############################ # Display the temperature and the humidity values of a KS300. # Corresponding FileLog definition: # define ks300log FileLog /var/log/fhem/ks300-%Y-%U.log ks300:.*H:.* set terminal png transparent size crop set output '.png' set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" set xlabel " " set ytics nomirror set y2tics set title '' set grid set y2label "Temperature in C" set format y "%0.1f" set ylabel "Rain (l/m2)" set yrange [0:] # Computing Rain/h and Rain/d values by accumulating the changes. #FileLog 4:IR:0: #FileLog 10:IR:0:delta-h #FileLog 10:IR:0:delta-d plot "" using 1:4 axes x1y2 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 2,\ " | perl -ane '\ @a = split(\"[_:]\", $F[0]);\ if(defined($lh) && $lh ne $a[1])\ { printf(\"${ld}_$lh:30:00 %f\n\", $hv); $hv = 0; }\ if($lv) { $hv += ($F[9]-$lv); }\ $lh = $a[1]; $ld = $a[0]; $lv = $F[9];\ END { printf(\"${ld}_$lh:30:00 %f\n\", $hv) }'"\ using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Rain/h' with histeps,\ " | perl -ane '\ @a = split(\"[_]\", $F[0]);\ if(defined($ld) && $ld ne $a[0]) {\ printf(\"${ld}_12:00:00 %f\n\", $dv); $dv = 0; }\ if($lv) { $dv += ($F[9]-$lv); }\ $ld = $a[0]; $lv = $F[9];\ END {printf(\"${ld}_12:00:00 %f\n\", $dv)}'"\ using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Rain/day' with histeps