######################################################################################## # # Alarm.pm # # FHEM module for house alarm # # Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning # # $Id: 95_Alarm.pm 2014-08 - pahenning $ # ######################################################################################## # # This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ######################################################################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(%defs); # FHEM device/button definitions use vars qw(%intAt); # FHEM at definitions ######################### # Global variables my $alarmname = "Alarms"; # link text my $alarmhiddenroom = "AlarmRoom"; # hidden room my $alarmpublicroom = "Alarm"; # public room my $alarmno = 8; my $alarmversion = "1.6"; ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Initialize # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Initialize ($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "Alarm_Define"; $hash->{SetFn} = "Alarm_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "Alarm_Get"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "Alarm_Undef"; #$hash->{AttrFn} = "Alarm_Attr"; my $attst = "lockstate:lock,unlock statedisplay:simple,color,table,graphics,none"; for( my $level=0;$level<$alarmno;$level++ ){ $attst .=" level".$level."start level".$level."end level".$level."msg level".$level."xec:0,1 level".$level."onact level".$level."offact"; } $hash->{AttrList} = $attst; $data{FWEXT}{Alarmx}{LINK} = "?room=".$alarmhiddenroom; $data{FWEXT}{Alarmx}{NAME} = $alarmname; return undef; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Define - Implements DefFn function # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Define ($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $now = time(); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{VERSION} = $alarmversion; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "Initialized", 0 ); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer ($now + 5, 'Alarm_CreateEntry', $hash, 0); return; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Undef - Implements Undef function # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Undef ($$) { my ($hash,$arg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Attr - Implements Attr function # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, ??? # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Attr($$$) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_; return; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_CreateEntry - Puts the Alarm entry into the FHEM menu # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_CreateEntry($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if (!defined $defs{$name."_weblink"}) { FW_fC("define ".$name."_weblink weblink htmlCode {Alarm_Html(\"".$name."\")}"); Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$alarmversion."]"." Weblink ".$name."_weblink created"; } FW_fC("attr ".$name."_weblink room ".$alarmhiddenroom); foreach my $dn (sort keys %defs) { if ($defs{$dn}{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB" && $defs{$dn}{NAME} !~ /FHEMWEB:/) { my $hr = AttrVal($defs{$dn}{NAME}, "hiddenroom", ""); if (index($hr,$alarmhiddenroom) == -1){ if ($hr eq "") { FW_fC("attr ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}." hiddenroom ".$alarmhiddenroom); }else { FW_fC("attr ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}." hiddenroom ".$hr.",".$alarmhiddenroom); } Log3 $hash, 3, "[".$name. " V".$alarmversion."]"." Added hidden room '".$alarmhiddenroom."' to ".$defs{$dn}{NAME}; } } } my $mga = Alarm_getstate($hash)." Keine Störung"; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $mga, 0 ); } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Set - Implements the Set function # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Set($@) { my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_; if ( ($cmd eq "cancel") || ($cmd eq "sharp") || ($cmd eq "unsharp") ) { return "[Alarm] Invalid argument to set $cmd, must be numeric" if ( $args[0] !