# $Id: 98_Heating_Control.pm 20678 2019-12-08 04:49:25Z Beta-User $
# 98_Heating_Control.pm
# written by Dietmar Ortmann
# Maintained by igami since 02-2018
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see
set <name> ConvertToWDT
to one of them. The WeekdayTimer devices will have the same names, all former HC devices will be in a WDT_Group called former_HC, so they can be switched together. Instead of Heating_Control_SetTemp("HC-device") or Heating_Control_SetAllTemps() use set <name> WDT_Params single
or set <name> WDT_Params WDT_Group
. For Perl commands, WeekdayTimer offers WeekdayTimer_SetParm("WD-device"), WeekdayTimer_SetAllParms() or WeekdayTimer_SetAllParms("former_HC") (former_HC might also be any other group you want to set). define <name> Heating_Control <device> [<language>] [weekdays] <profile> [<command>|<condition>]
set <device> (desired-temp|desiredTemperature) <temp>
The following parameter are defined:
define HCB Heating_Control Bad_Heizung 12345|05:20|21 12345|05:25|comfort 17:20|21 17:25|eco
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung 07:00|16 Mo,Tu,Th-Fr|16:00|18.5 20:00|12
{fhem("set dummy on"); fhem("set $NAME desired-temp $EVENT");}
At the given times and weekdays only(!) the command will be executed.
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung Sa-Su,We|08:00|21 (ReadingsVal("WeAreThere", "state", "no") eq "yes")
The temperature is only set if the dummy variable WeAreThere is "yes".
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung en Su-Fr|{sunrise_abs()}|21 Mo-Fr|{sunset_abs()}|16
The device is switched at sunrise/sunset. Language: english.
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung en Mo-Fr|{myFunction}|night-temp:18 Mo-Fr|{myFunction()}|dayTemp:16
The is switched at time myFunction(). It is sent the Command "night-temp 18" and "dayTemp 16".
If you want to have set all Heating_Controls their current value (after a temperature lowering phase holidays)
you can call the function Heating_Control_SetTemp("HC-device") or Heating_Control_SetAllTemps().
This call can be automatically coupled to a dummy by a notify:
define HeizStatus2 notify Heating:. * {Heating_Control_SetAllTemps()}
Some definitions without comment:
the list of days can be set globaly for the whole Heating_Control:
define hc Heating_Control HeizungKueche de 7|23:35|25 34|23:30|22 23:30|16 23:15|22 8|23:45|16
define hc Heating_Control HeizungKueche de fr,$we|23:35|25 34|23:30|22 23:30|16 23:15|22 12|23:45|16
define hc Heating_Control HeizungKueche de 20:35|25 34|14:30|22 21:30|16 21:15|22 12|23:00|16
define hw Heating_Control HeizungKueche de mo-so, $we|{sunrise_abs_dat($date)}|18 mo-so, $we|{sunset_abs_dat($date)}|22
define ht Heating_Control HeizungKueche de mo-so,!$we|{sunrise_abs_dat($date)}|18 mo-so,!$we|{sunset_abs_dat($date)}|22
define hh Heating_Control HeizungKueche de {sunrise_abs_dat($date)}|19 {sunset_abs_dat($date)}|21
define hx Heating_Control HeizungKueche de 22:35|25 23:00|16
define HeizungWohnen_an_wt Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de !$we 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de $we 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de 78 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de 57 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de fr,$we 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define hc Heating_Control HeatingBath de !$we|05:00|{HC_WithBoost(23,"HeatingBath")} $we|07:00|{HC_WithBoost(23,"HeatingBath")} 23:00|{HC_WithBoost(20,"HeatingBath")}
and using a "HeatingBath_Boost" dummy variable:
define HeatingBath_Boost dummy
attr HeatingBath_Boost setList state:0,23,24,25
attr HeatingBath_Boost webCmd state
define di_ResetBoostBath DOIF ([HeatingBath_Boost] > 0)
({Heating_Control_SetAllTemps()}, defmod di_ResetBoostBath_Reset at +01:00:00 set HeatingBath_Boost 0)
attr di_ResetBoostBath do always
and the perl subroutine in 99_myUtils.pm (or the like)
sub HC_BathWithBoost {
my $numParams = @_;
my ($degree, $boostPrefix) = @_;
if ($numParams > 1)
my $boost = ReadingsVal($boostPrefix . "_Boost", "state", "0");
return $boost if ($boost =~ m/^\d+$/) && ($boost > 0); # boost?
return $degree; # otherwise return given temperature
Now you can set "HeatingBath_Boost" in the web interface for a one-hour boost of 3 degrees in the bath.
(you can trigger that using the PRESENCE function using your girlfriend's device... grin).
Easy to extend this with a vacation timer using another dummy variable, here VacationTemp
.defmod defVacationEnd at 2016-12-30T00:00:00 set VacationTemp off, {Heating_Control_SetAllTemps()}
to stop the vacation temperature before you return in january 2017 and let the appartment heat up again.
sub HC_BathWithBoost($) {
my $vacation = ReadingsVal("VacationTemp", "state", "unfortunately not on vacation");
return $vacation if $vacation =~ /^(\d+|eco)$/; # set vacation temperature if given
my $numParams = @_;
my ($degree, $boostPrefix) = @_;
if ($numParams > 1)
my $boost = ReadingsVal($boostPrefix . "_Boost", "state", "0");
return $boost if ($boost =~ m/^\d+$/) && ($boost > 0); # boost?
