################################################################ # # 88_HMCCU.pm # # $Id$ # # Version 2.2 # # (c) 2015 zap (zap01 t-online de) # ################################################################ # # define HMCCU [] # # set devstate [...] # set datapoint :. [...] # set var [...] # set execute # set hmscript # set config = [...] # # get devicelist # get devstate [] # get vars # get channel :[.] # get datapoint . [] # get parfile [] # get config # get configdesc # # attr ccureadingformat { name | address } # attr ccureadings { 0 | 1 } # attr parfile # attr rpcinterval { 3 | 5 | 10 } # attr rpcport # attr rpcqueue # attr rpcserver { on | off } # attr statedatapoint # attr statevals :[,...] # attr stripchar # attr substitute :[,...] # attr updatemode { client | both | hmccu } ################################################################ package main; use strict; use warnings; use SetExtensions; # use XML::Simple qw(:strict); use RPC::XML::Client; # use File::Queue; # use Data::Dumper; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin"; use RPCQueue; # CCU Device names, key = CCU device address my %HMCCU_Devices; # CCU Device addresses, key = CCU device name my %HMCCU_Addresses; # Last update of device list my $HMCCU_UpdateTime = 0; # Flags for CCU object specification my $HMCCU_FLAG_NAME = 1; my $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL = 2; my $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT = 4; my $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS = 8; my $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE = 16; my $HMCCU_FLAG_FULLADDR = 32; # Valid flag combinations my $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD = $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE | $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS | $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL | $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT; my $HMCCU_FLAGS_IAC = $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE | $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS | $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL; my $HMCCU_FLAGS_ACD = $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS | $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL | $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT; my $HMCCU_FLAGS_AC = $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS | $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL; my $HMCCU_FLAGS_ND = $HMCCU_FLAG_NAME | $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT; my $HMCCU_FLAGS_NC = $HMCCU_FLAG_NAME | $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL; my $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD = $HMCCU_FLAG_NAME | $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL | $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT; # Declare functions sub HMCCU_Define ($$); sub HMCCU_Undef ($$); sub HMCCU_Set ($@); sub HMCCU_Get ($@); sub HMCCU_Attr ($@); sub HMCCU_ParseObject ($$); sub HMCCU_GetReadingName ($$$$$$); sub HMCCU_SetError ($$); sub HMCCU_SetState ($$); sub HMCCU_Substitute ($$); sub HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($@); sub HMCCU_StartRPCServer ($); sub HMCCU_StopRPCServer ($); sub HMCCU_IsRPCServerRunning ($); sub HMCCU_CheckProcess ($); sub HMCCU_GetDeviceList ($); sub HMCCU_GetAddress ($$$); sub HMCCU_GetCCUObjectAttribute ($$); sub HMCCU_GetHash; sub HMCCU_GetDeviceName ($$); sub HMCCU_GetChannelName ($$); sub HMCCU_GetDeviceType ($$); sub HMCCU_GetDeviceChannels ($); sub HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($$); sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($); sub HMCCU_HTTPRequest ($@); sub HMCCU_HMScript ($$); sub HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($@); sub HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($$$); sub HMCCU_GetVariables ($$); sub HMCCU_SetVariable ($$$); sub HMCCU_GetChannel ($$); sub HMCCU_RPCGetConfig ($$$); sub HMCCU_RPCSetConfig ($$$); ##################################### # Initialize module ##################################### sub HMCCU_Initialize ($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "HMCCU_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "HMCCU_Undef"; $hash->{SetFn} = "HMCCU_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "HMCCU_Get"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "HMCCU_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "stripchar ccureadings:0,1 ccureadingformat:name,address rpcinterval:3,5,10 rpcqueue rpcport rpcserver:on,off parfile statedatapoint statevals substitute updatemode:client,both,hmccu loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ". $readingFnAttributes; } ##################################### # Define device ##################################### sub HMCCU_Define ($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Define CCU hostname or IP address as a parameter" if(@a < 3); $hash->{host} = $a[2]; $hash->{Clients} = ':HMCCUDEV:HMCCUCHN:'; $hash->{DevCount} = HMCCU_GetDeviceList ($hash); return undef; } ##################################### # Set attribute ##################################### sub HMCCU_Attr ($@) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if (defined ($attrval) && $cmd eq "set") { if ($attrname eq "rpcserver") { if ($attrval eq 'on') { HMCCU_StartRPCServer ($hash); InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+60, 'HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue', $hash, 0); } elsif ($attrval eq 'off') { HMCCU_StopRPCServer ($defs{$name}); RemoveInternalTimer ($hash); } } } return undef; } ##################################### # Delete device ##################################### sub HMCCU_Undef ($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # Shutdown RPC server HMCCU_StopRPCServer ($hash); RemoveInternalTimer ($hash); # Delete reference to IO module in client devices foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { if (defined ($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) && $defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash) { delete $defs{$d}{IODev}; } } return undef; } ##################################### # Set commands ##################################### sub HMCCU_Set ($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; my $opt = shift @a; my $options = "devstate datapoint var execute hmscript config"; my $host = $hash->{host}; my $stripchar = AttrVal ($name, "stripchar", ''); my $statedatapoint = AttrVal ($name, "statedatapoint", 'STATE'); my $statevals = AttrVal ($name, "statevals", ''); my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($name, "ccureadings", 'name'); my $readingformat = AttrVal ($name, "ccureadingformat", 'name'); my $substitute = AttrVal ($name, "substitute", ''); # process set command par1 par2 ... # if more than one parameter is specified parameters # are concatenated by blanks if ($opt eq 'devstate' || $opt eq 'datapoint' || $opt eq 'var') { my $objname = shift @a; my $objvalue = join ('%20', @a); my $result; if (!defined ($objname) || !defined ($objvalue)) { return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $opt [...]"); } $objname =~ s/$stripchar$// if ($stripchar ne ''); $objvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($objvalue, $statevals); if ($opt eq 'var') { $result = HMCCU_SetVariable ($hash, $objname, $objvalue); } elsif ($opt eq 'devstate') { $result = HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($hash, $objname.'.'.$statedatapoint, $objvalue); } else { $result = HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($hash, $objname, $objvalue); } return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $result) if ($result < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return undef; } elsif ($opt eq "execute") { my $program = shift @a; my $response; return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set execute ") if (!defined ($program)); my $url = qq(http://$host:8181/do.exe?r1=dom.GetObject("$program").ProgramExecute()); $response = GetFileFromURL ($url); $response =~ m/(.*)<\/r1>/; my $value = $1; if (defined ($value) && $value ne '' && $value ne 'null') { HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); } else { HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Program execution error"); } return undef; } elsif ($opt eq 'hmscript') { my $scrfile = shift @a; my $script; my $response; return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set hmscript ") if (!defined ($scrfile)); if (open (SCRFILE, "<$scrfile")) { my @lines = ; $script = join ("\n", @lines); close (SCRFILE); } else { return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Can't open file $scrfile"); } $response = HMCCU_HMScript ($host, $script); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, -2) if ($response eq ''); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $response if (! $ccureadings); foreach my $line (split /\n/, $response) { my @tokens = split /=/, $line; next if (@tokens != 2); my $reading; my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($tokens[0], $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE); ($add, $chn) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($nam, '', '') if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD); if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD || $flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD) { $reading = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $readingformat); HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($hash, $add, $chn, $reading, $tokens[1]); } else { my $Value = HMCCU_Substitute ($tokens[1], $substitute); readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, $tokens[0], $Value, 1); } } return undef; } elsif ($opt eq 'config') { my $ccuobj = shift @a; return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name config {devicename|deviceaddress|channelname|channeladdress} {param=value} [...]") if (!defined ($ccuobj) || @a < 1); my $rc = HMCCU_RPCSetConfig ($hash, $ccuobj, \@a); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return undef; } else { return "HMCCU: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options; } } ##################################### # Get commands ##################################### sub HMCCU_Get ($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; my $opt = shift @a; my $options = "devicelist:noArg devstate datapoint vars channel parfile config configdesc"; my $host = $hash->{host}; my $ccureadingformat = AttrVal ($name, "ccureadingformat", 'name'); my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($name, "ccureadings", 1); my $parfile = AttrVal ($name, "parfile", ''); my $statedatapoint = AttrVal ($name, "statedatapoint", 'STATE'); my $substitute = AttrVal ($name, 'substitute', ''); my $readname; my $readaddr; my $result = ''; my $rc; if ($opt eq 'devstate') { my $ccuobj = shift @a; my $reading = shift @a; if (!defined ($ccuobj)) { return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get devstate { | [.]
: } []"); } $reading = '' if (!defined ($reading)); ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $ccuobj.'.'.$statedatapoint, $reading); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'datapoint') { my $ccuobj = shift @a; my $reading = shift @a; return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get datapoint {|}. []") if (!defined ($ccuobj)); $reading = '' if (!defined ($reading)); ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $ccuobj, $reading); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'vars') { my $varname = shift @a; return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get $name vars {regexp}[,...]") if (!defined ($varname)); ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetVariables ($hash, $varname); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'channel') { my @chnlist; foreach my $objname (@a) { last if (!defined ($objname)); push (@chnlist, $objname); } if (@chnlist == 0) { return HMCCUDEV_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get $name channel {channel-name|channel-address}[.{datapoint-expr}] [...]"); } ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetChannel ($hash, \@chnlist); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'parfile') { my $par_parfile = shift @a; my @parameters; my $parcount; if (defined ($par_parfile)) { $parfile = $par_parfile; } else { return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "No parameter file specified") if ($parfile eq ''); } # Read parameter file if (open (PARFILE, "<$parfile")) { @parameters = ; $parcount = scalar @parameters; close (PARFILE); } else { return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Can't open file $parfile"); } return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Empty parameter file") if ($parcount < 1); ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetChannel ($hash, \@parameters); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'devicelist') { my $dumplist = shift @a; $hash->{DevCount} = HMCCU_GetDeviceList ($hash); if ($hash->{DevCount} < 0) { return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "HM Script execution failed"); } elsif ($hash->{DevCount} == 0) { return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "No devices received from CCU"); } HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); if (defined ($dumplist) && $dumplist eq 'dump') { foreach my $add (sort keys %HMCCU_Devices) { $result .