# FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire temperature sensors DS1820, DS18S20, DS18B20, DS1822
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# Norbert Truchsess
# $Id$
# define OWTHERM [] [interval] or . [interval]
# where may be replaced by any name string
# is a 1-Wire device type. If omitted AND no FAM_ID given we assume this to be an
# DS1820 temperature sensor. Currently allowed values are DS1820, DS18B20, DS1822
# is a 1-Wire family id, currently allowed values are 10, 22, 28
# is a 12 character (6 byte) 1-Wire ROM ID
# without Family ID, e.g. A2D90D000800
# [interval] is an optional query interval in seconds
# get id => FAM_ID.ROM_ID.CRC
# get present => 1 if device present, 0 if not
# get interval => query interval
# get temperature => temperature measurement
# get alarm => alarm temperature settings
# get version => OWX version number
# set interval => period for measurement
# set tempLow => lower alarm temperature setting
# set tempHigh => higher alarm temperature setting
# Additional attributes are defined in fhem.cfg
# attr stateAL "" = character string for denoting low alarm condition, default is down triangle
# attr stateAH "" = character string for denoting high alarm condition, default is up triangle
# attr tempOffset = temperature offset in degree Celsius added to the raw temperature reading
# attr tempUnit = unit of measurement, e.g. Celsius/Kelvin/Fahrenheit, default is Celsius
# attr tempConv onkick|onread = determines, whether a temperature measurement will happen when "kicked"
# through the OWX backend module (all temperature sensors at the same time), or on
# reading the sensor (1 second waiting time).
# attr resolution 9|10|11|12 = resolution in bit for measurement
# attr interval = period for measurement
# attr tempLow = lower alarm temperature setting
# attr tempHigh = higher alarm temperature setting
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use vars qw{%attr %defs %modules $readingFnAttributes $init_done};
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );
#add FHEM/lib to @INC if it's not allready included. Should rather be in fhem.pl than here though...
if (!grep(/FHEM\/lib$/,@INC)) {
foreach my $inc (grep(/FHEM$/,@INC)) {
push @INC,$inc."/lib";
use ProtoThreads;
no warnings 'deprecated';
sub Log3($$$);
sub AttrVal($$$);
my $owx_version="5.23";
my %gets = (
"id" => "",
"present" => "",
"interval" => "",
"temperature" => "",
"alarm" => "",
"version" => ""
my %sets = (
"interval" => "",
"tempHigh" => "",
"tempLow" => ""
my %updates = (
"present" => "",
"temperature" => "",
"alarm" => ""
#-- conversion times in milliseconds depend on resolution
my %convtimes = (
9 => 100,
10 => 200,
11 => 400,
12 => 800,
# The following subroutines are independent of the bus interface
# Prefix = OWTHERM
# OWTHERM_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWTHERM_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "OWTHERM_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "OWTHERM_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "OWTHERM_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "OWTHERM_Set";
$hash->{NotifyFn}= "OWTHERM_Notify";
$hash->{InitFn} = "OWTHERM_Init";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "OWTHERM_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList}= "IODev model:DS1820,DS18B20,DS1822 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 ".
"stateAL stateAH ".
"tempOffset tempUnit:Celsius,Fahrenheit,Kelvin ".
"tempConv:onkick,onread tempLow tempHigh ".
"resolution:9,10,11,12 interval ".
