attr global userattr devStateIcon devStateStyle icon lightSceneParamsToSave lightSceneRestoreOnlyIfChanged:1,0 sortby structexclude webCmd widgetOverride attr global autoload_undefined_devices 1 attr global backup_before_update 0 attr global logfile - attr global modpath . attr global motd FHEM demo version attr global room System attr global sendStatistics never attr global statefile ./demolog/ attr global updateInBackground 1 attr global verbose 3 define telnetPort telnet 7072 global attr telnetPort room System define WEB FHEMWEB 8083 global attr WEB JavaScripts codemirror/fhem_codemirror.js attr WEB defaultRoom Light attr WEB hiddenroom DashboardRoom attr WEB iconPath openautomation:fhemSVG attr WEB room System attr WEB sortRooms Light Cinema Residents Sensors System define WEBphone FHEMWEB 8084 global attr WEBphone hiddenroom DashboardRoom attr WEBphone iconPath openautomation:fhemSVG attr WEBphone room System attr WEBphone sortRooms Light Cinema Residents Sensors System attr WEBphone stylesheetPrefix smallscreen define WEBtablet FHEMWEB 8085 global attr WEBtablet hiddenroom DashboardRoom attr WEBtablet iconPath openautomation:fhemSVG attr WEBtablet room System attr WEBtablet sortRooms Light Cinema Residents Sensors System attr WEBtablet stylesheetPrefix ios7 # Fake FileLog entry, to access the fhem log from FHEMWEB define Logfile FileLog ./log/fhem-%Y-%m.log fakelog attr Logfile room System define autocreate autocreate attr autocreate room System define eventTypes eventTypes demolog/eventTypes.txt attr eventTypes room System define initialUsbCheck notify global:INITIALIZED usb create attr initialUsbCheck room System define CUL_0 CUL none 0000 attr CUL_0 dummy 1 attr CUL_0 room System define Outdoor FS20 1234 11 attr Outdoor userattr Light Light_map structexclude attr Outdoor IODev CUL_0 attr Outdoor Light AllLights attr Outdoor group Single Lights attr Outdoor icon light_outdoor attr Outdoor room Light define Office FS20 1234 12 attr Office userattr Light Light_map structexclude attr Office IODev CUL_0 attr Office Light AllLights attr Office group Single Lights attr Office icon light_office attr Office model fs20st attr Office room Light define Livingroom FS20 1234 13 attr Livingroom userattr Light Light_map structexclude attr Livingroom IODev CUL_0 attr Livingroom Light AllLights attr Livingroom eventMap off:dim0% on:dim100% attr Livingroom group Single Lights attr Livingroom icon light_pendant_light attr Livingroom model fs20di attr Livingroom room Light attr Livingroom webCmd dim define AllLights structure Light Alarm Livingroom Office Outdoor CT RGB attr AllLights devStateIcon undefined:light_question attr AllLights group Structure attr AllLights icon light_light attr AllLights room Light define Alarm FS20 1234 14 attr Alarm userattr Light Light_map structexclude attr Alarm IODev CUL_0 attr Alarm Light AllLights attr Alarm follow-on-for-timer 1 attr Alarm group Single Lights attr Alarm icon light_wall_2 attr Alarm room Light attr Alarm webCmd blink 5 1 define Garden KS300 1234 attr Garden IODev CUL_0 attr Garden group Sensors attr Garden room Sensors define Log.Garden FileLog demolog/garden.log Sens.Out:T:.* attr Log.Garden room Sensors define Cellar CUL_WS 1 -1 -3.5 attr Cellar group Sensors attr Cellar room Sensors define SVG_01_Garden SVG Log.Garden:SVG_01_Garden:CURRENT attr SVG_01_Garden label "Temp: Min $data{min1}, Max $data{max1}, Last $data{currval1}" attr SVG_01_Garden room Sensors attr SVG_01_Garden startDate 2013-08-13 define Log.Cellar FileLog demolog/cellar.log Cellar:T:.