# $Id$ ############################################################################## # # 46_TRX_WEATHER.pm # FHEM module to decode weather sensor messages for RFXtrx # # The following devices are implemented to be received: # # temperature sensors (TEMP): # * "THR128" is THR128/138, THC138 # * "THGR132N" is THC238/268,THN132,THWR288,THRN122,THN122,AW129/131 # * "THWR800" is THWR800 # * "RTHN318" is RTHN318 # * "TX3_T" is LaCrosse TX3, TX4, TX17 # * "TS15C" is TS15C # * "VIKING_02811" is Viking 02811 # * "WS2300" is La Crosse WS2300 # * "RUBICSON" is RUBiCSON # * "TFA_303133" is TFA 30.3133 # # humidity sensors (HYDRO): # * "TX3" is LaCrosse TX3 # * "WS2300" is # LaCrosse WS2300 # # temperature/humidity sensors (TEMPHYDRO): # * "THGR228N" is THGN122/123, THGN132, THGR122/228/238/268 # * "THGR810" is THGR810 # * "RTGR328" is RTGR328 # * "THGR328" is THGR328 # * "WTGR800_T" is WTGR800 # * "THGR918" is THGR918, THGRN228, THGN500 # * "TFATS34C" is TFA TS34C, Cresta # * "WT450H" is WT260,WT260H,WT440H,WT450,WT450H # * "VIKING_02038" is Viking 02035,02038 (02035 has no humidity) # # temperature/humidity/pressure sensors (TEMPHYDROBARO): # * "BTHR918" is BTHR918 # * "BTHR918N" is BTHR918N, BTHR968 # # rain gauge sensors (RAIN): # * "RGR918" is RGR126/682/918 # * "PCR800" is PCR800 # * "TFA_RAIN" is TFA # * "RG700" is UPM RG700 # * "WS2300_RAIN" is WS2300 # # wind sensors (WIND): # * "WTGR800_A" is WTGR800 # * "WGR800_A" is WGR800 # * "WGR918" is STR918, WGR918 # * "TFA_WIND" is TFA # * "WDS500" is UPM WDS500u # * "WS2300_WIND" is WS2300 # # UV Sensors: # "UVN128" is Oregon UVN128, UV138 # "UVN800" is Oregon UVN800 # "TFA_UV" is TFA_UV-Sensor # # Date/Time Sensors: # * "RTGR328_DATE" is RTGR328N # # Energy Sensors: # * "CM160" is OWL CM119, CM160 # * "CM180" is OWL CM180 # # Weighing scales (WEIGHT): # * "BWR101" is Oregon Scientific BWR101 # * "GR101" is Oregon Scientific GR101 # # Copyright (C) 2012/2013 Willi Herzig # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Due to RFXCOM SDK requirements this code may only be used with a RFXCOM device. # # Some code was derived and modified from xpl-perl # from the following two files: # xpl-perl/lib/xPL/Utils.pm: # xpl-perl/lib/xPL/RF/Oregon.pm: # #SEE ALSO # Project website: http://www.xpl-perl.org.uk/ # AUTHOR: Mark Hindess, soft-xpl-perl@temporalanomaly.com # # Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 by Mark Hindess # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, # at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. ################################## # # values for "set global verbose" # 4: log unknown protocols # 5: log decoding hexlines for debugging # package main; use strict; use warnings; # Hex-Debugging into READING hexline? YES = 1, NO = 0 my $TRX_HEX_debug = 0; my $time_old = 0; my $trx_rssi; sub TRX_WEATHER_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{Match} = "^..(50|51|52|54|55|56|57|58|5a|5d).*"; $hash->{DefFn} = "TRX_WEATHER_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "TRX_WEATHER_Undef"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "TRX_WEATHER_Parse"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ignore:1,0 do_not_notify:1,0 ". "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ". $readingFnAttributes; } ##################################### sub TRX_WEATHER_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); #my $a = int(@a); #print "a0 = $a[0]"; return "wrong syntax: define TRX_WEATHER code" if (int(@a) < 3); my $name = $a[0]; my $code = $a[2]; if (($code =~ /^CM160/) || ($code =~ /^CM180/)) { return "wrong syntax: define TRX_WEATHER code [scale_current scale_total add_total]" if (int(@a) != 3 && int(@a) != 6); $hash->{scale_current} = ((int(@a) == 6) ? $a[3] : 1); $hash->{scale_total} = ((int(@a) == 6) ? $a[4] : 1.0); $hash->{add_total} = ((int(@a) == 6) ? $a[5] : 0.0); } else { return "wrong syntax: define TRX_WEATHER code" if(int(@a) > 3); } $hash->{CODE} = $code; $modules{TRX_WEATHER}{defptr}{$code} = $hash; AssignIoPort($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub TRX_WEATHER_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $name) = @_; delete($modules{TRX_WEATHER}{defptr}{$name}); return undef; } # -------------------------------------------- # sensor types my %types = ( # TEMP 0x5008 => { part => 'TEMP', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_temp, }, # HYDRO 0x5108 => { part => 'HYDRO', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_hydro, }, # TEMP HYDRO 0x520a => { part => 'TEMPHYDRO', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_temphydro, }, # TEMP HYDRO BARO 0x540d => { part => 'TEMPHYDROBARO', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_temphydrobaro, }, # RAIN 0x550b => { part => 'RAIN', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_rain, }, # WIND 0x5610 => { part => 'WIND', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_anemometer, }, # UV 0x5709 => { part => 'UV', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_uv, }, # Date/Time sensors 0x580D => { part => 'DATE', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_datetime, }, # Energy usage sensors 0x5A11 => { part => 'ENERGY', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_energy, }, 0x5B13 => { part => 'ENERGY2', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_energy2, }, # WEIGHT 0x5D08 => { part => 'WEIGHT', method => \&TRX_WEATHER_common_weight, }, ); # -------------------------------------------- #my $DOT = q{.}; # Important: change it to _, because FHEM uses regexp my $DOT = q{_}; my @TRX_WEATHER_winddir_name=("N","NNE","NE","ENE","E","ESE","SE","SSE","S","SSW","SW","WSW","W","WNW","NW","NNW"); # -------------------------------------------- # The following functions are changed: # - some parameter like "parent" and others are removed # - @res array return the values directly (no usage of xPL::Message) sub TRX_WEATHER_temperature { my ($bytes, $dev, $res, $off) = @_; my $temp = ( (($bytes->[$off] & 0x80) ? -1 : 1) * (($bytes->[$off] & 0x7f)*256 + $bytes->[$off+1]) )/10; push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'temp', current => $temp, units => 'Grad Celsius' } } sub TRX_WEATHER_chill_temperature { my ($bytes, $dev, $res, $off) = @_; my $temp = ( (($bytes->[$off] & 0x80) ? -1 : 1) * (($bytes->[$off] & 0x7f)*256 + $bytes->[$off+1]) )/10; push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'chilltemp', current => $temp, units => 'Grad Celsius' } } sub TRX_WEATHER_humidity { my ($bytes, $dev, $res, $off) = @_; my $hum = $bytes->[$off]; my $hum_str = ['dry', 'comfortable', 'normal', 'wet']->[$bytes->[$off+1]]; push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'humidity', current => $hum, string => $hum_str, units => '%' } } sub TRX_WEATHER_pressure { my ($bytes, $dev, $res, $off) = @_; #my $offset = 795 unless ($offset); my $hpa = ($bytes->[$off])*256 + $bytes->[$off+1]; my $forecast = { 0x00 => 'noforecast', 0x01 => 'sunny', 0x02 => 'partly', 0x03 => 'cloudy', 0x04 => 'rain', }->{$bytes->[$off+2]} || 'unknown'; push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'pressure', current => $hpa, units => 'hPa', forecast => $forecast, }; } sub TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery { my ($bytes, $dev, $res, $off) = @_; my $battery; my $battery_level = $bytes->[$off] & 0x0f; if ($battery_level == 0x9) { $battery = 'ok'} elsif ($battery_level == 0x0) { $battery = 'low'} else { $battery = sprintf("unknown-%02x",$battery_level); } push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'battery', current => $battery, }; my $rssi = ($bytes->[$off] & 0xf0) >> 4; if ($trx_rssi == 1) { push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'rssi', current => sprintf("%d",$rssi), }; } } sub TRX_WEATHER_battery { my ($bytes, $dev, $res, $off) = @_; my $battery; my $battery_level = ($bytes->[$off] & 0x0f) + 1; if ($battery_level > 5) { $battery = sprintf("ok %d0%%",$battery_level); } else { $battery = sprintf("low %d0%%",$battery_level); } push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'battery', current => $battery, }; my $rssi = ($bytes->[$off] & 0xf0) >> 4; if ($trx_rssi == 1) { push @$res, { device => $dev, type => 'rssi', current => sprintf("%d",$rssi), }; } } # Test if to use longid for device type sub TRX_WEATHER_use_longid { my ($longids,$dev_type) = @_; return 0 if ($longids eq ""); return 0 if ($longids eq "0"); return 1 if ($longids eq "1"); return 1 if ($longids eq "ALL"); return 1 if(",$longids," =~ m/,$dev_type,/); return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # sub TRX_WEATHER_common_anemometer { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "WTGR800_A", 0x02 => "WGR800", 0x03 => "WGR918", 0x04 => "TFA_WIND", 0x05 => "WDS500", # UPM WDS500 0x06 => "WS2300_WIND", # WS2300 ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_anemometer error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } #my $seqnbr = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[2]; #Log 1,"seqnbr=$seqnbr"; my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } if ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } my $dir = $bytes->[5]*256 + $bytes->[6]; my $dirname = $TRX_WEATHER_winddir_name[$dir/22.5]; my $avspeed = ($bytes->[7]*256 + $bytes->[8]) / 