Fhem is mainly used for home automation, but it is suitable for other tasks
too, where notification, timers and logging plays an important role.
It supports different hardware devices to interface with certain protocols
(e.g. FHZ1000 to interface FS20 and HMS, CM11 to access X10), and logical
devices like FS20 or FHT to digest the messages for a certain device type using
this protocol.
Fhem is modular. The different devices are represented through modules which
implement certain functions (e.g. define, get, set). Even seemingly integral
parts of fhem like triggers (notify) and timers (at) are implemented this way, giving the possibility to
replace/extend this functionality.
Fhem is controlled through readable / ascii commands, which are specified in
files (e.g. the configuration file), or issued over a TCP/IP connection, either
directly in a telnet session, with a fhem.pl in client mode or from one of the
web frontends.
When starting the server you have to specify a configuration file:
fhem.pl ~/.fhem
A minimal configuration file:
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save
attr global verbose 3
attr global port 7072
attr global modpath /usr/share/fhem
define FHZ FHZ /dev/tts/USB0
define lamp FS20 8765 01
For other configuration files see the examples subdirectory.
TCP/IP communication with fhem can either happen in a "session" (via
telnet) or single client command (via fhem.pl). Example:
There are three types of commands: "fhem" commands (described in this
document), shell commands (they must be enclosed in double quotes ") and perl
expressions (enclosed in curly brackets {}). shell commands or perl expressions
are needed for complex at or notify
arguments, but can also issued as a "normal" command.
E.g. the following three commands all do the same when issued from a telnet
set lamp off
"fhem.pl 7072 "set lamp off""
{fhem("set lamp off")}
Shell commands will be executed in the background, perl expressions and
fhem commands will be executed in the main "thread". In order to make perl
expressions easier to write, some special functions and variables are
available. See the section Perl special for a description.
To trigger fhem commands from a shell script (this is the "other way round"),
use the client form of fhem.pl (described above).
Multiple fhem commands are separated by semicolon (;). In order to use semicolon
in perl code or shell programs, they have to be escaped by the double semicolon
(;;). See the Notes section of the notify
chapter on command parameters and escape rules.
E.g. the following first command switches Lamp1 off at 07:00 and Lamp2
immediately (at the point of definition), the second one switches both lamps
off at 07:00.
define lampoff at 07:00 set Lamp1 off; set Lamp2 off
define lampoff at 07:00 set Lamp1 off;; set Lamp2 off
Commands can be either typed in plain, or read from a file (e.g. the
configuration file at startup). The commands are either executed directly, or
later if they are arguments to the at and notify fhem commands.
A line ending with \ will be concatenated with the next one, so long lines
(e.g. multiple perl commands) can be split in multiple lines. Some web fronteds
(e.g. webpgm2) make editing of multiline commands transparent for you (i.e. there is no need for \) .
Device specification (devspec)
The commands
can take a more complex device specification as argument, which will be
expanded to a list of devices. A device specification (short devspec) can be:
a single device name. This is the most common case.
a list of devices, separated by comma (,)
a range of devices, separated by dash (-)
a regular expression, if the the spec contains on e of the following
characters: ^*[]$
an attribute of the device, followed by an equal sign (=) and then a
regexp for this attribute. As attribute you can specify either attributes
set with the attr command or one of the "internal" attributes DEF, STATE
and TYPE.
set lamp1 on set lamp1,lamp2,lamp3 on set lamp[1-3] on set lamp.* on set lamp1-lamp3 on set lamp1-lamp3,lamp3 on set room=kitchen off list disabled= list TYPE=FS20
first the spec is separated by komma, then the range or the regular
expression operations are executed.
if there is a device which exactly corresponds to the spec, then
no special processing is done.
the returned list can contain the same device more than once, so
"set lamp1-lamp3,lamp3 on" switches lamp3 twice.
for more complex structuring demands see the
structure device.
?, help
? help
Get a list of all commands and short description for each one
attr <devspec> <attrname> [<value>]
Set an attribute for a device defined by define.
You can define your own attributes too to use them in other applications.
Use "attr <name> ?" to get a list of possible attributes.
See the Device specification section for details on
Attributes used by all devices:
Add an arbitrary comment.
Used by FHEMWEB to display a device with another name e.g. when using
special characters/spaces not accepted by device definition.
Filter/group devices. Recognized by web-pgm2 and web-pgm3. A device
can appear in more than one room, in this case the rooms have to be
specified comma-separated.
Devices in the room hidden will not appear in the web output, or set
the FHEMWEB attribute to selectively disable
rooms for certain FHEMWEB instances.
Group devices. Recognized by web-pgm2 (module FHEMWEB), it makes
devices in the same group appear in the same box).
This is used to further group
devices together. A device can appear in more than one group, in this
case the groups have to be specified comma-separated.
If this attribute is not set then the device type is used as the
grouping attribute.
Used in the webfrontend pgm2 to show the time of last activity
instead of the state in the summary view. Useful e.g. for FS20 PIRI
The following attributes are honored by the modules that make use
of the standardized readings updating mechanism in fhem.pl. Check the modules
Attributes list if you want to know if it is supporting it.
If not set, every update of any reading creates an event, which e.g. is handled
by notify or FileLog. The attribute takes
a comma-separated list of readings. If set, only updates of the listed readings create
The attribute takes a comma-separated list of readings. If set, only changes of the listed readings create events. In other words, if a reading listed here is updated with the new value
identical to the old value, no event is created.
The precedence of event-on-update-reading and event-on-change-reading is as follows:
If both attributes are not set, any update of any reading of the device creates an event.
If any of the attributes is set, no events occur for updates or changes of readings
not listed in any of the attributes.
If a reading is listed in event-on-update-reading, an update of the reading creates an
event no matter whether the reading is also listed in event-on-change-reading.
Device specific attributes are documented in the corresponding device section.
Add a default attribute. Each device defined from now on will receive
this attribute. If no attrname is specified, then the default attribute
list will be deleted.
Example to set the attribute "room kitchen" and "loglevel 4" to
each of the lamps:
There is no way to delete a single default-attribute from the list
The complete FHEM directory (containing the modules), the WebInterface
pgm2 (if installed) and the config-file will be saved into a .tar.gz
file by default. The file is stored with a timestamp in the
modpath/backup directory or to a directory
specified by the global attribute backupdir.
Note: tar and gzip must be installed to use this feature.
If you need to call tar with support for symlinks, you could set the
global attribute backupsymlink to everything
else as "no".
You could pass the backup to your own command / script by using the
global attribute backupcmd.
define <name> <type> <type-specific>
Define a device. You need devices if you want to manipulate them (e.g.
set on/off), and the logfile is also more readable if it contains e.g.
"lamp off" instead of "Device 5673, Button 00, Code 00 (off)".
Use "define <name> ?" to get a list of possible types.
After definition, the global event "DEFINED" will be generated, see the
notify section for details.
Each device takes different additional arguments at definition, see the
corresponding device section for details.
deleteattr <devspec> [<attrname>]
Delete either a single attribute (see the attr command)
or all attributes for a device (if no <attrname> is defined).
See the Device specification section for details on
Delete something created with the define command.
See the Device specification section for details on
After deletion, the global event "DELETED" will be generated, see the notify
section for details.
delete lamp
get <devspec> <type-specific>
Ask a value directly from the device, and wait for an answer. In general, you
can get a list of possible parameters by
Note: to use this command copy the file contrib/getstate/99_getstate.pm into
your FHEM directory.
include <filename>
Read in the file, and process every line as a fhem command. Makes
configuration files more modular and enables to reread them.
inform {on|off|timer|raw} [regexp]
If set to on, and a device state changes, send a notification to the current
client. This command can be used by other programs/modules to receive a
The option timer prepends a timerstamp to the line. Note: this command is
a nice way to check which events are generated, to help you when creating
notify or FileLog entries.
jsonlist [<devspec>|<typespec>|ROOMS]
Returns an JSON tree of all definitions, all notify settings and all at
entries if no parameter is given. Can also be called via HTTP by
The installed fhem distribution and its installed extensions (just like the
webGUI PGM2) are updated via this command from the online repository. The
locally installed files will be checked against the online repository and
will be updated in case the files online are in a newer version. Modules
which are used while the update is in progress will be restarted in the new
version after the update has finished.
Notice: The former used command "updatefhem" will be replaced by the new
command "update" in the 5.3 distribution.
The new update function will process more advanced distribution information
as well as control commands for updating, removing or renaming existing files.
New file structures can also be set up by the new control command files.
The new update process will exclusively work with the file path which is
given by the global attribute "modpath" except for the fhem.pl file. The user
decides whether to use a stable, a developer- or a experimental-rated version
of fhem (experimental is not yet implemented).
Furthermore, the use of packages is supported just like in a manual installation
of fhem. On the moment this only refers to FHEM including PGM2 (FHEMWEB), others
may follow up. By using the update in this way, only files which are acutally
used will be updated.
Update the fhem modules and documentation from a nightly SVN checkout. For
this purpose Fhem contacts http://fhem.de/fhemupdate, compares the stored
timestamps of the local files with the filelist on the server, and
downloads the files changed on the server. For all downloaded modules a
reload will be scheduled if the corresponding module is loaded.
Note: Since Version 5.3 a new directory structure is used by Fhem. The
WebInterface pgm2 is separated from modpath/FHEM
directory. The directory modpath/www/pgm2 is the new home of pgm2 and
of its files. It is recommended to update to the new structure via the
<housekeeping> arguments.
The complete installation of Fhem will be saved via the backup
command on every update. You can skip this backups by setting
the global attribute backup_before_update to 0.
Have you change or replace original files of the Fhem Distribution,
these files will normally be overwritten during an update. To protect
your locally modified or replaced files during an update, you can exclude
these files with the global attribute exclude_from_update.
If <changed> is specified, updatefhem returns a list of new or
modified files since the last update. Furthermore it returns the last
changes from the CHANGED file (if the file exists on the update server).
If an explicit <filename> is given, then only this file will be
If <housekeeping> is specified, then updatefhem switch your Fhem
installation to the new directory structure for the pgm2 WebInterface.
The old files are archived like the <backup> argument and the new
files are stored to modpath/www/pgm2. None of the existing files of pgm2
in modpath/FHEM will be deleted, but are no longer in use.
If you like to delete the no more needed files for pgm2 in modpath/FHEM,
you should call <housekeeping> with the argument <clean> <yes>.
All files of pgm2 are removed from modpath/FHEM and files like
.*example.*, .gplot, .html .css, .js, and .(gif|jpg|png|svg) are moved
to modpath/www/pgm2.
If <preserve> is specified, you could preserve the old directory
structure. All files of pgm2 are updated and stored in modpath/FHEM like
the former (before Fhem 5.3) updatefhem funktion. To update an explicit
file to the old structure append the file as <filename>.
Note: After running the housekeeping process, the argument <preserve>
is no longer necessary and no more supported.
If the main program (fhem.pl) is changed, a manual restart of fhem
will be necessary to apply the changes.
After running <housekeeping> it is recommended to restart Fhem.
CULflash <CUL-Name> <CUL-Version>
Download the CUL firmware from a nightly SVN chekout and flash the
hardware. Currently only the CUL is supported with its versions:
CUL_V2, CUL_V2_HM, CUL_V3, CUL_V4. Note: dfu-programmer has to be installed in the path, this is
already the case with the Fritz!Box 7390 image from fhem.de
If the CUL is not yet flashed, then specify "none" as CUL-Name.
CULflash none CUL_V3
Note: the message "dfu-programmer: failed to release interface 0." is
normal on the FB7390.
list [devspec] [value]
Output a list of all definitions, all notify settings and all at
entries. This is one of the few commands which return a string in a
normal case.
See the Device specification section for details on
If value is specified, then output this property (like DEF, TYPE, etc) or
reading (actuator, measured-temp) for all devices from the devspec.
fhem> list
Type list for detailed info.
global (Internal)
FHZ (fhtbuf: 23)
Btn4 (on-old-for-timer)
Roll1 (on)
Stehlampe (off)
fl (measured-temp: 21.1 (Celsius))
out1 (T: 2.9 H: 74 W: 2.2 R: 8.2 IR: no)
at_rollup (Next: 07:00:00)
ntfy_btn4 (active)
avglog (active)
If specifying name, then a detailed status for name
will be displayed, e.g.:
fhem> list fl
CODE 5102
DEF 5102
NR 15
STATE measured-temp: 21.1 (Celsius)
room Heizung
2006-11-02 09:45:56 actuator 19%
modify <name> <type-dependent-options>
Used to modify some definitions. Useful for changing some at or notify definitions. If specifying
one argument to an at type definition, only the time part will be changed. In
case of a notify type definition, only the regex part will be changed. All
other values (state, attributes, etc) will remain intact.
define lampon at 19:00 set lamp on modify lampon *19:00 modify lampon 19:00 set lamp on-for-timer 16
If used in a TCP/IP session, terminate the client session.
If used in a script, terminate the parsing of the current script.
reload <module>
Reload the given module from the module directory. It is a convenient way to
test modules whithout restarting the program.
reload 99_PRIV
rename <oldname> <newname>
Rename a device from the <oldname> to <newname>, together with
its attributes. The global event RENAMED will be generated, see the notify
section for details.
rename FHT_1234 fht.kitchen
rereadcfg [fhem-config-file]
Re-read the active configuration file, or the optionally specified file.
The sequence: the statefile will be saved first,
then all devices will be deleted, then the currently active config file (or
the specified file) will be read and at last the statefile will be
Upon completion it triggers the global:REREADCFG event. All existing
connections up to the one issuing the rereadcfg will be closed.
save [<configfile>]
Save first the statefile, then the
configfile information. If a parameter is specified,
it will be used instead the global configfile attribute.
save only writes out definitions and attributes, but no (set/get)
commands which were previously part of the config file. If you need such
commands after the initialization (e.g. FHTcode), you
should trigger them via notify, when receiving the
save tries to preserve comments (lines starting with #) and include
structures, but it won't work correctly if some of these files are not
set <devspec> <type-specific>
Set parameters of a device / send signals to a device. You can
get a list of possible parameters by
set <name> ?
See the Device specification section for details on
<devspec>. The set command returns only a value on error.
Each device has different set parameters, see the corresponding device
section for details.
setstate <devspec> <value>
Set the "STATE" for <name> as shown in paranthesis in the
list command
to <value> without sending any signals to the device
itself. This command is also used in the statefile.
See the Device specification section for details on
setstate lamp on
The statefile uses another version of this command, don't be surprised.
shutdown [restart]
Shut down the server (after saving the state information
). It triggers the global:SHUTDOWN event. If the optional restart
parameter is specified, fhem tries to restart itself.
The global device is used to set different global attributes. It will be
automatically defined, it cannot be deleted or renamed and has no set or get
If set, automatically load the corresponding module when a message
of this type is received. This is used by the
autocreate device, to automatically create a fhem device upon
receiving a corresponding message.
If this attribute is set to 0, an update skip always backing up your
installation via the backup command. The default
is to backup always before updates.
Note: Set this attribute only if you know what you do!
This Attribute is used by the update command.
attr global backup_before_update 0
You could pass the backup to your own command / script by using this attribute.
If this attribute is specified, then it will be started as a shell command and
passes a space separated list of files / directories as one
argument to the command, like e.g.:
Note: Your command / script has to return the string "backup done" or
everything else to report errors, to work properly with updatefhem!
This Attribute is used by the backup command.
attr global backupcmd /usr/local/bin/myBackupScript.sh
A folder to store the compressed backup file.
This Attribute is used by the backup command.
attr global backupdir /Volumes/BigHD
If this attribute is set to everything else as "no", the archive command tar
will support symlinks in your backup. Otherwise, if this attribute is set to
"no" symlinks are ignored by tar.
This Attribute is used by the backup command.
attr global backupsymlinks yes
Contains the name of the fhem configuration file. If save is called without argument, then the output will
be written to this file.
Contains a space separated list of file which will be excluded by an update.
This Attribute is used by the update command.
attr global exclude_from_update 21_OWTEMP.pm temp4hum4.gplot FS20.on.png FS20.off.png
If this attribute is set, then the $we variable
will be true, if the value of the holiday
variable referenced by this attribute is not none.
attr global holiday2we hessen
If this attribute is set, then the last command of the generated
configfile (see the save command) will be
include <lastinclude-value>
This attribute is DEPRECATED, use notify, with
the INITIALIZED event to execute commands after initialization.
Specify the logfile to write. You can use "-" for
stdout, in this case the server won't background itself.
The logfile name can also take wildcards for easier logfile rotation,
see the FileLog section. Just apply the
archivecmd / archivedir / nrarchive attributes to the
global device as you would do for a FileLog device.
You can access the current name of the logfile with
{ $currlogfile }.
Specify the path to the modules directory FHEM. The path
does not contain the directory FHEM. Upon setting the
attribute, the directory will be scanned for filenames of the form
NN_<NAME>.pm, and make them available for device definition under
<NAME>. If the first device of type <NAME> is defined, the
module will be loaded, and its function with the name
<NAME>_Initialize will be called. Exception to this rule are
modules with NN=99, these are considered to be utility modules
containing only perl helper functions, they are loaded at startup (i.e.
modpath attribute definition time).
Message Of The Day. Displayed on the homescreen of the FHEMWEB package,
or directly after the telnet logon, before displaying the fhem> prompt.
SecurityCheck is setting motd if it is not defined upon startup, to
avoid this set the motd value to none
If set, the timestamp in the logfile will contain a millisecond part.
If set and the logfile is not "-", do not try to background. Needed
on some Fritzbox installations.
Write the process id of the perl process to the specified file. The
server runs as a daemon, and some distributions would like to check by
the pid if we are still running. The file will be deleted upon
Set the filename where the state and certain at
information will be saved before shutdown. If it is not specified, then
no information will be saved.
Used by the web frontend fhemweb.pl (webpgm2) as a Page title.
The update branch will be set by the file FhemUtils/release.pm contained
in the modpath. For example, if a stable version (version 5.3 upwards) of
fhem is installed via a direct download connection of the archieve on the
fhem-website, then the branch of the update is automatically on "stable".
In this branch, only updates fixing confirmed errors, relevant security
fixes or new stable versions are provided.
By using the command "update development <filename>", particular files
or packages can always be installed directly from the development branch
(e.g. "update development <package>").
If you want to update from the development branch in stable verion in
general, you can force this behaviour by using the attribute "updatebranch DEVELOPMENT".
In case the installation of fhem should generally using the development
branch, this attribute would not have to be set. Instead, use "update development force"
to update all files including release.pm (containing the release-information)
to the newest version.
A space separated list which contains the names of additional
attributes. Without specifying them you will not be able to set them
(in order to prevent typos).
Set the verbosity level. Possible values:
0 - server start/stop
1 - error messages or unknown packets
2 - major events/alarms.
3 - commands sent out will be logged.
4 - you'll see whats received by the different devices.
5 - debugging.
Recommended level is 3 for normal use.
Define the timeout for which 2 identical events from two different
receiver are considered a duplicate. Default is 0.5 seconds.
A calendar device periodically gathers calendar events from the source calendar at the given URL. The file at the given URL
must be in ICal format.
If the URL
starts with https://, the perl module IO::Socket::SSL must be installed
(use cpan -i IO::Socket::SSL).
Note for users of Google Calendar: You can literally use the private ICal URL from your Google Calendar.
Google App accounts do not work since requests to the URL
get redirected first and the fhem mechanism for retrieving data via http/https cannot handle this. If your Google Calendar
URL starts with https:// and the perl module IO::Socket::SSL is not installed on your system, you can
replace it by http://.
The optional parameter interval is the time between subsequent updates
in seconds. It defaults to 3600 (1 hour).
Forces the retrieval of the calendar from the URL. The next automatic retrieval is scheduled to occur
interval seconds later.
get <name> full|text|summary|location|alarm|start|end <reading>|<uid>
Returns, line by line, the full state or a textual representation or the summary (subject, title) or the
location or the alarm time or the start time or the end time
of the calendar event(s) listed in the
reading <reading> or identified by the UID <uid>.
get <name> find <regexp>
Returns, line by line, the UIDs of all calendar events whose summary matches the regular expression
A calendar is a set of calendar events. A calendar event has a summary (usually the title shown in a visual
representation of the source calendar), a start time, an end time, and zero, one or more alarm times. The calendar events are
fetched from the source calendar at the given URL. In case of multiple alarm times for a calendar event, only the
earliest alarm time is kept. Recurring calendar events are currently not supported.
A calendar event is identified by its UID. The UID is taken from the source calendar. All non-alphanumerical characters
are stripped off the UID to make your life easier.
A calendar event can be in one of the following states:
The calendar event was first seen at the most recent update. Either this was your first retrieval of
the calendar or you newly added the calendar event to the source calendar.
The calendar event was already there before the most recent update.
The calendar event was already there before the most recent update but it has changed since it
was last retrieved.
The calendar event was there before the most recent update but is no longer. You removed it from the source calendar. The calendar event will be removed from all lists at the next update.
Calendar events that lie completely in the past (current time on wall clock is later than the calendar event's end time)
are not retrieved and are thus not accessible through the calendar.
A calendar event can be in one of the following modes:
Neither the alarm time nor the start time of the calendar event is reached.
The alarm time has passed but the start time of the calendar event is not yet reached.
The start time has passed but the end time of the calendar event is not yet reached.
The end time of the calendar event has passed.
A calendar event transitions from one mode to another immediately when the time for the change has come. This is done by waiting
for the earliest future time among all alarm, start or end times of all calendar events.
A calendar device has several readings. Except for calname, each reading is a semicolon-separated list of UIDs of
calendar events that satisfy certain conditions:
name of the calendar
all events
events in alarm mode
events in alarm or start mode
events that have just transitioned from upcoming to alarm mode
events that have just changed their mode somehow
events in end mode
events that have just transitioned from start to end mode
events in start mode
events that have just transitioned to start mode
events in upcoming mode
events that have just changed their state somehow
events in state deleted
events in state new
events in state updated
When a calendar event has changed, an event is created in the form
changed: UID mode with mode being the current mode the calendar event is in after the change.
Usage scenarios
Show all calendar events with details
get MyCalendar full all
2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4dsa234r234sdfds6bh874googlecom known alarm 31.05.2012 17:00:00 07.06.2012 16:30:00-07.06.2012 18:00:00 Erna for coffee
992hydf4y44awer5466lhfdsrgl7tin6b6mckf8glmhui4googlecom known upcoming 08.06.2012 00:00:00-09.06.2012 00:00:00 Vacation
Show calendar events in your photo frame
Put a line in the layout description to show calendar events in alarm or start mode:
text 20 60 { fhem("get MyCalendar text modeAlarmOrStart") }
This may look like:
07.06.12 16:30 Erna for coffee
08.06.12 00:00 Vacation
Switch the light on when Erna comes
First find the UID of the calendar event:
get MyCalendar find .*Erna.*
Then define a notify:
define ErnaComes notify MyCalendar:modeStarted.*2767324dsfretfvds7dsfn3e4dsa234r234sdfds6bh874googlecom.* set MyLight on
Think about a calendar with calendar events whose summaries (subjects, titles) are the names of devices in your fhem installation.
You want the respective devices to switch on when the calendar event starts and to switch off when the calendar event ends.
define SwitchActorOn notify MyCalendar:modeStarted.* { my $uid= "%EVTPART1";; my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");; fhem("set $actor on") }
define SwitchActorOff notify MyCalendar:modeEnded.* { my $uid= "%EVTPART1";; my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");; fhem("set $actor off") }
You can also do some logging:
define LogActors notify MyCalendar:mode(Started|Ended).* { my $reading= "%EVTPART0";; my $uid= "%EVTPART1";; my $actor= fhem("get MyCalendar summary $uid");; Log 1, "Actor: $actor, Reading $reading" }
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module
if the devices is connected via USB or a serial port.
define <name> FHZ <serial-device>
Specifies the serial port to communicate with the FHZ1000PC or FHZ1300PC.
The name(s) of the serial-device(s) depends on your distribution.
If the serial-device is called none, then no device will be opened, so you
can experiment without hardware attached.
The program can service multiple devices, FS20 and FHT device commands will
be sent out through the last FHZ device defined before the definition of
the FS20/FHT device. To change the association, use the IODev attribute.
For GNU/Linux you may want to read our hints for
GNU/Linux about multiple USB
devices. Note:The firmware of the FHZ1x00 will drop commands if the airtime
for the last hour would exceed 1% (which corresponds roughly to 163
commands). For this purpose there is a command counter for the last hour
(see list FHZDEVICE), which triggers with "TRANSMIT LIMIT EXCEEDED" if
there were more than 163 commands in the last hour.
If you experience problems (for verbose 4 you get a lot of "Bad CRC
message" in the log), then try to define your device as define
<name> FHZ <serial-device> strangetty
set FHZ <variable> [<value>]
where value is one of:
raw is used to send out "raw" FS20/FHT messages ("setters" only - no query messages!).
See message byte streams in FHEM/00_FHZ.pm and the doc directory for some examples.
In order to set the time of your FHT's, schedule this command every
minute: define fhz_timer at +*00:01:00 set FHZ time
See the loglevel to prevent logging of
this command.
FHTcode is a two digit hex number (from 00 to 63?) and sets the
central FHT code, which is used by the FHT devices. After changing
it, you must reprogram each FHT80b with: PROG (until Sond
appears), then select CEnt, Prog, Select nA.
If the FHT ceases to work for FHT devices whereas other devices
(e.g. HMS, KS300) continue to work, a
set FHZ initfull
command could help. Try
set FHZ reopen
if the FHZ
ceases to work completely. If all else fails, shutdown fhem, unplug
and replug the FHZ device. Problems with FHZ may also be related to
long USB cables or insufficient power on the USB - use a powered hub
to improve this particular part of such issues.
