use strict;
use warnings;

use UConv;    # used for wunderground conversion

use Blocking; # for sendmail

 my ($hash) = @_;

# Enter your functions below _this_ line.

########           DbRep readings separieren und erstellen   
sub splitReading {
 my ($name,$reading,$value) = @_;
 my $hash = $defs{$name};
 if($reading =~ /^.*SqlResultRow_.*$/ and
    $value   =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\|(.*)\|(.*)/ ) {

     my $TIMESTAMP = "$1-$2-$3 $4:$5:$6";
     my $READING   = "$7";
     my $VALUE     = "$8";


## Kostal Plenticore Autentifizierung PV_Anlage_1

use Encode qw(decode encode);
use PBKDF2::Tiny qw/derive verify/;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256 hmac_sha256);
use Crypt::URandom qw( urandom );
use Crypt::AuthEnc::GCM;

# {KeyValue("read|store","PW_PV_Anlage_1_API_user","<passwort>")}
sub KeyValue {
    my ($step, $index, $value) = @_;
    my $key = getUniqueId().$index;
    my $e_value = "";
    my $error;

    if (eval "use Digest::MD5;1") {
      $key    = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(unpack "H*", $key);
      $key   .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($key);
    if ($step eq "read") {
      ($error, $value) = getKeyValue($index);
      if ( defined($error) ) {
        Log3 $index,3, "$index, can't read key from FhemUtils/uniqueID: $error";
        return undef;
      if ( defined($value) ) {
        my $dec_value = '';
        for my $char (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($value =~ /(..)/g)) {
          my $decode  = chop($key);
          $dec_value .= chr(ord($char)^ord($decode));
          $key        = $decode.$key;
        return $dec_value;
      else {
        Log3 $index,3,"$index, no key found in FhemUtils/uniqueID";
        return undef;

    if ($step eq "store") {    
      for my $char (split //, $value) {
        my $encode = chop($key);
        $e_value  .= sprintf("%.2x",ord($char)^ord($encode));
        $key       = $encode.$key;
      $error = setKeyValue($index, $e_value);
      return "error while saving key : $error" if(defined($error));
      return "Key successfully saved in FhemUtils/uniqueID Key $index";

# {plenticore_auth("WR_1_API","[user|master]","auth_randomString64","auth_nonce","auth_salt","auth_rounds","auth_token","auth_transactionId")}
# {plenticore_auth("start|finish|session","user","WR_1_API","TESMUWZnwkJZbnpF","TE2MUWZnwkJZbnpFQ5ulCfolNNdAD0vT","DbAC0R85jwF0rh+r","29000","1376720346bea40cdf770a8f84b5975cfeb20c5e6ac6d89b7862df3ca9695e43","acafc66c0e1975293d35512a1e4bcceea55840b3109a703514e75b5ebce9b7c5")}
sub plenticore_auth {
   my ($step, $user, $logdevice, $randomString, $nonce, $salt, $rounds, $transactionId, $token) = @_;

   my $verbose     = AttrVal($logdevice,"verbose",0) ;

   my $PASSWD = KeyValue("read","PW_".$logdevice."_".$user);

   if ($verbose >= 3) {
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"====Start plenticore_auth==============================";
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_step         : ".$step;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_user         : ".$user;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_device       : ".$logdevice;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_KeyValue read: PW_".$logdevice."_".$user;

   if($step eq "start")
     my @chars = ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z');
     my $len = 12;
     my $string;

     if ($verbose >= 3) {
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"====End arguments======================================";

     while($len--){ $string .= $chars[rand @chars] };
     $string = encode("UTF-8", $string);
     $string = decode("UTF-8", $string);
     my $u = encode_base64($string);
     $u =~ s/\n$//g;

     my $message = '{"nonce": "'.$u.'","username": "'.$user.'"}';

     if ($verbose >= 3) {
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_nonce        : ".$u;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_return       : ".$message;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"====End output=========================================";
     CommandSetReading(undef, $logdevice." auth_randomString64 ".$u) ;

     return $message;

