############################################## # $Id$ # Written by Matthias Gehre, M.Gehre@gmx.de, 2012-2013 package main; use strict; use warnings; use MaxCommon; use POSIX; sub CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime(@); sub CUL_MAX_Set($@); sub CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation(@); sub CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload(); sub CUL_MAX_Send(@); sub CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler($); my $pairmodeDuration = 60; #seconds my $ackTimeout = 3; #seconds sub CUL_MAX_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{Match} = "^Z"; $hash->{DefFn} = "CUL_MAX_Define"; $hash->{Clients} = ":MAX:"; my %mc = ( "1:MAX" => "^MAX", ); $hash->{MatchList} = \%mc; $hash->{UndefFn} = "CUL_MAX_Undef"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "CUL_MAX_Parse"; $hash->{SetFn} = "CUL_MAX_Set"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "CUL_MAX_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:0,1 " . "showtime:1,0 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ". $readingFnAttributes; } ############################# sub CUL_MAX_SetupCUL($) { my $hash = $_[0]; AssignIoPort($hash); if(!defined($hash->{IODev})) { Log 1, "$hash->{NAME}: did not find suitable IODev (CUL etc. in rfmode MAX)! You may want to execute 'attr $hash->{NAME} IODev SomeCUL'"; return 0; } if(CUL_MAX_Check($hash) >= 152) { #Doing this on older firmware disables MAX mode IOWrite($hash, "", "Za". $hash->{addr}); #Append to initString, so this is resend if cul disappears and then reappears $hash->{IODev}{initString} .= "\nZa". $hash->{addr}; } if(CUL_MAX_Check($hash) >= 153) { #Doing this on older firmware disables MAX mode my $cmd = "Zw". CUL_MAX_fakeWTaddr($hash); IOWrite($hash, "", $cmd); $hash->{IODev}{initString} .= "\n".$cmd; } return 1 } sub CUL_MAX_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "wrong syntax: define CUL_MAX " if(@a<3); if(exists($modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr})) { Log 1, "There is already one CUL_MAX defined"; return "There is already one CUL_MAX defined"; } $modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr} = $hash; $hash->{addr} = lc($a[2]); $hash->{STATE} = "Defined"; $hash->{cnt} = 0; $hash->{pairmode} = 0; $hash->{retryCount} = 0; $hash->{sendQueue} = []; CUL_MAX_SetupCUL($hash); #This interface is shared with 00_MAXLAN.pm $hash->{Send} = \&CUL_MAX_Send; #Start broadcasting time after 30 seconds, so there is enough time to parse the config InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+30, "CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime", $hash, 0); return undef; } ##################################### sub CUL_MAX_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $name) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); delete($modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr}); return undef; } sub CUL_MAX_DisablePairmode($) { my $hash = shift; $hash->{pairmode} = 0; } sub CUL_MAX_Check($@) { my ($hash) = @_; return if(!defined($hash->{IODev})); return if(!defined($hash->{IODev}{TYPE})); return if($hash->{IODev}{TYPE} ne "CUL"); return if(!defined($hash->{IODev}{VERSION})); my $version = $hash->{IODev}{VERSION}; #Looks like "V 1.49 CUL868" $version =~ m/V (.*)\.(.*) .*/; my ($major_version,$minorversion) = ($1, $2); $version = 100*$major_version + $minorversion; if($version < 154) { Log 2, "You are using an old version of the CUL firmware, which has known bugs with respect to MAX! support. Please update."; } return $version; } sub CUL_MAX_Attr(@) { my ($hash, $action, $name, $attr, $value) = @_; if ($action eq "set") { return "No such attribute" if($attr !~ ["fakeWTaddr", "fakeSCaddr", "IODev"]); return "Invalid value" if($attr ~~ ["fakeWTaddr", "fakeSCaddr"] && $value !