################################################################ # # 88_HMCCUCHN.pm # # $Id:$ # # Version 2.6 # # (c) 2016 zap (zap01 t-online de) # ################################################################ # # define HMCCUCHN [readonly] # # set control # set datapoint [...] # set devstate [...] # set # set config = [...] # # get devstate # get datapoint # get channel # get config # get configdesc # get update # # attr ccureadings { 0 | 1 } # attr ccureadingfilter # attr ccureadingformat { name | address | datapoint } # attr controldatapoint # attr statevals :[,...] # attr substitute [;...] # ################################################################ # Requires module 88_HMCCU.pm ################################################################ package main; use strict; use warnings; use SetExtensions; use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday usleep ); sub HMCCUCHN_Define ($@); sub HMCCUCHN_Set ($@); sub HMCCUCHN_Get ($@); sub HMCCUCHN_Attr ($@); sub HMCCUCHN_SetError ($$); ##################################### # Initialize module ##################################### sub HMCCUCHN_Initialize ($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "HMCCUCHN_Define"; $hash->{SetFn} = "HMCCUCHN_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "HMCCUCHN_Get"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "HMCCUCHN_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ccureadingfilter ccureadingformat:name,address,datapoint ccureadings:0,1 ccustate ccuget:State,Value controldatapoint statedatapoint statevals substitute stripnumber:0,1,2 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ". $readingFnAttributes; } ##################################### # Define device ##################################### sub HMCCUCHN_Define ($@) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Specifiy the CCU device name or address as parameters" if (@a < 3); my $devname = shift @a; my $devtype = shift @a; my $devspec = shift @a; return "Invalid or unknown CCU channel name or address" if (! HMCCU_IsValidDevice ($devspec)); if ($devspec =~ /^(.+)\.([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}:[0-9]+)$/) { # CCU Channel address with interface $hash->{ccuif} = $1; $hash->{ccuaddr} = $2; $hash->{ccuname} = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($hash->{ccuaddr}, ''); return "CCU device name not found for channel address $devspec" if ($hash->{ccuname} eq ''); } elsif ($devspec =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}:[0-9]+$/) { # CCU Channel address $hash->{ccuaddr} = $devspec; $hash->{ccuif} = HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($hash->{ccuaddr}, 'BidCos-RF'); $hash->{ccuname} = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($devspec, ''); return "CCU device name not found for channel address $devspec" if ($hash->{ccuname} eq ''); } else { # CCU Device name $hash->{ccuname} = $devspec; my ($add, $chn) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($devspec, '', ''); return "Channel address not found for channel name $devspec" if ($add eq '' || $chn eq ''); $hash->{ccuaddr} = $add.':'.$chn; $hash->{ccuif} = HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($hash->{ccuaddr}, 'BidCos-RF'); } $hash->{ccutype} = HMCCU_GetDeviceType ($hash->{ccuaddr}, ''); $hash->{channels} = 1; $hash->{statevals} = 'devstate'; my $arg = shift @a; if (defined ($arg) && $arg eq 'readonly') { $hash->{statevals} = $arg; } # Inform HMCCU device about client device AssignIoPort ($hash); readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "state", "Initialized", 1); $hash->{ccudevstate} = 'Active'; return undef; } ##################################### # Set attribute ##################################### sub HMCCUCHN_Attr ($@) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if ($cmd eq "set") { return "Missing attribute value" if (!defined ($attrval)); if ($attrname eq 'IODev') { $hash->{IODev} = $defs{$attrval}; } elsif ($attrname eq 'statevals') { return "Device is read only" if ($hash->{statevals} eq 'readonly'); $hash->{statevals} = "devstate"; my @states = split /,/,$attrval; foreach my $st (@states) { my @statesubs = split /:/,$st; return "value := text:substext[,...]" if (@statesubs != 2); $hash->{statevals} .= '|'.$statesubs[0]; } } } elsif ($cmd eq "del") { if ($attrname eq 'statevals') { $hash->{statevals} = "devstate"; } } return undef; } ##################################### # Set commands ##################################### sub HMCCUCHN_Set ($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; my $opt = shift @a; if (!defined ($hash->{IODev})) { return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "No IO device defined"); } if ($hash->{statevals} eq 'readonly' && $opt ne 'config') { return undef; } my $statevals = AttrVal ($name, "statevals", ''); my $statedatapoint = AttrVal ($name, "statedatapoint", 'STATE'); my $controldatapoint = AttrVal ($name, "controldatapoint", ''); my $result = ''; my $rc; if ($opt eq 'datapoint') { my $objname = shift @a; my $objvalue = join ('%20', @a); if (!defined ($objname) || !defined ($objvalue)) { return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set datapoint [...]"); } $objvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($objvalue, $statevals, 1, ''); # Build datapoint address $objname = $hash->{ccuif}.'.'.$hash->{ccuaddr}.'.'.$objname; $rc = HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($hash, $objname, $objvalue); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); usleep (100000); ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $objname); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return undef; } elsif ($opt eq 'control') { return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "Attribute control datapoint not set") if ($controldatapoint eq ''); my $objvalue = shift @a; my $objname = $hash->{ccuif}.'.'.$hash->{ccuaddr}.':'.$controldatapoint; $rc = HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($hash, $objname, $objvalue); return HMCCUDEV_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return undef; } elsif ($opt =~ /^($hash->{statevals})$/) { my $cmd = $1; my $objvalue = ($cmd ne 'devstate') ? $cmd : join ('%20', @a); if (!defined ($objvalue)) { return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set devstate "); } $objvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($objvalue, $statevals, 1, ''); # Build datapoint address my $objname = $hash->{ccuif}.'.'.$hash->{ccuaddr}.'.'.$statedatapoint; $rc = HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($hash, $objname, $objvalue); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); usleep (100000); ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $objname); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return undef; } elsif ($opt eq 'config') { return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name config {parameter}={value} [...]") if (@a < 1);; my $rc = HMCCU_RPCSetConfig ($hash, $hash->{ccuaddr}, \@a); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return undef; } else { my $retmsg = "HMCCUCHN: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of config datapoint devstate"; return undef if ($hash->{statevals} eq 'readonly'); if ($hash->{statevals} ne '') { my @cmdlist = split /\|/,$hash->{statevals}; shift @cmdlist; $retmsg .= ':'.join(',',@cmdlist); foreach my $sv (@cmdlist) { $retmsg .= ' '.$sv.':noArg'; } } return $retmsg; } } ##################################### # Get commands ##################################### sub HMCCUCHN_Get ($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; my $opt = shift @a; if (!defined ($hash->{IODev})) { return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "No IO device defined"); } my $statedatapoint = AttrVal ($name, "statedatapoint", 'STATE'); my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($name, "ccureadings", 1); my $result = ''; my $rc; if ($opt eq 'devstate') { my $objname = $hash->{ccuif}.'.'.$hash->{ccuaddr}.'.'.$statedatapoint; ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $objname); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'datapoint') { my $objname = shift @a; return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get datapoint ") if (!defined ($objname)); $objname = $hash->{ccuif}.'.'.$hash->{ccuaddr}.'.'.$objname; ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $objname); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'channel') { my $dptexpr = shift @a; my $objname = $hash->{ccuif}.'.'.$hash->{ccuaddr}; $objname .= '.'.$dptexpr if (defined ($dptexpr)); my @chnlist = ($objname); ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetChannel ($hash, \@chnlist); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'update') { my $ccuget = shift @a; $ccuget = 'Attr' if (!defined ($ccuget)); if ($ccuget !~ /^(Attr|State|Value)$/) { return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get $name update [{'State'|'Value'}]"); } $rc = HMCCU_GetUpdate ($hash, $hash->{ccuaddr}, $ccuget); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return undef; } elsif ($opt eq 'config') { my $ccuobj = $hash->{ccuaddr}; my ($rc, $res) = HMCCU_RPCGetConfig ($hash, $ccuobj, "getParamset"); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'configdesc') { my $ccuobj = $hash->{ccuaddr}; my ($rc, $res) = HMCCU_RPCGetConfig ($hash, $ccuobj, "getParamsetDescription"); return HMCCUCHN_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); return $res; } else { return "HMCCUCHN: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of devstate:noArg datapoint channel update:noArg config:noArg configdesc:noArg"; } } ##################################### # Set error status ##################################### sub HMCCUCHN_SetError ($$) { my ($hash, $text) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $msg; my %errlist = ( -1 => 'Channel name or address invalid', -2 => 'Execution of CCU script failed', -3 => 'Cannot detect IO device', -4 => 'Device deleted in CCU' ); if (exists ($errlist{$text})) { $msg = $errlist{$text}; } else { $msg = $text; } $msg = "HMCCUCHN: ".$name." ". $msg; readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "state", "Error", 1); Log 1, $msg; return $msg; } 1; =pod =begin html


