# $Id$ ############################################################################### # # This file is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see . # # ############################################################################### package main; use 5.018; use feature qw( lexical_subs ); use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use HttpUtils; use List::Util qw( any ); use Text::Balanced qw ( extract_codeblock extract_delimited extract_bracketed ); use Time::Local qw( timelocal timegm ); use Unicode::Normalize qw( NFD ); #use Memory::Usage; no warnings qw( experimental::lexical_subs ); sub JsonMod_Initialize { my ($hash) = @_; my @attrList; { no warnings qw( qw ); @attrList = qw( httpHeader:textField-long httpTimeout update-on-start:0,1 readingList:textField-long disable:0,1 interval ); }; $hash->{'DefFn'} = 'JsonMod_Define'; $hash->{'UndefFn'} = 'JsonMod_Undef'; $hash->{'DeleteFn'} = 'JsonMod_Delete'; $hash->{'SetFn'} = 'JsonMod_Set'; $hash->{'AttrFn'} = 'JsonMod_Attr'; #$hash->{'NotifyFn'} = 'JsonMod_Notify'; $hash->{'AttrList'} = join(' ', @attrList)." $readingFnAttributes "; return undef; }; sub JsonMod_Define { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my ($name, $type, $source) = split /\s/, $def, 3; my $cvsid = '$Id$'; $cvsid =~ s/^.*pm\s//; $cvsid =~ s/Z\s\S+\s\$$/ UTC/; $hash->{'SVN'} = $cvsid; $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'IN_REQUEST'} = 0; $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'CRON'} = \'0 * * * *'; $hash->{'CRON'} = JsonMod::Cron->new(); return "no FUUID, is fhem up to date?" if (not $hash->{'FUUID'}); return "wrong source definition" if ($source !~ m/^(https:|http:|file:)/); $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SOURCE'} = $source; #($hash->{'NOTIFYDEV'}) = devspec2array('TYPE=Global'); InternalTimer(0, \&JsonMod_Run, $hash); return; }; # reread / temporary remove sub JsonMod_Undef { my ($hash, $name) = @_; #RemoveInternalTimer($hash, \&JsonMod_DoTimer); JsonMod_StopTimer($hash); return; }; # delete / permanently remove sub JsonMod_Delete { my ($hash, $name) = @_; my $error; # remove secret setKeyValue($hash->{'FUUID'}, undef); return $error; }; sub JsonMod_Run { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{'NAME'}; JsonMod_ReadPvtConfig($hash); return if IsDisabled($name); my $cron = AttrVal($name, 'interval', '0 * * * *'); $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'CRON'} = \$cron; JsonMod_StartTimer($hash); JsonMod_ApiRequest($hash) if AttrVal($name, 'update-on-start', 0); return; }; sub JsonMod_Set { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_; my @cmds = qw( reread secret ); return sprintf ("Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of %s", join(' ', @cmds)) unless (any {$cmd eq $_} @cmds); if ($cmd eq 'secret') { if (not $args[1] and (exists($hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{$args[0]}))) { delete $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{$args[0]}; JsonMod_WritePvtConfig($hash); } elsif ($args[1]) { $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{$args[0]} = \$args[1]; JsonMod_WritePvtConfig($hash); }; return; } elsif ($cmd eq 'reread') { return 'request already pending' if ($hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'IN_REQUEST'}); JsonMod_ApiRequest($hash); return; }; return; }; sub JsonMod_Attr { my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrValue) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; $attrValue //= ''; #my $result; if ($cmd eq 'set') { if ($attrName eq 'disable') { if ($attrValue) { JsonMod_StopTimer($hash); } else { JsonMod_StopTimer($hash); JsonMod_StartTimer($hash); # unless IsDisabled($name); }; }; if ($attrName eq 'interval') { if (split(/ /, $attrValue) == 5) { if ($hash->{'CRON'}->validate($attrValue)) { $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'CRON'} = \$attrValue; return if (!$init_done); JsonMod_StopTimer($hash); JsonMod_StartTimer($hash) unless IsDisabled($name); return; } else { return "wrong interval expression (cron)" }; }; return "wrong interval expression"; }; }; if ($cmd eq 'del') { if ($attrName eq 'interval') { $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'CRON'} = \'0 * * * *'; JsonMod_StopTimer($hash); JsonMod_StartTimer($hash); # unless IsDisabled($name); return; }; if ($attrName eq 'disable') { JsonMod_StartTimer($hash); # unless IsDisabled($name); }; }; }; # sub JsonMod_Notify { # my ($hash, $dev) = @_; # my $name = $hash->{'NAME'}; # return undef if(IsDisabled($name)); # my $events = deviceEvents($dev, 1); # return if(!$events); # foreach my $event (@{$events}) { # my @e = split /\s/, $event; # JsonMod_Logger($hash, 5, 'event:[%s], device:[%s]', $event, $dev->{'NAME'}); # if ($dev->{'TYPE'} eq 'Global') { # if ($e[0] and $e[0] eq 'INITIALIZED') { # JsonMod_Run($hash); # }; # }; # }; # return; # }; # retrieve secrets sub JsonMod_ReadPvtConfig { my ($hash) = @_; my sub clean { $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'} = {}; return; }; my ($error, $data) = getKeyValue($hash->{'FUUID'}); if ($error or not $data) { return clean(); } else { $data = MIME::Base64::decode($data); $data = JsonMod::JSON::StreamReader->new()->parse($data) or do {return clean()}; return clean() if (ref($data) ne 'HASH'); }; foreach my $k (keys %{$data->{'SECRET'}}) { $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{$k} = \$data->{'SECRET'}->{$k}; }; $hash->{'SECRETS'} = join ", ", keys (%{$hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}}); return; }; # store secrets sub JsonMod_WritePvtConfig { my ($hash) = @_; my $data; foreach my $k (keys (%{$hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}})) { $data->{'SECRET'}->{$k} = ${$hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{$k}}; }; $hash->{'SECRETS'} = join ", ", keys (%{$hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}}); my $key = $hash->{'FUUID'}; my $val = MIME::Base64::encode(JsonMod::JSON::StreamWriter->new()->parse($data)); my $error = setKeyValue($key, $val); return; }; sub JsonMod_DoReadings { my ($hash, $data) = @_; my $name = $hash->{'NAME'}; my $path = JsonMod::JSON::Path->new($data); my $newReadings = {}; my $oldReadings = {}; foreach my $key (keys %{$hash->{'READINGS'}}) { $oldReadings->{$key} = 0; }; # sanitize reading names to comply with fhem naming conventions # (allowed chars: A-Za-z/\d_\.