######################################################################################## # # DoorPi.pm # # FHEM module to communicate with a Raspberry Pi door station # # Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning, 2016 # # $Id: 70_DoorPi.pm 2016-05 - pahenning $ # ######################################################################################## # # This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ######################################################################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use JSON; # imports encode_json, decode_json, to_json and from_json. use vars qw{%attr %defs}; sub Log($$); #-- globals on start my $version = "1.0beta7"; #-- these we may get on request my %gets = ( "config:noArg" => "C", "history:noArg" => "H", "version:noArg" => "V" ); #-- capabilities of doorpi instance for light and target my ($lon,$loff,$lonft,$don,$doff,$gtt,$son,$soff,$snon) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); ######################################################################################## # # DoorPi_Initialize # # Parameter hash # ######################################################################################## sub DoorPi_Initialize ($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "DoorPi_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "DoorPi_Undef"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "DoorPi_Attr"; $hash->{GetFn} = "DoorPi_Get"; $hash->{SetFn} = "DoorPi_Set"; #$hash->{NotifyFn} = "DoorPi_Notify"; $hash->{InitFn} = "DoorPi_Init"; $hash->{AttrList}= "verbose ". "language:de,en ". "doorbutton dooropencmd doorlockcmd doorunlockcmd ". "lightbutton lightoncmd lighttimercmd lightoffcmd ". "snapshotbutton streambutton ". "dashlightbutton iconpic iconaudio ". "target0 target1 target2 target3 ". $readingFnAttributes; $hash->{FW_detailFn} = "DoorPi_makeTable"; $hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "DoorPi_makeShort"; $hash->{FW_atPageEnd} = 1; } ######################################################################################## # # DoorPi_Define - Implements DefFn function # # Parameter hash, definition string # ######################################################################################## sub DoorPi_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "[DoorPi] Define the IP address of DoorPi as a parameter" if(@a != 3); return "[DoorPi] Invalid IP address of DoorPi" if( $a[2] !~ m|\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?(\:\d+)?| ); my $dev = $a[2]; #-- split into parts my @tcp = split(':',$dev); #-- when the specified ip address contains a port already, use it as supplied if ( $tcp[1] ){ $hash->{TCPIP} = $dev; }else{ $hash->{TCPIP} = $tcp[0].":80"; }; @{$hash->{DATA}} = (); @{$hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}} = (); $modules{DoorPi}{defptr}{$a[0]} = $hash; #-- InternalTimer blocks if init_done is not true my $oid = $init_done; $init_done = 1; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state","Initialized"); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"door","Unknown"); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); DoorPi_GetConfig($hash); DoorPi_GetHistory($hash); $init_done = $oid; return undef; } ####################################################################################### # # DoorPi_Undef - Implements UndefFn function # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed # ####################################################################################### sub DoorPi_Undef ($) { my ($hash) = @_; delete($modules{DoorPi}{defptr}{NAME}); #RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } ####################################################################################### # # DoorPi_Attr - Set one attribute value # # Parameter hash = hash of device addressed # a = argument array # ######################################################################################## sub DoorPi_Attr(@) { my ($do,$name,$key,$value) = @_; my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; my $ret; #if ( $do eq "set") { # ARGUMENT_HANDLER: { # # TODO # } #} return } ######################################################################################## # # DoorPi_Get - Implements GetFn function # # Parameter hash, argument array # ######################################################################################## sub DoorPi_Get ($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; #-- check syntax return "[DoorPi_Get] needs exactly one parameter" if(@a != 2); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $v; #-- get version if( $a[1] eq "version") { return "$name.version => $version"; } #-- current configuration if($a[1] eq "config") { $v = DoorPi_GetConfig($hash); #-- history }elsif($a[1] eq "history") { $v = DoorPi_GetHistory($hash); } else { my $newkeys = join(" ", sort keys %gets); $newkeys =~ s/:noArg//g if( $a[1] ne "?"); return "[DoorPi_Get] with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of ".