#-- make sure OWX is loaded so OWX_CRC is available if running with OWServer
# OWTHERM_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub OWTHERM_Define ($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
# define OWTHERM [] [interval]
# e.g.: define flow OWTHERM 525715020000 300
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my ($name,$model,$fam,$id,$crc,$interval,$ret);
#-- default
$name = $a[0];
$interval = 300;
$ret = "";
#-- check syntax
return "OWTHERM: Wrong syntax, must be define OWTHERM [] [interval] or OWTHERM . [interval]"
if(int(@a) < 2 || int(@a) > 6);
#-- different types of definition allowed
my $a2 = $a[2];
my $a3 = defined($a[3]) ? $a[3] : "";
#-- no model, 12 characters
if( $a2 =~ m/^[0-9|a-f|A-F]{12}$/ ) {
$model = "DS1820";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS1820");
$fam = "10";
$id = $a[2];
if(int(@a)>=4) { $interval = $a[3]; }
#-- no model, 2+12 characters
} elsif( $a2 =~ m/^[0-9|a-f|A-F]{2}\.[0-9|a-f|A-F]{12}$/ ) {
$fam = substr($a[2],0,2);
$id = substr($a[2],3);
if(int(@a)>=4) { $interval = $a[3]; }
if( $fam eq "10" ){
$model = "DS1820";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS1820");
}elsif( $fam eq "22" ){
$model = "DS1822";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS1822");
}elsif( $fam eq "28" ){
$model = "DS18B20";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS18B20");
return "OWTHERM: Wrong 1-Wire device family $fam";
#-- model, 12 characters
} elsif( $a3 =~ m/^[0-9|a-f|A-F]{12}$/ ) {
$model = $a[2];
$id = $a[3];
if(int(@a)>=5) { $interval = $a[4]; }
if( $model eq "DS1820" ){
$fam = "10";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS1820");
}elsif( $model eq "DS1822" ){
$fam = "22";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS1822");
}elsif( $model eq "DS18B20" ){
$fam = "28";
CommandAttr (undef,"$name model DS1822");
return "OWTHERM: Wrong 1-Wire device model $model";
} else {
return "OWTHERM: $a[0] ID $a[2] invalid, specify a 12 or 2.12 digit value";
#-- determine CRC Code
$crc = sprintf("%02X",OWX_CRC($fam.".".$id."00"));
#-- define device internals
$hash->{ALARM} = 0;
$hash->{OW_ID} = $id;
$hash->{OW_FAMILY} = $fam;
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
$hash->{ROM_ID} = "$fam.$id.$crc";
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{ERRCOUNT} = 0;
#-- temperature globals - always the raw values from/for the device
$hash->{owg_temp} = "";
$hash->{owg_th} = "";
$hash->{owg_tl} = "";
#-- Couple to I/O device
if( !defined($hash->{IODev}) or !defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) ){
return "OWTHERM: Warning, no 1-Wire I/O device found for $name.";
#-- if coupled, test if ASYNC or not
} else {
$hash->{ASYNC} = $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "OWX_ASYNC" ? 1 : 0;
$modules{OWTHERM}{defptr}{$id} = $hash;
Log3 $name, 3, "OWTHERM: Device $name defined.";
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
if ($init_done) {
return undef;
sub OWTHERM_Notify ($$) {
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
if( grep(m/^(INITIALIZED|REREADCFG)$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}) ) {
} elsif( grep(m/^SAVE$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}) ) {
sub OWTHERM_Init ($) {
my ($hash)=@_;
#-- Start timer for updates
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "OWTHERM_GetValues", $hash, 0);
return undef;
# OWTHERM_Attr - Set one attribute value for device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument array
sub OWTHERM_Attr(@) {
my ($do,$name,$key,$value) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $ret;
if ( $do eq "set") {
#-- interval modified at runtime
$key eq "interval" and do {
#-- check value
return "OWTHERM: Set with short interval, must be > 1" if(int($value) < 1);
#-- update timer
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $value;
if ($init_done) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWTHERM_GetValues", $hash, 0);
#-- resolution modified at runtime
$key eq "resolution" and do {
$hash->{owg_cf} = $value;
#-- alarm settings modified at runtime
$key =~ m/(.*)(Low|High)/ and do {
#-- safeguard against uninitialized devices
return undef
if( $hash->{READINGS}{"state"}{VAL} eq "defined" );
$ret = OWTHERM_Set($hash,($name,$key,$value));
$key eq "IODev" and do {
if( defined($hash->{IODev}) ) {
$hash->{ASYNC} = $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE} eq "OWX_ASYNC" ? 1 : 0;
if ($init_done) {
return $ret;
# OWTHERM_FormatValues - put together various format strings
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, fs = format string
sub OWTHERM_FormatValues($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $interface = $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
my ($unit,$offset,$factor,$abbr,$vval,$vlow,$vhigh,$statef,$stateal,$stateah);
my $svalue = "";
#-- attributes defined ?
