';# if (!$htmlNoTable);
if ($btn[$btnnr] ne "") {
my $cmd;
my $img;
if ($btn[$btnnr] =~ /(.*?):(.*)/) { # button has format | ";# if (!$htmlNoTable);
$rc_html .= "\n";
$rc_html .= "
define <rc-name> remotecontrol
define rc1 remotecontrol | # defines a "blank" remotecontrol |
get rc1 layout | # displays all available predefined layouts |
set rc1 layout samsung | # assigns keys for a SamsungTV |
set rc1 makenotify myTV | # creates notify_rc1 which forwards every buttonclick to myTV for execution |
Note: keys can be changed at any time, it is not necessary to redefine the weblink | |
attr rc1 row15 VOLUP,VOLDOWN |
set <rc-name> layout [delete|<layoutname>]
layout delete
deletes all rowXX-attributeslayout <layoutname>
assigns a predefined layout to rowXX-attributesset <rc-name> makeweblink [<name>]
set <rc-name> makenotify <executingDevice>
get <rc-name> [htmlcode|layout]
displays htmlcode for the remotecontrol on fhem-pagelayout
shows which predefined layouts ae availablefhem/<rc_iconpath>/<rc_iconprefix><command|image>
attr <rc-name> rowXX <command>[:<image>][,<command>[:<image>]][,...]
is the command that will trigger the event after a buttonclick. Case sensitive.<image>
is the filename of the image<command>
where an icon with the name attr rc1 rc_iconprefix black_btn_ # used for ALL icons on remotecontrol rc1
attr rc1 row00 VOLUP
, a buttonclick creates the event VOLUP
where an icon with the name <rc_iconprefix><image>
is displayedrow00=LOUDER:VOLUP
, a buttonclick creates the event LOUDER
attr rc1 row00 1,2,3,TV,HDMI
attr rc2 row00 play:PLAY,pause:PAUSE,louder:VOLUP,quieter:VOLDOWN
define <rc-name> remotecontrol
define rc1 remotecontrol | # erzeugt eine "leere" remotecontrol |
get rc1 layout | # zeigt alle vorhandenen vordefinierten layouts an |
set rc1 layout samsung | # laedt das layout für SamsungTV |
set rc1 makenotify myTV | # erzeugt notify_rc1, das jeden Tastendruck an myTV weitergibt |
Hinweis:die Tastenbelegung kann jederzeit geaendert werden, ohne dass der weblink erneut erzeugt werden muss. | |
attr rc1 row15 VOLUP,VOLDOWN |
set <rc-name> layout [delete|<layoutname>]
layout delete
loescht alle rowXX-Attributelayout <layoutname>
laedt das vordefinierte layout in die rowXX-Attributeset <rc-name> makeweblink [<name>]
set rc1 makenotify mySamsungTV
das jeden Tastendruck an mySamsungTV zur Ausfuehrung weitergibtattr <rc-name> rowXX <command>[:<image>]
angezeigt wirdattr rc1 rc_iconprefix black_btn_ # gilt für alle Tasten/icons
attr rc1 row00 VOLUP
, ein Tastendruck erzeugt den event VOLUP
attr rc1 row00 LOUDER:VOLUP
attr rc1 row00 1,2,3,TV,HDMI
attr rc2 row00 play:PLAY,pause:PAUSE,louder:VOLUP,quieter:VOLDOWN