#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################### # ccurpcd.pl # # Version 1.5 # # RPC server for Homematic CCU. # # (C) 2015 by zap #-------------------------------------------------------- # Usage: # # ccurpcd.pl Hostname Port QueueFile LogFile #-------------------------------------------------------- # Queue file entries: # # ND|Address|Type # UD|Address|Hint # DD|Address # EV|Address|Attribute|Value # EX|SHUTDOWN|0 ######################################################### use strict; use warnings; # use File::Queue; use RPC::XML::Server; use RPC::XML::Client; use IO::Socket::INET; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin"; use RPCQueue; # Global variables my $client; my $server; my $queue; my $logfile; my $shutdown = 0; my $eventcount = 0; sub CheckProcess ($$); sub Log ($); ##################################### # Get PID of running RPC server or 0 ##################################### sub CheckProcess ($$) { my ($prcname, $port) = @_; my $filename = $prcname; my $pdump = `ps -ef | grep $prcname | grep -v grep`; my @plist = split "\n", $pdump; foreach my $proc (@plist) { # Remove leading blanks, fix for MacOS. Thanks to mcdeck $proc =~ s/^\s+//; my @procattr = split /\s+/, $proc; if ($procattr[1] != $$ && $procattr[7] =~ /perl$/ && ($procattr[8] eq $prcname || $procattr[8] =~ /\/ccurpcd\.pl$/) && $procattr[10] eq "$port") { Log "Process $proc is running connected to CCU port $port"; return $procattr[1]; } } return 0; } ##################################### # Write logfile entry ##################################### sub Log ($) { my @messages = @_; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime (); if (open (LOGFILE, '>>', $logfile)) { printf LOGFILE "%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d:%02d ", $mday,$mon+1,$year+1900,$hour,$min,$sec; foreach my $token (@messages) { print LOGFILE $token; } print LOGFILE "\n"; close LOGFILE; } } ##################################### # Write queue entry ##################################### sub WriteQueue ($) { my ($message) = @_; $queue->enq ($message); return 1; } ##################################### # Shutdown RPC connection ##################################### sub CCURPC_Shutdown ($) { my ($callbackurl) = @_; if ($callbackurl && $shutdown == 0) { Log ("Shutdown RPC server"); WriteQueue ("EX|SHUTDOWN|0"); $client->send_request("init", $callbackurl); $shutdown = 1; } return undef; } ##################################### # Initialize RPC connection ##################################### sub CCURPC_Initialize ($$) { my ($serveraddr, $serverport) = @_; my $callbackport = 5400+$serverport; # Detect local IP my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr => $serveraddr, PeerPort => $serverport); if (!$socket) { Log "Can't connect to CCU port $serverport"; return undef; } my $localaddr = $socket->sockhost (); close ($socket); # Create RPC client $client = RPC::XML::Client->new ("http://$serveraddr:$serverport/"); # Check if RPC daemon on CCU is running my $resp = $client->send_request ('system.listMethods'); if (!ref($resp)) { Log "No response from CCU on port $serverport. Error message follows in next line"; Log $resp; return undef; } # Create RPC server $server = RPC::XML::Server->new (port=>$callbackport); if (!ref($server)) { Log "Can't create RPC callback server on port $callbackport. Port in use?"; return undef; } else { Log "callback server created listening on port $callbackport"; } # Callback for events Log "Adding callback for events"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"event", signature=> ["string string string string int","string string string string double","string string string string boolean","string string string string i4"], code=>\&CCURPC_EventCB } ); # Callback for new devices Log "Adding callback for new devices"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"newDevices", signature=>["string string array"], code=>\&CCURPC_NewDevicesCB } ); # Callback for deleted devices Log "Adding callback for deleted devices"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"deleteDevices", signature=>["string string array"], code=>\&CCURPC_DeleteDevicesCB } ); # Callback for modified devices Log "Adding callback for modified devices"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"updateDevice", signature=>["string string string int"], code=>\&CCURPC_UpdateDeviceCB } ); # Dummy implementation, always return an empty array $server->add_method ( { name=>"listDevices", signature=>["array string"], code=>\&CCURPC_ListDevicesCB } ); my $ccurpcport = $server->{__daemon}->sockport(); # Register callback my $callbackurl = "http://".$localaddr.":".$ccurpcport."/fh".$serverport; Log "Registering callback $callbackurl with ID CB".$serverport; $client->send_request ("init",$callbackurl,"CB".$serverport); Log "RPC callback with URL ".$callbackurl." initialized"; return $callbackurl; } ##################################### # Callback for new devices ##################################### sub CCURPC_NewDevicesCB ($$$) { my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_; Log "NewDevice: received ".scalar(@$a)." device specifications"; for my $dev (@$a) { WriteQueue ("ND|".$dev->{ADDRESS}."|".$dev->{TYPE}); } # return RPC::XML::array->new(); return; } ##################################### # Callback for deleted devices ##################################### sub CCURPC_DeleteDevicesCB ($$$) { my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_; Log "DeleteDevice: received ".scalar(@$a)." device addresses"; for my $dev (@$a) { WriteQueue ("DD|".$dev); } return; } ##################################### # Callback for modified devices ##################################### sub CCURPC_UpdateDeviceCB ($$$$) { my ($server, $cb, $devid, $hint) = @_; WriteQueue ("UD|".$devid."|".$hint); return; } ##################################### # Callback for handling CCU events ##################################### sub CCURPC_EventCB ($$$$$) { my ($server,$cb,$devid,$attr,$val)=@_; WriteQueue ("EV|".$devid."|".$attr."|".$val); $eventcount++; if ($eventcount == 250) { Log "Received $eventcount events from CCU since last check"; $eventcount++; } # Never remove this statement! return; } ##################################### # Callback for list devices ##################################### sub CCURPC_ListDevicesCB () { Log "ListDevices"; return RPC::XML::array->new(); } ##################################### # MAIN ##################################### my $name = $0; # Process command line arguments if ($#ARGV+1 != 4) { die "Usage: $name CCU-Host Port QueueFile LogFile\n"; } my $ccuhost = $ARGV[0]; my $ccuport = $ARGV[1]; my $queuefile = $ARGV[2]; $logfile = $ARGV[3]; my $pid = CheckProcess ($name, $ccuport); if ($pid > 0) { Log "Error: ccurpcd.pl is already running (PID=$pid) for CCU port $ccuport"; die "Error: ccurpcd.pl is already running (PID=$pid) for CCU port $ccuport\n"; } # Create or open queue Log "Creating file queue"; $queue = new RPCQueue (File => $queuefile, Mode => 0666); if (!defined ($queue)) { Log "Error: Can't create queue"; die "Error: Can't create queue\n"; } else { $queue->reset (); while ($queue->deq ()) { } } # Initialize RPC server Log "Initializing RPC server"; my $callbackurl = CCURPC_Initialize ($ccuhost, $ccuport); if (!defined ($callbackurl)) { Log "Error: Can't initialize RPC server"; die "Error: Can't initialize RPC server\n"; } # Server loop is interruptable bei SIGNINT Log "Entering server loop. Use kill -SIGINT $$ to terminate program"; $server->server_loop; # Shutdown RPC server CCURPC_Shutdown ($callbackurl); Log "RPC server terminated";