$stateal = AttrVal($name,"stateAL","▾");
$stateah = AttrVal($name,"stateAH","▴");
$unit = AttrVal($name,"tempUnit","Celsius");
$offset = AttrVal($name,"tempOffset",0.0);
$factor = 1.0;
if( $unit eq "Celsius" ){
$abbr = "°C";
} elsif ($unit eq "Kelvin" ){
$abbr = "K";
$offset += "273.16"
} elsif ($unit eq "Fahrenheit" ){
$abbr = "°F";
$offset = ($offset+32)/1.8;
$factor = 1.8;
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "OWTHERM_FormatValues: Unknown temperature unit $unit";
#-- these values are rather complex to obtain, therefore save them in the hash
$hash->{READINGS}{"temperature"}{UNIT} = $unit;
$hash->{READINGS}{"temperature"}{UNITABBR} = $abbr;
$hash->{tempf}{offset} = $offset;
$hash->{tempf}{factor} = $factor;
#-- no change in any value if invalid reading
return if( $hash->{owg_temp} eq "");
#-- correct values for proper offset, factor
$vval = ($hash->{owg_temp} + $offset)*$factor;
$vlow = floor(($hash->{owg_tl} + $offset)*$factor+0.5);
$vhigh = floor(($hash->{owg_th} + $offset)*$factor+0.5);
$main::attr{$name}{"tempLow"} = $vlow;
$main::attr{$name}{"tempHigh"} = $vhigh;
#-- formats for output
$statef = "T: %5.2f ".$abbr;
$svalue = sprintf($statef,$vval);
#-- Test for alarm condition
$hash->{ALARM} = 1;
if( ($vval <= $vlow) && ( $vval >= $vhigh ) ){
$svalue .= " ".$stateal.$stateah;
}elsif( $vval <= $vlow ){
$svalue .= " ".$stateal;
}elsif( $vval >= $vhigh ){
$svalue .= " ".$stateah;
} else {
$hash->{ALARM} = 0;
#-- put into READINGS
return $svalue;
# OWTHERM_Get - Implements GetFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, a = argument array
sub OWTHERM_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $reading = $a[1];
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
my $value = undef;
my $ret = "";
#-- check syntax
return "OWTHERM: Get argument is missing @a"
if(int(@a) != 2);
#-- check argument
return "OWTHERM: Get with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".join(" ", sort keys %gets)
#-- get id
if($a[1] eq "id") {
$value = $hash->{ROM_ID};
return "$name.id => $value";
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
#-- Get other values according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
#-- get present
if($a[1] eq "present" ) {
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface =~ /^OWX/ ){
#-- asynchronous mode
if( $hash->{ASYNC} ){
eval {
return GP_Catch($@) if $@;
return "$name.present => ".ReadingsVal($name,"present","unknown");
} else {
$value = OWX_Verify($master,$hash->{ROM_ID});
$hash->{PRESENT} = $value;
return "$name.present => $value";
} else {
return "OWTHERM: Verification not yet implemented for interface $interface";
#-- get interval
if($a[1] eq "interval") {
$value = $hash->{INTERVAL};
return "$name.interval => $value";
#-- get version
if( $a[1] eq "version") {
return "$name.version => $owx_version";
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
#-- not different from getting all values ..
$ret = OWXTHERM_GetValues($hash);
}elsif( $interface eq "OWX_ASYNC" ){
eval {
$ret = OWX_ASYNC_RunToCompletion($hash,OWXTHERM_PT_GetValues($hash));
$ret = GP_Catch($@) if $@;
#-- OWFS interface
}elsif( $interface eq "OWServer" ){
$ret = OWFSTHERM_GetValues($hash);
#-- Unknown interface
return "OWTHERM: Get with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results
if( defined($ret) ){
return "OWTHERM: Could not get values from device $name, return was $ret";
#-- return the special reading
if ($reading eq "temperature") {
return "OWTHERM: $name.temperature => ".
} elsif ($reading eq "alarm") {
return "OWTHERM: $name.alarm => L ".$main::attr{$name}{"tempLow"}.
