################################################################ # # Copyright notice # # (c) 2012 Axel Berner (bikensnow@googlemail.com) # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! # ################################################################ ############################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my %POKEYS_IOTYPE = ( "Obsolete" => 0x0100, "DigIn" => 0x8200, "DigOut" => 0x8400, "AdcIn" => 0x0800, "DigInCtRise" => 0x4001, "DigInCtFall" => 0x4002, "ExtDigOut" => 0xEF00, "GetBasic" => 0xFFFF ); my %sets = ( "off" => 0, "on" => 1, "off-for-timer" => 2, "on-for-timer" => 3 ); my %gets = ( "Version" => 0, "DevName" => 1, "Serial" => 2, "User" => 3, "Value" => 4, "CPUload" => 5 ); sub POKEYS_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "POKEYS_Define"; # $hash->{UndefFn} = "POKEYS_Undef"; $hash->{SetFn} = "POKEYS_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "POKEYS_Get"; $hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6"; #info Log(3,"POKEYS_Initialize OK"); } sub POKEYS_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; if ( (int(@a) != 2) ) { return "Wrong syntax: use get "; } if (!defined($gets{$a[1]})) { return "State \"$a[1]\" not known. Use ".join(",", sort keys %gets); } my $Type = $a[1]; my $buf = undef; if ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "GetBasic" ) { if($Type eq "Version") { $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #get version if (defined($buf)) { my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "Version:".(1+$ReOP3/16).".".($ReOP3%16).".".$ReOP4); } } elsif ($Type eq "Serial") { $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #get serial number if (defined($buf)) { my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "Serial:".($ReOP1*256+$ReOP2)); } } elsif ($Type eq "User") { $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #get user id if (defined($buf)) { my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "UserId: ".$ReOP1); } } elsif ($Type eq "DevName") { $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #get device name if (defined($buf)) { my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "Name: ".unpack("A*",pack("H*",$ReOPX))); } } elsif ($Type eq "CPUload") { $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #get CPU load if (defined($buf)) { my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "CPUload: ".(($ReOP1*100)/256)."%"); } } else { return "Get $Type not supported by GetBasic-Pin"; } } else { return "Get function not supported for $hash->{IOTYPE}"; } return undef; } sub POKEYS_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; if ( (int(@a) == 0) #internal call by on/off-for-timer && (defined($hash->{NEXTSTATE}))) { $a[1] = $hash->{NEXTSTATE}; delete($hash->{NEXTSTATE}); } if ( (int(@a) < 2) ) { return "Wrong syntax: use set " ; } if (!defined($sets{$a[1]})) { return "State \"$a[1]\" not known. Use ".join(",", sort keys %sets); } my $State = $sets{$a[1]} % 2; my $TimerActive = (($a[1] eq "on-for-timer") || ($a[1] eq "off-for-timer")); my $HoldTime = (defined($a[2])) ? $a[2] : 1; if ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "ExtDigOut" ) { my $p = $hash->{PIN} - 101; my @extPinArray = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); if ($State eq "on") { $extPinArray[9- int($p/8)] = 2**($p % 8); } else { #todo clear Log(3,"clear not yet supported"); } #print "@extPinArray\n"; my $pS = unpack("H*", pack("C*", @extPinArray)); #p += 1; print "$p->$pS<-"; my $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0xDA, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, $pS); #set pin config return "POKEYS_IO error" if (!defined($buf)); my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "Set ExtPin $hash->{PIN} to $State: $ReOP1 $ReOP2"); $hash->{STATE} = $State; $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $State; DoTrigger($hash->{NAME}, undef); } elsif ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "DigOut"){ my $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x40, $hash->{PIN}-1, $State, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #set pin config return "POKEYS_IO error" if (!defined($buf)); my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "Set Pin $hash->{PIN} to $State: (0=OK) $ReOP1"); $hash->{STATE} = $State; $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $State; DoTrigger($hash->{NAME}, undef); } else { return "Pin is no output"; } if ($TimerActive != 0) { $hash->{NEXTSTATE} = ($State == 0) ? "on" : "off"; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); #remove old trigger InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $HoldTime, "POKEYS_Set", $hash, 0); } return undef; } sub POKEYS_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); if ( (int(@a) < 5) ) { return "Wrong syntax: use define POKEYS " ; } #create connection to device $hash->{POKEYSNAME} = $a[2]; my $err = POKEYS_Connect($hash); if (defined($err)) { return "Connect failed: $err"; } #define pin $hash->{STATE} = "undefined"; $hash->{PIN} = $a[3]; $hash->{IOTYPE} = $a[4]; $hash->{INTERVAL} = (defined($a[5])) ? $a[5] : 1; #if no time is defined -> default 1sec $err = POKEYS_PinDefine($hash); if (defined($err)) { $hash->{PIN} = undef; $hash->{IOTYPE} = undef; $hash->{INTERVAL} = undef; return "PinDefine failed: $err "; } return undef; } sub POKEYS_ReDefine($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $err = POKEYS_Connect($hash); if (defined($err)) { #connect failed retry in 5sec InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "POKEYS_ReDefine", $hash, 0); return undef; } foreach my $d (keys %defs) { next if ($defs{$d}->{TYPE} ne $hash->{TYPE}); #no POKEYS device next if ($defs{$d}->{POKEYSNAME} ne $hash->{POKEYSNAME}); #other POKEYS device # redefine of pin POKEYS_PinDefine($defs{$d}); } } sub POKEYS_GetIPAdress($) { #Log(3, "$PokeysName is found at $Host"); return ''; } sub POKEYS_Connect($) { my ($hash) = @_; if ( (defined($hash->{TYPE})) && (defined($hash->{POKEYSNAME}) && (defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{$hash->{POKEYSNAME}})) && ($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{$hash->{POKEYSNAME}}{STATE} eq "connected"))) { return undef; #Pokeys is already successfully connected } my $PokeysDev = $hash->{TYPE}; my $PokeysName = $hash->{POKEYSNAME}; my $Host; my $Host_Port = '20055'; #default Port of Pokeys if ($PokeysName ~~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ ) { # Pokeys IP-adress is directly set $Host = $PokeysName; } else { #get Pokeys IP-adrress by UDP broadcast request $Host = POKEYS_GetIPAdress($PokeysName); return "PokeysName: $PokeysName does not exist" if (!defined($Host)); } my $conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $Host, PeerPort => $Host_Port, Proto => 'tcp'); if($conn) { Log(3, "Connected to $PokeysName at $conn"); $modules{$PokeysDev}{$PokeysName}{IP} = $Host; $modules{$PokeysDev}{$PokeysName}{PORT} = $Host_Port; $modules{$PokeysDev}{$PokeysName}{STATE} = "connected"; $modules{$PokeysDev}{$PokeysName}{TCPDev} = $conn; } else { return "Can't connect to $PokeysName at $Host"; } return undef; } sub POKEYS_PinDefine($) { my ($hash) = @_; return "Pin \"$hash->{PIN}\" no number" if ($hash->{PIN} !