-) my sub sanitizedSetReading { my ($r, $v) = @_; # convert into valid reading #printf "0 %s %s %s %s\n", $r, length($r), $v, length($v); $r = Unicode::Normalize::NFD($r); utf8::encode($r) if utf8::is_utf8($r); $r =~ s/\s/_/g; # whitespace $r =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9\/_\.-])//g; # prevent a totally stripped reading name # todo, log it? #$r = "_Identifier_$_index" unless($r); $v //=''; utf8::encode($v) if utf8::is_utf8($v); $newReadings->{$r} = $v; $oldReadings->{$r} = 1; #printf "1 %s %s %s %s\n", $r, length($r), $v, length($v); }; my sub concat { my @args = @_; my $result = ''; foreach my $arg (@args) { $result .= $arg; }; return $result; }; # processing attr readingList my $readingList = AttrVal($name, 'readingList', ''); utf8::decode($readingList); # data from "ouside" while ($readingList) { my ($args, $cmd); next if ($readingList =~ s/^\s*#.*\R*//); # remove comments ($args, $readingList, $cmd) = extract_codeblock ($readingList, '()', '(?m)[^(]*'); if (not $cmd or $@) { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'syntax error in readingList statement: \'%s%s\' %s', $readingList); last; }; $cmd =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # chomp $readingList =~ s/\s*;//; # control warnings, required in multi() my $warnings = 1; my sub logWarnings { return unless ($warnings); my ($msg) = @_; $msg =~ s/at \(eval.*$//; JsonMod_Logger($hash, 3, 'warning: %s in \'%s%s\'', $msg, $cmd, $args); }; if ($cmd eq 'single') { my sub jsonPath { my ($propertyPath) = @_; my $presult = $path->get($propertyPath)->getResultValue(); if (defined($presult)) { if ((ref($presult) eq 'ARRAY') and (scalar(@{$presult}))) { return $presult->[0]; # the first hit if many. be gentle ;) } elsif ((ref($presult) eq 'HASH') or (ref($presult) eq '')) { return $presult; }; }; return undef; }; my sub jsonPathf { my ($propertyPath, $format) = @_; $format //= '%s'; my $presult = jsonPath($propertyPath); if (defined($presult)) { return sprintf($format, $presult); }; return undef; }; my sub s1 { my ($readingValue, $readingName, $default) = @_; $readingValue //= $default; die ('missing reading name') unless ($readingName); sanitizedSetReading($readingName, $readingValue) if (defined($readingValue)); }; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&logWarnings; eval 's1'.$args; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; if ($msg =~ m/^(.*)(?:at.*(?:eval|98_JsonMod).*)line (\d+)?/m) { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'error: %s (#%s) in %s%s', $1, $2, $cmd, $args); } else { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'error: %s in %s%s', $msg, $cmd, $args); }; }; }; } elsif ($cmd eq 'multi') { my $resultSet; my $resultObject; my $index = 0; my sub count { return $index; }; my sub index { my @args = @_; if (scalar @args > 1) { return CORE::index($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]); } else { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 1, 'use of \'index()\' as item counter is depraced in \'%s%s\'. Replace with \'count\'.', $cmd, $args); return $index; }; }; my sub property { my ($propertyPath, $default) = @_; #$default //= ''; return unless (defined($resultObject)); if (ref($resultObject) eq 'HASH' or ref($resultObject) eq 'ARRAY') { my $presult = JsonMod::JSON::Path->new($resultObject)->get($propertyPath)->getResultValue(); if (defined($presult)) { if ((ref($presult) eq 'ARRAY') and (scalar(@{$presult}))) { return $presult->[0]; # the first hit if many. be gentle ;) } elsif ((ref($presult) eq 'HASH') or (ref($presult) eq '')) { return $presult; }; }; }; return $default if (defined($default)); return undef; }; my sub propertyf { my ($propertyPath, $default, $format) = @_; $format //= '%s'; my $presult = property($propertyPath, $default); if (defined($presult)) { return sprintf($format, $presult); }; return undef; }; my sub jsonPath { my ($jsonPathExpression) = @_; $resultSet = $path->get($jsonPathExpression)->getResultValue() unless (defined($resultSet)); return $jsonPathExpression; }; my sub m2 { my ($jsonPathExpression, $readingName, $readingValue) = @_; sanitizedSetReading($readingName, $readingValue); $index++; }; my sub m1 { my ($jsonPathExpression, $readingName, $readingValue) = @_; $warnings = 1; if (ref($resultSet) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach (@{$resultSet}) { $resultObject = $_; eval 'm2'.$args; warn $@ if $@; }; }; }; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&logWarnings; $warnings = 0; eval 'm1'.$args; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; if ($msg =~ m/^(.*)(?:at.*(?:eval|98_JsonMod).*)line (\d+)?/m) { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'error: %s (#%s) in %s%s', $1, $2, $cmd, $args); } else { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'error: %s in %s%s', $msg, $cmd, $args); }; }; }; } elsif ($cmd eq 'complete') { my $index = 0; my sub c1 { my ($jsonPathExpression) = @_; $jsonPathExpression //= '$..*'; my $resultSet = $path->get($jsonPathExpression)->getResultList(); #use Data::Dumper; #print Dumper $resultSet; if (ref($resultSet) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $res (@{$resultSet}) { my $k = $res->[0]; my $v = $res->[1]; # we are only interested in the values, not objects or arrays if (ref($v) eq '') { my @r; $k =~ s/^\$//; while (my $part = (extract_bracketed($k), '[]')[0]) { push @r, $part }; my $readingName = join('.', @r); sanitizedSetReading($readingName, $v) if length($readingName); }; }; }; }; { local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&logWarnings; eval 'c1'.