" H ".$main::attr{$name}{"tempHigh"};
return undef;
# OWTHERM_GetValues - Updates the readings from device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWTHERM_GetValues($@) {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $value = "";
my $ret;
#-- check if device needs to be initialized
if( $hash->{READINGS}{"state"}{VAL} eq "defined"){
#-- restart timer for updates
InternalTimer(time()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OWTHERM_GetValues", $hash, 0);
#-- Get values according to interface type
my $interface= $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
#-- max 3 tries
for(my $try=0; $try<3; $try++){
$ret = OWXTHERM_GetValues($hash);
if( !defined($ret) );
}elsif( $interface eq "OWX_ASYNC" ){
#-- skip, if the conversion is driven by master
unless ( defined($attr{$name}{tempConv}) && ( $attr{$name}{tempConv} eq "onkick") ){
eval {
OWX_ASYNC_Schedule( $hash, OWXTHERM_PT_GetValues($hash) );
$ret = GP_Catch($@) if $@;
}elsif( $interface eq "OWServer" ){
$ret = OWFSTHERM_GetValues($hash);
Log3 $name, 3, "OWTHERM: GetValues with wrong IODev type $interface";
return 1;
#-- process results
if( defined($ret) ){
if( $hash->{ERRCOUNT} > 5 ){
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 9999;
return "OWTHERM: Could not get values from device $name for ".$hash->{ERRCOUNT}." times, reason $ret";
return undef;
# OWTHERM_InitializeDevice - delayed setting of initial readings
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWTHERM_InitializeDevice($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my $interface = $master->{TYPE};
my @a = ($name,"",0);
my ($unit,$offset,$factor,$abbr,$value,$ret);
#-- attributes defined ?
$unit = AttrVal($name,"tempUnit","Celsius");
$offset = AttrVal($name,"tempOffset",0.0);
$factor = 1.0;
if( $unit eq "Celsius" ){
$abbr = "°C";
} elsif ($unit eq "Kelvin" ){
$abbr = "K";
$offset += "273.16"
} elsif ($unit eq "Fahrenheit" ){
$abbr = "°F";
$offset = ($offset+32)/1.8;
$factor = 1.8;
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "OWTHERM_InitializeDevice: unknown unit $unit";
#-- these values are rather complex to obtain, therefore save them in the hash
$hash->{READINGS}{"temperature"}{TYPE} = "temperature";
$hash->{READINGS}{"temperature"}{UNIT} = $unit;
$hash->{READINGS}{"temperature"}{UNITABBR} = $abbr;
$hash->{ERRCOUNT} = 0;
$hash->{tempf}{offset} = $offset;
$hash->{tempf}{factor} = $factor;
#-- Check if temperature conversion is consistent
if( $interface =~ /^OWX/ ){
if( defined($attr{$name}{tempConv}) && ( $attr{$name}{tempConv} eq "onkick") ){
if( !(defined($attr{$hash->{IODev}->{NAME}}{dokick})) ||
( defined($attr{$hash->{IODev}->{NAME}}{dokick}) && ($attr{$hash->{IODev}->{NAME}}{dokick} eq "0") )){
Log3 $name, 1,"OWTHERM: Attribute tempConv=onkick changed to onread for $name because interface is not kicking";
}elsif( $interface eq "OWServer" ){
if( !(defined($attr{$name}{tempConv})) ||
(defined($attr{$name}{tempConv}) && ($attr{$name}{tempConv} eq "onread") ) ){
Log3 $name, 1,"OWTHERM: Attribute tempConv=onread changed to onkick for $name because interface is OWFS";
my $args = {};
#-- Set the attribute values if defined
if ( defined($attr{$name}{resolution}) ) {
$args->{resolution} = $attr{$name}{resolution};
if( defined($attr{$name}{"tempLow"}) ){
$args->{tempLow} = floor($attr{$name}{"tempLow"}/$factor-$offset+0.5);
if( defined($attr{$name}{"tempHigh"}) ){
$args->{tempHigh} = floor($attr{$name}{"tempHigh"}/$factor-$offset+0.5);
#-- put into device
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXTHERM_SetValues($hash,$args);
}elsif( $interface eq "OWX_ASYNC" ){
eval {
$ret = OWX_ASYNC_RunToCompletion($hash,OWXTHERM_PT_SetValues($hash,$args));
