<html> <head> </head> <body> <h1> VoIP2FHEM or HOWTO control the FHEM with Asterisk</h1><br> <b>Description</b><br> <ul>This is a HOWTO about the use of a VoIP-DECT-Telephone as a remote controller for the <a href='http://fhem.de'>FHEM-Devices.</a><br>The provided scripts are under the GPL.<br> <br> The Goal is<br> -- Switching the FS20-Devices <br> -- text2speach, the Telephone reads e.g. the measured-temp <br> -- Possibility to start scripts with the Remote Telephone<br> -- AND EVERYTHING MUST RUN ON THE NSLU2 :-)<br> <br> </ul> <b>Technical Overview</b><br> <ul> On the NLSU2 (or every other Linux Box) runs an Asterisk. This machine must not be the machine with the FHEM. I bought the Voip-DECT-Telephone Siemens Gigaset C470 IP (80.-EUR). It has a nice Webinterface and it is possible to read in a self made telephone book.<br> The Asterisk calls depending on the dialed number a bash skript. After that Asterisk plays two soundfiles < text >< value > in a loop.<br> <br> The NSLU2 is a weak machine. It always only creates a soundfile 1x and then stores it on the harddisk. A set of prebuild voices (e.g. digits from -20 to 90) are included. Some scripts for creating soundfiles and automatically the telephone book are provided too. </ul> <b>Installation</b><br> <ul> Go to http://fhem.dnsalias.net/voip2fhem and download the files.<br> -- Install with your package manager asterisk, sox, espeak. On the NLSU2: "apt-get install asterisk sox espeak".<br> -- Debian: activate asterisk in the /etc/default/asterisk<br> -- copy the scripts voip2fhem voip2fhem_create_telefonlist voip2fhem_create_txt2gsm to /usr/local/bin/ and be shure that they are executable (chmod +x /usr/local/bin/voip2fhem*)<br> -- You can find on http://fhem.dnsalias.net/voip2fhem prepared voices: "tar -xvzf voip2fhem_voices.tar.gz -C /" and give the correct rights "chown -R asterisk.asterisk /var/tmp/voip2fhem" <br> -- cp extensions.conf and sip.conf to /etc/asterisk/ and edit these files and the bash script /usr/local/bin/voip2fhem<br> -- restart/reload asterisk (/etc/init.d/asterisk restart or asterisk -r and then "extensions reload" and "sip reload") </ul> <b>Hints</b><br> <ul> -- if there isn't the required soundfile then the NSLU2 creates it. This needs minutes (example: the word "asterisk" needs 3 min). voip2fhem stores this file and the next time it will be used.<br> -- Use the script voip2fhem_create_txt2gsm on a faster machine to create the sounds. Usage: voip2fhem_create_txt2gsm "I love FHEM". The soundfile is then automatically copied to /var/tmp/voip2fhem/<br> -- it is also possible to connect the ASTERISK with the rest of the world (e.g. Sipgate, 1und1) :-)<br> -- for debug asterisk: "asterisk -r", "sip debug"<br> </ul> <br><br> Have fun and success :-)<br> Martin Haas<br> fhem@martin-haas.de<br> <br> </body> </html>