* attr Log.Cellar room Sensors define SVG_02_Cellar SVG Log.Cellar:SVG_02_Cellar:CURRENT attr SVG_02_Cellar label "Temp: Min $data{min1}, Max $data{max1}, Last $data{currval1}" attr SVG_02_Cellar room Sensors attr SVG_02_Cellar startDate 2013-08-13 define Log.Dewpoint FileLog demolog/dewpoint.log .*dewpoint.* attr Log.Dewpoint room Sensors define dew_all dewpoint dewpoint .* attr dew_all group Helper attr dew_all room Sensors define SVG_03_Dewpoint SVG Log.Dewpoint:SVG_03_Dewpoint:CURRENT attr SVG_03_Dewpoint room Sensors attr SVG_03_Dewpoint startDate 2013-08-13 define sunRise at *{sunrise()} set Office on attr sunRise group Timer attr sunRise icon weather_sunrise attr sunRise room Light define sunSet at *{sunset()} set Office off attr sunSet group Timer attr sunSet icon weather_sunset attr sunSet room Light define outdoorNotifier notify Outdoor:.* set Office $EVENT attr outdoorNotifier group Notify attr outdoorNotifier icon light_ceiling_light attr outdoorNotifier room Light define Projector dummy attr Projector userattr lightSceneParamsToSave lightSceneRestoreOnlyIfChanged:1,0 attr Projector devStateIcon on:control_on_off:off off:control_home:on attr Projector group AV attr Projector room Cinema attr Projector setList on:noArg off:noArg attr Projector webCmd on:off define TV dummy attr TV userattr lightSceneParamsToSave lightSceneRestoreOnlyIfChanged:1,0 attr TV devStateIcon on:control_on_off:off off:control_home:on attr TV group AV attr TV room Cinema attr TV setList on:noArg off:noArg attr TV webCmd on:off define Screen dummy attr Screen userattr lightSceneParamsToSave lightSceneRestoreOnlyIfChanged:1,0 attr Screen devStateIcon down:fts_garage_door_100:up up:fts_garage_door_10:down attr Screen group AV attr Screen room Cinema attr Screen setList up:noArg down:noArg attr Screen webCmd down:up define CeilingLight FS20 0001 01 attr CeilingLight userattr lightSceneParamsToSave lightSceneRestoreOnlyIfChanged:1,0 attr CeilingLight IODev CUL_0 attr CeilingLight eventMap off:dim0% on:dim100% attr CeilingLight group Light attr CeilingLight icon light_ceiling_light attr CeilingLight model dummyDimmer attr CeilingLight room Cinema attr CeilingLight webCmd on:off:dim define ReadingLight FS20 0001 02 attr ReadingLight userattr lightSceneParamsToSave lightSceneRestoreOnlyIfChanged:1,0 attr ReadingLight IODev CUL_0 attr ReadingLight eventMap off:dim0% on:dim100% attr ReadingLight group Light attr ReadingLight icon light_floor_lamp attr ReadingLight room Cinema attr ReadingLight webCmd on:off:dim:dim 50 define wlCinema weblink htmlCode {LightScene_2html("lcCinema")} attr wlCinema room Cinema define lcCinema LightScene Projector Screen TV CeilingLight ReadingLight attr lcCinema alias Scenes attr lcCinema devStateIcon AllOff:control_home Break:rc_PAUSE Cinema:scene_cinema WatchTV:it_television attr lcCinema group Control attr lcCinema icon scene_scene attr lcCinema room Cinema attr lcCinema webCmd scene define anyViews Dashboard attr anyViews dashboard_colcount 2 attr anyViews dashboard_row top-center attr anyViews dashboard_rowcentercolwidth 400 attr anyViews dashboard_rowtopheight 205 attr anyViews dashboard_tab1groups Home State,Light,AV,Single Lights attr anyViews dashboard_tab1name Dashboard Demo attr anyViews dashboard_tab1sorting t0c100,Light,true,518,129:t0c100,Home State,true,496,204:t0c0,Single Lights,true,522,209:t0c0,AV,true,221,170: attr anyViews dashboard_tabcount 1 attr anyViews dashboard_width 80% attr anyViews room hidden define anyViews_weblink weblink htmlCode {DashboardAsHtml("anyViews")} attr anyViews_weblink room DashboardRoom define rgr_Residents RESIDENTS attr rgr_Residents alias Residents attr rgr_Residents devStateIcon .