$ret = GP_Catch($@) if $@;
#-- OWFS interface
}elsif( $interface eq "OWServer" ){
$ret = OWFSTHERM_SetValues($hash,$args);
#-- process results
if( defined($ret) ){
return "OWTHERM: Could not initialize device $name, reason: ".$ret;
#-- Set state to initialized
return undef;
# OWTHERM_Set - Set one value for device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument string
sub OWTHERM_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
return join(" ", sort keys %sets) if(@a == 2);
#-- check syntax
return "OWTHERM: Set needs one parameter"
if(int(@a) != 3);
#-- check argument
return "OWTHERM: Set with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".join(",", sort keys %sets)
#-- define vars
my $key = $a[1];
my $value = $a[2];
my $ret = undef;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $model = $hash->{OW_MODEL};
#-- set new timer interval
if($key eq "interval") {
# check value
return "OWTHERM: Set with short interval, must be >= 1"
if(int($value) < 1);
# update timer
return OWTHERM_Attr("set",@a);
#-- set tempLow or tempHigh
if( (lc($key) eq "templow") || (lc($key) eq "temphigh")) {
my $interface = $hash->{IODev}->{TYPE};
my $offset = defined($hash->{tempf}{offset}) ? $hash->{tempf}{offset} : 0.0;
my $factor = defined($hash->{tempf}{factor}) ? $hash->{tempf}{factor} : 1.0;
#-- Only integer values are allowed
$value = floor($value+0.5);
#-- First we have to read the current data, because alarms may not be set independently
$hash->{owg_tl} = floor($main::attr{$name}{"tempLow"}/$factor-$offset+0.5);
$hash->{owg_th} = floor($main::attr{$name}{"tempHigh"}/$factor-$offset+0.5);
#-- find upper and lower boundaries for given offset/factor
my $mmin = floor((-55+$offset)*$factor+0.5);
my $mmax = floor((125+$offset)*$factor+0.5);
return sprintf("OWTHERM: Set with wrong value $value for $key, range is [%3.1f,%3.1f]",$mmin,$mmax)
if($value < $mmin || $value > $mmax);
#-- seems to be ok, correcting for offset and factor
my $args = {
$key => floor($value/$factor-$offset+0.5),
#-- put into attribute value
if( lc($key) eq "templow" ){
if( $main::attr{$name}{"tempLow"} != $value ){
$main::attr{$name}{"tempLow"} = $value;
if( lc($key) eq "temphigh" ){
if( $main::attr{$name}{"tempHigh"} != $value ){
$main::attr{$name}{"tempHigh"} = $value;
#-- put into device
#-- OWX interface
if( $interface eq "OWX" ){
$ret = OWXTHERM_SetValues($hash,$args);
}elsif( $interface eq "OWX_ASYNC" ){
$args->{format} = 1;
eval {
OWX_ASYNC_Schedule( $hash, OWXTHERM_PT_SetValues($hash,$args) );
$ret = GP_Catch($@) if $@;
#-- OWFS interface
}elsif( $interface eq "OWServer" ){
$ret = OWFSTHERM_SetValues($hash,$args);
} else {
return "OWTHERM: Set with wrong IODev type $interface";
#-- process results
if( defined($ret) ){
return "OWTHERM: Could not set device $name, reason: ".$ret;
#-- process results
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
Log3 $name, 4, "OWTHERM: Set $hash->{NAME} $key $value";
return undef;
# OWTHERM_Undef - Implements UndefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWTHERM_Undef ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a 1-Wire bus connected
# via OWFS
# Prefix = OWFSTHERM
# OWFSTHERM_GetValues - Get values from device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWFSTHERM_GetValues($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_add = substr($hash->{ROM_ID},0,15);
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- reset presence
$hash->{PRESENT} = 0;
#-- resolution (set by Attribute 'resolution' on OWFS)
my $resolution = defined $hash->{owg_cf} ? $hash->{owg_cf} : "";
#-- get values - or should we rather get the uncached ones ?