See our USB page
for detailed USB / electromag. interference troubleshooting.
initfull issues the initialization sequence for the FHZ
get FHZ init2
get FHZ serial
set FHZ initHMS
set FHZ initFS20
set FHZ time
set FHZ raw 04 01010100010000
reopen closes and reopens the serial device port. This
implicitly initializes the FHZ and issues the
initfull command sequence.
stopHMS probably is the inverse of initHMS
(I don't have authoritative info on what exactly it does).
close closes and frees the serial device port until you open
it again with open, e.g. useful if you need to temporarily
unload the ftdi_sio kernel module to use the bit-bang mode.
get FHZ <value>
where value is one of:
The mentioned codes are needed for initializing the FHZ1X00
The answer for a command is also displayed by list FHZ
The FHZ1x00PC has a message buffer for the FHT (see the FHT entry in
the set section). If the buffer is full, then newly
issued commands will be dropped, if the attribute fhtsoftbuffer is not set.
fhtbuf returns the free memory in this buffer (in hex),
an empty buffer in the FHZ1000 is 2c (42 bytes), in the FHZ1300 is 4a
(74 bytes). A message occupies 3 + 2x(number of FHT commands) bytes,
this is the second reason why sending multiple FHT commands with one
set is a good idea. The first reason is, that
these FHT commands are sent at once to the FHT.
Disable FileLog/notify/inform notification for a device. This affects
the received signal, the set and trigger commands.
Set the device loglevel to e.g. 6 if you do not wish messages from a
given device to appear in the global logfile (FHZ/FS20/FHT). E.g. to
set the FHT time, you should schedule "set FHZ time" every minute, but
this in turn makes your logfile unreadable. These messages will not be
generated if the FHZ attribute loglevel is set to 6.
On the other hand, if you have to debug a given device, setting its
loglevel to a smaller value than the value of the global verbose attribute,
it will output its messages normally seen only with higher global verbose
As the FHZ command buffer for FHT devices is limited (see fhtbuf),
and commands are only sent to the FHT device every 120 seconds,
the hardware buffer may overflow and FHT commands get lost.
Setting this attribute implements an "unlimited" software buffer.
Default is disabled (i.e. not set or set to 0).
The FS20 protocol is used by a wide range of devices, which are either of
the sender/sensor category or the receiver/actuator category. The radio
(868.35 MHz) messages are either received through an FHZ
or an CUL device, so this must be defined first.
The values of housecode, button, fg, lm, and gm can be either defined as
hexadecimal value or as ELV-like "quad-decimal" value with digits 1-4. We
will reference this ELV-like notation as ELV4 later in this document. You
may even mix both hexadecimal and ELV4 notations, because FHEM can detect
the used notation automatically by counting the digits.
<housecode> is a 4 digit hex or 8 digit ELV4 number,
corresponding to the housecode address.
<button> is a 2 digit hex or 4 digit ELV4 number,
corresponding to a button of the transmitter.
The optional <fgaddr> specifies the function group.
It is a 2 digit hex or 4 digit ELV address. The first digit of the hex
address must be F or the first 2 digits of the ELV4 address must be
The optional <lmaddr> specifies the local
master. It is a 2 digit hex or 4 digit ELV address. The last digit of the
hex address must be F or the last 2 digits of the ELV4 address must be
The optional gm specifies the global master, the address must be FF if
defined as hex value or 4444 if defined as ELV4 value.
dim06% dim12% dim18% dim25% dim31% dim37% dim43% dim50%
dim56% dim62% dim68% dim75% dim81% dim87% dim93% dim100%
on # dimmer: set to value before switching it off
on-for-timer # see the note
on-old-for-timer # set to previous (before switching it on)
ramp-on-time # time to reach the desired dim value on dimmers
ramp-off-time # time to reach the off state on dimmers
toggle # between off and previous dim val
on-till # Special, see the note
set lamp on set lamp1,lamp2,lamp3 on set lamp1-lamp3 on set lamp on-for-timer 12
Use reset with care: the device forgets even the housecode.
As the FS20 protocol needs about 0.22 seconds to transmit a
sequence, a pause of 0.22 seconds is inserted after each command.
The FS20ST switches on for dim*%, dimup. It does not respond to
If the timer is set (i.e. it is not 0) then on, dim*,
and *-for-timer will take it into account (at least by the FS20ST).
The time argument ranges from 0.25sec to 4 hours and
16 minutes.
As the time is encoded in one byte there are only 112 distinct
values, the resolution gets coarse with larger values. The program
will report the used timeout if the specified one cannot be set
exactly. The resolution is 0.25 sec from 0 to 4 sec, 0.5 sec from 4
to 8 sec, 1 sec from 8 to 16 sec and so on. If you need better
precision for large values, use at which has a 1
sec resolution.
on-till requires an absolute time in the "at" format (HH:MM:SS, HH:MM
or { <perl code> }, where the perl-code returns a time
If the current time is greater than the specified time, then the
command is ignored, else an "on" command is generated, and for the
given "till-time" an off command is scheduleld via the at command.
Set the IO or physical device which should be used for sending signals
for this "logical" device. An example for the physical device is an FHZ
or a CUL. Note: Upon startup fhem assigns each logical device
(FS20/HMS/KS300/etc) the last physical device which can receive data
for this type of device. The attribute IODev needs to be used only if
you attached more than one physical device capable of receiving signals
for this logical device.
Replace event names and set arguments. The value of this attribute
consists of a list of space separated values, each value is a colon
separated pair. The first part specifies the "old" value, the second
the new/desired value. If the first character is slash(/) or komma(,)
then split not by space but by this character, enabling to embed spaces.
attr store eventMap on:open off:closed
attr store eventMap /on-for-timer 10:open/off:closed/
set store open
Set the device attribute dummy to define devices which should not
output any radio signals. Associated notifys will be executed if
the signal is received. Used e.g. to react to a code from a sender, but
it will not emit radio signal if triggered in the web frontend.
schedule a "setstate off;trigger off" for the time specified as argument to
the on-for-timer command. Or the same with on, if the command is
Like with follow-on-for-timer schedule a "setstate off;trigger off", but
this time for the time specified as argument in seconds to this attribute.
This is used to follow the pre-programmed timer, which was set previously
with the timer command or manually by pressing the button on the device,
see your manual for details.
The model attribute denotes the model type of the device.
The attributes will (currently) not be used by the fhem.pl directly.
It can be used by e.g. external programs or web interfaces to
distinguish classes of devices and send the appropriate commands
(e.g. "on" or "off" to a fs20st, "dim..%" to fs20du etc.).
The spelling of the model names are as quoted on the printed
documentation which comes which each device. This name is used
without blanks in all lower-case letters. Valid characters should be
a-z 0-9 and - (dash),
other characters should be ommited. Here is a list of "official"
Ignore this device, e.g. if it belongs to your neighbour. The device
won't trigger any FileLogs/notifys, issued commands will silently
ignored (no RF signal will be sent out, just like for the dummy attribute). The device won't appear in the
list command (only if it is explicitely asked for it), nor will it
appear in commands which use some wildcard/attribute as name specifiers
(see devspec). You still get them with the
"ignored=1" special devspec.
Generated events:
From an FS20 device you can receive one of the following events.
Which event is sent is device dependent and can sometimes configured on
the device.
Fhem can receive FHT radio (868.35 MHz) messages either through an FHZ or an CUL device, so this must be
defined first.
define <name> FHT <housecode>
<housecode> is a four digit hex number,
corresponding to the address of the FHT80b device.
day-temp night-temp
report1 report2
holiday1 holiday2 # see mode holiday_short or holiday
manu-temp # No clue what it does.
year month day hour minute
time date
lowtemp-offset # Alarm-Temp.-Differenz
mon-from1 mon-to1 mon-from2 mon-to2
tue-from1 tue-to1 tue-from2 tue-to2
wed-from1 wed-to1 wed-from2 wed-to2
thu-from1 thu-to1 thu-from2 thu-to2
fri-from1 fri-to1 fri-from2 fri-to2
sat-from1 sat-to1 sat-from2 sat-to2
sun-from1 sun-to1 sun-from2 sun-to2
set wz desired-temp 22.5 set fl desired-temp 20.5 day-temp 19.0 night-temp 16.0
Following events are reported (more or less regularly) by each FHT
device: measured-temp actuator actuator1...actuator8
You can use these strings for notify or
FileLog definitions.
warnings can contain following strings:
none, Battery low,Temperature too low, Window open,
Fault on window sensor
actuator (without a suffix) stands for all actuators.
actuator or actuator1..8 can take following values:
This is the normal case, the actuator is instructed to
open to this value.
offset <value>%
The actuator is running with this offset.
The actuator was instructed to execute the lime-protection
If you select Sond/Sync on the FHT80B, you'll see a count
The actuator was instructed by the FHT80b to emit a beep.
The the FHT80b sent a "you-belong-to-me" to this actuator.
The FHT is very economical (or lazy), it accepts one message from the
FHZ1x00 every 115+x seconds, where x depends on the housecode. Don't
be surprised if your command is only accepted 10 minutes later by the
device. FHT commands are buffered in the FHZ1x00/CUL till they are
sent to the FHT, see the related fhtbuf entry in the
get section. You can send up to 8
commands in one message at once to the FHT if you specify them all as
arguments to the same set command, see the example above.
time sets hour and minute to local time
date sets year, month and date to local time
refreshvalues is an alias for report1 255 report2 255
All *-temp values need a temperature
as argument, which will be rounded to 0.5 Celsius.
Temperature values must between 5.5 and 30.5 Celsius. Value 5.5 sets
the actuator to OFF, value 30.5 set the actuator to ON
mode is one of auto, manual, holiday or
If the mode is holiday, then the mode switches back to either auto or
manual at 00:00 of the day specified by the following:
holiday1 sets the end-day of the holiday
holiday2 sets the end-month of the holiday
For holiday_short (party mode)
holiday1 sets the absolute hour to switch back from this
mode (in 10-minute steps, max 144)
holiday2 sets the day of month to switch back from this mode
(can only be today or tomorrow, since holiday1 accepts only 24 hours).
current date is 29 Jan, time is 18:05
you want to switch to party mode until tomorrow 1:00
set holiday1 to 6 (6 x 10min = 1hour) and holiday2 to 30
The temperature for the holiday period is set by the desired-temperature
parameter. Note that you cannot set holiday mode for days earlier than the
day after tomorrow, for this you must use holiday_short.
Note also, you cannot set parameters seperately, you must set them in one command.
set FHT1 mode holiday holiday1 24 holiday2 12 desired-temp 14
The *-from1/*-from2/*-to1/*-to2 valuetypes need a time
spec as argument in the HH:MM format. They define the periods, where
the day-temp is valid. The minute (MM) will be rounded to 10, and
24:00 means off.
To synchronize the FHT time and to "wake" muted FHTs it is adviseable
to schedule following command: define fht_sync at +*3:30 set TYPE=FHT time
report1 with parameter 255 requests all settings for
monday till sunday to be sent. The argument is a bitfield, to request
unique values add up the following:
1: monday
2: tuesday
4: thursday
8: wednesday
16: friday
32: saturday
64: sunday
measured-temp and actuator is sent along if it is considered
by the FHT.
Note: This command generates a lot of RF traffic, which can
lead to further problems, especially if the reception is not clear.
report2 with parameter 255 requests the following
settings to be reported: day-temp night-temp windowopen-temp
lowtemp-offset desired-temp measured-temp mode warnings.
The argument is (more or less) a bitfield, to request unique values
add up the following:
1: warnings
2: mode
4: day-temp, night-temp, windowopen-temp
64: lowtemp-offset
measured-temp and actuator is sent along if it is considered
by the FHT.
lowtemp-offset needs a temperature as argument, valid
values must be between 1.0 and 5.0 Celsius. It will trigger a
warning if desired-temp - measured-temp >
lowtemp-offset in a room for at least 1.5 hours after the last
desired-temp change.
FHEM optionally has an internal software buffer for FHT devices.
This buffer should prevent transmission errors. If there is no
confirmation for a given period, FHEM resends the command. You can
see the queued commands with list
See the fhtsoftbuffer,
retrycount and
minfhtbuffer attributes for details.
If a buffer is still in the softbuffer, it will be sent in the
following order: desired-temp,mode,report1,report2,
holiday1,holiday2,day-temp,night-temp, [all other commands]
dummy Note:It makes sense to define an FHT device even for an FHT8b,
else you will receive "unknown FHT device, please define one" message
for each FHT8b as the CUL is reporting the 8b valve messages. But you
should set the dummy attribute for these devices, else the internal FHT
buffer of the CUL will be filled with data for the 8b's which is never
consumed. If the buffer is full, you'll get "EOB" messages from the CUL,
and you cannot transmit any data to the 80b's
If the fhtsoftbuffer attribute is set, then
resend commands retrycount times if after 240 seconds
no confirmation message is received from the corresponding FHT
Default is 3.
FHEM won't send commands to the FHZ if its fhtbuffer is below
this value, default is 0. If this value is low, then the ordering of
fht commands (see the note in the FHT section of set)
has little effect, as only commands in the softbuffer can be
prioritized. The maximum value should be 7 below the hardware maximum
(see fhtbuf).
If the lazy attribute is set, FHEM won't send commands to the FHT if
the current reading and the value to be set are already identical. This
may help avoiding conflicts with the max-1%-time-on-air rule in large
installations. Not set per default.
Correct the temperature reported by the FHT by the value specified.
Note: only the measured-temp value reported by fhem (used for logging)
will be modified.
Generated events:
actuator1 actuator2 actuator3 actuator4
actuator5 actuator6 actuator7 actuator8
(sent if you configured an offset for the associated valve)
ack can-xmit can-rcv ack2 start-xmit end-xmit
(only if the CUL is configured to transmit FHT protocol data)
Fhem can directly control FHT8V type valves via a CUL
device without an intermediate FHT. This paragraph documents one of the
building blocks, the other is the PID device.
define <name> FHT <housecode> [IODev]
<housecode> is a four digit hex number,
and must have the following relation to the housecode of the corresponding CUL
given the CUL housecode as AABB, then this housecode must be
of the form CCBB, where CC is greater or equal to AA, but less then AA+8.
This form is chosen so that the CUL can update all FHT8V valve states
within 2 minutes.
<IODev> must be specified if the last defined CUL device
is not the one to use. Usually this is done voa the IODev attribute, but as the address checked is performed
at the definition, we must use an exception here.
define wz FHT8V 3232
set <name> valve <value;>
Set the valve to the given value (in percent, from 0 to 100).
set <name> pair
Pair the valve with the CUL.
get <name> valve
Read back the valve position from the CUL FHT buffer, and convert it to percent (from 0 to 100).
The PID device is a loop controller, used to set the value e.g of a heating
valve dependent of the current and desired temperature.
define <name> PID sensor[:reading:regexp] actor[:cmd:min:max] [p i d]
sensor[:reading:regexp] specifies the sensor, which is an
already defined fhem device, e.g. a S300TH temperature sensor. The reading
and regexp fields are necessary only for unknown devices (currently CUL_WS and HMS devices are "known").
Reading specifies the READINGS field of the sensor, and the regexp extracts
the number from this field. E.g. for the complete definition for a CUL_WS
device is: s300th_dev:temperature:([\d\.]*)
actor[:cmd:min:max] specifies the actor, which is an
already defined fhem device, e.g. an FHT8V valve. The cmd, min and max
fields are necessary only for unknown devices (currently FHT8V is "known"). cmd specifies the command name for the
actor, min the minimum value and max the maximum value. The complete
definition for an FHT8V device is:fht8v_dev:valve:0:100
p, i and d are the parameters use to controlling, see also the this wikipedia entry.
The default values are around 25.5, 3 and 5.88, you probably need to tune
these values. They can be also changed later.
define wz_pid PID wz_th wz_fht8v
set <name> factors p i d
Set the p, i and d factors, as described above.
set <name> desired <value>
Set the desired value (e.g. temperature). Note: until this value is not
set, no command is issued.
This module handles messages from the FHT80 TF "Fenster-Tür-Kontakt" (Window-Door-Contact)
which are normally only acted upon by the FHT80B. With this module,
FHT80 TFs are in a limited way (see Wiki
for detailed explanation of TF's mode of operation) usable similar to HMS100 TFK. The name
of the module was chosen as a) only CUL will spill out the datagrams and b) "TF" designates
usually temperature+humidity sensors (no clue, why ELV didn't label this one "TFK" like with
FS20 and HMS).
As said before, FHEM can receive FHT80 TF radio (868.35 MHz) messages only through an
CUL device, so this must be defined first.
define <name> CUL_FHTTK <devicecode>
<devicecode> is a six digit hex number, given to the FHT80 TF during
production, i. e. it is not changeable. (Yes, it keeps this code after changing batteries
as well.)
<housecode> is a four digit hex number,
corresponding to the address of the HMS device.
define temp HMS 1234
There is _NO_ guarantee that the code will work as expected in all
circumstances, the authors are not liable for any damage occuring as a
result of incomplete or buggy code
Currently supported devices are the HMS100-T HMS100-TF HMS100-WD
HMS100-MG HMS100-TFK HMS100-CO HMS100-FIT RM100-2 RM100-3
The housecode of the HMS devices may change if the battery is renewed.
In order to make life easier, you can define a "wildcard" device for each
type of HMS device. First the real device-id will be checked, then the
wildcard device id. The wildcards are:
1000 for the HMS100-TF
1001 for the HMS100-T
1002 for the HMS100-WD
1003 for the RM100-2
1004 for the HMS100-TFK/li>
1006 for the HMS100-MG
1008 for the HMS100-CO
100e for the HMS100-FIT
Some battery low notifications are not yet implemented (RM100,
Please test your installation before relying on the
model (hms100-t hms100-tf hms100-wd hms100-mg
hms100-co hms100-tfk hms100-fit rm100-2)
The HMLAN is the fhem module for the eQ-3 HomeMatic LAN Configurator.
The fhem module will emulate a CUL device, so the CUL_HM
module can be used to define HomeMatic devices.
In order to use it with fhem you must disable the encryption first
with the "HomeMatic Lan Interface Configurator" (which is part of the
supplied Windows software), by selecting the device, "Change IP Settings",
and deselect "AES Encrypt Lan Communication".
This device can be used in parallel with a CCU and (readonly) with fhem. To do this:
start the fhem/contrib/tcptee.pl program
redirect the CCU to the local host
disable the LAN-Encryption on the CCU for the Lan configurator
set the dummy attribute for the HMLAN device in fhem
define <name> HMLAN <ip-address>[:port]
port is 1000 by default.
If the ip-address is called none, then no device will be opened, so you
can experiment without hardware attached.
The HOL module attempts to simulate your presence using your FHEM devices.
Device support: All devices that are able to handle on-for-timer and on commands.
Currently the device can be found within the contrib/ folder.
define <name> HOL
To make the module find the devices you want to switch in holiday mode,
you have to specify a global user attribute (attr global userattr holidaySwitchTime).
The attribute tells the HOL module how long each device should be switched on.
If you want to switch a device in your FHEM configuration, just add this attribute as device attribute
with your defined duration.
When being switched to on, the module chooses a random defined device
having the holidaySwitchTime attribute and trigger it to on-for-timer.
After the on-timespan, this device is switched to off and another random one triggered to on-for-timer.
The CUL/CUR/CUN is a family of RF devices sold by busware.de.
With the opensource firmware (see this link) they are capable
to receive and send different 868MHz protocols (FS20/FHT/S300/EM/HMS).
It is even possible to use these devices as range extenders/routers, see the
CUL_RFR module for details.
Some protocols (FS20, FHT and KS300) are converted by this module so that
the same logical device can be used, irrespective if the radio telegram is
received by a CUL or an FHZ device. Other protocols (S300/EM) need their
own modules. E.g. S300 devices are processed by the CUL_WS module if the
signals are received by the CUL, similarly EMWZ/EMGZ/EMEM is handled by the
CUL_EM module.
It is possible to attach more than one device in order to get better
reception, fhem will filter out duplicate messages.
Note: this module may require the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort
module if you attach the device via USB and the OS sets strange default
parameters for serial devices.
define <name> CUL <device> <FHTID>
USB-connected devices (CUL/CUR/CUN):
<device> specifies the serial port to communicate with the CUL or
CUR. The name of the serial-device depends on your distribution, under
linux the cdc_acm kernel module is responsible, and usually a
/dev/ttyACM0 device will be created. If your distribution does not have a
cdc_acm module, you can force usbserial to handle the CUL by the
following command:
modprobe usbserial vendor=0x03eb
In this case the device is most probably
You can also specify a baudrate if the device name contains the @
character, e.g.: /dev/ttyACM0@38400
If the baudrate is "directio" (e.g.: /dev/ttyACM0@directio), then the
perl module Device::SerialPort is not needed, and fhem opens the device
with simple file io. This might work if the operating system uses sane
defaults for the serial parameters, e.g. some Linux distributions and
Network-connected devices (CUN):
<device> specifies the host:port of the device. E.g.
If the device is called none, then no device will be opened, so you
can experiment without hardware attached.
The FHTID is a 4 digit hex number, and it is used when the CUL/CUR talks to
FHT devices or when CUR requests data. Set it to 0000 to avoid answering
any FHT80b request by the CUL.
Issue a CUL firmware command. See the this document
for details on CUL commands.
freq / bWidth / rAmpl / sens SlowRF mode only.
Set the CUL frequency / bandwidth / receiver-amplitude / sensitivity
Use it with care, it may destroy your hardware and it even may be
illegal to do so. Note: the parameters used for RFR transmission are
not affected.
freq sets both the reception and transmission frequency. Note:
although the CC1101 can be set to frequencies between 315 and 915
MHz, the antenna interface and the antenna of the CUL is tuned for
exactly one frequency. Default is 868.3MHz (or 433MHz)
bWidth can be set to values between 58kHz and 812kHz. Large values
are susceptible to interference, but make possible to receive
inaccurate or multiple transmitters. It affects tranmission too.
Default is 325kHz.
rAmpl is receiver amplification, with values between 24 and 42 dB.
Bigger values allow reception of weak signals. Default is 42.
sens is the decision boundery between the on and off values, and it
is 4, 8, 12 or 16 dB. Smaller values allow reception of less clear
signals. Default is 4dB.
hmPairForSec HomeMatic mode only.
Set the CUL in Pairing-Mode for the given seconds. Any device set into
pairing mode in this time will be paired with fhem.
hmPairSerial HomeMatic mode only.
Try to pair with the given device. The argument is a 10 character
string, usually starting with letters and ending with digits, printed on
the backside of the device. It is not necessary to put the given device
in learning mode if it is a receiver.
Set the CUL led off (00), on (01) or blinking (02).
return the CUL firmware version
return the CUL uptime (time since CUL reset).
Issue a CUL firmware command, and wait for one line of data returned by
the CUL. See the CUL firmware README document for details on CUL
CUL has a message buffer for the FHT. If the buffer is full, then newly
issued commands will be dropped, and an "EOB" message is issued to the
fhem log.
fhtbuf returns the free memory in this buffer (in hex),
an empty buffer in the CUL-V2 is 74 bytes, in CUL-V3/CUN 200 Bytes.
A message occupies 3 + 2x(number of FHT commands) bytes,
this is the second reason why sending multiple FHT commands with one
set is a good idea. The first reason is, that
these FHT commands are sent at once to the FHT.
Read some CUL radio-chip (cc1101) registers (frequency, bandwidth, etc),
and display them in human readable form.
Depending on the firmware installed, CULs have a different set of
possible commands. Please refer to the README of the firmware of your
CUL to interpret the response of this command. See also the raw-
If using more than one CUL/CUN for covering a large area, sending
different events by the different CUL's might disturb each other. This
phenomenon is also known as the Palm-Beach-Resort effect.
Putting them in a common sendpool will serialize sending the events.
E.g. if you have three CUN's, you have to specify following
attr CUN1 sendpool CUN1,CUN2,CUN3
attr CUN2 sendpool CUN1,CUN2,CUN3
attr CUN3 sendpool CUN1,CUN2,CUN3
Create triggers for additional device values. Right now these are RSSI
and RAWMSG for the CUL family and RAWMSG for the FHZ.
Configure the RF Transceiver of the CUL (the CC1101). Available
arguments are:
To communicate with FS20/FHT/HMS/EM1010/S300/Hoermann devices @1kHz
datarate. This is the default.
To communicate with HomeMatic type of devices @20kHz datarate
To communicate with MAX! type of devices @20kHz datarate
Set the HomeMatic ID of this device. If this attribute is absent, the
ID will be F1<FHTID>. Note 1: after setting or changing this
attribute you have to relearn all your HomeMatic devices. Note 2: the
value _must_ be a 6 digit hex number, and 000000 is not valid. fhem
wont complain if it is not correct, but the communication won't work.
Generate events for HomeMatic protocol messages. These are normally
used for debugging, by activating "inform timer" in a telnet session,
or looking at the "Event Monitor" window in the FHEMWEB frontend.
The CUL_WS module interprets S300 type of messages received by the CUL.
define <name> CUL_WS <code> [corr1...corr4]
<code> is the code which must be set on the S300 device. Valid values
are 1 through 8.
corr1..corr4 are up to 4 numerical correction factors, which will be added
to the respective value to calibrate the device. Note: rain-values will be
multiplied and not added to the correction factor.
The CUL_TX module interprets TX2/TX3 type of messages received by the CUL,
see also http://www.f6fbb.org/domo/sensors/tx3_th.php.
