################################################################################# # # $Id$ # # FHEM Module for Viessman Vitotronic200 / Typ KW1 und KW2 # # Derived from 89_VCONTROL.pm: Copyright (C) Adam WItalla # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # The GNU General Public License may also be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html . # ########################### #package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Time::Local; # Helper Constants use constant NO_SEND => 9999; use constant POLL_ACTIVE => 1; use constant POLL_PAUSED => 0; use constant READ_ANSWER => 1; use constant READ_UNDEF => 0; use constant GET_TIMER_ACTIVE => 1; use constant GET_TIMER_PAUSED => 0; use constant GET_CONFIG_ACTIVE => 1; use constant GET_CONFIG_PAUSED => 0; #Poll Parameter my $defaultPollInterval = 180; my $last_cmd = 0; my $poll_now = POLL_PAUSED; my $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED; my $get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_PAUSED; my $command_config_file = ""; my $poll_duration = 0; #Send Parameter my $send_now = NO_SEND; my $send_additonal_param=""; #Get Parameter #Answer Parameter my $read_now = READ_UNDEF; #actually used command list my @cmd_list; my @poll_cmd_list; my @write_cmd_list; my @timer_cmd_list; my @set_cmd_list; my @get_timer_cmd_list; #remember days for daystart values my %DayHash; #States the Heater can be set to my @mode = ("WW","RED","NORM","H+WW","H+WW FS","ABSCHALT"); my $temp_mode=0; #define LAN Hardware (1) or USB device (0) my $LAN_HW = 0; ###################################################################################### sub VCONTROL_1ByteUParse($$); sub VCONTROL_1ByteSParse($$); sub VCONTROL_2ByteSParse($$); sub VCONTROL_2ByteUParse($$); sub VCONTROL_2BytePercentParse($$); sub VCONTROL_4ByteParse($$); sub VCONTROL_timerParse($); sub VCONTROL_ModusParse($); sub VCONTROL_DateParse($); sub VCONTROL_1ByteUConv($); sub VCONTROL_1ByteSConv($); sub VCONTROL_1ByteUx10Conv($); sub VCONTROL_2ByteUConv($); sub VCONTROL_2ByteSConv($); sub VCONTROL_DateConv($); sub VCONTROL_TimerConv($$); sub VCONTROL_Clear($); sub VCONTROL_Read($); sub VCONTROL_Ready($); sub VCONTROL_Parse($$$$); sub VCONTROL_Poll($); sub VCONTROL_CmdConfig($); sub VCONTROL_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm"; $hash->{ReadFn} = "VCONTROL_Read"; #$hash->{WriteFn} = "VCONTROL_Write"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "VCONTROL_Ready"; $hash->{DefFn} = "VCONTROL_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "VCONTROL_Undef"; $hash->{SetFn} = "VCONTROL_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "VCONTROL_Get"; $hash->{StateFn} = "VCONTROL_SetState"; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "VCONTROL_Shutdown"; $hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 setList closedev:0,1 ". $readingFnAttributes; } ##################################### # define VIESSMANN [] sub VCONTROL_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); my $po; if (@a != 4 && @a != 5) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define VCONTROL []"; Log3 undef, 2, $msg; return $msg; } #Close Device to initialize properly ###USB if (index($a[2], ':') == -1) { delete $hash->{USBDev}; delete $hash->{FD}; } else { ###LAN Hardware found $LAN_HW = 1; } DevIo_CloseDev($hash); my $name = $a[0]; my $dev = $a[2]; #check existence of config_file if($a[3]){ $command_config_file = $a[3]; if(-e $command_config_file){ Log3 $name, 3, "VCONTROL: Define open DATEI '$command_config_file'"; VCONTROL_CmdConfig($command_config_file); } else { my $msg = "config file $command_config_file does not exist"; Log3 undef, 2, $msg; return $msg; } } #set command list to poll list @cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list; #use configured Pollinterval if given if($a[4]){ $hash->{INTERVAL} = $a[4]; } else { $hash->{INTERVAL} = $defaultPollInterval; } $hash->{STATE} = "defined"; $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; #Opening USB Device Log3($name, 3, "VCONTROL opening VCONTROL device $dev"); my $ret = undef; ###USB if (index($a[2], ':') == -1) { if ($^O=~/Win/) { require Win32::SerialPort; $po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev); } else { require Device::SerialPort; $po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev); } if(!$po) { my $msg = "Can't open $dev: $!"; Log3($name, 3, $msg) if($hash->{MOBILE}); return $msg if(!$hash->{MOBILE}); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; return ""; } Log3($name, 3, "VCONTROL opened VCONTROL device $dev"); $hash->{USBDev} = $po; if( $^O =~ /Win/ ) { $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } else { $hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO; delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } #Initialize to be able to receive data VCONTROL_DoInit($hash, $po); } else { $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "VCONTROL_DoInit"); } #set Internal Timer on Polling Interval my $timer = gettimeofday()+1; Log3($name, 5, "VCONTROL set InternalTimer +1 to $timer"); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "VCONTROL_Poll", $hash, 0); return $ret; } ##################################### # Input is hexstring ## This function will not be used until now! #sub #VCONTROL_Write($$) #{ # my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_; # my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # # return if(!defined($fn)); # # my $bstring; # $bstring = "$fn$msg"; # Log3 $name, 5, "$hash->{NAME} sending $bstring"; # # DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $bstring, 1); #} ##################################### sub VCONTROL_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) && $defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash) { my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2); Log3 $name, $lev, "deleting port for $d"; delete $defs{$d}{IODev}; } } DevIo_CloseDev($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_Poll($) { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; #global Module Trigger that Polling is started if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 ) { $poll_now = POLL_PAUSED; Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: Poll disabled!"; } else {$poll_now=POLL_ACTIVE;} $poll_duration = gettimeofday(); Log3 $name, 4, "VCONTROL: Start of Poll !"; my $timer = gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}; Log3($name, 5, "VCONTROL: set InternalTimer to $timer"); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "VCONTROL_Poll", $hash, 0); } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_Shutdown($) { my ($hash) = @_; return undef; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_SetState($$$$) { my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_; return undef; } sub VCONTROL_Clear($) { my $hash = shift; my $buf; # clear buffer: if($hash->{USBDev}) { while ($hash->{USBDev}->lookfor()) { $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash); } } if($hash->{TCPDev}) { # TODO return $buf; } } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_DoInit($$) { #Initialisation -> Send one 0x04 so the heating started to send 0x05 Synchronity-Bytes my ($hash,$po) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $init = pack('H*', "04"); if ($po) { #set USB Device Parameter $po->reset_error(); $po->baudrate(4800); $po->databits(8); $po->parity('even'); $po->stopbits(2); $po->handshake('none'); $po->write_settings; } $defs{$name}{STATE} = "Initialized"; DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $init, 0); Log3 $name, 3,"VCONTROL: Initialization"; return undef; } ##################################### # called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data sub VCONTROL_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 5,"VCONTROL_READ"; # count the commands to send for complete poll sequence my $cmdcount = @cmd_list; #Read on Device my $mybuf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash); if ($LAN_HW == 0) { #USB device is disconnected try to connect again if(!defined($mybuf) || length($mybuf) == 0) { my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; Log3 $name, 3,"VCONTROL: USB device $dev disconnected, waiting to reappear"; $hash->{USBDev}->close(); DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED"); DevIo_Disconnected($hash); delete($hash->{USBDev}); delete($selectlist{"$name.$dev"}); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; # Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV, # and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps. sleep(5); return ""; } } else { if(!defined($mybuf) || length($mybuf) == 0) { my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; Log3 $name, 3,"VCONTROL: LAN device $dev disconnected, waiting to reappear"; DevIo_Disconnected($hash); $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; return ""; } } #msg read on device my $hexline = unpack('H*', $mybuf); Log3 $name, 5,"VCONTROL: VCONTROL_Read '$hexline'"; #Append data to partial data we got before #ADW: 05 muss auch angehängt werden! if ( $read_now == READ_ANSWER && $poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE ){ # if ( $read_now == READ_ANSWER && $poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $hexline ne "05"){ $hexline = $hash->{PARTIAL}.$hexline; #if not received all bytes exit an read next my $receive_len = hex(substr($cmd_list[$last_cmd][1],8,2))*2; if ( length($hexline) < $receive_len ){ Log3 $name, 5,"VCONTROL: VCONTROL_Read receive_len < $receive_len, $hexline"; $hash->{PARTIAL} = $hexline; return""; } } #exit if no poll period #exit if no set command send if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED && $send_now == NO_SEND ){ return ""; } my $sendbuf=""; #End of Poll Interval if ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $last_cmd == $cmdcount) { $poll_duration = (gettimeofday() - $poll_duration); my $duration = sprintf("%.2f", $poll_duration); $hash->{DURATION} = "$duration"; Log3 $name, 4, "VCONTROL: End of Poll ! Duration: $duration"; $poll_now = POLL_PAUSED; $last_cmd = 0; @cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; #activate timer get list if questioned if ($get_timer_now == GET_TIMER_ACTIVE && $send_now == NO_SEND ){ @cmd_list = @get_timer_cmd_list; Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: Poll TIMER!"; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); VCONTROL_Poll($hash); $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED; } #reload config file if questioned if ($get_config_now == GET_CONFIG_ACTIVE ){ VCONTROL_CmdConfig($command_config_file); @cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list; $get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_PAUSED; } my $closeAfterPoll = AttrVal($name, "closedev", "0"); ###if Attribut to close after poll -> close if ($closeAfterPoll == 1) { delete $hash->{USBDev}; delete $hash->{FD}; Log3 $name, 3, "VCONTROL: USB device closed"; } return ""; }; #exit if buffer just filled with 0x05 but not for mode (0x05 is a definde mode state) my $bufflen = length($hexline); my $buffhalflen = $bufflen/2; if ( $bufflen > 2 && $hexline =~ /(05){$buffhalflen,}/ && $cmd_list[$last_cmd][2] ne "mode"){ Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: exit if buffer just filled with 0x05"; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; $read_now = READ_UNDEF; return ""; } #if one 05 received we can send command if ( length($hexline) == 2 && $hexline eq "05" && $read_now == READ_UNDEF) { my $sendstr =""; #set next poll command if ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE ){ Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: Setze sendstr"; $sendstr = $cmd_list[$last_cmd][1]; } # no polling active but set command was given if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED && $send_now != NO_SEND ){ $sendstr = $write_cmd_list[$send_now][2]."$send_additonal_param"; } if ( $sendstr && $sendstr ne "" ){ Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: send '$sendstr'"; $sendbuf = pack('H*', "$sendstr"); #Send on Device DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $sendbuf, 0); #we have send cmd next receive should be answer $read_now = READ_ANSWER; } else { #wenn wir hier reinrutschen ist etwas mit den listen durcheinander geraten, workaround reset der liste und der commands! Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: List reset!"; $poll_now = POLL_PAUSED; $last_cmd = 0; @cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED; $get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_PAUSED; } } elsif ( $read_now == READ_ANSWER) #we expect answer on before send command { if ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $hexline ne "05"){ VCONTROL_Parse($hash,$last_cmd,$hexline,0); $last_cmd++; $temp_mode = 0; } #if the mode is requestet and 0x05 is received #try again to be sure that 0x05 is not the sync byte elsif ($poll_now == POLL_ACTIVE && $cmd_list[$last_cmd][2] eq "mode" && substr("$hexline",0,2) eq "05" ){ Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: check temp_mode"; if ($temp_mode < 5){ $temp_mode++; Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: set temp_mode = $temp_mode"; } elsif ($temp_mode == 5){ $temp_mode = 0; VCONTROL_Parse($hash,$last_cmd,$hexline,0); Log3 $name, 5, "VCONTROL: set mode = ABSCHALT"; $last_cmd++; } } #parse answer on set command if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED && $send_now != NO_SEND ){ VCONTROL_Parse($hash,$send_now,$hexline,1) if ($hexline ne "05"); } $read_now = READ_UNDEF; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; } } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_Parse($$$$) { my ($hash, $cmd, $hexline,$answer) = @_; my $value = ""; my $valuename = ""; my $pn = $hash->{NAME}; if ($answer == 0){ if ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "1ByteU"){ $value = VCONTROL_1ByteUParse(substr($hexline, 0, 2),$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 1); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "1ByteS"){ $value = VCONTROL_1ByteSParse(substr($hexline, 0, 2),$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 1); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "2ByteS"){ $value = VCONTROL_2ByteSParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 3); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "2ByteU"){ $value = VCONTROL_2ByteUParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 3); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "2BytePercent"){ $value = VCONTROL_2BytePercentParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 1); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "4Byte"){ $value = VCONTROL_4ByteParse($hexline,$cmd_list[$cmd][3]) if (length($hexline) > 7); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "mode"){ $value = VCONTROL_ModeParse($hexline) if (length($hexline) > 1); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "timer"){ $value = VCONTROL_timerParse($hexline) if (length($hexline) > 7); } elsif ($cmd_list[$cmd][2] eq "date"){ $value = VCONTROL_DateParse($hexline) if (length($hexline) > 7); } #this will be the name of the Reading $valuename = "$cmd_list[$cmd][4]"; Log3 $pn, 5,"VCONTROL: receive '$valuename : $value'"; return $pn if ($value eq ""); if ( $cmd_list[$cmd][2] && $cmd_list[$cmd][2] ne "mode" && $cmd_list[$cmd][2] ne "timer" && $cmd_list[$cmd][3] ne "state" && $cmd_list[$cmd][3] > 99){ $value = sprintf("%.2f", $value); } #TODO config Min and Max Values ???? if ( substr($valuename,0,4) eq "Temp"){ if ( $value < -30 || $value > 199 ){ $value = ReadingsVal($pn,"$valuename",0); } } #get systemtime my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime; $year+=1900; $mon = $mon+1; my $plotmonth = $mon; my $plotmday = $mday; my $plothour = $hour; my $plotmin = $min; my $plotsec = $sec; if ($mon < 10) {$plotmonth = "0$mon"}; if ($mday < 10) {$plotmday = "0$mday"}; if ($hour < 10) {$plothour = "0$hour"}; if ($min < 10) {$plotmin = "0$min"}; if ($sec < 10) {$plotsec = "0$sec"}; my $systime="$year-$plotmonth-$plotmday"."_"."$plothour:$plotmin:$plotsec"; #Start Update Readings readingsBeginUpdate ($hash); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename", $value); #calculate Kumulation Readings and Day Readings if ("$cmd_list[$cmd][5]" eq "day" ){ my $start_of_the_day; if ( $value < 0 ){ $value = ReadingsVal($pn,"$valuename",0); } $value = sprintf("%.2f", $value); $start_of_the_day = ReadingsVal($pn,"$valuename"."DayStart",$value); my $kumul_day = $value - $start_of_the_day; $kumul_day = sprintf("%.2f", $kumul_day); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename"."Today", $kumul_day); #Next Day for this value is reached my $debug_day= $DayHash{$valuename}; Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: DEBUG nextday $mday <-> $debug_day"; if ($mday != $DayHash{$valuename}){ $start_of_the_day = $value; $start_of_the_day = sprintf("%.2f", $start_of_the_day); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename"."LastDay" , $kumul_day); $kumul_day = 0; $DayHash{$valuename} = $mday; } readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "$valuename"."DayStart" , $start_of_the_day); } #if all polling commands are send, update Reading UpdateTime my $all_cmd = @cmd_list -1; if ( $cmd == $all_cmd){ readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "UpdateTime", $systime ); } #End Update Reading readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1); } else #answer on set request { #Start Poll to refresh readings if send of set request was answered with 00 # and no additional send has to be done if (substr($hexline, 0, 2) == "00") { # it may be configured that another command has to be send my $next_send = NO_SEND; foreach(@write_cmd_list) { if ($$_[0] eq "SET" && $$_[1] eq $write_cmd_list[$send_now][4]){ $next_send=$$_[5]; } } if ($next_send == NO_SEND){ #activate timer get list if questioned if ($get_timer_now == GET_TIMER_ACTIVE ){ @cmd_list = @get_timer_cmd_list; $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_PAUSED; } if (substr($hexline, 0, 2) == "00"){ Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: Poll SET!"; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); VCONTROL_Poll($hash); } } $send_now = $next_send; } } return $pn; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_Ready($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $po; ###USB if (index($dev, ':') == -1) { $po=$hash->{USBDev}; if(!$po) { # Looking for the device if ($^O=~/Win/) { $po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev); } else { $po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev); } return undef if(!