~ /[0-9]+$/); return "IOState \"$hash->{IOTYPE}\" not known. Use ".join(",", sort keys %POKEYS_IOTYPE) if (!defined($POKEYS_IOTYPE{$hash->{IOTYPE}})); if ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "GetBasic") { return "Pin $hash->{PIN} not supported (0)" if ( $hash->{PIN} != 0); } elsif ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "ExtDigOut") { return "ExtPin $hash->{PIN} not supported (101-180)" if ( ($hash->{PIN} < 101) || (180 < $hash->{PIN}) ); } else { return "Pin $hash->{PIN} not supported (1-55)" if ( ($hash->{PIN} < 1) || (55 < $hash->{PIN}) ); } if ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "GetBasic") { #No config on POKEYS needed #todo InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "POKEYS_UpdateInputs", $hash, 0); #start cyclic input read Log(3, "GetBasic device defined"); } elsif ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "ExtDigOut") { #No config on POKEYS needed (Ext is default DigOut) Log(3, "ExtPin $hash->{PIN} is configured with $hash->{IOTYPE} (0=NOK, 255=OK): 255"); } else { my $IOTYPE_HB = $POKEYS_IOTYPE{$hash->{IOTYPE}} / 0xFF; my $IOTYPE_LB = $POKEYS_IOTYPE{$hash->{IOTYPE}} % 0xFF; my $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x10, $hash->{PIN}-1, $IOTYPE_HB, $IOTYPE_LB, 0x00, ""); #0x10 set pin config return "POKEYS_IO error" if (!defined($buf)); my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); Log(3, "Pin $hash->{PIN} is configured with $hash->{IOTYPE} (0=NOK, 255=OK): $ReOP1"); if ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "DigIn") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "POKEYS_UpdateDigIn", $hash, 0); #start cyclic DigIn read } elsif ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "AdcIn") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "POKEYS_UpdateAdcIn", $hash, 0); #start cyclic AdcIn read } elsif ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "DigInCtRise") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "POKEYS_UpdateDigInCt", $hash, 0); #start cyclic DigInCt read } elsif ($hash->{IOTYPE} eq "DigInCtFall") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "POKEYS_UpdateDigInCt", $hash, 0); #start cyclic DigInCt read } else { # DigOut -> No cyclic update needed } } return undef; } sub POKEYS_UpdateDigIn($) { my ($hash) = @_; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "POKEYS_UpdateDigIn", $hash, 0); #trigger next input read my $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x30, $hash->{PIN}-1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #get DigIn return "POKEYS_IO error" if (!defined($buf)); my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); if ($ReOP1 == 0) { #Pin state is OK my $newSTATE = ($ReOP2)? "on":"off"; if ($hash->{STATE} ne $newSTATE) { $hash->{STATE} = $newSTATE; $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $newSTATE; DoTrigger($hash->{NAME}, undef); } } else { $hash->{STATE} = "Unknown"; } } sub POKEYS_UpdateAdcIn($) { my ($hash) = @_; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "POKEYS_UpdateAdcIn", $hash, 0); #trigger next input read my $buf = POKEYS_IO($hash, 0x35, $hash->{PIN}-1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ""); #get AdcIn return "POKEYS_IO error" if (!defined($buf)); my ($ReCtrl,$ReOp,$ReOP1,$ReOP2,$ReOP3,$ReOP4,$ReReqId,$Chk,$ReOPX) = unpack("CCCCCCCCH56", "$buf"); if ($ReOP1 == 0) { #Pin state is OK my $newSTATE = $ReOP2; #todo cast if ($hash->{STATE} ne $newSTATE) { $hash->{STATE} = $newSTATE; $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $newSTATE; DoTrigger($hash->{NAME}, undef); } } else { $hash->{STATE} = "Unknown"; } } sub POKEYS_IO($$$$$$$) { my ($hash, $SendOperation, $SOP1, $SOP2, $SOP3, $SOP4, $SOPX) = @_; if ($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{$hash->{POKEYSNAME}}{STATE} ne "connected") { return undef; } my $conn = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{$hash->{POKEYSNAME}}{TCPDev}; if (!defined($conn)) { Log(3, "POKEYS_IO: No handle (TCPDev) defined"); POKEYS_Disconnect($hash); return undef; } my $SendControl = 0xBB; my $SendRequestId = 0x05; #todo random my $SChk = ($SendControl + $SendOperation + $SOP1 + $SOP2 + $SOP3 + $SOP4 + $SendRequestId) % 0x100; # add 8 bytes, plus string (max 56byte) and rest filled with zero my $msg = pack ("CCCCCCCCH112",$SendControl,$SendOperation,$SOP1, $SOP2, $SOP3, $SOP4,$SendRequestId,$SChk,$SOPX); my $res = syswrite($conn, $msg); if (!defined($res)) { Log(3, "POKEYS_IO write error"); POKEYS_Disconnect($hash); return undef; } my $bufRaw; $res = sysread($conn, $bufRaw, 64); if(!defined($res)) { Log(3, "POKEYS_IO read error"); POKEYS_Disconnect($hash); return undef; } #my $buf = unpack("H*","$bufRaw"); #print "$buf\n"; my ($ResControl,$ResOperation,$ROP1,$ROP2,$ROP3,$ROP4,$ResRequestId, $RChk) = unpack("CCCCCCCC", "$bufRaw"); #print "$ResControl $ResOperation $ROP1 $ROP2 $ROP3 $ROP4 $ResRequestId $RChk\n"; if (($ResControl + $ResOperation + $ROP1 + $ROP2 +$ROP3 + $ROP4 + $ResRequestId) % 0x100 != $RChk) { Log(3, "Wrong chk"); return undef; } if ($ResControl != 0xAA) { Log(3, "Control wrong"); return undef;} if ($ResOperation != $SendOperation) { Log(3, "Control Operation: $ResOperation vs $SendOperation"); return undef;} if ($SendRequestId != $ResRequestId) { Log(3, "Wrong Id: $SendRequestId vs $ResRequestId"); return undef;} return $bufRaw; } sub POKEYS_Disconnect($) { my ($hash) = @_; $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{$hash->{POKEYSNAME}}{STATE} = "disconnected"; Log(3, "Disconnect of $hash->{POKEYSNAME}. Try reconnect"); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.1, "POKEYS_ReDefine", $hash, 0); } 1; =pod =begin html


