/* iOS 6 Theme for FHEM */ /* by Sandra Ohmayer */ /* http://www.foodcat.de */ /* jQuery is required*/ $(document).ready(function() { /* /* Style Config */ var spaltensumme = 200; var menuwidth = 200; var paddingwidth = 60; var mobilepaddingwidth = 20; var logowidth = 28; var switchtomobilemode = 415; var hdrheight = 44; var inputpadding = 251; /* /* Functions */ // Set style height and width var recalculateStyleHeight = function() { var height = window.innerHeight; $("#menu").height(height - hdrheight); $("#content").height(height - hdrheight); $("#right").height(height - hdrheight); }; var recalculateStyleWithMenu = function() { var width = $("body").width(); $("body").removeClass("hideMenu"); if (switchtomobilemode > width) { $("#menu").width(width); $("#content").width(0); $("#right").width(0); $("#content").hide() $("#right").hide(); $("#hdr input").width(width - inputpadding + menuwidth - logowidth); } else { $("#menu").width(menuwidth); $("#content").width(width - menuwidth - paddingwidth - 1); 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var tables = $("table.block.wide").not('.notrelevantcount'); // Ermitteln der maximalen Spaltenanzahl im Layout var maxlength = 0; var maxtr; tables.each(function() { var td = $(this).children("tbody").children("tr").first().children("td"); var trlength = 0; td.each(function() { trlength = trlength+$(this).prop("colSpan"); }); if (trlength > maxlength) { maxlength = trlength; maxtr=$(this).children("tbody").children("tr").children('td:eq('+(maxlength-1)+')').parent().first(); } }); // Setzen aller hinteren Spalten auf ein Minimum an Platzbedarf tables.children("tbody").children("tr").each(function() { var trlength = $(this).children("td").length; var diff = 0; if (trlength < maxlength) { diff = maxlength - trlength; } diff++; $(this).children("td").css("width", "1%"); $(this).children("td").css("white-space", "nowrap"); $(this).children("td").first().css("width", ""); $(this).children("td").first().css("white-space", ""); }); // Ermitteln der maxwidth abhängig vom größten Spaltenelement beginnend bei Spalte 2 var i; 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}); }; var mobiletoggle = function () { if($('body').hasClass("colortoggle")){}else{ var counter=0; $( ".colorpicker_widget, .slider_widget" ).each(function(){ $( '
Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007 Created by potrace 1.8, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2007
' ).insertBefore( $(this) ); $(this).parent().css("white-space", "nowrap"); $(this).parent().css("display", "table"); $(this).attr('id', 'colorpicker'+counter); $(this).hide(); $('#colorminus'+counter).hide(); counter++; }); $('body').addClass("colortoggle"); } }; /* /* DOM manipulation */ // init viewport $('meta[name="viewport"]').remove(); $('head').append(''); var ismobile = (/iphone|ipod|android|blackberry|opera|mini|windows\sce|palm|smartphone|iemobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())); var istablet = (/ipad|android|android 3.0|xoom|sch-i800|playbook|tablet|kindle/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())); var isAndroid = function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i); }; if (ismobile) { $("body").addClass("isMobile"); if (isAndroid()) { $("body").addClass("isAndroidPhone"); } } else if(istablet) { if (isAndroid()) { $("body").addClass("isAndroidTablet"); } } // init height and width recalculateStyleHeight(); // hide menu if ($("body").width() < window.innerHeight) { recalculateStyleWithoutMenu(); } else { recalculateStyleWithMenu(); } // Logo - add toggle link var parentLink = $("#logo").parent("a"); $(parentLink).unbind("click"); if (typeof(parentLink.attr("href")) == "undefined") { parentLink.attr("onclick", "#"); } else { parentLink.attr("href", "#"); } $("#logo").closest("a").removeAttr("onclick"); $("#logo").click(toggleMenuOnFHEMIcon); /* /* Event Handlers */ // Resize $(window).resize(function() { recalculateStyleHeight(); if ($("body").width() < window.innerHeight) { recalculateStyleWithoutMenu(); resetcolumns(); calccolumns(); } else { recalculateStyleWithMenu(); resetcolumns(); calccolumns(); } if (spaltensumme < 200) { mobiletoggle(); resetcolumns(); calccolumns(); } }); $(window).bind('orientationchange', function(event) { $(window).trigger('resize'); //alert("orientationchange width: "+window.innerWidth+" height: "+window.innerHeight); }); // Touch - Color picker $(document).on('touchstart', function(e) { var container = $("#colorpicker"); if (!container.is(e.target) // if the target of the click isn't the container... && container.has(e.target).length === 0 // ... nor a descendant of the container && !$("input").is(e.target) && container.length > 0) // ... is not an input { container.remove(); } }); }); function triggerResize() { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } function togglecolorpicker(counter) { $('#colorpicker'+counter).toggle('fast'); $('#colorminus'+counter).toggle(); $('#colorplus'+counter).toggle(); } function togglecolorpickerct(counter) { $('#colorpicker_ct_mired'+counter).toggle('fast'); $('#colorctminus'+counter).toggle(); $('#colorctplus'+counter).toggle(); } window.addEventListener("load",triggerResize,false);