# $Id: GDSweblink.pm 9432 2015-10-11 10:38:18Z betateilchen $ package main; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; #################################################################################################### # # create weblinks # provided and maintained by jensb # #################################################################################################### # weather description to icon name mapping my %GDSDayWeatherIconMap = ( 'bedeckt' => 'overcast', 'bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy', 'Dunst oder flacher Nebel' => 'haze', 'gefrierender Nebel' => 'icy', 'gering bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy', 'Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm', 'Glatteisbildung' => 'icy', 'Graupelschauer' => 'snow', 'Hagelschauer' => 'snow', 'heiter' => 'partlycloudy', 'in Wolken' => 'mostlycloudy', 'kein signifikantes Wetter' => 'na', 'kräftiger Graupelschauer' => 'heavysnow', 'kräftiger Hagelschauer' => 'heavysnow', 'kräftiger Regen' => 'heavyrain', 'kräftiger Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers', 'kräftiger Schneefall' => 'heavysnow', 'kräftiger Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow', 'kräftiger Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow', 'kräftiger Schneeschauer' => 'heavysnow', 'leicht bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy', 'leichter Regen' => 'mist', 'leichter Schneefall' => 'snow', 'leichter Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow', 'Nebel' => 'fog', 'Regen' => 'rain', 'Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers', 'Sandsturm' => 'dust', 'Schneefall' => 'snow', 'Schneefegen' => 'snow', 'Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow', 'Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow', 'Schneeschauer' => 'snow', 'schweres Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm', 'stark bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy', 'starkes Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm', 'wolkenlos' => 'sunny', '---' => 'mostlycloudy', ); my %GDSNightWeatherIconMap = ( 'bedeckt' => 'overcast', 'bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy_night', 'Dunst oder flacher Nebel' => 'haze_night', 'gefrierender Nebel' => 'icy', 'gering bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy_night', 'Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm', 'Glatteisbildung' => 'icy', 'Graupelschauer' => 'snow', 'Hagelschauer' => 'snow', 'heiter' => 'partlycloudy_night', 'in Wolken' => 'mostlycloudy_night', 'kein signifikantes Wetter' => 'na', 'kräftiger Graupelschauer' => 'heavysnow', 'kräftiger Hagelschauer' => 'heavysnow', 'kräftiger Regen' => 'heavyrain', 'kräftiger Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers_night', 'kräftiger Schneefall' => 'heavysnow', 'kräftiger Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow', 'kräftiger Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow', 'kräftiger Schneeschauer' => 'heavysnow', 'leicht bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy_night', 'leichter Regen' => 'mist', 'leichter Schneefall' => 'snow', 'leichter Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow', 'Nebel' => 'fog', 'Regen' => 'rain', 'Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers_night', 'Sandsturm' => 'dust', 'Schneefall' => 'snow', 'Schneefegen' => 'snow', 'Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow', 'Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow', 'Schneeschauer' => 'snow', 'schweres Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm', 'stark bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy_night', 'starkes Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm', 'wolkenlos' => 'sunny_night', '---' => 'mostlycloudy_night', ); # icon parameters use constant ICONHIGHT => 120; use constant ICONWIDTH => 175; use constant ICONSCALE => 0.5; sub GDSIsDay($$) { # check if it is day at given time # # @param: time # @param: altitude, see documentation of module SUNRISE_EL my ($time, $altitude) = @_; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time); my $t = ($hour*60 + $min) + $sec; my (undef, $srHour, $srMin, $srSec, undef) = GetTimeSpec(sunrise_abs_dat($time, $altitude)); my $sunrise = ($srHour*60 + $srMin) + $srSec; my (undef, $ssHour, $ssMin, $ssSec, undef) = GetTimeSpec(sunset_abs_dat($time, $altitude)); my $sunset = ($ssHour*60 + $ssMin) + $ssSec; return $t >= $sunrise && $t <= $sunset; } sub GDSIconIMGTag($;$) { # get FHEM weather icon # # @param: weather description # @param: time of weather description or 1 for night, optional, defaults to daytime icons my $width = int(ICONSCALE*ICONWIDTH); my ($weather, $time) = @_; my $icon; if (!defined($time) || (defined($time) && $time > 1 && GDSIsDay($time, "REAL"))) { $icon = $GDSDayWeatherIconMap{$weather}; } else { $icon = $GDSNightWeatherIconMap{$weather}; } if (defined($icon)) { my $url= FW_IconURL("weather/$icon"); my $style= " width=$width"; return "\"$icon\""; } else { return ""; } } sub GDSAsHtmlV($;$) { # create forecast in a vertical HTML table # # @param: device name # @param: number of icons, optional, default 8 my ($d,$items) = @_; $d = "" if(!