$args; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; if ($msg =~ m/^(.*)(?:at.*(?:eval|98_JsonMod).*)line (\d+)?/m) { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'error: %s (#%s) in %s%s', $1, $2, $cmd, $args); } else { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'error: %s in %s%s', $msg, $cmd, $args); }; }; }; }; }; # update readings if (keys %{$newReadings}) { my @newReadings; my @oldReadings = split ',', ReadingsVal($name, '.computedReadings', ''); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach my $k (keys %{$newReadings}) { #sanitizedSetReading($reading, $value); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $k, $newReadings->{$k}); push @newReadings, $k; }; # reading is not used anymore foreach my $k (keys %{$oldReadings}) { readingsDelete($hash, $k) if ($oldReadings->{$k} == 0 and any { $_ eq $k} @oldReadings); }; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, '.computedReadings', join ',', @newReadings); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); }; }; sub JsonMod_StartTimer { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{'NAME'}; my $cron = ${$hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'CRON'}}; my @t = localtime(Time::HiRes::time()); $t[4] += 1; $t[5] += 1900; my @r = $hash->{'CRON'}->next($cron, @t); my $ts = timelocal(0, $r[0], $r[1], $r[2], $r[3] -1, $r[4] -1900); $hash->{'NEXT'} = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $r[4], $r[3], $r[2], $r[1], $r[0], 0); JsonMod_Logger($hash, 4, 'next request: %04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $r[4], $r[3], $r[2], $r[1], $r[0], 0); InternalTimer($ts, \&JsonMod_DoTimer, $hash); return; }; sub JsonMod_StopTimer { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{'NEXT'} = 'NEVER'; RemoveInternalTimer($hash, \&JsonMod_DoTimer); RemoveInternalTimer($hash, \&JsonMod_ApiRequest); return; }; sub JsonMod_DoTimer { my ($hash) = @_; JsonMod_Logger($hash, 4, 'start request'); JsonMod_StartTimer($hash); # request in flight ? cancel return if ($hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'IN_REQUEST'}); JsonMod_ApiRequest($hash); return; }; sub JsonMod_ApiRequest { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{'NAME'}; # prevent simultaneous request return if ($hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'IN_REQUEST'}); $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'IN_REQUEST'} = 1; my $source = $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SOURCE'}; # file if ($source =~ m/^file:\/(.+)/) { $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'IN_REQUEST'} = 0; $hash->{'API_LAST_RES'} = Time::HiRes::time(); my $filename = $1; if (-e $filename) { my $data; open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or do { $hash->{'SOURCE'} = sprintf('%s (%s)', $filename, (stat $filename)[7]); $hash->{'API__LAST_MSG'} = $!; return; }; { local $/; $data = <$fh>; }; close($fh); my $json = JsonMod::JSON::StreamReader->new()->parse($data); JsonMod_DoReadings($hash, $json); $hash->{'SOURCE'} = sprintf('%s (%s)', $filename, (stat $filename)[7]); $hash->{'API__LAST_MSG'} = 200; return; } else { $hash->{'SOURCE'} = sprintf('%s', $filename); $hash->{'API__LAST_MSG'} = 404; }; }; my $param = { 'hash' => $hash, 'cron' => $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'CRON'}, 'callback' => \&JsonMod_ApiResponse }; my @sec; # fill in SECRET if available $source =~ s/(\[.+?\])/(exists($hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{substr($1,1,length($1)-2)}) and push @sec, $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{substr($1,1,length($1)-2)})?${$hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{substr($1,1,length($1)-2)}}:$1/eg and $param->{'hideurl'} = 1; $param->{'url'} = $source; $param->{'sec'} = \@sec; my $header = AttrVal($name, 'httpHeader', ''); if ($header) { $header =~ s/(\[.+?\])/(exists($hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{substr($1,1,length($1)-2)}))?${$hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'SECRET'}->{substr($1,1,length($1)-2)}}:$1/eg; }; $header .= "\r\nAccept: application/json\r\nAccept-Charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1" unless ($header =~ m'Accept: application/json'); $param->{'header'} = $header; #$param->{'loglevel'} = AttrVal($name, 'verbose', 3); $param->{'NAME'} = $name; $param->{'timeout'} = AttrVal($name, 'httpTimeout', 30); HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); return; }; sub JsonMod_ApiResponse { my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; my $hash = $param->{'hash'}; # cron settings changed while doing request. discard silently return if ($param->{'cron'} ne $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'CRON'}); # check for error # TODO $hash->{'CONFIG'}->{'IN_REQUEST'} = 0; $hash->{'API_LAST_RES'} = Time::HiRes::time(); # delete secrets from the answering url if any my $url = $param->{'url'} //= ''; foreach (@{$param->{'sec'}}) { next if (ref($_) ne 'SCALAR'); $url =~ s/(\Q${$_}\E)/'X' x length($1)/e; }; $hash->{'SOURCE'} = sprintf('%s (%s)', $url, $param->{'code'} //= ''); $hash->{'API__LAST_MSG'} = $param->{'code'} //= 'failed'; my sub doError { my ($msg) = @_; $hash->{'API__LAST_MSG'} = $msg; my $next = Time::HiRes::time() + 600; #$hash->{'API__NEXT_REQ'} = $next; return InternalTimer($next, \&JsonMod_ApiRequest, $hash); }; if ($err) { JsonMod_Logger($hash, 2, 'http request error: %s', $err); return doError($err); }; my ($content, $encoding); foreach my $header (split /\r\n/, $param->{'httpheader'}) { last if (($content, $encoding) = $header =~ m/^Content-Type:\s([^;]+).*charset=(.