    The module implements client devices for HMCCU. A HMCCU device must exist before a client device can be defined.


      define <name> HMCCUCHN {<channel-name>|<channel-address>} [readonly]

      If readonly parameter is specified no set command will be available.

      define window_living HMCCUCHN WIN-LIV-1 readonly
      define temp_control HMCCUCHN BidCos-RF.LEQ1234567:1


    • set <name> devstate <value> [...]
      Set state of a CCU device channel. Channel datapoint must be defined by setting attribute 'statedatapoint'.

      set light_entrance devstate on

    • set <name> <statevalue>
      State of a CCU device channel is set to StateValue. State datapoint must be defined as attribute statedatapoint. State values can be replaced by setting attribute statevals.

      attr myswitch statedatapoint TEST
      attr myswitch statevals on:true,off:false
      set myswitch on

    • set <name> datapoint <datapoint> <value> [...]
      Set value of a datapoint of a CCU device channel.

      set temp_control datapoint SET_TEMPERATURE 21


    • get <name> devstate
      Get state of CCU device. Default datapoint STATE can be changed by setting attribute 'statedatapoint'.

    • get <name> datapoint <datapoint>
      Get value of a CCU device datapoint.

    • get <name> config
      Get configuration parameters of CCU channel.

    • get <name> configdesc
      Get description of configuration parameters of CCU channel.

    • get <name> update [{'State'|'Value'}]
      Update all datapoints / readings of channel.


    • ccuget <State | Value>
      Set read access method for CCU channel datapoints. Method 'State' is slower than 'Value' because each request is sent to the device. With method 'Value' only CCU is queried. Default is 'Value'.

    • ccureadings <0 | 1>
      If set to 1 values read from CCU will be stored as readings. Default is 1.

    • ccureadingfilter <datapoint-expr>
      Only datapoints matching specified expression are stored as readings.

    • controldatapoint <datapoint>
      Set datapoint for device control. Can be use to realize user defined control elements for setting control datapoint. For example if datapoint of thermostat control is SET_TEMPERATURE one can define a slider for setting the destination temperature with following attributes:

      attr mydev controldatapoint SET_TEMPERATURE attr mydev webCmd control attr mydev widgetOverride control:slider,10,1,25

    • statedatapoint <datapoint>
      Set datapoint for devstate commands.

    • statevals <text>:<text>[,...]
      Define substitution for set commands values. The parameters <text> are available as set commands. Example:
      attr my_switch statevals on:true,off:false
      set my_switch on

    • substitude <subst-rule>[;...]
      Define substitions for reading values. Substitutions for parfile values must be specified in parfiles. Syntax of subst-rule is

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