= $HMCCU_Devices{$add}{name}."\n"; } return $result; } return undef; } elsif ($opt eq 'config') { my $ccuobj = shift @a; return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get $name config {devicename|deviceaddress|channelname|channeladdress}") if (!defined ($ccuobj)); my ($rc, $res) = HMCCU_RPCGetConfig ($hash, $ccuobj, "getParamset"); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $ccureadings ? undef : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'configdesc') { my $ccuobj = shift @a; return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: get $name configdesc {devicename|deviceaddress|channelname|channeladdress}") if (!defined ($ccuobj)); my ($rc, $res) = HMCCU_RPCGetConfig ($hash, $ccuobj, "getParamsetDescription"); return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $rc) if ($rc < 0); HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK"); return $res; } else { return "HMCCU: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options; } } ################################################################## # Parse CCU object specification # # Possible syntax for datapoints: # Interface.Address:Channel.Datapoint # Address:Channel.Datapoint # Channelname.Datapoint # # Possible syntax for channels: # Interface.Address:Channel # Address:Channel # Channelname # # If object name doesn't match the rules above object is treated # as name. # # Return list of detected attributes: # (Interface, Address, Channel, Datapoint, Name, Flags) ################################################################## sub HMCCU_ParseObject ($$) { my ($object, $flags) = @_; my ($i, $a, $c, $d, $n, $f) = ('', '', '', '', '', '', 0); if ($object =~ /^(.+?)\.([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}):([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)$/) { # # Interface.Address:Channel.Datapoint [30=11110] # $f = $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD; ($i, $a, $c, $d) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); } elsif ($object =~ /^(.+)\.([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}):([0-9]{1,2})$/) { # # Interface.Address:Channel [26=11010] # $f = $HMCCU_FLAGS_IAC | ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT); ($i, $a, $c, $d) = ($1, $2, $3, $flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT ? '.*' : ''); } elsif ($object =~ /^([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}):([0-9]){1,2}\.(.+)$/) { # # Address:Channel.Datapoint [14=01110] # $f = $HMCCU_FLAGS_ACD | ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE); ($i, $a, $c, $d) = ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE ? 'BidCos-RF' : '', $1, $2, $3); } elsif ($object =~ /^([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}):([0-9]){1,2}$/) { # # Address:Channel [10=01010] # $f = $HMCCU_FLAGS_AC | ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT) | ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE); ($i, $a, $c, $d) = ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE ? 'BidCos-RF' : '', $1, $2, $flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT ? '.*' : ''); } elsif ($object =~ /^([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7})$/) { # # Address # $f = $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS; ($i, $a) = ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE ? 'BidCos-RF' : '', $1); } elsif ($object =~ /^(.+?)\.(.+)$/) { # # Name.Datapoint # $f = $HMCCU_FLAGS_ND; ($n, $d) = ($1, $2); } elsif ($object =~ /^.+$/) { # # Name [1=00001] # $f = $HMCCU_FLAG_NAME | ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT); ($n, $d) = ($object, $flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT ? '.*' : ''); } else { $f = 0; } # Check if name is a valid channel name if ($f & $HMCCU_FLAG_NAME) { my ($add, $chn) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($n, '', ''); if ($chn ne '') { $f = $f | $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL; } if ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_FULLADDR) { ($i, $a, $c) = (HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($add, 'BidCos-RF'), $add, $chn); $f |= $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE; $f |= $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS if ($add ne ''); $f |= $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL if ($chn ne ''); } } return ($i, $a, $c, $d, $n, $f); } ################################################################## # Build reading name # # Parameters: # # Interface,Address,ChannelNo,Datapoint,ChannelNam,ReadingFormat # # ReadingFormat := { name | datapoint | address } # # Valid combinations: # # ChannelNam,Datapoint # Address,Datapoint # Address,ChannelNo,Datapoint # ################################################################## sub HMCCU_GetReadingName ($$$$$$) { my ($i, $a, $c, $d, $n, $rf) = @_; # Datapoint is mandatory return '' if ($d eq ''); if ($rf eq 'datapoint') { return $d; } elsif ($rf eq 'name') { if ($n eq '') { if ($a ne '' && $c ne '') { $n = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($a.':'.$c, ''); } elsif ($a ne '' && $c eq '') { $n = HMCCU_GetDeviceName ($a, ''); } else { return ''; } } return $n ne '' ? $n.'.'.$d : ''; } elsif ($rf eq 'address') { if ($a eq '' && $n ne '') { ($a, $c) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($n, '', ''); } if ($a ne '') { my $t = $a; $i = HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($a, '') if ($i eq ''); $t = $i.'.'.$t if ($i ne ''); $t = $t.':'.$c if ($c ne ''); return $t.'.'.$d; } } return ''; } sub HMCCU_SetError ($$) { my ($hash, $text) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $msg; my %errlist = ( -1 => 'Channel name or address invalid', -2 => 'Execution of CCU script or command failed', -3 => 'Cannot detect IO device' ); if (exists ($errlist{$text})) { $msg = $errlist{$text}; } else { $msg = $text; } $msg = "HMCCU: ".