"use strict"; FW_version["console.js"] = "$Id$"; var consConn; var consName="#console"; var consFilter, oldFilter, consFType=""; var consLastIndex = 0; var withLog = 0; var mustScroll = 1; log("Event monitor is starting!"); function cons_closeConn() { if(!consConn) return; if(typeof consConn.close == "function") consConn.close(); else if(typeof consConn.abort == "function") consConn.abort(); consConn = undefined; } function consAppender(new_content) { // Extract the FHEM-Log, to avoid escaping its formatting (Forum #104842) var logContent = ""; var rTab = {'<':'<', '>':'>',' ':' ', '\n':'
' }; new_content = new_content.replace( /(
)([\s\S]*?)(<\/div>)/gm, function(all, div1, msg, div2) { logContent += div1+ msg.replace(/[<> \n]/g, function(a){return rTab[a]})+ div2; return ""; }); var isTa = $(consName).is("textarea"); // 102773 var ncA = new_content.split(/
[\r\n]/); for(var i1=0; i1 ]/g, function(a){return rTab[a]}); $(consName).append(logContent+ncA.join(isTa?"\n":"
")); } function consUpdate(evt) { var errstr = "Connection lost, trying a reconnect every 5 seconds."; var new_content = ""; if((typeof WebSocket == "function" || typeof WebSocket == "object") && evt && evt.target instanceof WebSocket) { if(evt.type == 'close') { FW_errmsg(errstr, 4900); cons_closeConn(); setTimeout(consFill, 5000); return; } new_content = evt.data; consLastIndex = 0; } else { if(consConn.readyState == 4) { FW_errmsg(errstr, 4900); setTimeout(consFill, 5000); return; } if(consConn.readyState != 3) return; var len = consConn.responseText.length; if (consLastIndex == len) // No new data return; new_content = consConn.responseText.substring(consLastIndex, len); consLastIndex = len; } if(new_content == undefined || new_content.length == 0) return; if(new_content.length < 120) log("console Rcvd: "+new_content); else log("console Rcvd: "+new_content.substr(0,120)+ "..., truncated, original length "+new_content.length); consAppender(new_content); if(mustScroll) $(consName).scrollTop($(consName)[0].scrollHeight); } function consFill() { FW_errmsg(""); if(FW_pollConn) FW_closeConn(); var query = "?XHR=1"+ "&inform=type=raw;withLog="+withLog+";filter="+ encodeURIComponent(consFilter)+consFType+ "&fw_id="+$("body").attr('fw_id')+ "×tamp="+new Date().getTime(); query = addcsrf(query); var loc = (""+location).replace(/\?.*/,""); if($("body").attr("longpoll") == "websocket") { if(consConn) { consConn.onclose = consConn.onerror = consConn.onmessage = undefined; consConn.close(); } consConn = new WebSocket(loc.replace(/[&?].*/,'') .replace(/^http/i, "ws")+query); consConn.onclose = consConn.onerror = consConn.onmessage = consUpdate; } else { if(consConn) { consConn.onreadystatechange = undefined; consConn.abort(); } consConn = new XMLHttpRequest(); consConn.open("GET", loc+query, true); consConn.onreadystatechange = consUpdate; consConn.send(null); } consLastIndex = 0; if(oldFilter != consFilter) // only clear, when filter changes $(consName).html(""); oldFilter = consFilter; } function consStart() { if($(consName).length != 1) return; if($("a#eventFilter").length) consFilter = $("a#eventFilter").html(); if(consFilter == undefined) consFilter = ".*"; oldFilter = consFilter; withLog = ($("#eventWithLog").is(':checked') ? 1 : 0); setTimeout(consFill, 1000); $("#eventReset").click(function(evt){ // Event Monitor Reset log("Console resetted by user"); $(consName).html(""); }); $("#eventFilter").click(function(evt){ // Event-Filter Dialog $('body').append( '
'+ '
Filter (Regexp):

'+ '