+)/); }; # RESPONSE Content-Type:... charset= # # we need to care only if the result is NOT utf8. # if it is utf8 then StreamReader will take care and # convert it and set the utf8 flag if, and only if, # non ascii code points are seen for each individual # element (keys, values) of the resulting object. # As a result all string functions like length and so on # are able to operate correct. # # at each 'exit' to the outer world we need to check then # bool = utf8::is_utf8(string) # if true: utf8::encode(string); my $enc = Encode::find_encoding($encoding); $enc = (defined($enc))?$enc->name():'utf-8-strict'; # precaution required in case of invalid respone Encode::from_to($data, $encoding, 'UTF-8') unless ($enc eq 'utf-8-strict'); JsonMod_Logger($hash, 4, 'api encoding is %s, designated encoder is %s', $encoding, $enc); # JsonP handling my ($jsonP, $remain, $jsFn) = extract_codeblock($data, '()', '(?s)^[^([{]+'); if ($jsonP and $jsonP =~ m/^\((.*)\)$/ and $1) { $data = $1; }; my $rs = JsonMod::JSON::StreamReader->new()->parse($data); if (not $rs or ((ref($rs) ne 'HASH') and ref($rs) ne 'ARRAY')) { return doError('invalid server response'); }; #use Memory::Usage; #my $mu = Memory::Usage->new(); #$mu->record('before'); JsonMod_DoReadings($hash, $rs); #$mu->record('after'); #$mu->dump(); return; }; sub JsonMod_Logger { my ($hash, $verbose, $message, @args) = @_; my $name = $hash->{'NAME'}; # Unicode support for log files utf8::encode($message) if utf8::is_utf8($message); for my $i (0 .. scalar(@args)) { utf8::encode($args[$i]) if utf8::is_utf8($args[$i]); }; # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,109413.msg1034685.html#msg1034685 no if $] >= 5.022, 'warnings', qw( redundant missing ); no warnings "uninitialized"; Log3 ($name, $verbose, sprintf('[%s] '.$message, $name, @args)); return; }; ############################################################################### # credits to David Oswald # http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/DAVIDO/JSON-Tiny-0.58/lib/JSON/Tiny.pm package JsonMod::JSON::StreamWriter; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use B; my ($escape, $reverse); BEGIN { eval "use JSON::XS;1;" or do { if (not $main::_JSON_PP_WARN) { main::Log3 (undef, 3, sprintf('json [%s] is PP. Consider installing JSON::XS', __PACKAGE__)); $main::_JSON_PP_WARN = 1; }; }; }; BEGIN { %{$escape} = ( '"' => '"', '\\' => '\\', '/' => '/', 'b' => "\x08", 'f' => "\x0c", 'n' => "\x0a", 'r' => "\x0d", 't' => "\x09", 'u2028' => "\x{2028}", 'u2029' => "\x{2029}" ); %{$reverse} = map { $escape->{$_} => "\\$_" } keys %{$escape}; for(0x00 .. 0x1f) { my $packed = pack 'C', $_; $reverse->{$packed} = sprintf '\u%.4X', $_ unless defined $reverse->{$packed}; }; }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; return $self; }; sub parse { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $stream; # use JSON::XS if available my $xs = eval 'JSON::XS::encode_json($data)'; return $xs if ($xs); if (my $ref = ref $data) { use Encode; return Encode::encode_utf8($self->addValue($data)); }; }; sub addValue { my ($self, $data) = @_; if (my $ref = ref $data) { return $self->addONode($data) if ($ref eq 'HASH'); return $self->addANode($data) if ($ref eq 'ARRAY'); }; return 'null' unless defined $data; return $data if B::svref_2object(\$data)->FLAGS & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK) # filter out "upgraded" strings whose numeric form doesn't strictly match && 0 + $data eq $data # filter out inf and nan && $data * 0 == 0; # String return $self->addString($data); }; sub addString { my ($self, $str) = @_; $str =~ s!([\x00-\x1f\x{2028}\x{2029}\\"/])!$reverse->{$1}!gs; return "\"$str\""; }; sub addONode { my ($self, $object) = @_; my @pairs = map { $self->addString($_) . ':' . $self->addValue($object->{$_}) } sort keys %$object; return '{' . join(',', @pairs) . '}'; }; sub addANode { my ($self, $array) = @_; return '[' . join(',', map { $self->addValue($_) } @{$array}) . ']'; }; # static, sanitize a json message ############################################################################### # credits to David Oswald # http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/DAVIDO/JSON-Tiny-0.58/lib/JSON/Tiny.pm package JsonMod::JSON::StreamReader; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; BEGIN { eval "use JSON::XS;1;" or do { if (not $main::_JSON_PP_WARN) { main::Log3 (undef, 3, sprintf('json [%s] is PP. Consider installing JSON::XS', __PACKAGE__)); $main::_JSON_PP_WARN = 1; }; }; }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; return $self; }; sub parse { my ($self, $in) = @_; my $TRUE = 1; my $FALSE = 0; local *exception = sub { my ($e) = @_; # Leading whitespace m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*/gc; # Context my $context = 'Malformed JSON: ' . shift; if (m/\G\z/gc) { $context .= ' before end of data'; } else { my @lines = split "\n", substr($_, 0, pos); $context .= ' at line ' . @lines . ', offset ' . length(pop @lines || ''); }; die "$context"; }; local *_decode_string = sub { my $pos = pos; # Extract string with escaped characters m!\G((?:(?:[^\x00-\x1f\\"]|\\(?:["\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})){0,32766})*)!gc; # segfault on 5.8.x in t/20-mojo-json.t my $str = $1; # Invalid character unless (m/\G"/gc) { #" exception('Unexpected character or invalid escape while parsing string') if m/\G[\x00-\x1f\\]/; exception('Unterminated string'); }; # Unescape popular characters if (index($str, '\\u') < 0) { #no warnings; $str =~ s!\\(["\\/bfnrt])!$self->{'ESCAPE'}->{$1}!gs; return $str; }; # Unescape everything else my $buffer = ''; while ($str =~ m/\G([^\\]*)\\(?:([^u])|u(.{4}))/gc) { $buffer .= $1; # Popular character if ($2) { $buffer .= $self->{'ESCAPE'}->{$2}; } else { # Escaped my $ord = hex $3; # Surrogate pair if (($ord & 0xf800) == 0xd800) { # High surrogate ($ord & 0xfc00) == 0xd800 or pos($_) = $pos + pos($str), exception('Missing high-surrogate'); # Low surrogate $str =~ m/\G\\u([Dd][C-Fc-f]..)