   ######### This code is identical for finish and session #################
   my $bitSalt = decode_base64($salt);
   my $r = derive( 'SHA-256', $PASSWD, $bitSalt, $rounds );
   my $ck = encode('UTF-8', "Client Key");
   my $s = hmac_sha256($ck, $r);
   my $underscore = sha256($s);
   my $d = "n=".$user.",r=".$randomString.",r=".$nonce.",s=".$salt.",i=".$rounds.",c=biws,r=".$nonce;

   if ($verbose >= 3) {
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_randomString : ".$randomString;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_nonce        : ".$nonce;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_salt         : ".$salt;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_rounds       : ".$rounds;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_transactionId: ".$transactionId;
   if($step eq "finish")
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"====End arguments======================================";

     my $sk = encode('UTF-8', "Server Key");
     my $c = hmac_sha256($sk, $r);
     my $pd = encode('UTF-8', $d);
     my $p = hmac_sha256($pd, $c);
     my $gd = encode('UTF-8', $d);
     my $g = hmac_sha256($gd, $underscore);
     my $f = "";
     my $g1 = "";
     my $s1 = "";
     my $f1 = "";
     my $j = 0;
     for($j=0; $j<length($g); $j++) {
        $g1 = substr($g,$j,1);
        $s1 = substr($s,$j,1);
        $f1 = $s1 ^ $g1 ;
        $f = $f.$f1;
     my $pe = encode_base64($f);
     $pe =~ s/\n$//g;                        # Korrektur: \n am Ende des Strings entfernen, Ursache unbekannt
     my $proof = decode('UTF-8', $pe);

     my $message = '{"transactionId": "'.$transactionId.'", "proof": "'.$proof.'"}';

     if ($verbose >= 3) {
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_proof        : ".$proof;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_return       : ".$message;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"====End output=========================================";
     return $message;

   if($step eq "session")
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_token        : ".$token;
     Log3 $logdevice,3,"====End arguments======================================";

     my $sk = encode('UTF-8', "Session Key");
     my $dd = encode('UTF-8', $d);
     my $protocol_key = hmac_sha256($sk, $dd, $s, $underscore);

## Test only     my $t = "7244ba6f73c8cdc47b232e1311451939";
     my $t = $token;
     $t =~ s/([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
     my $e2 = Crypt::AuthEnc::GCM->new("AES", $protocol_key, $t);

     my $tt = encode('UTF-8', $token);
     if($user eq "master")
       $PASSWD = KeyValue("read","PW_".$logdevice."_".$user."_Service"); ## Das ist der Service Key
       $tt = encode('UTF-8', $token.":".$PASSWD);
       if ($verbose >= 3) {
         Log3 $logdevice,3,"using master      : PW_".$logdevice."_".$user."_Service";

     my $e2ct = $e2->encrypt_add($tt);
     my $authtag = $e2->encrypt_done();

     $tt = encode_base64($t);
     $tt =~ s/\n$//g;                        # Korrektur: \n am Ende des Strings entfernen, Ursache unbekannt
     my $iv = decode('UTF-8', $tt);

     my $aa = encode_base64($authtag);
     $aa =~ s/\n$//g;                        # Korrektur: \n am Ende des Strings entfernen, Ursache unbekannt
     $authtag = decode('UTF-8', $aa);

     my $pp = encode_base64($e2ct);
     $pp =~ s/\n//g;                         # Korrektur: \n am Ende des Strings entfernen, Ursache unbekannt
     my $payload = decode('UTF-8', $pp);

     my $message = '{"transactionId": "'.$transactionId.'", "iv": "'.$iv.'", "tag": "'.$authtag.'", "payload": "'.$payload.'"}';

     if ($verbose >= 3) {
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_iv           : ".$iv;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_authtag      : ".$authtag;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_payload      : ".$payload;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"auth_return       : ".$message;
       Log3 $logdevice,3,"====End output=========================================";
     return $message;

#### Log-abriss vermeiden
addLog($$$) {
  my ($logdb, $logdevice, $reading) = @_; # device and reading to be used
  my $logentry = ReadingsVal($logdevice,$reading,"invalid reading");
  my $timestamp = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;

#  if ($reading =~ m,state,i) {
  if ($reading eq 'state') {
     fhem "set ".$logdb." addCacheLine ".$timestamp."|".$logdevice."|addlog|".$logentry."|".$reading."|".$logentry."|";
  } else {
     fhem "set ".$logdb." addCacheLine ".$timestamp."|".$logdevice."|addlog|".$reading.": ".$logentry."|".$reading."|".$logentry."|";