~ /\d+/ ); return "[Alarm] Invalid argument to set $cmd, must be 0 < arg < $alarmno" if ( ($args[0] >= $alarmno)||($args[0]<0) ); if( $cmd eq "cancel" ){ Alarm_Exec($name,$args[0],"web","button","off"); }elsif ( $cmd eq "sharp" ) { Alarm_Sharp($name,$args[0],"web","button","sharp"); }else{ Alarm_Sharp($name,$args[0],"web","button","unsharp"); } return; } elsif ( $cmd eq "lock" ) { readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "lockstate", "locked", 0 ); return; } elsif ( $cmd eq "unlock" ) { readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "lockstate", "unlocked", 0 ); return; } else { my $str = join(",",(0..($alarmno-1))); return "[Alarm] Unknown argument " . $cmd . ", choose one of cancel:$str sharp:$str unsharp:$str lock:noArg unlock:noArg"; } } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Set - Implements the Get function # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $res = ""; my $arg = (defined($a[1]) ? $a[1] : ""); if ($arg eq "version") { return "Alarm.version => $alarmversion"; } else { return "Unknown argument $arg choose one of version"; } } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_getstate - Helper function to assemble a state display # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_getstate($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $res = ''; my $type = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"statedisplay",0); #-------------------------- if( $type eq "simple" ){ for( my $level=0;$level<$alarmno;$level++ ){ if( $hash->{READINGS}{"level".$level}{VAL} eq "off" ){ $res.='O'; }else{ $res.='X'; } } #-------------------------- }elsif( $type eq "color" ){ $res = ''; for( my $level=0;$level<$alarmno;$level++ ){ if( $hash->{READINGS}{"level".$level}{VAL} eq "off" ){ $res.=' '.$level; }else{ $res.=' '.$level.''; } } $res.=''; #-------------------------- }elsif( $type eq "table" ){ $res = ''; for( my $level=0;$level<$alarmno;$level++ ){ if( $hash->{READINGS}{"level".$level}{VAL} eq "off" ){ $res.='
'; }else{ $res.=''; } } $res.='
'; #-------------------------- } return $res; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Exec - Execute the Alarm # # Parameter name = name of the Alarm definition # level = Alarm level # dev = name of the device calling the alarm # act = action - "on" or "off" # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Exec($$$$$){ my ($name,$level,$dev,$evt,$act) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $aclvl = $hash->{READINGS}{'level'.$level}{VAL}; my $msg = ''; my $cmd; my $mga; my $dly; my @sta; #Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Exec called with dev $dev evt $evt act $act]"; #-- raising the alarm if( $act eq "on" ){ my $xec = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."xec", 0); #-- only if this level is sharp if( $xec eq "sharp" ){ #-- check for time (attribute values have been controlled in CreateNotifiers) my @st = split(':',AttrVal($name, "level".$level."start", 0)); my @et = split(':',AttrVal($name, "level".$level."end", 0)); my $stp = $st[0]*60+$st[1]; my $etp = $et[0]*60+$et[1]; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); my $ntp = $hour*60+$min; if( ($ntp <= $etp) && ($ntp >= $stp) ){ #-- raised by sensor (attribute values have been controlled in CreateNotifiers) @sta = split('\|', AttrVal($dev, "alarmSettings", 0)); $mga = $sta[2]." ".AttrVal($name, "level".$level."msg", 0); #-- replace some parts my @evtpart = split(" ",$evt); $mga =~ s/\$NAME/$dev/g; $mga =~ s/\$EVENT/$evt/g; for( my $i=1;$i<= int(@evtpart);$i++){ $mga =~ s/\$EVTPART$i/$evtpart[$i-1]/g; } #-- readings readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "level".$level,$dev,0 ); readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "short", $mga, 0); $mga = Alarm_getstate($hash)." ".$mga; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $mga, 0 ); $msg = "[Alarm $level] raised from device $dev with event $evt"; #-- calling actors AFTER state update $cmd = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."onact", 0); fhem($cmd); Log3 $hash,3,$msg; }else{ $msg = "[Alarm $level] not raised, not in time slot"; Log3 $hash,5,$msg; } }else{ $msg = "[Alarm $level] not raised, not sharp"; Log3 $hash,5,$msg; } }elsif( $act eq "off" ){ #-- only if this level is active if( $hash->{READINGS}{"level".