$po); Log3 $name, 3, "VCONTROL: USB device $dev reappeared"; $hash->{USBDev} = $po; if( $^O !~ /Win/ ) { $hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO; delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } else { $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; VCONTROL_DoInit($hash, $po); DoTrigger($name, "CONNECTED"); return undef; } } else { $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, "VCONTROL_DoInit") if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected"); # This is relevant for windows/USB only my $po = $hash->{USBDev}; my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags); if($po) { ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status; } return ($InBytes && $InBytes>0); } # This is relevant for windows only if (index($dev, ':') == -1) { return undef if !$po; my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags)=$po->status; return ($InBytes>0); } } sub VCONTROL_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $pn = $hash->{NAME}; my $arg = $a[1]; my $value = (defined $a[2]) ? $a[2] : ""; my $setList = AttrVal($pn, "setList", " "); #return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of HWW ABSCHALT SPAR-ON SPAR-OFF PARTY-ON PARTY-OFF" if( $arg eq "?"); return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of $setList" if( $arg eq "?"); #needed if cmd in config_file is just a prefix, e.g. set of an timer value $send_additonal_param=""; #set write commands to send foreach(@write_cmd_list) { my $debug_info0=$$_[0]; my $debug_info1=$$_[1]; Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: DEBUG SET <-> $debug_info0 / $arg <-> $debug_info1"; if ($$_[0] eq "SET" && $$_[1] eq $arg){ $send_now=$$_[5]; if ($$_[3] eq "1ByteU"){ $send_additonal_param=VCONTROL_1ByteUConv($value); } elsif ($$_[3] eq "1ByteS"){ $send_additonal_param=VCONTROL_1ByteSConv($value); } elsif ($$_[3] eq "1ByteUx10"){ $send_additonal_param=VCONTROL_1ByteUx10Conv($value); } elsif ($$_[3] eq "2ByteU"){ $send_additonal_param=VCONTROL_2ByteUConv($value); } elsif ($$_[3] eq "2ByteS"){ $send_additonal_param=VCONTROL_2ByteSConv($value); } elsif ($$_[3] eq "date"){ my $strtemp = VCONTROL_DateConv($value); Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: DEBUG Timestr: $strtemp"; $send_additonal_param=$strtemp; } elsif ($$_[3] eq "timer"){ my $tempday = $$_[4]; $send_additonal_param=VCONTROL_TimerConv($tempday,$value); @get_timer_cmd_list = @timer_cmd_list; $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_ACTIVE; } return ""; } } # possible to correct DayStart Values if(index($arg,"DayStart") >= 0){ if ( $value ne "" ) { readingsBeginUpdate ($hash); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $arg, $value); readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1); } } #else { # print "not data_ready: $arg \n"; #} return ""; } sub VCONTROL_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; return "no get value specified" if(@a < 2); my $pn = $hash->{NAME}; my $arg = $a[1]; my $value = (defined $a[2]) ? $a[2] : ""; return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of TIMER CONFIG" if( $arg eq "?"); if ($arg eq "TIMER" ) { @get_timer_cmd_list = @timer_cmd_list; } elsif ($arg eq "CONFIG" ) { if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED ){ VCONTROL_CmdConfig($command_config_file); @cmd_list = @poll_cmd_list; } else { $get_config_now = GET_CONFIG_ACTIVE; } return ""; } if ($poll_now == POLL_PAUSED ){ @cmd_list = @get_timer_cmd_list; Log3 $pn, 5, "VCONTROL: Poll GET!"; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); VCONTROL_Poll($hash); } else { $get_timer_now = GET_TIMER_ACTIVE; } return ""; } ##################################### ##################################### ## Load Config ##################################### ##################################### sub VCONTROL_CmdConfig($) { my $cmd_config_file = shift; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime; my $write_idx=0; Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: open DATEI '$cmd_config_file'"; open(CMDDATEI,"<$cmd_config_file") || die "problem opening $cmd_config_file\n" ; undef @poll_cmd_list; undef @write_cmd_list; undef @timer_cmd_list; # undef @timer_ww_cmd_list; while(){ my $zeile=trim($_); Log3 undef, 5, "VCONTROL: CmdConfig-Zeile $zeile"; if ( length($zeile) > 0 && substr($zeile,0,1) ne "#") { my @cfgarray = split(",",$zeile); foreach(@cfgarray) { $_ = trim($_); } #TODO: CHECK IF CONFIG PARAMS are allowed!!! if ($cfgarray[0] eq "POLL"){ if ( $cfgarray[2] ne "1ByteU" && $cfgarray[2] ne "1ByteS" && $cfgarray[2] ne "2ByteS" && $cfgarray[2] ne "2ByteU" && $cfgarray[2] ne "2BytePercent" && $cfgarray[2] ne "4Byte" && $cfgarray[2] ne "mode" && $cfgarray[2] ne "date" && $cfgarray[2] ne "timer" ){ Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: unknown parse method '$cfgarray[2]' in '$cmd_config_file'"; } elsif( index($cfgarray[1],"01F7") == -1 || length($cfgarray[1]) < 10 ){ Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: wrong Address '$cfgarray[1]' in '$cmd_config_file'"; } else { if ($cfgarray[2] eq "timer") { my @timercmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$cfgarray[5]); push(@timer_cmd_list,\@timercmd); } else { my @pollcmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$cfgarray[5]); push(@poll_cmd_list,\@pollcmd); if ("$cfgarray[5]" eq "day"){ $DayHash{$cfgarray[4]} = $mday; } } } } elsif ($cfgarray[0] eq "SET"){ if ($cfgarray[3] eq "timer") { if ( $cfgarray[4] ne "MO" && $cfgarray[4] ne "DI" && $cfgarray[4] ne "MI" && $cfgarray[4] ne "DO" && $cfgarray[4] ne "FR" && $cfgarray[4] ne "SA" && $cfgarray[4] ne "SO" ) { Log3 undef, 1, "VCONTROL: wrong Day '$cfgarray[4]' in '$cmd_config_file'"; } else { my @setcmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$write_idx); push(@write_cmd_list,\@setcmd); $write_idx++; } } else { my @setcmd = ($cfgarray[0],$cfgarray[1],$cfgarray[2],$cfgarray[3],$cfgarray[4],$write_idx); push(@write_cmd_list,\@setcmd); $write_idx++; } } else{ Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: unknown command '$cfgarray[0]' in '$cmd_config_file'"; } } }; close (CMDDATEI); Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: DATEI '$cmd_config_file' refreshed"; } ########################################################################### ########################################################################### ### PARSE ROUTINES ########################################################################### ########################################################################### sub VCONTROL_1ByteUParse($$) { my $hexvalue = shift; my $divisor = shift; my $retstr=""; if (!