$newkeys; } if(defined($v)) { Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "[DoorPi_Get] $a[1] error $v"; return "$a[0] $a[1] => Error $v"; } return "$a[0] $a[1] => ok"; } ######################################################################################## # # DoorPi_Set - Implements SetFn function # # Parameter hash, a = argument array # ######################################################################################## sub DoorPi_Set ($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; my ($newkeys,$key,$value,$v); #-- commands my $door = AttrVal($name, "doorbutton", "door"); my $doorsubs = "open"; $doorsubs .= ",lock" if(AttrVal($name, "doorlockcmd",undef)); $doorsubs .= ",unlock" if(AttrVal($name, "doorunlockcmd",undef)); my @tsubs = (); for( my $i=0;$i<4;$i++ ){ push(@tsubs,$i) if(AttrVal($name, "target$i",undef)); } my $tsubs2 = join(',',@tsubs); my $light = AttrVal($name, "lightbutton", "light"); my $dashlight = AttrVal($name, "dashlightbutton", "dashlight"); my $snapshot = AttrVal($name, "snapshotbutton", "snapshot"); my $stream = AttrVal($name, "streambutton", "stream"); #-- for the selector: which values are possible if ($a[0] eq "?"){ $newkeys = join(" ",@{ $hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS} }); #Log 1,"=====> newkeys before subs $newkeys"; $newkeys =~ s/$door/$door:$doorsubs/; # FHEMWEB sugar $newkeys =~ s/\s$light/ $light:on,on-for-timer,off/; # FHEMWEB sugar $newkeys =~ s/$dashlight/$dashlight:on,off/; # FHEMWEB sugar $newkeys =~ s/$stream/$stream:on,off/; # FHEMWEB sugar $newkeys =~ s/$snapshot/$snapshot:noArg/; # FHEMWEB sugar $newkeys =~ s/button(\d\d?)/button$1:noArg/g; # FHEMWEB sugar $newkeys =~ s/purge/purge:noArg/; # FHEMWEB sugar $newkeys =~ s/target/target:$tsubs2/; # FHEMWEB sugar #Log 1,"=====> newkeys after subs $newkeys"; return $newkeys; } $key = shift @a; $value = shift @a; return "[DoorPi_Set] With unknown argument $key, choose one of " . join(" ", @{$hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}}) if ( !grep( /$key/, @{$hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}} ) && ($key ne "call") && ($key ne "door") ); #-- hidden command to be used by DoorPi for communicating if( $key eq "call" ){ if( $value eq "start" ){ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"call","started",1); }elsif( $value eq "end" ){ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"call","ended",1); DoorPi_GetHistory($hash); }elsif( $value eq "rejected" ){ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"call","rejected",1); DoorPi_GetHistory($hash); }elsif( $value eq "dismissed" ){ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"call","dismissed",1); DoorPi_GetHistory($hash); }elsif( $value eq "startup" ){ DoorPi_GetConfig($hash); DoorPi_GetHistory($hash); }elsif( $value eq "snapshot" ){ # TODO } #-- call target }elsif( $key eq "target" ){ if( $value =~ /[0123]/ ){ if(AttrVal($name, "target$value",undef)){ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"call_target",AttrVal($name, "target$value",undef),1); DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"gettarget"); }else{ Log 1,"[DoorPi_Set] Error: target$value attribute not set"; return; } }else{ Log 1,"[DoorPi_Set] Error: attribute target$value does not exist"; return; } #-- door opening - either from FHEM, or just as message from DoorPi }elsif( ($key eq "$door")||($key eq "door") ){ if( $value eq "open" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"door"); if(AttrVal($name, "dooropencmd",undef)){ fhem(AttrVal($name, "dooropencmd",undef)); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$door,"opened",1); }elsif( $value eq "opened" ){ if(AttrVal($name, "dooropencmd",undef)){ fhem(AttrVal($name, "dooropencmd",undef)); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$door,"opened",1); } #-- snapshot }elsif( $key eq "$snapshot" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"snapshot"); #-- video stream }elsif( $key eq "$stream" ){ if( $value eq "on" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"streamon"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$stream,"on",1); }elsif( $value eq "off" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"streamoff"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$stream,"off",1); } #-- scene lighting }elsif( $key eq "$light" ){ #my $light = AttrVal($name, "lightbutton", "light"); if( $value eq "on" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"lighton"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$light,"on",1); if(AttrVal($name, "lightoncmd",undef)){ fhem(AttrVal($name, "lightoncmd",undef)); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$light,"on",1); }elsif( $value eq "off" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"lightoff"); if(AttrVal($name, "lightoffcmd",undef)){ fhem(AttrVal($name, "lightoffcmd",undef)); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$light,"off",1); }elsif( $value