/gc or pos($_) = $pos + pos($str), exception('Missing low-surrogate'); $ord = 0x10000 + ($ord - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (hex($1) - 0xdc00); }; # Character $buffer .= pack 'U', $ord; }; }; # The rest return $buffer . substr $str, pos $str, length $str; }; local *_decode_object = sub { my %hash; until (m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\}/gc) { # Quote m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*"/gc or exception('Expected string while parsing object'); # Key my $key = _decode_string(); # Colon m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*:/gc or exception('Expected colon while parsing object'); # Value $hash{$key} = _decode_value(); # Separator redo if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*,/gc; # End last if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\}/gc; # Invalid character exception('Expected comma or right curly bracket while parsing object'); }; return \%hash; }; local *_decode_array = sub { my @array; until (m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\]/gc) { # Value push @array, _decode_value(); # Separator redo if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*,/gc; # End last if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\]/gc; # Invalid character exception('Expected comma or right square bracket while parsing array'); }; return \@array; }; local *_decode_value = sub { # Leading whitespace m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*/gc; # String return _decode_string() if m/\G"/gc; # Object return _decode_object() if m/\G\{/gc; # Array return _decode_array() if m/\G\[/gc; # Number # jh: failed with 0123 #my ($i) = /\G([-]?(?:0(?!\d)|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)/gc; my ($i) = /\G(?=.)([+-]?([0-9]*)(\.([0-9]+))?)([eE][+-]?\d+)?/gc; return 0 + $i if defined $i; # True { no warnings; return $TRUE if m/\Gtrue/gc; # False return $FALSE if m/\Gfalse/gc; }; # Null return undef if m/\Gnull/gc; ## no critic (return) # Invalid character exception('Expected string, array, object, number, boolean or null'); }; local *_decode = sub { my $valueref = shift; eval { # Missing input die "Missing or empty input\n" unless length( local $_ = shift ); # UTF-8 $_ = eval { Encode::decode('UTF-8', $_, 1) } unless shift; die "Input is not UTF-8 encoded\n" unless defined $_; # Value $$valueref = _decode_value(); # Leftover data return m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\z/gc || exception('Unexpected data'); } ? return undef : chomp $@; return $@; }; # use JSON::XS if available my $xs = eval 'JSON::XS::decode_json($in)'; return $xs if ($xs); my $err = _decode(\my $value, $in, 1); return defined $err ? $err : $value; }; # https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath # https://support.smartbear.com/alertsite/docs/monitors/api/endpoint/jsonpath.html#examples package JsonMod::JSON::Path; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; sub new { my ($class, $o) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{'root'} = JsonMod::JSON::Path::Node->new($o); return $self; }; # valid: # $.. # $. # $[property] # property # invalid ubt accepted: # ..property sub get { my ($self, $path) = @_; my $query = JsonMod::JSON::Path::Query->new(); #print "get $path\n"; $path =~ s/^\$//; $self->{'root'}->get($path, '$', $query); return $query; }; sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; #print "DESTROY $self\n"; $self->{'root'}->release() if defined($self->{'root'}); delete $self->{'root'}; }; package JsonMod::JSON::Path::Node; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Text::Balanced qw ( extract_codeblock extract_delimited ); use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); sub new { my ($class, $o, $root) = @_; # special case for JSON 'true' / 'false' $o = "$o" if (blessed($o) and blessed($o) eq 'JSON::PP::Boolean'); my $t = ref($o); if ($t eq 'HASH') { return JsonMod::JSON::Path::HNode->new($o, $root); } elsif ($t eq 'ARRAY') { return JsonMod::JSON::Path::ANode->new($o, $root); } elsif ($t eq '') { return JsonMod::JSON::Path::VNode->new($o, $root); }; }; sub getNextProperty { my ($self, $path) = @_; my ($property, $deep); $deep = $path =~ s/^\.\.//; $path =~ s/^([^\.])/\.$1/; ($path =~ s/^\.([^\[\.]+)// and $property = $1); # .property if (not defined($property)) { $property = extract_codeblock($path, '[]', '\.') and $property = substr($property, 1, (length($property)-2)); if (defined($property) and ord($property) eq ord(qw ( ' ))) { $property = extract_delimited($property, qw ( ' )) and $property = substr($property, 1, (length($property)-2)); }; }; return ($path, $property, $deep); }; sub addRootNode { my ($self, $o, $root) = @_; if (not $root) { $self->{'root'} = $self; } else { $self->{'root'} = $root; }; return $self; }; sub release { my ($self) = @_; if (ref($self->{'child'}) eq 'HASH') { foreach my $k (keys %{$self->{'child'}}) { $self->{'child'}->{$k}->release() if defined($self->{'child'}->{$k}); delete $self->{'child'}->{$k}; }; }; delete $self->{'root'}; }; sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; #print "DESTROY $self\n"; }; package JsonMod::JSON::Path::HNode; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use parent -norequire, qw( JsonMod::JSON::Path::Node ); sub new { my ($class, $o, $root) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; #print "HNode $self\n"; $self->addRootNode($o, $root); foreach my $k (keys %{$o}) { $self->{'child'}->{$k} = JsonMod::JSON::Path::Node->new($o->{$k}, $self->{'root'}); }; return $self; }; sub get { my ($self, $path, $normalized, $query) = @_; my ($property, $deep); #print "hash1 [$path] [$property] [$normalized]\n"; ($path, $property, $deep) = $self->getNextProperty($path); #print "hash2 [$path] [$property] [$normalized]\n"; if ((ord($property) eq ord('*')) or $deep) { my @childList = keys (%{$self->{'child'}}); foreach my $child (@childList) { $self->getSingle($child, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized, $query); }; } else { $self->getSingle($property, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized, $query); }; }; sub getSingle { my ($self, $node, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized, $query) = @_; #print "hash single: $node, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized\n"; #$path = "..