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/); } } sub CUL_MAX_fakeWTaddr($) { return lc(AttrVal($_[0]->{NAME}, "fakeWTaddr", "111111")); } sub CUL_MAX_fakeSCaddr($) { return lc(AttrVal($_[0]->{NAME}, "fakeSCaddr", "222222")); } sub CUL_MAX_Set($@) { my ($hash, $device, @a) = @_; return "\"set MAXLAN\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 1); my ($setting, @args) = @a; if($setting eq "pairmode") { $hash->{pairmode} = 1; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$pairmodeDuration, "CUL_MAX_DisablePairmode", $hash, 0); } elsif($setting eq "broadcastTime") { CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime($hash, 1); } elsif($setting ~~ ["fakeSC", "fakeWT"]) { return "Invalid number of arguments" if(@args == 0); my $dest = $args[0]; #$dest may be either a name or an address if(exists($defs{$dest})) { return "Destination is not a MAX device" if($defs{$dest}{TYPE} ne "MAX"); $dest = $defs{$dest}{addr}; } else { $dest = lc($dest); #address to lower-case return "No MAX device with address $dest" if(!exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dest})); } if($setting eq "fakeSC") { return "Invalid number of arguments" if(@args != 2); return "Invalid fakeSCaddr attribute set (must not be 000000)" if(CUL_MAX_fakeSCaddr($hash) eq "000000"); my $state = $args[1] ? "12" : "10"; my $groupid = ReadingsVal($hash,"groupid",0); return CUL_MAX_Send($hash, "ShutterContactState",$dest,$state, groupId => sprintf("%02x",$groupid), flags => ( $groupid ? "04" : "06" ), src => CUL_MAX_fakeSCaddr($hash)); } elsif($setting eq "fakeWT") { return "Invalid number of arguments" if(@args != 3); return "desiredTemperature is invalid" if($args[1] < 4.5 || $args[2] > 30.5); return "Invalid fakeWTaddr attribute set (must not be 000000)" if(CUL_MAX_fakeWTaddr($hash) eq "000000"); $args[2] = 0 if($args[2] < 0); #Clamp temperature to minimum of 0 degree #Encode into binary form my $arg2 = int(10*$args[2]); #First bit is 9th bit of temperature, rest is desiredTemperature my $arg1 = (($arg2&0x100)>>1) | (int(2*$args[1])&0x7F); $arg2 &= 0xFF; #only take the lower 8 bits my $groupid = ReadingsVal($hash,"groupid",0); return CUL_MAX_Send($hash,"WallThermostatControl",$dest, sprintf("%02x%02x",$arg1,$arg2), groupId => sprintf("%02x",$groupid), flags => ( $groupid ? "04" : "00" ), src => CUL_MAX_fakeWTaddr($hash)); } } else { return "Unknown argument $setting, choose one of pairmode broadcastTime"; } return undef; } sub CUL_MAX_Parse($$) { #Attention: there is a limit in the culfw firmware: It only receives messages shorter than 30 bytes (see rf_moritz.h) my ($hash, $rmsg) = @_; if(!exists($modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr})) { Log 2, "No CUL_MAX defined"; return "UNDEFINED CULMAX0 CUL_MAX 123456"; } my $shash = $modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr}; my $ll5 = GetLogLevel($shash->{NAME}, 5); return () if($rmsg !~ m/Z(..)(..)(..)(..)(......)(......)(..)(.*)/); my ($len,$msgcnt,$msgFlag,$msgTypeRaw,$src,$dst,$groupid,$payload) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8); $len = hex($len); if(2*$len+3 != length($rmsg)) { #+3 = +1 for 'Z' and +2 for len field in hex Log 1, "CUL_MAX_Parse: len mismatch"; return $shash->{NAME}; } $groupid = hex($groupid); #convert adresses to lower case $src = lc($src); $dst = lc($dst); my $msgType = exists($msgId2Cmd{$msgTypeRaw}) ? $msgId2Cmd{$msgTypeRaw} : $msgTypeRaw; Log $ll5, "CUL_MAX_Parse: len $len, msgcnt $msgcnt, msgflag $msgFlag, msgTypeRaw $msgType, src $src, dst $dst, groupid $groupid, payload $payload"; my $isToMe = ($dst eq $shash->{addr}) ? 1 : 0; # $isToMe is true if that packet was directed at us if(exists($msgId2Cmd{$msgTypeRaw})) { if($msgType eq "Ack") { #Ignore packets generated by culfw's auto-Ack return $shash->{NAME} if($src eq $shash->{addr}); return $shash->{NAME} if($src eq CUL_MAX_fakeWTaddr($hash)); return $shash->{NAME} if($src eq CUL_MAX_fakeSCaddr($hash)); Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,Ack,$src,$payload", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); return $shash->{NAME} if(!