############################################################# # # EQ3BT.pm (c) by Dominik Karall, 2016-2017 # dominik karall at gmail dot com # $Id$ # # FHEM module to communicate with EQ-3 Bluetooth thermostats # # Version: 2.0.3 # ############################################################# # # v2.0.3 - 20171218 # - FEATURE: support maxRetries and timeout attribute # maxRetries...number of tries before error is counted # timeout...timeout for the command # # v2.0.2 - 20171118 # - FEATURE: support remote bluetooth interfaces via SSH (thx@Cooltux!) # # v2.0.1 - 20170204 # - BUGFIX: fix lastChangeBy # - BUGFIX: fix retry of updateStatus, updateSystemInformation # if it BlockingCall timeouts # # v2.0.0 - 20170129 # - FEATURE: use all available bluetooth interfaces to communicate # with the bluetooth thermostat # - FEATURE: new reading bluetoothDevice (shows used hci device) # - CHANGE: change maximum retries to 20 # - FEATURE: new set function resetErrorCounters # - FEATURE: new set function resetConsumption (not today/yesterday) # - FEATURE: new reading lastChangeBy FHEM or thermostat # indicates who was responsible for the last change # - FEATURE: support $readingFnAttributes # - FEATURE: add VERSION internal and log output # - CHANGE: updateStatus is now 3min intervall starting from # last working updateStatus # - BUGFIX: do not run parallel gatttool commands for the same device # # v1.1.3 - 20161211 # - BUGFIX: better error handling if no notification was received # - BUGFIX: update system information fixed # - CHANGE: allow multiple gatttools to be executed in parallel # - CHANGE: remove error reading # - CHANGE: add errorCounters based on function (update/...) # which will be increased if reading from the thermostat # fails 30 times for one command # - BUGFIX: retry mechanism for commands with notifications (updateStatus) # - BUGFIX: remain consumption values after restart # # v1.1.2 - 20161108 # - FEATURE: support set eco (eco temperature) # - FEATURE: support set comfort (comfort temperature) # - CHANGE: updated commandref # # v1.1.1 - 20161106 # - FEATURE: new reading consumption today/yesterday # - FEATURE: new reading firmware which shows the current version # - FEATURE: support set mode automatic/manual # # v1.1.0 - 20161105 # - CHANGE: code cleanup to make support of new functions easier # - FEATURE: support boost on/off command # - BUGFIX: redirect stderr to stdout to avoid "Device or ressource busy" # and other error messages in the log output, only # if an action fails 20 times an error will be shown in the log # # v1.0.7 - 20161101 # - FEATURE: new reading consumption # calculation based on valvePosition and time (unit = %h) # - FEATURE: new reading battery # - FEATURE: new reading boost # - FEATURE: new reading windowOpen # - CHANGE: change mode reading to Automatic/Manual only # - FEATURE: new reading ecoMode (=holiday) # # v1.0.6 - 20161028 # - BUGFIX: support temperature down to 4.5 (=OFF) degrees # # v1.0.5 - 20161027 # - BUGFIX: fix wrong date/time after updateStatus again # # v1.0.4 - 20161025 # - BUGFIX: remove unnecessary scan command on define # # v1.0.3 - 20161024 # - BUGFIX: another fix for retry mechanism # - BUGFIX: wait before gatttool execution when # another gatttool/hcitool process is running # - BUGFIX: fix wrong date/time after updateStatus # # v1.0.2 - 20161020 # - FEATURE: automatically pair/trust device on define # - FEATURE: add updateStatus method to update all values # - BUGFIX: fix retry mechanism for setDesiredTemperature # - BUGFIX: fix valvePosition value # - BUGFIX: fix uninitialized value error # - BUGFIX: RemoveTimer if set desired temp works again # - BUGFIX: set error reading to "" after it works again # - BUGFIX: disconnect device on define (startup) # # v1.0.1 - 20161016 # - FEATURE: read mode/desiredTemp/valvePos every 2 hours # might have impact on battery life! # - CHANGED: temperature renamed to desiredTemperature # - FEATURE: retry setTemperature 20 times if it fails # # v1.0.0 - 20161015 # - FEATURE: first public release # # NOTES # command dec # DONE: boost mode command 69 00/01 # temperature offset 19 (x*2)+7 # request profile 32 01-07 # vacation mode 64 ... # system info 00 => frameType=1,version=value[1],typeCode=value[2] # window 