10; my $speed = ($bytes->[9]*256 + $bytes->[10]) / 10; if ($dev_type eq "TFA_WIND") { TRX_WEATHER_temperature($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 11); TRX_WEATHER_chill_temperature($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 13); } push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'speed', current => $speed, average => $avspeed, units => 'mps', } , { device => $dev_str, type => 'direction', current => $dir, string => $dirname, units => 'degrees', }; TRX_WEATHER_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 15); return @res; } # ----------------------------- sub TRX_WEATHER_common_temp { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "THR128", 0x02 => "THGR132N", # was THGR228N, 0x03 => "THWR800", 0x04 => "RTHN318", 0x05 => "TX3", # LaCrosse TX3 0x06 => "TS15C", 0x07 => "VIKING_02811", # Viking 02811 0x08 => "WS2300", # La Crosse WS2300 0x09 => "RUBICSON", # RUBiCSON 0x0a => "TFA_303133", # TFA 30.3133 ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_temp error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } #my $seqnbr = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[2]; #Log 1,"seqnbr=$seqnbr"; my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } if ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } #Log 1,"dev_str=$dev_str"; my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } TRX_WEATHER_temperature($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 5); TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 7); return @res; } # ----------------------------- sub TRX_WEATHER_common_hydro { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "TX3", # LaCrosse TX3 0x02 => "WS2300", # LaCrosse WS2300 Humidity ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_hydro error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } if ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } #Log 1,"dev_str=$dev_str"; my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } TRX_WEATHER_humidity($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 5); TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 7); return @res; } # ----------------------------- sub TRX_WEATHER_common_temphydro { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "THGR228N", # THGN122/123, THGN132, THGR122/228/238/268 0x02 => "THGR810", 0x03 => "RTGR328", 0x04 => "THGR328", 0x05 => "WTGR800_T", 0x06 => "THGR918", 0x07 => "TFATS34C", 0x08 => "WT450H", # WT260,WT260H,WT440H,WT450,WT450H 0x09 => "VIKING_02038", # Viking 02035,02038 (02035 has no humidity) ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_temphydro error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } elsif ($dev_type eq "TFATS34C") { #Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: TFA"; if ($bytes->[3] > 0x20 && $bytes->[3] <= 0x3F) { #Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: TFA 1"; $dev_str .= $DOT."1"; } elsif ($bytes->[3] >= 0x40 && $bytes->[3] <= 0x5F) { #Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: TFA 2"; $dev_str .= $DOT."2"; } elsif ($bytes->[3] >= 0x60 && $bytes->[3] <= 0x7F) { #Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: TFA 3"; $dev_str .= $DOT."3"; } elsif ($bytes->[3] >= 0xA0 && $bytes->[3] <= 0xBF) { #Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: TFA 4"; $dev_str .= $DOT."4"; } elsif ($bytes->[3] >= 0xC0 && $bytes->[3] <= 0xDF) { #Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: TFA 5"; $dev_str .= $DOT."5"; } else { #Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: TFA 9"; $dev_str .= $DOT."9"; } } elsif ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } TRX_WEATHER_temperature($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 5); TRX_WEATHER_humidity($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 7); if ($dev_type eq "THGR918") { TRX_WEATHER_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 9); } else { TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 9); } return @res; } # ----------------------------- sub TRX_WEATHER_common_temphydrobaro { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "BTHR918", 0x02 => "BTHR918N", ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_temphydrobaro error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } if ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } #Log 1,"dev_str=$dev_str"; my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } TRX_WEATHER_temperature($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 5); TRX_WEATHER_humidity($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 7); TRX_WEATHER_pressure($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 9); TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 12); return @res; } # ----------------------------- sub TRX_WEATHER_common_rain { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "RGR918", 0x02 => "PCR800", 0x03 => "TFA_RAIN", 0x04 => "RG700", 0x05 => "WS2300_RAIN", # WS2300 ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_rain error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } if ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } my $rain = $bytes->[5]*256 + $bytes->[6]; if ($dev_type eq "RGR918") { push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'rain', current => $rain, units => 'mm/h', }; } elsif ($dev_type eq "PCR800") { $rain = $rain / 100; push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'rain', current => $rain, units => 'mm/h', }; } my $train = ($bytes->[7]*256*256 + $bytes->[8]*256 + $bytes->[9])/10; # total rain push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'train', current => $train, units => 'mm', }; TRX_WEATHER_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 10); return @res; } my @uv_str = ( qw/low low low/, # 0 - 2 qw/medium medium medium/, # 3 - 5 qw/high high/, # 6 - 7 'very high', 'very high', 'very high', # 8 - 10 ); sub TRX_WEATHER_uv_string { $uv_str[$_[0]] || 'dangerous'; } # ----------------------------- sub TRX_WEATHER_common_uv { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "UVN128", # Oregon UVN128, UV138 0x02 => "UVN800", # Oregon UVN800 0x03 => "TFA_UV", # TFA_UV-Sensor ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_uv error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } #my $seqnbr = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[2]; #Log 1,"seqnbr=$seqnbr"; my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } if ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } #Log 1,"dev_str=$dev_str"; my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } my $uv = $bytes->[5]/10; # UV my $risk = TRX_WEATHER_uv_string(int($uv)); push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'uv', current => $uv, risk => $risk, units => '', }; if ($dev_type eq "TFA_UV") { TRX_WEATHER_temperature($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 6); } TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 8); return @res; } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # sub TRX_WEATHER_common_datetime { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "RTGR328_DATE", # RTGR328N datetime datagram ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_datetime error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x%02x", $bytes->[3],$bytes->[4]); } my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'date', current => sprintf("%02d-%02d-%02d", $bytes->[5],$bytes->[6],$bytes->[7]), units => 'yymmdd', }; push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'time', current => sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $bytes->[9],$bytes->[10],$bytes->[11]), units => 'hhmmss', }; TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 12); return @res; } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # T R X _ W E A T H E R _ c o m m o n _ e n e r g y ( ) # # devices: CM119, CM160, CM180 sub TRX_WEATHER_common_energy { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "CM160", # CM119, CM160 0x02 => "CM180", # CM180 ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_energy error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } #my $seqnbr = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[2]; #Log 1,"seqnbr=$seqnbr"; my $dev_str = $dev_type; $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x%02x", $bytes->[3],$bytes->[4]); my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } my $energy_current = ( $bytes->[6] * 256*256*256 + $bytes->[7] * 256*256 + $bytes->[8] * 256 + $bytes->[9] ); push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'energy_current', current => $energy_current, units => 'W', }; my $energy_total = ( $bytes->[10] * 256*256*256*256*256 + $bytes->[11] * 256*256*256*256 + $bytes->[12] * 256*256*256 + $bytes->[13] * 256*256 + $bytes->[14] * 256 + $bytes->[15] ) / 223.666; $energy_total = $energy_total / 1000; push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'energy_total', current => $energy_total, units => 'kWh', }; my $count = $bytes->[5]; # TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 16) if ($count==0 || $count==1 || $count==2 || $count==3 || $count==8 || $count==9); TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 16); return @res; } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # T R X _ W E A T H E R _ c o m m o n _ e