$property$path" if $deep; if ((ord($property) eq ord('*')) or (($node eq $property) and exists($self->{'child'}->{$node}))) { if (not $path) { #print "hash result $normalized.[$node]\n"; $query->addResult($normalized."[$node]", $self->{'child'}->{$node}->getValue()); }; #$path = "..$property$path" if $deep; if ($path and (not ref($self->{'child'}->{$node}) eq 'JsonMod::JSON::Path::VNode')) { $self->{'child'}->{$node}->get($path, $normalized."[$node]", $query); }; }; if ($deep) { #and (not ref($self->{'child'}->{$node}) eq 'JsonMod::JSON::Path::VNode')) { $path = "..$property$path"; $self->{'child'}->{$node}->get($path, $normalized."[$node]", $query); }; }; sub getValue { my ($self) = @_; my $val = {}; foreach my $c (keys %{$self->{'child'}}) { $val->{$c} = $self->{'child'}->{$c}->getValue(); } return $val; }; package JsonMod::JSON::Path::ANode; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use parent -norequire, qw( JsonMod::JSON::Path::Node ); sub new { my ($class, $o, $root) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; #print "ANode $self\n"; $self->addRootNode($o, $root); for my $i (0 .. scalar(@{$o}) -1) { $self->{'child'}->{$i} = JsonMod::JSON::Path::Node->new($o->[$i], $self->{'root'}); }; return $self; }; sub get { my ($self, $path, $normalized, $query) = @_; my ($property, $deep); #print "array1 [$path] [$property] [$normalized]\n"; ($path, $property, $deep) = $self->getNextProperty($path); #print "array2 [$path] [$property] [$normalized]\n"; if (ord($property) eq ord('?')) { my $filter = JsonMod::JSON::Path::Query::Filter->new($self)->get($property); foreach my $child (sort { $a <=> $b } @{$filter}) { $self->getSingle($child, $child, $deep, $path, $normalized, $query); #$self->{'child'}->{$child}->get($path, $normalized, $query); }; } elsif ((ord($property) eq ord('*')) or $deep) { my @childList = sort { $a <=> $b } keys (%{$self->{'child'}}); foreach my $child (@childList) { $self->getSingle($child, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized, $query); }; } elsif ($property =~ /^\d+$/) { $self->getSingle($property, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized, $query); } else { die ("JsonPath filter property $property failure"); }; }; sub getSingle { my ($self, $node, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized, $query) = @_; #print "array single: $node, $property, $deep, $path, $normalized\n"; #$path = "..$property$path" if $deep; if ((ord($property) eq ord('*')) or (($node eq $property) and exists($self->{'child'}->{$node}))) { if (not $path) { #print "array result $normalized.[$node]\n"; $query->addResult($normalized."[$node]", $self->{'child'}->{$node}->getValue()); }; #$path = "..$property$path" if $deep; if ($path and (not ref($self->{'child'}->{$node}) eq 'JsonMod::JSON::Path::VNode')) { $self->{'child'}->{$node}->get($path, $normalized."[$node]", $query); }; }; if ($deep) { #and (not ref($self->{'child'}->{$node}) eq 'JsonMod::JSON::Path::VNode')) { $path = "..$property$path"; $self->{'child'}->{$node}->get($path, $normalized."[$node]", $query); }; }; sub getValue { my ($self) = @_; my $val = []; my @childList = sort { $a <=> $b } keys (%{$self->{'child'}}); foreach my $c (@childList) { push @{$val}, $self->{'child'}->{$c}->getValue(); } return $val; }; package JsonMod::JSON::Path::VNode; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use parent -norequire, qw( JsonMod::JSON::Path::Node ); sub new { my ($class, $o, $root) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; #print "VNode $self\n"; $self->addRootNode($o, $root); if (not $root) { $root = $self->{'root'} = $o; } else { $self->{'root'} = $root; }; $self->{'child'} = $o; return $self; }; sub get { my ($self, $path, $normalized) = @_; my ($property, $deep); ($path, $property, $deep) = $self->getNextProperty($path); }; sub getValue { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{'child'}; }; package JsonMod::JSON::Path::Query; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{'nList'} = []; $self->{'vList'} = []; return $self; }; sub addResult { my ($self, $normalized, $value) = @_; push @{$self->{'nList'}}, $normalized; push @{$self->{'vList'}}, $value; }; sub getResultNormalized { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $e (@{$self->{'nList'}}) { print "$e\n"; }; }; sub getResultValue { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{'vList'}; }; sub getResultNormVal { my ($self) = @_; for my $i (0 .. scalar(@{$self->{'vList'}}) -1) { print "$self->{'nList'}->[$i]\t$self->{'vList'}->[$i]\n"; }; }; sub getResultList { my ($self) = @_; my $result = []; for my $i (0 .. scalar(@{$self->{'vList'}}) -1) { push @{$result}, [$self->{'nList'}->[$i], $self->{'vList'}->[$i]]; }; return $result; }; package JsonMod::JSON::Path::Query::Filter; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use List::Util qw( any ); use Text::Balanced qw ( extract_codeblock extract_delimited ); sub new { my ($class, $o) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{'nList'} = []; $self->{'vList'} = []; $self->{'node'} = $o; return $self; }; sub get { my ($self, $filterText) = @_; my $filter; $filter = extract_codeblock($filterText, '()', '\?') and $filter = substr($filter, 1, (length($filter)-2)); my ($delim, $list, $idx) = (0, 0, 0); my @parts; # foreach my $c (split '', $filter) { # $delim ^= 1 if (ord($c) == ord(q{'})); # $list += 1 if (ord($c) == ord('[') and $delim == 0); # $list -= 1 if (ord($c) == ord(']') and $delim == 0); # die('unbalanced square brackets in JsonPath filter: '.