$level}{VAL} ne "off"){ #-- deleting all running ats $dly = sprintf("alarm%1ddly",$level); foreach my $d (sort keys %intAt ) { next if( $intAt{$d}{FN} ne "at_Exec" ); $mga = $intAt{$d}{ARG}{NAME}; next if( $mga !~ /$dly\d/); #Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm] Killing delayed action $name"; CommandDelete(undef,"$mga"); } #-- calling actors BEFORE state update $cmd = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."offact", 0); fhem($cmd); #-- readings readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "level".$level,"off",0 ); $mga = " Level $level canceled"; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "short", "", 0); $mga = Alarm_getstate($hash)." ".$mga; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $mga, 0 ); $msg = "[Alarm $level] canceled from device $dev"; Log3 $hash,3,$msg; } }else{ Log3 $hash,3,"[Alarm $level] Exec called with act=$act"; } #return $msg; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Sharp - Sharpen the Alarm # # Parameter name = name of the Alarm definition # level = Alarm level # dev = name of the device calling the alarm # act = action - "sharp" or "unsharp" # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Sharp($$$$$){ my ($name,$level,$dev,$evt,$act) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $aclvl = $hash->{READINGS}{"level"}{VAL}; my $msg = ''; my $mga; my $cmd; #-- sharpening the alarm if( $act eq "sharp" ){ #-- sharpened by sensor (attribute values have been controlled in CreateNotifiers) #my @sta = split('\|', AttrVal($dev, "alarmSettings", 0)); #my $msg = $sta[2]." ".AttrVal($name, "level".$level."msg", 0); #-- replace some parts #my @evtpart = split(" ",$evt); #$msg =~ s/\$NAME/$dev/g; #$msg =~ s/\$EVENT/$evt/g; #for( my $i=1;$i<= int(@evtpart);$i++){ # $msg =~ s/\$EVTPART$i/$evtpart[$i-1]/g; #} $msg = "[Alarm $level] sharpened from device $dev with event $evt"; CommandAttr(undef,$name.' level'.$level.'xec sharp'); Log3 $hash,3,$msg; #-- unsharpening implies canceling as well }elsif( $act eq "unsharp"){ $msg = "[Alarm $level] unsharpened from device $dev with event $evt"; CommandAttr (undef,$name.' level'.$level.'xec unsharp'); #-- calling actors $cmd = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."offact", 0); fhem($cmd); readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "level".$level,"off",0 ); $mga = " Level $level canceled"; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "short", $mga, 0); $mga = Alarm_getstate($hash)." ".$mga; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $mga, 0 ); $msg = "[Alarm $level] canceled from device $dev"; Log3 $hash,3,$msg; } return $msg; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_CreateNotifiers - Create the notifiers # # Parameter name = name of the Alarm definition # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_CreateNotifiers($){ my ($name) = @_; my $ret = ""; my $res; my $hash = $defs{$name}; #-- don't do anything if locked if( $hash->{READINGS}{"lockstate"}{VAL} ne "unlocked" ){ Log3 $hash, 1, "[Alarm] State locked, cannot create new notifiers"; return "State locked, cannot create new notifiers"; } for( my $level=0;$level<$alarmno;$level++ ){ #-- delete old defs in any case fhem('delete alarm'.$level.'.on.N' ) if( defined $defs{'alarm'.$level.'.on.N'}); fhem('delete alarm'.$level.'.off.N' ) if( defined $defs{'alarm'.$level.'.off.N'}); fhem('delete alarm'.$level.'.sh.N' ) if( defined $defs{'alarm'.$level.'.sh.N'}); fhem('delete alarm'.$level.'.unsh.N' ) if( defined $defs{'alarm'.$level.'.unsh.N'}); my @st = split(':',(AttrVal($name, "level".$level."start", 0) ne '')?AttrVal($name, "level".$level."start", 0):'0:00'); my @et = split(':',(AttrVal($name, "level".$level."end", 0) ne '')?AttrVal($name, "level".$level."end", 0):'23:59'); if( (int(@st)!=2) || ($st[0] > 23) || ($st[0] < 0) || ($st[1] > 59) || ($st[1] < 0) ){ Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Cannot be executed due to wrong time spec ".AttrVal($name, "level".$level."start", 0)." for level".$level."start"; next; } if( (int(@et)!=2) || ($et[0] > 23) || ($et[0] < 0) || ($et[1] > 59) || ($et[1] < 0) ){ Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Cannot be executed due to wrong time spec ".AttrVal($name, "level".