eq "on-for-timer" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"lightonfortimer"); if(AttrVal($name, "lighttimercmd",undef)){ fhem(AttrVal($name, "lighttimercmd",undef)); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$light,"on-for-timer",1); #-- TODO: reset after time } #-- dashboard lighting }elsif( $key eq "$dashlight" ){ #my $dashlight = AttrVal($name, "dashlightbutton", "dashlight"); if( $value eq "on" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"dashlighton"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$dashlight,"on",1); }elsif( $value eq "off" ){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"dashlightoff"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$dashlight,"off",1); } }elsif( $key =~ /button(\d\d?)/){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,$key); }elsif( $key eq "purge"){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"purge"); }elsif( $key eq "clear"){ $v=DoorPi_Cmd($hash,"clear"); } if(defined($v)) { Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "[DoorPi_Set] $key error $v"; return "$key => Error $v"; } return undef; } ####################################################################################### # # DoorPi_GetConfig - acts as callable program DoorPi_GetConfig($hash) # and as callback program DoorPi_GetConfig($hash,$err,$status) # # Parameter hash, err, status # ####################################################################################### sub DoorPi_GetConfig { my ($hash,$err,$status) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $url; #-- get configuration from doorpi if ( !$hash ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] called without hash"; return undef; }elsif ( $hash && !$err && !$status ){ $url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/status?module=config"; #Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] called with only hash => Issue a non-blocking call to $url"; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet({ url => $url, callback => sub($$$){ DoorPi_GetConfig($hash,$_[1],$_[2]) } }); return undef; }elsif ( $hash && $err ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] has error $err"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"config",$err,0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return; } #Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] has obtained data"; #-- crude test if this is valid JSON or some HTML page if( substr($status,0,1) eq "<" ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] but data is invalid"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"config","invalid data",0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return; } my $json = JSON->new->utf8; my $jhash0 = $json->decode( $status ); #-- decode config my $keyboards = $jhash0->{"config"}->{"keyboards"}; my $fskey; my $fscmds; foreach my $key (sort(keys $keyboards)) { $fskey = $key if( $keyboards->{$key} eq "filesystem"); } if($fskey){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] virtual keyboard is named defined as \"$fskey\""; $hash->{HELPER}->{vkeyboard}=$fskey; $fscmds = $jhash0->{"config"}->{$fskey."_InputPins"}; my $light = AttrVal($name, "lightbutton", "light"); my $dashlight = AttrVal($name, "dashlightbutton", "dashlight"); my $snapshot = AttrVal($name, "snapshotbutton", "snapshot"); my $stream = AttrVal($name, "streambutton", "stream"); #-- initialize command list @{$hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}} = (); foreach my $key (sort(keys $fscmds)) { #-- check for stream buttons if($key =~ /$stream(on)/){ push(@{ $hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}},"$stream"); $son = 1; }elsif($key =~ /$stream(off)/){ $soff = 1; #-- check for snapshot button }elsif($key =~ /$snapshot/){ push(@{ $hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}},"$snapshot"); $snon = 1; #-- check for dashboard lighting buttons }elsif($key =~ /$dashlight(on)/){ push(@{ $hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}},"$dashlight"); $don = 1; }elsif($key =~ /$dashlight(off)/){ $doff = 1; #-- check for scene lighting buttons }elsif($key =~ /$light(on)fortimer/){ $lonft = 1; }elsif($key =~ /$light(on)/){ push(@{ $hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}},"$light"); $lon = 1; }elsif($key =~ /$light(off)/){ $loff = 1; #-- use target instead of gettarget }elsif($key =~ /gettarget/){ if( !AttrVal($name,"target0",undef) && !AttrVal($name,"target1",undef) && !AttrVal($name,"target2",undef) && !AttrVal($name,"target3",undef) ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No attribute named \"target[0|1|2|3]\" defined"; } else { push(@{ $hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}},"target"); $gtt = 1; } #-- one of the possible other commands }else{ push(@{ $hash->{HELPER}->{CMDS}},$key) } } Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$stream."on\" defined" if( $son==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$stream."off\" defined" if( $soff==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$snapshot."