n e r g y 2 # # devices: CM180i sub TRX_WEATHER_common_energy2 { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "CM180I", # CM180i ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_energy2 error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } #my $seqnbr = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[2]; #Log 1,"seqnbr=$seqnbr"; my $dev_str = $dev_type; $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x%02x", $bytes->[3],$bytes->[4]); my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } my $energy_count = $bytes->[5]; if (1) { my $energy_current_ch1 = ($bytes->[6] * 256 + $bytes->[7])/10; my $energy_current_ch2 = ($bytes->[8] * 256 + $bytes->[9])/10; my $energy_current_ch3 = ($bytes->[10] * 256 + $bytes->[11]/10); push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'energy_ch1', current => $energy_current_ch1, units => 'A', }; push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'energy_ch2', current => $energy_current_ch2, units => 'A', }; push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'energy_ch3', current => $energy_current_ch3, units => 'A', }; } if ($energy_count == 0) { my $energy_total = ( $bytes->[12] * 256*256*256*256*256 + $bytes->[13] * 256*256*256*256 + $bytes->[14] * 256*256*256 + $bytes->[15] * 256*256 + $bytes->[16] * 256 + $bytes->[17] ) / 223.666; $energy_total = $energy_total / 1000; push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'energy_total', current => $energy_total, units => 'kWh', }; } # TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 16) if ($count==0 || $count==1 || $count==2 || $count==3 || $count==8 || $count==9); TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 18); return @res; } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # sub TRX_WEATHER_common_weight { my $type = shift; my $longids = shift; my $bytes = shift; my $subtype = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[1]; #Log 1,"subtype=$subtype"; my $dev_type; my %devname = ( # HEXSTRING => "NAME" 0x01 => "BWR101", 0x02 => "GR101", ); if (exists $devname{$bytes->[1]}) { $dev_type = $devname{$bytes->[1]}; } else { Log 1,"TRX_WEATHER: common_weight error undefined subtype=$subtype"; my @res = (); return @res; } #my $seqnbr = sprintf "%02x", $bytes->[2]; #Log 1,"seqnbr=$seqnbr"; my $dev_str = $dev_type; if (TRX_WEATHER_use_longid($longids,$dev_type)) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%02x", $bytes->[3]); } if ($bytes->[4] > 0) { $dev_str .= $DOT.sprintf("%d", $bytes->[4]); } my @res = (); # hexline debugging if ($TRX_HEX_debug) { my $hexline = ""; for (my $i=0;$i<@$bytes;$i++) { $hexline .= sprintf("%02x",$bytes->[$i]);} push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'hexline', current => $hexline, units => 'hex', }; } my $weight = ($bytes->[5]*256 + $bytes->[6])/10; push @res, { device => $dev_str, type => 'weight', current => $weight, units => 'kg', }; #TRX_WEATHER_simple_battery($bytes, $dev_str, \@res, 7); return @res; } # ----------------------------- sub TRX_WEATHER_Parse($$) { my ($iohash, $hexline) = @_; #my $hashname = $iohash->{NAME}; #my $longid = AttrVal($hashname,"longids",""); #Log 1,"2: name=$hashname, attr longids = $longid"; my $longids = 0; if (defined($attr{$iohash->{NAME}}{longids})) { $longids = $attr{$iohash->{NAME}}{longids}; #Log 1,"0: attr longids = $longids"; } $trx_rssi = 0; if (defined($attr{$iohash->{NAME}}{rssi})) { $trx_rssi = $attr{$iohash->{NAME}}{rssi}; #Log 1,"0: attr rssi = $trx_rssi"; } my $time = time(); # convert to binary my $msg = pack('H*', $hexline); if ($time_old ==0) { Log 5, "TRX_WEATHER: decoding delay=0 hex=$hexline"; } else { my $time_diff = $time - $time_old ; Log 5, "TRX_WEATHER: decoding delay=$time_diff hex=$hexline"; } $time_old = $time; # convert string to array of bytes. Skip length byte my @rfxcom_data_array = (); foreach (split(//, substr($msg,1))) { push (@rfxcom_data_array, ord($_) ); } my $num_bytes = ord($msg); if ($num_bytes < 3) { return; } my $type = $rfxcom_data_array[0]; my $sensor_id = unpack('H*', chr $type); my $key = ($type << 8) + $num_bytes; my $rec = $types{$key}; unless ($rec) { Log 4, "TRX_WEATHER: ERROR: Unknown sensor_id=$sensor_id message='$hexline'"; Log 1, "TRX_WEATHER: ERROR: Unknown sensor_id=$sensor_id message='$hexline'"; return ""; } my $method = $rec->{method}; unless ($method) { Log 4, "TRX_WEATHER: Possible message from Oregon part '$rec->{part}'"; Log 4, "TRX_WEATHER: sensor_id=$sensor_id"; return; } my @res; if (! defined(&$method)) { Log 4, "TRX_WEATHER: Error: Unknown function=$method. Please define it in file $0"; Log 4, "TRX_WEATHER: sensor_id=$sensor_id\n"; return ""; } else { #Log 1, "TRX_WEATHER: parsing sensor_id=$sensor_id message='$hexline'"; @res = $method->($rec->{part}, $longids, \@rfxcom_data_array); } # get device name from first entry my $device_name = $res[0]->{device}; #Log 1, "device_name=$device_name"; if (! defined($device_name)) { Log 4, "TRX_WEATHER: error device_name undefined\n"; return ""; } my $def = $modules{TRX_WEATHER}{defptr}{"$device_name"}; if(!