$name." ". $msg; HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "Error"); Log 1, $msg; return $msg; } sub HMCCU_SetState ($$) { my ($hash, $text) = @_; if (defined ($hash) && defined ($text)) { readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "state", $text, 1); } } sub HMCCU_Substitute ($$) { my ($value, $substitutes) = @_; return $value if (!defined ($substitutes) || $substitutes eq ''); my @sub_list = split /,/,$substitutes; foreach my $s (@sub_list) { my ($regexp, $text) = split /:/,$s; next if (!defined ($regexp) || !defined($text)); if ($value =~ /$regexp/) { $value =~ s/$regexp/$text/; last; } } return $value; } ############################################################## # Update HMCCU readings and client readings. # # Parameters: # hash, devadd, channelno, reading, value, [mode] # # Parameter devadd can be a device or a channel address. # Parameter clientonly is ignored! # Reading values are substituted if attribute substitute is # is set in client device. ############################################################## sub HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($@) { my ($hash, $devadd, $channel, $reading, $value, $mode) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_substitute = AttrVal ($name, 'substitute', ''); my $hmccu_updreadings = AttrVal ($name, 'ccureadings', 1); my $updatemode = AttrVal ($name, 'updatemode', 'hmccu'); $updatemode = $mode if (defined ($mode)); # Check syntax return 0 if (!defined ($hash) || !defined ($devadd) || !defined ($channel) || !defined ($reading) || !defined ($value)); my $chnadd = $channel ne '' ? $devadd.':'.$channel : $devadd; my $hmccu_value = ''; my $dpt = ''; if ($reading =~ /.*\.(.+)$/) { $dpt = $1; } if ($hmccu_updreadings && $updatemode ne 'client') { $hmccu_value = HMCCU_Substitute ($value, $hmccu_substitute); if ($updatemode ne 'rpcevent' || exists ($hash->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL})) { readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, $reading, $hmccu_value, 1); } return $hmccu_value if ($updatemode eq 'hmccu'); } # Update client readings foreach my $d (keys %defs) { # Get hash and name of client device my $ch = $defs{$d}; my $cn = $ch->{NAME}; next if (!defined ($ch->{IODev}) || !defined ($ch->{IODev}) || !defined ($ch->{ccuaddr})); next if ($ch->{ccuaddr} ne $devadd && $ch->{ccuaddr} ne $chnadd); # Get attributes of client device my $upd = AttrVal ($cn, 'ccureadings', 1); my $crf = AttrVal ($cn, 'ccureadingformat', 'name'); my $substitute = AttrVal ($cn, 'substitute', ''); last if ($upd == 0); my $clreading = $reading; if ($crf eq 'datapoint') { $clreading = $dpt ne '' ? $dpt : $reading; } elsif ($crf eq 'name') { $clreading = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($chnadd, $reading); $clreading .= '.'.$dpt if ($dpt ne ''); } elsif ($crf eq 'address') { my $int = HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($devadd, 'BidCos-RF'); $clreading = $int.'.'.$chnadd; $clreading .= '.'.$dpt if ($dpt ne ''); } # Client substitute attribute has priority my $cl_value; if ($substitute ne '') { $cl_value = HMCCU_Substitute ($value, $substitute); } else { $cl_value = HMCCU_Substitute ($value, $hmccu_substitute); } readingsSingleUpdate ($ch, $clreading, $cl_value, 1); if ($clreading =~ /\.STATE$/) { HMCCU_SetState ($ch, $cl_value); } } return $hmccu_value; } #################################################### # Start RPC server #################################################### sub HMCCU_StartRPCServer ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $modpath = AttrVal ('global', 'modpath', '/opt/fhem'); my $logfile = $modpath."/log/ccurpcd.log"; my $rpcqueue = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcqueue', '/tmp/ccuqueue'); my $rpcport = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcport', '2001'); my $rc = HMCCU_IsRPCServerRunning ($hash); if ($rc > 0) { Log 1, "HMCCU: RPC Server already running"; return 0; } elsif ($rc < 0) { Log 1, "HMCCU: Externally launched RPC server detected. Kill process manually with command kill -SIGINT ".(-$rc); return 0; } # Check if RPC server exists my $rpcserver = $modpath."/FHEM/ccurpcd.pl"; if (! -e $rpcserver) { Log 1, "HMCCU: RPC server not found"; return 0; } # Fork child process my $pid = fork (); if (!defined ($pid)) { Log 1, "HMCCU: Can't fork child process"; return 0; } if (!$pid) { # Child process, replace it by RPC server exec ($rpcserver." ".$hash->{host}." ".$rpcport." ".$rpcqueue." ".$logfile); # When we reach this line start of RPC server failed die; } Log 1, "HMCCU: RPC server started with pid ".$pid; $hash->{RPCPID} = $pid; return $pid; } #################################################### # Start RPC server #################################################### sub HMCCU_StopRPCServer ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $rc = HMCCU_IsRPCServerRunning ($hash); if ($rc > 0) { Log 1, "HMCCU: Stopping RPC server"; kill ('INT', $hash->{RPCPID}); $hash->{RPCPID} = 0; return 1; } elsif ($rc < 0) { Log 1, "HMCCU: Externally launched RPC server detected. Kill process manually with command kill -SIGINT ".(-$rc); } else { Log 1, "HMCCU: RPC server not running"; return 0; } } #################################################### # Check if RPC server is running # 0 = Not running # 1 = Running # <0 = Externally launched RPC server #################################################### sub HMCCU_IsRPCServerRunning ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $pid = HMCCU_CheckProcess ($hash); if (defined ($hash->{RPCPID}) && $hash->{RPCPID} > 0) { return -$pid if ($pid != $hash->{RPCPID}); my $procstate = kill (0, $hash->{RPCPID}) ? 1 : 0; if (! $procstate) { $hash->{RPCPID} = 0; } return $procstate; } else { return -$pid if ($pid > 0); return 0; } } #################################################### # Get PID of RPC server process (0=not running) #################################################### sub HMCCU_CheckProcess ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $pdump = `ps -ef | grep ccurpcd | grep -v grep`; my @plist = split "\n", $pdump; foreach my $proc (@plist) { my @procattr = split /\s+/, $proc; return $procattr[1] if ($procattr[1] != $$); } return 0; } #################################################### # Read list of CCU devices via XML-API. # Update addresses of client devices if not set. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetDeviceList ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $count = 0; my $script = qq( string devid; string chnid; foreach(devid, root.Devices().EnumUsedIDs()) { object odev=dom.GetObject(devid); string intid=odev.Interface(); string intna=dom.GetObject(intid).Name(); integer cc=0; foreach (chnid, odev.Channels()) { object ochn=dom.GetObject(chnid); WriteLine("C;" # ochn.Address() # ";" # ochn.Name()); cc=cc+1; } WriteLine("D;" # intna # ";" # odev.Address() # ";" # odev.Name() # ";" # odev.HssType()) # ";" # cc; } ); my $response = HMCCU_HMScript ($hash->{host}, $script); return -1 if ($response eq ''); %HMCCU_Devices = (); %HMCCU_Addresses = (); $HMCCU_UpdateTime = time (); foreach my $hmdef (split /\n/,$response) { my @hmdata = split /;/,$hmdef; if ($hmdata[0] eq 'D') { $HMCCU_Devices{$hmdata[2]}{name} = $hmdata[3]; $HMCCU_Devices{$hmdata[2]}{type} = $hmdata[4]; $HMCCU_Devices{$hmdata[2]}{interface} = $hmdata[1]; $HMCCU_Devices{$hmdata[2]}{channels} = $hmdata[5]; $HMCCU_Devices{$hmdata[2]}{addtype} = 'dev'; $HMCCU_Addresses{$hmdata[3]}{address} = $hmdata[2]; $HMCCU_Addresses{$hmdata[3]}{addtype} = 'dev'; $count++; } elsif ($hmdata[0] eq 'C') { $HMCCU_Devices{$hmdata[1]}{name} = $hmdata[2]; $HMCCU_Devices{$hmdata[1]}{addtype} = 'chn'; $HMCCU_Addresses{$hmdata[2]}{address} = $hmdata[1]; $HMCCU_Addresses{$hmdata[2]}{addtype} = 'chn'; $count++; } } return $count; } #################################################### # Get name of a CCU device by address. # Channel number will be removed if specified. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetDeviceName ($$) { my ($addr, $default) = @_; if ($addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}$/ || $addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}:[0-9]+$/) { $addr =~ s/:[0-9]+$//; if (exists ($HMCCU_Devices{$addr})) { return $HMCCU_Devices{$addr}{name}; } } return $default; } #################################################### # Get name of a CCU device channel by address. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetChannelName ($$) { my ($addr, $default) = @_; if ($addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}:[0-9]+$/) { if (exists ($HMCCU_Devices{$addr})) { return $HMCCU_Devices{$addr}{name}; } } return $default; } #################################################### # Get type of a CCU device by address. # Channel number will be removed if specified. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetDeviceType ($$) { my ($addr, $default) = @_; if ($addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}$/ || $addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}:[0-9]+$/) { $addr =~ s/:[0-9]+$//; if (exists ($HMCCU_Devices{$addr})) { return $HMCCU_Devices{$addr}{type}; } } return $default; } #################################################### # Get number of channels of a CCU device. # Channel number will be removed if specified. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetDeviceChannels ($) { my ($addr, $default) = @_; if ($addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}$/ || $addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}:[0-9]+$/) { $addr =~ s/:[0-9]+$//; if (exists ($HMCCU_Devices{$addr})) { return $HMCCU_Devices{$addr}{channels}; } } return 0; } #################################################### # Get interface of a CCU device by address. # Channel number will be removed if specified. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($$) { my ($addr, $default) = @_; if ($addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}$/ || $addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}:[0-9]+$/) { $addr =~ s/:[0-9]+$//; if (exists ($HMCCU_Devices{$addr})) { return $HMCCU_Devices{$addr}{interface}; } } return $default; } #################################################### # Get address of a CCU device or channel by name. # Return array with device address and channel no. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetAddress ($$$) { my ($name, $defadd, $defchn) = @_; my $add = $defadd; my $chn = $defchn; if (exists ($HMCCU_Addresses{$name})) { my $addr = $HMCCU_Addresses{$name}{address}; if ($addr =~ /^([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}):([0-9]+)$/) { ($add, $chn) = ($1, $2); } elsif ($addr =~ /^[A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}$/) { $add = $addr; } } else { my $response = HMCCU_GetCCUObjectAttribute ($name, "Address()"); if (defined ($response)) { if ($response =~ /^([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7}):([0-9]+)$/) { ($add, $chn) = ($1, $2); $HMCCU_Addresses{$name}{address} = $response; $HMCCU_Addresses{$name}{addtype} = 'chn'; } elsif ($response =~ /^([A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{7,7})$/) { $add = $1; $HMCCU_Addresses{$name}{address} = $response; $HMCCU_Addresses{$name}{addtype} = 'dev'; } } } return ($add, $chn); } sub HMCCU_GetCCUObjectAttribute ($$) { my ($object, $attr) = @_; my $hash = HMCCU_GetHash (); my $url = 'http://'.$hash->{host}.':8181/do.exe?r1=dom.GetObject("'.$object.'").'.$attr; my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url); if (defined ($response) && $response !~ /null(.+)<\/r1>/) { return $1; } } return undef; } #################################################### # Get hash of HMCCU device # Useful for client devices. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetHash { foreach my $dn (sort keys %defs) { return $defs{$dn} if ($defs{$dn}->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCU'); } return undef; } sub HMCCU_HTTPRequest ($@) { my ($hash, $int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $val) = @_; my $host = $hash->{host}; my $addr = $int.'.'.$add.':'.$chn.'.'.$dpt; my $url = 'http://'.$host.':8181/do.exe?r1=dom.GetObject("'.$addr.'")'; if (defined ($val)) { $url .= '.State("'.$val.'")'; } else { $url .= '.State()'; } my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url); if (defined ($response) && $response =~ /(.+)<\/r1>/) { my $retval = $1; if ($retval ne 'null') { return defined ($val) ? 