$hash->{owg_temp} = OWServer_Read($master,"/$owx_add/temperature$resolution");
my $ow_thn = OWServer_Read($master,"/$owx_add/temphigh");
my $ow_tln = OWServer_Read($master,"/$owx_add/templow");
return "no return from OWServer"
if( (!defined($hash->{owg_temp})) || (!defined($ow_thn)) || (!defined($ow_tln)) );
return "empty return from OWServer"
if( ($hash->{owg_temp} eq "") || ($ow_thn eq "") || ($ow_tln eq "") );
#-- process alarm settings
$hash->{owg_tl} = $ow_tln;
$hash->{owg_th} = $ow_thn;
#-- and now from raw to formatted values
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
my $value = OWTHERM_FormatValues($hash);
Log3 $name, 5, $value;
return undef;
# OWFSTHERM_SetValues - Set values in device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWFSTHERM_SetValues($$) {
my ($hash,$args) = @_;
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_add = substr($hash->{ROM_ID},0,15);
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- $owg_tl and $owg_th are preset and may be changed here
foreach my $key (keys %$args) {
my $value = $args->{$key};
next unless (defined $value and $value ne "");
if( lc($key) eq "templow") {
$hash->{owg_tl} = $value;
} elsif( lc($key) eq "temphigh") {
$hash->{owg_th} = $value;
} elsif( lc($key) eq "resolution") {
$hash->{owg_cf} = $value;
} else {
OWServer_Write($master, "/$owx_add/".lc($key),$value);
return undef
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a 1-Wire bus connected
# directly to the FHEM server
# Prefix = OWXTHERM
# OWXTHERM_BinValues - Binary readings into clear values
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWXTHERM_BinValues($$$$$$) {
my ($hash, $reset, $owx_dev, $command, $numread, $res) = @_;
#Log3 $name, 1,"OWXTHERM_BinValues context = $context";
my ($i,$j,$k,@data,$ow_thn,$ow_tln);
my $change = 0;
#Log3 $name, 1,"OWXTHERM: data length from reading device is ".length($res)." bytes";
#-- process results
die "$owx_dev not accessible in 2nd step" unless ( defined $res and $res ne 0 );
#-- process results
die "invalid data length, ".int(@data)." instead of 9 bytes"
if (@data != 9);
die "invalid data"
if (ord($data[7])<=0);
die "invalid CRC"
if (OWX_CRC8(substr($res,0,8),$data[8])==0);
#-- this must be different for the different device types
# family = 10 => DS1820, DS18S20
if( $hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "10" ) {
my $count_remain = ord($data[6]);
my $count_perc = ord($data[7]);
my $delta = -0.25 + ($count_perc - $count_remain)/$count_perc;
my $lsb = ord($data[0]);
my $msb = 0;
my $sign = ord($data[1]) & 255;
#-- test with -25 degrees
#$lsb = 12*16+14;
#$sign = 1;
#$delta = 0;
#-- 2's complement form = signed bytes
$hash->{owg_temp} = int($lsb/2) + $delta;
if( $sign !=0 ){
$hash->{owg_temp} = -128+$hash->{owg_temp};
$ow_thn = ord($data[2]) > 127 ? 128-ord($data[2]) : ord($data[2]);
$ow_tln = ord($data[3]) > 127 ? 128-ord($data[3]) : ord($data[3]);
} elsif ( ($hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "22") || ($hash->{OW_FAMILY} eq "28") ) {
my $lsb = ord($data[0]);
my $msb = ord($data[1]) & 7;
my $sign = ord($data[1]) & 248;
#-- test with -55 degrees
#$lsb = 9*16;
#$sign = 1;
#$msb = 7;
#-- 2's complement form = signed bytes
$hash->{owg_temp} = $msb*16+ $lsb/16;
if( $sign !=0 ){
$hash->{owg_temp} = -128+$hash->{owg_temp};
$ow_thn = ord($data[2]) > 127 ? 128-ord($data[2]) : ord($data[2]);
$ow_tln = ord($data[3]) > 127 ? 128-ord($data[3]) : ord($data[3]);
} else {
die "OWXTHERM: Unknown device family $hash->{OW_FAMILY}\n";
#-- process alarm settings
$hash->{owg_tl} = $ow_tln;
$hash->{owg_th} = $ow_thn;
#-- and now from raw to formatted values
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
my $value = OWTHERM_FormatValues($hash);
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, $value;
return undef;
# OWXTHERM_GetValues - Trigger reading from one device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWXTHERM_GetValues($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#-- For default, perform the conversion now
my $con=1;
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- check, if the conversion has been called before for all sensors
if( defined($attr{$name}{tempConv}) && ( $attr{$name}{tempConv} eq "onkick") ){
#-- if the conversion has not been called before
if( $con==1 ){
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the start conversion command \x44
if( OWX_Complex($master,$owx_dev,"\x44",0) eq 0 ){
return "$owx_dev not accessible";
#-- conversion needs some 950 ms - but we may also do it in shorter time !