$divisor || length($divisor) == 0 || $divisor eq "state"){ $retstr = ($hexvalue eq "00") ? "off" : "on"; } else{ #check if divisor is numeric and not 0 if ( $divisor =~ /^\d+$/ && $divisor != 0){ $retstr = hex($hexvalue)/$divisor; } else { Log3 undef, 3, "VCONTROL: divisor not numeric '$divisor' or 0, it will be ignored"; $retstr = hex($hexvalue) } } return $retstr; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_1ByteSParse($$) { my $hexvalue = shift; my $divisor = shift; return unpack('c', pack('C',hex(substr($hexvalue,0,2))))/$divisor; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_2ByteUParse($$) { my $hexvalue = shift; my $divisor = shift; return hex(substr($hexvalue,2,2).substr($hexvalue,0,2))/$divisor; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_2ByteSParse($$) { my $hexvalue = shift; my $divisor = shift; return unpack('s', pack('S',hex(substr($hexvalue,2,2).substr($hexvalue,0,2))))/$divisor; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_2BytePercentParse($$) { my $hexvalue = shift; my $divisor = shift; return hex(substr($hexvalue,2,2))/$divisor; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_4ByteParse($$) { my $hexvalue = shift; my $divisor = shift; return hex(substr($hexvalue,6,2).substr($hexvalue,4,2).substr($hexvalue,2,2).substr($hexvalue,0,2))/$divisor; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_ModeParse($) { my $index = hex(shift); return "$mode[$index]" if ($mode[$index]); return ""; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_timerParse($) { my $binvalue = shift; $binvalue = pack('H*', "$binvalue"); my ($h1,$h2,$h3,$h4,$h5,$h6,$h7,$h8) = unpack ("CCCCCCCC",$binvalue); my @bytes = ($h1,$h2,$h3,$h4,$h5,$h6,$h7,$h8); my $timer_str; for ( $a = 0; $a < 8; $a = $a+1){ my $delim = "-"; if ( $a % 2 ){ $delim = "/"; } my $byte = $bytes[$a]; if ($byte == 0xff){ $timer_str = $timer_str."--$delim"; } else{ my $hour = ($byte & 0xF8)>>3; my $min = ($byte & 7)*10; $hour = "0$hour" if ( $hour < 10 ); $min = "0$min" if ( $min < 10 ); $timer_str = $timer_str."$hour:$min$delim"; } } return "$timer_str"; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_DateParse($){ my $hexvalue = shift; my $vcday; #0011223344556677 #01 23 45 67 89 01 23 45 $vcday = "So" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "00" ); $vcday = "Mo" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "01" ); $vcday = "Di" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "02" ); $vcday = "Mi" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "03" ); $vcday = "Do" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "04" ); $vcday = "Fr" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "05" ); $vcday = "Sa" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "06" ); $vcday = "So" if ( substr($hexvalue,8,2) eq "07" ); return $vcday.",".substr($hexvalue,6,2).".".substr($hexvalue,4,2).".".substr($hexvalue,0,4)." ".substr($hexvalue,10,2).":".substr($hexvalue,12,2).":".substr($hexvalue,14,2); } ########################################################################### ########################################################################### ## CONV ROUTINES ########################################################################### ########################################################################### sub VCONTROL_1ByteUConv($) { my $convvalue = shift; return (sprintf "%02X", $convvalue); } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_1ByteSConv($) { my $convvalue = shift; my $cnvstrvalue = (sprintf "%02X", $convvalue); if ($convvalue <0){ return substr($cnvstrvalue,6,2); } else { return $cnvstrvalue; } } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_1ByteUx10Conv($) { my $convvalue = shift; return (sprintf "%02X", $convvalue*10); } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_2ByteUConv($) { my $convvalue = shift; my $hexstr = (sprintf "%04X", $convvalue); return substr($hexstr,2,2).substr($hexstr,0,2); } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_2ByteSConv($) { my $convvalue = shift; my $cnvstrvalue = (sprintf "%04X", $convvalue); if ($convvalue <0){ return substr($cnvstrvalue,6,2).substr($cnvstrvalue,4,2); } else { return substr($cnvstrvalue,2,2).substr($cnvstrvalue,0,2); } } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_DateConv($){ #Eingabe #dd.mm.yyyy_hh:mm:ss #Ziel #yyyymmddwwhhmmss #dd.mm.yyyy my $date = shift; my $vcday = substr($date,0,2); my $vcmonth = substr($date,3,2); my $vcyear = substr($date,6,4); #hh:mm:ss my $vchour = substr($date,11,2); my $vcmin = substr($date,14,2); my $vcsec = substr($date,17,2); my $wday; my $tmp; my $hlptime = timelocal($vcsec, $vcmin, $vchour, $vcday, $vcmonth -1 , $vcyear - 1900); ($tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $wday) = localtime $hlptime; my @Wochentage = ("00","01","02","03","04","05","06"); $wday = $Wochentage[$wday]; #0011223344556677 #01 23 45 67 89 01 23 45 return $vcyear.$vcmonth.$vcday.$wday.$vchour.$vcmin.$vcsec; } ##################################### sub VCONTROL_TimerConv($$){ my $timer_day = shift; my $value = shift; my @timerarray = split(",",$value); return "" if (@timerarray != 8); my @hextimerdata; foreach(@timerarray) { if ($_ eq "--"){ push(@hextimerdata,"FF"); } else{ my ($timerhour, $timermin) = split(":",$_,2); if (length($timerhour) != 2 || length($timermin) != 2 ){ {return "";} } if ( $timerhour < "00" || $timerhour > "23" ){ {return "";} } if ( $timermin ne "00" && $timermin ne "10" && $timermin ne "20" && $timermin ne "30" && $timermin ne "40" && $timermin ne "50"){ {return "";} } my $helpvalue = (($timerhour <<3) + ($timermin/10)) & 0xff; push(@hextimerdata, (sprintf "%X", $helpvalue)); } } my $suffix=""; foreach (@hextimerdata){ $suffix = "$suffix"."$_"; } return $suffix; } 1; =pod =begin html