20 t*2 time*5 # factory reset -16 # DONE: comfort temp 67 # lock -128 00/01 # DONE: mode 64 mode<<6 # DONE: temp 65 temp*2 # timer 3... # start FW update -96 # DONE: eco mode 68 # FW data -95 ... # profile set 16 ... # set tempconf 17 comfort*2 eco*2 # # TODOs # - create virtual device (wohnzimmer) # - read/set eco/comfort temperature # - read/set tempOffset # - read/set windowOpen time settings # - read/set profiles per day # ############################################################# package main; use strict; use warnings; use Blocking; use Encode; use SetExtensions; sub EQ3BT_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = 'EQ3BT_Define'; $hash->{UndefFn} = 'EQ3BT_Undef'; $hash->{GetFn} = 'EQ3BT_Get'; $hash->{SetFn} = 'EQ3BT_Set'; $hash->{AttrFn} = 'EQ3BT_Attribute'; $hash->{AttrList} = 'sshHost maxRetries timeout '. $readingFnAttributes; return undef; } sub EQ3BT_Define($$) { #save BTMAC address my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def); my $name = $a[0]; my $mac; my $sshHost; $hash->{STATE} = "initialized"; $hash->{VERSION} = "2.0.3"; Log3 $hash, 3, "EQ3BT: EQ-3 Bluetooth Thermostat ".$hash->{VERSION}; if (int(@a) > 4) { return 'EQ3BT: Wrong syntax, must be define EQ3BT ""'; } elsif(int(@a) == 3) { $mac = $a[2]; $hash->{MAC} = $a[2]; } elsif(int(@a) == 4) { $mac = $a[2]; $hash->{MAC} = $a[2]; $attr{$name}{sshHost} = $a[3]; } EQ3BT_updateHciDevicelist($hash); BlockingCall("EQ3BT_pairDevice", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+60, "EQ3BT_updateStatus", $hash, 0); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+20, "EQ3BT_updateSystemInformation", $hash, 0); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_updateHciDevicelist { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; #check for hciX devices $hash->{helper}{hcidevices} = (); my @btDevices; my $sshHost = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none"); if( $sshHost ne 'none' ) { @btDevices = split("\n", qx(ssh $sshHost 'hcitool dev')); } else { @btDevices = split("\n", qx(hcitool dev)); } foreach my $btDevLine (@btDevices) { if($btDevLine =~ /hci(.)/) { push(@{$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}}, $1); } } $hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} = 0; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "bluetoothDevice", "hci".$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}[$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}], 1); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_pairDevice { my ($string) = @_; my ($name, $mac) = split("\\|", $string); my $sshHost = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none"); if( $sshHost ne 'none' ) { qx(ssh $sshHost 'echo "pair $mac\\n";sleep 7;echo "trust $mac\\ndisconnect $mac\\n";sleep 2; echo "quit\\n" | bluetoothctl'); } else { qx(echo "pair $mac\\n";sleep 7;echo "trust $mac\\ndisconnect $mac\\n";sleep 2; echo "quit\\n" | bluetoothctl); } return $name; } sub EQ3BT_Attribute($$$$) { my ($mode, $devName, $attrName, $attrValue) = @_; if($mode eq "set") { } elsif($mode eq "del") { } return undef; } sub EQ3BT_Set($@) { #set temperature/mode/... #BlockingCall for gatttool #handle result from BlockingCall in separate function and # write result into readings # my ($hash, $name, @params) = @_; my $workType = shift(@params); my $list = "desiredTemperature:slider,4.5,0.5,29.5,1 updateStatus:noArg boost:on,off mode:manual,automatic eco:noArg comfort:noArg ". "resetErrorCounters:noArg resetConsumption:noArg"; # check parameters for set function if($workType eq "?") { return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $workType, @params); } if($workType eq "desiredTemperature") { return "EQ3BT: desiredTemperature requires in celsius degrees as additional parameter" if(int(@params) < 1); return "EQ3BT: desiredTemperature supports temperatures from 4.5 - 29.5 degrees" if($params[0]<4.5 || $params[0]>29.5); EQ3BT_setDesiredTemperature($hash, $params[0]); } elsif($workType eq "updateStatus") { $hash->{helper}{retryUpdateStatusCounter} = 0; EQ3BT_updateStatus($hash, 1); } elsif($workType eq "boost") { return "EQ3BT: boost requires on/off as additional parameter" if(int(@params) < 1); EQ3BT_setBoost($hash, $params[0]); } elsif($workType eq "mode") { return "EQ3BT: mode