#-- NOW ask the specific device
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the read scratchpad command \xBE
#-- reading 9 + 1 + 8 data bytes and 1 CRC byte = 19 bytes
my $res=OWX_Complex($master,$owx_dev,"\xBE",9);
return "$owx_dev not accessible in reading"
if( $res eq 0 );
return "$owx_dev has returned invalid data"
if( length($res)!=19);
eval {
return $@ ? $@ : undef;
# OWXTHERM_SetValues - Implements SetFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument array
sub OWXTHERM_SetValues($$) {
my ($hash, $args) = @_;
my ($i,$j,$k);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
return undef unless (defined $args->{resolution} or defined $args->{tempLow} or defined $args->{tempHigh});
#-- $owg_tl and $owg_th are preset and may be changed here
foreach my $key (keys %$args) {
$hash->{owg_tl} = $args->{$key} if( lc($key) eq "templow");
$hash->{owg_th} = $args->{$key} if( lc($key) eq "temphigh");
$hash->{owg_cf} = $args->{$key} if( lc($key) eq "resolution");
#-- put into 2's complement formed (signed byte)
my $tlp = $hash->{owg_tl} < 0 ? 128 - $hash->{owg_tl} : $hash->{owg_tl};
my $thp = $hash->{owg_th} < 0 ? 128 - $hash->{owg_th} : $hash->{owg_th};
#-- resolution is defined in bits 5+6 of configuration register
my $cfg = defined $hash->{owg_cf} ? (($hash->{owg_cf}-9) << 5) | 0x1f : 0x7f;
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the write scratchpad command \x4E,
# followed by 3 bytes of data (alarm_temp_high, alarm_temp_low, config)
# config-byte of 0x7F means 12 bit resolution (750ms convert time)
# so far writing the EEPROM does not work properly.
# 1. \x48 directly appended to the write scratchpad command => command ok, no effect on EEPROM
# 2. \x48 appended to match ROM => command not ok.
# 3. \x48 sent by WriteBytePower after match ROM => command ok, no effect on EEPROM
my $select=sprintf("\x4E%c%c%c",$thp,$tlp,$cfg);
my $res=OWX_Complex($master,$owx_dev,$select,3);
if( $res eq 0 ){
return "OWXTHERM: Device $owx_dev not accessible";
return undef;
# OWXTHERM_GetValues - Trigger reading from one device
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub OWXTHERM_PT_GetValues($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
#-- For default, perform the conversion now
my $con=1;
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- check, if the conversion has been called before for all sensors
if( defined($attr{$name}{tempConv}) && ( $attr{$name}{tempConv} eq "onkick") ){
#-- if the conversion has not been called before
if( $con==1 ){
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the start conversion command \x44
my $now = gettimeofday();
my $delay = $convtimes{AttrVal($name,"resolution",12)};
$thread->{ExecuteTime} = $now + $delay*0.001;
$thread->{pt_execute} = OWX_ASYNC_PT_Execute($master,1,$owx_dev,"\x44",0);
$thread->{TimeoutTime} = gettimeofday()+2; #TODO: implement attribute-based timeout
delete $thread->{TimeoutTime};
die $thread->{pt_execute}->PT_CAUSE() if ($thread->{pt_execute}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR);
PT_YIELD_UNTIL(gettimeofday() >= $thread->{ExecuteTime});
delete $thread->{ExecuteTime};
#-- NOW ask the specific device
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the read scratchpad command \xBE
#-- reading 9 + 1 + 8 data bytes and 1 CRC byte = 19 bytes
$thread->{pt_execute} = OWX_ASYNC_PT_Execute($master,1,$owx_dev,"\xBE",9);
$thread->{TimeoutTime} = gettimeofday()+2; #TODO: implement attribute-based timeout
delete $thread->{TimeoutTime};
die $thread->{pt_execute}->PT_CAUSE() if ($thread->{pt_execute}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR);
# OWXTHERM_PT_SetValues - Implements SetFn function async
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument array
sub OWXTHERM_PT_SetValues($$) {
my ($hash,$args) = @_;
return PT_THREAD( sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
my ($i,$j,$k);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_dev = $hash->{ROM_ID};
#-- hash of the busmaster
my $master = $hash->{IODev};
unless (defined $args->{resolution} or defined $args->{tempLow} or defined $args->{tempHigh}) {
#-- $owg_tl and $owg_th are preset and may be changed here
foreach my $key (keys %$args) {
$hash->{owg_tl} = $args->{$key} if( lc($key) eq "templow");
$hash->{owg_th} = $args->{$key} if( lc($key) eq "temphigh");
$hash->{owg_cf} = $args->{$key} if( lc($key) eq "resolution");
#-- put into 2's complement formed (signed byte)
my $tlp = $hash->{owg_tl} < 0 ? 128 - $hash->{owg_tl} : $hash->{owg_tl};
my $thp = $hash->{owg_th} < 0 ? 128 - $hash->{owg_th} : $hash->{owg_th};
#-- resolution is defined in bits 5+6 of configuration register
my $cfg = defined $hash->{owg_cf} ? (($hash->{owg_cf}-9) << 5) | 0x1f : 0x7f;