\" defined" if( $snon==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$light."off\" defined" if( $loff==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$light."on\" defined" if( $lon==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$light."off\" defined" if( $loff==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$light."onfortimer\" defined" if( $lonft==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$dashlight."on\" defined" if( $don==0 ); Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No DoorPi InputPin named \"".$dashlight."off\" defined" if( $doff==0 ); }else{ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No keyboard \"filesystem\" defined"; }; $hash->{HELPER}->{wwwpath} = $jhash0->{"config"}->{"DoorPiWeb"}->{"www"}; #-- put into READINGS readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Initialized",1); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"config","ok",1); return undef; } ####################################################################################### # # DoorPi_GetHistory - acts as callable program DoorPi_GetHistory($hash) # and as callback program DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$err1,$status1) # and as callback program DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$err1,$status1,$err2,$status2) # # Parameter hash # ####################################################################################### sub DoorPi_GetHistory { my ($hash,$err1,$status1,$err2,$status2) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $url; if( $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} ne "Initialized"){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] cannot be called, no connection"; return } #-- obtain call history and snapshot history from doorpi if ( !$hash ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called without hash"; return undef; }elsif ( $hash && !$err1 && !$status1 && !$err2 && !$status2 ){ $url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/status?module=history_event"; #Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called with only hash => Issue a non-blocking call to $url"; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet({ url => $url, callback => sub($$$){ DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$_[1],$_[2]) } }); return undef; }elsif ( $hash && $err1 && !$status1 && !$err2 && !$status2 ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] has error $err1"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"history",$err1,0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return undef; }elsif ( $hash && !$err1 && $status1 && !$err2 && !$status2 ){ $url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/status?module=history_snapshot"; #Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called with hash and data from first call => Issue a non-blocking call to $url"; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet({ url => $url, callback => sub($$$){ DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$err1,$status1,$_[1],$_[2]) } }); return undef; }elsif ( $hash && !$err1 && $status1 && $err2){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] has error2 $err2"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"history",$err2,0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return undef; } #Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] has obtained data in two calls"; #-- crude test if this is valid JSON or some HTML page if( substr($status1,0,1) eq "<" ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] but data from first call is invalid"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"history","invalid data 1st call",0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return; } if( substr($status2,0,1) eq "<" ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] but data from second call is invalid"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"history","invalid data 2nd call",0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return; } my $json = JSON->new->utf8; my $jhash0 = $json->decode( $status1 ); my $khash0 = $json->decode( $status2 ); #-- decode call history my @history_event = ($jhash0)?@{$jhash0->{"history_event"}}:(); my @history_snapshot = ($khash0)?