if ( !(typeof FW_version === 'undefined') ) FW_version["automowerconnect.js"] = "$Id: automowerconnect.js 28823a 2024-04-26 13:14:53Z Ellert $"; { window.onload = ( ()=>{ let room = document.querySelector("#content"); room = room.getAttribute("room"); if ( room ) { let invis = document.querySelectorAll( "div[name='fhem_amc_mower_schedule_buttons'], div.fhem_amc_hull_buttons " ).forEach( (item, index, invis) => { // do not display schedule and hull buttons item.style.display = "none"; }); } let invis = document.querySelectorAll( "div.amc_panel_div" ).forEach( (item, index, invis) => { // do not display panel let ivipan = item.getAttribute("data-amc_panel_inroom"); item.style.display = ( room && !ivipan ? "none" : "" ); }); }); } function AutomowerConnectShowError( ctx, div, dev, picx, picy, errdesc, erray ) { // ERROR BANNER ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-errorBackgroundColor' ); ctx.font = div.getAttribute( 'data-errorFont' ); var m = ctx.measureText( errdesc[ 1 ] + ', ' + dev + ': ' + errdesc[ 2 ] + ' - ' + errdesc[ 0 ] ).width > picx - 6; if ( m ) { ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, picx, 35); } else { ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, picx, 20); } ctx.fillStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-errorFontColor' ); ctx.textAlign = "left"; if ( m ) { ctx.fillText( errdesc[ 1 ] + ', ' + dev + ':', 3, 15 ); ctx.fillText( errdesc[ 2 ] + ' - ' + errdesc[ 0 ], 3, 30 ); } else { ctx.fillText( errdesc[ 1 ] + ', ' + dev + ': ' + errdesc[ 2 ] + ' - ' + errdesc[ 0 ], 3, 15 ); } ctx.stroke(); //~ log('AutomowerConnectShowError: erray '+ erray[2]+', '+erray[3]+', '+erray[0]+', '+erray[1] ); if ( erray[ 0 ] && erray[ 1 ] && erray.length > 3) { AutomowerConnectIcon( ctx, erray[ 0 ], erray[ 1 ], AutomowerConnectTor ( erray[2], erray[3], erray[0], erray[1] ), 'E' ); } } function AutomowerConnectHull( ctx, div, pos, type ) { // log("array length: "+pos.length); if ( pos.length > 3 ) { // draw limits ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineWidth' ); ctx.strokeStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'Color' ); ctx.setLineDash( [] ); for (var i=0;i < pos.length; i++ ) { ctx.lineTo( pos[i][0], pos[i][1]); } ctx.stroke(); // hull connector if ( div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'Connector' ) ) { for ( var i = 0; i < pos.length; i++ ) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setLineDash( [] ); ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'Color' ); ctx.fillStyle= 'white'; ctx.moveTo( pos[i][0], pos[i][1]); ctx.arc( pos[i][0], pos[i][1], 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } } } } function AutomowerConnectLimits( ctx, div, pos, type ) { // log("array length: "+pos.length); if ( pos.length > 3 ) { // draw limits ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'limitsLineWidth' ); ctx.strokeStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'limitsColor' ); ctx.setLineDash( [] ); //~ if ( type == 'property' ) { //~ ctx.lineWidth=1; //~ ctx.strokeStyle = '#33cc33'; //~ ctx.setLineDash( [] ); //~ } ctx.moveTo(parseInt(pos[0]),parseInt(pos[1])); for (var i=2;i < pos.length - 1; i+=2 ) { ctx.lineTo(parseInt(pos[i]),parseInt(pos[i+1])); } ctx.lineTo(parseInt(pos[0]),parseInt(pos[1])); ctx.stroke(); // limits connector if ( div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'limitsConnector' ) ) { for ( var i =0 ; i < pos.length - 1; i += 2 ) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setLineDash( [] ); ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'limitsColor' ); ctx.fillStyle= 'white'; ctx.moveTo(parseInt(pos[i]),parseInt(pos[i+1])); ctx.arc(parseInt(pos[i]), parseInt(pos[i+1]), 