#-- issue the match ROM command \x55 and the write scratchpad command \x4E,
# followed by 3 bytes of data (alarm_temp_high, alarm_temp_low, config)
# config-byte of 0x7F means 12 bit resolution (750ms convert time)
# so far writing the EEPROM does not work properly.
# 1. \x48 directly appended to the write scratchpad command => command ok, no effect on EEPROM
# 2. \x48 appended to match ROM => command not ok.
# 3. \x48 sent by WriteBytePower after match ROM => command ok, no effect on EEPROM
my $select=sprintf("\x4E%c%c%c",$thp,$tlp,$cfg);
$thread->{pt_execute} = OWX_ASYNC_PT_Execute($master,1,$owx_dev,$select,3);
die $thread->{pt_execute}->PT_CAUSE() if ($thread->{pt_execute}->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR);
#-- process results
$hash->{PRESENT} = 1;
if ($args->{format}) {
=begin html
FHEM module to commmunicate with 1-Wire bus digital thermometer devices
This 1-Wire module works with the OWX interface module or with the OWServer interface module
(prerequisite: Add this module's name to the list of clients in OWServer).
Please define an OWX device or OWServer device first.
define OWX_T OWTHERM DS18B20 E8D09B030000 300
attr OWX_T tempUnit Kelvin
define <name> OWTHERM [<model>] <id> [<interval>]
define <name> OWTHERM <fam>.<id> [<interval>]
Define a 1-Wire digital thermometer device.
Defines the thermometer model (and thus 1-Wire family
id) currently the following values are permitted:
- model DS1820 with family id 10 (default if the model parameter is omitted)
- model DS1822 with family id 22
- model DS18B20 with family id 28
2-character unique family id, see above
12-character unique ROM id of the thermometer device without family id and CRC
Temperature measurement interval in seconds. The default is 300 seconds.
set <name> interval <int>
readout interval in seconds. The default is 300 seconds. Attention:This is the
readout interval. Whether an actual temperature measurement is performed, is determined by the
tempConv attribute
set <name> tempHigh <float>
The high alarm temperature (on the temperature scale chosen by the attribute
set <name> tempLow <float>
The low alarm temperature (on the temperature scale chosen by the attribute
attr <name> stateAL <string>
character string for denoting low alarm condition, default is down triangle,
e.g. the code ▾ leading to the sign ▾
attr <name> stateAH <string>
character string for denoting high alarm condition, default is upward
triangle, e.g. the code ▴ leading to the sign ▴
attr <name> tempConv onkick|onread
determines, whether a temperature measurement will happen when "kicked"
through the OWX backend module (all temperature sensors at the same time), or on
reading the sensor (1 second waiting time, default).
attr <name> tempOffset <float>
temperature offset in °C added to the raw temperature reading.
attr <name> tempUnit
unit of measurement (temperature scale), default is Celsius = °C
attr <name> resolution 9|10|11|12
resolution in bit, only relevant for DS18B20
attr <name> interval <int>
readout interval in seconds. The default is 300 seconds. Attention:This is the
readout interval. Whether an actual temperature measurement is performed, is determined by the
tempConv attribute
attr <name> tempHigh <float>
high alarm temperature (on the temperature scale chosen by the attribute
attr <name> tempLow <float>
low alarm temperature (on the temperature scale chosen by the attribute
- Standard attributes alias, comment, event-on-update-reading, event-on-change-reading, stateFormat, room, eventMap, loglevel,
=end html