    VCONTROL is a fhem-Modul to control and read information from a VIESSMANN heating via Optolink-adapter.

    An Optolink-Adapter is necessary (USB or LAN), you will find information here:

    Additionaly you need to know Memory-Adresses for the div. heating types (e.g. V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 ....),
    that will be read by the module to get the measurements or to set the actual state.
    Additional information you will find in the forum http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,20280.0.html und auf der wiki Seite http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Vitotronic_200_%28Viessmann_Heizungssteuerung%29

      define <name> VCONTROL <serial-device/LAN-Device:port> <configfile> [<intervall>]

    • <serial-device/LAN-Device:port>
      USB Port (e.g. com4, /dev/ttyUSB3) or TCPIP:portnumber
    • <intervall>
      Poll Intervall in seconds (default 180)
    • <configfile>
      path to the configuration file, containing the memory addresses

    • Example:

      serial device com4, every 3 minutes will be polled, configuration file name is 99_VCONTROL.cfg, existing in the fhem root directory

      define Heizung VCONTROL com4 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180

      define Heizung VCONTROL /dev/ttyUSB3 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180

      These commands will be configured in the configuartion file.

      get <name> CONFIG

      reload the module specific configfile

      More commands will be configured in the configuration file.

      You will find example configuration files for the heating types V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 on the wiki page http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Vitotronic_200_%28Viessmann_Heizungssteuerung%29.

      The lines of the configuration file can have the following structure:

    • lines beginning with "#" are comments!
    • Polling Commands (POLL) to read values.
    • Set Commandos (SET) to set values.

    • Polling Commands have the following structure:


      • POLL
        is fix POLL

      • ADDRESSE
        Memory Address leading to the value, the will be read in the memory on the heating.
        It is subdivided in 3 parts:
        • Beginning is fix 01F7 (defines a reading command)
        • followed by actuak address
        • followed by number of Bytes to be read.

        Method how to parse the read bytes.
        methods so far:
        • 1ByteU :
          Read value is 1 Byte without algebraic sign (if column Divisor set to state -> only 0 / 1 or off / on)
        • 1ByteS :
          Read value is 1 Byte with algebraic sign (wenn Spalte Divisor state ist -> nur 0 / 1 also off / on)
        • 2ByteS :
          Read value is 2 Byte with algebraic sign
        • 2ByteU :
          Read value is 2 Byte without algebraic sign
        • 2BytePercent :
          Read value is 2 Byte in percent
        • 4Byte :
          Read value is 4 Byte
        • mode :
          Read value is the actual operating status
        • timer :
          Read value is an 8 Byte timer value
        • date :
          Read value is an 8 Byte timestamp
        • POLL Commands unsing the method timer will not be polled permanent, they have to be read by a GET Commando explicitly.
          GET <devicename> TIMER

      • DIVISOR
        If the parsed value is multiplied by a factor, you can configure a divisor.
        Additionally for values, that just deliver 0 or 1, you can configure state in this column.
        This will force the reading to off and on, instead of 0 and 1.

        The read and parsed value will be stored in a reading with this name in the device.

        Accumulated Day values will be automatically stored for polling commands with the value day in the column KUMULATION.
        Futhermore there will be stored the values of the last day in additional readings after 00:00.
        So you have the chance to plot daily values.
        The reading names will be supplemented by DayStart, Today and LastDay!