$d); $items = $items? $items - 1 : 7; return "$d is not a GDS instance
" if(!$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "GDS"); my $width = int(ICONSCALE*ICONWIDTH); my $ret = sprintf('', $width); $ret .= sprintf('', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "?"), time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "c_weather", TimeNow()))), ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "c_temperature", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "c_windSpeed", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "c_windDir", "?")); # get time of last forecast my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "fc3_weather24", TimeNow()))); for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) { my $day = int(($i + 1)/2); my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24'; my $weekday = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? 'Spät' : 'Nachts') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "?").' früh' : ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "?").' spät'; if (($i - 1)%2 == 0) { $ret .= sprintf('', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?")), $weekday, ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMinAir", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, "")); } else { if ($i == 0 && $hour >= 17) { $ret .= sprintf('', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"), 1), $weekday, ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tAvgAir".$timeLabel, "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, "")); } else { $ret .= sprintf('', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?")), $weekday, ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMaxAir", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, "")); } } } $ret .= "
%sAktuell: %s
Wind %s km/h %s
%s%s: %s
min %s°C
%s%s: %s
%s%s: %s
max %s°C
"; return $ret; } sub GDSAsHtmlH($;$) { # create forecast in a horizontal HTML table # # @param: device name # @param: number of icons, optional, default 8 my ($d, $items) = @_; $d = "" if(!$d); $items = $items? $items - 1 : 7; return "$d is not a GDS instance
" if(!$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "GDS"); my $width = 110; my $ret = ''; # get time of last forecast my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "fc3_weather24", TimeNow()))); # weekday / time $ret .= sprintf(''); for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) { my $day = int(($i + 1)/2); my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24'; my $weekday = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? 'Spät' : 'Nachts') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "").' früh' : ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "").' spät'; $ret .= sprintf('', $weekday); } $ret .= ''; # condition icon $ret .= sprintf('', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "na"), time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "c_weather", TimeNow())))); for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) { my $day = int(($i + 1)/2); my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24'; $ret .= sprintf('', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "na"), $i==0 && $hour >= 17? 1 : undef)); } $ret .= ''; # condition text $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "?")); for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) { my $day = int(($i + 1)/2); my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24'; $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?")); } $ret .= ''; # temperature / min temperature $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "c_temperature", "?")); for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) { my $day = int(($i + 1)/2); my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24'; if (($i - 1)%2 == 0) { $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMinAir", "?")); } else { if ($i == 0 && $hour >= 17) { $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tAvgAir".$timeLabel, "?")); } else { $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMaxAir", "?")); } } } $ret .= ''; # wind $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "c_windSpeed", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "c_windDir", "?")); for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) { my $day = int(($i + 1)/2); my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24'; $ret .= sprintf('', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, "")); } $ret .= "
%s°Cmin %s°C%s°Cmax %s°C
%s km/h %s%s
"; return $ret; } sub GDSAsHtmlD($;$) { # create forecast in a horizontal or vertical HTML table # depending on the display orientation # @param: device name # @param: number of icons, optional, default 8 my ($d,$i) = @_; if(defined($FW_ss) && $FW_ss) { GDSAsHtmlV($d,$i); } else { GDSAsHtmlH($d,$i); } } 1; =pod =begin html


=end html =cut