$filterText) if ($list < 0); # $idx++ if (any {$c eq $_)} (' ', '')) and $delim == 0 and $list == 0); # $parts[$idx] .= $c if (ord($c) != ord(' ') or $list != 0 or $delim == 1); # }; my @operators = ( '\s*==\s*', '\s*!=\s*', '\s*<=\s*', '\s*<\s*', '\s*>=\s*', '\s*>\s*', '\s+in\s+', ); my $rex = join('|', @operators); $rex = qr/^($rex)/; while (defined(my $c = substr($filter, 0, 1))) { if ($c eq q{'}) { $delim ^= 1; #substr($filter, 0, 1, ''); #$c = ''; }; if ($c eq '[' and $delim == 0) { $list += 1; #substr($filter, 0, 1, ''); #$c = ''; }; if ($c eq ']' and $delim == 0) { $list -= 1; #substr($filter, 0, 1, ''); #$c = ''; }; die('unbalanced square brackets in JsonPath filter: '.$filterText) if ($list < 0); #next unless (length($c)); if ($delim == 0 and $list == 0 and $filter =~ m/$rex/sip) { $parts[2] = substr($filter, length($1)); $parts[1] = $1; $parts[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; last; }; $parts[0] .= substr($filter, 0, 1, ''); }; die('unbalanced square brackets in JsonPath filter: '.$filterText) if ($list != 0); die('wrong filter expression in JsonPath filter: '.$filterText) if (scalar(@parts) != 3 or not defined($parts[0]) or not defined($parts[1]) or not defined($parts[2])); return $self->filter($parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2]); }; sub filter { my ($self, $left, $operater, $right) = @_; my $result = []; # fn ref as test for: numeric, string, list my ($a, $b, @a, @b); my $dispatch = { '==' => [sub {$a == $b}, sub {$a eq $b}, undef], '!=' => [sub {$a != $b}, sub {$a ne $b}, undef], '<' => [sub {$a < $b}, sub {$a lt $b}, undef], '<=' => [sub {$a <= $b}, sub {$a le $b}, undef], '>' => [sub {$a > $b}, sub {$a gt $b}, undef], '>=' => [sub {$a >= $b}, sub {$a ge $b}, undef], 'in' => [undef, undef, sub {any {$_ eq $a} @b}], }; # todo: test if right is filter!!! # right type == numeric, string, list / operater as string / function pointer #printf("l:[%s], o:[%s], r:[%s]\n", $left, $operater, $right); my ($fnt, $fn); ($right =~ m/([+-]?\d+(?:[,.]\d+)?)/ and $fnt = 0) or # numeric ($right =~ m/^(?:['](.*)['])$/ and $fnt = 1) or # string ($right =~ m/^(?:[\[](.*)[\]])$/ and $fnt = 2); # list $right = $1 if (defined($fnt)); $fn = exists($dispatch->{$operater})?$dispatch->{$operater}->[$fnt]:undef; if ($fn) { # run query my $filterpath = $left; my $queryNode; if ($filterpath =~ s/^([\$\@])/[*]/) { $queryNode = $self->{'node'} if ($1 eq '@'); $queryNode = $self->{'node'}->{'root'} if ($1 eq '$'); } else { die("JsonPath filter '$left' must start with \@. or \$."); }; my $filter = JsonMod::JSON::Path::Query->new(); my $fltNormalized = ''; # relative to actual node $queryNode->get($filterpath, $fltNormalized, $filter); my $list = $filter->getResultList(); # numeric or string if ($fnt == 0 or $fnt == 1) { foreach my $e (@{$list}) { $a = $e->[1] //= ''; # -> val, undef possible because JSON NULL $b = $right; if ($fn->()) { # call the test my $r = extract_codeblock($e->[0], '[]'); push @{$result}, substr($r, 1, length($r) - 2); # remove [] }; }; # list } elsif ($fnt == 2) { foreach (split /,/, $right) { s/^\s*'|^\s+|'\s+|'\s*$//g; push @b, $_; }; foreach my $e (@{$list}) { $a = $e->[1] //= ''; # -> val if ($fn->()) { # call the test my $r = extract_codeblock($e->[0], '[]'); push @{$result}, substr($r, 1, length($r) - 2); # remove [] }; }; }; }; return $result; }; sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; delete $self->{'node'}; }; package JsonMod::Cron; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Time::Local qw ( timelocal ); no warnings qw( experimental::lexical_subs ); # static and helper sub normalizeTime { my ($m, $h, $d) = @_; $d //= 0; if ($m > 59) { $h += int($m / 60); $m %= 60; }; if ($h > 23) { $d += int($h / 24); $h %= 24; }; return ($m, $h, $d); }; sub normalizeDate { my ($d, $m, $y, $o) = @_; $o //= 0; my $time = timelocal(0, 0, 12, $d, $m -1, $y -1900); $time += $o * 86400; my @t = localtime($time); # plus DST, wday (SUN=0..6), yday (0..364|5) return ($t[3], $t[4] +1, $t[5] +1900, $t[8], $t[6], $t[7]); }; # class sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; return $self; }; sub setCron { my ($self, $cron) = @_; @{$self->{'CRONLIST'}} = split / /, $cron //= ''; return if (scalar @{$self->{'CRONLIST'}} != 5); }; sub parseMinuteEntry { my ($self, $in, $now) = @_; my ($res, $start, $stop, $step); ($step) = ($in =~ m/\/([0-9]|[0-5][0-9])$/); ($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^([*]|[0-9]|[0-5][0-9])(?:-([0-9]|[0-5][0-9]))?(?:\/(?:[0-9]|[0-5][0-9]))?$/); return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error $stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?59:$start if (not defined($stop)); $start = 0 if $start eq '*'; return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error return $start if ($now < $start); # literal start $res = $step //= 1; $res = $res - (((($now - $start) % 60) + $res) % $res); $res = $now + $res; return $start + 60 if ($res > $stop); # carry over return $res; # regular next }; sub parseHourEntry { my ($self, $in, $now) = @_; my ($res, $start, $stop, $step); ($step) = ($in =~ m/\/([0-9]|[0,1][0-9]|2[0-3])$/); ($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^([*]|[0-9]|[0,1][0-9]|2[0-3])(?:-([0-9]|[0,1][0-9]|2[0-3]))?(?:\/(?:[*]|[0-9]|[0,1][0-9]|2[0-3]))?$/); return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error $stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?23:$start if (not defined($stop)); $start = 0 if $start eq '*'; return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error return $start if ($now < $start); # literal start $res = $step //= 1; $res = ($now - $start) % $res; return $now if ($res == 0) and ($now <= $stop); # current hour $res = $now + $step - $res; return $start + 24 if ($res > $stop); # carry over return $res; # regular next }; sub parseDateEntry { my ($self, $in, $now) = @_; my ($res, $start, $stop, $step); ($step) = ($in =~ m/\/([0-9]|[0-2][0-9]|3[0,1])$/); ($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^([*]|[0-9]|[0-2][0-9]|3[0,1])(?:-([0-9]|[0-2][0-9]|3[0,1]))?