$def) { Log 3, "TRX_WEATHER: Unknown device $device_name, please define it"; return "UNDEFINED $device_name TRX_WEATHER $device_name"; } # Use $def->{NAME}, because the device may be renamed: my $name = $def->{NAME}; return "" if(IsIgnored($name)); my $n = 0; my $tm = TimeNow(); my $i; my $val = ""; my $sensor = ""; readingsBeginUpdate($def); foreach $i (@res){ #print "!> i=".$i."\n"; #printf "%s\t",$i->{device}; if ($i->{type} eq "temp") { #printf "Temperatur %2.1f %s ; ",$i->{current},$i->{units}; $val .= "T: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "temperature"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "chilltemp") { #printf "Temperatur %2.1f %s ; ",$i->{current},$i->{units}; $val .= "CT: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "windchill"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "humidity") { #printf "Luftfeuchtigkeit %d%s, %s ;",$i->{current},$i->{units},$i->{string}; $val .= "H: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "humidity"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "battery") { #printf "Batterie %d%s; ",$i->{current},$i->{units}; my $tmp_battery = $i->{current}; my @words = split(/\s+/,$i->{current}); $val .= "BAT: ".$words[0]." "; #use only first word $sensor = "battery"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "pressure") { #printf "Luftdruck %d %s, Vorhersage=%s ; ",$i->{current},$i->{units},$i->{forecast}; # do not add it due to problems with hms.gplot $val .= "P: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "pressure"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); $sensor = "forecast"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{forecast}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "speed") { $val .= "W: ".$i->{current}." "; $val .= "WA: ".$i->{average}." "; $sensor = "wind_speed"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); $sensor = "wind_avspeed"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{average}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "direction") { $val .= "WD: ".$i->{current}." "; $val .= "WDN: ".$i->{string}." "; $sensor = "wind_dir"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current} . " " . $i->{string}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "rain") { $val .= "RR: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "rain_rate"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "train") { $val .= "TR: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "rain_total"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "flip") { $val .= "F: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "rain_flip"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "uv") { $val .= "UV: ".$i->{current}." "; $val .= "UVR: ".$i->{risk}." "; $sensor = "uv_val"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); $sensor = "uv_risk"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{risk}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "energy_current") { my $energy_current = $i->{current}; if (defined($def->{scale_current})) { $energy_current = $energy_current * $def->{scale_current}; #Log 1,"scale_current=".$def->{scale_current}; } $val .= "ECUR: ".$energy_current." "; $sensor = "energy_current"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $energy_current." ".$i->{units}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "energy_ch1") { my $energy_current = $i->{current}; if (defined($def->{scale_current})) { $energy_current = $energy_current * $def->{scale_current}; #Log 1,"scale_current=".$def->{scale_current}; } $val .= "CH1: ".$energy_current." "; $sensor = "energy_ch1"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $energy_current); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "energy_ch2") { my $energy_current = $i->{current}; if (defined($def->{scale_current})) { $energy_current = $energy_current * $def->{scale_current}; #Log 1,"scale_current=".$def->{scale_current}; } $val .= "CH2: ".$energy_current." "; $sensor = "energy_ch2"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $energy_current); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "energy_ch3") { my $energy_current = $i->{current}; if (defined($def->{scale_current})) { $energy_current = $energy_current * $def->{scale_current}; #Log 1,"scale_current=".