This protocol is used by the La Crosse TX3-TH thermo/hygro sensor and other
wireless themperature sensors. Please report the manufacturer/model of other
working devices.
define <name> CUL_TX <code> [corr] [minsecs]
<code> is the code of the autogenerated address of the TX device (0
to 127)
corr is a correction factor, which will be added to the value received from
the device.
minsecs are the minimum seconds between two log entries or notifications
from this device. E.g. if set to 300, logs of the same type will occure
with a minimum rate of one per 5 minutes even if the device sends a message
every minute. (Reduces the log file size and reduces the time to display
the plots)
<code> is the code which must be set on the EM device. Valid values
are 1 through 12. 1-4 denotes EMWZ, 5-8 EMEM and 9-12 EMGZ devices.
corr1 is used to correct the current number, corr2
for the total number.
for EMWZ devices you should specify the rotation speed (R/kW)
of your watt-meter (e.g. 150) for corr1 and 12 times this value for
for EMEM devices the corr1 value is 0.01, and the corr2 value is
CostPerUnit and BasicFeePerMonth are used to compute your
daily and mothly fees. Your COST will appear in the log, generated once
daiy (without the basic fee) or month (with the bassic fee included). Your
definition should look like E.g.:
Tipp: You can configure your EMWZ device to show in the CUM column of the
STATE reading the current reading of your meter. For this purpose: multiply
the current reading (from the real device) with the corr1 value (RperKW),
and substract the RAW CUM value from it. Now set the basis reading of your
EMWZ device (named emwz) to this value.
The CUL_IR module interprets Infrared messages received by the CUN/CUNO/CUNOv2/TuxRadio.
Those devices can receive Infrared Signals from basically any Remote controller and will transform
that information in a so called Button-Code
<IODev> is the devicename of the IR-receivung device, e.g. CUNO1.
Your definition should look like E.g.:
define IR-Dev CUL_IR CUNO1
Sets the CUL_IR device in an IR-Code Learning mode for the given seconds. Any received IR-Code will
be stored as a Button attribute for this devices. The name of these attributes is dependent on the two
attributes learncount and learnprefix.
Attention: Before learning IR-Codes the CUL_IR device needs to be set in IR-Receiving mode
by modifying the irReceive attribute.
Sends out IR-commands via the connected IODev. The IR-command can be specified as buttonname according
to Button.* or as IR-Code directly. If a buttonname is specified, the
corresponding IR-Code will be sent out.
set IR-Dev irSend ButtonA001
If defining an IR-Code directly the following Code-Syntax needs to be followed:
with P = Protocol; A = Address; C = Command; F = Flags
With the Flags you can modify IR-Repetition. Flags between 00-0E will produce
0-15 IR-Repetitions.
You can type the IR-Code as plain as above, or with a heading "I" as learnt for the buttons.
Example: set IR-Dev irSend 0A07070F0F02
set IR-Dev irSend I0A07070F0F00
Configure the IR Transceiver of the <IODev> (the CUNO1). Available
arguments are:
Switching off the reception of IR signals. This is the default.
Switching on the reception of IR signals. This is WITHOUT filtering repetitions. This is
not recommended as many remote controls do repeat their signals.
Switching on the reception of IR signals with filtering of repetitions. This is
the recommended modus operandi.
Button.* is the wildcard for all learnt IR-Codes. IR-Codes are learnt as Button-Attributes.
The name for a learnt Button - IR-Code is compiled out of three elements:
When the CUL_IR device is set into learning mode it will generate a
new button-attribute for each new IR-Code received.This is done according to the following syntax:
<Button-Attribute-Name> <IR-Code>
Examples of learnt button-attributes with EMPTY <learnprefix> and <learncount> starting from 1:
Button001 I02029A000000
Button002 I02029A000001
To make sure that something happens when this IR-code is received later on one has to modify the attribute
and to add commands as attribute values.
Button001 I02029A000000 set WZ_Lamp on
Button002 I02029A000001 set Switch on
Group.* is the wildcard for IR-Code groups. With these attributes one can define
IR-Code parts, which may match to several Button-IR-Codes.
This is done by defining group-attributes that contain only parts of the IR-Code.
The syntax is:
<Group-Attribute-Name> <IR-Code>
Examples of a group-attribute is:
Group001 I02029A
With this all IR-Codes starting with I02029A will match the Group001.
learncount is used to store the next button-code-number that needs to be learned.
By manually modifying this attribute new button sequences can be arranged.
learnprefix is a string which will be added to the button-attribute-name.
A button-attribute-name is constructed by:
If learnprefix is empty the button-attribute-name only contains the term
"Button" and the actual number of learncount.
The ESA2000 module interprets ESA2000 type of messages received by the CUL,
currently only for ESA2000 LED devices.
define <name> ESA2000 <code>
[base1 base2]
<code> is the 4 digit HEX code identifying the devices.
base1/2 is added to the total kwh as a base (Hoch- und Niedertarifzählerstand).
Correct device definition is the key for HM environment simple maintenance.
Background to define entities:
HM devices has a 3 byte (6 digit hex value) HMid - which is key for
addressing. Each device hosts one or more channels. HMid for a channel is
the device's HMid plus the channel number (1 byte, 2 digit) in hex.
Channels should be defined for all multi-channel devices. Channel entities
cannot be defined if the hosting device does not exist Note: FHEM
mappes channel 1 to the device if it is not defined explicitely. Therefore
it does not need to be defined for single channel devices.
Note: if a device is deleted all assotiated channels will be removed as
well. An example for a full definition of a 2 channel switch is given
livingRoomSwitch is the device managing communication. This device is
defined prior to channels to be able to setup references.
LivingroomMainLight is channel 01 dealing with status of light, channel
peers and channel assotiated register. If not defined channel 01 is covered
by the device entity. LivingRoomBackLight is the second 'channel',
channel 02. Its definition is mandatory to operate this function.
Sender specials: HM threats each button of remotes, push buttons and
similar as channels. It is possible (not necessary) to define a channel per
button. If all channels are defined access to pairing informatin is
possible as well as access to channel related register. Furthermore names
make the traces better readable.
define may also be invoked by the autocreate
module, together with the necessary hmClass and subType attributes.
Usually you issue a hmPairForSec and press the
corresponding button on the device to be paired, or issue a hmPairSerial set command if the device is a receiver
and you know its serial number. Autocreate will then create a fhem
device and set all necessary attributes. Without pairing the device
will not accept messages from fhem. fhem may create the device even if
the pairing is not successful. Upon a successful pairing you'll see a
CommandAccepted entry in the details section of the CUL_HM device.
If you cannot use autocreate, then you have to specify:
the <6-digit-hex-code>or HMid+ch <8-digit-hex-code>
It is the unique, hardcoded device-address and cannot be changed (no,
you cannot choose it arbitrarily like for FS20 devices). You may
detect it by inspecting the fhem log.
the hmClass attribute
which is either sender or receiver
the subType attribute
which is one of switch dimmer blindActuator remote sensor swi
pushButton threeStateSensor motionDetector keyMatic winMatic
Without these attributes fhem won't be able to decode device messages
If the interface is a CUL device, the rfmode
attribute of the corresponding CUL/CUN device must be set to HomeMatic.
Note: this mode is BidCos/Homematic only, you will not receive
FS20/HMS/EM/S300 messages via this device. Previously defined FS20/HMS
etc devices must be assigned to a different input device (CUL/FHZ/etc).
Currently supported device families: remote, switch, dimmer,
blindActuator, motionDetector, smokeDetector, threeStateSensor,
THSensor, winmatic. Special devices: KS550, HM-CC-TC and the KFM100.
Device messages can only be interpreted correctly if the device type is
known. fhem will extract the device type from a "pairing request"
message, even if it won't respond to it (see hmPairSerial and hmPairForSec to enable pairing).
As an alternative, set the correct subType and model attributes, for a
list of possible subType values see "attr hmdevice ?".
The so called "AES-Encryption" is in reality a signing request: if it is
enabled, an actor device will only execute a received command, if a
correct answer to a request generated by the actor is received. This
Reaction to commands is noticably slower, as 3 messages are sent
instead of one before the action is processed by the actor.
Every command and its final ack from the device is sent in clear,
so an outside observer will know the status of each device.
The firmware implementation is buggy: the "toggle" event is executed
before the answer for the signing request is received, at
least by some switches (HM-LC-Sw1-Pl and HM-LC-SW2-PB-FM).
The HMLAN configurator will answer signing
requests by itself, and if it is configured with the 3-byte address
of a foreign CCU which is still configurerd with the default
password, it is able to answer signing requests correctly.
AES-Encryption is not useable with a CUL device as the interface,
but it is supported with a HMLAN. Due to the issues above I do not
recommend using Homematic encryption at all.
Note: devices which are normally send-only (remote/sensor/etc) must be set
into pairing/learning mode in order to receive the following commands.
General commands (available to most hm devices):
actiondetect <[hhh:mm]|off>
Supports 'alive' or better 'not alive' detection for devices. [hhh:mm] is the maxumin silent time for the device. Upon no message received in this period an event will be raised "<device> is dead". If the device sends again another notification is posted "<device> is alive".
This actiondetect will be autocreated for each device with build in cyclic status report.
Controlling entity is a pseudo device "ActionDetector" with HMId "000000".
Due to performance considerations the report latency is set to 600sec (10min). It can be controlled by the attribute "actCycle" of "ActionDetector".
Once entered to the supervision the HM device has 2 attributes:
actStatus: activity status of the device
actCycle: detection period [hhh.mm]
Furthermore the overall function can be viewed checking out the "ActionDetector" entity. Here the status of all entities is present in the READING section.
Note: This function can be enabled for devices with non-cyclic messages as well. It is up to the user to enter a reasonable cycletime.
Will read major configuration items stored in the HM device. Executed
on a channel it will read pair Inforamtion, List0, List1 and List3 of
the 1st internal peer. Furthermore the peerlist will be retrieved for
teh given channel. If executed on a device the command will get the
above info or all assotated channels. Not included will be the
configuration for additional peers. The command is a shortcut
for a selection of other commands.
will read the peers (see devicepair) that are assigned to a channel.
This command needs to be executed per channel. Information will be
stored in the field Peers of the channel (see devicepair for specials
about single-channel deivces). For sender the same procedure as
described in devicepair is necessary to get a reading. Also note that
a proper diaplay will only be possible if define per channel (button)
was done - see define.
read pair information of the device. See also pair
getRegRaw [List0|List1|List2|List3|List4|List5|List6]
Read registerset in raw format. Description of the registers is beyond
the scope of this documentation.
Registers are structured in so called lists each containing a set of
List0: device-level settings e.g. CUL-pairing or dimmer thermal limit
List1: per channel settings e.g. time to drive the blind up and
List3: per 'link' settings - means per peer-channel. This is a lot of
data!. It controlls actions taken upon receive of a trigger from the
List4: settings for channel (button) of a remote
<PeerChannel> paired HMid+ch, i.e. 4 byte (8 digit) value like
'12345601'. It is mendatory for List 3 and 4 and can be left out for
List 0 and 1.
'all' can be used to get data of each paired link of the channel.
'selfxx' can be used to address data for internal channels (associated
with the build-in switches if any). xx is the number of the channel in
Note1: execution depends on the entity. If List1 is requested on a
device rather then a channel the command will retrieve List1 for all
channels assotiated. List3 with peerChannel = all will get all link
for all channel if executed on a device.
Note2: for 'sender' see remote
Note3: the information retrieval may take a while - especially for
devices with a lot of channels and links. It may be necessary to
refresh the web interface manually to view the results
Note4: the direct buttons on a HM device are hidden by default.
Nevertheless those are implemented as links as well. To get access to
the 'internal links' it is necessary to issue 'set <name> setReg
intKeyVisib 1' or 'set <name> setRegRaw List0 2 81'. Reset it
by replacing '81' with '01' example:
set mydimmer getRegRaw List1
set mydimmer getRegRaw List3 all
Pair the device again with its known serialNumber (e.g. after a device
reset) to the CUL. If paired, devices will report status information to
the CUL. If not paired, the device wont respond to requests, and
certain status information is also not reported. Paring is on device
level and is common for all channels. See also getPair and unpair.
regRaw [List0|List1|List2|List3|List4] <addr> <data>
Will set register for device or channel. See also getRegRaw. <addr> and
<data> are 1 byte values that need to be given in hex.
set mydimmer regRaw List1 0B 10 00000000
set mydimmer regRaw List1 0C 00 00000000
will set the max drive time up for a blind actor to 25,6sec
regSet <regName> <value> <peerChannel>
For some major register a readable version is implemented supporting
register names <regName> and value conversionsing. Only a subset
of register can be supproted.
<value> is the data in human readable manner that will be written
to the register.
<peerChannel> is required if this register is defined on a per
'devicepair' base. It can be set to '0' other wise.See getRegRaw for full description
Supported register for a device can be explored using
set regSet ? 0 0
Condensed register description will be printed
set regSet <regname> ? 0
Factory reset the device. You need to pair it again to use it with
sign [on|off]
Activate or deactivate signing (also called AES encryption, see the note above). Warning: if the device is attached via
a CUL, you won't be able to switch it (or deactivate signing) from
fhem before you reset the device directly.
Update device status. For multichannel devices it should be issued on
an per channel base
"Unpair" the device, i.e. make it available to pair with other master
devices. See pair for description.
virtual <number of buttons>
configures a defined curcuit as virtual remote controll. Then number
of button being added is 1 to 255. If the command is issued a second
time for the same entity additional buttons will be added.
Example for usage:
define vRemote CUL_HM 100000 # the selected HMid must not be in use
set vRemote virtual 20 # define 20 button remote controll
set vRemote_Btn4 devicepair 0 <actorchannel> # pairs Button 4 and 5 to the given channel
set vRemote_Btn4 press
set vRemote_Btn5 press long
on-for-timer <sec> -
set the switch on for the given seconds [0-85825945]. Note:
off-for-timer like FS20 is not supported. It needs to be programmed
on link level.
on-till <time> - set the switch on for the given end time.
set <name> on-till 20:32:10
Currently a max of 24h is supported with endtime.
toggle - toggle the switch.
dimmer, blindActuator
0 - 100 [on-time] [ramp-time]
set the actuator to the given value (in percent)
with a resolution of 0.5.
Optional for dimmer on-time and ramp time can be choosen, both in seconds with 0.1s granularity.
On-time is analog "on-for-timer".
Ramp-time default is 2.5s, 0 means instantanous
remotes, pushButton
This class of devices does not react on requests unless they are put
to learn mode. FHEM obeys this behavior by stacking all requests until
learn mode is detected. Manual interaction of the user is necessary to
activate learn mode. Whether commands are pending is reported on
device level with parameter 'protCmdPend'.
devicepair <btn_no> <hmDevice> [single|dual]
[set|unset] [actor|remote]
Pair/unpair will establish a connection between a sender-channel and
an actuator-channel called link in HM nomenclatur. Trigger from
sender-channel, e.g. button press, will be processed by the
actuator-channel without CCU interaction. Sender-channel waits for an
acknowledge of each actuator paired to it. Positive indication will be
given once all actuator responded.
Sender must be set into learning mode after command execution. FHEM
postpones the commands until then.
devicepair can be repeated for an existing devicepair. This will cause
parameter reset to HM defaults for this link.
Even though the command is executed on a remote or push-button it will
as well take effect on the actuator directly. Both sides' pairing is
virtually independant and has different impact on sender and receiver
Devicepairing of one actuator-channel to multiple sender-channel as
well as one sender-channel to multiple Actuator-channel is
<hmDevice> is the actuator-channel to be paired.
<btn_no> is the sender-channel (button) to be paired. If
'single' is choosen buttons are counted from 1. For 'dual' btn_no is
the number of the Button-pair to be used. I.e. '3' in dual is the
3rd button pair correcponding to button 5 and 6 in single mode.
If the command is executed on a channel the btn_no is ignored.
[single|dual]: this mode impacts the default behavior of the
Actuator upon using this button. E.g. a dimmer can be learned to a
single button or to a button pair.
'dual' (default) Button pairs two buttons to one actuator. With a
dimmer this means one button for dim-up and one for dim-down.
'single' uses only one button of the sender. It is useful for e.g. for
simple switch actuator to toggle on/off. Nevertheless also dimmer can
be learned to only one button.
'set' will setup pairing for the channels
'unset' will remove the pairing for the channels
[actor|remote|both] limits the execution to only actor or only remote.
This gives the user the option to redo the pairing on the remote
channel while the settings in the actor will not be removed.
set myRemote devicepair 2 mySwActChn single set # pair second button to an actuator channel
set myRmtBtn devicepair 0 mySwActChn single set #myRmtBtn is a button of the remote. '0' is not processed here
set myRemote devicepair 2 mySwActChn dual set #pair button 3 and 4
set myRemote devicepair 3 mySwActChn dual unset #remove pairing for button 5 and 6
set myRemote devicepair 3 mySwActChn dual unset aktor #remove pairing for button 5 and 6 in actor only
set myRemote devicepair 3 mySwActChn dual set remote #pair button 5 and 6 on remote only. Link settings il mySwActChn will be maintained
press [long|short]
simulates a button press short (default) or long. Note that the current
implementation will not specify the duration for long. Only one trigger
will be sent of type "long".
Note: All these commands work right now only if you have more then one
smoekDetector, and you paired them to form a group. For issuing the
commands you have to use the master of this group, and currently you
have to guess which of the detectors is the master.
test - execute a network test
alarmOn - initiate an alarm
alarmOff - switch off the alarm
4Dis (HM-PB-4DIS-WM)
text <btn_no> [on|off] <text1> <text2>
Set the text on the display of the device. To this purpose issue
this set command first (or a number of them), and then choose from
the teach-in menu of the 4Dis the "Central" to transmit the data.
set 4Dis text 1 on On Lamp
set 4Dis text 1 off Kitchen Off
Climate-Control (HM-CC-TC)
day-temp <tmp>
night-temp <tmp>
party-temp <tmp>
desired-temp <tmp>
Set different temperatures. Temp must be between 6 and 30
Celsius, and precision is half a degree.
tempListSat HH:MM temp ... 24:00 temp
tempListSun HH:MM temp ... 24:00 temp
tempListMon HH:MM temp ... 24:00 temp
tempListTue HH:MM temp ... 24:00 temp
tempListThu HH:MM temp ... 24:00 temp
tempListWed HH:MM temp ... 24:00 temp
tempListFri HH:MM temp ... 24:00 temp
Specify a list of temperature intervals. Up to 24 intervals can be
specified for each week day, the resolution is 10 Minutes. The
last time spec must always be 24:00.
Example: set th tempListSat 06:00 19 23:00 22.5 24:00 19
Meaning: until 6:00 temperature shall be 19, from then until 23:00 temperature shall be
22.5, thereafter until midnight, 19 degrees celsius is desired.
led [off|red|green|yellow]
switches the LED of the channel to the color. If the command is
executed on a device it will set all LEDs to the specified
For Expert all LEDs can be set individual by providing a 8-digit hex number to the device.
ilum <brightness><duration>
<brightness> [0-15] of backlight.
<duration> [0-127] in sec. 0 is permanent 'on'.
OutputUnit (HM-OU-CFM-PL)
led <color>[,<color>..]
Possible colors are [redL|greenL|yellowL|redS|greenS|yellowS]. A
sequence of colors can be given separating the color entries by ','.
White spaces must not be used in the list. 'S' indicates short and
'L' long ilumination.
playTone <MP3No>[,<MP3No>..]
Play a series of tones. List is to be entered separated by ','. White
spaces must not be used in the list.
alarm <count>
issue an alarm message to the remote
service <count>
issue an service message to the remote
symbol <symbol> [set|unset]
activate a symbol as available on the remote.
beep [off|1|2|3]
activate tone
backlight [off|on|slow|fast]
activate backlight
display <text> comma unit tone backlight <symbol(s)>
control display of the remote
<text> : up to 5 chars
comma : 'comma' activates the comma, 'no' leaves it off
[unit] : set the unit symbols.
[off|Proz|Watt|x3|C|x5|x6|x7|F|x9|x10|x11|x12|x13|x14|x15]. Currently
the x3..x15 display is not tested.
tone : activate one of the 3 tones [off|1|2|3]
backlight: activate backlight flash mode [off|on|slow|fast]
<symbol(s)> activate symbol display. Multople symbols can be
acticated at the same time, concatinating them comma separated. Don't
use spaces here. Possiblesymbols are
# "hello" in display, symb bulb on, backlight, beep
set FB1 display Hello no off 1 on bulb
# "1234,5" in display with unit 'W'. Symbols scene,phone,bell and
# clock are active. Backlight flashing fast, Beep is second tone
set FB1 display 12345 comma Watt 2 fast scene,phone,bell,clock
The Keymatic uses the AES signed communication. Therefore the control
of the Keymatic is only together with the HM-LAN adapter possible. But
the CUL can read and react on the status information of the
The lock bolt moves to the locking position
unlock [sec]
The lock bolt moves to the unlocking position. [sec]: Sets the
delay in seconds after the lock automatically locked again. 0 -
65535 seconds
open [sec]
Unlocked the door so that the door can be opened.
[sec]: Sets the delay in seconds after the lock automatically locked
again. 0 - 65535 seconds
inhibit [on|off]
Block / unblock all directly paired remotes and the hardware buttons of the
keyMatic. If inhibit set on, the door lock drive can be controlled only by
# Lock the lock
set keymatic lock
# open the door and relock the lock after 60 seconds
set keymatic unlock 60
raw <data> ...
Only needed for experimentation.
send a list of "raw" commands. The first command will be
immediately sent, the next one after the previous one is acked by
the target. The length will be computed automatically, and the
message counter will be incremented if the first two charcters are
++. Example (enable AES):
set hm1 raw ++A001F100001234560105000000001\
param <paramName>
returns the content of the relevant parameter for the entity.
Note: if this command is executed on a channel and 'model' is
requested the content hosting device's 'model' will be returned.
reg <addr> <list> <peerID>
returns the value of a register. The data is taken from the storage in
FHEM. It is not read again. If registercontent is not present at this
point in time please use getReg in advance.
<addr> address in hex of the register. Registername can be used alternaly if available in FHEM.
<list> list from which the register is taken. If rgistername is used list is ignored and can be set to 0.
<peerID> identifies the registerbank in case of list3 and list4. It an be set to dummy if not used.
returns a list of register that are implemented in FHEM for this device.
These attributes are set automatically after a successful pairing.
They are not supposed to be set by hand, and are necessary in order to
correctly interpret device messages or to be able to send them.
Used to convert raw KFM100 values to readable data, based on measured
values. E.g. fill slowly your container, while monitoring the
values reported with inform. You'll see:
10 (at 0%)
50 (at 20%)
79 (at 40%)
270 (at 100%)
Apply these values with: "attr KFM100 rawToReadable 10:0 50:20 79:40 270:100".
fhem will do a linear interpolation for values between the bounderies.
set the reported unit by the KFM100 if rawToReadable is active. E.g.
attr KFM100 unit Liter
contact closed
contact open
contact tilted
contact movement_tilted
contact movement_closed
contact lock_on
airing: $air
course: tilt
course: close
The CUL_HOERMANN module registers the 868MHz Hoermann Garage-Door-Opener
signals received by the CUL. Note: As the structure of this signal is
not understood, no checksum is verified, so it is likely to receive bogus
The CUL_RFR module is used to "attach" a second CUL to your base CUL, and
use it as a repeater / range extender. RFR is shorthand for RF_ROUTER.
Transmission of the data uses the CC1101 packet capabilities with GFSK
modulation at 250kBaud after pinging the base CUL at the usual 1kBaud. When
configured, the RFR device can be used like another CUL connected directly to
Before you can use this feature in fhem, you have to enable/configure RF
ROUTING in both CUL's:
First give your base CUL (which remains connected to the PC) an RFR ID
by issuing the fhem command "set MyCUL raw ui0100". With this command
the base CUL will get the ID 01, and it will not relay messages to other
CUL's (as the second number is 00).
Now replace the base CUL with the RFR CUL, and set its id by issuing
the fhem command "set MyCUL raw ui0201". Now remove this CUL and attach the
original, base CUL again. The RFR CUL got the id 02, and will relay every
message to the base CUL with id 01.
Take the RFR CUL, and attach it to an USB power supply, as seen on
the image. As the configured base id is not 00, it will activate RF
reception on boot, and will start sending messages to the base CUL.
Now you have to define this RFR cul as a fhem device:
define <name> CUL_RFR <own-id> <base-id>
<own-id> is the id of the RFR CUL not connected to the PC,
<base-id> is the id of the CUL connected to the PC. Both parameters
have two characters, each representing a one byte hex number.
set MyCUL raw ui0100
# Now replace the base CUL with the RFR CUL set MyCUL raw ui0201
# Reattach the base CUL to the PC and attach the RFR CUL to a
USB power supply define MyRFR CUL_RFR 02 01
The rest of the attributes is the same as for the CUL.
EIB/KNX is a standard for building automation / home automation.
It is mainly based on a twisted pair wiring, but also other mediums (ip, wireless) are specified.
While the module TUL represents the connection to the EIB network,
the EIB modules represent individual EIB devices. This module provides a basic set of operations (on, off, on-till, etc.)
to switch on/off EIB devices. Sophisticated setups can be achieved by combining a number of
EIB module instances or by sending raw hex values to the network (set raw ).
EIB/KNX defines a series of Datapoint Type as standard data types used
to allow general interpretation of values of devices manufactured by diferent companies.
This datatypes are used to interpret the status of a device, so the state in FHEM will then
show the correct value.
Define an EIB device, connected via a TUL. The
<group> parameters are either a group name notation (0-15/0-15/0-255) or the hex representation of the value (0-f0-f0-ff).
The <main group> is used for sending of commands to the EIB network.
The state of the instance will be updated when a new state is received from the network for any of the given groups.
This is usefull for example for toggle switches where a on command is send to one group and the real state (on or off) is
responded back on a second group.
For actors and sensors the
autocreate module may help.
set the model according to the datapoint types defined by the (EIB / KNX specifications).
The device state in FHEM is interpreted and shown according to the specification.