requires automatic/manual as additional parameter" if(int(@params) < 1); EQ3BT_setMode($hash, $params[0]); } elsif($workType eq "eco") { EQ3BT_setEco($hash); } elsif($workType eq "comfort") { EQ3BT_setComfort($hash); } elsif($workType eq "resetErrorCounters") { EQ3BT_setResetErrorCounters($hash); } elsif($workType eq "resetConsumption") { EQ3BT_setResetConsumption($hash); } elsif($workType eq "childlock") { return "EQ3BT: childlock requires on/off as additional parameter" if(int(@params) < 1); EQ3BT_setChildlock($hash, $params[0]); } elsif($workType eq "holidaymode") { return "EQ3BT: holidaymode requires YYMMDDHHMM as additional parameter" if(int(@params) < 1); EQ3BT_setHolidaymode($hash, $params[0]); } elsif($workType eq "datetime") { return "EQ3BT: datetime requires YYMMDDHHMM as additional parameter" if(int(@params) < 1); EQ3BT_setDatetime($hash, $params[0]); } elsif($workType eq "window") { return "EQ3BT: windows requires open/closed as additional parameter" if(int(@params) < 1); EQ3BT_setWindow($hash, $params[0]); } elsif($workType eq "program") { return "EQ3BT: programming the device is not supported yet"; } else { return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $workType, @params); } return undef; } ### resetErrorCounters ### sub EQ3BT_setResetErrorCounters { my ($hash) = @_; foreach my $reading (keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} }) { if($reading =~ /errorCount-.*/) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, 0, 1); } } return undef; } ### resetConsumption ### sub EQ3BT_setResetConsumption { my ($hash) = @_; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "consumption", 0, 1); return undef; } ### updateSystemInformation ### sub EQ3BT_updateSystemInformation { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|updateSystemInformation|0x0411|00|listen", "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "EQ3BT_updateSystemInformationFailed", $hash); } sub EQ3BT_updateSystemInformationSuccessful { my ($hash, $handle, $value) = @_; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+7200+int(rand(180)), "EQ3BT_updateSystemInformation", $hash, 0); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_updateSystemInformationRetry { my ($hash) = @_; EQ3BT_updateSystemInformation($hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_updateSystemInformationFailed { my ($hash) = @_; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+7000+int(rand(180)), "EQ3BT_updateSystemInformation", $hash, 0); return undef; } ### updateStatus ### sub EQ3BT_updateStatus { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|updateStatus|0x0411|03|listen", "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 300, "EQ3BT_updateStatusFailed", $hash); } sub EQ3BT_updateStatusSuccessful { my ($hash, $handle, $value) = @_; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+140+int(rand(60)), "EQ3BT_updateStatus", $hash, 0); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_updateStatusRetry { my ($hash) = @_; EQ3BT_updateStatus($hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_updateStatusFailed { my ($hash, $handle, $value) = @_; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+170+int(rand(60)), "EQ3BT_updateStatus", $hash, 0); return undef; } ### setDesiredTemperature ### sub EQ3BT_setDesiredTemperature($$) { my ($hash, $desiredTemp) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $eq3Temp = sprintf("%02X", $desiredTemp * 2); $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setDesiredTemperature|0x0411|41".$eq3Temp, "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 60, "EQ3BT_killGatttool", $hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setDesiredTemperatureSuccessful { my ($hash, $handle, $tempVal) = @_; my $temp = (hex($tempVal) - 0x4100) / 2; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "desiredTemperature", sprintf("%.1f", $temp), 1); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setDesiredTemperatureRetry { my ($hash) = @_; EQ3BT_retryGatttool($hash, "setDesiredTemperature"); return undef; } ### setBoost ### sub EQ3BT_setBoost { my ($hash, $onoff) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $data = "01"; $data = "00" if($onoff eq "off"); $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setBoost|0x0411|45".