- Rudi, Thu Feb 1 13:27:15 MET 2007 Created the file HISTORY and the file README.DEV - Pest, Thu Feb 1 20:45 MET 2007 Added description for attribute "model" in commandref.html - Rudi, Sun Feb 11 18:56:05 MET 2007 - showtime added for pgm2 (useful for FS20 piri display) - defattr command added, it makes easier to assign room, type, etc for a group of devices. - em1010.pl added to the contrib directory. It seems that we are able to read out the EM1010PC. Not verified with multiple devices. - Pest, Thu Feb 11 23:35 MET 2007 - Added doc/linux.html (multiple USDB devices, udev links) - Linked fhem.html and commandref.html to linux.html