################################################################################# # 70_USBWX.pm # Module for FHEM to receive sensors via ELV USB-WDE1 # # derived from previous 70_USBWX.pm version written by "Peter from Vienna" # # Willi Herzig, 2011 # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################## # $Id$ package main; use strict; use warnings; use Device::SerialPort; ##################################### sub USBWX_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{ReadFn} = "USBWX_Read"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "USBWX_Ready"; # Normal devices $hash->{DefFn} = "USBWX_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "USBWX_Undef"; $hash->{GetFn} = "USBWX_Get"; $hash->{SetFn} = "USBWX_Set"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "USBWX_Parse"; $hash->{StateFn} = "USBWX_SetState"; $hash->{Match} = ".*"; #$hash->{AttrList}= "model:USB-WDE1 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6"; $hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6"; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "USBWX_Shutdown"; } ##################################### sub USBWX_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "wrong syntax: 'define USBWX ' or define USBWX [...]" if(@a < 3); if ($a[2] =~/^[0-9].*/) { # define USBWX [...] return "wrong syntax: define USBWX [corr1...corr4]" if(int(@a) < 3 || int(@a) > 7); return "Define $a[0]: wrong CODE format: valid is 1-8" if($a[2] !~ m/^[1-9]$/); #Log 1,"USBWX_Define def=$def"; my $name = $a[0]; my $code = $a[2]; $hash->{CODE} = $code; $hash->{corr1} = ((int(@a) > 3) ? $a[3] : 0); $hash->{corr2} = ((int(@a) > 4) ? $a[4] : 0); $hash->{corr3} = ((int(@a) > 5) ? $a[5] : 0); $hash->{corr4} = ((int(@a) > 6) ? $a[6] : 0); $modules{USBWX}{defptr}{$code} = $hash; #AssignIoPort($hash); } else { # define USBWX return "wrong syntax: define USBWX " if(@a != 3); USBWX_CloseDev($hash); my $name = $a[0]; my $dev = $a[2]; if($dev eq "none") { Log 1, "USBWX $name device is none, commands will be echoed only"; $attr{$name}{dummy} = 1; return undef; } $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; my $ret = USBWX_OpenDev($hash, 0); return $ret; } return undef; } ##################################### sub USBWX_OpenDev($$) { my ($hash, $reopen) = @_; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $po; #Log 1, "USBWX opening $name device $dev reopen = $reopen"; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; Log 3, "USBWX opening $name device $dev" if(!$reopen); if ($^O=~/Win/) { require Win32::SerialPort; $po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev); } else { require Device::SerialPort; $po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev); } if(!$po) { return undef if($reopen); Log(2, "USBWX Can't open $dev: $!"); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; return ""; } $hash->{USBWX} = $po; if( $^O =~ /Win/ ) { $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } else { $hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO; delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } $po->baudrate(9600) || Log 1, "USBWX could not set baudrate"; $po->databits(8) || Log 1, "USBWX could not set databits"; $po->parity('none') || Log 1, "USBWX could not set parity"; $po->stopbits(1) || Log 1, "USBWX could not set stopbits"; $po->handshake('none') || Log 1, "USBWX could not set handshake"; #$po->reset_error() || Log 1, "USBWX reset_error"; $po->lookclear || Log 1, "USBWX could not set lookclear"; $po->write_settings || Log 1, "USBWX could not write_settings $dev"; if($reopen) { Log 1, "USBWX $dev reappeared ($name)"; } else { Log 2, "USBWX opened device $dev"; } $hash->{po} = $po; $hash->{socket} = 0; $hash->{STATE}=""; # Allow InitDev to set the state my $ret = USBWX_DoInit($hash); if($ret) { # try again Log 1, "USBWX Cannot init $dev, at first try. Trying again."; my $ret = USBWX_DoInit($hash); if($ret) { USBWX_CloseDev($hash); Log 1, "USBWX Cannot init $dev, ignoring it"; return "USBWX Error Init string."; } } DoTrigger($name, "CONNECTED") if($reopen); #return undef; return $ret; } ######################## sub USBWX_CloseDev($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; return if(!$dev); Log 1, "USBWX: closing $dev"; $hash->{USBWX}->close() ; delete($hash->{USBWX}); delete($selectlist{"$name.