Devices sold by numerous hardware verndors (e.g. Eltako, Peha, etc), using
the RF Protocol provided by the EnOcean Alliance.
define <name> EnOcean <ID>
Define an EnOcean device, connected via a TCM. The
<ID> parameter is an 8 digit hex number. For remotes and sensors the
autocreate module may help you.
define switch1 EnOcean ffc54500
MD15 commands. Note: The command is not sent until the MD15
wakes up and sends a mesage, usually every 10 minutes.
actuator <value>
Set the actuator to the specifed percent value (0-100)
desired-temp <value>
Use the builtin PI regulator, and set the desired temperature to the
specified degree. The actual value will be taken from the temperature
reported by the MD15 or from the attribute actualTemp if it is set
Do not regulate the MD15.
subType dimmCtrl, tested with ElTako Dimmer only
initiate teach-in mode
dimm percent [time 01-FF FF:slowest] [on/off]
issue dim command.
all other:
set switch1 <value>
where value is one of A0,AI,B0,BI,C0,CI,D0,DI, combinations of
these and released, in fact we are trying to emulate a PTM100 type remote.
If you define an eventMap attribute with on/off,
then you'll be able to easily set the device from the WEB frontend.
In order to control devices, you cannot reuse the ID's of other devices
(like remotes), instead you have to create your own, which must be in the
allowed ID-Range of the underlying IO device. For this first query the
TCM with the "get <tcm> idbase" command. You can use
up to 128 ID's starting with the base shown there. If you are using an
ID outside of the allowed range, you'll see an ERR_ID_RANGE message in the
fhem log.
set switch1 BI
set switch1 B0,CI
attr eventMap BI:on B0:off
set switch1 on
The value of the actual temperature, used when controlling MD15 devices.
Should by filled via a notify from a distinct temperature sensor. If
absent, the reported temperature from the MD15 is used.
Generated events:
switch. Switches (remotes) with more than one (pair) of buttons
are separate devices with separate address.
<BtnX,BtnY> where BtnX and BtnY is one of the above, e.g.
A0,BI or D0,CI
buttons: released
FSB61/FSM61 (set model to FSB61 or FSM61 manually)
The status of the device my become "released", this is not the case
for a normal switch.
windowHandle (HOPPE SecuSignal). Set the subType attr to windowHandle.
open from tilted
keycard. Set the subType attr to keycard. (untested)
keycard inserted
keycard removed
STM-250 Door and window contact.
learnBtn: on
SR04* (Temp sensor + Presence button and desired temp dial).
Set the
model attribute to one of SR04 SR04P SR04PT SR04PST SR04PMS or the
subType attribute to SR04.
MD15-FtL-HE (Heating/Valve-regulator)
The subType attibute must be MD15. This is done if the device was created by
$actuator %
currentValue: $actuator
serviceOn: [yes|no]
energyInput: [enabled|disabled]
energyStorage: [charged|empty]
battery: [ok|empty]
cover: [open|closed]
tempSensor: [failed|ok]
window: [open|closed]
actuator: [ok|obstructed]
temperature: $tmp
Ratio Presence Sensor Eagle PM101.
Set the model attribute to PM101
brightness: $lux
channel1: [on|off]
channel2: [on|off]
FAH60,FAH63,FIH63 brigthness senor.
Set subType to FAH or model to FAH60/FAH63/FIH63 manually.
brightness: $lux
state: $lux
FABH63,FBH55,FBH63,FIBH63 Motion/brightness sensor.
Set subType to FBH or model to FABH63/FBH55/FBH63/FIBH63 manually.
brightness: $lux
state: [motion: yes|no]
FTF55 Temperature sensor.
Set subType to FTF or model to FTF55 manually.
temperature: $temp
state: $temp
define <name> EM <em1010pc-device>
Define a EM1010PC USB device. As the EM1010PC was not designed to be used
with a PC attached to it all the time, it won't transmit received signals
automatically, fhem has to poll it every 5 minutes.
Currently there is no way to read the internal log of the EM1010PC with
fhem, use the program em1010.pl in the contrib directory for this
define em EM /dev/elv_em1010pc
set EM <value>
where value is either time or reset.
If time has arguments of the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, then the specified
time will be set, else the time from the host.
Note: after reset you should set the time.
Define up to 4 EM1000WZ attached to the EM1010PC. The device number must
be between 1 and 4. Defining an EMWZ will schedule an internal task, which
reads the status of the device every 5 minutes, and triggers notify/filelog
define emwz EMWZ 1
set EMWZdevice <param> <value>
where param is one of:
Number of rotations for a KiloWatt of the EM1000WZ device (actually
of the device where the EM1000WZ is attached to). Without setting
this correctly, all other readings will be incorrect.
Alarm in WATT. if you forget to set it, the default value is
rediculously low (random), and if a value above this threshold is
received, the EM1010PC will start beeping once every minute. It can
be very annoying.
The price of one KW in EURO (use e.g. 0.20 for 20 Cents). It is used
only on the EM1010PC display, it is of no interest for FHEM.
get EMWZ status
This is the same command which is scheduled every 5 minutes internally.
Define up to 4 EM1000GZ attached to the EM1010PC. The device number must
be between 9 and 12.
Defining an EMGZ will schedule an internal task, which reads the
status of the device every 5 minutes, and triggers notify/filelog commands.
define emgz EMGZ 9
set EMGZdevice <param> <value>
where param is:
The price of one KW in EURO (use e.g. 0.20 for 20 Cents). It is used
only on the EM1010PC display, it is of no interest for FHEM.
get EMGZ status
This is the same command which is scheduled every 5 minutes internally.
Define up to 4 EM1000EM attached to the EM1010PC. The device number must
be between 5 and 8.
Defining an EMEM will schedule an internal task, which reads the
status of the device every 5 minutes, and triggers notify/filelog commands.
Note: Currently this device does not support a "set" function.
define emem EMEM 5
get EMEM status
This is the same command which is scheduled every 5 minutes internally.
KM271 is the name of the communication device for the Buderus Logamatic 2105
or 2107 heating controller. It is connected via a serial line to the fhem
computer. The fhem module sets the communication device into log-mode, which
then will generate an event on change of the inner parameters. There are
about 20.000 events a day, the FHEM module ignores about 90% of them, if the
all_km271_events attribute is not set.
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module.
define <name> KM271 <serial-device-name>
define KM271 KM271 /dev/ttyS0@2400
set KM271 <param> [<value> [<values>]]
where param is one of:
hk1_tagsoll <temp>
sets the by day temperature for heating circuit 1
0.5 celsius resolution - temperature between 10 and 30 celsius
hk2_tagsoll <temp>
sets the by day temperature for heating circuit 2
(see above)
hk1_nachtsoll <temp>
sets the by night temperature for heating circuit 1
(see above)
hk2_nachtsoll <temp>
sets the by night temperature for heating circuit 2
(see above)
hk1_betriebsart [automatik|nacht|tag]
sets the working mode for heating circuit 1
automatik: the timer program is active and the summer configuration is in effect
nacht: manual by night working mode, no timer program is in effect
tag: manual by day working mode, no timer program is in effect
hk2_betriebsart [automatik|nacht|tag]
sets the working mode for heating circuit 2
(see above)
ww_soll <temp>
sets the hot water temperature
1.0 celsius resolution - temperature between 30 and 60 celsius
ww_betriebsart [automatik|nacht|tag]
sets the working mode for hot water
automatik: hot water production according to the working modes of both heating circuits
nacht: no hot water at all
tag: manual permanent hot water
ww_on-for-timer [period]
start hot water production for the given period
period must have the format HH:MM
ww_betriebsart is set according to the attribut ww_timermode. For switching-off hot water a single one-time at command is automatically generated which will set ww_betriebsart back to nacht
hk1_programm [eigen|familie|frueh|spaet|vormittag|nachmittag|mittag|single|senior]
sets the timer program for heating circuit 1
eigen: the custom program defined by the user (see below) is used
all others: predefined programs from Buderus for various situations (see Buderus manual for details)
hk2_programm [eigen|familie|frueh|spaet|vormittag|nachmittag|mittag|single|senior]
sets the timer program for heating circuit 2
(see above)
hk1_timer [<position> delete|<position> <on-day> <on-time> <off-day> <off-time>]
sets (or deactivates) a by day working mode time interval for the custom program of heating circuit 1
position: addresses a slot of the custom timer program and must be between 1 and 21
The slot will be set to the interval specified by the following on- and off-timepoints or is deactivated when the next argument is delete.
on-day: first part of the on-timepoint
valid arguments are [mo|di|mi|do|fr|sa|so]
on-time: second part of the on-timepoint
valid arguments have the format HH:MM (supported resolution: 10 min)
off-day: first part of the off-timepoint
(see above)
off-time: second part of the off-timepoint
valid arguments have the format HH:MM (supported resolution: 10 min)
As the on-timepoint is reached, the heating circuit is switched to by day working mode and when the off-timepoint is attained, the circuit falls back to by night working mode.
A program can be build up by chaining up to 21 of these intervals. They are ordered by the position argument. There's no behind the scene magic that will automatically consolidate the list.
The consistency of the program is in the responsibility of the user.
set KM271 hk1_timer 1 mo 06:30 mo 08:20
This will toogle the by day working mode every Monday at 6:30 and will fall back to by night working mode at 8:20 the same day.
hk2_timer [<position> delete|<position> <on-day> <on-time> <off-day> <off-time>]
sets (or deactivates) a by day working mode time interval for the custom program of heating circuit 2
(see above)
logmode set to logmode / request all readings again
If this attribute is set to 1, do not ignore following events:
HK1_Vorlaufisttemperatur, HK2_Vorlaufisttemperatur, Kessel_Vorlaufisttemperatur,
Kessel_Integral, Kessel_Integral1
These events account for ca. 92% of all events.
All UNKNOWN events are ignored too, most of them were only seen
directly after setting the device into logmode.
ww_timermode [automatik|tag]
Defines the working mode for the ww_on-for-timer command (default is tag).
ww_on-for-timer will set the ww_betriebsart of the heater according to this attribute.
Generated events:
As I cannot explain all the values, I logged data for a period and plotted
each received value in the following logs:
All of these events are reported directly after initialization (or after
requesting logmode), along with some 60 configuration records (6byte long
each). Most parameters from these records are reverse engeneered, they
all start with CFG_ for configuration and PRG_ for timer program information.
Fhem can receive the KS300 radio (868.35 MHz) messages through FHZ, WS300 or an CUL
device, so one of them must be defined first.
This module services messages received by the FHZ device, if you use one of
the other alternetives, see the WS300 or CUL_WS entries.
Note: The KS555 is also reported to work.
<housecode> is a four digit hex number,
corresponding to the address of the KS300 device, right now it is ignored.
The ml/raincounter defaults to 255 ml, but it must be specified if you wish
to set the wind factor, which defaults to 1.0.
If this attribute is set, fhem automatically accounts for rain counter
resets after a battery change and random counter switches as experienced
by some users. The raw rain counter values are adjusted by an offset
in order to flatten out the sudden large increases and decreases in
the received rain counter values. Default is off.
The MSG device is the backend device for all the message handling (I/O-engine).
Under normal conditions only one MSG device is needed to serve multiple frontend
message devices like file or email.
define <name> MSG
Specifies the MSG device. A single MSG device could serve multiple MSG frontends.
But, for special conditions there could be defined more than one MSG device.
set <name> send|write <devicename>
To send the data, both send or write could be used.
The devicename is the name of a frontenddevice previously
defined. Based on the type of the frontend device, the MSG device
will send out the lines of data.
Frontend devices are available for:
For details about this devices, please review the device-definitions.
After sending/writing the data, the data stills exists with the
frontend device, MSG do not delete/purge any data, this must be done
by the frontend device.
The MSGFile device is a frontend device for message handling.
With a MSGFile device data is written to disk (or other media).
Multiple MSGFile devices could be defined.
To write the data to disk, a MSG device is necessary.
A MSGFile device needs the operating systems rights to write to the filesystem.
To set the rights for a directory, please use OS related commands.
define <name> MSGFile <filename>
Specifies the MSGFile device. At definition the message counter is set to 0.
A filename must be specified at definition.
define myFile MSGFile
set <name> add|clear|list [text]
Set is used to manipulate the message buffer of the device. The message
buffer is an array of lines of data, stored serial based on the incoming
time into the buffer. Lines of data inside the buffer could not be deleted
anymore, except of flashing the whole buffer.
add to add lines of data to the message buffer. All data behind
"add" will be interpreted as text message. To add a carriage return to the data,
please use the CR attribute.
clear to flash the message buffer and set the line counter to 0.
All the lines of data are deleted and the buffer is flushed.
list to list the message buffer.
set myFile add Dies ist Textzeile 1 set myFile add Dies ist Textzeile 2 set myFile clear
Full working example to write two lines of data to a file: define myMsg MSG define myFile MSGFile /tmp/fhemtest.txt attr myFile filemode append set myFile add Textzeile 1 set myFile add Textzeile 2 set myMsg write myFile set myFile clear
sets the filename, must be a fully qualified filename.
FHEM must have the rights to write this file to the directory
sets the filemode, valid are "new" or "append"
new creates a new, empty file and writes the data to this file. Existing files are cleared, the data is lost!
append uses, if available, an existing file and writes the
buffer data to the end of the file. If the file do not exist, it will
be created
set the option to write a carriage return at the end of the line.
CR could be set to 0 or 1, 1 enables this feature
The MSGMail device is a frontend device for mail message handling.
With a MSGMaildevice data is fowarded to a mail provider and send to a recipent.
Multiple MSGMail devices could be defined.
MSGMail supports by the moment only mail provider, which uses SSL secured connection
like Googlemail, GMX, Yahoo or 1und1 for example.
To send an email, a MSG device is necessary. MAIL::Lite and Net::SMTP::SSL from CPAN is needed to use MSGMail!!
Specifies the MSGMail device. At definition the message counter is set to 0.
From, To, SMTPHost and the authfile (see attributes below) need to be defined
at definition time.
set <name> add|clear|list [text]
Set is used to manipulate the message buffer of the device. The message
buffer is an array of lines of data, stored serial based on the incoming
time into the buffer. Lines of data inside the buffer could not be deleted
anymore, except of flashing the whole buffer.
add to add lines of data to the message buffer. All data behind
"add" will be interpreted as text message. To add a carriage return to the data,
please use the CR attribute.
clear to flash the message buffer and set the line counter to 0.
All the lines of data are deleted and the buffer is flushed.
list to list the message buffer.
set myMail add Dies ist Textzeile 1 set myMail add Dies ist Textzeile 2 set myMail clear
Full working example to send two lines of data to a recipent: define myMsg MSG define myMail MSGMail donald.duck@entenhausen.com dagobert.duck@duck-banking.com smtp.entenhausen.net /etc/fhem/msgmailauth attr myMail smtpport 9999 attr myMail subject i need more money attr myMail CR 0 set myMail add Please send me set myMail add 1.000.000 Taler set myMsg send myMail set myMail clear
Almost all of these attributes are not optional, most of them could set at definition.
sets the name of the smtphost, for example for GMX
you could use mail.gmx.net or for Googlemail the smtphost is
smtpport (optional)
sets the port of the smtphost, for example for GMX
or for Googlemail the smtport is 465, which is also
the default and do not need to be set
subject (optional)
sets the subject of this email. Per default the subject is set to "FHEM"
sets the authfile for the SSL connection to the SMTP host
the authfile is a simple textfile with the userid in line 1 and
the password in line 2.
Example: 123user45 strenggeheim
It is a good behaviour to protect this data and put the file, for
example into the /etc directory and set the rights to 440
(chmod 440 /etc/msgmailauthfile), so that not everyone could see the contents
of the file. FHEM must have access to this file to read the userid and password.
set the option to write a carriage return at the end of the line.
CR could be set to 0 or 1, 1 enables this feature.
Per default this attribute is enabled
Luxtronik 2.0 is a heating controller used in Alpha Innotec and Siemens Novelan Heatpumps.
It can be directly integrated into a local area network (Ethernet port).
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module.
define <name> CM11 <serial-device>
CM11 is the X10 module to interface X10 devices with the PC.
The current implementation can evaluate incoming data on the powerline of
any kind. It can send on, off, dimdown and dimup commands.
The name of the serial-device depends on your distribution. If
serial-device is none, then no device will be opened, so you can experiment
without hardware attached.
If you experience problems (for verbose 4 you get a lot of "Bad CRC message"
in the log), then try to define your device as define <name> FHZ <serial-device> strangetty
define x10if CM11 /dev/ttyUSB3
set <name> reopen
Reopens the serial port.
get <name> fwrev
Reads the firmware revision of the CM11 device. Returns error
if the serial connection to the device times out. Can be used for error
get <name> time
Reads the internal time of the device which is the total uptime (modulo one
year), since fhem sets the time to 0.00:00:00 if the device requests the time
to be set after being powered on. Returns error
if the serial connection to the device times out. Can be used for error
define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13
Module uses ether-wake on FritzBoxes.
For other computers the WOL implementation of Net::Wake is used
set <name> <value>
where value is one of:
refresh # checks whether the computer is currently running
on # sends a magic packet to the defined MAC address
set computer1 on set computer1 refresh
define <name> X10 <model> <housecode>
Defines an X10 device via its model, housecode and unitcode.
<model> is one of
lm12: lamp module, dimmable
lm15: lamp module, not dimmable
am12: appliance module, not dimmable
tm12: tranceiver module, not dimmable. Its
unitcode is 1.
Model determines whether a dim command is reasonable to be sent
or not.
<housecode> ranges from A to P.
<unitcode> ranges from 1 to 16.
define lamp1 X10 lm12 N 10 define pump X10 am12 B 7 define lamp2 X10 lm15 N 11
set <name> <value> [<argument>]
where value is one of:
dimdown # requires argument, see the note
dimup # requires argument, see the note
on-till # Special, see the note
on-for-timer # Special, see the note
set lamp1 dimup 10 set lamp1,lamp2 off set pump off set lamp2 on-till 19:59 set lamp2 on-for-timer 00:02:30
Only switching and dimming are supported by now.
Dimming is valid only for a dimmable device as specified by
the model argument in its define
An X10 device has 210 discrete brightness levels. If you use a
X10 sender, e.g. a remote control or a wall switch to dim, a
brightness step is 100%/210.
dimdown and dimup take a number in the
range from 0 to 22 as argument. It is assumed that argument 1 is
a 1% brightness change (microdim) and arguments 2 to 22 are
10%..100% brightness changes. The meaning of argument 0 is
This currently leads to some confusion in the logs as the
dimdown and dimup codes are logged with
different meaning of the arguments depending on whether the commands
were sent from the PC or from a remote control or a wall switch.
dimdown and dimup from on and off states may
have unexpected results. This seems to be a feature of the X10
on-till requires an absolute time in the "at" format
(HH:MM:SS, HH:MM) or { <perl code> }, where the perl code
returns a time specification).
If the current time is greater than the specified time, then the
command is ignored, else an "on" command is generated, and for the
given "till-time" an off command is scheduleld via the at command.
on-for-timer requires a relative time in the "at" format
(HH:MM:SS, HH:MM) or { <perl code> }, where the perl code
returns a time specification).
Use infrared signals received by an lirc device as toggle events.
Note: this module needs the Lirc::Client perl module.
define <name> LIRC <lircrc_file>
define Lirc LIRC /etc/lirc/lircrc
Note: In the lirc configuration file you have to define each possible event.
If you have this configuration
prog = fhem
button = pwr
config = IrPower
and you press the pwr button the IrPower toggle event occures at fhem.
define IrPower01 notify IrPower set lamp toggle
turns the lamp on and off.
If you want a faster reaction to keypresses you have to change the
defaultvalue of readytimeout from 5 seconds to e.g. 1 second in fhem.pl
define WS300Device WS300 <serial device>
or define <devname> WS300 [0-9]
The first line is mandatory if you have a WS300 device: it defines the
input device with its USB port. The name of this device is fixed and must
be WS300Device. It must be the first defined WS300 device.
For each additional device (with number 0 to 9) you have to define another
WS300 device, with an arbitrary name. The WS300 device which reports the
readings will be defined with the port number 9, an optional KS300 with the
port number 8.
A Weather device periodically gathers current and forecast weather conditions
from the Yahoo Weather API.
The parameter location is the WOEID (WHERE-ON-EARTH-ID), go to
http://weather.yahoo.com to find it out for your location.
The optional parameter interval is the time between subsequent updates
in seconds. It defaults to 3600 (1 hour).
The optional language parameter may be one of
It determines the natural language in which the forecast information appears.
It defaults to en. If you want to set the language you also have to set the interval.
Defines a virtual device for Twilight calculations
A Twilight device periodically calculates the times of different twilight phases throughout the day.
It calculates a virtual "light" element, that gives an indicator about the amount of the current daylight.
Besides the location on earth it is influenced by a so called "indoor horizon" (e.g. if there are high buildings, mountains) as well as by weather conditions. Very bad weather conditions lead to a reduced daylight for nearly the whole day.
The light calculated spans between 0 and 6, where the values mean the following:
0 - total night, sun is at least -18 degree below horizon 1 - astronomical twilight, sun is between -12 and -18 degree below horizon 2 - nautical twilight, sun is between -6 and -12 degree below horizon 3 - civil twilight, sun is between 0 and -6 degree below horizon 4 - indoor twilight, sun is between the indoor_horizon and 0 degree below horizon (not used if indoor_horizon=0) 5 - weather twilight, sun is between indoor_horizon and a virtual weather horizon (the weather horizon depends on weather conditions (optional) 6 - maximum daylight
The parameters latitude and longitude are decimal numbers which give the position on earth for which the twilight states shall be calculated.
The parameter indoor_horizon gives a virtual horizon higher than 0, that shall be used for calculation of indoor twilight (typical values are between 0 and 6)
The parameter Weather_Position is the yahoo weather id used for getting the weather condition. Go to http://weather.yahoo.com/ and enter a city or zip code. In the upcoming webpage, the id is a the end of the URL. Example: Munich, Germany -> 676757
Provides a mini HTTP server plugin for FHEMWEB. It serves files from a given directory.
HTTPSRV is an extension to FHEMWEB. You must install FHEMWEB to use HTTPSRV.
define <name> <infix> <directory> <friendlyname>
Defines the HTTP server. <infix> is the portion behind the FHEMWEB base URL (usually
http://hostname:8083/fhem), <directory> is the absolute path the
files are served from, and <friendlyname> is the name displayed in the side menu of FHEMWEB.
define myJSFrontend HTTPSRV jsf /usr/share/jsfrontend My little frontend
directoryindex: if the request is sent with no filename, i.e. the infix (with or without trailing slash) only, the file given in this attribute is loaded. Defaults to index.html.
Usage information
The above example on http://hostname:8083/fhem will return the file
/usr/share/jsfrontend/foo.html for http://hostname:8083/fhem/jsf/foo.html.
If no filename is given, the filename prescribed by the directoryindex attribute is returned.
Notice: All links are relative to http://hostname:8083/fhem.
Fhem can receive your tank's fill level from the USF1000S device
through a FHZ device, so one must be defined first.
The state contains the fill level in % (lower case v in the device state)
and the current volume in liters (upper case V in the device state).
Measured distance to the liquid's surface, fill level, volume and warnings
(Test mode, Battery low) are available. Due to the design of the USF1000S
protocol, you can have only one USF1000S in range of your FHZ as these
devices cannot be distinguished.
define <name> USF1000 <geometry>
<geometry> determines the form of the tank and the
position of the sensor. The following geometries are currently
cub <length> <width> <height> <offset>
cylv <diameter> <height> <offset>
cub stands for a cuboid whose base is <length> × <width>.
cylv stands for a vertical cylinder whose diameter is <diameter>.
<height> is the distance of the surface of the liquid from the ground
if the tank is full. <offset> is the distance of the sensor relative to
the surface of the liquid. All quantities are expressed in meters.
define MyTank USF1000 cylv 2 1 0.3: a cylindrical water tank with
2 meters diameter. The water stands 1 meter high if the tank is full. The
sensor is fixed 1,3 meters above ground.
Defines an Web-IO-Digital device (Box with up to 12 digital in/outputs, www.wut.de) via ip address. The status of the device is also pooled (delay interval).
define motor1 WEBIO_12DIGITAL 1 60
set <name> <value>
where value is one of:
on off
set motor1 on
The POKEYS module is used to control the LAN POKEYS device (POKEYS56e) which supports
up to 56 digital input, analog inputs, counter inputs and digital outputs.
Each port/pin has to be configured before it can be used.
define <name> POKEYS <ip-address> <pin> <io-state> [<time in ms>]
<ip-address> the IP address where the POKEYS device can be accessed <pin> the pin number which should be configured <io-state> the new io state of the pin Obsolete(=undef) DigIn DigOut AdcIn DigInCtRise DigInCtFall ExtDigOut GetBasic <time in ms> optional else 1000ms: cyclic update time for Input pin
define PoInfo POKEYS 0 GetBasic
# creates a virtual pin for getting infos about the device with the get command define Pin44in POKEYS 44 DigIn 200
# creates a digitial input port on pin 44 define Pin25out POKEYS 25 DigOut
# creates a digial output port on pin 25
set <name> <state> [<time in ms>]
<state> can be OFF ON OFF_PULSE ON_PULSE <time in ms> optional else 1000ms hold time for the ON_PULSE OFF_PULSE state
set Pin25out ON
# sets Pin25out to ON (0V)
get <name> <type>
only supported for pins of type GetBasic <type> can be Version DevName Serial User CPUload
get PoInfo Version
# gets the version of the POKEYS device
Note: this module needs the Net::Telnet perl module.
define <name> <ip-address> <port> <delay>
Defines a Davis VantagePro2 weatherstation attached on transparent ethernet/usb|serial server accessable by telnet.
Defines an Allnet 4027 device (Box with 8 relays) connected to an ALL4000 via its ip address. The status of the device is also pooled (delay interval), because someone else is able to change the state via the webinterface of the device.
define lamp1 ALL4027 0 7 60
set <name> <value>
where value is one of:
on-for-timer <Seconds>
set poolpump on
Toggle is special implemented. List name returns "on" or "off" even after a toggle command
The module BS allows to collect data from a brightness sensor through a
FHZ device. For details on the brightness sensor see
busware wiki.