$level."end", 0)." for level".$level."end"; next; } #-- now set up the command for cancel alarm, and contained in this loop all other notifiers as well my $cmd = ''; foreach my $d (keys %defs ) { next if(IsIgnored($d)); if( AttrVal($d, "alarmDevice","") eq "Sensor" ) { my @aval = split('\|',AttrVal($d, "alarmSettings","")); if( int(@aval) != 4){ # Log3 $hash, 1, "[Alarm $level] Settings incomplete for sensor $d"; next; } if( (index($aval[0],"alarm".$level) != -1) && ($aval[3] eq "off") ){ $cmd .= '('.$aval[1].')|'; #Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Adding sensor $d to cancel notifier"; } } } if( $cmd eq '' ){ Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] No \"Cancel\" device defined, level will be ignored"; } else { $cmd = substr($cmd,0,length($cmd)-1); $cmd = 'alarm'.$level.'.off.N notify '.$cmd; $cmd .= ' {main::Alarm_Exec("'.$name.'",'.$level.',"$NAME","$EVENT","off")}'; CommandDefine(undef,$cmd); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.off.N room '.$alarmpublicroom); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.off.N group alarmNotifier'); Log3 $hash,5,"[Alarm $level] Created cancel notifier"; #-- now set up the command for raising alarm - only if cancel exists $cmd = ''; my $cmdsh = ""; my $cmdunsh = ""; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs ) { next if(IsIgnored($d)); if( AttrVal($d, "alarmDevice","") eq "Sensor" ) { my @aval = split('\|',AttrVal($d, "alarmSettings","")); if( int(@aval) != 4){ # Log3 $hash, 1, "[Alarm $level] Settings incomplete for sensor $d"; next; } if( index($aval[0],"alarm".$level) != -1){ if( $aval[3] eq "on" ){ $cmd .= '('.$aval[1].')|'; # Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Adding sensor $d to raise notifier"; }elsif( $aval[3] eq "sh" ){ $cmdsh .= '('.$aval[1].')|'; #Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Adding sensor $d to sharp notifier"; }elsif( $aval[3] eq "unsh" ){ $cmdunsh .= '('.$aval[1].')|'; # Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Adding sensor $d to sunharp notifier"; } } } } #-- raise notifier if( $cmd eq '' ){ Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] No \"Raise\" device defined"; } else { $cmd = substr($cmd,0,length($cmd)-1); $cmd = 'alarm'.$level.'.on.N notify '.$cmd; $cmd .= ' {main::Alarm_Exec("'.$name.'",'.$level.',"$NAME","$EVENT","on")}'; CommandDefine(undef,$cmd); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.on.N room '.$alarmpublicroom); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.on.N group alarmNotifier'); Log3 $hash,5,"[Alarm $level] Created raise notifier"; #-- now set up the list of actors $cmd = ''; my $cmd2 = ''; my $nonum = 0; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs ) { next if(IsIgnored($d)); if( AttrVal($d, "alarmDevice","") eq "Actor" ) { my @aval = split('\|',AttrVal($d, "alarmSettings","")); if( int(@aval) != 4){ Log3 $hash, 5, "[Alarm $level] Settings incomplete for actor $d"; next; } if( index($aval[0],"alarm".$level) != -1 ){ #-- activate without delay if( $aval[3] eq "0" ){ $cmd .= $aval[1].';'; #-- activate with delay } else { $nonum++; my @tarr = split(':',$aval[3]); if( int(@tarr) == 1){ if( $aval[3] > 59 ){ Log3 $hash,3,"[Alarm $level] Invalid delay specification for actor $d: $aval[3] > 59"; $cmd = ''; } else { $cmd .= sprintf('define alarm%1ddly%1d at +00:00:%02d %s;',$level,$nonum,$aval[3],$aval[1]); } }elsif( int(@tarr) == 2){ $cmd .= sprintf('define alarm%1ddly%1d at +00:%02d:%02d %s;',$level,$nonum,$tarr[0],$tarr[1],$aval[1]); } } $cmd2 .= $aval[2].';' if( $aval[2] ne '' ); Log3 $hash,5,"[Alarm $level] Adding actor $d to action list"; } } } if( $cmd ne '' ){ CommandAttr(undef,$name.' level'.$level.'onact '.$cmd); CommandAttr(undef,$name.' level'.$level.'offact '.$cmd2); Log3 $hash,5,"[Alarm $level] Added on/off actors to $name"; } else { Log3 $hash,5,"[Alarm $level] Adding on/off actors not possible"; } #-- sharp notifier - optional, but only in case the alarm may be raised if( $cmdsh ne '' ){ $cmdsh = substr($cmdsh,0,length($cmdsh)-1); $cmdsh = 'alarm'.$level.'.sh.N notify '.$cmdsh; $cmdsh .= ' {main::Alarm_Sharp("'.$name.'",'.