@{$khash0->{"history_snapshot"}}:(); my $call = ""; #-- clear list of calls @{$hash->{DATA}} = (); #-- going backward through the calls my ($callend,$calletime,$calletarget,$callstime,$callstarget,$callsnap,$callrecord,$callstring); for (my $i=0; $i<@history_event; $i++) { my $event = $history_event[$i]; if( $event->{"event_name"} eq "OnCallStateChange" ){ my $status1 = $event->{"additional_infos"}; #-- workaround for bug in DoorPi $status1 =~ tr/'/"/; my $jhash1 = from_json( $status1 ); my $call_state = $jhash1->{"call_state"}; #-- end of call if( ($call eq "") && (($call_state == 18) || ($call_state == 13)) ){ $call = "active"; $callrecord = ""; $callend = $jhash1->{"state"}; $callend =~ s/Call //; if( $callend eq "released" ){ #-- check previous 4 events for( my $j=1; $j<5; $j++ ){ if( $history_event[$i+$j]->{"event_name"} eq "OnCallStateChange"){ my $status2 = $history_event[$i+$j]->{"additional_infos"}; #-- workaround for bug in DoorPi $status2 =~ tr/'/"/; my $jhash2 = from_json( $status2 ); if( $jhash2->{"state"} eq "Busy Here" ){ $callend = "busy"; last; }elsif( $jhash2->{"state"} eq "Call ended" ){ $callend = "ok"; last; } } } }elsif( $callend eq "terminated" ){ if( $history_event[$i-1]->{"event_name"} eq "OnSipPhoneCallTimeoutNoResponse"){ $callend = "no response"; } } $calletime = $event->{"start_time"}; $calletarget = $jhash1->{"remote_uri"}; }elsif( ($call eq "active") && ($call_state == 2) ){ $call = ""; $callstime = $event->{"start_time"}; $callstarget = $jhash1->{"remote_uri"}; #-- if( $calletarget ne $callstarget){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] Found error in call history of target $calletarget"; }else{ #-- Format values my $state = ""; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day,$month,$year,$wday) = (localtime($callstime))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; $year += 1900; my $monthn = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$month]; $wday = ("So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa")[$wday]; my $timestamp = sprintf("%s, %2d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d", $wday,$day,$monthn,$year,$hour, $min, $sec); my $number = $callstarget; $number =~ s/sip://; $number =~ s/\@.*//; my $result = $callend; my $duration = int(($calletime - $callstime)*10+0.5)/10; my $record = $callrecord; $record =~ s/^.*records\///; #-- workaround for buggy DoorPi $record = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.wav", $year,($month+1),$day,$hour, $min, $sec) if( $callend eq "ok"); #-- this is the snapshot file if taken at the same time my $snapshot = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.jpg", $year,($month+1),$day,$hour, $min, $sec); #-- check if it is present in the list of snapshots my $found = 0; for( my $i=0; $i<@history_snapshot; $i++){ if( index($history_snapshot[$i],$snapshot) > -1){ $found = 1; last; } } #-- if not, look for a file made a second later if( $found == 0 ){ ($sec, $min, $hour, $day,$month,$year,$wday) = (localtime($callstime+1))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; $year += 1900; $monthn = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$month]; $wday = ("So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa")[$wday]; #-- this is the snapshot file if taken at the same time $snapshot = sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.jpg", $year,($month+1),$day,$hour, $min, $sec); #-- check if it is present in the list of snapshots $found = 0; for( my $i=0; $i<@history_snapshot; $i++){ if( index($history_snapshot[$i],$snapshot) > -1){ $found = 1; last; } } if( $found == 0 ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] No snapshot found with $snapshot"; } } #-- store this push(@{ $hash->{DATA}}, [$state,$timestamp,$number,$result,$duration,$snapshot,$record] ); } } } #-- other events during call active if( ($call eq "active") && ($event->{"event_name"} eq "OnRecorderStarted") ){ my $status3 = $event->{"additional_infos"}; $status3 =~ tr/'/"/; my $jhash1 = from_json( $status3 ); $callrecord = $jhash1->{"last_record_filename"}; } } #-- going backward through the events to find last action for dashlight and light my $dashlightstate = "off"; my $dashlight = AttrVal($name, "dashlightbutton", "dashlight"); for (my $i=0; $i<@history_event; $i++) { if( $history_event[$i]->{"event_name"} =~ /OnKeyPressed_webservice\.dashlight(.*)/ ){ $dashlightstate=$1; last; } } my $lightstate = "off"; my $light = AttrVal($name, "lightbutton", "light"); for (my $i=0; $i<@history_event; $i++) { if( $history_event[$i]->{"event_name"} =~ /OnKeyPressed_webservice\.light(.*)/ ){ $lightstate=$1; last; } } #--put into READINGS readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"call_listed",int(@{ $hash->{DATA}})); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"call_history","ok"); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$dashlight,$dashlightstate); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$light,$lightstate); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); return undef; } ######################################################################################## # # DoorPi_Cmd - Write command to DoorPi. # acts as callable program DoorPi_Cmd($hash,$cmd) # and as callback program DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$cmd,$err,$data) # # Parameter hash, cmd = command # ######################################################################################## sub DoorPi_Cmd { my ($hash, $cmd, $err, $data) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $url; if( $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} ne "Initialized"){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] cannot be called, no connection"; return } if ( $hash && !