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } } } } function AutomowerConnectScale( ctx, picx, picy, scalx ) { // draw scale ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth=2; ctx.setLineDash([]); const l = 10; const scam = picx / scalx; ctx.moveTo(picx-l*scam-30, picy-30); ctx.lineTo(picx-l*scam-30,picy-20); ctx.lineTo(picx-30,picy-20); ctx.moveTo(picx-30, picy-30); ctx.lineTo(picx-30,picy-20); ctx.moveTo(picx-(l/2)*scam-30, picy-26); ctx.lineTo(picx-(l/2)*scam-30, picy-20); ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff8000'; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = 1; for (var i=1;i 0 && parseInt(csy) > 0) { // draw icon ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setLineDash([]); ctx.lineWidth=3; ctx.strokeStyle = '#ffffff'; ctx.fillStyle= '#3d3d3d'; if (csrel == 'right') ctx.arc(parseInt(csx)+13, parseInt(csy), 13, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (csrel == 'bottom') ctx.arc(parseInt(csx), parseInt(csy)+13, 13, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (csrel == 'left') ctx.arc(parseInt(csx)-13, parseInt(csy), 13, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (csrel == 'top') ctx.arc(parseInt(csx), parseInt(csy)-13, 13, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (csrel == 'center') ctx.arc(parseInt(csx), parseInt(csy), 13, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); if(type == 'CS') ctx.font = "16px Arial"; if(type == 'M' ) ctx.font = "20px Arial"; if(type == 'E' ) ctx.font = "20px Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = "#f15422"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; if (csrel == 'right') ctx.fillText(type, parseInt(csx)+13, parseInt(csy)+6); if (csrel == 'bottom') ctx.fillText(type, parseInt(csx), parseInt(csy)+6+13); if (csrel == 'left') ctx.fillText(type, parseInt(csx)-13, parseInt(csy)+6); if (csrel == 'top') ctx.fillText(type, parseInt(csx), parseInt(csy)+6-13); if (csrel == 'center') ctx.fillText(type, parseInt(csx), parseInt(csy)+6); // draw mark ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setLineDash([]); ctx.lineWidth=1; ctx.strokeStyle = '#f15422'; ctx.fillStyle= '#3d3d3d'; ctx.arc( parseInt(csx), parseInt(csy), 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } } function AutomowerConnectDrawPathColorRev ( ctx, div, pos, colorat ) { // draw path var type = colorat[ pos[ 2 ] ]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineColor' ); ctx.lineWidth=div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineWidth' ); ctx.setLineDash( div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineDash' ).split(",") ); ctx.moveTo( parseInt( pos[ 0 ] ), parseInt( pos[ 1 ] ) ); var i = 0; for ( i = 3; i-1; i-=3 ){ ctx.lineTo( parseInt( pos[ i ] ),parseInt( pos[ i + 1 ] ) ); if ( colorat[ pos[ i + 2 ] ] != type ){ ctx.stroke(); type = colorat[ pos[ i + 2 ] ]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo( parseInt( pos[ i ] ), parseInt( pos[ i + 1 ] ) ); ctx.strokeStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineColor' ); ctx.lineWidth=div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineWidth' ); ctx.setLineDash( div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineDash' ).split( "," ) ); } } ctx.stroke(); } function AutomowerConnectDrawDotColor ( ctx, div, pos, colorat ) { // draw dots var type = colorat[ pos[ pos.length-1 ] ]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineColor' ); var fillWidth = 4 var fillWidth = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'DotWidth' ) //~ ctx.lineWidth=div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineWidth' ); //~ ctx.setLineDash( div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineDash' ).split(",") ); //~ ctx.moveTo( parseInt( pos[ pos.length-3 ] ), parseInt( pos[ pos.length-2 ] ) ); var i = 0; for ( i = pos.length; i>-1; i-=3 ){ ctx.fillRect( parseInt( pos[ i ] ),parseInt( pos[ i + 1 ] ), fillWidth, fillWidth ); if ( colorat[ pos[ i + 2 ] ] != type ){ ctx.stroke(); type = colorat[ pos[ i + 2 ] ]; //~ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillRect( parseInt( pos[ i ] ), parseInt( pos[ i + 1 ] ), fillWidth, fillWidth ); ctx.fillStyle = div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineColor' ); fillWidth=div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'DotWidth' ); //~ ctx.setLineDash( div.getAttribute( 'data-'+ type + 'LineDash' ).split( "," ) ); } } ctx.stroke(); } function AutomowerConnectTor ( x0, y0, x1, y1 ) { var dy = y0-y1; var dx = x0-x1; var dyx = dx ? Math.abs( dy / dx ) : 999; var ret = ''; // position of icon relative to path end point if ( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) >= 1 ) ret = 'top'; if ( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) < 1 ) ret = 'left'; if ( dx < 0 && dy >= 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) >= 1 ) ret = 'top'; if ( dx < 0 && dy >= 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) < 1 ) ret = 'right'; if ( dx >= 0 && dy < 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) >= 1 ) ret = 'bottom'; if ( dx >= 0 && dy < 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) < 1 ) ret = 'left'; if ( dx < 0 && dy < 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) >= 1 ) ret = 'bottom'; if ( dx < 0 && dy < 0 && Math.abs( dyx ) < 1 ) ret = 'right'; //~ log ('AUTOMOWERCONNECTTOR:'); //~ log ('dx: ' + dx); //~ log ('dy: ' + dy); //~ log ('dyx: ' + dyx); //~ log ('ret: ' + ret); return ret; } function AutomowerConnectUpdateJson ( path ) { $.getJSON( path, function( data, textStatus ) { console.log( 'AutomowerConnectUpdateJson ( \''+path+'\' ): status '+textStatus ); if ( textStatus == 'success') AutomowerConnectUpdateDetail ( data.name, data.type, data.detailfnfirst, data.picx, data.picy, data.scalx, data.scaly, data.errdesc, data.posxy, data.poserrxy, data.hullxy ); }); } function AutomowerConnectUpdateJsonFtui ( path ) { $.getJSON( path, function( data, textStatus ) { console.log( 'AutomowerConnectUpdateJsonFtui ( \''+path+'\' ): status '+textStatus ); if ( textStatus == 'success') { AutomowerConnectUpdateDetail ( data.name, data.type, 1, data.picx, data.picy, data.scalx, data.scaly, data.errdesc, data.posxy, data.poserrxy, data.hullxy ); let invis = document.querySelectorAll( "div[name='fhem_amc_mower_schedule_buttons'], div.amc_panel_div, div.fhem_amc_hull_buttons" ).forEach((item, index, invis) => { // do not display buttons item.style.display = "none"; }); } }); } function AutomowerConnectGetHull ( path ) { $.getJSON( path, function( data, textStatus ) { console.log( 'AutomowerConnectGetHull ( \''+path+'\' ): status '+textStatus ); if ( textStatus == 'success') { // data.name, data.type, data.picx, data.picy, data.scalx, data.scaly, data.errdesc, data.posxy, data.poserrxy ); const div = document.getElementById(data.type+'_'+data.name+'_div'); const pos =data.posxy; if ( div && div.getAttribute( 'data-hullCalculate' ) && typeof hull === "function" ){ const wypts = []; for ( let i = 0; i < pos.length; i+=3 ){ if ( pos[i+2] == "M") wypts.push( [ pos[i], pos[i+1] ] ); } if ( wypts.length > 50 ) { const wyres = div.getAttribute( 'data-hullResolution' ); const hullpts = hull( wypts, wyres ); FW_cmd( FW_root+"?cmd=attr "+data.name+" mowingAreaHull "+JSON.stringify( hullpts )+"&XHR=1",function(data){setTimeout(()=>{window.location.reload()},500)} ); } } } }); } function