$dev"}); delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); delete($hash->{FD}); } ##################################### sub USBWX_Ready($) { my ($hash) = @_; return USBWX_OpenDev($hash, 1) if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected"); # This is relevant for windows/USB only my $po = $hash->{USBWX}; my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status; return ($InBytes>0); } ##################################### sub USBWX_SetState($$$$) { my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_; return undef; } ##################################### sub USBWX_Clear($) { my $hash = shift; my $buf; # clear buffer: if($hash->{USBWX}) { while ($hash->{USBWX}->lookfor()) { $buf = USBWX_SimpleRead($hash); } } return $buf; } ##################################### sub USBWX_DoInit($) { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $init ="?"; my $buf; USBWX_Clear($hash); USBWX_SimpleWrite($hash, $init); return undef; } ##################################### sub USBWX_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; delete $hash->{FD}; $hash->{STATE}='close'; $hash->{USBWX}->close() if($hash->{USBWX}); Log 2, "$name shutdown complete"; return undef; } ##################################### # called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data sub USBWX_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $char; #Log 4, "USBWX Read State:$hash->{STATE}"; my $mybuf = USBWX_SimpleRead($hash); my $usbwx_data = $hash->{PARTIAL}; #Log 1, "USBWX usbwxdata='$usbwx_data' $mybuf='$mybuf'"; if(!defined($mybuf) || length($mybuf) == 0) { USBWX_Disconnected($hash); return ""; } if ( ( length($usbwx_data) > 1) && ($mybuf eq "\n") ) { Log 4, "USBWX/RAW line: '$usbwx_data'"; #Log 1, "USBWX/RAW line='$usbwx_data'"; } if ($mybuf eq "\n") { USBWX_Parse($hash, $usbwx_data); $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; } else { $usbwx_data .= $mybuf; $hash->{PARTIAL} = $usbwx_data; } } ##################################### sub USBWX_Shutdown($) { my ($hash) = @_; return undef; } ##################################### sub USBWX_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $msg; my $name=$a[0]; my $reading= $a[1]; $msg="$name => No Set function ($reading) implemented"; return $msg; } ##################################### sub USBWX_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $msg; my $name=$a[0]; my $reading= $a[1]; $msg="$name => No Get function ($reading) implemented"; Log 1,$msg; return $msg; } ######################## sub USBWX_SimpleRead($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $buf; if($hash->{USBWX}) { $buf = $hash->{USBWX}->read(1) ; if (!defined($buf) || length($buf) == 0) { $buf = $hash->{USBWX}->read(1) ; } # Log 4, "USBWX SimpleRead=>$buf"; return $buf; } return undef; } ######################## sub USBWX_SimpleWrite(@) { my ($hash, $msg) = @_; return if(!$hash); $hash->{USBWX}->write($msg) if($hash->{USBWX}); Log 4, "USBWX SimpleWrite $msg"; select(undef, undef, undef, 0.001); } # ----------------------------- # Dewpoint calculation. # see http://www.faqs.org/faqs/meteorology/temp-dewpoint/ "5. EXAMPLE" sub dewpoint($$) { my ($temperature, $humidity) = @_; my $dp; my $A = 17.2694; my $B = ($temperature > 0) ? 237.3 : 265.5; my $es = 610.78 * exp( $A * $temperature / ($temperature + $B) ); my $e = $humidity/ 100 * $es; if ($e == 0) { Log 1, "Error: dewpoint() e==0: temp=$temperature, hum=$humidity"; return 0; } my $e1 = $e / 610.78; my $f = log( $e1 ) / $A; my $f1 = 1 - $f; if ($f1 == 0) { Log 1, "Error: dewpoint() (1-f)==0: temp=$temperature, hum=$humidity"; return 0; } $dp = $B * $f / $f1 ; return($dp); } ##################################### sub USBWX_Parse($$) { my ($hash,$rmsg) = @_; $rmsg =~ s/[\r\n]//g; #Log 4, "USBWX Parse Msg:$rmsg, State:$hash->{STATE}"; # Testmessages #$rmsg = "\$1;1;;;;;;;23,5;21,0;24,2;;;;;;36;42;;16,8;39;6,1;5;0;0"; if ($rmsg =~ /^\$1;.*/) { #$1;1;;23,9;;23,6;24,3;;;26,0;;56;;59;58;;;54;;;;;;;0 #$1;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0 Log 4, "USBWX Parse Msg:'$rmsg', State:$hash->{STATE}"; # Reset to clear data already read. Otherwise data will be read multiple times. USBWX_SimpleWrite($hash, "RESET"); my @c = split(";", $rmsg); #Log 4, "USBWX T1:$c[3] T2:$c[4] T3:$c[5] T4:$c[6] T5:$c[7] T6:$c[8] T7:$c[9] T8:$c[10]"; $rmsg =~ s/,/./g; # format for FHEM my @data = split(";", $rmsg); my @names = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"); my $tm = TimeNow(); # perform sensors with ID 1 up to 8 for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@names); $i++) { my $sensor = ""; my $val = ""; my $current; if ($data[$i+3] ne "") { # only for existing sensors my $n = 0; my $device_name = $names[$i]; my $code = $i+1; #Log 1, "i=$i, device_name=$device_name code=$code"; my $def = $modules{USBWX}{defptr}{"$device_name"}; if(!