You can have at most nine different brightness sensors in range of your
The state contains the brightness in % (reading brightness) and
the brightness in lux (reading lux). The flags
reading is always zero. The meaning of these readings is explained in more
detail on the above mentioned wiki page.
define <name> BS <sensor#> [<RExt>]
<sensor#> is the number of sensor in the brightness
sensor address system that runs from 1 to 9.
<RExt> is the value of the resistor on your brightness
sensor in Ω (Ohm). The brightness reading in % is proportional to the resistance, the
lux reading is proportional to the resistance squared. The value is
optional. The default resistance is RExt= 50.000Ω.
The InterTechno 433MHZ protocol is used by a wide range of devices, which are either of
the sender/sensor category or the receiver/actuator category. As we right now are only
able to SEND InterTechno commands, but CAN'T receive them, this module at the moment
supports just devices like switches, dimmers, etc. through an CUL device, so this must be defined first.
define <name> IT <housecode> <on-code> <off-code>
[<dimup-code>] [<dimdown-code>] or define <name> IT <ITRotarySwitches|FLS100RotarySwitches>
The value of housecode is a 10-digit InterTechno Code, consisting of 0/1/F as it is
defined as a tri-state protocol. These digits depend on your device you are using.
Bit 11/12 are used for switching/dimming. As different manufacturers are using
different bit-codes you can specifiy here the 2-digit code for off/on/dimup/dimdown
in the same form: 0/1/F.
The value of ITRotarySwitches consist of the value of the alpha switch A-P and
the numeric switch 1-16 as set on the intertechno device. E.g. A1 or G12.
The value of FLS100RotarySwitches consist of the value of the I,II,II,IV switch
and the numeric 1,2,3,4 swicht. E.g. I2 or IV4.
The value of ITRotarySwitches and FLS100RotarySwitches is internaly translated
into a houscode value.
<housecode> is a 10 digit tri-state number (0/1/F) depending on
your device setting (see list below).
<on-code> is a 2 digit tri-state number for switching your device on;
It is appended to the housecode to build the 12-digits IT-Message.
<off-code> is a 2 digit tri-state number for switching your device off;
It is appended to the housecode to build the 12-digits IT-Message.
The optional <dimup-code> is a 2 digit tri-state number for dimming your device up;
It is appended to the housecode to build the 12-digits IT-Message.
The optional <dimdown-code> is a 2 digit tri-state number for dimming your device down;
It is appended to the housecode to build the 12-digits IT-Message.
define lamp IT 01FF010101 11 00 01 10 define roll1 IT 111111111F 11 00 01 10 define otherlamp IT 000000000F 11 10 00 00 define otherroll1 IT FFFFFFF00F 11 10 define itswitch1 IT A1 define lamp IT J10 define flsswitch1 IT IV1 define lamp IT II2
set <name> <value> [<time>]
where value is one of:
on-till # Special, see the note
set lamp on set lamp1,lamp2,lamp3 on set lamp1-lamp3 on set lamp off
on-till requires an absolute time in the "at" format (HH:MM:SS, HH:MM
or { <perl code> }, where the perl-code returns a time
If the current time is greater than the specified time, then the
command is ignored, else an "on" command is generated, and for the
given "till-time" an off command is scheduleld via the at command.
Set the IO or physical device which should be used for sending signals
for this "logical" device. An example for the physical device is a CUL.
Note: Upon startup fhem DOES NOT assigns an InterTechno device an
IODevice! The attribute IODev needs to be used AT ANY TIME!
Replace event names and set arguments. The value of this attribute
consists of a list of space separated values, each value is a colon
separated pair. The first part specifies the "old" value, the second
the new/desired value. If the first character is slash(/) or komma(,)
then split not by space but by this character, enabling to embed spaces.
attr store eventMap on:open off:closed
attr store eventMap /on-for-timer 10:open/off:closed/
set store open
Set the device attribute dummy to define devices which should not
output any radio signals. Associated notifys will be executed if
the signal is received. Used e.g. to react to a code from a sender, but
it will not emit radio signal if triggered in the web frontend.
The model attribute denotes the model type of the device.
The attributes will (currently) not be used by the fhem.pl directly.
It can be used by e.g. external programs or web interfaces to
distinguish classes of devices and send the appropriate commands
(e.g. "on" or "off" to a switch, "dim..%" to dimmers etc.).
The spelling of the model names are as quoted on the printed
documentation which comes which each device. This name is used
without blanks in all lower-case letters. Valid characters should be
a-z 0-9 and - (dash),
other characters should be ommited. Here is a list of "official"
devices: Sender/Sensor: itremote Dimmer: itdimmer Receiver/Actor: itswitch
Ignore this device, e.g. if it belongs to your neighbour. The device
won't trigger any FileLogs/notifys, issued commands will silently
ignored (no RF signal will be sent out, just like for the dummy attribute). The device won't appear in the
list command (only if it is explicitely asked for it), nor will it
appear in commands which use some wildcard/attribute as name specifiers
(see devspec). You still get them with the
"ignored=1" special devspec.
Generated events:
From an IT device you can receive one of the following events.
Which event is sent is device dependent and can sometimes configured on
the device.
define <name> SCIVT <SCD-device>
Define a SCD series solar controler device. Details see here.
You probably need a Serial to USB controller like the PL2303.
Defining an SCIVT device will schedule an internal task, which reads the
status of the device every 5 minutes, and triggers notify/filelog commands.
Note: Currently this device does not support a "set" function, only
a single get function which reads the device status immediately.
Currently a media RSS feed delivering status pictures in JPEG format is supported. This media
RSS feed can be used to feed a status display to a network-enabled photo frame.
You need to have the perl module GD installed. This module is most likely not
available for small systems like Fritz!Box.
RSS is an extension to FHEMWEB. You must install FHEMWEB to use RSS.
define <name> RSS jpg <hostname> <filename>
Defines the RSS feed. jpg is a fixed literal to allow for future
extensions. <hostname> is the hostname of the fhem server as
seen from the consumer of the RSS feed. <filename> is the
name of the file that contains the layout definition.
Rereads the layout definition from the file. Useful to enable
changes in the layout on-the-fly.
size The dimensions of the JPEG picture in the format
bg The directory that contains the background pictures (must be in JPEG format).
tmin The background picture is shown at least tmin seconds,
no matter how frequently the RSS feed consumer accesses the page.
Usage information
If a least one RSS feed is defined, the menu entry RSS appears in the FHEMWEB
side menu. If you click it you get a list of all defined RSS feeds. The URL of any such is
RSS feed is http://hostname:port/fhem/rss/name.rss with hostname and
name from the RSS feed's definition and the port
(usually 8083) and literal /fhem from the underlying FHEMWEB
The media RSS feed points to a dynamically generated JPEG picture. The URL of the JPEG picture
belonging to the RSS feed is http://hostname:port/fhem/rss/name.jpg, i.e. the URL
of the RSS feed with the extension rss changed to jpg.
To render the JPEG picture the current, or, if tmin seconds have elapsed, the next
JPEG picture from the directory bg is chosen and scaled to the dimensions given
in size. The background is black if no usable JPEG picture can be found. Next the
script in the layout definition is used to superimpose items on
the background.
You can directly access the URL of the JPEG picture in your browser. Reload the page to see
how it works.
The media RSS feed advertises to refresh after 1 minute (ttl). Some photo frames ignore it and
use their preset refresh rate. Go for a photo frame with an adjustable refresh rate (e.g
every 5 seconds) if you have the choice!
The layout definition is a script for placing items on the background. It is read top-down.
It consists of layout control commands and items placement commands. Layout control
commands define the appearance of subsequent items. Item placement commands actually
render items.
Everything after a # is treated as a comment and ignored. You can fold long lines by
putting a \ at the end.
Layout control commands
font <font> Sets the font. <font> is the name of a TrueType font (e.g.
Arial) or the full path to a TrueType font
(e.g. /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf),
whatever works on your system.
rgb <color> Sets the color. <color> is a 6-digit hex number, every 2 digits
determining the red, green and blue color components as in HTML color codes (e.g.
FF0000 for red, C0C0C0 for light gray).
pt <pt> Sets the font size in points.
Item placement commands
text <x> <y> <text> Renders the text <text> at the
position (<x>, <y>) using the current font, font size and color.
(0,0) is the upper left corner. Coordinates equal or
greater than 1 are considered to be pixels, coordinates between 0 and 1 are considered to
be relative to the total width or height of the picture. You can use
{ <perl special> } for <text> to fully
access device readings and do some programming on the fly. See below for examples.
time <x> <y> Renders the current time in HH:MM format.
seconds <x> <y> <format> Renders the curent seconds. Maybe usefull for a RSS Clock. With option colon a :
date <x> <y> Renders the current date in DD:MM:YYY format.
img <x> <y> <s> <imgtype> <srctype> <arg> Renders a picture at the
position (<x>, <y>). The <imgtype> is one of gif, jpeg, png.
The picture is scaled by the factor <s> (a decimal value). If <srctype> is file, the picture
is loaded from the filename <arg>, if <srctype> is url, the picture
is loaded from the URL <arg>. You can use
{ <perl special> } for <arg>. See below for example.
Notice: do not load the image from URL that is served by fhem as it leads to a deadlock.
This is how a layout definition might look like:
font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf # must be a TrueType font
rgb c0c0c0 # HTML color notation, RGB
pt 48 # font size in points
time 0.10 0.90
pt 24
text 0.10 0.95 { ReadingsVal("MyWeather","temperature","?"). "°C" }
img 20 530 0.5 png file { "/usr/share/fhem/www/images/weather/" . ReadingsVal("MyWeather","icon","") . ".png" }
Any physical device with request/response-like communication capabilities
over a TCP connection can be defined as ECMD device. A practical example
of such a device is the AVR microcontroller board AVR-NET-IO from
Pollin with
Ethersex firmware.
A physical ECMD device can host any number of logical ECMD devices. Logical
devices are defined as ECMDDevices in fhem.
ADC 0 to 3 and I/O port 0 to 3 of the above mentioned board
are examples of such logical devices. ADC 0 to 3 all belong to the same
device class ADC (analog/digital converter). I/O port 0 to 3 belong to the device
class I/O port. By means of extension boards you can make your physical
device drive as many logical devices as you can imagine, e.g. IR receivers,
LC displays, RF receivers/transmitters, 1-wire devices, etc.
Defining one fhem module for any device class would create an unmanageable
number of modules. Thus, an abstraction layer is used. You create a device class
on the fly and assign it to a logical ECMD device. The
class definition
names the parameters of the logical device, e.g. a placeholder for the number
of the ADC or port, as well as the get and set capabilities. Worked examples
are to be found in the documentation of the ECMDDevice device.
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module
if the module is connected via serial Port or USB.
define <name> ECMD telnet <IPAddress:Port>
define <name> ECMD serial <SerialDevice>[<@BaudRate>]
Defines a physical ECMD device. The keywords telnet or
serial are fixed.
define AVRNETIO ECMD telnet define AVRNETIO ECMD serial /dev/ttyS0 define AVRNETIO ECMD serial /sev/ttyUSB0@38400
set <name> classdef <classname> <filename>
Creates a new device class <classname> for logical devices.
The class definition is in the file <filename>. You must
create the device class before you create a logical device that adheres to
that definition.
define AVRNETIO classdef /etc/fhem/ADC.classdef
set <name> reopen
Closes and reopens the device. Could be handy if connection is lost and cannot be
reestablished automatically.
get <name> raw <command>
Sends the command <command> to the physical ECMD device
<name> and reads the response.
classdefs A colon-separated list of <classname>=<filename>.
The list is automatically updated if a class definition is added. You can
directly set the attribute.
Class definition
The class definition for a logical ECMD device class is contained in a text file.
The text file is made up of single lines. Empty lines and text beginning with #
(hash) are ignored. Therefore make sure not to use hashes in commands.
The following commands are recognized in the device class definition:
set <commandname> postproc { <perl command> } get <commandname> postproc { <perl command> }
Declares a postprocessor for the command <commandname>.
set <commandname> params <parameter1> [<parameter2> [<parameter3> ... ]] get <commandname> params <parameter1> [<parameter2> [<parameter3> ... ]]
Declares the names of the named parameters that must be present in the
set or get command <commandname>. Be careful not to use a parameter name that
is already used in the device definition (see params above).
The perl specials in the definitions of the set and get commands can
contain macros. Apart from the rules outlined in the documentation of perl specials in fhem, the following
rules apply:
The character @ will be replaced with the device
name. To use @ in the text itself, use the double mode (@@).
The macro %NAME will expand to the device name (same
as @).
The macro %<parameter> will expand to the
current value of the named parameter. This can be either a parameter
from the device definition or a parameter from the set or get
The macro substitution occurs before perl evaluates the
expression. It is a plain text substitution.
If in doubt what happens, run the commands with loglevel 5 and
observe the log file.
The rules outlined in the documentation of perl specials
for the <perl command> in the postprocessor definitions apply.
Note: Beware of undesired side effects from e.g. doubling of semicolon!
The perl command acts on $_. The result of the perl command is the
final result of the get or set command.
set <name> <commandname> [<parameter1> [<parameter2> [<parameter3> ... ]]]
The number of given parameters must match those given for the set command <commandname> definition in
the class definition.
If set <commandname> is invoked the perl special in curly brackets from the command definition
is evaluated and the result is sent to the physical ECMD device.
set myRelais1 on
get <name> <commandname> [<parameter1> [<parameter2> [<parameter3> ... ]]]
The number of given parameters must match those given for the get command <commandname> definition in
the class definition.
If get <commandname> is invoked the perl special in curly brackets from the command definition
is evaluated and the result is sent to the physical ECMD device. The response from the physical ECMD device is returned
and the state of the logical ECMD device is updated accordingly.
The following example shows how to access the ADC of the AVR-NET-IO board from
Pollin with
Ethersex firmware.
The class definition file /etc/fhem/ADC.classdef looks as follows:
get value cmd {"adc get %channel"}
get value params channel
In the fhem configuration file or on the fhem command line we do the following:
define AVRNETIO ECMD telnet # define the physical device
set AVRNETIO classdef ADC /etc/fhem/ADC.classdef # define the device class ADC
define myADC ECDMDevice ADC # define the logical device myADC with device class ADC
get myADC value 1 # retrieve the value of analog/digital converter number 1
The get command is evaluated as follows: get value has one named parameter
channel. In the example the literal 1 is given and thus %channel
is replaced by 1 to yield "adc get 1" after macro substitution. Perl
evaluates this to a literal string which is send as a plain ethersex command to the AVR-NET-IO. The
board returns something like 024 for the current value of analog/digital converter number 1.
Example 2
The following example shows how to switch a relais driven by pin 3 (bit mask 0x08) of I/O port 2 on for
one second and then off again.
The class definition file /etc/fhem/relais.classdef looks as follows:
params pinmask
set on cmd {"io set ddr 2 ff\nioset port 2 0%pinmask\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00"}
set on postproc {s/^OK\nOK\nOK\nOK$/success/; "$_" eq "success" ? "ok" : "error"; }
In the fhem configuration file or on the fhem command line we do the following:
define AVRNETIO ECMD telnet # define the physical device
set AVRNETIO classdef relais /etc/fhem/relais.classdef # define the device class relais
define myRelais ECMDDevice 8 # define the logical device myRelais with pin mask 8
set myRelais on # execute the "on" command
The set command is evaluated as follows: %pinmask
is replaced by 8 to yield
"io set ddr 2 ff\nioset port 2 08\nwait 1000\nio set port 2 00" after macro substitution. Perl
evaluates this to a literal string which is send as a plain ethersex command to the AVR-NET-IO line by line.
For any of the four plain ethersex commands, the AVR-NET-IO returns the string OK. They are
concatenated and separated by line breaks (\n). The postprocessor takes the result from $_,
substitutes it by the string success if it is OK\nOK\nOK\nOK, and then either
returns the string ok or the string error.
define <name> M232 <m232-device>
Define a M232 device. You can attach as many M232 devices as you like. A
M232 device provides 6 analog inputs (voltage 0..5V with 10 bit resolution)
and 8 bidirectional digital ports. The eighth digital port can be used as a
16 bit counter (maximum frequency 3kHz). The M232 device needs to be
connected to a 25pin sub-d RS232 serial port. A USB-to-serial converter
works fine if no serial port is available.
define m232 M232 /dev/ttyUSB2
set <name> stop
Stops the counter.
set <name> start
Resets the counter to zero and starts it.
set <name> octet
Sets the state of all digital ports at once, value is 0..255.
set <name> io0..io7 0|1
Turns digital port 0..7 off or on.
get <name> [an0..an5]
Gets the reading of analog input 0..5 in volts.
get <name> [io0..io7]
Gets the state of digital ports 0..7, result is 0 or 1.
get <name> octet
Gets the state of all digital ports at once, result is 0..255.
get <name> counter
Gets the number of ticks of the counter since the last reset. The counter
wraps around from 65,535 to 0 and then stops.
See M232Counter for how we care about this.
Define at most one M232Counter for a M232 device. Defining a M232Counter
will schedule an internal task, which periodically reads the status of the
counter, and triggers notify/filelog commands. unit is the unit
name, factor is used to calculate the reading of the counter
from the number of ticks. deltaunit is the unit name of the counter
differential per second, deltafactor is used to calculate the
counter differential per second from the number of ticks per second.
Default values:
unit: ticks
factor: 1.0
deltaunit: ticks per second
deltafactor: 1.0
Note: the parameters in square brackets are optional. If you wish to
specify an optional parameter, all preceding parameters must be specified
as well.
Do not forget to start the counter (with set .. start for
M232) or to start the counter and set the reading to a specified value
(with set ... value for M232Counter).
To avoid issues with the tick count reaching the end point, the device's
internal counter is automatically reset to 0 when the tick count is 64,000
or above and the reading basis is adjusted accordingly.
set <name> value <value>
Sets the reading of the counter to the given value. The counter is reset
and started and the offset is adjusted to value/unit.
set <name> interval <interval>
Sets the status polling interval in seconds to the given value. The default
is 60 seconds.
get <name> status
Gets the reading of the counter multiplied by the factor from the
define statement. Wraparounds of the counter are accounted for
by an offset (see reading basis in the output of the
list statement for the device).
Define as many M232Voltages as you like for a M232 device. Defining a
M232Voltage will schedule an internal task, which reads the status of the
analog input every minute, and triggers notify/filelog commands.
unit is the unit name, factor is used to
calibrate the reading of the analog input.
Note: the unit defaults to the string "volts", but it must be specified
if you wish to set the factor, which defaults to 1.0.
define volt M232Voltage an0 define brightness M232Voltage an5 lx 200.0
Defines a serial link to a TV set of LG's xxLG70yy (e. g. 47LG7000) series
and similar TV sets from LG. As of January 2010, the following TV sets should
be compatible:
xxLG7000, e. g. 47LG7000 (tested)
xxPG7000, e. g. 50PG7000 (same Manual as 47LG7000 ;))
PS3000/6000/7000/8000 series (according to LG brochure; no liabilities assumed)
PQ3000/6000 series (see PS3000)
LU4000/5000 series (not LU7000; see PS3000)
LH2000/3000/4000/5000 series (see PS3000)
SL9500/9000/8000 series (see PS3000)
These TV sets feature a serial connector which can officially be used to control
the TV set (see your Onwer's Manual, there's an Appendix labelled "External Control
Device setup", referening to cabling and command set). The xxLG7000 module is
the FHEM module to actually utilize this. (BTW, those TVs run Linux internally ;))
To exercise control over your TV set, use the LGTV module and
bind it ("attr <LGTV-name> IODev <xxLG7000-name>") to xxLG7000.
SetID (1, 2, ...; see your TV's Owner's Manual how to set it. Defaults to 1 if unset.)
define <name> LGTV
This module is expected to work with xxLG7000 as it's
IODev. With LGTV and a compatible hardware module (currently, there's only
xxLG7000), you are able to power your TV set on and off, query it's power state,
select the input (AV, RGB, Composites, analogue TV, DVB-T, HDMI) or mute/unmute
the volume.
Defining a LGTV device will schedule an internal task, which periodically reads
the status of the TV set (power state; if power is on, query the selected input)
and triggers notify/filelog commands.
Currently, the following commands are defined; not all may be available on a
given TV set. An error messages should be recorded if e. g. the input in question
is not usable.
power on
power off
input AV1
input AV2
input AV3
input AV3
input Component
input RGB
input HDMI1
input HDMI2
input HDMI3
input HDMI4
input DVBT
input PAL
audio mute
audio normal
get <name> <what>
Currently, the following commands are defined; not all may be available on a
given TV set. An error messages should be recorded if e. g. the input in question
is not usable.
The commands listed above are send 1:1 to the underlying IODev (e. g. xxLG7000); that IODev
is responsible for translation into whatever means to invoke the function on the TV.
It is my hope that other's will adopt this idea and write compatible low level drivers for other
TV sets, to make this module (even ;)) more useful.
The OREGON module interprets Oregon sensor messages received by a RFXCOM receiver. You need to define a RFXCOM receiver first.
define <name> OREGON <deviceid>
<deviceid> is the device identifier of the Oregon sensor. It consists of the sensors name and a one byte hex string (00-ff) that identifies the sensor. The define statement with the deviceid is generated automatically by autocreate. The following sensor names are used:
BTHR918, BTHR918N, PCR800 RGR918, RTGR328N, THN132N, THGR228N, THGR328N, THGR918, THR128, THWR288A, THGR810, UV138, UVN800, WGR918, WGR800, WTGR800_A, WTGR800_T.
The one byte hex string is generated by the Oregon sensor when is it powered on. The value seems to be randomly generated. This has the advantage that you may use more than one Oregon sensor of the same type even if it has no switch to set a sensor id. For exampple the author uses three BTHR918 sensors at the same time. All have different deviceids. The drawback is that the deviceid changes after changing batteries.
OWFS is a suite of programs that designed to make the 1-wire bus and its
devices easily accessible. The underlying priciple is to create a virtual
filesystem, with the unique ID being the directory, and the individual
properties of the device are represented as simple files that can be read
and written.
Define a 1-wire device to communicate with an OWFS-Server.
IP-address:port from OW-Server.
Define the type of the input device.
Currently supportet: DS1420, DS9097 (for passive Adapter)
Corresponding to the id of the input device. Only for active Adapter.
If the owserver-ip:port is called none, then
no device will be opened, so you can experiment without hardware attached.
#define an active Adapter:
define DS9490R OWFS DS1420 93302D000000
#define a passive Adapter:
define DS9097 OWFS DS9097
get <name> <value>
where value is one of (not supported by passive Devices e.g. DS9097):
address (read-only)
The entire 64-bit unique ID. address starts with the family code.
Given as upper case hexidecimal digits (0-9A-F).
crc8 (read-only)
The 8-bit error correction portion. Uses cyclic redundancy check. Computed
from the preceeding 56 bits of the unique ID number.
Given as upper case hexidecimal digits (0-9A-F).
family (read-only)
The 8-bit family code. Unique to each type of device.
Given as upper case hexidecimal digits (0-9A-F).
id (read-only)
The 48-bit middle portion of the unique ID number. Does not include the
family code or CRC.
Given as upper case hexidecimal digits (0-9A-F).
locator (read-only)
Uses an extension of the 1-wire design from iButtonLink company that
associated 1-wire physical connections with a unique 1-wire code. If
the connection is behind a Link Locator the locator will show a unique
8-byte number (16 character hexidecimal) starting with family code FE.
If no Link Locator is between the device and the master, the locator
field will be all FF.
present (read-only)
Is the device currently present on the 1-wire bus?
type (read-only)
Part name assigned by Dallas Semi. E.g. DS2401 Alternative packaging
(iButton vs chip) will not be distiguished.
get DS9490R type DS9490R type => DS1420
get DS9490R address DS9490R address => 8193302D0000002B
This module is for the old RFXCOM USB or LAN based 433 Mhz RF receivers and transmitters (order order code 80002 and others). It does not support the new RFXtrx433 transmitter because it uses a different protocol. See RFXTRX for support of the RFXtrx433 transmitter.
These receivers supports many protocols like Oregon Scientific weather sensors, RFXMeter devices, X10 security and lighting devices and others.
Currently the following parser modules are implemented:
41_OREGON.pm (see device OREGON): Process messages Oregon Scientific weather sensors.
See http://www.rfxcom.com/oregon.htm of
Oregon Scientific weather sensors that could be received by the RFXCOM receivers.
Until now the following Oregon Scientific weather sensors have been tested successfully: BTHR918, BTHR918N, PCR800, RGR918, THGR228N, THGR810, THR128, THWR288A, WTGR800, WGR918. It will probably work with many other Oregon sensors supported by RFXCOM receivers. Please give feedback if you use other sensors.
43_RFXX10REC.pm (see device RFXX10REC): Process X10 security and X10 lighting devices.
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module
if the devices is connected via USB or a serial port.
define <name> RFXCOM <device> [noinit]
USB-connected (80002):
<device> specifies the USB port to communicate with the RFXCOM receiver.
Normally on Linux the device will be named /dev/ttyUSBx, where x is a number.
For example /dev/ttyUSB0.
Example: define RFXCOMUSB RFXCOM /dev/ttyUSB0
Network-connected devices:
<device> specifies the host:port of the device. E.g.
noninit is optional and issues that the RFXCOM device should not be initialized. This is useful if you share a RFXCOM device. It is also useful for testing to simulate a RFXCOM receiver via netcat or via FHEM2FHEM.
Comma separated list of device-types for RFXCOM that should be handled using long IDs. This additional ID is a one byte hex string and is generated by the Oregon sensor when is it powered on. The value seems to be randomly generated. This has the advantage that you may use more than one Oregon sensor of the same type even if it has no switch to set a sensor id. For example the author uses two BTHR918N sensors at the same time. All have different deviceids. The drawback is that the deviceid changes after changing batteries. All devices listed as longids will get an additional one byte hex string appended to the device name.