AutomowerConnectSubtractHull ( path ) { $.getJSON( path, function( data, textStatus ) { console.log( 'AutomowerConnectGetHull ( \''+path+'\' ): status '+textStatus ); if ( textStatus == 'success') { // data.name, data.type, data.picx, data.picy, data.scalx, data.scaly, data.errdesc, data.posxy, data.poserrxy ); const div = document.getElementById(data.type+'_'+data.name+'_div'); const pos =data.posxy; if ( div && div.getAttribute( 'data-hullSubtract' ) && typeof hull === "function" ){ const wypts = []; const hsub = div.getAttribute( 'data-hullSubtract' ); const wyres = div.getAttribute( 'data-hullResolution' ); var hullpts = []; for ( let i = 0; i < pos.length; i+=3 ){ if ( pos[i+2] == "M") wypts.push( [ pos[i], pos[i+1] ] ); } for ( let i = 0; i < hsub; i++ ){ if ( wypts.length > 50 ) { hullpts = hull( wypts, wyres ); for ( let k = 0; k < hullpts.length; k++ ){ for ( let m = 0; m < wypts.length; m++ ){ if ( hullpts[k][0] == wypts[m][0] && hullpts[k][1] == wypts[m][1] ) { wypts.splice( m, 1 ); break; //~ m--; //~ k++; } } } } hullpts = hull( wypts, wyres ); } FW_cmd( FW_root+"?cmd=attr "+data.name+" mowingAreaHull "+JSON.stringify( hullpts )+"&XHR=1",function(data){setTimeout(()=>{window.location.reload()},500)} ); } } }); } function AutomowerConnectPanelCmd ( panelcmd ) { if ( typeof FW_cmd === "function" ) FW_cmd( FW_root+"?cmd="+panelcmd+"&XHR=1" ); } function AutomowerConnectHandleInput ( dev ) { let cal = JSON.parse( document.querySelector( '#amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div' ).getAttribute( 'data-amc_schedule' ) ); let cali = document.querySelector('#amc_'+dev+'_index').value || cal.length; if ( cali > cal.length ) cali = cal.length; if ( cali > 13 ) cali = 13; for (let i=cal.length;i<=cali;i++) { cal.push( { "start":0, "duration":1439, "monday":false, "tuesday":false, "wednesday":false, "thursday":false, "friday":false, "saturday":false, "sunday":false } ) } //~ console.log('cali: '+cali+' cal.length: '+cal.length); let elements = ["start", "duration"]; elements.forEach((item, index) => { let val = document.getElementById('amc_'+dev+'_'+item).value; let hour = parseInt(val.slice(0,2)) * 60; let min = parseInt(val.slice(-2)); if ( isNaN( hour ) && item == "start" ) hour = 0; if ( isNaN( min ) && item == "start" ) min = 0; if ( isNaN( hour ) && item == "duration" ) hour = 23; if ( isNaN( min ) && item == "duration" ) min = 59; cal[cali][item] = hour + min; }); elements = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]; elements.forEach((item, index) => { cal[cali][item] = (document.getElementById('amc_'+dev+'_'+item).checked ? true : false); }); let daysum = cal[cali].start + cal[cali].duration; if ( ! ( cal[cali].monday || cal[cali].tuesday || cal[cali].wednesday || cal[cali].thursday || cal[cali].friday || cal[cali].saturday || cal[cali].sunday ) ) { cal.splice( cali, 1 ); } else { if ( daysum > 1439 ) { cal[cali].start = 1439 - cal[cali].duration; } elements = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]; elements.forEach((item, index) => { let cnt = 0; for (let i=0;i 2 ) cal[cali][item] = false; }); let cnt = 0; elements.forEach((item, index) => { if ( cal[cali][item] ) cnt++; }); if ( cnt == 0 ) cal.splice( cali, 1 ); cal.forEach((item, index) => { if ( JSON.stringify( cal[cali] ) == JSON.stringify( item ) && cali != index ) { cal.splice( cali, 1 ); } }); } if ( cali > cal.length -1 ) cali = cal.length -1; if ( !cal[cali] ) { cal = [ { "start":0, "duration":1440, "monday":true, "tuesday":true, "wednesday":true, "thursday":true, "friday":true, "saturday":true, "sunday":true } ]; cali = 0; } //~ console.log('index: '+cali+' start: '+cal[cali].start+' duration: '+cal[cali].duration+' monday: '+cal[cali].monday+' tuesday: '+cal[cali].tuesday+' wednesday: '+cal[cali].wednesday+' thursday: '+cal[cali].thursday+' friday: '+cal[cali].friday+' saturday: '+cal[cali].saturday+' sunday: '+cal[cali].sunday); let shdl =''; shdl = "
"; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; for (let i=0; i< cal.length; i++){ shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; } shdl += ""; let nrows = cal.length*11+2; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += "
 "+i+" "+("0"+parseInt(cal[i].start/60)).slice(-2)+":"+("0"+cal[i].start%60).slice(-2)+" "+("0"+parseInt(cal[i].duration/60)).slice(-2)+":"+("0"+cal[i].duration%60).slice(-2)+" "+(cal[i].monday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].tuesday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].wednesday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].thursday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].friday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].saturday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].sunday?"☑":"☐")+"
"; shdl += "
"; const newdiv = new DOMParser().parseFromString( shdl, "text/html" ).querySelector( '#amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div' ); const olddiv = document.querySelector( '#amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div' ); olddiv.parentNode.replaceChild( newdiv, olddiv ); } function AutomowerConnectSchedule ( dev ) { let el = document.getElementById('amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div'); if ( el ) el.remove(); FW_cmd( FW_root+"?cmd={ FHEM::Devices::AMConnect::Common::getDefaultScheduleAsJSON( \""+dev+"\" ) }&XHR=1",( cal ) => { cal = JSON.parse( cal ); if (cal.length == 0) cal = [ { "start":0, "duration":1440, "monday":true, "tuesday":true, "wednesday":true, "thursday":true, "friday":true, "saturday":true, "sunday":true } ]; let cali = 0; let shdl = "
"; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; for (let i=0; i< cal.length; i++){ shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; } shdl += ""; let nrows = cal.length*11+2; shdl += ""; shdl += ""; shdl += "
 "+i+" "+("0"+parseInt(cal[i].start/60)).slice(-2)+":"+("0"+cal[i].start%60).slice(-2)+" "+("0"+parseInt(cal[i].duration/60)).slice(-2)+":"+("0"+cal[i].duration%60).slice(-2)+" "+(cal[i].monday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].tuesday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].wednesday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].thursday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].friday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].saturday?"☑":"☐")+" "+(cal[i].sunday?"☑":"☐")+"
"; shdl += "
"; let schedule = new DOMParser().parseFromString( shdl, "text/html" ).querySelector( '#amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div' ); document.querySelector('body').append( schedule ); document.querySelector( "#amc_"+dev+"_schedule_button_plus" ).setAttribute( "onclick", "AutomowerConnectHandleInput( '"+dev+"' )" ); $(schedule).dialog({ dialogClass:"no-close", modal:true, width:"auto", closeOnEscape:true, maxWidth:$(window).width()*0.9, maxHeight:$(window).height()*0.9, buttons: [{text:"Send To Attribute", click:function(){ schedule = document.querySelector( '#amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div' ); cal = JSON.parse( schedule.getAttribute( 'data-amc_schedule' ) ); FW_cmd( FW_root+"?cmd=set "+dev+" sendJsonScheduleToAttribute "+JSON.stringify( cal )+"+&XHR=1" ); }},{text:"Send To Mower", click:function(){ schedule = document.querySelector( '#amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div' ); cal = JSON.parse( schedule.getAttribute( 