# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
#use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
sub SVG_render($$$$$$$);
sub time_to_sec($);
sub fmtTime($$);
my ($SVG_lt, $SVG_ltstr);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = shift; # e.g. wl_8
my $from = shift; # e.g. 2008-01-01
my $to = shift; # e.g. 2009-01-01
my $confp = shift; # lines from the .gplot file, w/o FileLog and plot
my $dp = shift; # pointer to data (one string)
my $plot = shift; # Plot lines from the .gplot file
my $FW_wname = shift; # FHEMWEB instance name
my $SVG_ss = AttrVal($FW_wname, "smallscreen", 0);
return "" if(!defined($dp));
my $th = 16; # "Font" height
my ($x, $y) = (($SVG_ss ? 2 : 3)*$th, 1.2*$th); # Rect offset
my %conf; # gnuplot file settings
# Convert the configuration to a "readable" form -> array to hash
map { chomp; my @a=split(" ",$_, 3);
if($a[0] && $a[0] eq "set") { $conf{$a[1]} = $a[2]; } } @{$confp};
my $ps = "800,400";
$ps = $1 if($conf{terminal} =~ m/.*size[ ]*([^ ]*)/);
$conf{title} =~ s/'//g;
my ($ow,$oh) = split(",", $ps); # Original width
my ($w, $h) = ($ow-2*$x, $oh-2*$y); # Rect size
# Html Header
FW_pO '';
FW_pO '';
FW_pO '";
if(!$tmul) { # recompute the x data if no range sepcified
$fromsec = time_to_sec($dxp->[0]) if(!$fromsec);
$tosec = time_to_sec($dxp->[int(@{$dxp})-1]) if(!$tosec);
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec);
for my $i (0..@hdx-1) {
$dxp = $hdx[$i];
for my $i (0..@{$dxp}-1) {
$dxp->[$i] = int((time_to_sec($dxp->[$i])-$fromsec)*$tmul);
# Compute & draw vertical tics, grid and labels
my $ddur = ($tosec-$fromsec)/86400;
my ($first_tag, $tag, $step, $tstep, $aligntext, $aligntics);
if($ddur <= 0.5) {
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 3600; $tstep = 900;
} elsif($ddur <= 1.1) { # +0.1 -> DST
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 4*3600; $tstep = 3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 7.1) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 24*3600; $tstep = 6*3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 31.1) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 7*24*3600; $tstep = 24*3600;
$aligntext = 1;
} else {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 1"; $step = 28*24*3600; $tstep = 28*24*3600;
$aligntext = 2; $aligntics = 2;
# First the tics
$off2 = $y+4;
my ($off3, $off4) = ($y+$h-4, $y+$h);
my $initoffset = $tstep;
$initoffset = int(($tstep/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntics);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $tstep) {
$i = time_align($i,$aligntics);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
FW_pO "";
FW_pO "";
# then the text and the grid
$off1 = $x;
$off2 = $y+$h+$th;
$t = fmtTime($first_tag, $fromsec);
FW_pO "$t";
$initoffset = $step;
$initoffset = int(($step/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntext);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $step) {
$i = time_align($i,$aligntext);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
$t = fmtTime($tag, $i);
FW_pO "$t";
FW_pO " ";
# Left and right axis tics / text / grid
$hmin{x1y1}=$hmin{x1y2}, $hmax{x1y1}=$hmax{x1y2} if(!defined($hmin{x1y1}));
$hmin{x1y2}=$hmin{x1y1}, $hmax{x1y2}=$hmax{x1y1} if(!defined($hmin{x1y2}));
for my $axis ("x1y1", "x1y2") {
# Round values, compute a nice step
next if(!defined($hmax{$axis}));
# yrange handling
my $yr = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? "yrange" : "y2range");
if($conf{$yr} && $conf{$yr} =~ /\[(.*):(.*)\]/) {
$hmin{$axis} = $1 if($1 ne "");
$hmax{$axis} = $2 if($2 ne "");
my $dh = $hmax{$axis} - $hmin{$axis};
my ($step, $mi, $ma) = (1, 1, 1);
my @limit = (1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000,
for my $li (0..int(@limit)-1) {
my $l = $limit[$li];
next if($dh > $l);
$ma = doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
if(($ma-$mi)/($l/10) >= 7) { # If more then 7 steps, then choose next
$l = $limit[$li+1];
$ma = doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
$step = $l/10;
$hmax{$axis} = $ma;
$hmin{$axis} = $mi;
# Draw the horizontal values and grid
my $hmul = $h/($ma-$mi);