$def) { Log 3, "USBWX: Unknown device USBWX_$device_name, please define it"; #Log 1, "USBWX: Unknown device USBWX_$device_name, please define it"; my $ret = "UNDEFINED USBWX_$device_name USBWX $device_name"; DoTrigger("global", $ret); return undef; } my $name = $def->{NAME}; my $temperature = $data[$i+3] + $def->{corr1};; $current = $temperature; $val .= "T: ".$current." "; $sensor = "temperature"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; if ($data[$i+11] ne "") { my $humidity = $data[$i+11] + $def->{corr2};; $current = $humidity; $val .= "H: ".$current." "; $sensor = "humidity"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; my $dewpoint = sprintf("%.1f", dewpoint($temperature,$humidity)); $current = $dewpoint; $sensor = "dewpoint"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; } #Log 1, "i=$i, device_name=$device_name temp=$temperature, hum=$humidity"; if ("$val" ne "") { $def->{STATE} = $val; $def->{TIME} = $tm; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $val; } DoTrigger($name, undef); } } # Look for KS300 data: if ($data[19] ne "") { my $n = 0; my $sensor = ""; my $val = ""; my $current; my $ks300_temperature = $data[19]; # KS300 temperature my $ks300_humidity = $data[20]; # KS300 humidity my $ks300_windspeed = $data[21]; # KS300 windspeed km/h my $ks300_rain = $data[22]; # KS300 rain (units) my $ks300_israining = $data[23]; # KS300 rain indicator 1=yes, 0=no Log 4, "USBWX Parse KS300 data found $ks300_temperature, $ks300_humidity, $ks300_windspeed, $ks300_rain, $ks300_israining "; my $device_name = "9"; my $def = $modules{USBWX}{defptr}{"$device_name"}; if(!$def) { Log 3, "USBWX: Unknown device USBWX_ks300, please define it"; #Log 1, "USBWX: Unknown device USBWX_ks300, please define it"; my $ret = "UNDEFINED USBWX_ks300 USBWX $device_name"; DoTrigger("global", $ret); return undef; } my $name = $def->{NAME}; $current = $ks300_temperature; $val .= "T: ".$current." "; $sensor = "temperature"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; $current = $ks300_humidity; $val .= "H: ".$current." "; $sensor = "humidity"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; my $dewpoint = sprintf("%.1f", dewpoint($ks300_temperature,$ks300_humidity)); $current = $dewpoint; $sensor = "dewpoint"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; $current = $ks300_windspeed; $val .= "W: ".$current." "; $sensor = "wind"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; $current = $ks300_rain; $sensor = "rain_raw"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; $current = $ks300_rain * 255 / 1000; $val .= "R: ".$current." "; $sensor = "rain"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; $current = $ks300_israining ? "yes" : "no"; $val .= "IR: ".$current." "; $sensor = "israining"; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tm; $def->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current; $def->{STATE} = $val; $def->{TIME} = $tm; $def->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $val; DoTrigger($name, undef); } } elsif ($rmsg =~ /^ELV.*/) { #ELV USB-WDE1 v1.1 #Baud:9600bit/s #Mode:LogView Log 4, "USBWX Parse ID"; my @c = split(" ", $rmsg); if ($c[1] eq "USB-WDE1") { Log 4, "USBWX $c[1] $c[2] found"; $rmsg =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g; $hash->{READINGS}{"status"}{VAL} = $rmsg; $hash->{READINGS}{"status"}{TIME} = TimeNow(); } } elsif ($rmsg =~ /^Mod.*/) { Log 4, "USBWX Parse mode $rmsg"; my @c = split(":", $rmsg); my @d = split("\n", $c[1]); $d[0] =~ s/[\r\n]//g; # Delete the NewLine Log 4, "USBWX Parse mode >$d[0]<"; if ($d[0] eq "LogView") { Log 2, "USBWX in $c[0] $d[0] found. rmsg=$rmsg"; #Log 2, "USBWX in $c[0] $d[0] found"; $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized"; $hash->{READINGS}{"mode"}{VAL} = $d[0]; $hash->{READINGS}{"mode"}{TIME} = TimeNow(); } } elsif ($rmsg =~ /^Baud.*/) { Log 4, "USBWX BAUD rmsg='$rmsg'"; } elsif ($rmsg =~ /^OK.*/) { Log 4, "USBWX EMPTY rmsg='$rmsg'"; } elsif ($rmsg =~ /^FullBuff/) { Log 1, "USBWX Fullbuf-Error rmsg='$rmsg'"; Log 1, "USBWX closing device"; USBWX_Disconnected($hash); Log 1, "USBWX opening device"; my $ret = USBWX_OpenDev($hash, 0); } elsif ($rmsg eq "") { Log 4, "USBWX OK rmsg='$rmsg'"; } else { Log 2, "USBWX unknown: '$rmsg'"; } return undef; } ##################################### sub USBWX_Disconnected($) { my $hash = shift; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return if(!defined($hash->{FD})); # Already deleted Log 1, "USBWX dev='$dev' name='$name' disconnected, waiting to reappear"; USBWX_CloseDev($hash); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; # Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV, # and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps. sleep(5); DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED"); } 1; =pod =begin html