'+ '
'+ ' Match the whole line
'+ ' Notify-Type: deviceName:event'+ '
'+ '
'); $("#evtfilterdlg input#"+(consFType=="" ? "f" : "n")).prop("checked",true); $('#evtfilterdlg').dialog({ modal:true, width:'auto', position:{ my: "left top", at: "right bottom", of: this, collision: "flipfit" }, close:function(){$('#evtfilterdlg').remove();}, buttons:[ { text:"Cancel", click:function(){ $(this).dialog('close'); }}, { text:"OK", click:function(){ var val = $("#filtertext").val().trim(); try { new RegExp(val ? val : ".*"); } catch(e) { return FW_okDialog(e); } consFilter = val ? val : ".*"; consFType= ($("#evtfilterdlg input#n").is(":checked")) ? ";filterType=notify" : ""; $(this).dialog('close'); $("a#eventFilter").html(consFilter); consFill(); }}] }); }); $("#eventWithLog").change(function(evt){ // Event-Filter Dialog withLog = ($("#eventWithLog").is(':checked') ? 1 : 0); consFill(); }); $(consName).scroll(function() { // autoscroll check if($(consName)[0].scrollHeight - $(consName).scrollTop() <= $(consName).outerHeight() + 2) { if(!mustScroll) { mustScroll = 1; log("Console autoscroll restarted"); } } else { if(mustScroll) { mustScroll = 0; log("Console autoscroll stopped"); } } }); consAddRegexpPart(); } function consAddRegexpPart() { $("").insertAfter("button#eventReset"); var knownTypes = { "notify": { modify: "set modDev addRegexpPart evtDev event", createArg: "evtDev:event {}" }, "FileLog":{ modify: "set modDev addRegexpPart evtDev event", createArg: "./log/modDev.log evtDev:event" }, "watchdog":{createArg: "evtDev:event 00:15 SAME {}" }, "sequence":{createArg: "evtDev:event 00:15 evtDev:event" }, "average":{createArg: "evtDev:event" }, "DOIF":{createArg: "([evtDev:\"^event$\"]) ()" } }; var modDev, devList, devHash = {}; var creates = []; for(var t in knownTypes) if(knownTypes[t].createArg) creates.push(t); $("button#addRegexpPart").click(function(){ // get selection, build regexp from event var txt = window.getSelection().toString(); var hlp = "Please highlight exactly one complete event line"; if(!txt) return FW_okDialog(hlp); var re=/^....-..-..\s..:..:..(\....)?\s([^\s]+)\s([^\s]+)\s(.*)([\r\n]*)?$/; var ret = txt.match(re); if(!ret) return FW_okDialog(hlp); var evtDev=ret[3]; var evt1 = ret[4].replace(/\s/g, ".") .replace(/[\^\$\[\]\(\)\\]/g, function(s){return"\\"+s}); var evt2 = evt1.replace(/\b-?\d*\.?\d+\b/g,'.*') .replace(/\.+\*(\.+\*)*/g,'.*'); // build the dialog var txt = '\n'; var inputPrf=""+ inputPrf+"'defmod' id='mod'/>

" txt += ""; txt += "

"; if(evt1 != evt2) { txt += "
"+inputPrf+"'evtType' id='rdEx' checked/>"+ "

"; txt += "
"+inputPrf+"'evtType' id='rdNum'/>"+ "

