############################ # Display the on and off values off an FS20 device # Corresponding FileLog definition: # define fs20log FileLog /var/log/fhem/fs20dev-%Y-%U.log fs20dev set terminal png transparent size crop set output '.png' set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" set xlabel " " set title '' set ytics ("Off" 0, "On" 1) set y2tics ("Off" 0, "On" 1) set yrange [-0.1:1.1] set y2range [-0.1:1.1] set ylabel "Status" set y2label "Status" #FileLog 3::0:$fld[2]=~"on"?1:0 plot "< awk '{print $1, $3~/on/? 1 : 0; }' "\ using 1:2 notitle with steps