$data, "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 60, "EQ3BT_killGatttool", $hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setBoostSuccessful { my ($hash, $handle, $value) = @_; my $val = (hex($value) - 0x4500); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "boost", $val, 1); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setBoostRetry { my ($hash) = @_; EQ3BT_retryGatttool($hash, "setBoost"); return undef; } ### setMode ### sub EQ3BT_setMode { my ($hash, $mode) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $data = "40"; $data = "00" if($mode eq "automatic"); $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setMode|0x0411|40".$data."|listen", "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 60, "EQ3BT_killGatttool", $hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setModeSuccessful { my ($hash, $handle, $value) = @_; return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setModeRetry { my ($hash) = @_; EQ3BT_retryGatttool($hash, "setMode"); return undef; } ### setEco ### sub EQ3BT_setEco { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setEco|0x0411|44|listen", "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 60, "EQ3BT_killGatttool", $hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setEcoSuccessful { my ($hash, $handle, $value) = @_; return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setEcoRetry { my ($hash) = @_; EQ3BT_retryGatttool($hash, "setEco"); return undef; } ### setComfort ### sub EQ3BT_setComfort { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $name."|".$hash->{MAC}."|setComfort|0x0411|43|listen", "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 60, "EQ3BT_killGatttool", $hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setComfortSuccessful { my ($hash, $handle, $value) = @_; return undef; } sub EQ3BT_setComfortRetry { my ($hash) = @_; EQ3BT_retryGatttool($hash, "setEco"); return undef; } ### Gatttool functions ### sub EQ3BT_retryGatttool { my ($hash, $workType) = @_; $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("EQ3BT_execGatttool", $hash->{NAME}."|".$hash->{MAC}."|$workType|".$hash->{helper}{"handle$workType"}."|".$hash->{helper}{"value$workType"}."|".$hash->{helper}{"listen$workType"}, "EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult", 60, "EQ3BT_killGatttool", $hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_execGatttool($) { my ($string) = @_; my ($name, $mac, $workType, $handle, $value, $listen) = split("\\|", $string); my $wait = 1; my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; my $gatttool = qx(which gatttool); chomp $gatttool; if(-x $gatttool) { my $gtResult; my $cmd; my $sshHost = AttrVal($name,"sshHost","none"); while($wait) { my $grepGatttool = qx(ps ax| grep -E \'gatttool -b $mac\' | grep -v grep); if(not $grepGatttool =~ /^\s*$/) { #another gattool is running Log3 $name, 5, "EQ3BT ($name): another gatttool process is running. waiting..."; sleep(1); } else { $wait = 0; } } if($value eq "03") { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); my $currentDate = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", $year+1900-2000, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min); $value .= $currentDate; } my $hciDevice = "hci".$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}[$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}]; #my $cmd = "gatttool -b $mac -i $hciDevice --char-write-req --handle=$handle --value=$value"; if( $sshHost ne 'none' ) { $cmd = "ssh $sshHost 'gatttool -b $mac -i $hciDevice --char-write-req --handle=$handle --value=$value"; } else { $cmd = "gatttool -b $mac -i $hciDevice --char-write-req --handle=$handle --value=$value"; } if(defined($listen) && $listen eq "listen") { $cmd = "timeout ".AttrVal($name, "timeout", 15)." ".$cmd." --listen"; } #redirect stderr to stdout if( $sshHost ne 'none' ) { $cmd .= " 2>&1'"; } else { $cmd .= " 2>&1"; } Log3 $name, 5, "EQ3BT ($name): $cmd"; $gtResult = qx($cmd); chomp $gtResult; my @gtResultArr = split("\n", $gtResult); Log3 $name, 4, "EQ3BT ($name): gatttool result: ".join(",", @gtResultArr); if(defined($gtResultArr[0]) && $gtResultArr[0] eq "Characteristic value was written successfully") { #read notification if(defined($gtResultArr[1]) && $gtResultArr[1] =~ /Notification handle = 0x0421 value: (.