$level.',"$NAME","$EVENT","sharp")}'; CommandDefine(undef,$cmdsh); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.sh.N room '.$alarmpublicroom); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.sh.N group alarmNotifier'); Log3 $hash,3,"[Alarm $level] Created sharp notifier"; } #-- unsharp notifier - optional, but only in case the alarm may be raised if( $cmdunsh ne '' ){ $cmdunsh = substr($cmdunsh,0,length($cmdunsh)-1); $cmdunsh = 'alarm'.$level.'.unsh.N notify '.$cmdunsh; $cmdunsh .= ' {main::Alarm_Sharp("'.$name.'",'.$level.',"$NAME","$EVENT","unsharp")}'; CommandDefine(undef,$cmdunsh); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.unsh.N room '.$alarmpublicroom); CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.unsh.N group alarmNotifier'); Log3 $hash,3,"[Alarm $level] Created unsharp notifier"; } } } } return "Created alarm notifiers"; } ######################################################################################### # # Alarm_Html - returns HTML code for the Alarm page # # Parameter name = name of the Alarm definition # ######################################################################################### sub Alarm_Html($) { my ($name) = @_; my $ret = ""; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $id = $defs{$name}{NR}; #-- readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", Alarm_getstate($hash)." ".$hash->{READINGS}{"short"}{VAL}, 0 ); #-- my $lockstate = ($hash->{READINGS}{lockstate}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{lockstate}{VAL} : "unlock"; my $showhelper = ($lockstate eq "unlock") ? 1 : 0; #-- $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "". "\n"; #-- settings table my $row=1; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; #-- sensors table $row=1; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; #-- actors table $row=1; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "
\n"; $ret .= "". "\n"; for( my $k=0;$k<$alarmno;$k++ ){ $row++; my $sval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."start", 0); $sval = "" if( $sval eq "1"); my $eval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."end", 0); $eval = "" if( $eval eq "1"); my $mval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."msg", 0); $mval = "" if( $mval eq "1"); my $xval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."xec", 0); $ret .= sprintf("\n", ($row&1)?"odd":"even"); $ret .= "". ""; $ret .= sprintf("\n"; } $ret .= "
LevelTime [hh:mm]Message Part IISharp/
Alarm $kStart  ". "End ",($xval eq "sharp")?"checked=\"checked\"":""). "
\n"; $ret .= "\n"; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs ) { next if(IsIgnored($d)); if( AttrVal($d, "alarmDevice","") eq "Sensor" ) { my @aval = split('\|',AttrVal($d, "alarmSettings","")); if( int(@aval) != 4){ @aval=("","","",""); } $row++; $ret .= sprintf("", ($row&1)?"odd":"even"); $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= sprintf("\n", ($aval[3] eq "sh")?"selected=\"seleced\"":"",($aval[3] eq "unsh")?"selected=\"selected\"":""); } } $ret .= "
Notify to Alarm Level
".join("     ",(0..($alarmno-1)))."
". "Notify on RegExp       Message Part IAction
$d\n"; for( my $k=0;$k<$alarmno;$k++ ){ $ret .= sprintf(" ",(index($aval[0],"alarm".$k) != -1)?"checked=\"checked\"":""); } $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
\n"; $ret .= "\n"; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs ) { next if(IsIgnored($d)); if( AttrVal($d, "alarmDevice","") eq "Actor" ) { my @aval = split('\|',AttrVal($d, "alarmSettings","")); if( int(@aval) != 4){ @aval=("","","",""); } $row++; $ret .= sprintf("", ($row&1)?"odd":"even"); $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= ""; $ret .= "\n"; } } $ret .= "
Set by Alarm Level
".join("     ",(0..($alarmno-1))). "
Set Action". "                  Unset ActionDelay
$d\n"; for( my $k=0;$k<$alarmno;$k++ ){ $ret .= sprintf(" ",(index($aval[0],"alarm".$k) != -1)?"checked=\"checked\"":""); } $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
"; return $ret; } 1; =pod =begin html


FHEM module to set up a House Alarm System with 8 different alarm levels


define <name> Alarm
Defines the Alarm system.




=end html =begin html_DE


=end html_DE =cut