax 11:58
      DDPmax 20-08-2009
      RHi 48
      RHimin 32
      RHimax 57
      TRHimin 17:03
      DRHimin 21-10-2009
      TRHimax 22:24
      DRHimax 07-10-2009
      RHo 72
      RHomin 27
      RHomax 96
      TRHomin 16:41
      DRHomin 20-08-2009
      TRHomax 06:28
      DRHomax 02-11-2009
      WS 0.0
      DIRtext WSW
      DIR0 247.5
      DIR1 247.5
      DIR2 247.5
      DIR3 247.5
      DIR4 247.5
      DIR5 247.5
      WC 14.2
      WCmin -0.4
      WCmax 35.6
      TWCmin 07:03
      DWCmin 15-10-2009
      TWCmax 16:52
      DWCmax 20-08-2009
      WSmin 0.0
      WSmax 25.6
      TWSmin 10:44
      DWSmin 14-11-2009
      TWSmax 19:08
      DWSmax 24-09-2009
      R1h 0.00
      R1hmax 24.34
      TR1hmax 22:34
      DR1hmax 07-10-2009
      R24h 0.00
      R24hmax 55.42
      TR24hmax 07:11
      DR24hmax 08-10-2009
      R1w 29.00
      R1wmax 95.83
      TR1wmax 00:00
      DR1wmax 12-10-2009
      R1m 117.58
      R1mmax 117.58
      TR1mmax 00:00
      DR1mmax 01-11-2009
      Rtot 3028.70
      TRtot 03:29
      DRtot 18-09-2005
      RP 992.200
      AP 995.900
      RPmin 970.300
      RPmax 1020.000
      TRPmin 05:25
      DRPmin 04-11-2009
      TRPmax 09:19
      DRPmax 11-09-2009
      Tendency Falling
      Forecast Cloudy
      There is no expectation on the readings received from the fetch3600 binary; so, in essence, if you have a similar setup (unsupported, attached weather station and a means to get it's reading into an output similar to above's), you should be able to use WS3600.pm with a custom written script to interface FHEM with your station as well. WS3600.pm only recognizes the above readings (and translates these into, e. g., Temp-inside for Ti for use within FHEM), other lines are silently dropped on the floor. Note: To step down the number of readings date and time records will now be merged to one reading containing date and time. This now also allows records with merged date / time values delivered from <wsreaderprog> - detected by prefix DT (e.g. Date + Time --> DTime, DRPmin + TRPmin --> DTRPmin and so on).
      fetch3600 is available as binary for the Windows OS as well, but operation under that OS isn't tested yet.

        define myWS3600 W3600 /usr/local/bin/fetch360
        define myWS1080 W3600 "/usr/local/bin/fowsr -c" 300



    • model     WS3600, WS2300, WS1080 (not used for anything, yet)

=end html =begin html_DE


    Definiert eine Wetterstation, die über ein externes Programm ausgelesen wird. Dieses Programm wird zyklisch durch FHEM aufgerufen. Es muss die Daten im gleichen Format wie fetch3600 (Details siehe unten) auf der Standardausgabe liefern.

      define <name> WS3600 "<wsreaderprog> [<options>]" [<interval>]

        kompletter Pfad zum Ausleseprogramm (für Wetterstationen Typ WS3600 fetch3600 verwenden)
        Kommandozeilenparameter für <wsreaderprog>, falls erforderlich
        optionaler Parameter für das Aufrufintervall [s]. Defaultwert ist 60s.

