#!/bin/bash # # This script gets the full device list from a running # CCU1 and creates a prototype config file fragment # for use with fhem and HMRPC. # # Note that this script assumes that the wired HMRPC # device is called "hmw" and the RF HMRPC device # is called "hmrf" # if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: import_from_webui.bsh <ccu hostname>" exit 1 fi # We need a ISO-8859-1 locale now export LANG=de_DE.ISO-8859-1 wget http://$1:8181/tclrega.exe --post-data=' string id; string chid; foreach(id, dom.GetObject(ID_DEVICES).EnumUsedIDs()) { var d=dom.GetObject(id); foreach(chid,d.Channels().EnumUsedIDs()) { var ch=dom.GetObject(chid); var i=dom.GetObject(ch.Interface()); string rspec; string rid; foreach(rid,ch.ChnRoom()) { var r=dom.GetObject(rid); rspec = rspec # r.Name() # "%"; } WriteLine(ch.Address() # "\t" # i.Name() # "\t" # ch.Name() # "\t" # rspec); } var i=dom.GetObject(d.Interface()); WriteLine(d.Address()+"\t"+i.Name()+"\t"+d.Name()); }' -q -O- | dos2unix | gawk --re-interval -- ' BEGIN { FS="\t" } # # Convert a WebUI name into something which fhem accepts in a config file # function sanitizeName(n) { # Blanks gsub(" ","_",n) # Umlauts gsub("\xe4","ae",n); gsub("\xf6","oe",n); gsub("\xfc","ue",n); gsub("\xdf","ss",n); gsub("\xc4","Ae",n); gsub("\xd6","Oe",n); gsub("\xdc","Ue",n); # : (for unnamed devices) gsub(":|/|-","_",n); gsub("\\(|\\)","",n); return tolower(n) } function roomName(n) { gsub(" ","",n) gsub("%$","",n) gsub("%",",",n) return n; } /^BidCoS-|^[A-Z0-9]{10}(:[0-9]+)?/ { name=sanitizeName($3) while(usednames[name]) { # Ok name is in use. Are we perhaps the master device? if(!index($1,":")) { name=name "_dev" continue; } # Are suffixed by a name? Inc if(match(name,"(.*)([0-9]+)",pa)) { name=pa[1] (pa[2]+1) continue; } # Just append a "1" (might get inced in next iteration) name = name "1" } usednames[name]=1 print "define " name " HMDEV " $1 print "attr " name " IODev " (index($2,"BidCos-RF")?"hmrf":"hmw") if($4) { print "attr " name " room " roomName($4) } print "" } '