############################################## # # 93_DbLog.pm # written by Dr. Boris Neubert 2007-12-30 # e-mail: omega at online dot de # ############################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; sub DbLog($$$); ################################################################ sub DbLog_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "DbLog_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "DbLog_Undef"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "DbLog_Log"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "DbLog_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1"; } ##################################### sub DbLog_Define($@) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "wrong syntax: define <name> DbLog configuration regexp" if(int(@a) != 4); my $regexp = $a[3]; eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$regexp$/ }; return "Bad regexp: $@" if($@); $hash->{REGEXP} = $regexp; $hash->{configuration}= $a[2]; return "Can't connect to database." if(!DbLog_Connect($hash)); $hash->{STATE} = "active"; return undef; } ##################################### sub DbLog_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $name) = @_; my $dbh= $hash->{DBH}; $dbh->disconnect() if(defined($dbh)); return undef; } ################################################################ sub DbLog_Attr(@) { my @a = @_; my $do = 0; if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "disable") { $do = (!defined($a[3]) || $a[3]) ? 1 : 2; } $do = 2 if($a[0] eq "del" && (!$a[2] || $a[2] eq "disable")); return if(!$do); $defs{$a[1]}{STATE} = ($do == 1 ? "disabled" : "active"); return undef; } ################################################################ sub DbLog_ParseEvent($$) { my ($type, $event)= @_; my @result; # split the event into reading and argument # "day-temp: 22.0 (Celsius)" -> "day-temp", "22.0 (Celsius)" my @parts= split(/: /,$event); my $reading= $parts[0]; if(!defined($reading)) { $reading= ""; } my $arg= $parts[1]; # the interpretation of the argument depends on the device type #default my $value= $arg; if(!defined($value)) { $value= ""; } my $unit= ""; # EMEM, M232Counter, M232Voltage return plain numbers if(($type eq "M232Voltage") || ($type eq "M232Counter") || ($type eq "EMEM")) { } # FS20 elsif($type eq "FS20") { @parts= split(/ /,$value); my $reading= $parts[0]; if(!defined($reading)) { $reading= ""; } if($#parts>=1) { $value= join(" ", shift @parts); if($reading =~ m(^dim*%$)) { $value= substr($reading,3,length($reading)-4); $reading= "dim"; $unit= "%"; } else { $value= ""; } } } # FHT elsif($type eq "FHT") { if($reading =~ m(-from[12]\ ) || $reading =~ m(-to[12]\ )) { @parts= split(/ /,$event); $reading= $parts[0]; $value= $parts[1]; $unit= ""; } if($reading =~ m(-temp)) { $value=~ s/ \(Celsius\)//; $unit= "°C"; } if($reading =~ m(temp-offset)) { $value=~ s/ \(Celsius\)//; $unit= "°C"; } if($reading =~ m(^actuator[0-9]*)) { if($value eq "lime-protection") { $reading= "actuator-lime-protection"; undef $value; } elsif($value =~ m(^offset:)) { $reading= "actuator-offset"; @parts= split(/: /,$value); $value= $parts[1]; if(defined $value) { $value=~ s/%//; $value= $value*1.; $unit= "%"; } } elsif($value =~ m(^unknown_)) { @parts= split(/: /,$value); $reading= "actuator-" . $parts[0]; $value= $parts[1]; if(defined $value) { $value=~ s/%//; $value= $value*1.; $unit= "%"; } } elsif($value eq "synctime") { $reading= "actuator-synctime"; undef $value; } elsif($value eq "test") { $reading= "actuator-test"; undef $value; } elsif($value eq "pair") { $reading= "actuator-pair"; undef $value; } else { $value=~ s/%//; $value= $value*1.; $unit= "%"; } } } # KS300 elsif($type eq "KS300") { if($event =~ m(T:.