Default is to use long IDs for all devices.
# Do not use any long IDs for any devices:
attr RFXCOMUSB longids 0
# Use any long IDs for all devices (this is default):
attr RFXCOMUSB longids 1
# Use longids for BTHR918N devices.
# Will generate devices names like BTHR918N_f3.
attr RFXCOMUSB longids BTHR918N
# Use longids for TX3_T and TX3_H devices.
# Will generate devices names like TX3_T_07, TX3_T_01 ,TX3_H_07.
attr RFXCOMUSB longids TX3_T,TX3_H
The RFXMETER module interprets RFXCOM RFXMeter messages received by a RFXCOM receiver. You need to define an RFXCOM receiver first.
See the RFXCOM.
<deviceid> is the device identifier of the RFXMeter sensor and is a one byte hexstring (00-ff).
<scalefactor> is an optional scaling factor. It is multiplied to the value that is received from the RFXmeter sensor.
<unitname> is an optional string that describes the value units. It is added to the Reading generated to describe the values.
The RFXX10REC module interprets X10 security and X10 lighting messages received by a RFXCOM RF receiver. Reported also to work with KlikAanKlikUit. You need to define an RFXCOM receiver first.
specifies the type of the X10 device:
X10 security devices:
ds10a (X10 security ds10a Door/Window Sensor or compatible devices. This device type reports the status of the switch [Open/Closed], status of the delay switch [min|max]], and battery status [ok|low].)
ms10a (X10 security ms10a motion sensor. This device type reports the status of motion sensor [normal|alert] and battery status [ok|low].))
sd90 (Marmitek sd90 smoke detector. This device type reports the status of the smoke detector [normal|alert] and battery status [ok|low].)
kr18 (X10 security remote control. Report the Reading "Security" with values [Arm|Disarm], "ButtonA" and "ButtonB" with values [on|off] )
X10 lighting devices:
ms14a (X10 motion sensor. Reports [normal|alert] on the first deviceid (motion sensor) and [on|off] for the second deviceid (light sensor))
x10 (All other x10 devices. Report [on|off] on both deviceids.)
specifies the first device id of the device. X10 security have a a 16-Bit device id which has to be written as a hex-string (example "5a54").
A X10 lighting device has a house code A..P followed by a unitcode 1..16 (example "B1").
is the name of the Reading used to report. Suggested: "Window" or "Door" for ds10a, "motion" for motion sensors, "Smoke" for sd90.
is optional and specifies the second device id of the device if it exists. For example sd90 smoke sensors can be configured to report two device ids. ms14a motion sensors report motion status on the first deviceid and the status of the light sensor on the second deviceid.
is optional for the name used for the Reading of <deviceid2>.
Define a WS2000 series raw receiver device sold by ELV. Details see here.
Unlike 86_FS10.pm it will handle the complete device communication itself
and doesnt require an external program. For this reason you can now use
this also on windows.
This Device will be usually connect to a serial port, but you can also
define a raw network redirector like lantronix XPORT(TM).
Note: Currently this device does not support a "set" function
rain: factor for calculating amount of rain in ml/count
altitude: height in meters to calculate pressure for NN (not used yet)
define WS2000 WS2000 /dev/ttyS0
define WS2000 WS2000 xport:10001
attr WS2000 rain 366 : use factor 366 ml/count for rain sensor S2000R
get <name> list
Gets the last reading of all received sensord
get <name> [TH0..TH7, T0..T7, I0..I7, R0..R7, W0..W7, L0..L7, P0..P7,LAST,RAW]
get the last reading for the name sensor, LAST: Last received Sensor
Define a WS3600 series weather station (Europe Supplies, technotrade, etc; refer to
(german) for details on this model); the station is queried by means of an external program,
fetch3600. It talks to the attached weather station (several WS do supply an RS323 interface
but seem to use some kind of "morse code" on the RTS, CTS wires instead of using propper
serial communication (RX, TX); it's no use to recode that crap into FHEM when there is a
stable package of tools to talk to the station available: open3600)
and delivers the current readings line by line as reading-value-pairs. These are read in
and translated into more readable names for FHEM by the module WS3600.pm.
As the WS3600 is rather similar to the WS2300
and open3600 basically is a modified offspring of open2300, by exchanging the /path/to/fetch3600 with /path/to/fetch2300 this module
should be able to handle the WS2300 was well.
Currently, it is expected that the WS is attached to the local computer and fetch3600 is run
locally. Basically the executable called needs to supply on stdout an output similar to what
fetch3600 returns; how to implement a "networked setup" is left as an excercise to the reader.
For the records, this is an output of fetch3600:
There is no expectation on the readings received from the fetch3600 binary; so, in
essence, if you have a similar setup (unsupported, attached weather station and a
means to get it's reading into an output similar to above's), you should be able
to use WS3600.pm with a custom written script to interface FHEM with your station
as well. WS3600.pm only recognizes the above readings (and translates these
into, e. g., Temp-inside for Ti for use within FHEM), other
lines are silently dropped on the floor.
fetch3600 is available as binary for the Windows OS as well, but I haven't tested operation
under that OS, use it at your own risk and you mileage may vary ... Note: Currently this device does not support a "set" function nor anything to "get". The
later would be possible to implement if neccessary, though.
Implementation of WS3600.pm tries to be nice, that is it reads from the pipe only
non-blocking (== if there is data), so it should be safe even to use it via ssh or
a netcat-pipe over the Internet, but this, as well, has not been tested yet.
model: WS3600 or WS2300 (not used for anything, yet)
When using multiple SIS PMs on one host, sispmctl up to and including V 2.7 has a bug:
plug-2:# sispmctl -v -s -d 1 -g all -d 2 -g all
SiS PM Control for Linux 2.7
(C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Mondrian Nuessle, (C) 2005, 2006 by Andreas Neuper.
This program is free software.
Gembird #0 is USB device 013.This device is a 4-socket SiS-PM.
Gembird #1 is USB device 015.This device is a 4-socket SiS-PM.
Accessing Gembird #1 USB device 015
Status of outlet 1: on
Status of outlet 2: on
Status of outlet 3: on
Status of outlet 4: on
Error performing requested action
Libusb error string: error sending control message: Invalid argument
*** glibc detected *** sispmctl: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000251e0 ***
Well, the fix is simple and will be sent upstream, but in case it's not incorporated
at the time you need it, here it is; it's easy to apply even by hand ;-)
Defines a path to the program "sispmctl", which is used to control (locally attached)
"Silver Shield Power Manager" devices. Usually these are connected to the local computer
via USB, more than one "sispm" device per computer is supported. (Please note that, due
to neglections in their USB driver, AVM's Fritz!Box 7170 (and derivates, like Deutsche
Telekom's Speedport W901V) is not able to talk to these devices ... The Fritz!Box
72xx and 73xx should be fine.)
The communication between FHEM and the Power Manager device is done by using the open
source sispmctl program. Thus, for the
time being, THIS functionality is only available running FHEM on Linux (or any other platform
where you can get the sispmctl program compiled and running). On the bright side: by
interfacing via commandline, it is possible to define multiple SISPM devices, e. g. with
a wrapper that does execute sispmctl on a remote (Linux) system. And: sispmctl runs happily
on Marvells SheevaPlug ;) Please note: if you're not running FHEM as root, you most likely
have to make sispmctl setuid root (chmod 4755 /path/to/sispmctl) or fiddle with
udev so that the devices of the Power Manager are owned by the user running FHEM.
After defining a SISPM device, a first test is done, identifying attached PMs. If this
succeeds, an internal task is scheduled to read the status every 30 seconds. (Reason
being that someone else could have switched sockets externally to FHEM.)
To actually control any power sockets, you need to define a SIS_PMS
device ;) If autocreate is enabled, those should be autocreated for your convenience as
soon as the first scan took place (30 seconds after the define).
Implementation of SISPM.pm tries to be nice, that is it reads from the pipe only
non-blocking (== if there is data), so it should be safe even to use it via ssh or
a netcat-pipe over the Internet, but this, as well, has not been tested extensively yet.
This module is responsible for handling the actual sockets (power on,
power off, toggle) on a "Silver Shield Power Manager", see SISPM
for how to define access to one (SIS_PMS stands for "Silver Shield Power Manager Socket").
define <name> SIS_PMS <serial> <socket>
To securely distinguish multiple attached Power Manager devices, the
serial number of those is used. You get these with "sispmctl -s" - or
just let autocreate define the sockets attached for you.
<serial> is the serial number of the Power Manager device, see above.
<socket> is a number between 1 and 4 (for a 4 socket model)
on-till # Special, see the note
off-till # Special, see the note
set lamp on set lamp1,lamp2,lamp3 on set lamp1-lamp3 on set hql_lamp on-till 18:45
As an external program is used, a noticeable delay may occur.
*-till requires an absolute time in the "at" format (HH:MM:SS, HH:MM
or { <perl code> }, where the perl-code returns a time
If the current time is greater than the specified time, then the
command is ignored, else an "on" or "off" command, respectively, is
generated, and for the given time an "off"/"on" command is
scheduleld via the at command.
Set the device attribute dummy to define devices which should not
output any signals. Associated notifys will be executed if the signal
is received. Used e.g. to react to a code from a sender, but it will
not actually switch if triggered in the web frontend.
This module supports "Intelligenter Strom Zähler"(ENBW) and "Sparzähler" (Yellow Strom).
The electricity meter will be polled in a defined interval for new values.
Note: this module needs the HTTP::Request and LWP::UserAgent perl modules.
Please also note: the PDU must use firmware 3.1 or later and set to unencrypted mode.
Defines a switching device, where sockets can be switched
separately (just use 0-4 as socket number)
all together (use 1234 as socket number)
in arbitrary groups (e.g 13 switches socket 1 and 3, 42
switches socket 2 and 4, etc...), invalid numbers are
User name and password are optional. When no user name or
password is passed, the module looks for a configfile at
'/var/log/fhem/netio.conf'. If no config file is found, it
uses 'admin/admin' as user/pass, since this is the default
configuration for the device.
Alternatively you can pass a path to a configfile instead of
the user/pass combo. (e.g. /var/tmp/tmp.conf)
Defines a path to the program "tdtool", which is used to control a (locally attached)
"Telldus TellStick [Duo]" USB device. A TellStick controls a wide range of 433 MHz
devices, like the widely available switchable power outlets from InterTechno.
To keep things simple, FHEM interfaces with the telldus-core suite (available
for Linux, Windows, Mac OSX) via the supplied tool, "tdtool". This FHEM module
will initially use "tdtool --list" to receive a list of configured devices, then let
autocreate (if enabled) create them as SIS_PMS devices. Please make sure that the user running FHEM under ("fhem" in a standard setup on
Linux) has the r/w-right to access the stick's device ("/dev/tellstick"
in telldus-core version 2.0) — if the state of your devices do not change when
modified im FHEM, access rights problems are the most probable cause
(chmod o+rw /dev/tellstick should fix that; you may want to automate it
via udev or adding the fhem user to the proper group ;))
This module has only been tested with the 2.0 branch of teldus-core because of a known bug
in 2.1, preventing
version 2.1 working properly with some TellSticks and/or "tdtool" application; FTR, the
"Batch: 8" version a was granted usage of for writing this module was impacted by it ...
To actually control any power sockets, you need to define a SIS_PMS
device — TellStick.pm uses SIS_PMS devices ("socket" is te:ll:st:ck:01, "socketnr"
is the ID of the device in "tdtool"), as as of now only on/off switching is supported and
this was the easiest implementation path. SIS_PMS is supported by andFHEM, the Android
frontend, so this make some sense. (Furthermore, I don't own dimmable devices and they are
actually not really cheap; >15 EUR/socket compared to the 15 EUR for 5 switch-only, non-self
learning socket adapters from Intertechno at your local home improvement store.)
Defines a network camera device to trigger snapshots on events.
Network cameras (IP cameras) usually have a build-in function to create
snapshot images. This module enables the event- or time-controlled
recording of these images.
In addition, this module allows the recording of many image formats like
JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, ICO, PPM, XPM, XBM and SVG. The only requirement
is that the recorded image must be accessible via a URL.
So it is also possible to record images of e.g. a public Weather Camera
from the internet or any picture of a website.
A local ip-cam takes 5 snapshots with 10 seconds delay per call:
define schloss IPCAM http://www2.braunschweig.de attr schloss path webcam/schloss.jpg attr schloss storage /srv/share/surveillance/snapshots
An at-Job takes every hour a snapshot:
define snapshot_schloss at +*00:01:00 get schloss image
get <name> <value>
where value is one of:
Get one or more images of the defined IP-Cam. The number of images
and the time interval between images can be specified using the
attributes snapshots and delay.
Show the name of the last snapshot.
Show the total number of a image sequence.
Defines the location of the credentials file.
If you prefer to store your cam credentials in a file instead be a part of the
URI (see attributes path and query), set the full path
with filename on this attribute.
Example: attr ipcam3 credentials /etc/fhem/ipcam.conf
Replace <name_cam1> respectively <name_cam2>
with the names of your defined ip-cams and <your_username> respectively
<your_password> with your credentials (all without the brackets
< and >!).
Defines the time interval between snapshots in seconds.
If more then one snapshot is taken, then it makes sense to define a short delay
between the snapshots. On the one hand, the camera is not addressed in short intervals
and the second may be better represented movements between images.
Example: attr ipcam3 delay 10
Defines the path and query component of the complete URI to get a snapshot of the
camera. Is the full URI of your ip-cam for example http://CAMERA_IP/snapshot.cgi?user=admin&pwd=password,
then only the path and query part is specified here (without the leading slash (/).
Example: attr ipcam3 path snapshot.cgi?user=admin&pwd=password
If you prefer to store the credentials in a file (take a look at the attribute credentials)
you have to set the placeholder USERNAME and PASSWORD in the path string. These placeholders
will be replaced with the values from the credentials file.
Example: attr ipcam3 path snapshot.cgi?user=USERNAME&pwd=PASSWORD
Defines the total number of snapshots to be taken with the get <name> image command.
If this attribute is not defined, then the default value is 1.
The snapshots are stored in the given path of the attribute storage and are
numbered sequentially (starts with 1) like snapshot1, snapshot2, etc.
Furthermore, an additional file last will be saved, which is identical with
the last snapshot-image. The module checks the imagetype and stores all these files with
the correct extension, e.g. snapshot1.jpeg.
All files are overwritten on every get <name> image command.
Example: attr ipcam3 snapshots 5
Defines the location for the file storage of the snapshots.
Example: attr ipcam3 storage /srv/share/surveillance/snapshots
Define a IPWE network attached weather data receiver device sold by ELV. Details see here.
It's intended to receive the same sensors as WS300 (8 T/H-Sensors and one kombi sensor),
but can be accessed via http and telnet.
For unknown reason, my try to use the telnet interface was not working neither with raw sockets
nor with Net::Telnet module. Therefore i choosed here the "easy" way
to simple readout the http page and extract all data from the offered table. For this reason this module doesnt
contain any option to configure this device.
Note: You should give your sensors a name within the web interface, once they a received the first time.
To extract a single sensor simply match for this name or sensor id
delay: seconds between read accesses(default 300s)
define ipwe IPWE ipwe1 120
attr ipwe delay 600 : 10min between readouts
get <name> status
Gets actual data from device for sensors with data
Defines an Global Cache iTach Relay device (Box with 3 relays) via its ip address.
define motor1 ITACH_RELAY 1
set <name> <value>
where value is one of:
set motor1 on
Toggle is special implemented. List name returns "on" or "off" even after a toggle command
The USBWX module interprets the messages received by the ELV USB-WDE1
weather receiver. This receiver is compaptible with the following ELV sensors:
KS200/KS300, S300IA, S300TH, ASH2200, PS50. It also known to work with Conrad
weather sensors KS555, S555TH and ASH555. This module was tested with ELV
S300TH, ELV ASH2200, ELV KS300, Conrad S555TH and Conrad KS555. Readings
and STATE of temperature/humidity sensors are compatible with the CUL_WS
module. For KS300/KS555 sensors STATE is compatible with the KS300 module. The
module is integrated into autocreate to generate the appropriate filelogs and
weblinks automatically.
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module
if the devices is connected via USB or a serial port.
define <name> USBWX <serial device>
Defines USB-WDE1 attached via usb.
define <name> USBWX <code> [corr1...corr4]
<code> is the code which must be set on the sensor. Valid values
are 1 through 8. 9 is used as the sensor id of the ks300 sensor.
corr1..corr4 are up to 4 numerical correction factors, which will be added
to the respective value to calibrate the device. Note: rain-values will be
multiplied and not added to the correction factor.
The TCM module serves an USB or TCP/IP connected TCM120 or TCM310 EnOcean
Transceiver module. These are mostly packaged together with a serial to USB
chip and an antenna, e.g. the BSC BOR contains the TCM120, the EUL from
busware contains a TCM310. See also the datasheet available from www.enocean.com.
As the TCM120 and the TCM310 speak completely different protocols, this
module implements 2 drivers in one. It is the "physical" part for the EnOcean module.
define <name> TCM [120|310] <device>
First you have to specify the type of the EnOcean Transceiver Chip , i.e
either 120 for the TCM120 or 310 for the TCM310.
device can take the same parameters (@baudrate, @directio,
TCP/IP, none) like the CUL, but you probably have
to specify the baudrate: the TCM120 should be opened with 9600 Baud, the
TCM310 with 57600 baud.
This module is for the RFXCOM RFXtrx433 USB based 433 Mhz RF transmitters.
This USB based transmitter is able to receive and transmit many protocols like Oregon Scientific weather sensors, X10 security and lighting devices, ARC ((address code wheels) HomeEasy, KlikAanKlikUit, ByeByeStandBy, Intertechno, ELRO,
AB600, Duewi, DomiaLite, COCO) and others.
Currently the following parser modules are implemented:
46_TRX_WEATHER.pm (see device TRX): Process messages Oregon Scientific weather sensors.
See http://www.rfxcom.com/oregon.htm for a list of
Oregon Scientific weather sensors that could be received by the RFXtrx433 tranmitter.
Until now the following Oregon Scientific weather sensors have been tested successfully: BTHR918, BTHR918N, PCR800, RGR918, THGR228N, THGR810, THR128, THWR288A, WTGR800, WGR918. It will also work with many other Oregon sensors supported by RFXtrx433. Please give feedback if you use other sensors.
46_TRX_SECURITY.pm (see device TRX_SECURITY): Receive X10, KD101 and Visonic security sensors.
46_TRX_LIGHT.pm (see device RFXX10REC): Process X10, ARC, ELRO AB400D, Waveman, Chacon EMW200, IMPULS, RisingSun, Philips SBC, AC, HomeEasy EU and ANSLUT lighting devices (switches and remote control). ARC is a protocol used by devices from HomeEasy, KlikAanKlikUit, ByeByeStandBy, Intertechno, ELRO, AB600, Duewi, DomiaLite and COCO with address code wheels. AC is the protocol used by different brands with units having a learning mode button:
KlikAanKlikUit, NEXA, CHACON, HomeEasy UK.
Note: this module requires the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module
if the devices is connected via USB or a serial port.
define <name> TRX <device> [noinit]
<device> specifies the USB port to communicate with the RFXtrx433 receiver.
Normally on Linux the device will be named /dev/ttyUSBx, where x is a number.
For example /dev/ttyUSB0. Please note that RFXtrx433 normally operates at 38400 baud. You may specify the baudrate used after the @ char.
Example: define RFXTRXUSB TRX /dev/ttyUSB0@38400
Network-connected devices:
<device> specifies the host:port of the device. E.g.
noninit is optional and issues that the RFXtrx433 device should not be initialized. This is useful if you share a RFXtrx433 device via LAN. It is also useful for testing to simulate a RFXtrx433 receiver via netcat or via FHEM2FHEM.
Comma separated list of device-types for TRX_WEATHER that should be handled using long IDs. This additional ID is a one byte hex string and is generated by the Oregon sensor when is it powered on. The value seems to be randomly generated. This has the advantage that you may use more than one Oregon sensor of the same type even if it has no switch to set a sensor id. For example the author uses two BTHR918N sensors at the same time. All have different deviceids. The drawback is that the deviceid changes after changing batteries. All devices listed as longids will get an additional one byte hex string appended to the device name.
Default is to use no long IDs.
# Do not use any long IDs for any devices (this is default):
attr RFXCOMUSB longids 0
# Use long IDs for all devices:
attr RFXCOMUSB longids 1
# Use longids for BTHR918N devices.
# Will generate devices names like BTHR918N_f3.
attr RFXTRXUSB longids BTHR918N
# Use longids for TX3_T and TX3_H devices.
# Will generate devices names like TX3_T_07, TX3_T_01 ,TX3_H_07.
attr RFXTRXUSB longids TX3_T,TX3_H
The TRX_SECURITY module interprets X10, KD101 and Visonic security sensors received by a RFXCOM RFXtrx433 RF receiver. You need to define an RFXtrx433 receiver first. See TRX.
DS10A (X10 security ds10a Door/Window Sensor or compatible devices. This device type reports the status of the switch [Open/Closed], status of the delay switch [min|max]], and battery status [ok|low].)
MS10A (X10 security ms10a motion sensor. This device type reports the status of motion sensor [normal|alert] and battery status [ok|low].))
SD90 (Marmitek sd90 smoke detector. This device type reports the status of the smoke detector [normal|alert] and battery status [ok|low].)
KR18 (X10 security remote control. Report the Reading "Security" with values [Arm|Disarm], "ButtonA" and "ButtonB" with values [on|off] )
KD101 (KD101 smoke sensor. Report the Reading "smoke" with values [normal|alert])
VISONIC_WINDOW (VISONIC security Door/Window Sensor or compatible devices. This device type reports the status of the switch [Open/Closed] and battery status [ok|low].)
VISONIC_MOTION (VISONIC security motion sensor. This device type reports the status of motion sensor [normal|alert] and battery status [ok|low].))
specifies the first device id of the device. X10 security (DS10A, MS10A) and SD90 have a a 16 bit device id which has to be written as a hex-string (example "5a54"). All other devices have a 24 bit device id.
is the name of the Reading used to report. Suggested: "Window" or "Door" for ds10a, "motion" for motion sensors, "smoke" for sd90.
is optional and specifies the second device id of the device if it exists. For example sd90 smoke sensors can be configured to report two device ids.
is optional for the name used for the Reading of <deviceid2>.
The TRX_LIGHT module receives and sends X10, ARC, ELRO AB400D, Waveman, Chacon EMW200, IMPULS, RisingSun, AC, HomeEasy EU and ANSLUT lighting devices (switches and remote control). Allows to send Philips SBC (receive not possible). ARC is a protocol used by devices from HomeEasy, KlikAanKlikUit, ByeByeStandBy, Intertechno, ELRO, AB600, Duewi, DomiaLite and COCO with address code wheels. AC is the protocol used by different brands with units having a learning mode button:
KlikAanKlikUit, NEXA, CHACON, HomeEasy UK. You need to define an RFXtrx433 transceiver receiver first.
See TRX.
specifies the type of the device:
X10 lighting devices:
MS14A (X10 motion sensor. Reports [normal|alert] on the first deviceid (motion sensor) and [on|off] for the second deviceid (light sensor))
X10 (All other x10 devices. Report [off|on|dim|bright|all_off|all_on] on both deviceids.)
ARC (ARC devices. ARC is a protocol used by devices from HomeEasy, KlikAanKlikUit, ByeByeStandBy, Intertechno, ELRO, AB600, Duewi, DomiaLite and COCO with address code wheels. Report [off|on|all_off|all_on|chime].)
AC (AC devices. AC is the protocol used by different brands with units having a learning mode button: KlikAanKlikUit, NEXA, CHACON, HomeEasy UK. Report [off|on|level <NUM>|all_off|all_on|all_level <NUM>].)
HOMEEASY (HomeEasy EU devices. Report [off|on|level|all_off|all_on|all_level].)
specifies the first device id of the device.
A lighting device normally has a house code A..P followed by a unitcode 1..16 (example "B1").
For AC, HomeEasy EU and ANSLUT it is a 10 Character-Hex-String for the deviceid, consisting of
- unid-id: 8-Char-Hex: 00000001 to 03FFFFFF
- unit-code: 2-Char-Hex: 01 to 10
is the name of the Reading used to report. Suggested: "motion" for motion sensors.
is optional and specifies the second device id of the device if it exists. For example ms14a motion sensors report motion status on the first deviceid and the status of the light sensor on the second deviceid.
is optional for the name used for the Reading of <deviceid2>.
dim # only for X10, KOPPLA
bright # only for X10, KOPPLA
all_off # only for X10, ARC, EMW200, AC, HOMEEASY, ANSLUT
all_on # only for X10, ARC, EMW200, AC, HOMEEASY, ANSLUT
chime # only for ARC
level <levelnum> # only AC, HOMEEASY, ANSLUT: set level to <levelnum> (range: 0=0% to 15=100%)
The TRX_WEATHER module interprets weather sensor messages received by a RTXtrx receiver. See http://www.rfxcom.com/oregon.htm for a list of
Oregon Scientific weather sensors that could be received by the RFXtrx433 tranmitter. You need to define a RFXtrx433 receiver first. See
See TRX.
define <name> OREGON <deviceid>
<deviceid> is the device identifier of the Oregon sensor. It consists of the sensors name and (only if the attribute longids is set of the RFXtrx433) an a one byte hex string (00-ff) that identifies the sensor. If an sensor uses an switch to set an additional is then this is also added. The define statement with the deviceid is generated automatically by autocreate. The following sensor names are used:
"THR128" (for THR128/138, THC138),
"THGR132N" (for THC238/268,THN132,THWR288,THRN122,THN122,AW129/131),
"TX3_T" (for LaCrosse TX3, TX4, TX17),
"THGR228N" (for THGN122/123, THGN132, THGR122/228/238/268),
"WTGR800_T" (for temperature of WTGR800),
"THGR918" (for THGR918, THGRN228, THGN500),
"TFATS34C" (for TFA TS34C),
"BTHR918N (for BTHR918N, BTHR968),
"RGR918" (for RGR126/682/918),
"TFA_RAIN" (for TFA rain sensor),
"WTGR800_A" (for wind sensor of WTGR800),
"WGR800" (for wind sensor of WGR800),
"WGR918" (for wind sensor of STR918 and WGR918),
"TFA_WIND" (for TFA wind sensor)
The TUL module is the representation of a EIB / KNX connector in FHEM.