1 : $retval; } } return 0; } #################################################### # Timer function for reading RPC queue #################################################### sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $maxevents = 10; my $eventno = 0; my $f = 0; my $rpcinterval = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcinterval', 5); my $ccureadingformat = AttrVal ($name, 'ccureadingformat', 'name'); my $rpcqueue = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcqueue', '/tmp/ccuqueue'); my $queue = new RPCQueue (File => $rpcqueue, Mode => 0666); my $element = $queue->deq(); while ($element) { my @Tokens = split (/\|/, $element); if ($Tokens[0] eq 'EV') { my ($add, $chn) = split (/:/, $Tokens[1]); my $reading = HMCCU_GetReadingName ('', $add, $chn, $Tokens[2], '', $ccureadingformat); HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($hash, $add, $chn, $reading, $Tokens[3], 'rpcevent'); $eventno++; last if ($eventno == $maxevents); } elsif ($Tokens[0] eq 'ND') { } elsif ($Tokens[0] eq 'EX') { Log 1, "HMCCU: Received EX event. RPC server terminated."; $f = 1; last; } else { # Log 1,"HMCCU: Unknown RPC event type ".$Tokens[0]; } $element = $queue->deq(); } my $rc = HMCCU_IsRPCServerRunning ($hash); if ($f == 0 && $rc > 0) { InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$rpcinterval, 'HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue', $hash, 0); } else { if ($rc < 0) { Log 1, "HMCCU: Externally launched RPC server detected. Kill process manually with command kill -SIGINT ".(-$rc); } else { Log 1, "HMCCU: RPC server has been shut down. f=$f"; } $hash->{RPCPID} = 0; $attr{$name}{rpcserver} = "off"; } } #################################################### # Execute Homematic script on CCU #################################################### sub HMCCU_HMScript ($$) { # Hostname, Script-Code my ($host, $hmscript) = @_; my $url = "http://".$host.":8181/tclrega.exe"; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent (); my $response = $ua->post($url, Content => $hmscript); if (! $response->is_success ()) { Log 1, "HMCCU: ".$response->status_line(); return ''; } else { my $output = $response->content; $output =~ s/.*<\/xml>//; $output =~ s/\r//g; return $output; } } #################################################### # Get datapoint and update reading. #################################################### sub HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($@) { my ($hash, $param, $reading) = @_; my $hmccu_hash; my $value = ''; my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'ccureadings', 1); my $readingformat = AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'ccureadingformat', 'name'); my $substitute = AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'substitute', ''); if ($hash->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU') { # Get hash of HMCCU IO device return (-3, $value) if (!exists ($hash->{IODev})); $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; } else { # Hash of HMCCU IO device supplied as parameter $hmccu_hash = $hash; } my $url = 'http://'.$hmccu_hash->{host}.':8181/do.exe?r1=dom.GetObject("'; my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($param, $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE); if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD) { $url .= $int.'.'.$add.':'.$chn.'.'.$dpt.'").State()'; } elsif ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD) { $url .= $nam.'").DPByHssDP("'.$dpt.'").State()'; ($add, $chn) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($nam, '', ''); } else { return (-1, $value); } my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url); $response =~ m/(.*)<\/r1>/; $value = $1; if (defined ($value) && $value ne '' && $value ne 'null') { if (!defined ($reading) || $reading eq '') { $reading = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $readingformat); } return (0, $value) if ($reading eq ''); if ($hash->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCU') { $value = HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($hmccu_hash, $add, $chn, $reading, $value); } else { $value = HMCCU_Substitute ($value, $substitute); readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, $reading, $value, 1) if ($ccureadings); if (($reading =~ /\.STATE$/ || $reading eq 'STATE')&& $ccureadings) { HMCCU_SetState ($hash, $value); } } return (1, $value); } else { Log 1,"HMCCU: Error URL = ".$url; return (-2, ''); } } #################################################### # Set datapoint #################################################### sub HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($$$) { my ($hash, $param, $value) = @_; my $hmccu_hash; if ($hash->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU') { # Get hash of HMCCU IO device return -3 if (!exists ($hash->{IODev})); $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; } else { # Hash of HMCCU IO device supplied as parameter $hmccu_hash = $hash; } my $url = 'http://'.$hmccu_hash->{host}.':8181/do.exe?r1=dom.GetObject("'; my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($param, $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE); if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD) { $url .= $int.'.'.$add.':'.$chn.'.'.$dpt.'").State('.$value.')'; } elsif ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD) { $url .= $nam.'").DPByHssDP("'.$dpt.'").State('.$value.')'; ($add, $chn) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($nam, '', ''); } else { return -1; } my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url); return -2 if (!defined ($response) || $response =~ /null{NAME}, 'ccureadings', 1); my $script = qq( object osysvar; string ssysvarid; foreach (ssysvarid, dom.GetObject(ID_SYSTEM_VARIABLES).EnumUsedIDs()) { osysvar = dom.GetObject(ssysvarid); WriteLine (osysvar.Name() # "=" # osysvar.Variable() # "=" # osysvar.Value()); } ); my $response = HMCCU_HMScript ($hash->{host}, $script); return (-2, $result) if ($response eq ''); readingsBeginUpdate ($hash) if ($ccureadings); foreach my $vardef (split /\n/, $response) { my @vardata = split /=/, $vardef; next if (@vardata != 3); next if ($vardata[0] !~ /$pattern/); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $vardata[0], $vardata[2]) if ($ccureadings); $result .= $vardata[0].'='.$vardata[2]."\n"; $count++; } readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1) if ($hash->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU' && $ccureadings); return ($count, $result); } #################################################### # Set CCU system variable #################################################### sub HMCCU_SetVariable ($$$) { my ($hash, $param, $value) = @_; my $url = 'http://'.