    The POKEYS module is used to control the LAN POKEYS device (POKEYS56e) which supports up to 56 digital input, analog inputs, counter inputs and digital outputs. Each port/pin has to be configured before it can be used.

      define <name> POKEYS <ip-address> <pin> <io-state> [<time in ms>]

      <ip-address> the IP address where the POKEYS device can be accessed
      <pin> the pin number which should be configured
      <io-state> the new io state of the pin Obsolete(=undef) DigIn DigOut AdcIn DigInCtRise DigInCtFall ExtDigOut GetBasic
      <time in ms> optional else 1000ms: cyclic update time for Input pin

        define PoInfo POKEYS 0 GetBasic
        # creates a virtual pin for getting infos about the device with the get command
        define Pin44in POKEYS 44 DigIn 200
        # creates a digitial input port on pin 44
        define Pin25out POKEYS 25 DigOut
        # creates a digial output port on pin 25

      set <name> <state> [<time in ms>]

      <state> can be OFF ON OFF_PULSE ON_PULSE
      <time in ms> optional else 1000ms hold time for the ON_PULSE OFF_PULSE state

        set Pin25out ON
        # sets Pin25out to ON (0V)

      get <name> <type>

      only supported for pins of type GetBasic
      <type> can be Version DevName Serial User CPUload

        get PoInfo Version
        # gets the version of the POKEYS device


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