Pray that the device does not restart during your vacation, as the define defVacationEnd ... at
is volatile and will be lost at restart!
attr hc delayedExecutionCond isDelayed("%HEATING_CONTROL","%WEEKDAYTIMER","%TIME","%NAME","%EVENT")the parameters %HEATING_CONTROL(timer name) %TIME %NAME(device name) %EVENT are replaced at runtime by the correct value.
sub isDelayed($$$$$) { my($hc, $wdt, $tim, $nam, $event ) = @_; my $theSunIsStillshining = ... return ($tim eq "16:30" && $theSunIsStillshining) ; }
set <name> ConvertToWDT
, wobei als <name> ein beliebiges Heating_Control device angegeben werden kann. Die WeekdayTimer werden mit denselben Namen erstellt, alle früheren HC Geräte erhalten ein WDT_Group-Attribut mit Inhalt former_HC, so dass sie auch in Zukunft miteinander geschalten werden können. Statt des Aufrufs Heating_Control_SetTemp("HC-device") bzw. Heating_Control_SetAllTemps() steht Ihnen set <name> WDT_Params single
oder set <name> WDT_Params WDT_Group
zur Verfügung, sowie WeekdayTimer_SetParm("WD-device"), WeekdayTimer_SetAllParms() bzw. WeekdayTimer_SetAllParms("former_HC"), wenn Sie Perl nutzen möchten (former_HC ist hier nur ein Beispiel, es können beliebige Gruppennamen verwendet werden. define <name> Heating_Control <device> [<language>] <wochentage;] <profile> <command>|<condition>
set <device> (desired-temp|desiredTemperature) <temp>
Folgende Parameter sind im Define definiert:
define HCW Heating_Control Bad_Heizung 12345|05:20|21 12345|05:25|comfort 17:20|21 17:25|eco
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung 07:00|16 Mo,Di,Mi|16:00|18.5 20:00|12
{fhem("set dummy on"); fhem("set $NAME desired-temp $EVENT");}
Zu den definierten Schaltzeiten wird nur(!) der in {} angegebene Perl-Code ausgeführt.
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung Sa-So,Mi|08:00|21 (ReadingsVal("WeAreThere", "state", "no") eq "yes")
Die zu setzende Temperatur wird nur gesetzt, falls die Dummy Variable WeAreThere = "yes" ist.
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung en Su-Fr|{sunrise_abs()}|21 Mo-Fr|{sunset_abs()}|16
Das Gerät wird bei Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang geschaltet. Sprache: Englisch.
define HCW Heating_Control WZ_Heizung en Mo-Fr|{myFunction}|night-temp:18 Mo-Fr|{myFunction()}|dayTemp:16
Das Gerät wird bei myFunction() geschaltet. Es wird das Kommando "night-temp 18" bzw. "dayTemp 16" gesendet.
Wenn du beispielsweise nach einer Temperaturabsenkungsphase erreichen willst, dass alle Heating_Controls ihren aktuellen Wert
einstellen sollen, kannst du die Funktion Heating_Control_SetTemp("HC-device") or Heating_Control_SetAllTemps() aufrufen.
Dieser Aufruf kann per notify automatisch an ein dummy gekoppelt werden:
define HeizStatus2 notify Heizung:.* {Heating_Control_SetAllTemps()}
Einige Definitionen ohne weitere Erklärung:
Die Tagesliste kann global für das ganze Heating_Control angegeben werden:
define hc Heating_Control HeizungKueche de 7|23:35|25 34|23:30|22 23:30|16 23:15|22 8|23:45|16
define hc Heating_Control HeizungKueche de fr,$we|23:35|25 34|23:30|22 23:30|16 23:15|22 12|23:45|16
define hc Heating_Control HeizungKueche de 20:35|25 34|14:30|22 21:30|16 21:15|22 12|23:00|16
define hw Heating_Control HeizungKueche de mo-so, $we|{sunrise_abs_dat($date)}|18 mo-so, $we|{sunset_abs_dat($date)}|22
define ht Heating_Control HeizungKueche de mo-so,!$we|{sunrise_abs_dat($date)}|18 mo-so,!$we|{sunset_abs_dat($date)}|22
define hh Heating_Control HeizungKueche de {sunrise_abs_dat($date)}|19 {sunset_abs_dat($date)}|21
define hx Heating_Control HeizungKueche de 22:35|25 23:00|16
es ist möglich den Parameter als Perlcode zu spezifizieren:
define HeizungWohnen_an_wt Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de !$we 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de $we 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de 78 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de 57 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
define HeizungWohnen_an_we Heating_Control HeizungWohnen de fr,$we 09:00|19 (heizungAnAus("Ein"))
ein detailiertes Beispiel ist in Heating_Control(EN) beschrieben
... 7|23:35|{getParameter(13,"this")} 7|23:36|{getParameter(14,"that")}
set <name> <value>
is one of:enable # enables the Heating_Control disable # disables the Heating_ControlExamples:
set hc disable
set hc enable
attr wd delayedExecutionCond isDelayed("$HEATING_CONTROL","$WEEKDAYTIMER","$TIME","$NAME","$EVENT")Die Parameter $HEATING_CONTROL(timer Name) $TIME $NAME(device Name) $EVENT werden zur Laufzeit durch die echten Werte ersetzt.
sub isDelayed($$$$$) { my($hc, $wdt, $tim, $nam, $event ) = @_; my $theSunIsStillshining = ... return ($tim eq "16:30" && $theSunIsStillshining) ; }