*)/) { return "$name|$mac|ok|$workType|$handle|$value|$1"; } else { if(defined($listen) && $listen eq "listen") { return "$name|$mac|error|$workType|$handle|$value|notification missing"; } else { return "$name|$mac|ok|$workType|$handle|$value"; } } } else { return "$name|$mac|error|$workType|$handle|$value|$workType failed"; } } else { return "$name|$mac|error|$workType|$handle|$value|no gatttool binary found. Please check if bluez-package is properly installed"; } } sub EQ3BT_processGatttoolResult($) { my ($string) = @_; return unless(defined($string)); my @a = split("\\|", $string); my $name = $a[0]; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $mac = $a[1]; my $ret = $a[2]; my $workType = $a[3]; my $handle = $a[4]; my $value = $a[5]; my $notification = $a[6]; delete($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}); Log3 $hash, 5, "EQ3BT ($name): gatttool return string: $string"; $hash->{helper}{"handle$workType"} = $handle; $hash->{helper}{"value$workType"} = $value; $hash->{helper}{"listen$workType"} = $notification; if($ret eq "ok") { #process notification if(defined($notification)) { EQ3BT_processNotification($hash, $notification); } if($workType =~ /set.*/) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastChangeBy", "FHEM", 1); } #call WorkTypeSuccessful function my $call = "EQ3BT_".$workType."Successful"; no strict "refs"; eval { &{$call}($hash, $handle, $value); }; use strict "refs"; RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "EQ3BT_".$workType."Retry"); $hash->{helper}{"retryCounter$workType"} = 0; } else { $hash->{helper}{"retryCounter$workType"} = 0 if(!defined($hash->{helper}{"retryCounter$workType"})); $hash->{helper}{"retryCounter$workType"}++; Log3 $hash, 4, "EQ3BT ($name): $workType failed ($handle, $value, $notification)"; if ($hash->{helper}{"retryCounter$workType"} > AttrVal($name, "maxRetries", 20)) { my $errorCount = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "errorCount-$workType", 0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "errorCount-$workType", $errorCount+1, 1); Log3 $hash, 3, "EQ3BT ($name): $workType, $handle, $value failed 20 times."; $hash->{helper}{"retryCounter$workType"} = 0; $hash->{helper}{"retryCounterHci".$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}} = 0; #call WorkTypeFailed function my $call = "EQ3BT_".$workType."Failed"; no strict "refs"; eval { &{$call}($hash, $handle, $value); }; use strict "refs"; #update hci devicelist EQ3BT_updateHciDevicelist($hash); } else { $hash->{helper}{"retryCounterHci".$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}} = 0 if(!defined($hash->{helper}{"retryCounterHci".$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}})); $hash->{helper}{"retryCounterHci".$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}}++; if ($hash->{helper}{"retryCounterHci".$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}} > 7) { #reset error counter $hash->{helper}{"retryCounterHci".$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}} = 0; #use next hci device next time $hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} += 1; my $maxHciDevices = @{ $hash->{helper}{hcidevices} } - 1; if($hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} > $maxHciDevices) { $hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice} = 0; } #update reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "bluetoothDevice", "hci".$hash->{helper}{hcidevices}[$hash->{helper}{currenthcidevice}], 1); } InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+3+int(rand(5)), "EQ3BT_".$workType."Retry", $hash, 0); } } return undef; } sub EQ3BT_processNotification { my ($hash, $notification) = @_; my @vals = split(" ", $notification); my $frameType = $vals[0]; if($frameType eq "01") { my $version = hex($vals[1]); my $typeCode = hex($vals[2]); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "firmware", $version, 1); #readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "typeCode", $typeCode, 1); } elsif($frameType eq "02") { return undef if(!defined($vals[2])); #vals[2] my $mode = hex($vals[2]) & 1; my $modeStr = "Manual"; if($mode == 0) { $modeStr = "Automatic"; } my $eco = (hex($vals[2]) & 2) >> 1; my $isBoost = (hex($vals[2]) & 4) >> 2; my $dst = (hex($vals[2]) & 8) >> 3; my $wndOpen = (hex($vals[2]) & 16) >> 4; my $unknown = (hex($vals[2]) & 32) >> 5; $unknown = (hex($vals[2]) & 64) >> 6; my $isLowBattery = (hex($vals[2]) & 128) >> 7; my $batteryStr = "ok"; if($isLowBattery > 0) { $batteryStr = "low"; } #vals[3] my $pct = hex($vals[3]); #vals[5] my $temp = hex($vals[5]) / 2; my $timeSinceLastChange = ReadingsAge($hash->{NAME}, "valvePosition", 0); my $consumption = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "consumption", 0); my $consumptionToday = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "consumptionToday", 0); my $consumptionTodaySecSinceLastChange = ReadingsAge($hash->{NAME}, "consumptionToday", 0); my $oldVal = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "valvePosition", 0); my $consumptionDiff = 0; if($timeSinceLastChange < 600) { $consumptionDiff += ($oldVal + $pct) / 2 * $timeSinceLastChange / 3600; } EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "consumption", sprintf("%.3f", $consumption+$consumptionDiff)); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); if($consumptionTodaySecSinceLastChange > ($hour*3600+$min*60+$sec)) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "consumptionYesterday", $consumptionToday + $consumptionDiff/2, 1); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "consumptionToday", 0 + $consumptionDiff/2, 1); } else { EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "consumptionToday", sprintf("%.3f", $consumptionToday+$consumptionDiff)); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "valvePosition", $pct, 1); #changes below this line will set lastchangeby EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windowOpen", $wndOpen, 1); EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "ecoMode", $eco, 1); EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "battery", $batteryStr, 1); EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "boost", $isBoost, 1); EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "mode", $modeStr, 1); EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged($hash, "desiredTemperature", sprintf("%.1f", $temp), 1); } return undef; } sub EQ3BT_readingsSingleUpdateIfChanged { my ($hash, $reading, $value, $setLastChange) = @_; my $curVal = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, $reading, ""); if($curVal ne $value) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1); if(defined($setLastChange)) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastChangeBy", "Thermostat", 1); } } } sub EQ3BT_killGatttool($) { } sub EQ3BT_setDaymode($) { my ($hash) = @_; } sub EQ3BT_setNightmode($) { my ($hash) = @_; } sub EQ3BT_setChildlock($$) { my ($hash, $desiredState) = @_; } sub EQ3BT_setHolidaymode($$) { my ($hash, $holidayEndTime) = @_; } sub EQ3BT_setDatetime($$) { my ($hash, $currentDatetime) = @_; } sub EQ3BT_setWindow($$) { my ($hash, $desiredState) = @_; } sub EQ3BT_setProgram($$) { my ($hash, $program) = @_; } sub EQ3BT_Undef($) { my ($hash) = @_; #remove internal timer RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } sub EQ3BT_Get($$) { return undef; } 1; =pod =item device =item summary Control EQ3 Bluetooth Smart Radiator Thermostat =item summary_DE Steuerung des EQ3 Bluetooth Thermostats =begin html


    EQ3BT is used to control a EQ3 Bluetooth Smart Radiator Thermostat

    Note: The bluez package is required to run this module. Please check if gatttool executable is available on your system.

      define <name> EQ3BT <mac address>

        define livingroom.thermostat EQ3BT 00:33:44:33:22:11

      set <name> <command> [<parameter>]
      The following commands are defined:

      • desiredTemperature [4.5...29.5]   -   set the temperature
      • boost on/off   -   activate boost command
      • mode manual/automatic   -   set manual/automatic mode
      • updateStatus   -   read current thermostat state and update readings
      • eco   -   set eco temperature
      • comfort   -   set comfort temperature


    • sshHost - FQD-Name or IP of ssh remote system / you must configure your ssh system for certificate authentication. For better handling you can config ssh Client with .ssh/config file

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