*)) { $reading= "data"; $value= $event; } if($event =~ m(avg_day)) { $reading= "data"; $value= $event; } if($event =~ m(avg_month)) { $reading= "data"; $value= $event; } if($reading eq "temperature") { $value=~ s/ \(Celsius\)//; $unit= "°C"; } if($reading eq "wind") { $value=~ s/ \(km\/h\)//; $unit= "km/h"; } if($reading eq "rain") { $value=~ s/ \(l\/m2\)//; $unit= "l/m2"; } if($reading eq "rain_raw") { $value=~ s/ \(counter\)//; $unit= ""; } if($reading eq "humidity") { $value=~ s/ \(\%\)//; $unit= "%"; } if($reading eq "israining") { $value=~ s/ \(yes\/no\)//; $value=~ s/no/0/; $value=~ s/yes/1/; } } # HMS elsif($type eq "HMS") { if($event =~ m(T:.*)) { $reading= "data"; $value= $event; } if($reading eq "temperature") { $value=~ s/ \(Celsius\)//; $unit= "°C"; } if($reading eq "humidity") { $value=~ s/ \(\%\)//; $unit= "%"; } if($reading eq "battery") { $value=~ s/ok/1/; $value=~ s/replaced/1/; $value=~ s/empty/0/; } } @result= ($reading,$value,$unit); return @result; } ################################################################ sub DbLog_Log($$) { # Log is my entry, Dev is the entry of the changed device my ($log, $dev) = @_; # name and type required for parsing my $n= $dev->{NAME}; my $t= $dev->{TYPE}; # timestamp in SQL format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss #my ($sec,$min,$hr,$day,$mon,$yr,$wday,$yday,$isdst)= localtime(time); #my $ts= sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $yr+1900,$mon+1,$day,$hr,$min,$sec); my $re = $log->{REGEXP}; my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}}); for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i]; $s = "" if(!defined($s)); if($n =~ m/^$re$/ || "$n:$s" =~ m/^$re$/) { my $ts = TimeNow(); $ts = $dev->{CHANGETIME}[$i] if(defined($dev->{CHANGETIME}[$i])); # $ts is in SQL format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss my @r= DbLog_ParseEvent($t, $s); my $reading= $r[0]; my $value= $r[1]; my $unit= $r[2]; if(!defined $reading) { $reading= ""; } if(!defined $value) { $value= ""; } if(!defined $unit) { $unit= ""; } my $is= "(TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES " . "('$ts', '$n', '$t', '$s', '$reading', '$value', '$unit')"; DbLog_ExecSQL($log, "INSERT INTO history" . $is); DbLog_ExecSQL($log, "DELETE FROM current WHERE (DEVICE='$n') AND (READING='$reading')"); DbLog_ExecSQL($log, "INSERT INTO current" . $is); } } return ""; } ################################################################ sub DbLog_Connect($) { my ($hash)= @_; my $configfilename= $hash->{configuration}; if(!open(CONFIG, $configfilename)) { Log 1, "Cannot open database configuration file $configfilename."; return 0; } my @config=<CONFIG>; close(CONFIG); my %dbconfig; eval join("", @config); my $dbconn= $dbconfig{connection}; my $dbuser= $dbconfig{user}; my $dbpassword= $dbconfig{password}; Log 3, "Connecting to database $dbconn with user $dbuser"; my $dbh = DBI->connect_cached("dbi:$dbconn", $dbuser, $dbpassword); if(!$dbh) { Log 1, "Can't connect to $dbconn: $DBI::errstr"; return 0; } Log 3, "Connection to db $dbconn established"; $hash->{DBH}= $dbh; return 1; } ################################################################ sub DbLog_ExecSQL1($$) { my ($dbh,$sql)= @_; my $sth = $dbh->do($sql); if(!$sth) { Log 2, "DBLog error: " . $DBI::errstr; return 0; } return 1; } sub DbLog_ExecSQL($$) { my ($hash,$sql)= @_; Log 5, "Executing $sql"; my $dbh= $hash->{DBH}; if(!DbLog_ExecSQL1($dbh,$sql)) { #retry $dbh->disconnect(); if(!DbLog_Connect($hash)) { Log 2, "DBLog reconnect failed."; return 0; } $dbh= $hash->{DBH}; if(!DbLog_ExecSQL1($dbh,$sql)) { Log 2, "DBLog retry failed."; return 0; } Log 2, "DBLog retry ok."; } return 1; } ################################################################ 1;