*home:status_available:absent .*absent:status_away_1:home .*gone:status_standby:home .*none:control_building_empty .*gotosleep:status_night:asleep .*asleep:status_night:awoken .*awoken:status_available:home attr rgr_Residents group Home State attr rgr_Residents icon control_building_filled attr rgr_Residents room Residents attr rgr_Residents sortby 2 attr rgr_Residents webCmd state define rgr_Parents RESIDENTS attr rgr_Parents alias Parents attr rgr_Parents devStateIcon .*home:status_available:absent .*absent:status_away_1:home .*gone:status_standby:home .*none:control_building_empty .*gotosleep:status_night:asleep .*asleep:status_night:awoken .*awoken:status_available:home attr rgr_Parents group Home State attr rgr_Parents icon control_building_filled attr rgr_Parents room Residents attr rgr_Parents sortby 2 attr rgr_Parents webCmd state define rgr_Children RESIDENTS attr rgr_Children alias Children attr rgr_Children devStateIcon .*home:status_available:absent .*absent:status_away_1:home .*gone:status_standby:home .*none:control_building_empty .*gotosleep:status_night:asleep .*asleep:status_night:awoken .*awoken:status_available:home attr rgr_Children group Home State attr rgr_Children icon control_building_filled attr rgr_Children room Residents attr rgr_Children sortby 3 attr rgr_Children webCmd state define rgr_Guests RESIDENTS attr rgr_Guests alias Guests attr rgr_Guests devStateIcon .*home:status_available:absent .*absent:status_away_1:home .*gone:status_standby:home .*none:control_building_empty .*gotosleep:status_night:asleep .*asleep:status_night:awoken .*awoken:status_available:home attr rgr_Guests group Home State attr rgr_Guests icon control_building_filled attr rgr_Guests room Residents attr rgr_Guests sortby 4 attr rgr_Guests webCmd state define rg_Guest1 GUEST rgr_Residents,rgr_Guests attr rg_Guest1 alias Guest1 attr rg_Guest1 devStateIcon .*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*none:control_building_empty:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown attr rg_Guest1 group Guests attr rg_Guest1 icon scene_visit_guests attr rg_Guest1 rg_autoGoneAfter 0.01 attr rg_Guest1 rg_realname alias attr rg_Guest1 room Residents attr rg_Guest1 sortby 1 attr rg_Guest1 webCmd state define rg_Guest2 GUEST rgr_Residents,rgr_Guests attr rg_Guest2 alias Guest2 attr rg_Guest2 devStateIcon .*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*none:control_building_empty:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown attr rg_Guest2 group Guests attr rg_Guest2 icon scene_visit_guests attr rg_Guest2 rg_autoGoneAfter 0.01 attr rg_Guest2 rg_realname alias attr rg_Guest2 room Residents attr rg_Guest2 sortby 1 attr rg_Guest2 webCmd state define rr_Father ROOMMATE rgr_Residents,rgr_Parents attr rr_Father alias Status attr rr_Father devStateIcon .*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*gone:user_ext_away:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown attr rr_Father group Father attr rr_Father icon status_available attr rr_Father room Residents attr rr_Father rr_autoGoneAfter 0.1 attr rr_Father sortby 0 attr rr_Father webCmd state define rr_Mother ROOMMATE rgr_Residents,rgr_Parents attr rr_Mother alias Status attr rr_Mother devStateIcon .