"; } txt += "
 "; $('body').append(''); $('#evtCoM').dialog( { modal:true, closeOnEscape:true, width:"auto", close:function(){ $('#evtCoM').remove(); }, buttons:[ { text:"Cancel", click:function(){ $(this).dialog('close'); }}, { text:"OK", click:function(){ FW_cmd(FW_root+"?cmd="+$("#evtCoM #cmd").html()+"&XHR=1"); $(this).dialog('close'); location = FW_root+'?detail='+modDev; }}], open:function(){ $("#evtCoM #newType").val("notify"); $("#evtCoM input,#evtCoM select").change(optChanged); } }); function optChanged() { var event = evt1; if(evt1 != evt2 && $("#evtCoM #rdNum").is(":checked")) event = evt2; var cmd; if($("#evtCoM #def").is(":checked")) { // define $("#evtCoM #newType").show(); $("#evtCoM #modDev").hide(); var type = $("#evtCoM #newType").val(), num=1; var nRe = new RegExp(evtDev+"_"+type+"_(\\d+)"); for(var i1=0; i1= num) num = parseInt(m[1])+1; } modDev = evtDev+"_"+type+"_"+num; cmd = "define "+modDev+" "+type+" "+knownTypes[type].createArg; } else { $("#evtCoM #newType").hide(); $("#evtCoM #modDev").show(); modDev = $("#evtCoM #modDev").val(); cmd = knownTypes[devHash[modDev].Internals.TYPE].modify; } $("#evtCoM #cmd").text(cmd .replace(/modDev/g,modDev) .replace(/evtDev/g,evtDev) .replace(/event/g,event)); } FW_cmd(FW_root+"?cmd=jsonlist2 .* TYPE&XHR=1", function(data){ devList = JSON.parse(data).Results; for(var i1=0; i1'+dev.Name+''); devHash[dev.Name] = dev; } optChanged(); }); }); } var c4d_rowNum=0, c4d_filter=".*" function cons4devAppender(new_content) { var cArr = new_content.split("\n"); for(var i1=0; i1
`+ cols.join('
')+ "
"); $(consName+" table").append(row); $(row).find("div.dval") // Format JSON .css("cursor", "pointer") .click(function(){ var content = $(this).attr("data-content"); if(!content) { content = $(this).html(); $(this).attr("data-content", content); } if(content.match(/^{.*}$/)) { try{ var fmt = $(this).attr("data-fmt"); fmt = (typeof(fmt)=="undefined" || fmt=="no") ? "yes" : "no"; $(this).attr("data-fmt", fmt); if(fmt=="yes") { var js = JSON.parse(content); content = '
'+JSON.stringify(js, undefined, 2)+'
'; } $(this).html(content); } catch(e) { } } }); } } function cons4dev(screenId, filter, feedFn, devName) { $(screenId).find("a") .blur() // remove focus, so return wont open/close it .unbind("click") .click(toggleOpen); consName = screenId+">div.console"; consFilter = filter; consAppender = cons4devAppender; var opened; function toggleOpen() { $(this).blur(); var cmd = FW_root+"?cmd="+encodeURIComponent("{"+feedFn+"('"+devName+"',"+ (opened ? 0 : 1)+")}")+"&XHR=1"; if(!opened) { $(screenId) .append(`  Reset  Filter:  ${c4d_filter} `); $(screenId) .append(`
`); $(consName) .width( $("#content").width()-40) .height($("#content").height()/2-20) .css({overflow:"auto"}); $(screenId+">a").html($(screenId+">a").html().replace("Show", "Hide")); FW_closeConn(); consStart(); // Leave time for establishing the connection, else the "feeder" may // clear the flag setTimeout(function(){ FW_cmd(cmd) }, 100); $(screenId+" .reset").click(function(){ $(consName+" table").html("") }); $(screenId+" .filter").click(function(){ $('body').append( '
'+ '
Filter (Regexp, matching the row):

'+ '

'+ '
'); $('#filterdlg').dialog({ modal:true, width:'auto', position:{ my: "left top", at: "right bottom", of: this, collision: "flipfit" }, close:function(){$('#filterdlg').remove();}, buttons:[ { text:"Cancel", click:function(){ $(this).dialog('close'); }}, { text:"OK", click:function(){ var val = $("#filtertext").val().trim(); try { new RegExp(val ? val : ".*"); } catch(e) { return FW_okDialog(e); } c4d_filter = val ? val : ".*"; $(this).dialog('close'); $(screenId+" .filterContent").html(c4d_filter); $(consName+" table").html(""); }}] }); }); } else { FW_cmd(cmd); $(consName).remove(); $(screenId+">a").html($(screenId+">a").html().replace("Hide", "Show")); $(screenId+" span.buttons").remove(); if(consConn) { consConn.onclose = undefined; cons_closeConn(); } FW_longpoll(); } opened = !opened; } toggleOpen(); } window.onload = consStart;