$hash->{host}.':8181/do.exe?r1=dom.GetObject("'.$param.'").State("'.$value.'")'; my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url); if (!defined ($response) || $response =~ /null{NAME}, 'ccureadings', 1); my $readingformat = AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'ccureadingformat', 'name'); if ($hash->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU') { # Get hash of HMCCU IO device return (-3, $result) if (!exists ($hash->{IODev})); $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; } else { # Hash of HMCCU IO device supplied as parameter $hmccu_hash = $hash; } # Build channel list foreach my $chndef (@$chnref) { my ($channel, $substitute) = split /\s+/, $chndef; next if (!defined ($channel) || $channel =~ /^#/ || $channel eq ''); $substitute = '' if (!defined ($substitute)); my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($channel, $HMCCU_FLAG_INTERFACE | $HMCCU_FLAG_DATAPOINT); if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD || $flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD) { if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD) { $nam = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($add.':'.$chn, ''); } $chnlist = $chnlist eq '' ? $nam : $chnlist.','.$nam; $chnpars{$nam}{sub} = $substitute; $chnpars{$nam}{dpt} = $dpt; } else { return (-1, $result); } } return (0, $result) if ($chnlist eq ''); # CCU script to query datapoints my $script = qq( string sDPId; string sChannel; string sChnList = "$chnlist"; foreach (sChannel, sChnList.Split(",")) { object oChannel = dom.GetObject (sChannel); foreach(sDPId, oChannel.DPs().EnumUsedIDs()) { object oDP = dom.GetObject(sDPId); WriteLine (sChannel # "=" # oDP.Name() # "=" # oDP.Value()); } } ); my $response = HMCCU_HMScript ($hmccu_hash->{host}, $script); return (-2, $result) if ($response eq ''); readingsBeginUpdate ($hash) if ($hash->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU' && $ccureadings); foreach my $dpdef (split /\n/, $response) { my @dpdata = split /=/, $dpdef; next if (@dpdata != 3); my @adrtoks = split /\./, $dpdata[1]; next if (@adrtoks != 3); next if ($adrtoks[2] !~ /$chnpars{$dpdata[0]}{dpt}/); my ($add, $chn) = split /:/, $adrtoks[1]; my $reading = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($adrtoks[0], $add, $chn, $adrtoks[2], $dpdata[0], $readingformat); next if ($reading eq ''); my $value = HMCCU_Substitute ($dpdata[2], $chnpars{$dpdata[0]}{sub}); if ($hash->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCU') { HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($hmccu_hash, $add, $chn, $reading, $value); } else { if ($ccureadings) { readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $reading, $value); readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", $value) if ($reading =~ /\.STATE$/); } } $result .= $reading.'='.$value."\n"; $count++; } readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1) if ($hash->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU' && $ccureadings); return ($count, $result); } #################################################### # Get RPC paramSet or paramSetDescription #################################################### sub HMCCU_RPCGetConfig ($$$) { my ($hash, $param, $mode) = @_; my $addr; my $hmccu_hash; my $result = ''; my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'ccureadings', 1); my $readingformat = AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, 'ccureadingformat', 'name'); if ($hash->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU') { # Get hash of HMCCU IO device return (-3, $result) if (!exists ($hash->{IODev})); $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; } else { # Hash of HMCCU IO device supplied as parameter $hmccu_hash = $hash; } my $name = $hmccu_hash->{NAME}; my $port = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcport', 2001); my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($param, $HMCCU_FLAG_FULLADDR); if ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS) { $addr = $add; $addr .= ':'.$chn if ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL); } else { return (-1, ''); } my $client = RPC::XML::Client->new ("http://".$hmccu_hash->{host}.":".$port."/"); my $res = $client->simple_request ($mode, $addr, "MASTER"); if ($res) { if (exists ($res->{faultString})) { Log 1, "HMCCU: ".$res->{faultString}; return (-2, $res->{faultString}); } elsif ($res eq '') { return (-2, ''); } } else { return (0, ''); } if ($mode eq 'getParamsetDescription') { foreach my $key (sort keys %$res) { my $oper = ''; $oper .= 'R' if ($res->{$key}->{OPERATIONS} & 1); $oper .= 'W' if ($res->{$key}->{OPERATIONS} & 2); $oper .= 'E' if ($res->{$key}->{OPERATIONS} & 4); $result .= $key.": ".$res->{$key}->{TYPE}." [".$oper."]\n"; } return (0, $result); } readingsBeginUpdate ($hash) if ($ccureadings); foreach my $key (sort keys %$res) { my $value = $res->{$key}; $result .= "$key=$value\n"; if ($ccureadings) { my $reading = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($int, $add, $chn, $key, $nam, $readingformat); $reading = "R-".$reading; readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $reading, $value); } } readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1) if ($ccureadings); return (0, $result); } #################################################### # Set RPC paramSet #################################################### sub HMCCU_RPCSetConfig ($$$) { my ($hash, $param, $parref) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $port = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcport', 2001); my $addr; my %paramset; my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($param, $HMCCU_FLAG_FULLADDR); if ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_ADDRESS) { $addr = $add; $addr .= ':'.$chn if ($flags & $HMCCU_FLAG_CHANNEL); } else { return -1; } # Build param set foreach my $pardef (@$parref) { my ($par,$val) = split ("=", $pardef); next if (!defined ($par) || !defined ($val)); $paramset{$par} = $val; } my $client = RPC::XML::Client->new ("http://".$hash->{host}.":".$port."/"); my $res = $client->simple_request ("putParamset", $addr, "MASTER", \%paramset); if ($res) { if (exists ($res->{faultString})) { Log 1, "HMCCU: ".$res->{faultString}; return -2; } elsif ($res eq '') { return -2; } } return 0; } 1; =pod =begin html


