############################ # Display a piri log with multiple units logging into the same file. # Corresponding FileLog definition: # define pirilog FileLog /var/log/fhem/piri-%Y-%m-%d.log piri.* # The devices are called piri.sz, piri.flo, piri.flu, prir.wz1 and piri.wz2 set readonly set terminal png transparent size crop set output '.png' set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S" set xlabel " " set ylabel "Piri" set y2label "Piri" set title '' set ytics ("Sz" 0.8, "FlO" 0.6, "FlU" 0.4, "Wz1" 0.2, "Wz2" 0.0) set y2tics ("Sz" 0.8, "FlO" 0.6, "FlU" 0.4, "Wz1" 0.2, "Wz2" 0.0) set yrange [-0.1:0.9] set y2range [-0.1:0.9] #FileLog "0.8":sz:0.8: #FileLog "0.6":flo:0.6: #FileLog "0.4":flu:0.4: #FileLog "0.2":wz1:0.2: #FileLog "0.0":wz2:0.0: plot\ "< awk '/sz/ {print $1, 0.8; }' " using 1:2 notitle with points,\ "< awk '/flo/{print $1, 0.6; }' " using 1:2 notitle with points,\ "< awk '/flu/{print $1, 0.4; }' " using 1:2 notitle with points,\ "< awk '/wz1/{print $1, 0.2; }' " using 1:2 notitle with points,\ "< awk '/wz2/{print $1, 0.0; }' " using 1:2 notitle with points