$off1 = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? $x-$th*0.3 : $x+$w+$th*0.3);
$off3 = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? $x : $x+$w-5);
$off4 = $off3+5;
$yr = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? "ytics" : "y2tics");
my $tic = $conf{$yr};
if($tic && $tic !~ m/mirror/) { # Tics specified in the configfile
$tic =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; # Strip ()
foreach my $onetic (split(",", $tic)) {
$onetic =~ s/^ *(.*) *$/$1/;
my ($tlabel, $tvalue) = split(" ", $onetic);
$tlabel =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$off2 = int($y+($ma-$tvalue)*$hmul);
FW_pO "";
$off2 += $th/4;
my $align = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? " text-anchor=\"end\"" : "");
FW_pO "
} else { # Auto-tic
for(my $i = $mi; $i <= $ma; $i += $step) {
$off2 = int($y+($ma-$i)*$hmul);
FW_pO " ";
if($axis eq "x1y2") {
my $o6 = $x+$w;
FW_pO " "
if($i > $mi && $i < $ma);
$off2 += $th/4;
my $align = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? " text-anchor=\"end\"" : "");
my $txt = sprintf("%g", $i);
FW_pO "$txt";
# Second loop over the data: draw the measured points
for my $idx (0..int(@hdx)-1) {
my $a = $axes[$idx];
next if(!defined($a));
$min = $hmin{$a};
$hmax{$a} += 1 if($min == $hmax{$a}); # Else division by 0 in the next line
my $hmul = $h/($hmax{$a}-$min);
my $ret = "";
my ($dxp, $dyp) = ($hdx[$idx], $hdy[$idx]);
next if(!defined($dxp));
my $yh = $y+$h;
my $tl = $ltitle[$idx] ? $ltitle[$idx] : "";
#my $dec = int(log($hmul*3)/log(10)); # Some perl implementations do not have log()
my $dec = length(sprintf("%d",$hmul*3))-1;
$dec = 0 if($dec < 0);
my $js_helpers = "id=\"line_$idx\" decimals=\"$dec\" ".
"x_off=\"$fromsec\" x_min=\"$x\" x_mul=\"$tmul\" ".
"y_h=\"$yh\" y_min=\"$min\" y_mul=\"$hmul\" title=\"$tl\" ".
my ($lx, $ly) = (-1,-1);
if($type[$idx] eq "points" ) {
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = (int($x+$dxp->[$i]),
next if($x1 == $lx && $y1 == $ly);
$ly = $x1; $ly = $y1;
$ret = sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1-3,$y1, $x1,$y1-3, $x1+3,$y1, $x1,$y1+3, $x1-3,$y1);
FW_pO "";
} elsif($type[$idx] eq "steps" || $type[$idx] eq "fsteps" ) {
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
next if(int($x2) == $lx && int($y1) == $ly);
$lx = int($x2); $ly = int($y2);
if($type[$idx] eq "steps") {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x2,$y1, $x2,$y2);
} else {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x1,$y2, $x2,$y2);
FW_pO "";
} elsif($type[$idx] eq "histeps" ) {
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
next if(int($x2) == $lx && int($y1) == $ly);
$lx = int($x2); $ly = int($y2);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y2, $x2,$y2);
FW_pO "";
} else { # lines and everything else
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = (int($x+$dxp->[$i]),
next if($x1 == $lx && $y1 == $ly);
$lx = $x1; $ly = $y1;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x1, $y1);
FW_pO "";
FW_pO "";
my ($str) = @_;
if(!$str) {
return 0;
my ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mi,$s) = split("[-_:]", $str);
$s = 0 if(!$s);
$mi= 0 if(!$mi);
$h = 0 if(!$h);
$d = 1 if(!$d);
$m = 1 if(!$m);
if(!$SVG_ltstr || $SVG_ltstr ne "$y-$m-$d-$h") { # 2.5x faster
$SVG_lt = mktime(0,0,$h,$d,$m-1,$y-1900,0,0,-1);
$SVG_ltstr = "$y-$m-$d-$h";
return $s+$mi*60+$SVG_lt;
my ($sepfmt, $sec) = @_;
my @tarr = split("[ :]+", localtime($sec));
my ($sep, $fmt) = split(" ", $sepfmt, 2);
my $ret = "";
for my $f (split(" ", $fmt)) {
$ret .= $sep if($ret);
$ret .= $tarr[$f];
return $ret;
my ($v,$align) = @_;
return $v if(!$align);
if($align == 1) { # Look for the beginning of the week
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[6] == 0);
$v += 86400;
if($align == 2) { # Look for the beginning of the month
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[3] == 1);
$v += 86400;
my ($v, $step, $isup) = @_;
if($v >= 0) {
return (int($v/$step))*$step+($isup ? $step : 0);
} else {
return (int($v/$step))*$step+($isup ? 0 : -$step);