$data){ $url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/control/trigger_event?". "event_name=OnKeyPressed_".$hash->{HELPER}->{vkeyboard}.".". $cmd."&event_source=doorpi.keyboard.from_filesystem"; #Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] called with only hash => Issue a non-blocking call to $url"; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet({ url => $url, callback=>sub($$$){ DoorPi_Cmd($hash,$cmd,$_[1],$_[2]) } }); return undef; }elsif ( $hash && $err ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] has error $err"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return; } #Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] has obtained data"; #-- crude test if this is valid JSON or some HTML page if( substr($data,0,1) eq "<" ){ Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] invalid data"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error",1); return; } my $json = JSON->new->utf8; my $jhash = $json->decode( $data ); my $msg = $jhash->{'message'}; my $suc = $jhash->{'success'}; if( $suc ){ return $msg; } return undef; } ####################################################################################### # # DoorPi_makeShort # # FW_summaryFn handler for creating the html output in FHEMWEB # ####################################################################################### sub DoorPi_makeShort($$$$){ my ($FW_wname, $devname, $room, $extPage) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$devname}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $wwwpath = $hash->{HELPER}->{wwwpath}; my $alias = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "alias", $hash->{NAME}); my ($state,$timestamp,$number,$result,$duration,$snapshot,$record,$nrecord); my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL); if(AttrVal($name, "language", "en") eq "de"){ setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.utf8"); }else{ setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8"); } my $ret = ""; if(AttrVal($name, "no-heading", "0") eq "0" and defined($FW_ME) and defined($FW_subdir)) { #$ret .= '
$ret .= ' '.$alias.''.(IsDisabled($name) ? ' (disabled)' : '').' '
$ret .= ' | |||||||||||||||
#-- div tag to support inform updates
$ret .= ' ';
if( exists($hash->{DATA}) && (int(@{$hash->{DATA}}) > 0) ){
$ret .= ' ";
if(AttrVal($name, "language", "en") eq "de"){
$ret .= "
| Rufliste leer"; }else{ $ret .= " | Calllist empty"; } } $ret .= " |
FHEM module to communicate with a Raspberry Pi door station running DoorPi
define DoorStation DoorPi
define <DoorPi-Device> DoorPi <IP address>
Define a DoorpiPi instance.
<IP address>
set <DoorPi-Device> door open[|locked|unlocked]
set <DoorPi-Device> snapshot
set <DoorPi-Device> stream on|off
set <DoorPi-Device> target 0|1|2|3
set <DoorPi-Device> dashlight on|off
set <DoorPi-Device> light on|on-for-timer|off
set <DoorPi-Device> buttonDD
set <DoorPi-Device> purge
set <DoorPi-Device> clear
get <DoorPi-Device> config
get <DoorPi-Device> history
get <DoorPi-Device> version
attr <DoorPi-Device> target[0|1|2|3]
attr <DoorPi-Device> doorbutton
attr <DoorPi-Device> dooropencmd
attr <DoorPi-Device> doorlockcmd
attr <DoorPi-Device> doorunlockcmd
attr <DoorPi-Device> snapshotbutton
attr <DoorPi-Device> streambutton
attr <DoorPi-Device> lightbutton
attr <DoorPi-Device> lightoncmd
attr <DoorPi-Device> lightoffcmd
attr <DoorPi-Device> lighttimercmd
attr <DoorPi-Device> dashlightbutton
attr <DoorPi-Device> iconpic
attr <DoorPi-Device> iconaudio
[EVENT_BeforeSipPhoneMakeCall] 10 = url_call:<URL of FHEM>/fhem?XHR=1&cmd.<DoorPi-Device>=set <DoorPi-Device> call start 20 = take_snapshot [EVENT_OnCallStateDisconnect] 10 = url_call:<URL of FHEM>/fhem?XHR=1&cmd.<DoorPi-Device>=set <DoorPi-Device> call end [EVENT_OnCallStateDismissed] 10 = url_call:<URL of FHEM>/fhem?XHR=1&cmd.<DoorPi-Device>=set <DoorPi-Device> call dismissed [EVENT_OnCallStateReject] 10 = url_call:<URL of FHEM>/fhem?XHR=1&cmd.<DoorPi-Device>=set <DoorPi-Device> call rejectedDoorPi must have a virtual (= filesystem) keyboard
[keyboards] ... <virtualkeyboardname> = filesystem [<virtualkeyboardname>_keyboard] base_path_input = <dome directory> base_path_output = <some directory> [<virtualkeyboardname>_InputPins] door = <doorpi action opeing the door> lighton = <doorpi action to switch on scene light> lightonfortimer = <doorpi action to switch on scene light for some time> lightoff = <doorpi action to switch off scene light> dashlighton = <doorpi action to switch on dashlight> dashlightoff = <doorpi action to switch off dashlight> gettarget = <doorpi action to acquire call target number> purge = <doorpi action to purge old files> clear = <doorpi action> ... (optional buttons) button1 = <some doorpi action> ... (further button definitions)=end html =cut