    The module provides an easy get/set interface for Homematic CCU. It acts as an IO device for HMCCUDEV client devices. The module requires additional Perl modules XML::Simple and File::Queue.


      define <name> HMCCU <HostOrIP>

      define myccu HMCCU

      HostOrIP - Hostname or IP address of Homematic CCU.


    • set <name> devstate {[<interface>.]<channel-address>|<channel-name>} <value> [...]
      Set state of a CCU device. Specified CCU channel must have a datapoint STATE.

      set d_ccu devstate ST-WZ-Bass false
      set d_ccu devstate BidCos-RF.LEQ1462664:1 false

    • set <name> datapoint {[<interface>.]<channel-address>.<datapoint>|<channel-name>.<datapoint>} <value> [...]
      Set value of a datapoint of a CCU device channel.

      set d_ccu datapoint THERMOSTAT_CHN2.SET_TEMPERATURE 21
      set d_ccu datapoint LEQ1234567:2.SET_TEMPERATURE 21

    • set <name> var <variable>> <Value> [...]
      Set CCU variable value.

    • set <name> execute <program>
      Execute CCU program.

      set d_ccu execute PR-TEST

    • set <name> hmscript <script-file>
      Execute HM script on CCU. If output of script contains lines in format Object=Value readings will be set. Object can be the name of a CCU system variable or a valid datapoint specification.


    • get <name> devstate {[<interface>.]<channel-address>|<channel-name>} [<reading>]
      Get state of a CCU device. Specified channel must have a datapoint STATE. If <reading> is specified the value will be stored using this name.

    • get <name> vars <regexp>
      Get CCU system variables matching <regexp> and store them as readings.

    • get <name> channel {[<interface>.]<channel-address>[.<datapoint-expr>]|<channel-name>[.<datapoint-expr>]}
      Get value of datapoint(s). If no datapoint is specified all datapoints of specified channel are read. <datapoint> can be specified as a regular expression.

    • get <name> devicelist
      Read list of devices and channels from CCU. This command is executed automatically after device definition. Must be executed after module HMCCU is reloaded.

    • get <name> parfile [<parfile>]
      Get values of all channels / datapoints specified in <parfile>. <parfile> can also be defined as an attribute. The file must contain one channel / datapoint definition per line. Datapoints are optional (for syntax see command get channel). After the channel definition a list of string substitution rules for datapoint values can be specified (like attribute substitute).
      The syntax of Parfile entries is:

      {[<interface>.]<channel-address>[.<datapoint-expr>]|<channel-name>[.<datapoint-expr>]} <regexp>:<subsstr>[,...]

      Empty lines or lines starting with a # are ignored.


    • ccureadingformat <name | address>
      Format of reading names (channel name or channel address)

    • ccureadings <0 | 1>
      If set to 1 values read from CCU will be stored as readings. Otherwise output is displayed in browser window.

    • parfile <filename>
      Define parameter file for command get parfile.

    • rpcinterval <3 | 5 | 10>
      Specifiy how often RPC queue is read. Default is 5 seconds.

    • rpcport <value>
      Specify RPC port on CCU. Default is 2001.

    • rpcqueue <queue-file>
      Specify name of RPC queue file. This parameter is only a prefix for the queue files with extension .idx and .dat. Default is /tmp/ccuqueue.

    • rpcserver <on | off>
      Start or stop RPC server.

    • statedatapoint <datapoint>
      Set datapoint for devstate commands. Default is 'STATE'.

    • statevals <text:substext[,...]>
      Define substitutions for values in set devstate/datapoint command.

    • substitude <expression>:<substext>[,...]
      Define substitions for reading values. Substitutions for parfile values must be specified in parfiles.

    • stripchar <character>
      Strip the specified character from variable or device name in set commands. This is useful if a variable should be set in CCU using the reading with trailing colon.

    • updatemode { client | both | hmccu }
      Set update mode for readings.
      'client' = update only readings of client devices
      'both' = update readings of client devices and IO device
      'hmccu' = update readings of IO device
=end html =cut