      • Examples:

        POLL, 01F7080402, 2ByteS, 10 , Temp-WarmWater-Actual , -
        POLL, 01F7088A02, 2ByteU, 1 , BurnerStarts , day

      Set Commands have the following structure:


      • SET
        is fix SET

      • SETCMD
        SETCMD are commands that will be used in FHEM to set a value of a device
        set <devicename> <setcmd>
        e.g. SET <devicename> WW to set the actual operational status to Warm Water processing

      • ADDRESSE
        Memory Address where the value has to be written in the memory of the heating.
        It is subdivided in 4 parts:
        • Beginning is fix 01F4 (defines a writing command)
        • followed by actual address
        • followed by number of data-bytes to be written
        • followed by the data-bytes themselves

        There are two Address versions:
      • Version 1: Value to be set is fix, e.g. Spar Mode on is fix 01
      • Version 2: Value has to be passed, e.g. warm water temperature

        Method how to convert the value with Version 2 in Bytes.
        For Version 1 you can use - here.
        Methods so far:
        • 1ByteU :
          Value to be written in 1 Byte without algebraic sign
          with Version 2 it has to be a number
        • 1ByteS :
          Value to be written in 1 Byte with algebraic sign
          with Version 2 it has to be a number
        • 2ByteS :
          Value to be written in 2 Byte with algebraic sign
          with Version 2 it has to be a number
        • 2ByteU :
          Value to be written in 2 Byte without algebraic sign
          with Version 2 it has to be a number
        • timer :
          Value to be written is an 8 Byte Timer value
          with Version 2 it has to be a string with this structure:
          8 times of day comma separeted. (ON1,OFF1,ON2,OFF2,ON3,OFF3,ON4,OFF4)
          no time needed ha to be specified with -- .
          Minutes of the times are just allowed to thi values: 00,10,20,30,40 or 50
          Example: 06:10,12:00,16:00,23:00,--,--,--,--
        • date :
          Value to be written is an 8 Byte timestamp
          with Version 2 it has to be a string with this structure:
          format specified is DD.MM.YYYY_HH:MM:SS
          Example: 21.03.2014_21:35:00

      • NEXT_CMD or DAY
        This column has two functions:
        • If this columns is configured with a name of another SETCMD, it will be processed directly afterwards.
          Example: after setting Spar Mode on (S-ON), you have to set Party Mode off (P-OFF)
        • Using timer as CONVMETHODE, so it has to be specified a week day in this columns.
          possible values: MO DI MI DO FR SA SO


        SET, WW , 01F423010100, state , -
        SET, S-ON , 01F423020101, state_spar , P-OFF
        SET, WWTEMP , 01F4630001 , 1ByteU , -
        SET, TIMER_2_MO, 01F4200008 , timer , MO

      The values read will be stored in readings, that will be configured as described above.
=end html =begin html_DE


    Das VCONTROL ist das fhem-Modul eine VIESSMANN Heizung via Optolink-Schnittstelle auszulesen und zu steuern.

    Notwendig ist dazu ein Optolink-Adapter (USB oder LAN), zu dem hier Informationen zu finden sind:

    Zusätzlich müssen für die verschiedenen Heizungstypen (z.B. V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 ....) Speicher-Adressen bekannt sein,
    unter denen die Messwerte abgefragt oder aber auch Stati gesetzt werden können.
    Informationen hierzu findet man im Forum http://openv.wikispaces.com/ und auf der wiki Seite http://openv.wikispaces.com/

      define <name> VCONTROL <serial-device/LAN-Device:port> <configfile> [<intervall>]

    • <serial-device/LAN-Device:port>
      USB Port (z.B. com4, /dev/ttyUSB3) oder aber TCPIP:portnummer
    • <intervall>
      Anzahl Sekunden wie oft die Heizung ausgelesen werden soll (default 180)
    • <configfile>
      Pfad wo die Konfigurationsdatei für das Modul zu finden ist, die die Adressen beinhaltet

    • Beispiel:

      serielle Schnittstelle über com4, alle 3 Minuten wird gepollt, configfile heisst 99_VCONTROL.cfg und liegt im fhem root Verzeichnis

      define Heizung VCONTROL com4 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180

      define Heizung VCONTROL /dev/ttyUSB3 99_VCONTROL.cfg 180

      Diese müssen über das configfile konfiguriert werden.

      get <name> CONFIG

      Mit diesem Befehl wird das Modul spezifische configfile nachgeladen.

      Diese anderen Befehler müssen über das configfile konfiguriert werden.

      Im configfile hat man nun die folgenden Konfigurations Möglichkeiten.

      Beispieldateien f¨r die Geräte-Typen V200KW1, VScotHO1, VPlusHO1 sind auf der wiki Seite http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Vitotronic_200_%28Viessmann_Heizungssteuerung%29 zu finden.

    • Zeilen die mit "#" beginnen sind Kommentar!
    • Polling Commandos (POLL) zum Lesen von Werten können konfiguriert werden.
    • Set Commandos (SET) zum setzen von Werten können konfiguriert werden.

    • Polling Commandos haben den folgenden Aufbau:


      • POLL
        muss fest auf POLL stehen

      • ADDRESSE
        Adresse, an der der auszulesende Wert im Speicher zu finden ist.
        Sie besteht aus 3 Teilen:
        • beginnt immer mit 01F7 (Kommando zum Lesen)
        • danach folgt die eigentliche Addresse
        • danach muss die Anzahl der zu lesenden Bytes noch an die Adresse angehängt werden.