EIB instances represent the EIB / KNX devices and will need a TUL as IODev to communicate with the EIB / KNX network.
The TUL module is designed to connect to EIB network either using EIBD or the TUL usb stick created by busware.de
Note: this module may require the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort
module if you attach the device via USB and the OS sets strange default
parameters for serial devices.
define <name> TUL <device> <physical address>
TUL usb stick / TPUART serial devices:
<device> specifies the serial port to communicate with the TUL.
The name of the serial-device depends on your distribution, under
linux the cdc_acm kernel module is responsible, and usually a
/dev/ttyACM0 device will be created. If your distribution does not have a
cdc_acm module, you can force usbserial to handle the TUL by the
following command:
modprobe usbserial vendor=0x03eb
In this case the device is most probably
You can also specify a baudrate if the device name contains the @
character, e.g.: /dev/ttyACM0@19200
Note: For TUL usb stick the baudrate 19200 is needed and this is the default
when no baudrate is given.
Example: define tul TUL tul:/dev/ttyACM0 1.1.249
<device> specifies the host:port of the eibd device. E.g.
eibd: When using the standard port, the port can be omitted.
Example: define tul TUL eibd:localhost 1.1.249
If the device is called none, then no device will be opened, so you
can experiment without hardware attached.
The physical address is used as the source address of telegrams sent to EIB network.
This module serves a ZWave dongle, which is attached via USB or TCP/IP, and
enables the use of ZWave devices (see also the ZWave
module). It was tested wit a Goodway WD6001, but since the protocol is
standardized, it should work with other devices too. A notable exception is
the USB device from Merten.
define <name> ZWDongle <device>
Upon initial connection the module will get the homeId of the attached
device. Since the DevIo module is used to open the device, you can also use
devices connected via TCP/IP. See this paragraph on
device naming details.
addNode [on|off]
Activate (or deactivate) inclusion mode. The controller (i.e. the dongle)
will accept inclusion (i.e. pairing/learning) requests only while in this
mode. After activating inclusion mode usually you have to press a switch
three times within 1.5 seconds on the node to be included into the network
of the controller. If autocreate is active, a fhem device will be created
after inclusion.
removeNode [on|off]
Activate (or deactivate) exclusion mode. Note: the corresponding fhem
device have to be deleted manually.
createNode id
Request the class information for the specified node, and create a fhem
device upon reception of the answer. Used for previously included nodes,
see the nodeList get command below.
return the list of included nodeIds. Can be used to recreate fhem-nodes
with the createNode command.
return the six hex-digit homeId of the controller.
caps, ctrlCaps, version
return different controller specific information. Needed by developers only.
return node specific information. Needed by developers only.
Send raw data to the controller. Developer only.
This module is used to control ZWave devices via FHEM, see www.z-wave.com on details for this device family.
This module is a client of the ZWDongle module, which
is directly attached to the controller via USB or TCP/IP.
define <name> ZWave <homeId> <id> [classes]
<homeId> is the homeId of the controller node, and id is the id of the
slave node in the network of this controller.
classes is a hex-list of ZWave device classes. This argument is usually
specified by autocreate when creating a device. If you wish to manually
create a device, use the classes attribute instead, see below for details.
Defining a ZWave device the first time is usually done by autocreate.
Note: the sets/gets/generated events of a gven node depend on the classes
supported by this node. If a node supports 3 classes, then the union of
these sets/gets/events will be available for this node.
Commands for battery operated nodes will be queues internally, and sent when
the node sends a message. Answer to get commands appear then as events, the
corresponding readings will be updated.
basicValue value
Send value (0-255) to this device. The interpretation is device dependent,
e.g. for a SWITCH_BINARY device 0 is off and anything else is on.
switch the device on
switch the device off
activate/deactivate the reporting of device state changes to the association group.
configByte cfgAddress 8bitValue
configWord cfgAddress 16bitValue
configLong cfgAddress 32bitValue
Send a configuration value for the parameter cfgAddress. cfgAddress and
value is node specific.
configDefault cfgAddress
Reset the configuration parameter for the cfgAddress parameter to its default value.
See the device documentation to determine this value.
wakeupInterval value
Set the wakeup interval of battery operated devices to the given value in
seconds. Upon wakeup the device sends a wakeup notification.
associationAdd groupId nodeId ...
Add the specified list of nodeIds to the assotion group groupId.
Note: upon creating a fhem-device for the first time fhem will automatically
add the controller to the first association group of the node corresponding
to the fhem device, i.e it issues a "set name associationAdd 1 controllerNodeId"
associationDel groupId nodeId ...
Remove the specified list of nodeIds from the assotion group groupId.
return the status of the node as basicReport:XY. The value (XY) depends on
the node, e.g a SWITCH_BINARY device report 00 for off and FF (255) for on.
return the status of the node, as state:on or state:off.
return the status of the node, as state:open or state:closed.
config cfgAddress
return the value of the configuration parameter cfgAddress. The value is
device specific.
alarm alarmId
return the value for alarmId. The value is device specific.
return the charge of the battery in %, as battery:value %
return the wakeup interval in seconds, in the form
wakeupReport:interval:seconds target:id
association groupId
return the list of nodeIds in the association group groupId in the form:
assocGroup_X:Max:Y Nodes:id,id...
return the version information of this node in the form:
Lib:A Prot:x.y App:a.b
This attribute is needed by the ZWave module, as the list of the possible
set/get commands depends on it. It contains a space separated list of
class names (capital letters).
This is a placeholder used with webpgm2 to be able to integrate links
into it, and to be able to put more than one gnuplot/SVG picture on one
page. It has no set or get methods.
Normally you won't have to define fileplot weblinks manually, as
FHEMWEB makes it easy for you, just plot a logfile (see
logtype) and convert it to weblink. Now you
can group these weblinks by putting them into rooms. If you convert
the current logfile to a weblink, it will always refer to the current
file, even if its name changes regularly (and not the one you
originally specified).
HTML attributes to be used for link, image and iframe type of links. E.g.:
define yw weblink wl_im1 iframe http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=650272&u=c
attr yw weblink htmlattr width="480" height="560"
Double-Colon separated list of values. The values will be used to replace
<L#> type of strings in the .gplot file, with # beginning at 1
(<L1>, <L2>, etc.). Each value will be evaluated as a perl
expression, so you have access e.g. to the Value functions.
If the plotmode is gnuplot-scroll or SVG, you can also use the min, max,
avg, cnt, sum, currval (last value) and currdate (last date) values of the
individual curves, by accessing the corresponding values from the data
hash, see the example below:
Connect to the remote fhem on <host>. <portnr> is a telnet
port on the remote fhem, defaults to 7072. The optional :SSL suffix is
needed, if the remote fhem configured SSL for this telnet port. In this case
the IO::Socket::SSL perl module must be installed for the local host too.
Note: if the remote fhem is on a separate host, the telnet port on the remote
fhem musst be specified with the global option.
The next parameter specifies the connection
Using this type you will receive all events generated by the remote fhem,
just like when using the inform on command, and you
can use these events just like any local event for FileLog or notify.
The regexp will prefilter the events distributed locally, for the syntax
see the notify definition.
Drawbacks: the remote devices wont be created locally, so list wont
show them and it is not possible to manipulate them from the local
fhem. It is possible to create a device with the same name on both fhem
instances, but if both of them receive the same event (e.g. because both
of them have a CUL attached), then all associated FileLogs/notifys will be
triggered twice.
By using this type the local fhem will receive raw events from the remote
fhem device devicename, just like if it would be attached to the
local fhem.
Drawback: only devices using the Dispatch function (CUL, FHZ, CM11,
SISPM, RFXCOM, TCM, TRX, TUL) generate raw messages. devicename must exist on the local
fhem server too with the same name and same type as the remote device, but
usually with the device-node "none", so it is only a dummy device. All
necessary attributes (e.g. rfmode if the remote CUL
is in HomeMatic mode) must also be set for the local device.
The last parameter specifies an optional portpassword, if the remote server
activated portpassword.
FHEMWEB is the builtin web-frontend (webpgm2). It implements a simple web
server (optionally with Basic-Auth and HTTPS), so no additional program is
define <name> FHEMWEB <tcp-portnr> [global]
Enable the webfrontend on port <tcp-portnr>. If global is specified,
then requests from all interfaces (not only localhost / are
To enable listening on IPV6 see the comments here.
Feature: http://host:port/fhem/icons/<devicename> will return
the icon associated with the current status of <devicename>.
set <name> rereadicons
Rereads the icons in the icon path and updates the mapping from logical icons to physical files.
Use after adding, deleting or changing icons.
icon <logical icon>
returns the absolute path to the logical icon. Example:
get myFHEMWEB icon FS20.on
return FHEMWEB specific directories, where files for given types are located
Path after the http://hostname:port/ specification. Defaults to fhem,
i.e the default http address is http://localhost:8083/fhem
If set, a http-equiv="refresh" entry will be genererated with the given
argument (i.e. the browser will reload the page after the given
Specifies how to generate the plots:
Call the gnuplot script with each logfile. The filename
specification of the FileLog device will
determine what is in the plot. The data is converted into an
image on the backend with gnuplot.
Fhemweb will offer zoom and scroll buttons in order to navigate
in the current logfile, i.e. you can select just a part of the
data to be displayed. The more data is contained in a single
logfile, the easier you can navigate. The recommendation is to
store the data for a whole year in one logfile. The data is
converted into an image on the backend with gnuplot.
The same scrolling as with gnuplot scroll, but the data is sent
as an SVG script to the frontend, which will compute
the image: no need for gnuplot on the backend.
This is the default. Note: SVG is supported on the Android
platform by Opera/Firefox and the Internet Explorer before 9
needs a plugin.
See also the attribute fixedrange.
Note: for gnuplot & gnuplot-scroll mode the gnuplot output is
redirected to the file gnuplot.err in the /tmp directory
the default size of the plot, in pixels, separated by comma:
width,height. You can set individual sizes by setting the plotsize of
the weblink. Default is 800,160 for desktop, and 480,160 for
Can be applied to weblink devices (FHEMWEB).
Contains two time specs in the form YYYY-MM-DD separated by a space.
In plotmode gnuplot-scroll or SVG the given time-range will be used,
and no scrolling for this weblinks will be possible. Needed e.g. for
looking at last-years data without scrolling.
If the value is one of day, week, month, year than set the zoom level
for this weblink independently of the user specified zoom-level.
This is useful for pages with multiple plots: one of the plots is best
viewed in with the default (day) zoom, the other one with a week zoom.
smallscreen, touchpad
Optimize for small screen size (i.e. smartphones) or for touchpad
devices (i.e. tablets)
Note: The default configuration installed with make install-pgm2
installs 2 FHEMWEB instances: port 8083 for desktop browsers and
port 8084 for smallscreen browsers, both using SVG rendering.
On Android SVG is supported by Opera/Firefox.
WebApp suppport if specifying one of the above options: After viewing
the site on the iPhone or iPad in Safari, add it to the home-screen to
get full-screen support.
If set, generate the logs in a parallel process. Note: do not use it
on Windows and on systems with small memory foorprint.
basicAuth, basicAuthMsg
request a username/password authentication for access. You have to set
the basicAuth attribute to the Base64 encoded value of
<user>:<password>, e.g.:
# Calculate first the encoded string with the commandline program
$ echo -n fhemuser:secret | base64
attr WEB basicAuth ZmhlbXVzZXI6c2VjcmV0
You can of course use other means of base64 encoding, e.g. online
Base64 encoders. If basicAuthMsg is set, it will be displayed in the
popup window when requesting the username/password.
If the argument of basicAuth is enclosed in {}, then it will be
evaluated, and the $user and $password variable will be set to the
values entered. If the return value is true, then the password will be
attr WEB basicAuth { "$user:$password" eq "admin:secret" }
attr WEB basicAuth {use FritzBoxUtils;;FB_checkPw("localhost","$password") }
Enable HTTPS connections. This feature requires the perl module
IO::Socket::SSL, to be installed with cpan -i IO::Socket::SSL or
apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl; OSX and the FritzBox-7390
already have this module.
A local certificate has to be generated into a directory called certs,
this directory must be in the modpath
directory, at the same level as the FHEM directory.
prefix for the files style.css, svg_style.css and svg_defs.svg. If the file
with the prefix is missing, the default file (without prefix) will be used.
These files have to be placed into the FHEM directory, and can be selected
directly from the "Select style" FHEMWEB menu entry. Example:
attr WEB stylesheetPrefix dark
Referenced files:
Komma separated list of rooms to "hide", i.e. not to show. Special
values are input, detail and save, in which case the input areas, link
to the detailed views or save button is hidden (although each aspect
still can be addressed through url manipulation).
The list can also contain values from the additional "Howto/Wiki/FAQ"
Affects devices states in the room overview only.
In this mode status update is refreshed more or less instantaneously,
and state change (on/off only) is done without requesting a complete
refresh from the server.
Clear the browser URL window after issuing the command by redirecting
the browser, as a reload for the same site might have unintended
side-effects. Default is 1 (enabled). Disable it by setting this
attribute to 0 if you want to study the command syntax, in order to
communicate with FHEMWEB.
Colon separated list of commands to be shown in the room overview for a
certain device. On smallscreen devices only the first value is
If the first value references a command, for which "set
device ?" lists a number possible choices (e.g. desired-temp for FHT
devices), then a select widget will be displayed. If the values are
"slider,min,step,max", then a javascript driven slider is displayed.
if the value is "time", then a javascript timepicker is displayed.
If the command is state, then the value will be used as a command.
attr lamp webCmd on:off:on-for-timer 10
define d1 dummy
attr d1 webCmd state
attr d1 set setList state:on,off
define d2 dummy
attr d2 webCmd state
attr d2 set setList state:slider,0,1,10
define d3 dummy
attr d3 webCmd state
attr d3 set setList state:time
Note: this is an attribute for the displayed device, not for the FHEMWEB
Set the "modpath" for this intance of FHEMWEB. Used to search .gplot
files, pictures, etc. Default is the modpath/FHEM directory.
Enable compressing the HTML data (default is 1, i.e. yes, use 0 to switch it off).
Set the icon for a device in the room overview. There is an
icon-chooser in FHEMWEB to ease this task. Setting icons for the room
itself is indirect: there must exist an icon with the name
ico.png in the modpath/fwmodpath directory.
Display the lines from the logfile in a reversed order, newest on the
top, so that you don.t have to scroll down. Default is disabled / 0, as
it consumes less (half?) memory.
Implements an additional entry "Floorplans" to your fhem menu, leading to a userinterface without fhem-menu, rooms or devicelists.
Devices can be displayed at a defined coordinate on the screen, usually with a clickable icon allowing to switch
the device on or off by clicking on it. A background-picture can be used - use e.g. a floorplan of your house, or any picture.
Use floorplanstyle.css to adapt the representation.
Step-by-step setup guides are available in
english and
define <name> FLOORPLAN
Hint: Store fp_<name>.png in your image folder (www/images/default , www/pgm2 or FHEM) to use it as background picture.
A userattr fp_<name> will be created automatically if it does not exist yet.
top = screen-position, pixels from top of screen
left = screen-position, pixels from left of screen
style =
0 icon/state only
1 devicename and icon/state
2 devicename, icon/state and commands
3 device-reading and optional description
4 S300TH-specific, displays temperature above humidity
5 icon/state and commands
6 device-reading, reading-timestamp and optional description
description will be displayed instead of the original devicename
attr lamp1 fp_Groundfloor 100,100
#display lamp1 with icon only at screenposition 100,100
attr lamp2 fp_Groundfloor 100,140,1,Art-Deco
#display lamp2 with description 'Art-Deco-Light' at 100,140
attr lamp2 fp_FirstFloor 130,100,1
#display the same device at different positions on other floorplans
attr myFHT fp_Groundfloor 300,20,10,Temperature
#display given Text + FHT-temperature
Hint: no blanks between parameters
Activates the "arrange mode" which shows an additional menu on the screen,
allowing to place devices easily on the screen.
attr Groundfloor fp_arrange 1 attr Groundfloor fp_arrange detail #displays the devices with infos room, type, alias attr Groundfloor fp_arrange WEB #activates arrange mode for frontend-device WEB only
Explicitely sets your personal stylesheet for the floorplan. This overrides the standard stylesheet.
The standard stylesheet for floorplans is floorplanstyle.css. If the stylesheetPrefix is set for the corresponding FHEMWEB instance, this same
stylesheetPrefix is also prepended to the stylesheet for floorplans.
All stylesheets must be stored in the stylesheet subfolder of the fhem filesystem hierarchy. Store your personal
stylesheet along with floorplanstyle.css in the same folder.
attr Groundfloor stylesheet myfloorplanstyle.css
The floorplan startscreen is skipped if this attribute is assigned to one of the floorplans in your installation.
attr Groundfloor fp_default 1
Suppresses the menu which usually shows the links to all your floorplans.
attr Groundfloor fp_noMenu 1
Adds a fhem-commandfield to the floorplan screen.
attr Groundfloor commandfield 1
Allows to choose a background-picture independent of the floorplan-name.
Start an arbitrary fhem.pl command at a later time.
define <name> at <timespec> <command>
<timespec> format: [+][*{N}]<timedet>
The optional + indicates that the specification is
relative(i.e. it will be added to the current time).
The optional * indicates that the command should be
executed repeatedly.
The optional {N} after the * indicates,that the command
should be repeated N-times only.
<timedet> is either HH:MM, HH:MM:SS or {perlfunc()}, where perlfunc
must return a HH:MM or HH:MM:SS date.
# absolute ones:
define a1 at 17:00:00 set lamp on # fhem command
define a2 at 17:00:00 { Log 1, "Teatime" } # Perl command
define a3 at 17:00:00 "/bin/echo "Teatime" > /dev/console" # shell command
define a4 at *17:00:00 set lamp on # every day
# relative ones
define a5 at +00:00:10 set lamp on # switch on in 10 seconds
define a6 at +00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Blink once in 2 seconds
define a7 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Blink 3 times
# Blink 3 times if the piri sends a command
define n1 notify piri:on.* define a8 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1
# Switch the lamp on from sunset to 11 PM
define a9 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on
define a10 at *23:00:00 set lamp off
# More elegant version, works for sunset > 23:00 too
define a11 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on-till 23:00
# Only do this on weekend
define a12 at +*{sunset_rel()} { fhem("set lamp on-till 23:00") if($we) }
# Switch lamp1 and lamp2 on from 7:00 till 10 minutes after sunrise
define a13 at *07:00 set lamp1,lamp2 on-till {sunrise(+600)}
# Switch the lamp off 2 minutes after sunrise each day
define a14 at +{sunrise(+120)} set lamp on
# Switch lamp1 on at sunset, not before 18:00 and not after 21:00
define a15 at *{sunset(0,"18:00","21:00")} set lamp1 on
if no * is specified, then a command will be executed
only once, and then the at entry will be deleted. In
this case the command will be saved to the statefile (as it
considered volatile, i.e. entered by cronjob) and not to the
configfile (see the save command.)
if the current time is greater than the time specified, then the
command will be executed tomorrow.
For even more complex date handling you either have to call fhem from
cron or filter the date in a perl expression, see the last example and
the section Perl special.
Can be applied to at/watchdog/notify/FileLog devices.
Disables the corresponding at/notify or FileLog device. Note:
If applied to an at, the command will not be executed,
but the next time will be computed.
Used for at commands: skip the execution of the command the next
Applies only to relative at definitions: adjust the time of the next
command execution so, that it will also be executed at the desired
alignTime. The argument is a timespec, see above for the
# Make sure that it chimes when the new hour begins
define at2 at +*01:00 set Chime on-for-timer 1
attr atr2 alignTime 00:00
Automatically create not yet defined fhem devices upon reception of a message
generated by this device. Note: devices which are polled (like the EMEM/EMWZ
accessed through the EM1010PC) will NOT be automatically created.
define <name> autocreate
It makes no sense to create more than one instance of this module.
By defining an instance, the global attribute autoload_undefined_devices
is set, so that modules for unknnown devices are automatically loaded.
The autocreate module intercepts the UNDEFINED event generated by each
module, creates a device and optionally also FileLog and weblink
entries. Note 1: devices will be created with a unique name, which contains
the type and a unique id for this type. When renaming
the device, the automatically created filelog and weblink devices
will also be renamed. Note 2: you can disable the automatic creation by setting the
disable attribute, in this case only the rename
hook is active, and you can use the createlog
command to add FileLog and weblink to an already defined device.
After creating a device, automatically save the config file with the
command save command. Default is 1 (i.e. on), set
it to 0 to switch it off.
"Put" the newly created device in this room. The name can contain the
wildcards %TYPE and %NAME, see the example above.
Create a filelog associated with the device. The filename can contain
the wildcards %TYPE and %NAME, see the example above. The filelog will
be "put" in the same room as the device.
Create a weblink associated with the device/filelog.
"Put" the newly weblink in this room. The name can contain the
wildcards %TYPE and %NAME, see the example above.
This is a regexp, to ignore certain devices, e.g. you neighbours FHT.
You can specify more than one, with usual regexp syntax, e.g.
attr autocreate ignoreTypes CUL_HOERMANN.*|FHT_1234|CUL_WS_7
Use this command to manually add a FileLog and a weblink to an existing
device. E.g. if a HomeMatic device is created automatically by something
else then a pairing message, the model is unknown, so no plots will be
generated. You can set the model/subtype attribute manually, and then call
createlog to add the corresponding logs.
This command is part of the autocreate module.
usb scan
usb create
This command will scan the /dev directory for attached USB devices, and
will try to identify them. With the argument scan you'll get back a list
of fhem commands to execute, with the argument create there will be no
feedback, and the devices will be created instead.
Note that switching a CUL to HomeMatic mode is still has to be done
On Linux it will also check with the lsusb command, if unflashed CULs are
attached. If this is the case, it will call CULflash with the appropriate
parameters (or display the CULflash command if scan is specified). Only
one device to flash is displayed at a time.
This command is part of the autocreate module.
Compute additional average, minimum and maximum values for current day and
define <name> average <regexp>
The syntax for <regexp> is the same as the
regexp for notify.
If it matches, and the event is of the form "eventname number", then this
module computes the daily and monthly average, maximum and minimum values
and generates events of the form
at the beginning of the next day or month respectively.
The current average, minimum, maximum and the cumulated values are stored
in the device readings.
# Compute the average, minimum and maximum for the temperature events of
# the ws1 device
define avg_temp_ws1 average ws1:temperature.*
# Compute the average, minimum and maximum for each temperature event
define avg_temp_ws1 average .*:temperature.*
# Compute the average, minimum and maximum for all temperature and humidity events
# Events:
# ws1 temperature: 22.3
# ws1 humidity: 67.4
define avg_temp_ws1 average .*:(temperature|humidity).*
# Hunt only for the humidity: take the value from the first
# parenthesis ($1 in perl regexp) if it is a number
# Event: ws1 T: 52.3 H: 67.4
define avg_temp_ws1 average ws1:.*H:.([-\d\.]+)
Calculates dewpoint for device <devicename-regex> from temperature and humidity
and write it to a new reading named dewpoint.
If optional <temp_name>, <hum_name> and <new_name> is specified
then read temperature from reading <temp_name>, humidity from reading <hum_name>
and write the calculated dewpoint to reading <new_name>.
If <temp_name> is T then use temperature from state T: H:, add <new_name> to the state.
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of the temp1 device and generate reading dewpoint.
define dew_temp1 dewpoint dewpoint temp1
define dew_temp1 dewpoint dewpoint temp1 temperature humidity dewpoint
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of all devices offering temperature and humidity
# and generate reading dewpoint.
define dew_all dewpoint dewpoint .*
define dew_all dewpoint dewpoint .* temperature humidity dewpoint
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of the device Aussen_1 offering temperature and humidity
# and insert is into STATE.
define dew_state dewpoint dewpoint Aussen_1 T H D
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of all devices offering temperature and humidity
# and insert the result into the STATE.
# Example STATE: "T: 10 H: 62.5" will change to
# "T: 10 H: 62.5 D: 3.2"
define dew_state dewpoint dewpoint .* T H D
define <name> dewpoint fan <devicename-regex> <devicename-outside> <min-temp> [<diff_temp>]
May be used to turn an fan on or off if the outside air has less water.
Generate event "fan: on" if (dewpoint of <devicename-outside>) + <diff_temp> is lower
than dewpoint of <devicename> and temperature of <devicename-outside> is >= min-temp
and reading "fan" was not already "on". The event will be generated for <devicename>. Parameter <diff-temp> is optional
Generate event "fan: off": else and if reading "fan" was not already "off".
# Generate event "fan: on" when dewpoint of Aussen_1 is first
# time lower than basement_tempsensor and outside temperature is >= 0
# and change it to "fan: off" is this condition changes.
# Set a switch on/off (fan_switch) depending on the state.
define dew_fan1 dewpoint fan basement_tempsensor Aussen_1 0
define dew_fan1_on notify basement_tempsensor.*fan:.*on set fan_switch on
define dew_fan1_off notify basement_tempsensor.*fan:.*off set fan_switch off
Generate a mold alarm if a reference temperature is lower that the current dewpoint.
