// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // JeeNode for Use with BMP085 and LuxPlug // reads out a BMP085 sensor connected via I2C // see http://news.jeelabs.org/2010/06/20/battery-savings-for-the-pressure-plug/ // see http://news.jeelabs.org/2010/06/30/going-for-gold-with-the-bmp085/ // // Baesd on RoomNode form JeeLabs roomNode.pde // // 2010-10-19 <jcw@equi4.com> http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // $Id: FHEM_JSN_BMP85.pde,v 1.1 2011-07-19 09:31:20 rudolfkoenig Exp $ // // see http://jeelabs.org/2010/10/20/new-roomnode-code/ // and http://jeelabs.org/2010/10/21/reporting-motion/ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes #include <Ports.h> #include <PortsSHT11.h> #include <RF12.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <util/atomic.h> #include "PortsBMP085.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // JeeNode RF12-Config static byte myNodeID = 5; // node ID used for this unit static byte myNetGroup = 212; // netGroup used for this unit // Port BMP085 #define BMP_PORT 1 // Payload aka Data to Send struct { // RF12LowBat byte rf12lowbat_type; byte rf12lowbat_data; // Temperature byte temp_type; int16_t temp_data; // Pressure byte pres_type; int32_t pres_data; } payload; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BMP085 PortI2C one (BMP_PORT); BMP085 psensor (one, 3); // ultra high resolution MilliTimer timer; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Config & Vars #define SERIAL 1 // set to 1 to also report readings on the serial port #define DEBUG 0 // set to 1 to display each loop() #define MEASURE_PERIOD 3000 // how often to measure, in tenths of seconds #define RETRY_PERIOD 10 // how soon to retry if ACK didn't come in #define RETRY_LIMIT 5 // maximum number of times to retry #define ACK_TIME 10 // number of milliseconds to wait for an ack #define REPORT_EVERY 1 // report every N measurement cycles #define SMOOTH 3 // smoothing factor used for running averages // set the sync mode to 2 if the fuses are still the Arduino default // mode 3 (full powerdown) can only be used with 258 CK startup fuses #define RADIO_SYNC_MODE 2 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The scheduler makes it easy to perform various tasks at various times: enum { MEASURE, REPORT, TASK_END }; static word schedbuf[TASK_END]; Scheduler scheduler (schedbuf, TASK_END); static byte reportCount; // count up until next report, i.e. packet send // has to be defined because we're using the watchdog for low-power waiting ISR(WDT_vect) { Sleepy::watchdogEvent(); } // utility code to perform simple smoothing as a running average static int smoothedAverage(int prev, int next, byte firstTime =0) { if (firstTime) return next; return ((SMOOTH - 1) * prev + next + SMOOTH / 2) / SMOOTH; } // wait a few milliseconds for proper ACK to me, return true if indeed received static byte waitForAck() { MilliTimer ackTimer; while (!ackTimer.poll(ACK_TIME)) { if (rf12_recvDone() && rf12_crc == 0 && rf12_hdr == (RF12_HDR_DST | RF12_HDR_ACK | myNodeID)) return 1; set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_IDLE); sleep_mode(); } return 0; } // readout all the sensors and other values static void doMeasure() { // RF12lowBat payload.rf12lowbat_type = 253; payload.rf12lowbat_data = rf12_lowbat(); // sensor readout takes some time, so go into power down while waiting // payload.temp_data = psensor.measure(BMP085::TEMP); // payload.pres_data = psensor.measure(BMP085::PRES); psensor.startMeas(BMP085::TEMP); Sleepy::loseSomeTime(16); // must wait at least 16 ms int32_t traw = psensor.getResult(BMP085::TEMP); psensor.startMeas(BMP085::PRES); Sleepy::loseSomeTime(32); int32_t praw = psensor.getResult(BMP085::PRES); payload.temp_type = 11; payload.pres_type = 15; psensor.calculate(payload.temp_data, payload.pres_data); } // periodic report, i.e. send out a packet and optionally report on serial port static void doReport() { rf12_sleep(-1); while (!rf12_canSend()) rf12_recvDone(); rf12_sendStart(0, &payload, sizeof payload, RADIO_SYNC_MODE); rf12_sleep(0); #if SERIAL Serial.print("ROOM PAYLOAD: "); Serial.print("RF12LowBat: "); Serial.print((int) payload.rf12lowbat_data); Serial.print(" T: "); Serial.print(payload.temp_data); Serial.print(" P: "); Serial.print(payload.pres_data); Serial.println(); delay(2); // make sure tx buf is empty before going back to sleep #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setup () { rf12_initialize(myNodeID, RF12_868MHZ, myNetGroup); #if SERIAL || DEBUG Serial.begin(57600); Serial.print("\n[FHEM-JeeNode.3]"); // myNodeID = rf12_config(); #else #endif rf12_sleep(0); // power down // Start BMP085 psensor.getCalibData(); reportCount = REPORT_EVERY; // report right away for easy debugging scheduler.timer(MEASURE, 0); // start the measurement loop going } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void loop () { #if DEBUG Serial.print('.'); delay(2); #endif switch (scheduler.pollWaiting()) { case MEASURE: // reschedule these measurements periodically scheduler.timer(MEASURE, MEASURE_PERIOD); doMeasure(); // every so often, a report needs to be sent out if (++reportCount >= REPORT_EVERY) { reportCount = 0; scheduler.timer(REPORT, 0); } break; case REPORT: doReport(); break; } }