*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*gone:user_ext_away:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown attr rr_Mother group Mother attr rr_Mother icon status_available attr rr_Mother room Residents attr rr_Mother rr_autoGoneAfter 0.1 attr rr_Mother rr_passPresenceTo rr_Baby attr rr_Mother sortby 0 attr rr_Mother webCmd state define rr_Daughter ROOMMATE rgr_Residents,rgr_Children attr rr_Daughter alias Status attr rr_Daughter devStateIcon .*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*gone:user_ext_away:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown attr rr_Daughter group Daughter attr rr_Daughter icon status_available attr rr_Daughter room Residents attr rr_Daughter sortby 0 attr rr_Daughter webCmd state define rr_Son ROOMMATE rgr_Residents,rgr_Children attr rr_Son alias Status attr rr_Son devStateIcon .*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*gone:user_ext_away:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown attr rr_Son group Son attr rr_Son icon status_available attr rr_Son room Residents attr rr_Son sortby 0 attr rr_Son webCmd state define AllResidentsAway notify rgr_Residents:(absent|gone) set AllLights off;;set lcCinema scene AllOff attr AllResidentsAway room Residents define ResidentsComeHome notify rgr_Residents:home set Outdoor on attr ResidentsComeHome room Residents define rr_Baby ROOMMATE rgr_Residents,rgr_Children attr rr_Baby alias Status attr rr_Baby devStateIcon .*home:user_available:absent .*absent:user_away:home .*gone:user_ext_away:home .*gotosleep:scene_toilet:asleep .*asleep:scene_sleeping:awoken .*awoken:scene_sleeping_alternat:home .*:user_unknown attr rr_Baby group Baby attr rr_Baby icon status_available attr rr_Baby room Residents attr rr_Baby sortby 0 attr rr_Baby webCmd state define RGB readingsProxy RGB attr RGB userattr Light Light_map structexclude attr RGB Light AllLights attr RGB alias RGB Light attr RGB comment light with the ability to change RGB color attr RGB devStateIcon {Color::devStateIcon("RGB","rgb","rgb","state")} attr RGB group Color Lights attr RGB room Light attr RGB setFn {if( $CMD =~ m/on|off/ ) { $ARGS=$CMD;;$CMD = "state" } else {fhem ("setreading $DEVICE state on");;} if( $CMD =~ m/hue/ ) {my ($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($ARGS/360,1,1);; my $rgb = Color::rgb2hex( $r*255, $g*255, $b*255 );; fhem ("setreading $DEVICE rgb $rgb");;} if( $CMD =~ m/rgb/ && $ARGS =~ m/^(..)(..)(..)/ ) {my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($1)/255.0, hex($2)/255.0, hex($3)/255.0);; my ($h,$s,$v) = Color::rgb2hsv($r,$g,$b);; my $hue = int($h*359);; fhem ("setreading $DEVICE hue $hue");;} fhem ("setreading $DEVICE $CMD $ARGS");;return undef;;} attr RGB setList on:noArg off:noArg rgb:colorpicker,RGB hue:colorpicker,HUE,0,1,359 attr RGB webCmd hue:rgb:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:rgb ffffff:on:off define colorInit notify global:INITIALIZED {use Color;;Color_Initialize()} attr colorInit room hidden define CT readingsProxy CT attr CT userattr Light Light_map structexclude attr CT Light AllLights attr CT alias CT Light attr CT comment light with the ability to change the color temperature attr CT devStateIcon {Color::devStateIcon("CT","rgb","rgb","state")} attr CT getFn { my ($r,$g,$b) = Color::ct2rgb( ReadingsVal($DEVICE,"ct",333) );; return (Color::rgb2hex($r,$g,$b), 1);; } attr CT getList rgb:noArg attr CT group Color Lights attr CT room Light attr CT setFn {if( $CMD =~ m/on|off/ ) { $ARGS=$CMD;;$CMD = "state" } else {fhem ("setreading $DEVICE state on");;} fhem ("setreading $DEVICE $CMD $ARGS");;return undef;;} attr CT setList on:noArg off:noArg ct:colorpicker,CT,2000,1,6500 attr CT webCmd ct::ct 2040:ct 2630:ct 3703:ct 6250:on:off