'data-amc_schedule' ) ); FW_cmd( FW_root+"?cmd=set "+dev+" sendJsonScheduleToMower "+JSON.stringify( cal )+"&XHR=1" ); }},{text:"Close", click:function(){ $(this).dialog("close"); document.querySelector( '#amc_'+dev+'_schedule_div' ).remove(); }}] }); }); } //AutomowerConnectUpdateDetail (, , , , , , , , , , ) function AutomowerConnectUpdateDetail (dev, type, detailfnfirst, picx, picy, scalx, scaly, errdesc, pos, erray, hullxy) { const colorat = { "U" : "otherActivityPath", "N" : "errorPath", "S" : "otherActivityPath", "P" : "chargingStationPath", "C" : "chargingStationPath", "M" : "mowingPath", "K" : "mowingPath", "KE" : "mowingPath", "KS" : "mowingPath", "L" : "leavingPath", "G" : "goingHomePath" }; const div = document.getElementById(type+'_'+dev+'_div'); const canvas_0 = document.getElementById(type+'_'+dev+'_canvas_0'); const canvas = document.getElementById(type+'_'+dev+'_canvas_1'); if ( div && canvas && canvas_0 ) { // log('loop: div && canvas && canvas_0 true '+ type+' '+dev + ' detailfnfirst '+detailfnfirst); if ( detailfnfirst ) { const ctx0 = canvas_0.getContext( '2d' ); ctx0.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); const ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); // draw area limits const lixy = div.getAttribute( 'data-areaLimitsPath' ).split(","); if ( lixy.length > 0 ) AutomowerConnectLimits( ctx0, div, lixy, 'area' ); // log('pos.length '+pos.length+' lixy.length '+lixy.length+', scalx '+scalx ); // draw property limits const plixy = div.getAttribute( 'data-propertyLimitsPath' ).split( "," ); if ( plixy.length > 0 ) AutomowerConnectLimits( ctx0, div, plixy, 'property' ); // draw hull if ( div.getAttribute( 'data-hullCalculate' ) && typeof hull === "function" && hullxy.length == 0 ) { const pts = []; for ( let i = 0; i < pos.length; i+=3 ){ if ( pos[i+2] == "M") pts.push( [ pos[i], pos[i+1] ] ); } if ( pts.length > 50 ) { const res = div.getAttribute( 'data-hullResolution' ); const hullpts = hull( pts, res ); AutomowerConnectHull( ctx0, div, hullpts, 'hull' ); } } else if ( hullxy.length > 0 ) { AutomowerConnectHull( ctx0, div, hullxy, 'hull' ); } // draw scale AutomowerConnectScale( ctx0, picx, picy, scalx ); // draw charging station var csx = div.getAttribute( 'data-cslon' ); var csy = div.getAttribute( 'data-cslat' ); var csrel = div.getAttribute( 'data-csimgpos' ); AutomowerConnectIcon( ctx0, csx , csy, csrel, 'CS' ); } const ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); if ( pos.length > 3 ) { // draw mowing path color if ( div.getAttribute( 'data-mowingPathUseDots' ) ) { AutomowerConnectDrawDotColor ( ctx, div, pos, colorat ); } else { AutomowerConnectDrawPathColor ( ctx, div, pos, colorat ); } // draw collision tag if ( div.getAttribute( 'data-mowingPathShowCollisions' ) ) AutomowerConnectTag( ctx, pos, colorat ); // draw start if ( div.getAttribute( 'data-mowingPathDisplayStart' ) ) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setLineDash([]); ctx.lineWidth=3; ctx.strokeStyle = 'white'; ctx.fillStyle= 'black'; ctx.arc( parseInt( pos[ pos.length-3 ] ), parseInt( pos[ pos.length-2 ] ), 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false ); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } // draw mower icon AutomowerConnectIcon( ctx, pos[0], pos[1], AutomowerConnectTor ( pos[3], pos[4], pos[0], pos[1] ), 'M' ); } // draw error icon and path if ( errdesc[0] != '-' ) AutomowerConnectShowError( ctx, div, dev, picx, picy, errdesc, erray ); } else { setTimeout ( ()=>{ console.log('AutomowerConnectUpdateDetail loop: div && canvas && canvas_0 false '+ type+' '+dev ); AutomowerConnectUpdateDetail (dev, type, detailfnfirst, picx, picy, scalx, errdesc, pos, erray); }, 100); } }