        Unterstützte Stationen sind:
      • WS3600 Serie (Europe Supplies, technotrade, usw.; s.a. Wetterstationen.info (deutsch) für Details) in Verbindung mit fetch3600 aus dem Paket open3600). Fetch3600 liefert die aktuellen Werte zeilenweise als Name-Wert-Paare. Diese werden durch FHEM zyklisch eingelesen, mit besser lesbaren Bezeichnungen versehen und als Readings zur Verfügung gestellt.
      • WS2300 Serie in Verbindung mit dem Paket open2300 (ähnlich zu open3600).
      • WS1080 (und andere Stationen, die mit der Windows-Software "Easy Weather" ausgeliefert werden) in Verbindung mit fowsr (ab Version 2.0)

      Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass die Wetterstation am lokalen Computer angeschlossen ist und <wsreaderprog> deshalb lokal läuft. <wsreaderprog> muss grundsätzlich eine zu fetch3600 vergleichbare Ausgabe auf der Standardausgabe liefern.
      Als Beispiel für das erwartete Format hier die Ausgabe von fetch3600:
      Date 14-Nov-2009
      Time 10:50:22
      Ti 22.8
      Timin 20.8
      Timax 27.9
      TTimin 10:27
      DTimin 15-10-2009
      TTimax 23:31
      DTimax 20-08-2009
      To 14.2
      Tomin -0.4
      Tomax 35.6
      TTomin 07:03
      DTomin 15-10-2009
      TTomax 16:52
      DTomax 20-08-2009
      DP 9.2
      DPmin -2.2
      DPmax 20.3
      TDPmin 07:03
      DDPmin 15-10-2009
      TDPmax 11:58
      DDPmax 20-08-2009
      RHi 48
      RHimin 32
      RHimax 57
      TRHimin 17:03
      DRHimin 21-10-2009
      TRHimax 22:24
      DRHimax 07-10-2009
      RHo 72
      RHomin 27
      RHomax 96
      TRHomin 16:41
      DRHomin 20-08-2009
      TRHomax 06:28
      DRHomax 02-11-2009
      WS 0.0
      DIRtext WSW
      DIR0 247.5
      DIR1 247.5
      DIR2 247.5
      DIR3 247.5
      DIR4 247.5
      DIR5 247.5
      WC 14.2
      WCmin -0.4
      WCmax 35.6
      TWCmin 07:03
      DWCmin 15-10-2009
      TWCmax 16:52
      DWCmax 20-08-2009
      WSmin 0.0
      WSmax 25.6
      TWSmin 10:44
      DWSmin 14-11-2009
      TWSmax 19:08
      DWSmax 24-09-2009
      R1h 0.00
      R1hmax 24.34
      TR1hmax 22:34
      DR1hmax 07-10-2009
      R24h 0.00
      R24hmax 55.42
      TR24hmax 07:11
      DR24hmax 08-10-2009
      R1w 29.00
      R1wmax 95.83
      TR1wmax 00:00
      DR1wmax 12-10-2009
      R1m 117.58
      R1mmax 117.58
      TR1mmax 00:00
      DR1mmax 01-11-2009
      Rtot 3028.70
      TRtot 03:29
      DRtot 18-09-2005
      RP 992.200
      AP 995.900
      RPmin 970.300
      RPmax 1020.000
      TRPmin 05:25
      DRPmin 04-11-2009
      TRPmax 09:19
      DRPmax 11-09-2009
      Tendency Falling
      Forecast Cloudy
      Welche der vorgenannten Wertepaare durch <wsreaderprog>  geliefert werden, ist egal. Jedes bekannte wird übersetzt (z.B. Ti nach Temp-inside) und als Reading angezeigt, alle unbekannten werden kommentarlos verworfen. Mittels geeignetem Programm oder Script sollte sich also jede beliebige Wetterstation anschließen lassen.
      Anmerkung: Um die Anzahl Readings zu reduzieren, werden jetzt Date- und Time-Wertepaare zusammengefasst. Es ist jetzt auch zulässig, dass <wsreaderprog> schon kombinierte Wertepaare liefert. Diese sind mit dem Prefix DT zu kennzeichnen, also z.B. Date + Time --> DTime, DRPmin + TRPmin --> DTRPmin usw.).
      Fetch3600 ist auch unter Windows verfügbar, ob das Zusammenspiel mit FHEM dort auch funktioniert, wurde noch nicht getestet.

        define myWS3600 W3600 /usr/local/bin/fetch360
        define myWS1080 W3600 "/usr/local/bin/fowsr -c" 300



    • model     WS3600, WS2300, WS1080 (z.Zt (noch) ohne Wirkung)

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