Generate reading/event "alarm: on" if temperature of <devicename-reference> - <diff-temp> is lower
than dewpoint of <devicename> and reading "alarm" was not already "on". The event will be generated for <devicename>.
Generate reading/event "alarm: off" if temperature of <devicename-reference> - <diff-temp> is higher than dewpoint of <devicename> and reading "alarm" was not already "off".
# Using a wall temperature sensor (wallsensor) and a temp/hum sensor
# (roomsensor) to alarm if the temperature of the wall is lower than
# the dewpoint of the air. In this case the water of the air will
# condense on the wall because the wall is cold.
# Set a switch on (alarm_siren) if alarm is on using notify.
define dew_alarm1 dewpoint alarm roomsensor wallsensor 0
define roomsensor_alarm_on notify roomsensor.*fan:.*on set alarm_siren on
define roomsensor_alarm_off notify roomsensor.*fan:.*off set alarm_siren off
# If you do not have a temperature sensor in/on the wall, you may also
# compare the rooms dewpoint to the temperature of the same or another
# inside sensor. Alarm is temperature is 5 degrees colder than the
# inside dewpointinside.
define dev_alarm2 dewpoint alarm roomsensor roomsensor 5
Define a set of holidays. The module will try to open the file
<name>.holiday in the modpath/FHEM directory.
If entries in the holiday file match the current day, then the STATE of
this holiday instance displayed in the list command
will be set to the corresponding values, else the state is set to the text
none. Most probably you'll want to query this value in some perl script:
see Value() in the perl section or the global attribute
holiday2we. The file will be reread once
every night, to compute the value for the current day, and by each get
command (see below).
Holiday file definition:
The file may contain comments (beginning with #) or empty lines.
Significant lines begin with a number (type) and contain some space
separated words, depending on the type. The different types are:
Easter-dependent date. Arguments: <day-offset>
The offset is counted from Easter-Sunday.
Exampe: 2 1 Easter-Monday
Sidenote: You can check the easter date with:
fhem> { join("-", western_easter(2011)) }
Date relative, weekday fixed holiday. Arguments: <nth>
<weekday> <month> <day> < holiday-name>
Note that while +0 or -0 as offsets are not forbidden, their behaviour
is undefined in the sense that it might change without notice.
5 -1 Wed 11 23 Buss und Bettag (first Wednesday before Nov, 23rd)
5 1 Mon 01 31 First Monday after Jan, 31st (1st Monday in February)
See also he.holiday in the contrib directory for official holidays in the
german country of Hessen, and by.holiday for the Bavarian definition.
get <name> <MM-DD> get <name> yesterday get <name> today get <name> tomorrow
Return the holiday name of the specified date or the text none.
define <name> notify <pattern> <command>
Execute a command when received an event for the definition<pattern>. If
<command> is enclosed in {}, then it is a perl expression, if it is
enclosed in "", then it is a shell command, else it is a "plain" fhem.pl
command (chain). See the trigger command for
testing it.
The character % will be replaced with the received event,
e.g. with on or off or measured-temp: 21.7
(Celsius) It is advisable to put the % into double
quotes, else the shell may get a syntax error.
The character @ will be replaced with the device
To use % or @ in the text itself, use the double mode (%% or @@).
Instead of % and @, the parameters
%EVENT (same as %), %NAME (same as
@) and %TYPE (contains the device type, e.g.
FHT) can be used. The space separated event "parts" are
available as %EVTPART0, %EVTPART1, etc. A single % looses
its special meaning if any of these parameters appears in the
<pattern> may also be a compound of
definition:event to filter for events.
<pattern> must completely (!)
match either the device name, or the compound of the device name and the
event. The event is either the string you see in the list output in paranthesis after the device name, or the
string you see when you do a detailed list of the device.
To use database logging, copy the file contrib/91_DbLog.pm into your
modules directory, and change the $dbconn parameter in the file.
Following special events will be generated for the device "global"
INITIALIZED after initialization is finished.
DEFINED <devname> after a device is defined.
DELETED <devname> after a device was deleted.
RENAMED <old> <new> after a device was renamed.
UNDEFINED <defspec> upon reception of a message for an
undefined device.
Notify can be used to store macros for manual execution. Use the trigger command to execute the macro.
E.g. fhem> define MyMacro notify MyMacro { Log 1, "Hello"} fhem> trigger MyMacro
Forward the return value of the executed command to the caller,
default is disabled (0). If enabled (1), then e.g. a set command which
triggers this notify will also return this value. This can cause e.g
FHEMWEB to display this value, when clicking "on" or "off", which is
often not intended.
A sequence is used to allow to trigger events for a certain combination of
button presses on a remote. E.g. to switch on a lamp when pressing the
Btn1:on, then Btn2:off and at last Btn1:on one after the other you could
define the following:
define lampseq sequence Btn1:on 0.5 Btn2:off 0.5 Btn1:on
define lampon notify lampseq:trigger set lamp on
The structure device is used to organize/structure devices in order to
set groups of them at once (e.g. switching everything off in a house).
The list of attached devices can be modified through the addstruct /
delstruct commands. Each attached device will get the attribute
<struct_type>=<name> when it is added to the list, and the
attribute will be deleted if the device is deleted from the structure.
The structure devices can also be added to a structure, e.g. you can have
a building consisting of levels which consists of rooms of devices.
define kitchen structure room lamp1 lamp2
addstruct kitchen TYPE=FS20
delstruct kitchen lamp1
define house structure building kitchen living
set house off
The backward propagated status change from the devices to this structure
works in two different ways.
Attribute clientstate_behavior
The structure status will changed to the common device status of all defined devices
to this structure if all devices are identical. Otherwise the structure status is "undefined".
You have to set the attribute "clientstate_priority" with all states of
the defined devices to this structure in descending order. Each group are
delemited by space. Each entry of one group are delimited by "pipe"
attr house clientstate_priority Any_On|An All_Off|Aus
To group more devices from different types of devices you can define
a clientstate redefining on each device. For example the Reading "A" of device door
is "open" or "closed" and the state of device lamp1 should redefine from
"on" to "An" and "off" to "Aus"
define door OWSWITCH <ROMID>
define lamp1 dummy
attr lamp1 cmdlist on off
define kitchen structure struct_kitchen lamp1 door
Every set command is propagated to the attached devices. Exception: if an
attached devices has an attribute structexcluse, and the attribute value
matches (as a regexp) the name of the current structure.
get is not supported through a structure device.
exclude the device from set operations, see the set command above.
Start an arbitrary fhem.pl command if after <timespec> receiving an
event matching <regexp1> no event matching <regexp2> is
The syntax for <regexp1> and <regexp2> is the same as the
regexp for notify.
<timespec> is HH:MM[:SS]
<command> is a usual fhem command like used int the at or notify
# Request data from the FHT80 _once_ if we do not receive any message for
# 15 Minutes.
define w watchdog FHT80 00:15:00 SAME set FHT80 date
# Request data from the FHT80 _each_ time we do not receive any message for
# 15 Minutes, i.e. reactivate the watchdog after it triggered. Might be
# dangerous, as it can trigger in a loop.
define w watchdog FHT80 00:15:00 SAME set FHT80 date;; trigger w .
# Shout once if the HMS100-FIT is not alive
define w watchdog HMS100-FIT 01:00:00 SAME "alarm-fit.sh"
# Send mail if the window is left open
define w watchdog contact1:open 00:15 contact1:closed "mail_me close window1"
attr w regexp1WontReactivate
if <regexp1> is . (dot), then activate the watchdog at
definition time. Else it will be activated when the first matching
event is received.
<regexp1> resets the timer of a running watchdog, to avoid it
use the regexp1WontReactivate attribute.
if <regexp2> is SAME, then it will be the same as the first
regexp, and it will be reactivated, when it is received.
trigger <watchdogname> . will activate the trigger if its state
is defined, and set it into state defined if its state is
triggered. You always have to reactivate the watchdog with this
command once it has triggered (unless you restart fhem)
a generic watchdog (one watchdog responsible for more devices) is
currently not possible.
When a watchdog is active, a second event matching regexp1 will
normally reset the timeout. Set this attribute to prevents this.
define <name> telnet <portNumber> [global]
Listen on the TCP/IP port <portNumber> for incoming
connections. If the second parameter global is not specified,
the server will only listen to localhost connections.
To use IPV6, specify the portNumber as IPV6:<number>, in this
case the perl module IO::Socket:INET6 will be requested.
On Linux you may have to install it with cpan -i IO::Socket::INET6 or
apt-get libio-socket-inet6-perl; OSX and the FritzBox-7390 perl already has
this module.
Note: The old global attribute port is automatically converted to a
telnet instance with the name telnetPort. The global allowfrom attibute is
lost in this conversion.
Specify a password, which has to be entered as the very first string
after the connection is established. If the argument is enclosed in {},
then it will be evaluated, and the $password variable will be set to
the password entered. If the return value is true, then the password
will be accepted. If thies parameter is specified, fhem sends telnet
IAC requests to supress echo while entering the password.
Also all returned lines are terminated with \r\n.
attr tPort password secret
attr tPort password {use FritzBoxUtils;;FB_checkPw("localhost","$password") }
Just like the attribute password, but a password will only required for
non-local connections.
Enable SSL encryption of the connection, see the description here on generating the needed SSL certificates. To
connect to such a port use one of the following commands:
Regexp of allowed ip-addresses or hostnames. If set,
only connections from these addresses are allowed.
define <name> DbLog <configfilename> <regexp>
Log events to a database. The database connection is defined in
<configfilename> (see sample configuration file
db.conf). The configuration is stored in a separate file
to avoid storing the password in the main configuration file and to have it
visible in the output of the list command.
You must have 93_DbLog.pm in the FHEM subdirectory
to make this work. Additionally, the modules DBI and
DBD::<dbtype> need to be installed (use
cpan -i <module> if your distribution does not have it).
Sample code to create a MySQL database is in fhemdb_create.sql.
The database contains two tables: current and
history. The latter contains all events whereas the former only
contains the last event for any given reading and device.
The columns have the following meaning:
TIMESTAMP: timestamp of event, e.g. 2007-12-30 21:45:22
DEVICE: device name, e.g. Wetterstation
TYPE: device type, e.g. KS300
EVENT: event specification as full string,
e.g. humidity: 71 (%)
READING: name of reading extracted from event,
e.g. humidity
VALUE: actual reading extracted from event,
e.g. 71
UNIT: unit extracted from event, e.g. %
The content of VALUE is optimized for automated post-processing, e.g.
yes is translated to 1.
The current values can be retrieved by means of the perl script
fhemdb_get.pl. Its output is adapted to what a
Cacti data input method expects.
Call fhemdb_get.pl without parameters to see the usage
# log everything to database define logdb DbLog /etc/fhem/db.conf .*:.*
define <name> FileLog <filename> <regexp>
Log events to <filename>. The log format is
YYYY:MM:DD_HH:MM:SS <device> <event>
The regexp will be checked against the device name
devicename:event or timestamp:devicename:event combination.
The regexp must match the complete string, not just a part of it.
<filename> may contain %-wildcards of the
POSIX strftime function of the underlying OS (see your strftime manual).
Common used wildcards are:
%d day of month (01..31)
%m month (01..12)
%Y year (1970...)
%w day of week (0..6); 0 represents Sunday
%j day of year (001..366)
%U week number of year with Sunday as first day of week (00..53)
%W week number of year with Monday as first day of week (00..53)
FHEM also replaces %L by the value of the global logdir attribute.
Before using %V for ISO 8601 week numbers check if it is
correctly supported by your system (%V may not be replaced, replaced by an
empty string or by an incorrect ISO-8601 week number, especially
at the beginning of the year)
If you use %V you will also have to use %G
instead of %Y for the year!
define lamplog FileLog %L/lamp.log lamp define wzlog FileLog /var/tmp/wz-%Y-%U.log
With ISO 8601 week numbers, if supported: define wzlog FileLog /var/tmp/wz-%G-%V.log
set <name> reopen
Used to reopen a FileLog after making some manual changes to the logfile.
get <name> <infile> <outfile> <from>
<to> <column_spec>
Read data from the logfile, used by frontends to plot data without direct
access to the file.
Name of the logfile to grep. "-" is the current logfile, or you can
specify an older file (or a file from the archive).
If it is "-", you get the data back on the current connection, else it
is the prefix for the output file. If more than one file is specified,
the data is separated by a comment line for "-", else it is written in
separate files, numerated from 0.
<from> <to>
Used to grep the data. The elements should correspond to the
timeformat or be an initial substring of it.
For each column_spec return a set of data in a separate file or
separated by a comment line on the current connection.
Syntax: <col>:<regexp>:<default>:<fn>
The column number to return, starting at 1 with the date.
If the column is enclosed in double quotes, then it is a fix text,
not a column nuber.
If present, return only lines containing the regexp. Case sensitive.
If no values were found and the default value is set, then return
one line containing the from value and this default. We need this
feature as gnuplot aborts if a dataset has no value at all.
One of the following:
Extract the integer at the beginning og the string. Used e.g.
for constructs like 10%
delta-h or delta-d
Return the delta of the values for a given hour or a given day.
Used if the column contains a counter, as is the case for the
KS300 rain column.
everything else
The string is evaluated as a perl expression. @fld is the
current line splitted by spaces. Note: The string/perl
expression cannot contain spaces, as the part after the space
will be considered as the next column_spec.
get outlog out-2008.log - 2008-01-01 2008-01-08 4:IR:int: 9:IR::
archivecmd / archivedir / nrarchive
When a new FileLog file is opened, the FileLog archiver wil be called.
This happens only, if the name of the logfile has changed (due to
time-specific wildcards, see the FileLog
section), and there is a new entry to be written into the file.
If the attribute archivecmd is specified, then it will be started as a
shell command (no enclosing " is needed), and each % in the command
will be replaced with the name of the old logfile.
If this attribute is not set, but nrarchive and/or archivecmd are set,
then nrarchive old logfiles are kept along the current one while older
ones are moved to archivedir (or deleted if archivedir is not set).
Used by the pgm2 webfrontend to offer gnuplot/SVG images made from the
logs. The string is made up of tokens separated by comma (,), each
token specifies a different gnuplot program. The token may contain a
colon (:), the part before the colon defines the name of the program,
the part after is the string displayed in the web frontend. Currently
following types of gnuplot programs are implemented:
Plots on as 1 and off as 0. The corresponding filelog definition
for the device fs20dev is:
define fslog FileLog log/fs20dev-%Y-%U.log fs20dev
Plots the measured-temp/desired-temp/actuator lines. The
corresponding filelog definitions (for the FHT device named
fht1) looks like: define fhtlog1 FileLog log/fht1-%Y-%U.log fht1:.*(temp|actuator).*
Plots the temperature and rain (per hour and per day) of a
ks300. The corresponding filelog definitions (for the KS300
device named ks300) looks like:
define ks300log FileLog log/fht1-%Y-%U.log ks300:.*H:.*
Plots the humidity and wind values of a
ks300. The corresponding filelog definition is the same as
above, both programs evaluate the same log.
Shows the logfile as it is (plain text). Not gnuplot definition
is needed.
Space separated list of commands, which will be returned upon "set name ?",
so the FHEMWEB frontend can construct a dropdown and offer on/off
switches. Example: attr dummyName setList on off
perl functions, to be used in at or FS20 on-till commands.
First you should set the longitude and latitude global attributes to the
exact longitude and latitude values (see e.g. maps.google.com for the exact
values, which should be in the form of a floating point value). The default
value is Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
The default altitude ($defaultaltit in SUNRISE_EL.pm) defines the sunrise/sunset
for Civil twilight (i.e. one can no longer read outside without artificial
illumination), which differs from sunrise/sunset times found on different
websites. See perldoc "DateTime::Event::Sunrise" for alternatives.
sunrise()/sunset() returns the absolute time of the next sunrise/sunset,
adding 24 hours if the next event is tomorrow, to use it in the timespec of
an at device or for the on-till command for FS20 devices.
sunrise_rel()/sunset_rel() returns the relative time to the next
sunrise_abs()/sunset_abs() return the absolute time of the corresponding
event today (no 24 hours added).
All functions take up to three arguments:
The first specifies an offset (in seconds), which will be added to the
The second and third specify min and max values (format: "HH:MM").
isday() can be used in some notify or at commands to check if the sun is up or
Optionally, for all functions you can set first argument which defines a horizon value
which then is used instead of the $defaultaltit in SUNRISE_EL.pm.
Possible values are: "REAL", "CIVIL", "NAUTIC", "ASTRONOMIC" or a
positive or negative number preceded by "HORIZON="
REAL is 0, CIVIL is -6, NATUIC is -12, ASTRONOMIC is -18 degrees above horizon.
# When sun is 6 degrees below horizon - same as sunrise();
# When sun is 3 degrees below (-3 above) horizon (Between real and civil sunset)
# When sun is 1 degree above horizon
# Switch lamp1 on at real sunset, not before 18:00 and not after 21:00
define a15 at *{sunset("REAL",0,"18:00","21:00")} set lamp1 on
If set, this latitude is used to calculate sunset/sunrise
Notation need to be in decimal format (for example Berlin = 52.666)
As default Frankfurt/Main, Germany (50.112) is used.
If set, this longitude is used to calculate sunset/sunrise
Notation need to be in decimal format (for example Berlin = 13.400)
As default Frankfurt/Main, Germany (8.686) is used.
Note: these are global attributes, e.g.
attr global latitude 50.112
attr global longitude 8.686
The FHEMRENDERER module is intended to render (draw) graphics based on the FHEM Log-Files.
This can be done either based on a timer (used in the module) or based on a direct call of GET.
The rendered graphics will be stored in a pre-defined directory with a predefined prefix of the files. The renderer can also work in a multi-process mode,
which doesn't block the main FHEM-Loop.
define <name> FHEMRENDERER [global]
This defines a new "device", that is of type FHEMRENDERER. The option 'global' can be used if needed for sorting reasons.
Otherwise this option has no real meaning for FHEMRENDERER.
As a side-effect of defining this "device" the following attributes will be set for this "device":
plotmode gnuplot
plotsize 800,200
refresh 00:10:00
room Unsorted
status off
tmpfile /tmp/
multiprocess off
NOTE: The Logfile will report (with LogLevel 2) that the FHEMRENDERER has been defined.
set <name> <value>
Set either on or off.
This switches the timer-based rendering on/off. The attribute 'status' will be modified accordingly.
NOTE: only WebLink based graphics will be rendered.
get <name> <[[file-name] device type logfile [pos=zoom=XX&off=YY]]>
The get function supports different sets of arguments:
NONE: all WebLink based FilePlots will be rerendered
The resulting filename will be '.png'
THREE: device type logfile
In this case only one specific graphic will be rendered:
A graphic will be rendered for 'device', where device is a FileLog, based on the type 'type' based on the given 'logfile'
The resulting filename will be 'attr-tmpfile logfile.png'
FOUR: file-name device type logfile
In this case only one specific graphic will be rendered:
A graphic will be rendered for 'device', where device is a FileLog, based on the type 'type' based on the given 'logfile'
The resulting filename will be 'attr-tmpfile file-name.png'
FIVE: file-name device type logfile pos=zoom=XX&off=YYY
In this case only one specific graphic will be rendered assuming that plotmode is 'gnuplot-scroll':
A graphic will be rendered for 'device', where device is a FileLog, based on the type 'type' based on the given 'logfile'
The 'zoom' will be either qday/day/week/month/year (same as used in FHEMWEB).
The offset 'off' is either 0 (then the second part can be omitted), or -1/-2.... to jump back in time.
The resulting filename will be 'attr-tmpfile file-name.png'
NOTE: If you want to use zoom AND offset then you have to concatenate via '&' !!
NOTE: combinations are possible in limited ranges:
meaning: you can add the 'pos=zoom=XX&off=YY' to any of the first three sets.
This may e.g. result in rendering all WebLinks with a specific zoom or offset
(if you just pass the 'pos=zoom=xx&off=yy' parameter);
Any rendered image (one or all WebLinks) will be stored in 'attr-tmpfile' followed by a 'filename.png'. The filename will be
either derived (from weblink-name or logfile-name) or, for single files, can be assigend.
Specifies how to generate the plots:
Call the gnuplot script with each logfile. The filename
specification of the FileLog device will
determine what is in the plot. The data is converted into an
image on the backend with gnuplot.
FHEMRENDERER will offer zoom and offset possibilities in order to navigate
in the current logfile, i.e. you can select just a part of the
data to be displayed. The more data is contained in a single
logfile, the easier you can navigate. The recommendation is to
store the data for a whole year in one logfile. The data is
converted into an image on the backend with gnuplot.
the default size of the plot, in pixels, separated by comma:
width,height. You can set individual sizes by setting the plotsize of
the weblink.
Reflects the status, if the renderer timer has been set to ON or OFF.
By reading the status, you can detect, if the timer is running, or not.
This defines the time-interval in which a new rendering of the defined
WebLinks will be done.
This gives the path and a possible prefix for the rendered
filenames. You can specify a path to which the files will be
rendered. If you also specify a prefix, this will be used to build the
resulting filename.
This defines if the Renderer works in a multiprocessing mode.
You can set multiprocessing either to on / off and the renderer will draw the
time-scheduled tasks either in multiprocessing mode, or not.
NOTE: Direct GET calls, except for a general GET (for all weblinks) will be renderer
in an interactive mode, meaning that the FHEM-Loop will be block as long as the graphics are rendered.
If you want to use multiprocessing, set the RENDERER and multiprocessing to on and the
weblink-graphics will be rendered in the background.
The PachLog-Module Logs SensorData like (temperature and humidity) to www.pachube.com.
Note: this module needs the HTTP::Request and LWP::UserAgent perl modules.
define <name> PachLog <Pachube-API-Key>
The Pachube-API-Key however is what you need in your code to authenticate your application's access the Pachube service.
Don't share this with anyone: it's just like any other password. www.pachube.com
Add a new Device for Logging to www.pachube.com
Example: KS300-Weather-Data
READINGS: temperature humidity wind rain
1. Generate Input-Feed on www.pachube.com => Yout get your FEED-NR: 1234
2. Add Datastreams to the Feed:
3. Add the KS300 to your PachLog-Device
set <NAME> ADD <My-KS300> 1234:0temperature:1:humidity:2:wind:3:rain
If you want to automate some tasks via fhem, then you'll probably use at or notify. For more complex tasks
you'll use either a shell-script or a perl "oneliner" as the at/notify
argument. This chapter gives some tips in using the perl oneliners.
To test perl oneliners, type them on the telnet prompt (or FHEMWEB text
input) by enclosing it in {}, one line at once. The last line will only
write something in the logfile, the output of the other lines is directly
Perl expressions are separated by ;, in fhem oneliners they have to
escaped with ;;
{ my $a = 1+1;; Log 1, "Hello $a" }
To use fhem commands from the perl expression, use the function fhem(),
which takes a string argument, this string will be evaluated as a fhem
To make date and time handling easier, the variables $sec, $min, $hour,
$mday, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst are available in the perl
oneliners (see also perldoc -f localtime). Exceptions: $month is in the
range of 1 to 12, and $year is corrected by 1900 (as I would expect).
Additionally the variabe $we is 1 if it is weekend (i.e $wday == 0 or
$wday == 6), and 0 otherwise. If the holida2we
global attribute is set, $we is 1 for holidays too.
offset is in seconds, and the format of min/max is "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS".
isday returns 1 if the sun is visible, and 0 else.
gnuplot file syntax
The .gplot files are also used by the FHEMWEB/SVG module
when the plotmode attribute is set to SVG. In this case
only a subset of the .gnuplot attributes are used, and some lines have special
meanings: the difference will be explained in this chapter. See also this fhemwiki entry on
creating logs.
Following is a minimal .gplot definition (valid only for plotmode SVG):
set terminal size <SIZE>
#FileLog 4:::
plot title 'Temperature' with lines
The .gnuplot file consists of 3 parts:
set commands
Following sets are recognized:
terminal, only the size parameter.
This is usually set to <SIZE>, which is replaced by the plotsize attribute of the FHEMWEB or weblink
Usually set to <TL> which is replace by the weblink title attribute, or to <Lx>, which is replaced
by the weblink label attribute.
Left and right labels, printed vertically. Are also subject to label
Specify the range of the left and right axis. Examples:
set yrange [-0.1:1.1]
set y2range [0:]
the label for the left/right axis tics. Examples:
set ytics ("on" 0, "off" 1)
set y2tics
#FileLog entries
Each line from the plot section must have one corresponding #FileLog
line. For the syntax see the column_spec paragraph of the Filelog get description.
Note that for SVG plots the first column of the input file always has to
be in the standard fhem timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS)
plot entries
There is always one plot command with comma separated argument-blocks.
Each argument-block represents one line, and has its own parameters.
Following parameters are recognized:
axes x1y1 / x1y2
tells the program to assign the current line to one of the two axes
(left or right).
Caption of the line. Whan clicking on this title, a small javascript
program will change the title to the min/max and last values of the plot,
will enable copying this line or pasting an already copied one (the
existing scale of the plot wont'be changed, only the pasted line will
be scaled), and other lines of the plot will temporarily be hidden.
with <linetype>
Specify the line type. Following types are recognized: points,
steps, fsteps, histeps and lines. Everything unknown will be mapped to
the type lines.
ls <linestyle>
The linestyle defaults to l0 for the first line, l1 for the second, and
so on. It is defined in the svg_style.css file. There are two sets
defined here: l0-l8 and l0fill-l6fill. The second set must be specified
explicitly. If the name of the linestyle contains the word fill, then
plots of the lineytype "lines" will have an additional starting and
ending segment, so that filling is done correctly.
See the SVG spec for details of this CSS file.
Note: if you plan to use this attribute, you have to specify it for all
the lines (attribute-blocks) in the plot command.
lw <linewidth>
Sets the stroke-width style of the line. This attribute is deprecated,
the corresponding feature of the CSS file / (attribute ls) should be
used instead.