$def->{scale_current}; } $val .= "CH3: ".$energy_current." "; $sensor = "energy_ch3"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $energy_current); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "energy_total") { my $energy_total = $i->{current}; if (defined($def->{scale_total}) && defined($def->{add_total})) { $energy_total = sprintf("%.4f",$energy_total * $def->{scale_total} + $def->{add_total}); #Log 1,"scale_total=".$def->{scale_total}; } #Log 1,"energy_total=".$energy_total; $val .= "ESUM: ".$energy_total." "; $sensor = "energy_total"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $energy_total." ".$i->{units}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "weight") { $val .= "W: ".$i->{current}." "; $sensor = "weight"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "hexline") { $sensor = "hexline"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "rssi") { $sensor = "rssi"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "date") { $val .= $i->{current}." "; $sensor = "date"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } elsif ($i->{type} eq "time") { $val .= $i->{current}." "; $sensor = "time"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, $sensor, $i->{current}); } else { print "\nTRX_WEATHER: Unknown: "; print "Type: ".$i->{type}.", "; print "Value: ".$i->{current}."\n"; } } if ("$val" ne "") { # remove heading and trailing space chars from $val $val =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #$def->{STATE} = $val; readingsBulkUpdate($def, "state", $val); } readingsEndUpdate($def, 1); return $name; } 1; =pod =begin html


    The TRX_WEATHER module interprets weather sensor messages received by a RTXtrx receiver. See http://www.rfxcom.com/oregon.htm for a list of Oregon Scientific weather sensors that could be received by the RFXtrx433 tranmitter. You need to define a RFXtrx433 receiver first. See See TRX.

      define <name> TRX_WEATHER <deviceid>

        is the device identifier of the sensor. It consists of the sensors name and (only if the attribute longids is set of the RFXtrx433) an a one byte hex string (00-ff) that identifies the sensor. If an sensor uses an switch to set an additional is then this is also added. The define statement with the deviceid is generated automatically by autocreate. The following sensor names are used:
        "THR128" (for THR128/138, THC138),
        "THGR132N" (for THC238/268,THN132,THWR288,THRN122,THN122,AW129/131),
        "TX3_T" (for LaCrosse TX3, TX4, TX17),
        "THGR228N" (for THGN122/123, THGN132, THGR122/228/238/268),
        "WTGR800_T" (for temperature of WTGR800),
        "THGR918" (for THGR918, THGRN228, THGN500),
        "TFATS34C" (for TFA TS34C),
        "BTHR918N (for BTHR918N, BTHR968),
        "RGR918" (for RGR126/682/918),
        "TFA_RAIN" (for TFA rain sensor),
        "WTGR800_A" (for wind sensor of WTGR800),
        "WGR800" (for wind sensor of WGR800),
        "WGR918" (for wind sensor of STR918 and WGR918),
        "TFA_WIND" (for TFA wind sensor),
        "BWR101" (for Oregon Scientific BWR101),
        "GR101" (for Oregon Scientific GR101)

        define Tempsensor TRX_WEATHER TX3_T
        define Tempsensor3 TRX_WEATHER THR128_3
        define Windsensor TRX_WEATHER WGR918_A
        define Regensensor TRX_WEATHER RGR918

      define <name> TRX_WEATHER <deviceid> [<scale_current> <scale_total> <add_total>]

        is the device identifier of the energy sensor. It consists of the sensors name and (only if the attribute longids is set of the RFXtrx433) an a two byte hex string (0000-ffff) that identifies the sensor. The define statement with the deviceid is generated automatically by autocreate. The following sensor names are used:
        "CM160" (for OWL CM119 or CM160),
        "CM180" (for OWL CM180),

        "CM180i"(for OWL CM180i),

      The following Readings are generated:
          Only for CM160 and CM180: current usage in Watt. If <scale_current> is defined the result is: energy_current * <scale_current>.
          Only for CM180i (where chx is ch1, ch2 or ch3): current usage in Ampere. If <scale_current> is defined the result is: energy_chx * <scale_current>.
          current usage in kWh. If scale_total and add_total is defined the result is: energy_total * <scale_total> + <add_total>.

        define Tempsensor TRX_WEATHER CM160_1401
        define Tempsensor TRX_WEATHER CM180_1401 1 1 0
        define Tempsensor TRX_WEATHER CM180_1401 0.9 0.9 -1000



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