        Methode wie die gelesenen Bytes interpretiert werden müssen.
        Bisher mögliche Parsemethoden:
        • 1ByteU :
          Empfangener Wert in 1 Byte ohne Vorzeichen (wenn Spalte Divisor state ist -> nur 0 / 1 also off / on)
        • 1ByteS :
          Empfangener Wert in 1 Byte mit Vorzeichen (wenn Spalte Divisor state ist -> nur 0 / 1 also off / on)
        • 2ByteS :
          Empfangener Wert in 2 Byte mit Vorzeichen
        • 2ByteU :
          Empfangener Wert in 2 Byte ohne Vorzeichen
        • 2BytePercent :
          Empfangener Wert in 2 Byte als Prozent Wert
        • 4Byte :
          Empfangener Wert in 4 Byte
        • mode :
          Empfangener Wert ist der Betriebsstatus
        • timer :
          Empfangener Wert ist ein 8 Byte Timer Werte
        • date :
          Empfangener Wert ist ein 8 Byte Zeitstempel
        • POLL Commandos die die Parsemethode timer enthalten werden nicht ständig gelesen, sondern müssen mit einem GET Commando geholt werden.
          GET <devicename> TIMER

      • DIVISOR
        Wenn der interpretierte Wert noch um einen Faktor zu hoch ist, kann hier ein Divisor angegeben werden.
        Zusätzlich hat man hier bei Werten, die nur 0 oder 1 liefern die möglich state einzutragen.
        Dies führt dazu, dass das Reading mit off (0) und on (1) belegt wird, statt mit dem Wert.

        Der gelesene und interpretierte Wert wird unter diesem Reading abgelegt.

        Bei den Polling Commandos mit dem Wert day bei der Spalte KUMULATION werden Tageswerte Kumuliert.
        Es werden dann jeweils nach 00:00 Uhr die Werte des letzten Tages ebenfalls als Readings im Device eingetragen,
        so dass man die Werte pro Tag auch plotten oder auswerten kann.
        Beim Readingnamen wird dann jeweils: DayStart,Today und LastDay angehangen!

      • Beispiel:

        POLL, 01F7080402, 2ByteS, 10 , Temp-WarmWasser-Ist , -
        POLL, 01F7088A02, 2ByteU, 1 , BrennerStarts , day

      Set Commandos haben den folgenden Aufbau:


      • SET
        muss fest auf SET stehen

      • SETCMD
        Die SETCMD sind die Commandos die man in FHEM zum setzen angeben muss
        set <devicename> <setcmd>
        z.B. SET <devicename> WW zum setzen auf den Status nur Warm Wasser Aufbereitung

      • ADDRESSE
        Adresse, an der der zu setzende Wert im Speicher zu schreiben ist.
        Sie besteht aus 4 Teilen:
        • beginnt immer mit 01F4 (Kommando zum Lesen)
        • danach folgt die eigentliche Addresse
        • danach folgt die Anzahl der zu schreibenden Daten-Bytes
        • danach müssen die Daten-Bytes selber noch an die Adresse angehängt werden.

        Es gibt zwei Varianten bei den Adressen:
      • Variante 1: Wert steht bereits fest, z.B. Spar Modus einschalten ist fix 01
      • Variante 2: Wert muss übergeben werden, z.B. Warm Wasser Temperatur

        Methode wie der zu schreibende Wert bei Variante 2 in Bytes konvertiert werden muss.
        Bei Variante 1 kann man - eintragen.
        Bisher mögliche Convmethoden:
        • 1ByteU :
          Zu sendender Wert in 1 Byte ohne Vorzeichen
          bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl übergeben werden
        • 1ByteS :
          Zu sendender Wert in 1 Byte mit Vorzeichen
          bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl übergeben werden
        • 2ByteS :
          Zu sendender Wert in 2 Byte mit Vorzeichen
          bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl übergeben werden
        • 2ByteU :
          Zu sendender Wert in 2 Byte ohne Vorzeichen
          bei Variante 2 muss eine Zahl übergeben werden
        • timer :
          Zu sendender Wert ist ein 8 Byte Timer Werte
          bei Variante 2 muss folgender String uebergeben werden:
          8 Uhrzeiten mit Komma getrennt. (AN1,AUS1,AN2,AUS2,AN3,AUS3,AN4,AUS4)
          Keine Uhrzeit muss als -- angegeben werden.
          Minuten der Uhrzeiten dürfen nur 00,10,20,30,40 oder 50 sein
          Beispiel: 06:10,12:00,16:00,23:00,--,--,--,--
        • date :
          Zu sendender Wert ist ein 8 Byte Zeitstempel
          bei Variante 2 muss folgender String uebergeben werden:
          es muss das Format DD.MM.YYYY_HH:MM:SS eingehalten werden
          Beispiel: 21.03.2014_21:35:00

      • NEXT_CMD or DAY
        Diese Spalte erfüllt zwei Funktionen:
        • Gibt man in dieser Spalte ein anderes konfiguriertes SETCMD an, so wird dies anschließend ausgeführt.
          Beispiel: nach dem Spar Modus (S-ON) gesetzt wurde, muss der Party Modus (P-OFF) ausgeschaltet werden
        • Ist als CONVMETHODE timer angegeben, so muss man in dieser Spalte den Wochentag angeben, für den der Timer gilt.
          Mögliche Werte: MO DI MI DO FR SA SO


        SET, WW , 01F423010100, state , -
        SET, S-ON , 01F423020101, state_spar , P-OFF
        SET, WWTEMP , 01F4630001 , 1ByteU , -
        SET, TIMER_2_MO, 01F4200008 , timer , MO

      Die eingelesenen Werte werden wie oben beschrieben in selbst konfigurierten Readings abgelegt.
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