########################################################################### ### Display Rain values from a KS550 # This file uses placeholders. For good results the following # attribute settings in the WebLink object are recommended: # # label: "Rain Volume [l/m2]"::"Rain indicator"::"l/hour"::"l/day"::"Rain?" # title: "Rain $data{currval2} liters @ $data{currdate1}" ### FileLog definition corresponding to this file # define <filelogname> FileLog /var/log/fhem/KS550_%Y.log <ks550name>:T:.* ### FileLog content # 2012-01-01_00:00:03 KS550 T: 10.4 H: 97 W: 0 R: 976.45 IR: 0 WD: 40 WDR: 67.5 S: 155 B: 8 # This is the status line, which is printed to the logfile. For each of # the data there is also a separate line available, which you can select # using a different regular expression in the FileLog define. # Try .* as an all quantor to see, which lines are available. # # Field description: # T: Temperature # H: Humidity # W: Wind velocity # R: Rain quantity # IR: Rain indicator # WD: Direction of wind # WDR: Range of wind directions (67.5 is the maximum range) # S: Sunshine duration # B: Brightness (minimum:8, maximum:255) ### Settings set terminal size <SIZE> set title '<TL>' set ylabel '<L1>' set y2label '<L2>' set ytics set y2tics # Maybe define your own ranges (not really needed): #set yrange [1:10] #set y2range [0:300] ### Data extraction # The following FileLog directives extract the values from the logfile # lines. If you have only the status lines in the logfile, you do not # need any regular expression, since the line is valid anyhow. # Notice the delta-* functions, which are called to compute Rain/h and # Rain/d values by accumulating the changes and the value remapping. #FileLog 10::0:delta-h #FileLog 10::0:delta-d #FileLog 12::0:$fld[11]=~"32768"?0.8:0 ### Data plotting plot \ axes x1y1 title '<L3>' with steps lw 2,\ axes x1y1 title '<L4>' with steps,\ axes x1y2 title '<L5>' with steps