(?:\/(?:[*]|[0-9]|[0-2][0-9]|3[0,1]))?$/); return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error $stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?31:$start if (not defined($stop)); $start = 1 if $start eq '*'; return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error return $start if ($now < $start); # literal start $res = $step //= 1; $res = ($now - $start) % $res; return $now if ($res == 0) and ($now <= $stop); # current $res = $now + $step - $res; return $start + 32 if ($res > $stop); # carry over return $res; # regular next }; sub next { my ($self, $cron, @t) = @_; my $inDay = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $t[5], $t[4], $t[3]); my ($cronMin, $cronHour, $cronDay, $cronMonth, $cronWeekDay) = split / /, $cron; my ($time, $dst, $weekday); # m h d(carry) $time = $self->nextTime($t[1], $t[2], $cronMin, $cronHour); return if (not $time); ($t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $dst, $weekday) = normalizeDate($t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $time->[2]); my $calcDay = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $t[5], $t[4], $t[3]); # date unchanged and known if ($calcDay eq $inDay) { return ($time->[0], $time->[1], $t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $dst); }; # m h d(carry) $time = $self->nextTime(0, 0, $cronMin, $cronHour); #($t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $dst, $weekday) = normalizeDate($t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $time->[2]); # yyyy mm dd my $date = $self->nextDate($t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $cronDay, $cronMonth); return if (not $date); ($t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $dst, $weekday) = normalizeDate($date->[2], $date->[1], $date->[0]); return ($time->[0], $time->[1], $t[3], $t[4], $t[5], $dst); }; # test if valid cron expression sub validate { my ($self, $cron) = @_; my ($cronMin, $cronHour, $cronDay, $cronMonth, $cronWeekDay) = split / /, $cron; my $time = $self->nextTime(0, 0, $cronMin, $cronHour); my $date = $self->nextDate(2020, 1, 1, $cronDay, $cronMonth); if (defined($time) and defined($date)) { return 1; } else { return; }; }; # min = time: actual minute # hour = time: actual hour sub nextTime { my ($self, $min, $hour, $cronMin, $cronHour) = @_; my $calcMin; my $calcHour; my $calcDay = 0; foreach my $cronMinEntry (split /,/, $cronMin) { my $e = $self->parseMinuteEntry($cronMinEntry, $min); return if not defined($e); # syntax error if ((not defined($calcMin) and defined($e)) or ($e < $calcMin)) { $calcMin = $e; }; }; ($calcMin, $hour, $calcDay) = normalizeTime($calcMin, $hour, $calcDay); foreach my $cronHourEntry (split /,/, $cronHour) { my $e = $self->parseHourEntry($cronHourEntry, $hour); return if not defined($e); # syntax error if ((not defined($calcHour) and defined($e)) or ($e < $calcHour)) { $calcHour = $e; }; }; my (@time) = normalizeTime($calcMin, $calcHour, $calcDay); return \@time; }; sub nextDate { my ($self, $day, $month, $year, $cronDay, $cronMonth) = @_; my $dates = $self->listDates($day, $month, $year, $cronDay, $cronMonth); my $result; foreach (@{$dates}) { if ((not defined($result) and defined($_)) or ($_ and ($_ < $result))) { $result = $_; }; }; return if (not defined($result)); my (@date) = ($result =~ m/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/); return \@date; }; sub listDates { my ($self, $day, $month, $year, $cronDay, $cronMonth) = @_; my @result; #return [] if ($self->{R}++ > 25); my sub daysOfMonth { my ($m, $y) = @_; my (@d) = (0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); # leapyear $d[2] = 29 if (((($y % 4) == 0) and (($y % 100) != 0)) or (($y % 400) == 0)); return ($d[$m]); }; foreach my $cronDayEntry (split /,/, $cronDay) { foreach my $cronMonthEntry (split /,/, $cronMonth) { # impossible cron would recurse forever: [31 2 * * *] / [31 9/2 * * *] my $invalid = 1; if ((my ($fuseDay) = ($cronDayEntry =~ m/^(\d{1,2})/)) and (my ($fuseMonth, $fuseMonthStep) = ($cronMonthEntry =~ m/^(\d{1,2})(?:\/(\d{1,2}))*/))) { #print "FUSE $fuseDay, $fuseMonth, $fuseMonthStep\n"; for (my $i = $fuseMonth; $i <= 12 and $invalid; $i += $fuseMonthStep //= 12) { $invalid = 0 if (daysOfMonth($fuseMonth, 2000) >= $fuseDay); # 2000 is leapyear }; if ($invalid) { push @result, (); next; }; }; my $calcDay = $self->parseDateEntry($cronDayEntry, $day); my $calcMonth = $self->parseDateEntry($cronMonthEntry, $month); my $calcYear = $year; #printf "Test: D:%s, M:%s against %s-%s -> %s-%s-%s\n", $cronDayEntry, $cronMonthEntry, $day, $month, $calcDay, $calcMonth, $calcYear; if (defined($calcDay) and defined($calcMonth)) { #$doy = isValid($testM, $testMd); if (($calcDay == $day) and ($calcMonth == $month)) { #printf "RETURN: D:%s, M:%s against %s-%s-%s -> %s-%s-%s\n", $cronDayEntry, $cronMonthEntry, $day, $month, $year, $calcDay, $calcMonth, $calcYear; push @result, sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $calcYear, $calcMonth, $calcDay); } else { if ($calcMonth > 12) { $calcMonth -= ($calcMonth == 13)?12:32; $calcYear++; }; if ($calcDay > daysOfMonth($calcMonth, $calcYear)) { $calcMonth++ if ($calcMonth == $month); $calcDay = 1; }; push @result, @{ $self->listDates($calcDay, $calcMonth, $calcYear, $cronDayEntry, $cronMonthEntry) }; }; } else { return []; # syntax error }; }; }; return \@result; }; 1; =pod =item device =item summary provides a generic way to parse and display json source =item summary_DE JSON Quellen parsen und und verwenden =begin html


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