    The USBWX module interprets the messages received by the ELV USB-WDE1 weather receiver. This receiver is compaptible with the following ELV sensors: KS200/KS300, S300IA, S300TH, ASH2200, PS50. It also known to work with Conrad weather sensors KS555, S555TH and ASH555.
    This module was tested with ELV S300TH, ELV ASH2200, ELV KS300, Conrad S555TH and Conrad KS555.
    Readings and STATE of temperature/humidity sensors are compatible with the CUL_WS module. For KS300/KS555 sensors STATE is compatible with the KS300 module. The module is integrated into autocreate to generate the appropriate filelogs and weblinks automatically.

    Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module if the devices is connected via USB or a serial port.

      define <name> USBWX <serial device>

      Defines USB-WDE1 attached via usb.

      define <name> USBWX <code> [corr1...corr4]

      <code> is the code which must be set on the sensor. Valid values are 1 through 8.
      9 is used as the sensor id of the ks300 sensor.
      corr1..corr4 are up to 4 numerical correction factors, which will be added to the respective value to calibrate the device. Note: rain-values will be multiplied and not added to the correction factor.

          define USBWDE1 USBWX /dev/ttyUSB0
          define USBWX_1 USBWX 1
          define USBWX_livingroom USBWX 2
          define USBWX_ks300 USBWX 9


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