set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop set output '<OUT>.png' set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" set xlabel " " set title '<L1>' set ytics set y2tics set y3tics ("on" 1, "off" 0) set grid y2tics set ylabel "Spannung (V)" set y2label "Strom (mA)" set y3label "" set yrange [4.4:5.2] #set yrange [-0.1:5.2] set y2range [0:1000] set y3range [0:2] #FileLog 6:power_ac_stat\x3a:0: # --- FileLog 7:power_ac_stat\x3a:0:$fld[6]/1000 #FileLog 7:power_ac_stat\x3a:0: #FileLog 4:power_ac_stat\x3a:0: plot "<IN>" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Spannung' ls l0 lw 1.2 with lines,\ "<IN>" using 1:2 axes x1y2 title 'Strom' ls l2 lw 1.2 with lines,\ "<IN>" using 1:2 axes x1y3 title 'Online' ls l1fill lw 0 with steps