@{$shash->{sendQueue}}); #we are not waiting for any Ack my $packet = $shash->{sendQueue}[0]; if($packet->{src} eq $dst and $packet->{dst} eq $src and $packet->{cnt} == hex($msgcnt)) { Log $ll5, "Got matching ack"; my $isnak = unpack("C",pack("H*",$payload)) & 0x80; $packet->{sent} = $isnak ? 3 : 2; return $shash->{NAME}; } } elsif($msgType eq "TimeInformation") { if($isToMe) { #This is a request for TimeInformation send to us Log $ll5, "Got request for TimeInformation, sending it"; CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($shash, $src); } else { my ($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5) = unpack("CCCCC",pack("H*",$payload)); #For all fields but the month I'm quite sure my $year = $f1 + 2000; my $day = $f2; my $hour = ($f3 & 0x1F); my $min = $f4 & 0x3F; my $sec = $f5 & 0x3F; my $month = (($f4 >> 6) << 2) | ($f5 >> 6); #this is just guessed my $unk1 = $f3 >> 5; my $unk2 = $f4 >> 6; my $unk3 = $f5 >> 6; #I guess the unk1,2,3 encode if we are in DST? Log $ll5, "CUL_MAX_Parse: Got TimeInformation: (in GMT) year $year, mon $month, day $day, hour $hour, min $min, sec $sec, unk ($unk1, $unk2, $unk3)"; } } elsif($msgType eq "PairPing") { my ($unk1,$type,$unk2,$serial) = unpack("CCCa*",pack("H*",$payload)); Log $ll5, "CUL_MAX_Parse: Got PairPing (dst $dst, pairmode $shash->{pairmode}), unk1 $unk1, type $type, unk2 $unk2, serial $serial"; #There are two variants of PairPing: #1. It has a destination address of "000000" and can be paired to any device. #2. It is sent after changing batteries or repressing the pair button (without factory reset) and has a destination address of the last paired device. We can answer it with PairPong and even get an Ack, but it will still not be paired to us. A factory reset (originating from the last paired device) is needed first. if(($dst ne "000000") and !$isToMe) { Log $ll5, "Device want's to be re-paired to $dst, not to us"; return $shash->{NAME}; } if($shash->{pairmode}) { Log 3, "CUL_MAX_Parse: Pairing device $src of type $device_types{$type} with serial $serial"; Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,define,$src,$device_types{$type},$serial,0,0", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); #Send after dispatch the define, otherwise Send will create an invalid device CUL_MAX_Send($shash, "PairPong", $src, "00"); #This are the default values that a device has after factory reset or pairing if($device_types{$type} =~ /HeatingThermostat.*/) { Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,HeatingThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,80,5,0,12,15,100,0,0,12,$defaultWeekProfile", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); } elsif($device_types{$type} eq "WallMountedThermostat") { Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,WallThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,$defaultWeekProfile", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); } #Todo: CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($shash, $src); on Ack for our PairPong } } elsif($msgType ~~ ["ShutterContactState", "WallThermostatState", "WallThermostatControl", "ThermostatState", "PushButtonState"]) { Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,$msgType,$src,$payload", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); } else { Log $ll5, "Unhandled message $msgType"; } } else { Log 2, "CUL_MAX_Parse: Got unhandled message type $msgTypeRaw"; } return $shash->{NAME}; } #All inputs are hex strings, $cmd is one from %msgCmd2Id sub CUL_MAX_Send(@) { # $cmd is one of my ($hash, $cmd, $dst, $payload, %opts) = @_; my $flags = "00"; my $groupId = "00"; my $src = $hash->{addr}; my $callbackParam = undef; $flags = $opts{flags} if(exists($opts{flags})); $groupId = $opts{groupId} if(exists($opts{groupId})); $src = $opts{src} if(exists($opts{src})); $callbackParam = $opts{callbackParam} if(exists($opts{callbackParam})); my $dhash = CUL_MAX_DeviceHash($dst); $dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{VAL} += 1; $dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{VAL} &= 0xFF; $dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{TIME} = TimeNow(); my $msgcnt = sprintf("%02x",$dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{VAL}); my $packet = $msgcnt . $flags . $msgCmd2Id{$cmd} . $src . $dst . $groupId . $payload; #prefix length in bytes $packet = sprintf("%02x",length($packet)/2) . $packet; Log GetLogLevel($hash->{NAME}, 5), "CUL_MAX_Send: enqueuing $packet"; my $timeout = gettimeofday()+$ackTimeout; my $aref = $hash->{sendQueue}; push(@{$aref}, { "packet" => $packet, "src" => $src, "dst" => $dst, "cnt" => hex($msgcnt), "time" => $timeout, "sent" => "0", "cmd" => $cmd, "callbackParam" => $callbackParam, }); #Call CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler if we just enqueued the only packet #otherwise it is already in the InternalTimer list CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler($hash) if(@{$hash->{sendQueue}} == 1); return undef; } sub CUL_MAX_DeviceHash($) { my $addr = shift; return $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$addr}; } #This can be called for two reasons: #1. @sendQueue was empty, CUL_MAX_Send added a packet and then called us #2. We sent a packet from @sendQueue and know the ackTimeout is over. # The packet my still be in @sendQueue (timed out) or removed when the Ack was received. sub CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler($) { my $hash = shift; Log GetLogLevel($hash->{NAME}, 5), "CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: " . @{$hash->{sendQueue}} . " items in queue"; return if(!@{$hash->{sendQueue}}); #nothing to do my $timeout = gettimeofday(); #reschedule immediatly #Check if we have an IODev if(!defined($hash->{IODev})) { Log 1, "$hash->{NAME}: did not find suitable IODev (CUL etc. in rfmode MAX), cannot send! You may want to execute 'attr $hash->{NAME} IODev SomeCUL'"; #Maybe some CUL will appear magically in some seconds #At least we cannot quit here with an non-empty queue, so we have two alternatives: #1. Delete the packet from queue and quit -> packet is lost #2. Wait, recheck, wait, recheck ... -> a lot of logs #InternalTimer($timeout+60, "CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler", $hash, 0); $hash->{sendQueue} = []; return undef; } my $packet = $hash->{sendQueue}[0]; if( $packet->{sent} == 0 ) { #Need to send it first #We can use fast sending without preamble on culfw 1.53 and higher when the devices has been woken up my $needPreamble = ((CUL_MAX_Check($hash) < 153) || !defined($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$packet->{dst}}{wakeUpUntil}) || $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$packet->{dst}}{wakeUpUntil} < gettimeofday()) ? 1 : 0; #Send to CUL my ($credit10ms) = (CommandGet("","$hash->{IODev}{NAME} credit10ms") =~ /[^ ]* [^ ]* => (.*)/); # We need 1000ms for preamble + len in bits (=hex len * 4) ms for payload. Divide by 10 to get credit10ms units # keep this in sync with culfw's code in clib/rf_moritz.c! my $necessaryCredit = ceil(100*$needPreamble + (length($packet->{packet})*4)/10); Log 5, "needPreamble: $needPreamble, necessaryCredit: $necessaryCredit, credit10ms: $credit10ms"; if( defined($credit10ms) && $credit10ms < $necessaryCredit ) { my $waitTime = $necessaryCredit-$credit10ms; #we get one credit10ms every second $timeout += $waitTime; Log 2, "CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Not enough credit! credit10ms is $credit10ms, but we need $necessaryCredit. Waiting $waitTime seconds."; } else { #Update TimeInformation payload. It should reflect the current time when sending, #not the time when it was enqueued. A low credit10ms can defer such a packet for multiple #minutes if( $msgId2Cmd{substr($packet->{packet},6,2)} eq "TimeInformation" ) { Log GetLogLevel($hash->{NAME}, 5), "Updating TimeInformation payload"; substr($packet->{packet},22) = CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload(); } IOWrite($hash, "", ($needPreamble ? "Zs" : "Zf") . $packet->{packet}); $packet->{sent} = 1; $packet->{sentTime} = gettimeofday(); $timeout += 0.5; #recheck for Ack } } elsif( $packet->{sent} == 1 ) { #Already sent it, got no Ack if( $packet->{sentTime} + $ackTimeout < gettimeofday() ) { # ackTimeout exceeded Log 2, "CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler: Missing ack from $packet->{dst} for $packet->{packet}"; splice @{$hash->{sendQueue}}, 0, 1; #Remove from array readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "packetsLost", ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "packetsLost", 0) + 1, 1); } else { # Recheck for Ack $timeout += 0.5; } } elsif( $packet->{sent} == 2 ) { #Got ack if(defined($packet->{callbackParam})) { Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,Ack$packet->{cmd},$packet->{dst},$packet->{callbackParam}", {RAWMSG => ""}); } splice @{$hash->{sendQueue}}, 0, 1; #Remove from array } elsif( $packet->{sent} == 3 ) { #Got nack splice @{$hash->{sendQueue}}, 0, 1; #Remove from array } return if(!@{$hash->{sendQueue}}); #everything done InternalTimer($timeout, "CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler", $hash, 0); } sub CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload() { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time()); $mon += 1; #make month 1-based #month encoding is just guessed #perls localtime gives years since 1900, and we need years since 2000 return unpack("H*",pack("CCCCC", $year - 100, $day, $hour, $min | (($mon & 0x0C) << 4), $sec | (($mon & 0x03) << 6))); } sub CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation(@) { my ($hash,$addr,$payload) = @_; $payload = CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload() if(!defined($payload)); Log GetLogLevel($hash->{NAME}, 5), "broadcast time to $addr"; CUL_MAX_Send($hash, "TimeInformation", $addr, $payload, flags => "04"); } sub CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime(@) { my ($hash,$manual) = @_; my $payload = CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload(); Log GetLogLevel($hash->{NAME}, 5), "CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime: payload $payload "; my $i = 1; my @used_slots = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); # First, lookup all thermstats for their current TimeInformationHour foreach my $addr (keys %{$modules{MAX}{defptr}}) { my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$addr}; if(exists($dhash->{IODev}) && $dhash->{IODev} == $hash && $dhash->{type} =~ /.*Thermostat.*/ ) { my $h = ReadingsVal($dhash->{NAME},"TimeInformationHour",""); $used_slots[$h]++ if( $h =~ /^[0-5]$/); } } foreach my $addr (keys %{$modules{MAX}{defptr}}) { my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$addr}; #Check that #1. the MAX device dhash uses this MAX_CUL as IODev #2. the MAX device is a Wall/HeatingThermostat if(exists($dhash->{IODev}) && $dhash->{IODev} == $hash && $dhash->{type} =~ /.*Thermostat.*/ ) { my $h = ReadingsVal($dhash->{NAME},"TimeInformationHour",""); if( $h !~ /^[0-5]$/ ) { #Find the used_slot with the smallest number of entries $h = (sort { $used_slots[$a] cmp $used_slots[$b] } 0 .. 5)[0]; readingsSingleUpdate($dhash, "TimeInformationHour", $h, 1); $used_slots[$h]++; } CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($hash, $addr, $payload) if( [gmtime()]->[2] % 6 == $h ); } } #Check again in 1 hour if some thermostats with the right TimeInformationHour need updating InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 3600, "CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime", $hash, 0) unless(defined($manual)); } 1; =pod =begin html


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