package main; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); sub CommandHOL($$); ##################################### sub HOL_Initialize($$) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{SetFn} = "HOL_Set"; $hash->{DefFn} = "HOL_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "HOL_Undef"; } sub HOL_Set { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = shift @a; my $v = join(" ", @a); my $currentState = $hash->{STATE}; return "state is already $v" if $currentState eq $v; if ($v eq "on" || $v eq "off" || $v eq "switch") { if($v eq "on") { $hash->{STATE} = "on"; HOL_switch($hash); } elsif ($v eq "off") { $hash->{STATE} = "off"; HOL_turnOffCurrentDevice($hash); } elsif ($v eq "switch") { my $state = "$hash->{STATE}"; return "can only switch if state is on" if ($state ne "on"); HOL_switch($hash); } return $v; } else { return "unknown set value, choose one of on off switch"; } } sub HOL_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; return undef; } sub HOL_turnOffCurrentDevice { my ($hash) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); if (defined($hash->{currentSwitchDevice})) { my $currentDeviceName = $hash->{currentSwitchDevice}; fhem "set $currentDeviceName off"; } } sub HOL_switch { my ($hash) = @_; HOL_turnOffCurrentDevice($hash); my $state = $hash->{STATE}; Log 2, "holiday state is $state"; return undef if ($state eq "off"); my $deviceName; if (defined($hash->{currentSwitchDevice}) && defined($attr{$hash->{currentSwitchDevice}}{holidaySwitchFollowUp})) { my $followUp = $attr{$hash->{currentSwitchDevice}}{holidaySwitchFollowUp}; Log 2, "possible follow up devices $followUp"; my @possibleDevices = split(/,/, $followUp); $deviceName = HOL_GetRandomItemInArray(@possibleDevices); Log 2, "follow up $deviceName"; } else { my @switchDevices = HOL_getHolidaySwitchDeviceNames(); $deviceName = HOL_GetRandomItemInArray(@switchDevices); Log 2, "no follow up, chose $deviceName"; } my $switchTime = $attr{$deviceName}{holidaySwitchTime}; my $waitTime = int(rand(10)) + 5; $hash->{currentSwitchDevice} = $deviceName; $hash->{currentSwitchTime} = $switchTime; my $nextTrigger = gettimeofday()+$switchTime+$waitTime; $hash->{lastTrigger} = TimeNow(); $hash->{nextTrigger} = FmtDateTime($nextTrigger); fhem "set $deviceName on-for-timer $switchTime"; InternalTimer($nextTrigger, "HOL_switch", $hash, 0); return 1; } sub HOL_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } sub HOL_GetRandomItemInArray { my (@arr) = @_; my $arrayPosition = int(rand(scalar(@arr))); return $arr[$arrayPosition]; } sub HOL_getHolidaySwitchDeviceNames() { my @devices = (); my $device; for my $deviceKey (keys %defs) { $device = $defs{$deviceKey}; next if $device->{TYPE} ne "FS20" || ! defined($attr{$deviceKey}{holidaySwitchTime}); push (@devices, $device->{NAME}); } return @devices; } 1; =pod =begin html <a name="HOL"></a> <h3>HOL</h3> <ul> <tr>The HOL module attempts to simulate your presence using your FHEM devices.<br/> Device support: All devices that are able to handle on-for-timer and on commands.<br /> Currently the device can be found within the <i>contrib/</i> folder.<td> <br /><br /> <a name="HOLdefine"></a> <b>Define</b> <ul> <code>define <name> HOL</code><br> <br> To make the module find the devices you want to switch in holiday mode, you have to specify a global user attribute (attr global userattr holidaySwitchTime). The attribute tells the HOL module how long each device should be switched on. If you want to switch a device in your FHEM configuration, just add this attribute as device attribute with your defined duration. When being switched to on, the module chooses a random defined device having the <i>holidaySwitchTime</i> attribute and trigger it to on-for-timer. After the on-timespan, this device is switched to off and another random one triggered to on-for-timer. </ul> <br> <a name="HOLset"></a> <b>Set</b> <ul> <li>on</li> <li>off</li> </ul> </ul> =end html =cut